(WEEK ENDING f ATT'RD \Y. .TANUAEY 15, KU't PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS N. J. SEGREGATION BAN IS CITED AS EXAMPLE FOR REST OF COUNTRY NCW YOI i. "Nl W '■< iy has become 'rdn/ one of the <>i.i',ru-jt..■ mg' examples what may be w complßhcd in N».-i tii o ■■ :e.i ity '• tpe «>>i* imi-c'-'W y>- tem*." <f|o;;lci !.!. Cn.rOitt. “ AA CP >,•,■■■, ,)f In-curb, an article entitled "Ex.i Jim-Crow Schools in Nov Jersey ' apCm in;, in the Je.nuaw, Ns;.c o f The C: in maoTuim , Mr. Cii’reni poin ■- ••tit that tin; * ,si I .in ft .;ni .1 ‘■ V . of i ■ Ur.t.cd school,, scattered c.\ o: f t';;”' ecu counties So the present cam plctely integrated .system was brough about, "by persistant ef fort on the part of tiie NAACP branches and the Nov Jersey state: confer < ■ u;r •d" She As- 1 aha' . coopcro'inn v. >lh yea Or.- sin it A pair: st Discrimination. Me FEF'C ■ *\ i 1 .a ’ .a;; ■ ui: urinated in the inclusion of an mui -BCg regal ion s'atul- in tile la ;• eonstbu' m. One of >’ sen,-.! r 1 ifAi<• ■ >!t li, • for the abolition •( Jim G,w - .Wilmington Happenings Community Hospital potion: were not without Christmas <hr ,r during iito Yuletide .-'t-nsou Ctt:zfi;•• ;,rrj f-iff contributed •• like- ■ .out: 1 !hroua‘ 'if! , -i. ••• through their energies in wrung-. in,f decoratiors to provide "■arm colorful .'.tmospborr ti;.rm■ '•tit the bospitai Included maong those '.vi'fj rontribntfd Ckthslm • presents to the Children- Ward and to the hospital w re- The Fed or-.ted Women’ Clubs. v]r Q h Hufaff Mi Ruth V V.' • Q. 80-a f Girl Si- T: > of ,V 24(>: Mr. Pirn • \\ ■ u . Club; Dr. J-.-lm Wc.sscli. Th.e Na tion;,! Htsemt C -llip-iov many others. Trie sca-'s. began -■ i* t • ■■ ■* v. : :u, ‘.pee ; at the . 'aidin': p'lllf-in ■ !he off : Wee Santa Clou paid v 1 ' the h pilal folinv u : *t,r • . R,'s C• ir■ v:n i Parade. Sov., ■ ccon ji by the Ifoporablc J K L. Wade. Mayor Pro-h of W'dinnse l ..■> « Micbio jet ... : . .... V., . •vepoa ran, v -.f 1 :y. ai l < .uin ( ■ Club under the direction < f Mr, .James Thompson. The Glee Club spent art hom in the i; •,y *.l and! cheered «hc patient troy •-- . , • ifut rendtti'ois of several earn.- including the rcitißrk.fblc Nccro THE PARADISE GRILL At 723 E. Washington Ave, Carries a variety of Foods, Canned Foods. Milk. Ice Cream, All Kinds of Smokes, Bananas Mrs, C. Gray. Prop, . Phone 4753 B, T. POLLOCK AND SON EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE FAINT Ilf VDQI'ARTERS 131 So, Queen St. Phene -fOf, i Beech's Soda Shop WHERE FRIENDS Ml i T draft and BOTTi.rn hei r WINES AND SANDYVK HI ■> 33* SO Qt'l I S STREET THE HUB j Where The Price Is Always Lower” KINSTON tnsssssgsssxssse^ S\\ FRIENDS! H YOVR SHOES AID NOT BECOMING THEN YOI SHOt 1,11 BE COMING TO VETER A N ’ S SHOE SHINE PARI,OR AND NEWSSTAND 232 SOI TH QUEEN ST. N'fern Weeklies, Mararinrs Cold