•WEEK KNLMN<; SAT I, UDA\, JAN I ARV i:>, liMU PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS I F~ —■——— " ” ——j < THE WEEK IN •jK GOLDSBORO By E. A. THORNTON Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H« i ave returned tn theii inner i-i - l Philadelphia, Pa.. -; ■ •'J * : • otnr tame with Mis Hodge ■■■ '■ ter, Mrs. Gladys Brown ’ Mr and Mi.-. Otbani* If Danville. Va.. nave returned after visiting then* prai'.bpa or 1 Mrs. Charily Merritt oi M- imi Olivo was the week end me ' > Mr. and Mrs R. VY Wr;p ; . ilo4 ' Seaboard Stn et. Johnny Taylor of Pt-t-.-r.\ spent the holiday' .it home won \i isj ster ant 'oroiher- .1 1 -..t w , M • uud Mrs. Joseph 110/get-s, 4iT S Leslie Street. Mrs, Audi'* G T nrmP’P pen! I the week end in N -rick. V ■■ ■■ > iittf hf-V fistei wV. - ti e- be. r. sick. j !l Mrs. B.'rtha Fe-itnei .n.ivme ilu '» marriage of her gi antl.-mn, Heroet t *• Gavin to Miss Nellie Crow in V v. i York City on December 30 !‘.HS. i They are a! home on i : j;;. sin-. Both arc gradual'* of o:ii;u 1 H, - i School. NEW DIRECTOR At the meet in; i f the < < ■•■si directors of the colored communi* i ty center im January s Gaora,. M Smith, 310 South .Tuna-:-. Stn <-i ; formerly of Plymouth \vn- ap- ■-> pointed director of the c Yored < m i munity center for 1049. merer J t ing J i'. Collins who res.gneo > January 1 to enter evil service ! work. Mr. Smith, the .•■ n of Cm i ;. M. Sroitn. Sr., oi Plymouth. is . gradual ol Was -. m n (i.i • T; aindig Si- .-. i. Ply ne r ‘ eelved his B. S - from I hath City Slat* To a C -l. has had eirht year:. < f uuiahbp.; ex- ! oerienco in the cabin- sex • ! e-i p the state mid has done some g; :;d --uate work tov ard ti- Ma’detv de gree at Hampton Institute iia'n,j- ■ ton, Va. ..He spent four vi se- in rer-rii v during World Wa II .vith -a.- r raid-.';-half yem V .... < and the Phi iptnn IP the a of staff sergeant. I’■ ! i m WORLD WAR TWO Illustrated By Narrated By ST.ClairXbourne i i j— —i ! Gl MITCHELL MILES MONT- I ! GO MERY XU, OF THE 969th HELP ARTILLERY BATTALION, RE ~ 1 I CEIVEP NO MEPAL BUT WON THE. I PEE? GRATITUDE OF HIS BATTALION- | MATES FOR RISKING HSS LIFE DURING THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE. 1 l CWrmeXTAL ySATUBEi j REALIZING IMMEDIATELY THAT THE KITCHEN TRUCK WAS DAMAGED BEYOND SALVAGE. CPL. HUES DASHED OVER THE BATTLE INFLAMED Hjt.P TO A WEAPONS CARRIER SOME DISTANCE AWAY. I. |||| al^LL" , ' , "w-»... _. .... r<.S asSfg&SgSiflM, jgjgajgpfc; ...WHERE DESPITE A HEAVY CONCENTRATION OF ENEMY FIRE, HE SUCCEEDED IN DETACHING THE FOOD TRAILER FROM THE BURNING KITCHEN . TRUCK m HOOKING IT ON TO THE WEAPONS CARRIER. ■nHmnwT^TTnßEn ■s§>fS} ylg/jf K*t< jfi jfl 'i ' k I *■ zffit s cJp *’ ' 'it 1' ti lmmMi ■' m i ; -V - ’ V /* ' ! m m RIM L ■Wt< m&Qgm. | | |y f « Sy «b3SS3PB[ c 'Sdßiwf' ft K JSBLmLM §S| m i vW3 ‘ ■ Wfli 1 1.1 'Jr *> - u* al On coining to Goldsboro in IfHi lie married Miss Lam Clark, the ■ « adder of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P (Tai k of North John Street. Mr* SmiU: i., a ra.tuate of Diilarci High 3c hoi. and Vi’iusion-Sah'in leach . i; Colh-gi SI <; is .i member i the faculty at Central ntpb Schot.n Mi Smith was an outstanding player Jo high school. college and Xi my barke'baii. Wr are v-. proud Mr. Smith. We vGMt foi LI I if! MG \- ,U INC Mi h i Tee I.if a. Tie- GK\ luc.. held he him of Hr : Tsiumi.fpan, 72(i Pie: S'le-ei■ Fnd-y night wi'h the ij.i.