WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. JANUARY !5. 1010 BEARS SHAW REVENGES DEFEAT BY NCCi ST. AUG VICTIM The Sh;.v R . • the hmd. v/ood tasted \u t.>rv riTici <l<-U <1 at the hands of their arch rivals, the St. All jili <t m lie - . r • die Worth f.?a: ■ >;; rm (.'ol ■Eagles, duvine. t u pas? . end On Friday ni_';d. th Fieri 1 bowed to the Eagle..; . til .45 count in a gtone played at Sp.vukl i.np; Gymnasium. an t then crs S turda v gat rivee’. •v> n by in .it mg tht Horses tram the town jnstitut in to 50 narkotv while ringing no G-4. * On Friday the Show quint orel Die Visitors baitle.l on ov Bne for the l.i i w mitt sites liar kot Jo: the lit.-1 Raymond old. tinnier Eagle oiard. found the b; .-kef tor the first taliv Ri'-chmond Ransom retaliated for Shaw and the came was unik 1 way. With live minuter: gone, the Eagles surgt d ahead 13-fl to tak a dead which they never relin quished. The score at halftime was 40-25. Harry Taylor, Eaple center, was hi«h scorer ft ■ 111 Du tv. am quint with 15 .point•. Thomas -Ramey was rurmcr-un with 13 point::. Edward Todd led the scoring for M Shaw with R n. iris anti Ed Ron r>» r< err.) ir, t orl fr f” T. VERSUS HORSES The Rea;'.; turn.. I back a de ter mined bid for mastc-iy by the St. Augustine's iive Saturday 4 night before a : i cord crowd. The victory put the Shaw quint in the win- column for the !.". t time 'this s< asou and gav • Lem ■j on-- out of four record to-date. The Horses grabed the lead w the ops ning minutes oJ th< gt and were ahead 8 7 utter 7 rr ::. uies had elapsed. Joe Wilsoih St. Augustine’s forward, sank ,w lor the first tnilv. Ait r eight minute Saw went out. n siont when E-l-.w rth Waddcß. Aif red She-Ms, an.i Toma- Daoa-A hi’ i:cces,-i.'.h t put Skr. •. • i 3-«. The- Bears fattened the mar gin and. -ve e i ratling 2’. 1 a ! , ha j. : Big Ed Ro '.a :mb • for Shaw with 18 point .-a 1 run;., rup -.v.Ui 1 •'». Augustine'.'. Jana .-. Ew.n • ;>-»•- < up la points, and J", W ;i - ■» • :x>nd vith u TSU DROP 66-39 HARDWOOD Till TO PRAIRIE VIEW The TSU cage Tigers fell from ihci: ir.i'/ I.r .l.al lunak i:= Uuv.i--.ly >■>'" * Slum TV ■ dropped a haru •. o- >1 tic. • <<• •• Prairie View <p • ' ' A " U1,;l! U 6-38 scon' The Tigers had annesed u: . vce ry in a : ■ . • Southwestern IheLnss Cohere m Dallas . arbor in Re .-cr.'on In the yaim Tuesday nignt. tin p \r cage::' took an early 00* !>• lead on a donation and m u\ « up the drive;': -■ a: wide!.u.: ■>' margin v.-.th aim,is:; < very exchange Jt was J an., Hall, Jh< P-mtlv r flashy fleorii m who t -s r"i'i!u honors for t'.e l::.:o a- be 1'... -'ll rtrirps for a fetal ,f i It • Lon;; Tom'’ -Ann. or. tom. in n*> fir the Tigers, .-tuking the ui is lour times for 8 tuHioi ■R.-dd. Mat- rsop. Lamar. ltd Vp kiu assisted the Panther o. v. i.'.i deceptive ball handling and a com bination of 28 points. Benscm, Wells. Pierce and Coleman add. a :; touch of glory to the home squad when they got ; igethev for a total of 21 markers. Wednesday nit.ht the Rettigmen took on Alexander Durley .