Drinks, Candy, Smokes William R, Burney, Frnp, j i FOR SALE 1934 CHEVROLET BUS IN A t CONDITION Running Every Day All Equipment Included PRICED RIGHT—SEE Mr. Jarvis Ruck, P, 0. Box 95—Dover, N. C. "We r'jiio Hauling of aH Kmd Also Wreck J Old Buildings 1 AND MOVE THEM TO YOUR DESTINATION t Also Or Specialize In Ready Cut Stove Wood. Economy Loads, 3 Cords or 1 1-2 Cords SEE EDDIE ALDRIDGE 1 700 Qumerly St. Dial 3917 MM&mimmmwMmmmimwmmmsmmmmMmsmtwwmmmismgmam s j s(;j>in!" in flu- state "ceurred in " j the City of Cantdetr wb.orc 1454 'lof tiv r.it.r',, ;iano Nr.-i,-. pupii K at tern!-’ all- i\ ; m r- :,d, •!» After ; four-vc nr battle t end tin segre ...ib-''.., the C.ir'''’ l ■ b> aneii • { ! e '.NAACP with the <■• oiv "atior, o! the state has fuipcoeded in bring ' - ing about a c'-rreetion Os diaerimm '! atory zoning, resulting in the in tegral ion of while and Nostro ri-- • i.'ils on dtceac'ti.-' SHRD .MF’.VY in and teachers ••• most of t■ sohoois in the city. "Integration .. achieved in C.tmdcn-'’ (‘'-•serves ’.Mr Current, "with a neglible ;,'.mn;:nt of fricth'n despite l>,;,g j ce-niroversy which preceded the ■: move * OCi'v te.o V•• 'T the Jun :ai > Cii.-is indudr the ‘beat and worst." ! a : ”i-■ from Uk* point vsvv: - : : rclatinns, publistud in IMP,. and a review .•( Wrller White , amaMaerahy. "A•. Mr. ("ailed White”. b\ Oswald C-. or Viihird. Hua! Christmas carol f;•. Tbit !it on the Mountain". Ornir: s' Zt'(:i f' siii'e, of ; Phi Bela Soron’y hcH Its fi.u.l ; meoUn;: of the old at the home jof Bor or M-'it y Carnage on Satur Ulay. Deceiriiwu 18 when plans U , i'Ua '.oar fninv.:'ated Basileus Lockhart \.mx.ised hm isincere thank? i<> all who hr worked fait lifull.v in the ’.a VFar. and expre.-'«vi the hope r. a 1 • PM:) would see ZoU\:~ doinmany ■ more wondCTitd ira' rotnaindt! of tht ever: wok uovoted tit the annual Christ inas Party, the -iiusne of c .rols. j games and exchanging of gifts Hostesses for the evening were i Sorors Mary Carnage, Dorothy ■ I .ano oori Evelyn P jk- Ci-icken : salad, open-faced sandwiches, roils j potato chip;-, hot coffee ot tea. ; cookie.--', peanuts and candy were i The onrriKUy v.-;> pfund to ete.-i jas its rielepales. I‘a ■: I.'-:■. Noi ,i 1 1.,?ickhart and Sore) Mave I .agon :to the Houle to be field in Phiia | detphia. Many thanks those fr.d •:> ■ < ;tn make i ! possible to get a rauj.i b help bridge the gap nt lonell t f n r the old folks at the Conn ’y home Also socks, stockings and | handkerchief Far Christines pres ents. They were very .•rat. ful. \y. • pray God's blessings on everyone . shat heliied ;n fin-. ff.,, *. Cipi., !ehe:-; Slut >h Baptist. Bowen’,-, ■ gel. St Andrew... M:. Noim, .and Ebci;c./cr Baptist. Oilier.