PAGE EIGHT CASWELL COUNTY Mr. and Mrs Robert Davis and Mr. a?)cl Mrs H Evens spent the week end with Mi. Davis' mother ..m! father in Arnold. N C. During the liolida> the fomsame motored In Norfolk. Va Bnlt.'nv .•« Md . ard Wr. hlm-ton, D C.’.. visa ing a brother and sister oi the Evans©;. Mr and Mi-.. E. C .Tones, ~h. Mil ion C. • pent the week i.nH in D C. r!n. Isu-h JmiiiMa of Fay etteville N C. Yuletidcd v.-itu mom and dat.i. Mr and Mis. Jones of Milton Down frmrs D. C to visit fiioni an dad, VI r. a tic? iVIT"- .fames -1. Evsn* Mi-/ Annie (. Evans. Ails,,. .- Haze 1 John n and ..Dude Bayics spent th-- wec-k end in Gi'Ctnsbos :.s. H. C. \is it tug frond's Mr. and Mi s M* Du ;i. osnis re ncunee.d the matari age of the is •laugher. Mh.- Drcvlia Llo.-w-vnb. Milton N C. to Ms. Pro :n.w Biovvn. B; Itimore, Md.. Dorr l ei 29. Ifi4a. Mr. Robots H.-m ison ...f Mtsans spent the v.'Ofii; end wits; Mr. E';-r --nest Ma'.ii'i: of Burlington Mi <. Sara}',. Ch sbe'lc and Mss'. Crs.lE.a field s>pc-fu the week end in H. C . visiting relative- and friends. Mar Katie- Johnsoi; week errs • I as' is sister-hi-lav. in Durham, \ C cor i.i (.i ti t b not ns SECOND Mill Tiso WSTC club rat V> aai . Ji.miMV 5. at Use I'fsilil-lifi- ».l Mrs. Katie- Bmve with Mrs Ojsiv.- i.■ While anting os Is .ss .. Hi: a won deeus-siM i “i: ;ui serve J.tM's program. The msnrs resolved to i’uvoasr- she productiverto- of tho i in!, n! re . air so all depart inoui- Affiung i 11.,, a f- aI a .. !-1 a H: - (lames T. C Eloan it A B* :.;mna (.. Bostiai I, Davis. Ws/iUra.-i I .ill .• Mu!,' - * J. Richmond 1. Ru'ninoob, S Are! he K. Itavre; 1 HINTS TO FARMERS ST AT i COM,If,! ANSWER > i i:\jl i.v i \hm (iViisfiisNs Q. H r.v rni a tinny egg be l ies.., eel V- i’ i 1 all reducing St.- Jasis value : < A. The egg should bo war bed !• hoi water which ranges m t S''a - peifi'iiip from 140 so 160 aw.ri v Fahrenheit. If the tag is washed r cold -r iukewt'isn water, ’hr e0.,- lent;; of the shell contract and draw in the mil.side dirt and bn - tom. But '..he,-! ho! water is used it's a different story the egg ex grinds. ! " causing; Ote irsu!" yes- C'g'n m|jo!l pe!t\ I) • bL'ttc . c»l c 1 nrst.•. to } •'}i p t u ggs ? hcv w.:■ n'« *ei di ! ty ) mop a <\y kwi «?t v. •> :; - ing tiObicyr ».hv e-gii’s *satur<d pro iectivo coo ting. 0 Is it bOciS-Sii'y f.-r a produces to have his eotiosi eim-seet to get a Rovcs'-'n-nser ’ loan? A. s h'r cotton mm', hr ekissbd V:y a governrnen; si: -or--, ofiict - fore the grower may uPUri- r or.- cn«nCsi! loan. The Tan a mack- ra t';e grade: and pie sww on dji class card retnni to the grower oi the Class received be Ih<> Vv'nrc houscslnasr Q. Is wet pa in! on faun, -binld inga arid fence pOMsi ilangrroii- u> s ; ock? Ana; Vex. The ’cad coulainod in erwi’-v k;nds of point cars kill do-- fiicstk animals, especially cattle. Wh.ic .nomt iwet. ai'iimcls are at truciert to i; hecsiitro it emote., ins linked oil. Dry paint doi an’t exert toe same attraction Thai is wry r i- ismpoi tan!, to keep stork nsvsy from vaei print and discard paint. I'.ut'ki.o-i An oniirul suffering fro,;t le.'id ijfi.';.; will kUibbc-r sr,d choke, w signs of eoti,- and wit: <S;I It . :>,.oy COWS. pfi'yinril .voi poiiii w it drop oil in milk jn - ductior; as.ns .