PAGE SIX PATROMZI*: THESE ADVERTISERS Good Shepherd Re-elects Board For Coming Year AH mcniliu: *-l llto ho-pitai 1 card i‘s ■ (I"ix.i .'iv i:!s<; >i 11'■. pita) were I PCb i ie.d for the r-.m --it>C .'Tri.' i: was toimcpd ihi week by John C. Dunn, Jr . m men. Addition of ih'i'f new incnibrr. in the i ui: mg i iff .: also .mnouni't ! Tin- th. 'A now members ~.u Miss- Mamie Pliijlil . Mi- Wiilio Mae -Scott an-.i .Mi- Dorothy double, M'.- Philip, i i :.;cht i;p of it v Community Mo-imPi: M.• t u Nr,. -me ,i LV \' i ' Pi i . to appo •mu. to tlv- ,( <. :,id Sb*phe, ii .:. ;, ■ { vue mold hr ,(>c rating ruc>m ; upi i v SO•" ;»• f r .\\ >i*.r< t'i oo*- ptiy). She ■ iii rrve ,s op-on,'ln i ( ln :"i ■: ■> ivisoi • ' it.,, ■ ShOphe iri Me-- .Oil M (!:* :e„ *. : both e- urinates of ill \y.-’\'T'\ (!0"<1 S ,!V; i! ; j ;-p . { <,* bl,l. S C The io-iimb -o' {t0;,,,-! met' uk »•••',- ii- !-: op j \ j j blip, i is-’- I.ifi : t O T (•'- i otii'ii pip, sir,,i impi o\ cincnt-S ~i (ho ,n-iituM-> . v. -lch icfiudod me addition -i several new pieces of eqii pmoo! e.wi !!ir install , -,r ssphalt. die tin opjphu::; the build- JI - £ Alih.-ngh a defies! vcpwrted fr,i tin- vrsr, no motion Wi,s I.iki •• hr i::o board : «.an! the inCi'OilV, i:' of 1 (111- jMcrnbr, of tine eoard reekiieri r, ’addition Mi Kan-on lucluiT.’-.1. .lutJVi G Dima. ,lr.. i-liaar.., ,■ \v < Ch.idv.KA ler chilirm 1 an I i H Sr ... i 0.,! v-tl-sa-, r IILVMM k -BKOVI \ M THUS 111 i ll AN* - IKK m. ( . rtf-,to, i. ' fl. Vimr-r v , < . .1-.. , i nj-o , ).(- .-I ■ {■■ a ■. j: fp . hit!'., In M. ..- | - \ - .) !>to a , £b fsh,l,„., ! ■ ■ -a, r S A.Jfnj;, r, , .4 ! ;> VO a , ,f rlioi'-. 1 j'ts o. Pa. iff, V , ■ ..] aTfoti . sior-r r IVI ! : an life i' ■ •U ! > ■ , ;, , <•170 ' VI .;. I-,- T < I r: ■ ! '.1,, . i tII.'HCCO t'l ail fld I in. Bride h:u 1- -' 'Hi f.iitn Nr-riJ: cm, ;, -, . .... 1,. . ; \ Dlii'te/p for- v - *a! ir Tps \ bavo tahen up residence at Vticr Si-, nt. D 1. !v -. M Bi.'d- ri* a-- • ■ r.v 1 , „f 1 , M . a-aa Ordci affii a led an .. ■can l.oiion p st. and attends *ra 'Vl.iip Rock Bapli-i i.'.ij., ,j, u-,.,4 * it* Midway Bee-r Garden Ne-wiy Open .-. i ii-. IHe 1 rinp. i»? 1 . '.ran 0 :in>i b 1.1 no: 1, a a ■ an K.\lOiirii, ,1 S-. i* a ■ ■,i ■ a : a; a f;a :”i r He It iKa-a : c.i n :-c* e; ai jiliP.-'.t-s <>t i igricuM-.u.'it work egpeeinHy in '' , i. hie and sv* me product inn. a" OR ADI VTiON IS HELD FOR Vi ES I STREET S. S. VOl THS Th, c<.n'>rcgiiltoi. of Inr BY, ... Street < a ki. .■ Uuc-m d i I‘i i vicc -. .nidm ird l-\ tJi*.- V'-iiu:; 1 i'cop ■ S.ic.i--*' .ficir,. .■•n under :i;c > ■ ii-iOC. a! .\i>: M.lgiM: \lc : (.tiiiii Tlicre were 17 treu-jiger,* In robes i -sic oapf-. ia levs lad bde n:a.,a me dmvn the church males ti> re • reive el ‘ill *•!'• acn tifvinc Ibe c, ; vice they i.,.d rendered ihair Sur, ' :>.i> Sdi.-.l anci (. tv..u ; The* wo.