- were. |Dr. SJ. Gray. Dr L. W. Upper ; t-Gjn. R.v j u Moore ;,mf Mr ; Jen y McGliec Ro C I, Tltoma:, rendered a j splendid sermon after which he 'gave fruit U. bn mmates of tiie | home. FEED YOI R FAMILY I ROM RHODE’S FOLLTRY AND GROCERY MARKET 70S Qt INXERI V ST. m»Mwis«w wewtt>W(«vf«MiiiH> f-**«M»*i»ii««iii»«- .wiiia-Ffi«ujwa When You Are Out For SPORTS Stop By The R. S. BILLIARD ROOM 412 £. Blount Si. CROOM HIM) HENDRY 6lfl Mitchell Wooten Drive DAMP WASH Quills Blankets Elat Work Hr. A Mrs. William Croom, Props VISIT ANCHOR’S INN Where Friends Meet and Greet Fancy Groceries, Good Beer Always, Good Music R. F. D. S-, 1 Mile North of Kinston Emmet Simmons, Prop, ",f ct n HBCTION GFHBF PI U s CORE ibe Revs. Heigi Teliburg and Henrik I.jung .nr ( ontri i 'i'(i by an African • Net and ft is np.uu a iwifch dor tot v <* m .at('n them will) i . dire r >Vs! iO|’hu-s in Ihe reitgiou film '! Vm With You". The pie tuie was r< ■ ■,• r,t!% produced b> KI• - - - OPERATORS DEFY CAA BIAS BAN AT FEDERAL AIRPORT WASHINGTON AM'. Dr [spue ’O' Civil Act - - (tD . A-jmir, i| Alport !.' Virgioi' . -;.x: N, : •>. ere refill'd -. rvin ;• ' •- , lien.: lest week. Tl'cv aid thry 1 j would file a c-'ur.p! eul. -. I..'.mediate e:■ r.,rcenien: ! ■ Civil Aon nauties Adniinisb ib'./i of its ii.d'i was nr:.' ci inday by : \\ .'.lt'd' White. ri-ota; > of : : - N lions! A. ■■ !‘, r the y.| . 1 mer tiOnl of Cninreri t'r pie 1 li.: isting lha actiub be ’••ken 'Uifs* the 11: :■ U'lur:-;'t coneessioi t ; naircg wh. ha-.-, ref'iscd h> com - ' ■■■!;.• von, (be i "AA non-.-i-gree-iiion • a dor M: VVl:>in ■ '>cn■ ’ : face. e. <‘ed or c nor i- p-.il ticularj-y ' : city which i> a world svirihol nl 1 dcnii>eracv Th« CAA ,•■- ..ujt on (ne ucdenve,.,, U - ~U x. v the Wa king!' ,- Na’in-i:;! An p n w ; - '■’• rln !!. ' r- in cm,i.n ■• !t 1 ; 'Mo. dc pim-c Hu- o.: : hr" and dG i ■ . . , - . ' , C:i t y nf our palt:;i( T"n nreh'i 0- 1 sti! t’KI r\ ft f■■.!> ~ ;< i ninenl. mfwin:;; !>-,.■ CAA n.rdF'r ‘ : u . ls liH’mired f uU, ... c-..-,,, ! ■| , ", 1 >••■■■ 'llgm .a ■■ *• ri restaurant cosier mmnnurcs ' ; koivc- nv; in taint'd tht the scgreg-i --“ b' or Is legal in compbance 'h tht Vi. ■im., !■• I : • jltt'e The A; lngtoii Cone.tv com , yrmivenj!.:, alou.Cv ,'.do-Idi. how - ! f ver that the Federal gavernirn j has executive itiri.srii> ;nn in «•• !»»•,- "T-m! matters c'dv .dconrt. Explain tm:. Ulc operators' ;.-.wi ! Paul U. Row m , . A-■ •' Tennui d S'", vice ■ Inc o; ’ < ‘V- Os \h f* fooci ' ;j"i ■' a* far as be firm stood <T ,- jga'it.in wit, still the j.-nliry in ATS e.l< l ;a g phn-’Cn a 1 (he trj,.•( 1 ‘W, ~’C abidin :-.v the v, m'”- 1.-" " ir m , wh , ~ v lc "' d -u"Modi'.’:’ tie it A ter-’ tic t'dd die Negro. flic firs: tort of the nor ( \.