- kcssp a poison* eh animal will rur. about arid uu ear to- be blind. A vdU'rinyran c , s *-■. vt* an aufidvde u called in ; ! VI eVC-rdi . ~-! : i>if is i".s belter ss m cure. NTsiTf t OUT C HlVfs TO CAB VI ilOVi, M -tKßits BV KI TH i KHUNi State Home IscwjuHSSsstiiim Agent WiSI-i WASTE—I94!I RKSOI.I TION To tiwovi awny sometimes' if ths’iftlcr then 1 save, household management s; uchflist n,y They UXSaa n tlsal St's . s! i id, ;-, jikesy i - accumulate art ind she house, as t-Cbaien:. nag;, s- V,;; a-1 uiicardcd proa ,Uy Any shiii*,: -! .-,s> cracked gins: - 'vusv v rieuu-r tumbler, otininnp. >;<r. cook mg or serving dish ; houid be retired from u s m prr ven‘ cut*-' wr-ll as porsibß' tvasle ■’! Chipped (.namely are also '•houl'.i go on: of kitchen service because ;t may leave tiny gtass j'kc particle: is food prepared or cooked »n it Once china or pottery Is cracked chipped, it cannot be kept san.t-j by ordin ry doo vsiishing A ‘lacked cup, thcrcXoi,*. “SO TEAR. By John Henrik Clarke for ANT shed no ears for she strong nations Nc-w crumbling Shout gleefully as they fall! Ihe next g; at j>lory will iielong * i the uple Vyhi, have lived so long Without any glory at all. THE fc HAT ON WHICH WK J ANDED By William Henry Hast for ANT The old Mayfiov- r war cr wdee. 1 did not ride on it; The ship I s-ixle was shrousaed With ves down In the pit My shis, v-'g* nffen «tr;srsdt»d Bv slaves who jumped to drown. And when at lust it .uncled. ’Nineteen it brought to town. Is-, name wa=, not "Mayflower" - it vo« "Diitcii raan or Wsr - Which ushered In the power All honset folk abhor G. Bruce, it Di,sin, Cliidia (!raves Tiiul E B V-'ip in linages. THE BOWS s ENTERTAIN IV!:s and .Vs . i iiiss. Bow, eianax V' i the hohd; y -">h v ish s, post ".s.v"'.iiy -tii 'st :i( is, ; • i s :i ■ Still ' da > sstih . •iisiiii s: f j.i! viinen: ' is. is cl sit ■ H.iif.' •: and M N. L. Di'g'ird. the Ft v ami Mi J R Brii'': ses. ..Ms. and Ms ~ Kerman B .*we. ''!r.-. E.sisie l.e.s Ml Irvin ■ Wi: iiiUYifion an ci davightfrs, md MU.-: Fiji tic: 'lni 0;* f n{ uc. s \vis i the Reverend and Mi y !-ss s-'S lEaeS lid Rodl St ! Jr.. ~f .'.r,sen-i: e Tile H>. v». r..ui .1.; M1,,, a. it. Of.eged, ,s 'id Mm. COorgo B'.'idcn and Mr. ai;:! jM s '.‘,., -e. Hodt.-oU' i.'ii oi n,ei,. .vl 1 ie: ! 1 i‘l'’ *yreir ;1 -1 Vi: J. 1... PH '•),! r FTon C I'em ye■ .1 Mi-.s H. ! Piyue c., V.. A • '.ember : ;■ si!, .-, it-M. ns '.■•ere ; -ayt'" by Ms '' -\\ diiam, s- *: Ul*. •.'l*ll l" y ye;: ,oi dli&K . t'i ; sd ■ 'is,' " TFie lie,Me-- Bci'di'ij. BIT. vn- |) VI I F WEDOIN*. NN SOI NCI WI-.N I Mr ssd Mi .l.issis Halts, ei Alarminct C' eniy assesses lie. ■■.- ' ■.Hen:, of their daughter. H* uni Haim i * Tiajvnas I.jttlo. son of Mr; Msri>:. Crainc Liitle, prominent ■ViiW'vdfi; AME Churcb. :,"i'i.i Street, Ckrisuiia:-. Day. The ct ten'll iiy wii:- performed by the * Reverend J. R. Bridge, of U.e BA !it i: OI Ml SIC The Deluxe Jeode,- Singers of Durtmiii. ;..ud 11e- :ysses'. fs.ue :.d , Y.nisevvdk held iortii iu a battle oi ,d. Hi,; i.a.iiß.'s!’ Cotuuy Training Sehc,pl Sunday ibyltt. Janssiv ft. A capacity crowd t'.vell* .(-’<! the audftorium f<*r the event. ;«:. a se.aUh hsSaid a: v.r-ii , fl ; utvnsiii rh,add ssnsai steady oo -Uve. ■a! Home medicine cabiiieis arc ;e --u ! chnCd m fill op. Ok: piMs pre • scripuons ant! s; ;si oo, :*ss are a nui d' and are aS sa.iao:; . to. sas ■ - ; around. They should never be sav ed f r 1 at!lire use t-xccrk.' on rpeo;- - iu- iiist.Hfci.iOMs from the phyMeian ■> Some tii u.;' detcrioraic with age ! Other sun - which may wisely J - or are. a, ~ .pari;; vsiuth a sis Id run get into m; in mu in. Tsa,- ti'Vs ai-o have proved dangemu | tor your.", cln\drMstt she :o> c.u;- : SO! be fixed fa: '-ussy it is,', - ie. ... Threw it away. Finally, be sun no {,, throw where''child;i im s d 1 t. JIM <,RO« FOE i\ vsskmbia ian RICHMOND ,AN Pi Hov.a.d >: II Canviie white, dwesiberi as ,; "ccnsirteni snpparte: for fu’l Xc-- g'O I' in evciT »hnse m - Hvie. I. in Hah rum J ,aj o, 0i . ! JiOnU'C and jaaigious i,g in V:r . toni;," .vniurunced his candid aev = ie?" I me at Ftichmerid''- seven ;-e *is r:*i ! the house oi dek'gnKv in lire | Novernl't ■. j<H9 general eii ihoas. There i-ast week i is making bis bid as an mrie- TiTuneri cubdidaU- Oarv.d.e said, i "i; lira Nei'TO Os p, 1 ~f ft: t mu: Ta;l : Tim a b', ( *le-- dynamic crusadei in the Augii-i prnnavy. i will ruj, • P Ui 'i inn; if ;!;< y nil) a lift -,p(.,i;cn. 'tieok t.iivxor ~r ar; lb;-s!e Toni; cache;-, i v'i.’l til* fr-umi..- : .or Carwilc has soijgm nomination ' . h'i idibiic offices on several ,aee.,- 1 siem; and in each ifi*.taace. has ic- ! pom’diy refused u> resort, to the s igai ),mo tactics of the ayr-v --•'•••< white cfSie-s<*ekei in the -TUlh. !':■' St’ !; :■ as : 'igit. be VC.!' as t I" 1 led at a se\ iv:S a use Mreguif , ,i'ii* h-sa;:ss iu Tiuser! to rn-Ivs • f, 'a " 1 ertion reserved for f>V* He said his- reiosai wiKtsed mi ■ s The- both: f that, "s e- the heH'hi of: i telly and twry-tiy to c! regie- * ; get ion of races si a Ciiristian re-I '■ I'T- He , a.'S" was dismissed p,* j '•'nr! O' i ,i ti vl 'j;;,';: !jl \ \ 1 VI. A i M! srilOOl, I ! NGiFN BOOSTED B\ FOOD SHIinilAT If your child comes home from ; M.'hooi said reiuctiin, to cai that : . rne..'!l. don’t fret, lie probably is ; “full" already. He is ■■fair it he is attending a J school whose caieteria is operated ■ under the N.‘;,Fiona! School lumen .A *t The agency has recently receiv ed shipment*-: o! tomato cheese, orange juice prime.- and billet delicacies to boost the svho >J ;lunches program. The purchase of the addition n:i triouv foods was announced thi: wc‘’k by the Stale- Department | Agu’culiure, wlio purchased un* I commodltie:; throupf: the United ' Shit*-- Department of Agriculture. Commercial apple production :n ; North CureHsu, (Hiring VHS i.- c.s:.- i mated u< 970.000 busheh TFiis i eiighßy over one- fourth iar;:. r *' at: the 1947 crop bat 8 per com ' below the annus*l average from 1 !9.27 to !i)4C , Support Your Paper!! College Fund. Drive Nets $ 1,066,113 For 32 Schools EvTTbnr :- fJ ■ysvi-siK • pai&ri is i ds, ;| s Urn’ d Nsgis* j College Fund. m fifth u<\pv\i' I appeal cond etc • i in bh conutvun j !it its *'or. > 1 '■' s, the country', lias ~ itiii.-fd Sl.i 13.7’) • , help 32 i;: i*. Tit f! ; uecred'i!id Nc't.M ridl'ciicr and r: "AhvrKitisj i*; --1 rirrrenT, eperai ■ s ex-pi•li.-'.e*: and improve c;tu ■ ;.s:1 is-.’Ts fi ;! 1 ili;s s- . Ut.: i" *-H - '. don's. W'iUibm J fix nt. J,.. Ex - i ict Ls! DA set s • : die Fund, hr;? .) 1 s hun unci .i ! Add:lii-tucl funds recoiv'd To * ' in: (’i;■ ptiri": \ : briny tf.iy. v'.a : -tat to ' U-ki.B! i, ;•*. Mr. Trent ‘BUBBER’JONES GETS 10 YEARS ON 3 CHARGES i j ' ' William (Bubher) Jones of 509 ‘ Saun.'ss;, Sts . f*: TiK'sday begun sc; '.sng a jif .yea*.- sentence on thiT,-. i;e; g; s of i.;u'env and esss■ breaking, s ’;■ sI. t.,s * sin s ; " i. uiT, rdl.v wits rin- .iss-'t. afU-e he 1 s.;i ; . eittrsd by Jaogs Hens, c wens in the J; nuarv terms >s the VVakt* C amH' Shd< i a Court. Heai su; in the case ended ‘ Js; u:.l v ". .he!! Joixs, *dliving a ,s. si.hA ot hie loi'is. ei'iniln h!: .. ! "S’. , . «■ ■ ■ ; i;! i . short," Judge SioVilir ;"rp!y WU . Hi yes ; *■: in C( ntrai i h 1-..111. Otlit i's si v. si m . need Tncsda v - jne;Li:i; : Wilbur Bass, sent s.