-c i . !bc Sui'dri* S* i i Gr.iduai tug * . f 1948 i Mi-- Madw Sut!u ; oot-ned tue ser\ i'-: b> leading di vofions witli 23r0 fa-aim S"’e- vcix -i a. by Me.- Mr.i ic Brc Ml'- - (~aic; i a r- MeGirt!: Mt.sS Octa* ia Tamm: •ducts by the Little Sitvwn 11 Si.- to vs. ~1. A fu;,- Mac; ;ir ' M. M.U p , <■! M- •TC a Mi M.u.c I \ jr'av )}!C.-r- led :a,mr.’ Whv t>. Wo Go 1c '• mfiav Scbooi ' Jr, this liai.r the fen ifirl-: pc: si.iarled Li'tlc ;i Rbrn-. the 1;>: 1•-• . 1,.. >to Sunri.a ■ >yC - IT) r ] '.f ; . ti.» c 1 , p-a-1 ~ .if th-: di -- pUrrii i-.\ I,c-a 1 e1 or *.'h,, ,1 : .- j 1,. : -,ve them enc-'.ijtaging 'vonis ibf -; ann.c. -. marched tbrnuan the 1 • will, r.K - Mi . iij a .'fine *fllltlfed . ' -"'ic- c ,p.f. 1 irrdcr-hj;. , •Vcy, iiy he; work with the ten (IT. (,\M)\hE Wi lis iilss M WINE SMITH Mr ,-c-fi Mr.- Frank G. rduc-.- nf H S : , 1 ; !•’a- ■-*. I. ■..•iirtced 1a - ntaii'i. tif 3 id 'h< . sue (’;>] Alex.ic der lo Me; .Inauit;, Maxine. I The mipf id ccreTn,, 1,; c - tnok .race as the home the i-rific D-u.adlc. 11). .1 J,--,;;i u'ia Gahciner . . . ... Maticicd a.j -T-aanibu Ohio win ihi mapi'en i re. siimeinv c.f t: c fantf'US 332nd Air Kigh'e: G1- up PERSONALS *--Ct -nir S‘i. .p;a.i *• '■> i t’nneri at Ko’ 1 Hi). N ,1, is nr.s *I- Mu. .. I el.l'ivf. 1. br ft Will,.lia I<:i'.\ on Sireet Mrs EUz iiiela I! i-k u- of New T k CiH 1 ‘i* the house! iJucsl of Muss fioob.- Baiter Kouncdicc d Shaw Uni- ! versify spent file week end here with 1 unity. Miss M, ; Uic \l'do j'horna- of this c ty has recently changed her placet | of re: idence to Pitiiadelphta., Pa Mr ■ Mai y Fiariri' 1 .tc. ard.s ,tirj • tjs >V.ilium Boon, -perl VVedi;, - i.’ ■ -. Kin -t'-ii visiting M-s Do; a tvlcDiruo) Mr nr id Mr.. Lonnie Davis of - -< -Street ii a , i f t nt: • rclnrncd ! . from ,i 1- ;. to New York Cu ■■ Hem y Curler of Norfolk. Va . j ;'-*-■«? vi-u tig Id., parents. Mr. and |M s Martin Cartel and family of : ]N, 1 ,1 Haj lowe Mr.- Let ha r.iyfoi, ,f RianviUe. Y . was visiting friend.--, and re- ; jla lives for the week end. CLUB ”65” OF BEAUFORT Affiliated ui*h Club “(»5- of rm Cana! St , New Bern. Sea Food Dinners A Specialty. Dancing Nightly. Admitted Itj gars? and membership card. 3m; oneen SI BEAUFORT, N. C. Mulachi idwards, Owner .tames H Davis, Xlanager i “YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST NOW TRY THI BEST” | Vails Barber Shop 1032 BROAD STREET , j f’honc 3954, Mrs. R. F. Vail, Prop J. W. Reese GROCERY Groceries and Meat* 1048 BROAD ST. .Dial 4481 Y -y 1 itia-a nin him umm wn i.u ._■« .1 L i Speaker Cites Cause Os Church Decline In Dixie HUCK Ml! !.S P; 1 (ANP) The ,• • ■ -,o .. -ic. ijnr in ru -,l cbun.-iies i beiiiit c-ut-:'d by an 1 nnde.l |.v ic ponvlv trained,’ ovi r aliscnttc minislry." declarc.-i I the Rc\ St in 1 3 Dixon. .Tr.. d 1 rtetor of .et i-inu extension i-ervit.*- Tuibegct bwUtitti-.. In re las We;. I 1 1< Mi v a ii .