\ nili-segreg;;tion or:i( . cnu\e '■ >••- jcembcr 29. when six Negoos heart | '-’h by Mam ic, a. L,x-kn-i::. ~g.. ■... lev director of the U. S Aidonv .odc | Association, entered the main ;•:;! • : ! < ia of the airp ;: (it {a t As they were about to nr, t „ i tablo ‘ •' waitress- halted their; She called Boyd who m turn explained Ghat tiie segregation policy sail Helps Him Walk Again ■ —»«, %», Pclio, patient receives treatment by physical therapist, Valerie Wil ton. who trained under a National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis education scholarship. Care and treatment of polio patients, research and education of professional personnel is made possible by contri j buttons to the March of Dimes, annual fund-raising campaiqn of the National Foundation. Join the March of Dimes January 14.31. KINSTON Stiidin S ihv. . under the >u(i<;f v, on •>! the t'hulch •>(' Svifflci : i»ir, .11 Montiicin Rnciirsu It i- i-.eing i leased in the t . S aiid Canada ly (tic P'bt'loir Idm o-.Mit'iatiun, snc wii!> un I.liglish litiignage ‘ mud Ui■ >. AT soi;oi:-< IN PARTY Three members ,-f the Aljdia ram..-,; . • •■(■n • \,cj, n. the test Ti If ■.•• :. ill, . V, ;> re ,i (•', I y '" J , ' . . ‘ HUiior a! Howard UnivCj - >ity The i ;U)rr Iwo rocii v<("'C idCiUif'cd uriiv : .• i 01-v.'-oirio «okl a pho'iou'rl'ifipcr Tt:<- )nrid on i \v. is rm; ddoLoci by i ot -: vor;v ord r)o Lock .-.aid "Mr. Boyd vwis very pif.t saot abotH jt. and :•'»'» vvrrc wc. Hu fold i\> he had id objc- ! on him* ■o *} !«* ‘-orvim. N'-yrGDo Lui I nod io 1 -oud U he u,oi‘\'rd ny In- nm.lM DC 1} ft bio Viroi’ilf jiV-V:- }>‘U a f‘\''’(”it iV'l' Ot’ ni CO flr. 1 Ar added; ‘T fFon’t know v/nai \\ ’ • or do- moder and 1 r. ,t! Lor .'U'jo'T WOI’B I)t rondKo 2b hv n w TK'( d;o-‘i 'CAA mdnimidiotlor. Thr CAA oper • :• yl VBojainr;* <if -in' Car Viig'?Ua‘ Axmi on his caoo William ' > Medley, ex-slnlc seuaior v. hr • i-iponimrcd trio bin ib« : a»rpnr* .v (rder-fl reyei-vaHoi, in , tiie wij r of iVji )«r and t.u oe: v« ■ pr- f es;T;-:a\s at the airyDri i nnTnnci K. F'-veU. cenenaj otma i -,'i for Li:«- CAA- noted ihat viola . ‘ Hups of CAA regulations at the ' tiif" ■ ' e * r» h y;*j!v rnlsdrntr-'OTur:- ; Tvoi 1 o-r'.y !.<v . mi. ;nr prod?nr, in ■hr d -nicT (o»i?r) %-t Alexandria. C -h. he sai<! v.m'jt filed l v mdivid• { i aiand : ■ <y. \hr :onmen l Oil- involve- Mr;. Helen Nas’n of W - .si': it ir- tom n N-.x, ro w >rr ja n. wh t , i o siiiny lor $48,0# damages. She i dmmed Cne was denied food at Ihe airp tn when h< :• flimnl to New Or jem ‘ was deiaved. The smt has ?tol oo Vi; ‘roi Sin- roiliifd as dc . t‘nn ;\ot • t : \TS . Eastcri: A i ; Lines an Th rod ore P. Wright, air* port ~drnmi.siraUn at the time oi Lee incident. THE CAROLINIAN luTnurHAiPEMMA Tii«> V.i 1 e ; r ;c -ea r Lis coiffi' m r!«v e j round iSovi ii i Buii\ aa ijermer! foh-o eujoved the vara Hon. I a!' ’•»on«ft s<»m r d rv’S my* very | v h{. TC v ir.t: sfd en j'.'mrai j \nv -w I}s«_* ( n:r i t.i nivam'., « ]c(i • is ;■ !■’.'