-d for lai-ccn'. end receiving on live* * ije; to legist snorues iei tii ■ leds, the :-■ bte;';-'': y. run c >n 1. uriontiv. ; Cine- Sr* ss ndr-ne.eil to ! ; .s nv s,s:i-!i Hu, *s'j ):! S.'ied Ol i'estS ..'id a tin- se and urolxfUjon ..'cak’d v.'isscon end essaui-t with Leibon Marsha ”, sentenced to eight months on the raads. ris- IH'ndf'-ci on. :xrers;ent oi a fine f SSU an 1 costs and -probation lot live year;;, for illegal possession : rs 11 ,»-tax i ic .'V, Le> oy Bi/ri c, sen!.* need in Hi , rvuvnihs on eacii charge* eo run reneorri.ntiy. siwpiaidi'd si pay intru. of costs and Drobutiun so. ilvc: .T ars, on three ebavy s - H iaiTonv and receiving. (dir\<‘r Vfroiorial !hi\ Srn.ircs Ilrhl llt re t T('* ; C*i \V «i ’J J i L* tf/n I. -•'l* V f. - i Mom 0 1 Da e v ol < < ! a :oo'rirf‘S h(-id AH si rusday movr: ■ :ng in C-seen ieof Auditorium .President R< 'sf-it P. Daniel paid; tribute to Ihe Jainous scientist ■ and -plant v/mn d," who in forty \ -ears ct :; - s eb at ! usK-egee is end startling uses lor the Icwey pc-an 1 ; and so ‘ putvrto. P: sitkeni Daniel, speakjyg on the "D'scireo ot Genius.'' p.ouite-:t to Dr, Carver a man ;vno came from .humbi ■ beffinnnys an .1 acitic led d'ieHnc;:on in. acieric:' -The Stale of Me-sun pat uf> smai kens ctirs-tiny fj-avek'" - ?. t ■ Diamond. M issouri, Binaplaei at Gi.i-rge Wssbington (’arver. !trm s ; Negri; .- .si s-t. 1 Pie.--.; oxrnt Da nil i said. "Trius D; C-e vsr has .ateiim; the legend of' car of the wayside signs which !'us ! 1 ,vn ra-c*: couki tk-i havi res i .. io tis da V.- • !)• It lie e ; -hit n.H Jho Rah iifh ed‘;.b,t or m 2. d sit .leots to ade'it the discipline: ■ ucit d, Carver !. A sv -i sidt... O ■!' : oUtiUe hi!' id- • , fieiem v; 2. W’lliria n - , to accept . reap niDili 1 v for dceisoßa; 3. R ■ * • fuss 1,, compi'i’ -m-x: ideals a no. , .-is.ncioecL'O and -J. Ccmragc to s.e 1 :c< pt the indifference-of the vveriP ; ;to one’s individual fate, j Fi v. a & vi aim i*> SEN it DU HATES TO FONA KYITONS 1 TALI.AHASKF.F- Turee oi | ! FliJPsi" A. a:III ;VT. Collyff'. s Uiob.; ; ’*ay a ni/.a' s'- scot 1 s.'prmTiteti v*. :■ - :!,; ; i'esp:.c-.rVi .Nulioiial Coiiveli * 1 ion-; during the yukdidc steasem- | ; Rcpi'eseeialivcs ’corn each group ; ■gave , Kcc'fn; repsets of the act:- • iviitea held at. 'he meeting:- 1u il'.c- ' |Gone;';.: Student Body. All be phi A'pan FvatcrtiH '■ Inc.. ! Nalional Convent ion lield a; AUau- ■ 1 tic City. New Jersey. Represcnto- !; • lives from Eel Mu Chapter vs. re; ! Marshall Jenkins, Robert Wood ' | and Chs.'lc Z. Smith who served 1 1 ;re Caovcntion Secrc-lary. Marshall Jenkins, reported that i 1 j the theme of 'he convention was ; "None A Slave To Tradition: Ail - Fighters For Freedom. ' Zeta Phi Bot;> Sorority Notional . . Souk- hold til Philadelphia, Peru : \ ; Gamma Alpha i'ep risen tat* ve was I ■ Drucllla WllUmna The theme cl the j Boil],- woo' "Prc'p.u.u';n& For Seiiuv In A W'jrid of Ma.'v Needs Cine; u Psi Piil Fraternity Na-j ! tional Com'cntion held at Colusr- i bus. Ohio. Richard McCoy reptc* : i.eni . d TJpsiion Psi Chapter The I fnome oi she eon vent son was '•The Total Eradication of Segregation i And Dlfviiruination" for A Mean- I inel'u! Dcm oaep cy Tiie representatives brought oaf j that their respective organizations l are 100 per cent behind President Truman’s Civil Rights Bill, and otb [( -r positive policies oi the president. TITR CAH GLINT AN ih-pcrtihg 19-4--f campaign pro , Mr Tent .stated. "'T h-- .’Oncn-'is- of sfv \ras, can oi • pi. iu I'H'hrb! oi tite pr : . vr.t* colli:g-es and univ rsiti. eniu.ik.s 1.,' .