• ■ <11:4 the j.iii-.- ,u:uu-d meclitn ~t tin- Hon,- i .ii*i unis Council ci Not th Aine- ii,, . Pri'te-tan! body cotv.pi. cri nf 23 , don'-’min.'itions. Ii -opi* , t 11 Hi.- -latcnient Die ! Ht"\ Mr Dixon b d the full- ■ i.ip no i - revealed in 1 11 \uy he c>..-- dueled among southern Negro tural -mn.istcis: j t ROM OTHER I il l l>S Fnor to entering the mi:i.-!:y, ,|i) (Ciceid had -e.,|i farniP;--; tit pi re r.l, 1 i»n 1 teaei'.err. ~i ,d 30 | .t: I ■ .-■ I—l|< s !-i -I t! . .1. ill ' •he like. The :a fra:,., niitiister Jived moa' than 10 mile fr.-m Ks churci. Only 20 percent occupied .parsonages Over ha if nf th nunis'Cr.s marie : kthan SIOO ■. month; 30 nci'cc-rit ' as -t); m S'll iii'.i'dh i d l-n ni a. '• ’-’st alary. i:. Inunr oarnod by 1 a 2-> year old -ilffte- *i,id ,-'i imoa. v ■ • graduate Se e; fyfiie ncii-cnt >.f the mit ’ Jstc.-a work a! oecup.ii:' n-- o a-. - ' way I'otinccY’d v 'Di churih actlvi iin' I'nc tivni.stcr ■* !.. ..... rvc two 'U a-a:it inf niiiei >n:p <>: ‘i- i opera'c- u onii.vinaii.‘ 11 ’.cry ..tore and ca.- station. "T!ic rural church ruu-at do more • :. l\iif al).r-r,K.-c [n-eachevs in : ■■ 1 act 110 t's iaiii i.-ooduct revivals : Die Ik* Mr.; -aid "One -f :| l‘ fir 1 steps toward nv; rove ":C. ' , . tiii *, in ai Xu:., o ec i,r ' - ouii! !;• the voi .pm ot •■! - ■ • ii’.’.;ni i uteri’.d n the i a i:, j*y ■v■ ■ - :.*11.., - -ii ii ..;<(■ : . . > ;; ■ ■i. .ffii iv • BOARD \FI DI D , He also recommended’ tin a ra don. nf 1 oral hbrad;. den nunafloi-.-l gruit; - -■•■'it it chi..',- ehe;- ir. ic-i-d ji-fH- In 100 many in.-f.inres, be. -ted out. .-nr fh-.d> t)ive< 1 ‘*111: -m .ill. ■ "li.a 1 dikapid.ucd ■l.l ehe ,-.f differi n< d-'noniinatiuns : mnetitig ir, a eornmuniiv Vac "ll’|i could h< off ipo. n * U-111 •<•: I'll Ma,k .3 ax lap vr a,ciari,i, of tlie c'.imeij, Yi . a- k r'. i ei r.i •i, e - ’ Prophrlie Si.if-ic.-.-:i} 0,. Hoo t Mi -iMi- ' in which in : .ached : upon the eutU'Ok (•>,- , . 'tni.-cjhr rnmoiit- groups .... ■h-n.ilit- 11- 1 j and .‘poeial urouii Ac mki-mf •. shHien-opy, ... He said: In the r.we -,r all rhy-e f.roups, then aie : ryPral thim:- » e •i. ..Id ,-ia ■ i ..■hive ti: the eoninig n-;. ■ "We "hoiflri insist open th, pro ; if-tii'ti of the cavil rim 1- nf ail .•i..! «v ups. Wherovo p .«si . we should issimi-atr these mivio;-- ty Si’ ups into the estahliKliiO , - i-hnrencs without regard ia race <» t .'h(s.. T.-.c 1 Utk h,.:> arrivc-d -a. -a - e sc.niiKt ( "i : , :-n na,- ■ ,-, funds t • Dll* ids- .-e t,.a;a,te 1 Iv,, - for many „f the-, group Nev )-, eleetid pc 1.i■ -r 11 f ice - m.-imel) a Di. 1 ■ rrnan Dou;;!-. • Met ,;tn-e vie: ~!,-|e.p ~f miskioi.a boa’d 1 -ml'roc.) i onal i. hrlsfian i**' urches, w- Vorh D- Doiigla.-: , ai-.., nirmb 1 tbs luadpr i- - -.{ J.-M, . end Tillol;.,ii (’nit. p, fie Mircee-; Mrs. .7 D. Brace .f S’ i, TYI -haimr-m of the Foreign dep .11 I (Tnut ~f the Women's Sofiat- ~f iChtisfian Service of the Method!