-iiident, M. A. I’iiw; *:*•» pres id* n*.. Afts-r drvutionals, a word of new ye-a - :ai-efue- . ..; t xpri-xr* ,u ly. tin iiifaaiif'i - -x ~ cxprt’hiu-d a UiMio f.., : cater cr.yci aliri.-i in tin* Gr-.tio during ilium for the ptiv.iig ni d.e group'.' an - nun; eabarr! pav vam set sos Ft !.:■). iiai-y 11. Tlie >,aif; e mi at; mini ar’ta.r v. rik-t; ir given i' r Ui- i iiji.yiw-u and Ute criteriammeir* or . a groups 1j iends Mr.- G S Carney, was in structed to paia U;. 1 1 one -.ar/a n i. jj ,itv- pm do?t:-n cup-: and saucers to be donated t.i.- the Oh. Folks Home in the LPIe Washing ton Sei >iui. a s the city. J. It. A-1 d dleion director, announced that the Play "Open Door' w ouiu m ;..r<. y'i'U-d to the public by the gioup me tim . in Mare!, i ai* fir.-t ; i a't :ng tor ;h<- play will be held at ins norm*. 412 So a- Geo; -or Strcri. V.’tdtic-sday. January 12, at fj p ni Mr. Thornipn expressed thanks t-i the protit., for their cooperation m rnakdm ti-e Cbristiraa- Pagctif, ‘The JVlauw las a suer-ex'. Tor la; i'c Tm-atre wu.- ;r-.' at the ir-rnc ■ i Mi--. Into T-jylri!. East Spritet homo r.-.day, Jamciry i-5 u> K:3 ; ‘ { f MMI \n > fJ VI iff NEW S j, jun. - ■-' . - “—- VIiIEROUX. FRANCE. THE6ATT:.- OF THE BILGE IS RAGING CPI. ©TCS-LCL McES | IN CHANGE OF THE 96Pt>, FIELD ARTILLERY BAT TALON ? K 'CHEN TRUCK A'nP FOOD TRAILER WHILE HIS OUTFIT BATTLES UNDER HEAVY FiRE FROM l HkbE SiDES, NaRROWIY [by THUS SAVING THE FOOD TRAILER, CPL. MILES RESCUED WHAT LATER PROVED TO BE 'the ONLY food available to the remnants of his outfit for several PAYS after- ! (WARDS. DURING THEIR WITHDRAWAL AFTER THE BATTLE, THE MEN WERE FED ONE THIRDOF A > iK-RATION PER MAN PER DAY UNTIL THEY REACHED A PLACE WHERE MORE SUPPLIES WERE | ji ¥ Mmbfwm dßa I . ‘ S * Mfcil I yaftUgrM jgDJm ■ mmm'lk \w ‘Wwt'vNF pESi / Ik I i GOLD SBORO Ministers Deny Planning To Aid ingrain. Famiiy Hokinsvilie t-.y ( iNi'- Vlitai Jana s !,oaal) Detk last 1 ck n ill statement prom is.‘.oh -mi in lie inenirn family no'--- -e.vitm lit a nu-nces in a Gera gn, >' u. "We know nofl.m; Mi Delk's i-iea except w we hav read in the new oaipei s ' i) VVi: i>- ! ’ey! i; n Tl.il;: I! ua! ■. ; li.iY the association, related. Hi,*; statc-meni et-iwo-cd i.o . preinise by Bcv Deio that Near and white chufehtw inn w'uiti free for five yea.is if hap an !i■ ■ In: rafPis i v.e Gem para led. He . puke in defense o . u’-dim and Ihiroie ■*-; ■! i!h ingrains. Mis. Ro n. Le* In i-rnffl. aod two uvn-ige sens, wit •a ide ucc-ri -ouj'lici Jaxl m a:- ioi till aiiegtd. murder 1 a .-i.-te- fa: a:i Jt in; r; Stafford, rn Rev Dei I caiif-U tiu'ii CopVse'tioo ''aii-.i iniscarriiige of jnslM-." Pi i'ri Atlanta. iK-lk lie hai bcoii rnisqtioh.'d o o ..v hiY: - chin files. He said d said ii v 1 Baptirt and tw*. Methodist cilurc!; ■ s ail eolOl'ed. in Hop!