- lexas Collepe Steers in the TSU gymna sium, GUI NT & GROAN ARTIST PROVES , TO BE TOUGHEST HONOLULU i.ANP) Promoter Al Karasick. nationally known vilest ling promoter and one time world famous wrestler said in an interview recently. Clay bourne i-- one of the greatest wrestlers of modem times. He is as tough as they come. I only regret that at times C lay bourne lc es his head: when he does this you may rest -irtired that his opponent will get hurt. He recalled the spectacular jump' from the ring made by CiJ.ybourne several weeks ago on his oppon ent. and related the men has been *in the hospital with internal in juries and will never be the same Nevertheless. 1 have yet to' see otic loved so much by the fans. Clayboume has certainly won 4 every Honolulu far:, he added, Kellie Samara has recently join ed Claybonme here and when they teamed up against, their white op ponents, Dick. Raines and .Brother Frank, during the Christinas sea- ; son. they brought some 7.000 fans , screaming to their feet in applause | Never has HonolTffu witnessed any- j thing like it. j DILLARD RUNS CLOSE SECOND FOR AWARD i NEW YORK Foi t.he ... rd ! strr.iah! yt r il.ii'rKon Diihnd in . ew •' :i. ' ve-tii. - I tin Sullivan Trophy given 0.-eh 1 I year i.-./ he .A.-U.' -o the -ne t n: , ..-tip.etc i.i :! e;I t;u- u'lis'.-ntlmi.- ‘j | pei iormci (iorp tne >• er. ~ j 1 hiiard 1..- ■ ! . r»e . Midlii ■■ dr.- atiilon artist. wb<. • n the evoit ; in the 1848 Oh ;> y-u ■ ; The r. or * old oH'.h .. pool sta> i received 201 first piaee votes fi-iro I 525 "sperl leader:: to tl ( i i.r Oil - ; !.;<!. It;:- ed ;■. .. 1 pon : . s sii tit Mathias: received I,hi! p.dnh 1 .'. j 1 080 fur Dili, rd 111 \ i ion i'Ka r - Sportin’ Life BY LIN HOLLOWAY i ' j - Tit is thine ol writing 15 done in t’odunk, Kuiantazpi city of the < )!•' North Stuto.' s boiiquets or l>iirk oal are bu t i nani 'S and norn tit? illumes ; and then- you tD’c. ■ j Upon arrival return, rather: r j to North C. :'oiiii. r-rizc •?' city i *i ti nil)! o * > i'.>u pouß.de;' 'a a l .' ! : color? by a:■ : ry-cyed lady a | ,v.t. id! suiio tii.k from tiu ot i of .! t: ■; ;. rough kncc-de. 5 : I m.KI to Wit::( • a game ph.ycd bi‘ ’ ! twi't.n ot i- ' r - loca CIA-4 i -levcns L.r,d an opponent here dui 1 ; ijvr tiiO ■ ■ .Via : <f. i : tdii'olt ! : -■ Aon 1 i "Kind -d ' : ■ aero d th*- hui.v j "why iiuiah•• I) ■i> i t.’-cj u. *-•*.'uu. 1 stadium for use by Raleigh’s No ' j gro football leamf-f’ j “Ask the pov.crs-ihat-be ask tht ' ' godr-ihai-rcign. ask anybody." wc I replied. Bit*, on second tiiourrht ' ' ':v.• - .vc' better \ I the to '.-k b.c. -clt v- v. j’here ivt re no l etter facilities so. I i athletic:: iters ttbo-u'.-. | Thor came : :i. ; ht thrcuuh a pah ;• cf d;ui:r.e.- .-.a toenditig t hr- ui.- ’-Meet in >OO vc its with rcvcV • inti'ii tua'i ard ct.pabic bn; hi'-..' , , and c in. u»■ i. I jerato! • k. • I i Tar■ :• t.-. :-.v -.1 . u, m that ti t prbpos led A: uiiiip foi R d<:; 1 - i.:>. ■ ~ |re dry '! liny . re formula; v plan. a "'bow : . wii! land ley ,;f 5 j).