*;' ' Cm,m- Vio. ( lii Kt i| UOi M il. HEARS DR. JACKSON JEFFEBSONH CTTW AMI’ H: J. H -Incksoi, pa tor -,f Oi vet j n,i ( it. ; . Church .f Criitegi. .bare,; j Hie I 'la(form with I’m C T (-, S prosy-sot of the Te.tamer, 1 J Kd Yale th livers, t y during th- Vi'- i -’ouri Council of Ci ni ehe: it.. • ;;-neet)ng held here in .Teffeiniii! U.'.v. .January J? 13. 3 lie Missouri Council of churches I ; includes .-Di of Du- i-t-presenUitiv-. s ! j Protestant denominations m ilte , .State of Mi sor/ri :n its ide: r.,- ad ! -i Ihe rim.’ Tit- meet.-ng w;,s held an one of the downtown, ~’hitf j ehtJi’r!, Both .-pcairers delivered I'hi-ie add 1 eiseij during the two! i i'iy sgs s 1 f»11 EL'. C i‘riig rierilt With :;ornf' nf*Vi’ J |b ' i'll:- in new t.esltmicnt inku-juf | 111. k.sori Sjinke on -onto i af H ; -- •'-inerts in Die nature ~f jHe pointed nut that, ihe source , kka. eat fe n- of m den, civilization j j. - man himself The most daiexri u; j'ticrme.; of our democratic may of; life he told the mixed audience a.-,- ; ! sPmfcled, ’arc those Atoerimn cili | ver.s who net tbemsctv«! and their | , petty notions against the fed era i i ; constitution of the United States I America.'' Hr. Beckiv. executive accrefarv ! of the council remarked that this j was one of the greatest sessions of! the Missouri Council o all of its I history. Since Missouri is consider-j ori by tradition and in many cases j by jwxetice, a southern state the 1 PM'Fiinr; must iim.ii ideied , mo-’l j ,I’i'Miiii, ;( :,j,", j NEW BERN Ci\ ii Rip Ills Forum Ha Li in New Orleans NMY. OHI.I-.ANS, 1...- ANF> i Under poiianr- ,(i of the local .h wi. 1 ennm'umity eetiU-i •« -. ries nf dim a-- ion:- !a-■ 1 tig -. n civil • 1 i**,ll!.- "v.i - i'i.i))iiii’lii- a i ere last wee !•:. It u a the ■ riei-i: u ot npimou janii'iig i'e K.oup itiat the -uadipil ■■ iiri ion of intoler uhv for min ority . roups might be made puss’ | bir by tne pa- ;o.' oi iaws gun, - -i)."■■'U full civil i a.-.i't;.- ;. ail per ! ons in (hr U S 1 a ibs; a -1 11 !■ 0; Gem .0 aS-a;, :. ii; group decided to carry >se -ts Diei.U' ' Attitude can't .>,• .cu slated, bn! civil rir'hts can be !in ought aboul th.ooK-i legi-siatii.-p." Reifdix Oilers Rare \niin f o Miss, /oo JACKSON. Mi.-. < A NP' .J'tcoD b Heddtx mi -iden' if i;iek..-o,i C'"!lcu now in l.;l>eri,i on ;; fel :■ a .-’nrty. off, e,| era ;to hr in- back with him rare ani Mai. fin Die J.H’kior city ?•--«>. The ooied oriui-alor wrote City intuiisinni-*- R S *Sunip) With iOn His’ there wild beast- wouai cosl Sl.'.ini' m 5’. 300 for a fair eot t, 1:111:11. if •:< no,' if the local ■OO arc supplied k m Rcddix fcaid, a wi!J b»-*rtg tiie animais with him ■ll in- ret us n March ot April r.M K urils ;■ -ttpcrv'.- ng the IV’oker T. W;o iegtou h sttttrtt in K -. I i, t: ■ 1.