- .[';s\ r iil would help provide tin. Rim. The proposiai fa; a; sale', hiAVev'* may ais.o pane iinobiaiaa-oe . Ge-ik Jt... i.wurr Janie; Q lJut !,jn iiit-.iit fiediee dia l. * aili. 'T-h-P itev.-;*. to Du-. 1 havtw'i Uilk: d >.*. oi Delk ov aay.o.e else ibout the sat of my farm it's, no; lor sale t< Delk ' Rev Delk added thi.t He da . -..aeri-'s eo the cpy a>-,d coiTrdy an rive Tams into warning shops IV/cry nifht at inc •: nnriuinit; Gym be(.o sehertided to; ba ■ fcetbail for lac rax'-p taw -o . ; The- saheduh follow-- Mondn; mght. Jauuarv 10. Amc; ican l.eyic-. A". Sian. vs. Ruie-if.-.b. All • Stan- H e.':. Warsiiaw liigh Schca: \e . . ■,, .o, ■ . ~ - f-dklw .., i IWSEGAMMG THE VERITABLE CLETAIN OF SHOT AMD WELLFIBE, HE I CCJ: I i f Si i ■# SECOND SEC'l'iON - u ask the aid a! the M-nisterial o ei;.iti;.ii He pastors a Church ,ii Go in CnriG i i ar. ii.lei racial ! Derogation. The na'.imud church e ,headed bv a Ncgt o bishop in Memphis xi,v. mi: iiiissu.K 01 I Kl-ilillOVl IKK si; i K(,KS S/ND 01 BIAS Nr w York > ANI-'i -- The New Yoa.t's ntt -..ar from offieials of ■' Freedom hi.aaw- pare Saiu'dav urged 1 -pa Americ'in pc op It; seek dur-ng :;.) !!) ",: i,: : vs 111.-'it ;:: ec slain civil rig ota. end oi ratio di.* crim.nation and üboMinn of the e’ectoriM col- I IpiieY Freetiorn House a a liberal c- r.-i a.-f;-adied a.- a incnpuiai a p. ta Wendell 1 . Wilk-e : To.- ;oa-a".' S|K t-lficidly a.died ; .r ;; ! J nt-.p ; Pl .a- Pp-C.- iPf Pn ['s C iTt mittf'es iibes-pipii.y cligbliu of dir-- ■ liitod ia ■ ..:. , i et|uirc’iisftuls, n.* •! * ie r ii.a; :■ j : if P.;.y. a .bv law a: PY aafpo; nt a;-: id a sold amending ' --( L. . ■ ' ■■■ l : :i ilia Pel t■, i OlloV, ’■ a rii.eei iPa-;i;(. s.f Ha- president On Use civil rights; isriif', the • of fit on. del: a-iicied I i Diin 11an oi ■ :■ st.-pppiao ii- i'na- nation'; capital. - lodorat aid P; eciueation, anfa-poil v '.IS ..,-a.I a:;*;. iviH'il laws, and thf* .-: a'i. . , e.a ...i a permanent fed eral cofnmi.vsion 1 a < Ivii rights to -k, j. :I. PS-:!- , i ai. s'l of UIC übridgemeiit or dcrnai funda : - - r.-d-p rights nf any Aawican, • R ba. t P Pauer.pin, president of Fret doiTs 1 i- I '. apd farmer seixa- P-.ry a! war; Lro Obernc, the Rev. - George B Kurd and Dr Harry D. v lie. ,- . va; ; re.'i'lents; Herbert : ; Hayard Sw-par ns,surer, and Ge , field, cxecut vc prurarv. i Havas Tar Heel harms contain r I -a! a land r inch v .mid be ideal tor St Pays io Advertise! ! ! THE OAKOUNIAN We Went To Walk \ W J ,•* •’. ■- 1 ' : * " ! ”'" ' f ■ At Jackson, Mis;.',.sippi, physical therapist and teachtr work with pohe patients. Their education and treatment art- made possible by the March of Dimes. JUDGE PROTESTS AS WEALTHY PRISONER IS GIVEN “FURLOUGH” Pine Bluff, Ark, (ANP; Circuit Judge T G Parham lock o very dim view here last week of the Christmas furlough from the penitent! ary granted W. T. Alexander, Veal grocer who began serv ing two 2-year terms Nov, 24 after pleading guilty to charges of accepting