•■ : mi Slcmsmvd j b.v .be NAACJ’ The pnebr-jm •'• |-si*.st I •{ uirni.' ;mrl a pls> 1 c!. tl'.e i B.k tb of Chu'-k li'.t audience ; much pleased v (I. pkiyr:'-' ; Mr: Olnriji fir'.'nil war. coii- ' i ihe ,im player during lie aftcr j u<j(in pc; t jrrnancc ! Sr i *.'ices i' •re ..■orir.ls cb'd .1 St, ;,h)hr. Mirrirmtrv Bid ft Church •ii usual hour The paster. Rev : B P S'•■.,■ :--. in. crime bcf,u - -In ,• • >r:::• -<-,.:• t’• 11 with s v eil pl iiceit |scrn;en. t 'sir:, as his fheino Mm vs , Disai.iieiutments. The sermon c. rs c:i jsyabli: Mr. Charlie MitclielJ ; j.iiv.od !h‘-‘ church and M*' Jack coiU'c '-Od a* the close d the it:-' Accompanying the pas- Ss v.-,, Mr. Charlie Rutland the ; ercs' gospel singer. Mr Shaw u! : Ret'icson Countv spoke •i; Chs' • liar dutie- Rc\ Los Flowers 1 preached in the aftcn.'oon M is- Margie Brown and he: daughtin spent, (he dternooH v.'ilh liei pan si- and si.-hr. M>Fru.k • Tito i company wa:: very enjoy | ai'lw : Mr .Jin; Calloway of Woodbury, iN. J. has moved to South Bolivia : .vhO) c e.c rue; Sakeu over the ISttiilh , V,i istd Service Station, lie j ••;:- j jiccting tiv (>..1 1 ■ iiiia, of ait Un’ ! customers wh... fnrmi-i l.y traded. 1 Conn: in and see him . id enjoy I'he talcs of adventure be (tar ea j vuutcred i airs, Carrie Brown is living in "o oily of Wilminctop at pixyent 100 I-, bei (•"lirij!ion sbo has been i i! but • - .'cadily impr- , ’.''uf‘ Mr. C ! Ilankun let! S. iuinss ' for Cii.irlot'c where lie ’•>. :'! re i sumo his duly in the -a hooi ; Mr. David William r, eiuployrii !3! (‘linion. N C. in !!•#• piiiyn 1 • k>; m Ho has finished \ i red T ('o'lrgy ! ~••: srbei'.'l \-eai. Mi. Finrc’ice Will,ams ho,, c.’o ; leu the fthow with ca; Site has i eei'n ?• On fa,- the hi.s’ Unco d.iys j cruising amund in a brand ny.v i 49 Ford Soor. .she'll- luivo com f pany so s»v« tin new ruiuei to ! Smith Board j The H’nvisc coilere '. ill. 1 left f a A ru'd T * .’.ay Mr- !>,v --; "('"s'- it ’» M’s-"! ■ Or. vn Ru w * I ji'i Wail in Bryant. Mr (I W ' Fn.ik. SICK. Ma • Queen:,■ U-m doiph, STC. EUzabctii Ci’v HPi tW " 6 i " , , r ..> I'M 3C>Rf?y, LUC/\ t YDU'CE ifit£/}\ *>UT I MAD ID Pick. ; pear f . / UP a pew scars [ ~ ! -> / \on ptmm& -r | j| A ) 7'% ft PM If /' NOW, PON T WORK y , Ws4 ~ i everything's unpep, «**»» j •• , -"” / x._. CO//TKOL/ r*W II — _— ■ : /#(, C A ■ /('■ // 5 "i. fcsg L i ■' ‘ - >s3c^©i ; « .r"' •'- ~r 'C --■ ■ - >-'4 , •> - | "** // *75 PM, r /aw ™ n - U JL THt excess ) J { (N THE PRA/N . .-' x " GO ON SA&K TO SLEEP, s ) / asrw, \ l //£ m/PMc y : ~. { riT "7 / 7 7 jTS SECOND SECTION FASHION«OF WEEK i■ ' \ *• CLAUDIA OLIVER, Ebony Club singer, is ready for winter merry making, with her demure Victori an velveteen dress. The new off shoulder line, the peek-a-noo la'. - filling in the decollete neckline, and the. perky flirtatious peplum whl keep that sine line comir.j. Sold in homes by -'presentatwes o ? Rcshic”, r■■: ■■ ■ - ni.nti. r.i: Harv. y Pi • , • I'tme-.i , Durham where hell resume hi beloved. Mi-, Maude Rankins teacher and principal of PmC\ Grave il' 'e('d hr! f l ■ for tltf Yliie I it!'