- -' ud\ :! Hi: wife ami daughter. ShVley Am- ... e bv.t:,! with hi n in ito . M 111 indy ; on rural edm ~ To:- to Pitch .-S ok fund h New York Ni*\a Nrjjro Hospital I<> t!,Uf Bi-Rm ial SfaM A‘} * N ■ ■ wr- 'Ej-us nvr i. pi ii ( .- ■ - • ■ '• exf i Ci/tl t.*> he rompi€l€d ithi*~ .* . vc:jv. Vi], bkvr Scam p,nr\ white G'.vmu-.. .- r,n ity • T . ; ff IFihp? ; t • ! . ( V!: i ■ ’•( th.' I'll* \, !VK lih . : . i ’.}] •• ’LI.; -\. -'.(C ‘Jjr •'h.k jX'lic.v hnn* Lt.-i week, th nf whit- phvr-i cm . wo\M ru.! j, r diM nm;natc Ni'k'Mif. m (i ’• •nc ruc'- nuik ‘Lem iiv-.Lpmlc f • to i Vi erv-• ‘n c Hi»•• pj is |. S f Ts i; D 'V., •.■ • jn• T't KToc In Gr.'idy ■ >i.* op. Spoidmu -j,ho Uu.l 100 i the pritirii•‘-ii lives ».»f the nev' :n:'tituri‘>n v ill be lh< trailing 1 Kc-io in I. ii,- Te hospi-.d vsiil have 100 hens auci *viil be .--rceti d ai an e.-a mated cost of $2,000,060. Gru' fourth of the •iv. 'a : ha- .dseady tieen raiafo •’Old Sp idm.: : -ys tin retnai::dei W'i! !>i reaav vvi., , n needed. file htruci;.,’< v. ill be built on a ■ • of km • a c«i:v! to Die .- by 1-nv. \ UaivH - tt.v. end across "'(' * reel f; a ■ Gi ,-iy Hospi' . t proper. ( kun h Ei ailrr For liix,-,l 11 arna^cs r BID K Mill lA! US. Fa AM' Mr Haip<*r xihlry of Roi hc-tor. N >' . pr«--,rlent es the Unitiit Council of Ulmreh wonrirr.. declarer) last neek (hat -he iavored interracial mar i iagos. fn a -peeeh before ttie Home >lt-sionx Cotimi.i of Nertk Ymfnea •h« said that ail so '..ologiral : ob-taeles to interra rial rnatriite should r e mt'vfd Declaring that she had been taught that oiived marriages brought out the worst in both race- s|h- said -b, found no scientifii proof of her original views sir- said "1 find no Im-i --for our jire-ent point of view ’ >lr- Sibley, vho was honor ed last week by the American Heritage foundation said that five was speaking as a nhtdi viduiit. She pointed out Ural re spore ible Americans" should pioneer in human relations, a ■'f 'l:i i-lian ohligatinn." Shr ad dl’d: 1 do not believe that there j- anything unethical or immoral in two people of dif ferent race v* tin love each other deeply being mart led " The w rid output of major food products if. 1948 was about fi pei ! j rent above 1947. and there is inch--I : oat ion of iuribo; expansion of food ! crop act cages r i{M9. .-ays the. | Office ol Foreign AgrtcuHm -i | j Relotions of the (J. S. Depart.-nonl j jof Agriculture An oil-burning gas turbine loco* | j motive with 8.000 horsepower and i la maximum speed of 150 m!es perJ [hour has been designed lay a Mid- j [ west manufacturer A i,. w protein product diw-elop- I hi) from wood wa'te, peep-, up 1 1 ' '" ;1 t hiiir, __ j THE CAROLINIAN BRIEFS GIVEN MU IT.UtY M NI KA! turn mono, v.i « anp i pfr Abn*'r B Bet.r, w|m did d KOtten France- Novenibet 12. i:Mi. iv« j given ntilHnt y funerat oau-c u ii- Knit reniclery Iv. re I'cecniiy , Belle is -nrviveil ny three broil. . err. one sister and several t.