-. . • i.i)!. - V. tun ins. tin- pa • football -.-j --: st.n and man tjtfoi i! 1 !i»- uriU'i tout i>! Dnthcr and von ' xviint'VMilg lootiiati j;ati;<s unit otlis . ..ti:!. ter lit cOUitiliOji lie.*: - Uatii;tlt lillt Ui" inrcrn on the palß >ii : 1 ho.'*! jiutiilie-ti at lete-, .tiuntni r roups am) connniiiiits 11 ti ti - u i/atiotu tix \tel! ... the titi/eniry a- a v.'l.'de HE Bit . : c:t>m:i;i thitit ■>( ’he past and soon ’; the prop ..-::d K-leinh Mctnoriai 1 Stadine u: ' become n ytandiitr 1 c neiv-.o : • iolfdim. nt ol 1 dreams ol •.•••.ci-tioiv- <■{ Carolhi- HAVE \ V I VLB NOTH it; Hah < \ j pvt'i Tlt)D( (\J ip ■ I’ ] * ‘ v 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ I f{.' ut;j ; ui)-ot'vuop i ur A. **rh<- Greatest Story liver Fold • Most Honored Radio Program « Probably the most honored radio program ever aired is “The Greatest Story Kvcr Told", the dramatic presentation of the teachings of Christ heard every Sunday evening, 6:30 p.m., LST, over the ABC network. This program, though sponsored by The Ooodyear Tire & ! Rubber Company, carries no commercial announcements, and « offered purely as r. public service program. No.c in it# third season, the program has received plaques, award -, ar.d honors in a)) categories, with many special awards in addition Among the outstanding ones are awards by the National As ..nation ol Hub!.,' Relations Counsel; Brotherhood of Christians and Jews- Na • * tim.ai Radio < -otiftH enre; National Family Week; Special Award’from Vautty; and (ithc-rr. Mo.-t recent award, given the program by Mtiea v.me Digest, ; . M-v..g ccivpted by John K. Dough, director of adverti. - ''•r Goouyear (right), from M. Siti.mmn, imbii her ol Magazine ■ i Ute.-t, v, inch s,everted the program as best in the c. iigious category. J:i rm.Kuvg t.m presentation, Mr. Simmons mud: “Magazine Digest i of YiSSwJa' h - w ‘'‘ ain& -. une^diea * .s** *>«<* ! ' ' I j v enr s :j(oi * !*. x i rd!er n d ■'! \\ m• iit Or ’if ;Ik Olywyy.c IOC nu jtliß AAI! 1 a*;m. ’R’i. ;■ aid;.tic Hr.- jus tftc* natipn'i. outstundjnß hudic:* : l?o 1: !tui u, qualify fr.r O’yii’.pir , It’llm i>. hint!*: fi.l. I.. 1 1 »• ipuu 1 \ <i. i !;t, Vi tuT ;; oil ihf? tLTtcU ill tliu sprit and went n to w n tlu i Olyntoil■ 100 iviCict ifliampirmship P. 1.1:" benu; The woi'id toil : Amt", iron record holder, he is : pertr.iH i.ur! in 1 he- !.’. d. Olyntpit '4OO m.' ic'i m-!:.v viciurj tjiOit.s is tho .s<tn;e v.iit'iher it,s 10 or right hero in the (upitr! The idiom isdteveotype: oitlH-r 11 lid ;D. the pei somilities whos.: i i M;: 11 \ hi! tin- printed p- W • ') ' j stance: !E'(;ur of North ( ..reon!.,, ! collegiate (y.rci'iC.-. ': e gratiuti'-vs o’ ,f Koid: Carol in:, Cob. •- T L:o> Dll' G:, res a! Knenevib. ; ■ Ad 0,,- S’ AUf toe . U'Ao.n. \ ~i Mor!h Cai diiia and Fur.?: , VAR . j !-:tr.s . Raleiyi’';: ov. n j rd F. ;/. • S::Mji City :,te;gat) ju beljly is next on the bj.n (J f -oho;., v;bo ployod and nvoin .. i:he grade’' with Brums Wilson .'