stolen goods at his store Alexander is supposedly on a 30 day fur '.ugh, but Judge Parham said the pass was for 60 days. ■ The granting of this fur lough is one of the worst things along that which has happened, the jurist deesar ed. People here said all the ;,mc* after Alexander was er rested that because he had money he would never go to the penitentiary; or if he did, he would never stay there This is the mas! terrible re flection or. the courts and everybody connected with the case I have ever seen,' 1 The judge pointed out that the furlough did not cite any reason for the leave, and that the court and police officials were not consulted before the fur L ugh was granted, -'as is customary". He said he and Prosecuting Attorney Carlton Harris had protested to Gov. Laney by letter the granting of the leave. It was disclotld that the furlough was requested by Aity. Same Levine, white, cf Pine Bluff, The governor de clined to comment cn his reasons for approving the fur lough. End Os a Tradition CHICAGO JITNEY CABS FACING BAN RULED ILLEGAL CHICAGO ('■ ! ■ :Si reels, but ::!• ■, hnvi ; n:n hit in diaria Avejjue. In 'he 1!;:;, !!)>.? t,-'.;on , void that the cabs operate*! on no • established rotite os ‘'buses 1 and nt; ! •: fixed rate of 15 cents for the dis- 1 • :•.!!.*'; It scud that as a ‘ bas line.” the cabs constii-UTv- a public utility.,' ' Further, the comrot.siV.on deseidbed i j the !TianTi(!r of upesatiun ~s ' 1 -'sc /- I arduus and dangerous to pas,sen-’ , je;-. arid ih* pubic." declaring bio; j the accident rate dm Sou h P;u k v’s.iy was , fciur ii ird el iiali f irriv u 1 .i. iter than on .' 'tiiur park di - ; trict roadway. The decision war- the most ad : verst' to the cabs in an lk-yiair-les-. al battle to halt their operation,, and came in responst.- to a petition • filed in August, 1947 Ly :>u South ; Parkway Impr< ••vetuenl si.ssrjciation. The petition ha-.-, had extcmdetl htarinas-. Since the commissioner lacks the. | power to issue a "cease and desist” ' •«rder. it asked A tty.-Gen. George Barrett to proceed .against the i ’ever; companies and 93 individuitla j for vitiating the public ulilitk's act The upshot of this is the: the cabs I will probably coninue to roll -.-. n ; for several months or years, un* ; less the attorney pneral obtains [an injunction to bait operations to DIRECT COWUNITV C ENTER George M. Smith. Jr., ,vas elected recenty to serve ,i director of the Goldsboro col ored Community Center. Vi r. Smith, formerly of Plymouth, is o graduate of the Washington l aunty Training School and the l-'lb-.aheth City State Teachers College. He taught fee eight years in the.- schools ot the state and has dene graduate work at tiampion In.-yitute. 