.' sc a son :>iii ; on I i.' nisi'! Tit’ entire rummy srmunv. the passing of areal t person. Hot life was al» v>: reproach. Funeral service* Tot - C?oV :j{. i;;no o’clock, s p, s Borncy n»sd (, \v Sunday mnrniiH; Tio v ~-;o Si. >1 <*|thru I n Honor S. S. SunninlnsilnM wit,iuiN:n on At: event of unu- nO «•;: % thlrvest win bo the 2‘lth Arumer sate Oiehraimn to hu.mr w \6:5Qm. HpP^r ■7 :/ ;<C#^ i iw*r4 1' Vfehttl , j|H I ■;; hr- r ; r idicn Chilli I) Sunday I ■. t,i". | ren-.:,-.1 > Mi. of ,no o>l< .I. o , if..: , it : c 20 V ft>is l.'.i').!' urid.-. 5',■;1--.) ;,j : l John,l ho,; never mi; , f , it. 1 " I |t'r, ill- , i(I 1 i.. • v ei'lf I .*P it Os- p ; t I■' . lip \ ; I Cm i OHa -.pifjl tiller:,. - id udom !- .*' 11 i:t- of (Ii !oi on and 'laedlin;; t,f ; In r ; '‘tin . enabled hn; (n take . charge of ’lair. Sunday School nlieo j t ; ■' lit lost ts tie iff) ye ill • agn, I ;uod fa- -f vith ft. t- aid Os his- iifj I ’ 'did I .1 !ltl ill,, for,.. ■ incO i t fhr AMI 1 ! church FI CM INC P ROS. SERVICE STATION o * Oil, Fresh Meats and Groceries, Cold Drinks Ice Cream Dial 212-8 Groceries Delivered Aydcn, N. C. STEWART BROS. SODA SHOP Where Friends Meo* and Enjoy ire Cold Drinks, ! Milk Shakes & lee (/ream S. Lee St. Aden, N. C. Baker s hmcral Home I tlomr of Lenoir County Mutual j Burial Association, Ini: J!i, S (Jt I t \ > l IHHM 2146 I Miy M il Nt)\N i Belk-1 ylers THE FAMILY DEPT, STORE.' (>uality Mierchandisc At Popular Price-, KINSTON, N. C. WHRN YOUR RADIO rn » e GIVES YOU TROUBLE lw «W*WJ M B U „M, When you can't lean back and listen in > comlort because of buzrkng or i>*«lic * r-\ DAVIS RADIO SERVICE I£3 J r jN LJNCOLfj CtTY KINSTON Malacbt Da via. Prop. | I" that PARNFAUCef N ! - *'■■* f WILL NEVER. KEEP ME UP ! x ANOTHER NIGHT /// : /'■ i > > rmeiT// fpP»Kp ■ Kinston Business Men \»fi Women Sponsor l Bis Bap- - Palroni-zc 1 limn fIOIICIINIMU ,(It. | HOTEL '» ’ ft* A I>A STREET a O', v i> wts s t at-it i FRNLSiOTi ROOMS Hot And Cold Water I OK ii \1 If Quiet Location Automobile* Now In Stock 1948 Chevrolet 2 door Floelline 1918 Plymouth 4 door Redan 1948 Plymouth ?■ door Sedan 1948 Fora 2 door Sedan 949 Ford 4 door Sedan 1948 Chev, 1-2 ion Pick up Many more lo choose from TERMS: 1-3 DOWN Up to 18 Months to Pa y Balance Immediate delivery on any make or model. No Trade In Required MID TOWN MOTOR CO. Located N. Queen St. Opposite Hotel Kinston Open Evenings Until 9 Also Norfolk. Vs. 2400 Gramby Si ..... .-y , "*yy ’lyr. , i.,i..i.,.. »■ .....w.... ">**• r _ f\ -*—• — r '* n *■; f* yOWVf R5N£ I THE IAS4 OF TOUR, !l 1 H / work f} If * a if <t P#r>' ? ' # ,j/'7 V pR-r . jf I _ £ —- 7 ■ 9^ kVf "j PAGE FIVE y'

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