. j Shaw and Tom "Tank" Conrad oi : Dclttwaro a l ' M'.c mori cf-aMii:!; ,e ' oKamples. . ! ANOTHER OBSERVATION: li ■ trie fKtiCi’ai pub He dc.sn’t watch it tj; ; cabou:.-:. it v ik be without v j the lien i of seeing Joe Chestnut. ~ j stellar moundsman for the 4k ver Ton of the Raleigh Tia-ei r. m ac- j it;‘ion come baseball, seas-m 1849. Cfirstiiut lets heen looked ov< r, hut mis overlooked, ! «> scouts from the Majors, and Owner Mow id the Cigeis will probably be visited b\ ittire- TUlutiies of a Major fa-igue t". :u before Mareii and xiii'iiy 4i ill, ti.in,. j ff :t ;i Jfj Ii» : \ t liO i’J ? O'k. y • 1 iJO'.tu,- ; {- Ri'O 1? . 1111 •'i?p. 'i Klurkiu 4 ‘i-- U)VJ will pocs.btv jiave . j 1 j je< ., r p v MUY/scp, tliu T ty-ov r * Jit. > lit ML'- xE rt fuji; or ir. tnc v-. in. • • ; j in,. T:fCr> "a :t) w : <>u\it in c:<>iKii'Ct \ :in o cie. . Thf* j fctSr I SfuSi | };)(’• (j i)iy pj 'i vOti 111#' til’%l *. 11.'. ; xis - ’ t ' j (P • »)•!. ir . r v' ' ' • !’ 1 "l « ’.' i ViL‘.. »*<,j..if • Wi dmiT v. l.u’Jl be .:e ; .: j O’.vi"f the D; i ii.un E.e !-.• u-.t. j ■■ jr.-asim. but ,« i- ; mr.o,t . eert.Te - | n 11 Jack A ll :er,. :. lor; ye. : b.' , ill will n.r be "i: S.-'n: ih<unn| chi ! :?• d'Ar 'erlmi ■. . r'.iire .- ini.fi cC-i died ill buy,.::; Mlt.'l . : :u j 1- I hi.-: cln.sn with ihn Her? ■ Arm- - | - ? \ • t•<:;'■ Ot I AH oi' ’.dhicli biUUia **• ui •.••.•-.•id to] ‘ ; ew: ii’i!: ’ *i;i i V. Nc:j , Ai.n : .t.t. | c ■ Awdi .(. iatjoin wi)l h.u v*.* *’ccirp- ; in> j n TkiOvViiua Virvihu;; -Big FiHi" ! Wanta Make s’s? Go To Hawaii! HUNOLULI ANPi It. 1 \v.,. - . vc;;,! .4' v. n «0„ Negroes -...1. d in a a and a bad nnlllioo ; U.k! " ,: : an. !,' 1 •T t,. v:i i: ,r , •• y. iflß Hlf. -• . CllD iJ? L; i.’ 1• ’ : • f-) j- s ,- ,1 i; Tonnr.,y ih'ii. Frank Moore, an. . i’) i, ■■xor,.- „:v.ie, i 11... box . i':, charing tilt.* highest proii. : Sandy Sr.ddlo; now world’:, fe.e i- 1 A ;t ch.n-iphm, probably wa.- ! ill. kirk" i v.-inue.*. TO I (.11 I \l> | Bobby Liar: . : -'. wc’:c vveigi’i • p'w-iki!‘rfi oki Vallejo. Calil , did i L very vend job a Philip Ku.y Raleigh Tigers May “Cut Out” j The Raleigh Tigers Baseball t li. b jwi 11 give strong consideration 10, :an offer made by a gn up ol' South: ! Carol:;:;! business men ta move ; their Me: ro Arnericvi: Assocituion | franchise :.o k.ri .r.■, ■. ?:y t, ,i ,■ I The Tigers, champion.- of the; jNcgra Arcericai: A.-:::oc:ation play-, jed a nrmber of games in Rack H i: ; j South Caro! na lasi season'. Tho • | select - ' from a box-office point of 5 [ , i:- vr of 'lie it an ,d Pock Hi!! last! j.-xasert the reason ;list the ciub; : ftieiar arc- v.ivi.'r sti'i n:' cnr.sid ; ;oration in th L;.j;ca.-te.- .(for ‘ v ’ " : ■ l l ' not Pie T:t iru.’v;- ;( > ; - x.. ;. )(ji {- ~ „ ,p s | , j DRILL H i wilson pares shaw BASKETBALL SQUAD TO TWELVE PLAYERS | The- Shaw University cage svjumh j' V T hic: ’ R* !i ' ed *>.V Coach- Buna jNV i. ■(•• ic 12 men. launched im cca j seasen inutK’umiolv jv.ai,,,--- . , I v. I- .-a .os .owne, vi.sjlii ' • •.<■ IC J ,( ktd; nf w, Virginia Si.A- : j January and i a king .... Bliiete - i i.i • Bi uas Hie h - in win: ’ i■> : : b: Hu roup ol 12 j.