3?t- is a -veteran of World War ft and was a star in high seiioti!, college and Army basket had. He succeeds .1. T. Col lin-* who resigned the post to enter ! . S Government employ. ; '.mill : f courts i.l' C idt■ th<: isrs. T-r "jUnovs' iu'ii;i about 4.5tW,0W; ! oassonger? anouallv r big bus : intss at IS cot:< head. It is Knt •i ;hat iurTUv.il influence, tnaiti tay behind ibeir continued opera- ; .i; •n. j.; }o im«; i prove service fboru- .he route in ■ 1 t.'iie event cabs are out in wed. Mi s!)V.i;iie Asskdenl Corporation .'oumdl James J. Dnnaher, white, i s:tried iv : r rtefeiise Ally. Joseph! ! E Ciuy(on, Jr,. .Negro, in slating . I ■beu a mandatory petition for a re- ; j hearing of Tu o:tsv lay the cominis ior would be Hiotl vvitb.e the ; 50-day i:mit. ' The eommishiiti then will have; ! W days in which to cl low or deny j . a rehearing. 11 it. is denied, botn ■ | ' -ides may appeal to ‘he circuit .'■iurt, from which the- case may | then be taken to the Illinois Ap-; I peltate or Supreme Court. For Fun and Recreation Visit THORNTON’S TEEN-AGE CASINO And SHAVING PARLOR 507 Alvin Street Goldsboro, N C. E. A Thornton, Prop. Phone 387-M *-»T»&xx3Hitia«>irxwuKiiN:*s3sniUitmMV*Mm*i3asmemMirr>m*zm** SECOND SECTION (.!!()! I* I’KAJS Kill CIVIL HIGH I’S I.W ON ( AIM 101. STEPS Weseingtiin i ANP) Fray or tot ■-civil rights, brotherhood and world peace" w,ii: .-tiered on the Whitt Bouse steps here last week by the Rev .Smallwood E. Williams, par i- r , r Bible Way church. The pray er 'va; given before a rally spurs sored by the National Negro coun cil 1 r sc-va ral hundred persons in his prayer. Rev. Will ants asked for President Truman on his comini- inauguration and risked that • the adiiiinislrriiic.ii be crowned with • avd rictus, u; o’nor" nod and peace "Wo are reminded of the fact or. flus , the only great eapaai ‘ city in the- world where racial di - crimination is prar-t red" he said, in fecal line that London, Paris. Rome and Berlin are "loudly tree from saareinti; n and exclusion.’' j ledger ('; Brown, council direm | : tor and chairmaii of the program j .'oirunutee lor toe laily, announced bit,.' appeals had been tiled with Bjsressional im;...it-r-. to deny seats :(a newly-elected members front slates voting for the States Rights i ticket Colored Physicians Get : * 11 Polio Scholarships NEW YORK Scholarships j have been awarded to 1! colored ! btem to give better care to int'an- j bk- patalysis patients. Charles H ! ilyiaiiT:. dinvinr of r-,c- National j Foundation for Inl'anti - Paralyses j interracial activities department. I n-uoned this week They -are Dr. Edward L. Davis { vViiihi-in-Saiern, N C. and Dr Jus-! 'in Pimnmer Roanoke. Va.. Knick-f erbwckep Hospital, New York, ur John Murny. Howard Uniycr- j t ; 'y and Dr. John Chanault Tus- j i'eroe Institute Infantile P.iralvsis j vt-mler. Children's Hospital, Bn.--! ton, Mass. Di. '!• -b. Campbeß, Tuskeyca | ivleharry Medical College. Dr. Oliver Crawford, Aron*, 111. Dr. Robert gtesbitt. Chicago 111., and I Dr. Colbert D«vis, Chicago, lit, j -,- are m their second year oi I bainutg with renewed awards. !J r. Hernandez Leßranche. New GOLDSBORO MUSIC COMPANY Sheet Music. Phonographs ! Records All Types of Musical Instruments 221 N John Si. Goldsboro, N C, Phone 1718 j 5 BELL-STAURT Furniture Company I 1 Qualify Furniture, Reasonable Prices 227-28 N. John Street Goldsboro, N. C.