-tiici i : i-eL.uives KKAf TIOXARIt S SYJI Alt' JAYIAIf A KINSTON. Jamaica iAN»’> Aii'u: .i i::; to n actionai'v eletv.rnl ij m I in* V S . J m’■ i. 1 i.i i tawlo . ' pl.-ve. •to into ai-idrs nt ,i higii - which main . one;. poi son and ! ('• ,■ : ' in: Ifr “ This i p,.e ! of - i -ne :,i c -ini'.i s' ii In ru: . .oulncted - 'ibe.ird ship, brio gink tuuri-is to :■•(’ T-laiid Heeinlly Pianist Ha/el ,- vSeoll and he;- hu-banri. U ogre . man Adam U 1 ,.-ton Howil Jr. ■ verc told b> travel ngeVicirs. . tui <• directors and snip’s off ic* is: .’ ve .• el- a: ii' ii:Kins!,.-i: that .: no? f ■ :. coni,’ to is 1 mil Oi l ) Its FI.AN I TO SI \I 1. Lirn.F- ROCK Aik ~\Nr> Floyd Hr- wn, l.'tindr; nrl pi csi i< o’ ... !> . ’l.i .c. - tl '{•’ ir .• .’.ru Agrienlm -‘i; Sclii ->i r, M'-n rap Comity, c t>p, a veil Vieir-re D’e . legislative council’s buri te! , uti- V * niiltcc t e:r icei nily to u;.,el a:ni , i.) ,! : , I'-.f I'll Sire SI !ui(, • > Hr -i-de for us: a , a nu-i. : Ci” Ii AIM TO C! I U - VIA IsOliY AIISsION WASHINGTON. I) < ■ '.i i Ac er. cmetii pi ovi-aitn’ 1 , the ,i, Ynl of oft ice: - ad enlisted pet ■ ■ •net of the t : S A-,,- F r, e ' • ad\ js-u: v mi.-sion to -eeve a Haiti ‘ was siined here ceecmiy i-, Act - n.g 8. y of I' : Lovett and Amhasfador Jc.s men’ f.n.v- -• pciied ot four y,:,:i . may ext icd >■]•■>, re,,.;, -t I, vf.-Hl »h.*t pep ■’>«*. Ti e air fore* ;: c as ve’vK.ij s ; tl- :,i if 1 .•• l C of Hi! >! G?\ 1 \ FI IT Y IN TOR NAtMI St JUKI N tItMGV - I ITT I 1 R< K’K Ac- YNP ! ,mt Mes. "niton, Negr, - orker r< cejved a m .!! wtlil.r putrpv a ia:' n-'Ti. th i! v> pIDDk-hiug Mi ■ Iv »- u-ned the pllp T-’iii-ulo l-.MOl? Y PRINTING MOJU ■TV! i i KFAII v AIt.W’TA <; I * ANP i ' ,-..nv '• in', .-- . . ~ir-t-eiT i.’p' '• i-ek ‘that t was- nhli.shirg ir . b>'- iorn*i fivr yuv r .ic,-p'’ble -'ftneie Rcrmi'- stone', and two brand new ones. p -,-r , f Die e nlci-nial cftehrntion for' loci Uhcn’-ite- H i , . urolhe. ~f j tFp i'jC'K SOI'III Al RICAN t Oi II GJ < jIH'KNST! UVN. s,. As, <-., Mend d vs ■ train jug plm.-e f.v, i:a . live Aj"; i-.. ne, want 'o hfx-:.n:< • Catholic pi ivSP Job.--* . S.-nun i arv he, tie,-I fouiviii-. opeic-.J I here y< ' Rev V -ft -i iin . Ape ■ p to Booth As, ■ p. e . l-ierl »» the oj>‘ i-i: -. r<-i rniopu . j A■ eh ft:.* bit)) Luca- p the p* ■ n-imi 1 ■■ • .-*-'sert’a,t.v>- -I Fop* I’i;*- Ml ‘Follow The Job t hrough’ Successful Man Advises W11,1,1A MS TON -If not the ; man that start-' his pasture first ; •: who ahvavs gc-1 the best, stand- but - ! the one '.'.-bo follows .*ll the steps; required in preparing the- - Is a* i a good tirrie." says Rom us Lee . ; Martin C> unt.v Negro farmer of j , Route l - ; And bee rhoitd kn";-' fm be ha i icr.ieverj good rr.-tilts ", i?.