-i aye:... . ■ in. as- nave f-vc -;do\ < ,-s fa:.a' past your The veterans include. • | ij ro high scorer for the team ja : ; ; yeaa with Msi pointy an Alfred; Hnii-uis, lia.-hy iorecour! perform- • ! r from Chicago. win> was ruin-er ! u i> 'viih 224 points. Inclncb d ■: i . j Horace Burton, a a-.!;unvt - ; p U; iid fron-i Alexandria. Van Ed | ward Roper, guard, a junior from ‘ j Charlotte; and Ch-irle- Wilson j guard, anpiiomorc m Ea.-,1 Orange. | jNr w Jersey. i - ! ! K l ei; Barksdale. sophomm - ! i W tlson, w! i o.- e N erf dk C out it \ ; | ; -T Bv - daring '4B. has joined web! die powers that b“ in Portsmouth 1 V.I - • i,, -. *- 1 - '.i. . iuirj» Das iiinmi a , ci>irp'.:fitien to the NAA bceauM* i iif Sae rn’ibiT- Ira)] plated b.v it.: I member teams, but v.h.H still p t . a lpa:n in the neck iand other loculi l',v"l I‘-> 1 ‘-> 1‘ e p, j.. Vt !‘he ITI : °!a 10 pay -he pmyer,- i 'B eerat .^fw/- m NATIONAL H BOHEMIAN JM - SEER fig} if | IW I Hrewed and Bottled by Tht? National ; j Brewing Co , ot Balrinicre in Maryland : SiG SCHAFER & SON A THE CAROLINIAN ■ IvOJY.M:. )fiSt Y'lT’k, «f It SiOUgD s.a i Burn.-.-’* nvipn; tod to j ! li;. hi Ruber: Tiikwslma several | ! v ecky , and In-' the dCvisio King Olive- a; tim y mr. vrk, : Andy Ander.-tun made a. good! :" : 1 ■ e |n.-l Ml ,1 TK< > ' 1 B'.lh .Vi '.,' ho>s n.id di'Uice :u : 11'<' Sv.i v .me: cn Kxiir,i• »;«*( j ; ,'i:;.1:1pi(.,.'.; nil Jail >iai'.\ V will ! l i <•;:me fui :i Haw uinli virit. t*.vo more years to run, eNpees.-i top i.ave nine of his pi-ivc-. from last!’ I rea:; -n’s tesru. Pirv -. :.. (■ to :, tu ril ... (* C;U ri;- :' crs Murphy "Stee t rap" Morgan ' ; and Root !1 Sails. liifiGder? Nat j i Day:... Donald C’k.rk: .Outfjeldci* j : • Hill Scott ;, : al Janu s .Tone--. Pitch- . .or-: J- O Chestnut, Bi!t Hartwell aml \ ' | Rescue Faison. i: ; i! ‘tcwph.yoir already j; pat » 'lira'.: Mili •! Kid Sniitm | ik.ad bil'.ag and ..V ia;, aimed jn-;‘ : f.elder vrio played with Ai: mhi: 1 If!.■•: l-l Or ekci" 1 . . t )<■.;-();: :id ’ J Smoky H dl. Hom atcd ? i-v .'U-.h.:.: P’!.. I'.C: I'd 22 ha tic i" :i> a i.-UOf- v.-'iile I ( Aduyv:.; •; Nev Iberia Fa. last' 1 , ■ ’. tii o : i iu-mas Darij.'’ ..- Nowar.-; field It R.'.iijN; ■ . LI ■, : W.i-id, 11 Gior-a. ■ i. • VI»• V.'l. KS' ’ wmr, ! . TMii.r.;- i a co.':!'. a.'. , a 2.: Vcime soneu- , li.lt- uicludi: :• games > n the Show | tr;:j \ f i i■.>:arv.ix. ;,)• ot iw: : S;v- ’.ih::>i'.- u\ nm-siiini v. iiii main • ,’vt n'.-stai tin;.; i .m, -t g o'elc.e,: j . Pin> i- 'hoiiul. <a r.-m,lining luirc.c ! ! games a a.-, j'nliww-: 'ai. 21. Wo own-Saiei'it Tcacl'ie; St. Pat;'.'