„ Phone 1760-J ELMORE’S RADIO SERVICE Sales, and Service j Street Floor Borden Building i | Goldsboro, N. C. Phono 2188 j | Moore’s Grocery WE BUY AND SELL FRESH | COUNTRY PRODUCTS 505 CREECH STREET I FREDERICK MOORE. Prop. I i TZZ '.2. — 7. I—“Z jnwcsaa mttXsjsserniwKmisxsamiKMUMm SERVICE DRY CLEANERS Cor. S. James and Elm Sis. Branch Office N, John St, ONE DAY SERVICE We Specialise In Women's Silk Dxeseet and Whlia Swaatesa PHONE 1579-R PAGE SEVEN Goldsboro Merchants Am! Business Persons Made This .Page Pos sible. Give Them Your Trade. USAF TO EXPAND AVIATION CADET TRAINING PLAN The U S Air Force will inert: ■ its aviation cadet training pro«--:iin fn a- three classes U> eihgt classes-' a year, beginning in April, 1649. in permit more efficient use of ul<* craft • personnel, and instruction schedules. While the annual enrollment will be larger than for any previous peacetime year, the size of each class will be reduced. The new class, beginning April 4. will (Initiate the expanded pro pi am. It will be limited to approxi mately 600 cadets. Classes of simi lar -.ire will follow at intervals of J approximate? six weeks In the j October. 1948, class the lost un* i der the Mareh-July -October cla.s; system 1.300 students were en rolled. Men accepted foi Air Force avia lion cadet ,o :i f', ■ most be be tweer. ’j’- cot ■ oi Jo ;i'cl 2« 1-2 year.-, with two yeai- .»f college educa tion or '.lie nbi!A> : ; pass iqaivai em cxeiumminu, and must posse-'l - 'moral, physical, and person al quaiitivati m; Jhe aviation cadet program pro wdcs 12 months i.-f flying academic mid military training. Graduate receiving piliotT v.nngs. a commis b',!'i :i-; u second licutenam in tht- An' Fence Reserve, and assingmeni la b.rt’i'- years c-f active duty, t ottti'T - .'.dun : .uii,immeu • r> reive commissions in the Regular Alt F'-roe. Alt either grad• , --'o' i. i\ e an 1 o-port unity' wltii' or a olive duty to quality sos om I °* the Regular commissions offered ! ‘dwh yci.r by the Air Force. ! Crlcank La.. Children's Hospital | Chicago. 111, D. Waite H Payton, Washing j-ngtcn, D. (A. Children's Hu-pi- J | md H ward Umvtrsity. Dr -Starks J, Williams. Oraiige ; oiirg. S. C . Me harry Medical Col |ic? c SCOTT’S CAFE- Best In Barbecued Foods 404 Goiley Street Goldsboro, N, C. HICK’S LUNCH ROOM f New Open For Business Short Orders and Regular I i Meals, Cold Drinks, Ice Cream j | 902 N. John St. Phone SlB9 , Mrs. Frank Hicks, Prop. j j COMMUNITY i SERV'D E STATION GAS ANT) OH. 1311 N. GREEN LEAF ST. FOLD DRINKS AND BEER | T PHONE »43-J n I JACOBS, Prop. 1 ; Your Credit Is Good ! j i | FURNITURE j 115-117 East Walnut St ; j j GOLDSBORO THOMPSON’S SUPER WASH AND : SELF-SERVICE LAUNDRY SK>5 M, JOHN ST. 8 LBS. 35c PER MACHINE Mr». Pear! Smith. Mjff*. ; ... | FOR DELICIOUS DINNERS | STOP AT Nicky's Soda Shoppe 333 S JAMES ST. “A SPECIALTY EVERY DAT*' M.-oye’® Grocery j i Fancy and Staple Groceries Fruits and Vegetables 491 SOUTH JAMES ST. PHONE 9134 Mis* Willie Mae Faison l Announces The Opening of | The Monti Cello Beauty Salon Next door to Exum’j Grocery Store. Urika N. C. Mias Willie Mae Faison, Prop I