■. ..o- a j i ns! 111 - program, according to K'; |M Edwards, Negro Counts wgerd ; i for the State College Extension; ; Set vice. I'NTH, * NO ; Ice rays several <*f Ms neigh- j hors started pivpni lug thici pas-; ; turc land before Ire did. but for j me reason they stopped to no j something else H-- carried nut bis i ; program on schedule, however, and j i has a good stand. Tic first thing Tee did u-s; to! ! have tu. soil analyz'd While wu !• j in;: for the report to cwtk back, ! he scattered M wagon, loads of rt • ble manure and disked under ■■■ j i heavy crop of soy he -ns on thi i t two acres which he planned to .-red ito permanent pasture. The- soil report showed lie need ed three tons of lime and ROt . 1 ounrts cf 2-12-32 tort h/er per acre j to grow Laaino clover Hi -.ippiieo 1 this .riaterisl the next daj . di.rkin;- j the lime and fertilizer into the ; j soil. ! Lee seeded Ins pasture on Sep- j j f ember 27. using 2 1-2 pounds ol i j Ladino clover seed and 12 pounds 1 j of orchard grass reed per acre. The ! seeds were covered lightly vdh j. j i.peanui weeder. Lee believes Ins pasture will cut • i duv. ;. on hit Jig. .-loci-, i. ~i £.,: i 1 i conmcifu'jbl’.. > SECOND SECTION Another Wage Co* Minimum Sugar Cane Wage Rates Now Hitched To Falling Sugar Prices WASHINGTON- M nil. un v. iaU - to hi- paid while i il ih'H'C'l nonharver; sti|f&rr:ahp ••• uikcrs m Louisiana are now hitched tin' changing price. of suft.v.. tin IT.l T . S Department • 1 Af.ncuhnve in miff'd v tv k. The escalator scale .> be paw all iig;n rum' ri :s who ippiv lei i you n* > under the Sugar A cl. 'rhi'' basic \v;i;:0 i ale which w geared to the- price of .aw stig l '. on the New Orlc-r,i s' nits'! is the same as lasl yea. at d wdi not fee changed until 'lie averag-' price of raw sugar drop.- below 53.60 per hundred pounds nr rass >s above •*6.25 during an,' two-vs'tk period, hci each (nil Mi rent * that U.e average price of sugav over a i' 1-o --v rck period rise above $6.25 ( 'f drop below $5.60. the basic wage i ah. s are iiici*'a ;Ni or da reused :• • five cent:; per day. Within !hi itadi< a tod • ,v, sugar Hdu.e. the fj.isic uvnirmirn wage rale roc , folio Adlib males :!' i la' ia f! i'-a I y >,i :.6. It H'n wei is, $2.00 per 0-hour driv. adult female . in' id; !racf.t-i f ten won when vend rite and .—.uniy otfi a r. f:'d an infill nnl v: ii 1-r. the i> . i '*.i: (henna, mirr Vd-duon He’.’ let: chairman of due t" *•; in*' Wnraiu. • lepera Mu - P r .. tem .1 M ij Wade- uud i" laiudc O’Shoild.-. i. -wn!\ (U'lv.rj'i ..le-iea and lorai iad i iur,ijv K.'.l 1. ueurnri in the i'cpe th.M a.e hospital will develop lull’ (me of tite finest medical ceta te it ■ . e to be for, id anywhere Tee et'iicai a <‘\pre.avd jjratuude 1 t iu. effoi a. of t( : f n'lruiy ft iends ’.ciin • •event!y have c ntribuied iheir time, various gift--. and funds to a!.., ," ;ii! .jr,i. ;i ('an nv' ia' n w) ai; r ■ being provided die are ia the i 1 .ru admitied to :hr ii',!;) tr. . I so !hi dr *. dnr pro!, rt 1 the : i hpo] for i noir tig-tt '.Vi ce a.'” -of til, o?fo mi- visit reach.' \ Hie i ourd of tgn,Hiaf : edy .