-' Cwii; F"V -5 A. ,',<i ’J C. •; tf-.'i Foi. r. BlueJiei.i Tear. <> • Foil. ;2 H ,11',;":on Ic.stitn > F. h. : ! Virginia Suite Feu. 18 Delaware State F’- 2(> \V" i Vt: inia State 'Feb. 28 llii'.v .rd Univcrriiv !M ” -i J C Siui'di Umvcisity — ——— —— ~ ——— ———— “—* V'V ' •’Vv , ' :- '’V < : See a demonstration, of . . !jl| I ° J o ‘ o T% Friffidaire felljr automatic washer 'i M, _ '■“Nar"*' Now enjoy ' Finger Tip ' washing with the Frigidaire Fully i' ,'%l Automatic Washer and exclusive Live Water" Action. Ail you do is wvlfei pin >n clothes and soao . . set {he dial—and forget if! The Frigidaire Wws Automatic Washer •• $ all the . -ttsf. .. and remember only the Frigid- C v aire Washer has ' ■ Water" Action that gets clothes cleaner, brighter, whiter than you could ever Imagine Come in. See a demon | *.**’''* drat ion of this different, tolly automatic Fnyidoite Washer. STEPHENSON A PPLIANCE CO. 225 S. Wilmington Street CHAMPS MOTHER IS “PRO RETIREMENT” NEW YORK Joe Louts' 'aotii rr. ;VJ i. Lillie Biowk- Ban -v. Hot roil, hope-; and pi-ays that Joe .-.tner \. i . tight .main In an nrli ... j: Sport* World, Mrr ir :. w d'-'duiN'. 'i:ms up her feeling: Ly rayi’-.g yit ain't i Jot.! ’ "f i.nw'.v ..-veryhodv say:- J a puing to fight avail:.' she says, ‘but lie ha-n’t i.-aiiy 'ogni.d anythi,.!; yet. H , "'.li: told mV not • pay any attention to ntniors. I iiOr. s.e ll corni' imint ai.d trdk , vor '.'.ili ii .< HI a, he always il . a* l w. .: lie d'-t .'- d •: uu’ ,o !: r ;tjt Beating The Gun BY ALVIN’ MOSES NEW YORK-—(ANP)—THIS FIRST TOPELIUIIT SPORTS bfOiuicpstcr, i'ud Uusinjr, !iav caHod "time out” ttiler Y-V yea!'- oi' oNcitiug and profitable contribution U> ail of us. Years apo i battlotl for the llusinp honoi' when j ho did the unpardonable by referring to a promiv d ioot- Lail Hassie a.-: beinp; on tho “puiritl sid- The bi. v. k. i.f nidio and re. li,w-p: ;ha bii.-inc.xs went out e.un-j Pin.:; f. :• (In' in,in whirto voice lie 1 bf, II likened "fluid drive." - "a I.U r.ded F rnch h<*t" "S 4 : laud's hetitli , bc’V.” etc e‘e. i lit) t (If U II! (I INTON Hr A:,: i me t.-in Commcrc. . Hirix School dated rival ol ir;, pi. i iaa De Wnt Ciintoo. v.'he ! :? war .... ,e- d < 1918. ~ver T. ur . : ;t< •j ui Bf.u Is St .Cm (' • 1 ' * r’.J J- - : kid • had U«- id ' ivi, :i, k. ,-e all i. :: dryr !v --t' cli >V. v ■ r i's cox ks «cobble sjoii Oxi and <■!x<Dr v.li'lde.t by tin , predominantly let:;** population liv me outside the. ir-m curr-kn of Sari; Juan Hill. P.issibiy ihat ivns why ] liked i th ir: Commerce prodivt when ho caught oil with the networks; , Vv.TZi ii: Jft'l-t wli f he a inn in * ■ inovr in t:c writing field. My scraptmoks contain a .few letters from Mr. Hus,birr :. . ri m ! who never bothered too much: M>,ml '. I,a! tlv .-am- yon if-' vra; ; kief! y intereMci. '.vi.ll v., ah - k.ou’d he. hi oi.'s: ah:litv You either l;.yi i; ni Ted opinion, • c '. "'t bowed to sonv. - : r-.'sefeo': tnir.n ii-' L’ ' t; i,V.\U V-; i }>(•* TU i ■ < u Dy B* old c.ol: 1 1 'o ret-T.!i Ui;* iho*. •”'R:;d-:.nd-ono - rt »w . Lit serif; vi a'- could - r-lV It Hi.:’ L«t duPi' CNtu a ic( t • •.. .. ’.jt- A:a- . }t> <i i:,.i r *•: .hi. O.U' win ; '■ 'L< <i-i v, ..fit} r; JV- ii H:l? Dl .. ihv.ril \v. r. i) -fii, :*j if i : wn .* ; . Iv< iajt'ft \n rr e.'iUon. 'i'hov !(.!’ •». j r l* . Isl . r. \tV' l»> (b)n* WH() }i*W - t‘ ! m ■'ii.) . t • mind 57.500 :. year for ' me i-f'Jy d;a;,:;iiie need)-. -' ~,n'd sir up- • Fm-o-o ,-t."d i • tfor the Hus-1 '-rr himself cvei • i'h bH-oine tax,. " at : 11, > are in .ur e, ntury V.’lLl. TH F. GIANTS \N D VA\KK ;; .<■ a:. A \.;a 1 ra.-, a.-hi play, r i Tee S.prin.-. H'.iin SUDDEN SPURT IS MARGIN FOR TIGERS La.wreiiccd ;Ue. Va. Tin Ti -r . St. Paul's Pol .h ■ hr:-. Institute played hivt to Liu- ih pel's . 1 1 T-. nnor-ee St '! • a : f"ol!- .La> Icift week and a.-rt «; i thrillin'? cor,test. The Jught.v rated Tennc.r-.c nr "ii Lad i usd b a ten A. and T L’idleae 6-1 44 and t). •, „K d North • kvolina Teachers College 5!4 3 ; >. ; The.) were on their way to play , ! .. n two game:;, I'.tn- in Nor foil; • I once more." 01)11 K I IkAIirRLS WrP’.cn liy I).-: d t -v, riter Teniiiiy Devine li'iii.L .iticir . unl> cxprpjsoV. ; ' Mrs. B.%rr<i'.v ' li pe:, n:;' al ■■ ve. r ;:: furt'H’r inaiyhi into the cluii ac- t ! : "t Joe Louis, one ot :hi most . !i: str.di d a d wdl-Pked porls • ; jit;, an’:, of ah time •Spot's World ids;: p: ivcnts .: full : Iji'aoe Icut'-i i!or photo of the (hinop : i othfa to I fi-.,; ; | f. ;d oi o .11 I ••o h!' - I'our.ci ui r.h- tied ism,-, i 1 ■inp eamp new? in Kebiuat v"" They ; ril; ii iky • • !•• iiei • coioted aid , ■ .o- ii t ' • • a'-' in tlii < "• ■ section ;a tney so richly deserve. I i a ;,|M ‘ i rail with •au for a : im., ■,i r.itr ;ii,on( fin' fans who' • year ;.i at.d o:.i iHircoase lickets j ..n tend M< i: lea.:.ne kaxebal! rd- j • iore. t'.a oi dlimii (4 1 • ..ter M u 1 . j * *;. i • Ai ' i,f ih- in a, •■ Ameri- : La!. ol (.i ...I' and ti ;• ittei.decl : , ( a.o. - ram • it: oddi: :m. o . i oati’i'ipi/.inv tils that shed budding ; ..Mi-hard i"" 1 "! in a "< fj , out af-bouiHis manner up i" seven j lor (•!£;>:; yern ayo }J ,U those fans stayed u’v;.y bccuas,' i:hey teit Uie .-ihfcreiice :n ■ i;r. bel'A ceil tiie ; i ma. jor.s and i heir league was too j | marked -- Near-, baseball would { • iiave folded com pic tely lony be- I ji-a-e now instead of in 1948, find | ha’ I; at rc-sarv to tnert-.ei the j : Nau... Xe:'":, !. on- ha,, a Si"ea:, limil F->r shot, i ay. take a ren t de- j ■ it-ur • in i'.y boy's fu*’i! <* as well I . : your -so: keeping ali\e that | I :-a.k that has e-iabh'd club own-j P pro ide. !-: and team personnels j .to osri .y o:i inaiead of killing tae : !M: (’ball j- tho' j-Minnul pasda.io, i SATCiILi. PA JDK v-dj'. nt a mtt- j ■*. ■ m 'Kid'koe to oilchioe ~i:c oi SAND'. HADi JI.EJ! will la\ '- s t. , ’ :at 1.0 in a < a . • t .0, ; I:k■ ■ .A a Ka: 11a.■ W ;• ’ ; ban;.'', Lai;:,or , a . \ oil 140 j :plunders. S.iddker is u good Kid! 1 '.’ a. i Hao iax a ■ r.■ .■ i t ,'. i.-k; <if ih-. • i a .... ry ! ■ ti.uht her. throwi m JOB LOUIS ■a ;o heodlmM,. Jmm .. i v , j 1949 He- Will • in ■ till u ti, o “ oi iy hi : . latest ehedukd me . mond. which they wan and ora :n K:ci; All •’xiuxdl ' ,",o odds .i* 111 av’. . 