-;- n. t .cations Io nui-ii , tain h,-j.! 1 ,-H; vuiotJcvl Harsi nos. .-Vlthoiog.i. : Druieci N- giV' C.celegl I . lid -i'-'f ■ ::!• 10 (x . c.-ir. o'' op I'e-ting ludgcts oi these schools, h is the critical Hi ficr cent, hr .ra it bricJa'cs t". gap 'vt tween the .'icejal cost ■ ediu at i * "1 than aUgfiOO si -a . ilc nt.-i. ,'i’vt [hr- rolSegc" inciau" !nan luiii m !c, ■, is "Hr: is > gi-ant • •’v ■ , laic, ! i>;. 1 1 in uu Hb . fruni o iivr.iusis repnr ■ ■ ovo •55 -■ - 'if ie lota! .sc n’t re seised while 250 s bus! .; M.i-atii ns and siViaii biy i n: - , mips camriisued :.... *■ s SJiJU t/i.lii fc ■ ’’e Fuad s 10-4,2 •. am|ui ■ S h ui.;!- 1 : 1 ; •. iy i v I*3 l uiidal' •: -n .- ".an 1 iHeO.iIOU He..",1 d gb - ■ tiia! if . fat a, two tsedsi a*, ,-a, thiTe for sign countries a,‘'s': u. p; c ■ C-rite: i Til; 3948 campaign m-ards show ties,-sins: :■ a! :p art. of the Fuad I'sv leading preparatory Cbaurilnitions wate s'ccivad fron'i Hue! nts of V,;i-g Pi'incci" 1 '!. Hutchkisg St'boo 1 . Welle?ley. Ben , niugU n, Dartmouth. University lof W; vsnan. Hill Seiiaei. Sasaa il.axrenec Colhrge and other.-:. ( ,1 niDx;.'..r?; wcia s'mdueie:i •on ntvmher college eamptiscs. and .r.ivate: -upport frem alumns of i thi s's ss-t.'tutisa-: was-- naU'd. C. 0 ; *.;n oii ii" si o! tin* Knn*l ;o- Ifi-fH mciud* Wiitiem M. Co, le:', Courisei. for Union Carbide sre! Uerscss, (e , us: atiun. Natii n :d Chau-man; C C. Si’aukhng. V ice-th.-iii man; John D. Rock.- U• -lit c. .) :■ . '■/■,.ail man a t.he Fund’s Nans'sel. (sauruuH Tiiomas A , 7v:f.r,.srH. cttairmtin of the iysani j His the Su ci v Corporation, chair -. of He 1 utlvt Commit W ! 11 1 Ili t' I VV A lit! ■ b ;) n isgn * iiu- in ard <>l the Chase Nsi ’ -aU ll,ink, tia asurer, 1"s F. D Pat: r.--* n Pi •: side nt of Tu 'keiHse Instil He. :s the Pres* dent ' , is: Fun ; Nationa'i Fund IlcadquarH: are k sat -i ot 33 Fast 57th Street. .W e Y' k City. VMCfiNEWS sfHKDVLt’ OF \CTTVIiIfA IsM \irv IH 20 THURSDAY. JANUARY 13 H3O P. M ’.salt* Hiinu-r Gra-Y C :Ub 7:f,0 H M - eieser Cn:."'r.:- Citiii FRIDAY. JANUARY 34 730 P. Ivl. -dUnocrD- and Bridge : 7 3fi P. IC— March of; Cam paign fIM PCM - YMC A .tie;! : H.sdih SATtPR DAO' JANUARY !;* SUNDAY. J A Nib's RY Hi 3.00 P. it’. NAACS’ Meet in : 400 P. M. Music H<.M*r MONDAY. JANUARY Ci : 2;00 P. 7VT. Ministerial Abiouee a'Bo 3s :Mt. —Gts-Y PM-S: Club 7:30 P. Ml - Hi Y Phot*.' Cbiii 7:80 p. M.- Board ol Management Meet. rii; 8:00 P. IU. Minisie-fial Union TUPStiAY. January Hi *1:1 ij V* :VI 'W -iast* : Gre - Y Club 7-80 P. M, Wasiiingioii Hi-Y Cieb 8;n0 P.M. Young Men's Club 1 8:30 P M.—Town i faii Mi , , *,f H:e Air W RDN USD AY. „> A N'U AR Y iii . COO p, Cor -Cars iHu Gi.s V Ciub ;i ■. U. . ACTIVITIES : (..lie’ll". I.- ;:it"; V labl'H! ' . ’i ■ (.07: Ivi Si:- K R OITj. ftccrcatioo * ■ nOjie (eoni - , bow I:ictrt-ckwi. : Seiji a ids i Rn rn Registry I'' ' t, 1 .- * ■'! i : . Pdu’i.'ib--,- Sr. ■: CiV'c Me * m -s'. P-lbiil Slieuiyi.piic: M'N. W^WIkWW iContinued is -u. pitty uiu-i port are. action nc-c- • luo’y to end i sues jjraetiei .