'against tin in the pixlvtechtiii a j ir w first Idoo.l when Cum bo* - at. h -, ■ v.i oil ' foul and I: ■ a ♦hnt poirci they went in to hole. i ten point ;• ivantage through ■ ,ut the enure f'is period. Th-r j Tennrrsoi live calle.l repeated | lime outs in an effort to slop •he drive of the Polvtechnics. TSOER GAOERS OoTSIIOOT NCG BY 59-38 MARGIN DURHAM The Tenors: e" I Sttit CoL'c.’e Tigers gave a thrill : ’av.-. den.■:.!);:! ration of set -hc t. opt r ! ntio; ■■ here 1". : Wednesday in de :d. a: * No hr Carotin.-: ' College afl-kj hi tin Eagie- Jii"-: horne coi. t.'at. far tile .-e i'-'Oi: Alth; tieh t '•■.■'li .! mny VicLe: - i eh.irye- \m'i I'airl.v stieees .tin in '.\'ickme the ball info scor ittfi ptirkion .I:irii::■ inaecur .ley under tiie haskei account; al , F'l iheit IM'-'I ■ 11 ti'.'C 'tai ls this >a ■ ; a-.; i HIGH ktORDtS k C.ith' a " Charlt".-' YVi) .c-.i ’Hi tin vi ilia. .coring ,vith H poili’ I’.'iC'i; a' 1 ii" :< > s i:; - Fkigle.', Robert "Skid.! Herrin-:. ". „ v ,-s » high 'hi ' n,ate in Kama fit', at", with Ttwi.i's-ee ■ Wdron a-id . CJii'it at c» >! ii .1 . 11 Joi [t) point' «’hiic L;i V. mtt; iEim-di 'Witii fi. HAMPTON SKIDS AS HOWARD IS 56-3! VICTOR Hampton, Va. Displaying •harp ■ tne.-r and coni ness How •■ fi Pun- ••••.it* qqumtot gallop ■i I. da If* dak : 1, ll I ove ■■ imi,:on ■•. Ponte le. n- F. idav : Jan. 7 uik! inata ! m to in by I ’-ho :-::!ne uugm. 56-37. Tlio \ i;s; j ■ ax not only employed th l ee tall • •ran, in v'ri at ad. ant.i:;. m •. i;i j troll my t.h: backboards, but nut'."- • | tVwv errors and utilized the Le- 1 j leu;if: to r : rat advadL;::., | t J; :t. Bi'-nn to ate", ini | ili. • seorine. with j •. ixuat . i-tose. l''.dui’Avd nr Whitt i.'l-t Pidiai’.i. j ivith UI; Walter Wriehf. with 10 ■ and F:aniv Bcnth. ■ it?. !». Two i cente. ltd the Pi rate.-- - Jim i Forte; . With 8, a I Phil Scott | For Howard, the game marked I 3 t’orutV*:u - k alt* r lose:- to N. *' St.-.te n i Maryland. Hamptot: j . t aav h':.l beaten Maryland. ; hut h: t -o a .-ix- stratgld victor : iis in loiltdlny up an undefeat d ! ree-.'.i'd ..ooust ivin eonfeii-'if' : no n rd - The t'it ale ’ fu-v- Vir ; o : Union : n Ru'hntond .m F". ir \ • T/tij, • v * 4 CX-BCXERFACES SAP TOR SERIES DF BUHGULARIES UONOI.UU.'" < AN Pi Herman ■•ik;.' }- ••:("), v. rL imovn island:.’ ’ boxer a!',: furra • Middle woi;;ht V S Navy t.Lam pi i was arrested on December 28. • nr one of Ills pair, when police office: s found e safe • 'DiiUiinin;- SIOO in cu?h and sov rai hundiY- i <inlh; iii cluii'k'i in a car, • I :/, | •j, list'd t!> liiill :: • Ui.e - i.-uy I Il.iwar A large a-sortiii- ut of burglary • lo.ks viTi found in !!:<• roar seat i ~... . i 'am r. • ■ vised bv in, mei T>ie sale was in the trunk com AC < Otll'l Id IO 111 IV ia-r! .i-i.i e: 22. Patton's ac ja, tied, ini 1 • a i . captuicd I'ut'jv evieonce tbri ..l lea ! two lillt'! nun were i:.,oiv,d. Tne safe idtatiliod as one : taki'-a from Uciiick.'s Dry Goods St' ■ The OV- did ini know i: j,!: t had iv n burglarised un til informed by Die police. Past, a has ; ; been in the ring or shuwii::' m many p. : so: - i for ."even'd inanilv. aftei making PAGE FIVE

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