-. s Uo- surviy d: orhr, ; His propose! v;or bared nr; the t belief '‘economic eompeUlieu j 'iciwcfn Negirx-s arjd wi'u-.f-s in the pad it at the rev of racial’l l liiiiTk'idiiOs there if we’csruld s. .* , | Uie tr'cono; *ic. iovi 1 ul th». south to the po.m ,vhl - - the economm 1 . eurrii-'-titSun could o,- nl clown,! then 7* iirest pan of \hr ro.-o piuij* ' il :Tl " * :.:!: ! t'i J-,.'!!.?! I!.':) ‘ Flit.' sss'ion live race problem! in die nioH: i, part.r;'uli.irly acute ; is because there are two races 1 Hying to liv. side by ;sde in a coiinu-y where economic upreirlim- . T.v bus nut been ssiTicioni io yjvo satirfaefory supsri to i-tn," he | stdded. More rural people und electro power lor more iJiirpores dining '4B ' than in any revious year in hi.s biry. accord:iif-: to Hie U. S. Dcprut meni of Agriculture. SHOWIWfe sm'i.l * j ro ' le “ ** 0 ' r ; forehead. ‘ t .. ... with j * wsro 7™ "" "**' I wtSh» ww " in ° *“—*—— " * HAIR PRODUCTS o*ct f. -. „. I 4PP LtNiBTH -ro rouß n-VR. I IJjLt —:! -.l 1 17 Fo«» 45nd St New YnA 11 N¥ \ ?avk mis coupon Special Oder * TOR YOU WHO' Si:l ; k FINANCIAL HELP 1 "How to K’i'sp Your Money and Attract Good Luck'’ ■' v r ■•-'■ ( ■ 'll.) ■ ' m.. , Ui '' I 1...'.,., , ■ ' ■■■■ ■.« , Itmttrs. Special Price SI.OO “7 Cures for a Lean r uro' A formula to start yoi* on 'W-m- •> to y--, ..oity and it.-ls i^ndtrucco Special Price SI.OO FU OUT THIS, COUPON CAREFULLY - CHECK THE' ITEMS WANTED IIN MONEY OSDS 8 ! 0 COUPON AND H UK TO APSE' WALLACE. 'V ' \ •* ■ ■ " - ii»aw*n>«t»aiwi > AiiJrea, ..... Otty Suit Amount LnihjwJ % ABBE’ WALLACE ia car* ** Tills r.\ROUM*\ 118 ! 11., rt>i-U SI. i, ,iicis V ( M. ' . I; 5 m: Seen ;j Meet worke: for tpe fro yv ;m, Evi ; v ■.i,: ■,u l i f :■ya ivy-riled lo ■- a ; i is i} t !a U ... ;aaa aa . -- aa, to in ip.i i! j .iit.ii, 5 have Me'- • Will gel !:■ u«kc a ! ■ :}) in 1319 ' Ans; Noun ;. the aa; t,., '.run .on your' uj, r Sc; ■ - in’:. tow d .i- Luo. each, week and pul- if its s v bank ior the specific purpose at I taking a yncaifcu trip this otirt'i mer. Don't Set snide pay day V.m. VV 1 i-"- ■ in. .;• !!■ n t :f.!e ta-ie S r. C. 1 mew .., runs friend J*- 4 1 Ai'u.n 1i -■ ;n ■ sal:1 aylor V .n -v- ‘. m.'iu': ii k C it - i| uni: On ; vr uid nor ixs -irekim; the att< w it mgai The/ parmersbips far ; K C N. - - i. hav; n't had n job tiing I-- - t .0-.,. nio; i ;hoO'l,l It i i warred ior-y .-■■nough ! might be ii. t Stu-.ko jj ; . ..i l; |U ;,nd look •’ .ui rd placed Fl<mi fill' HMp vVsni-csd column oi vuui rJ.ail.v po pe ' -- yon uit lied a .job through k : nil<c My sit-vn i;w9 Guide ■ - into Phi' . inert .. <:[ i ls-;. ' mnu inighly hfhiiVl ■ : ,o: hot io;;,- the- weniiin vne.k. The price in hi. Stn:d ypiii bii ihdale v.,t. n | ordering your copy B. I too e betit reading i V'H« onjutjsu in :in' jv.ui'r a tr,r,g i iimp and w«M sc me advice. I work at a turnocr Yard and make a I ernaH salary. I would like to make twa < nwnc-.v w v\ t;i-K m my spare !i e:t Do Will Ihl'jk it Would do jmy good Vi pike the torresperr ;t:;'. ico wiii'u; in 'E’i.oi:tnerd Appii ; enuee 11: pairim- ! mn tlrnking oj ; n\iw. It Wfiuld indeed. Learn She w'.mdrimcnini;; of ms; trade by stn ■ re.'.'.’it? 1 dunny. ysjur ;n.... n irme arid ; as soon an uri adi'ance far ( j no«|{i'i i li»;k tor a jet in an api-lianf* simp : ■ * ::isit; yen can we ntdnnt expfr - I ionce Any course your lake to bci !Ut y miivi i.i will be heiprui and tv. ill iwertase yenn- rnanue s,i rri..k --i rDo f -i; io -.ey. j ' .A . IVI, law vvoiTiod. l have j a will- i'roiTi v.-y. , j , n: . yptranped j and '.vo live It, diftemit diic;, ( 'an. deeply jp u. v y , it), a woman Who pi't Uem )(, il.Vn I'nr. I iwr 1 j.omc LstPP.'-' lews. . Ans; The re avm,i -to be a mu :i;<£i affecilor, between .von at irih: tunc but since Shore is quite a i difieromre in your npcs. you should proWt n \t i :: ■ ’ Inu. i'rnLi. uc as. lric i ids. bu; iivoid pH ting seriun'- | lor a Jew more rnniphs, or until ; you erase ali doubt;; from yom AllaJfjj i a deep roolod crop) | | whi'.-h I •■equenlly i iit* • übs -I to deplii ol five ietf o, i more. YWCA ACTIVITIES Thi.« Washington Hrgh. Y'.Teens will hold a joint Recognition Sev vitv fit the First Baptist Church on Sunday, January Hi ;,r. IDm. Ali Y-Teoni throughou’. ■ wd . their patents; and ir tr.d. a. ( ■ r! Id attend tt"r:; rim u The- V Teen. Ci.iiTUnittee v :. : Hold it.-, egular monthly meet • ng at tile Y Monday night, Jan uary 17 at 8 p.m. All mtrnlwr,- and advisors, are urged w !» Mis,.; Ma e Ligon is (haitman. Th= Public Atwiii's Committw. cordially invite., y -,u to attend o lleadorshiip meeting and voting, I KI lllimi TILUN LIN its rot it; lUM i\( IDLNT.x NOTH) Pbiintk-lphia. Pa. The f dom Train ipu.Uorl into the Broad St re •! Station here last. Satin da'- after at; anscontinotitai tour in which it was more than revealed that . (.nii of the document.; or tained -in the train's display s mm n - :te .ngies ■ e> it., i,tents to ro; tarn tium- r t the country, The toitr of the train, which covered some Jo.OOO rnde-r marked with dcm--. I'iStraticais: ui sectional wgrcfiaiion, which, in some cases ended with so-called v; ilato; - . f edicts beiny t brown into prison nad fined w : was the case in Louisia-na wiierv 'two teachers wire fiuei lor vie laths-f si «>ion Tia v Started in 1947 Tic train at; :h.- ldk,S-.--r (''itc • i.n St-g>t. 17. Id-iT. haded vilh tru. document.-' that hi spoke- >f Ante ran Dernccracv - the Diclara ti, n of Ind( 'pcvidf m: ■ iih it.- at , tt raiar.t Biii of K;t;;its w.ehidi ) All i.v;'; th,. American South land. i.wgsnivcbson formod j.irotes!r; ! rgai'iot tin- i xistiiig egresatie:; 1 laws which rna.:'('. ;t nevesssi'V id ; ■ various racial iaetivsns oi iw- pcep-s 1 , id; .y. in cither vim the Train a; .offerenr. Isours- as t.o .'i 1 w t displays in tinea formed of per -on.s \i hoe skins \y< is of ;klv aw , hu<.-s. [ Th-- Am a noon 11, ritiisc Sra-iei Vo ywWtiiw i‘dcm? ! A< iI)V tmics, u , Uv >. ..a .•: a . the d«E tyitui a tncalh. dr. : hnf the rest or \ otir dav, yo-n'ic y. rv lofutTieml M cks T; doiLy * CKX iTK" V C!'\ K'C to p!'Ci‘).| icO V r > “1 hi: it,- \»> ; i; 4 s , ' ! M course you depnai an . IcUtk it', in !j> ip tala TV- wotl a~f . HOiiSCwOtk t(K> Aiw/iv-, leadV I; h-ieh J V (~, a i , , i ■ eninfoil, ease .m-ti cvcu «iicrt.ii:mient V,<J Jv <4 oi hi (o-u r! d • • , Vtfui inetids .mil at Ihi-, < < 'triDnnv • under sot mi! Iris-iw • ... j u?c ' hi.nm.ii'l iiiif then tm. :ma ii -kdl ami pruri:. a! cvixmcm i: to keep ti< ' ’ ! in.,gait) in that J-cHigeT o|louts. \<ju ean depend etr that too! * '* ’* ’ ' ‘ >!t 1 a''''" t neatri. Hear iff every Sunday: i HS, f> W ! si. , •h'” I * w } I «ih ' ' M -Sim Wkßk& - • • ”•%' WM: , s' ;Ko<gp / i'hs Pi -■ • ■ - :.. .;s ;. : ■ • : CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO. WEEK ENDING S \TTTtDAY, J A NTT ARY 15, 19TT . clinic Tuesday night. January 18 ■at 7:80 at the Y in th Assembly room Maw ,1. 1.;. Micks is Cnaur war. cj this group. TH. Women's Activity Cornmit- H-e s-.aa its holiday meeting at in- Y on January 5 For then piojcci. th.: ladies :i vo v...; : - fa ..him; and, money foi. o bi fit: girl vviio is a student ;d !' iugu.stnv .; College Sine ihia aa. Mich J wvvtfv. Ode Lie •T it ill v aontirau<i tlu'.'U!,. 1 out th,.- :chaol year. T;h W >r» .'s Ac ivit' Ci re-nit : f V;- Man ,• a; .in t. • • at. two .■ t; van wironefs are’ , steel a . it ■■.'ubi’.iH: tin- r tM'wn .me S2a.u ; ; ■at ;hy Y’vVy \ nr.'sjc . w-te'n. Ml:'.-:. M:-!diso Ot -y Taylor is . Ir.jirttv.n a- i;rou:; 'Th• ■ Fnront If eJi. ,i : Commit 'a. uMd ;•> I era. mo. ting lor .‘la , n 'Mowia.y night. January i ;.u)r Thg SUh'.-vf f')|- r.t ia - > urreai v '.;a -- vYiiat a is, Mias Cea.vvoa Dawron of Shu-a llnivcrntj spoke on Disci p.!ine ami led The discussion. Mr.-. 1-< i I'm Mf.ryan led .ievotiens and •vlrs. ba.Xip TlO'kta ~■!);{ Mix. Mil ■V- Kiddick warv hostesses. T . ' T’ai'i-nt Educaf Mu otoup oonfri oao ...; SO. Hi to la- Y \VC A !V.|dy system Mis. Ada M. Jarnigm is . i fairam of the group. Ti- • B. and I. Club held its irst meethv: i-.r the v < a r oil Tiusday night. .) ,nua \ II at 7:3e t .-a Y. Misr Lau-a .! Ilrawn iMT-sidrnt of tin y, -u; . Tne Koigious Euirihash; Com rrvltieo h-ntd.vtitinoU at -th-cir ;in nual holiday party on Monday. JarHiai '. -}. Ikieh mernL)- - ..-, hreu, e two Mft.s ~n | a curst. One yin ••a-a: mi: Ms. gift grab j. M,- .-ad one i.iit va. picsonfv-.i earh yu-rt. sirs. Hanim S. -lain- , el'uaae an of h.- y; cup. 1 tu- 800 ad. Committee .Man . yen-- at and staff -.-f tee YWCA SLt'fccrCiV ■ MnGK ui 1 fri y>ll.r Midi?- bers fw them fine respu-sw and C-aiperMiun in son-ding in thei; i ft-fit isallsd - A llat - ' V 01. 1: :iv im-ifib .-a iht- f( • , SIY YOI S\W IT l\ TOE I ARoLl\!\\ WOMAN INJURED WHEN TRUCKS COLUDE HERE i iV; r; #! .< ■ IVi.J ,J C>!'■ A; ; oh. ... of 1 i •-■.ci an Y;-.,:vi -■ ,<< -.ajiu ■ i early !i:e -a col. v. I .<: - -i \ chicle - I.urn >•;.<* s\a rid ng collided v... dh at.i the; --1. tb<. tmersection of Oinu iii, d and Park Dr-lve. Tin h Aav ui Hie v'-'hicle n. v. hi;, a dr.a Johr.son a. ,- i iUing. a j tiry ...-rerted hi a charge t a: hie. ttrivin;-; a tier -t coll.- ■ioi: of amuck with uin.-ther. filltuh \ t-KOIVJ IKH'K hi: r Ji,lsism; u.a... . ;a, - ed ab ' its she legs and suffered passible in terna! Injuries. when site vr-c; ihro-e wo;it the truck onto Ihft' , ( ivcine-it. City lee arid Fuel ; Company tv;.ick driver by K J. A.v” in --- 313 Ouiutlin Road. Mrs. )< h i :oc vw;s oat ned t > a local hospital for observation fol low hu; die accident but war aume.!; i a , y ,;ierd. A iig v.a* | mleased otter vry booked on the - ckU'-s -hiv'et; deirgc. The Hu civ were danaiyrd i... ~ri amount ■M S3ID meiMl Mid-West Students Issue I»aee BulleHn Mil WAHKKK V.- The rec ord is.-uc of jailsd Action, cm'.-,, cuhetiii issued by students :v f aha ‘ii, Colleges UirOUgilOtit ■ es- mi ,-a.■ a Me. made M appear lr’ mar! fm - S-' m;as College fiiva <iu: iniUeS:i, .atempt,; -»y prom-ole r-ma and inU’Uigfint M-rkai •: ;\ iiitei'rac';rfi .relation ; dips, a- paid!shed Say :r.c \Va .r a Ht i -.:.-11 lutornu-i»! Coßiiiiis t! !..• Notional Ferier.-’ .;-. ■ f ■ i-.. - < v.-iLi* - a a- a a a- • :.u Mu rfj-it Me I a., >T fay-: have dcei- added to the h',‘. ‘ii l ads ‘io be pienulul on Janujy. markets, at.vardiny la die U. R, De p art no Ci it of Aariculfui'e, The na tioti's Sums arc e'ipeeU'd So lay eve» niue emy- ibis j'ionH: than they

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