-\pi • ’.sari unanimotv- :- r . 1 lU'de hr lie rieinojiscvtljon of itUere:-! fa-mi by ifis city and county .ff tcvr who have renewed their ef forts to ncv. top the hospital full;.. .;;• i, D. ladia. chairman: John A. Or.-ril vi-"c chairman; Dr M. N, i- a o’. ■■ , ciT'l'o ■■•-IrOii-tu'e>- ; W. At ht-.'l tturtvn, K M, Thuja , Uarry ‘ cad w Roland lame; Havrirv a • ■ t tan. and i )r. .! c A’ ll sell 7he i'Mir of the Hi', and count; officials was conducted by Hr h<-s --ic'.a- admitMv.rritor. Ft-ir-k tB Aden Boswell Vmcfiflmcnt Billing Wins Praise r NF.W YORK Wslif': White- C'Tfai ■ of U'-c Nat ionai Associa • | ><(.,) fi . uif. Advanc.'jr/OMt of {?») i • ; ,-d People, hailed this work's j »• -ce. judge Fedo.'u) Com' dccLion j !m :VI"!)il<' holding Alab;irtia*.-i Bos-I ; w(il* Knienrncfi! iwecmst'ttJM'inal a. : i a significant victory for tlmsc lib- ; jml forces seeking to it-os'abtHT j ! ilk- •••iithout Negro’.'. rigM to » ; : fir*- and unfettered*’ ballot ! "This i ulins luv.-i.-idating Alaba-, , ovi's .1o re Uric? Nl gi a vol . ; ini. should Vie stiffic.cnt ■warning IP I Grn-ern'ir Be man Talmud ge; tv ho j :! seeking siniiir-r lost? !at i>'>n in ! Georgia." derGr'G M-j White. ; j fioinloc out that >he NA.ACP goal; j; f tu-n rnill 'ou Negro s’ofer.-' ir< the ; | ?/nith I t |n <*t ihe tlmt-: •d Stubs to the satisfaction of the registrar? Ter, Negroes who filed the suit contended that the wide; discretion which the amendment I granted to rc-eistrat infringed upon tiK'ii const it oti oa; rights. A similar cast. tiled by the N. A A. C, p„ is pending in (he Unit ed Stales District Court in Bit -; mmglumi. Support \ mir Paper ! ! WEEK ENDIN'! I SATURD j 5.1,000 Prizes Open I«> Miss. 141 ( Ini) Members | •;.v IT rOM.EOK Mi.-- iANPi | A “ILippict- I.iviro.. (’oc.tesi" fm iNfa'i o til Club girl- <>l M '- jot-•'i >f >l '■vith award ■: healing sl-000 f m tin prov-.d faml!' living i-">iditi a - announced - last week l;iv L. I ; Join , exi'n-i* : i director. Tit confer’!, itpohsmc'd by t'a Gulf, Mobile md Ohio radioad in ccopernfion vm. the i I etc, . v, ill begin ;.t mu and i; I open 1o i.ll Negro -t-H Hut) girls ol I two year or more membership I Pvizr- siEidiMir .( SVM) hii'h rr! - I •J or NcholarsPjp to t ho Pile , winner. s. ? >o . T o get entlur ■ i<■ -il-ie t" chi a■ n a r>! 'i - - v- ; the bore nf a rifle fouled 'ov rrd u ;u,v .mitTiu/ii 1 ;..1;. Kf'ccnt.v pa’ent--1 lie.' bullet is made of a powdered 'viiii and an abrasive IT WILL ALWAYS PAY YOU TO VISIT Sparrow s Surprise Shop The Biggest Little Store In Town, Complete Line Os Groceries - Vegetables - Notions - Druars - Ice Cream 729 West St. - Paper; and Magaines Phene jQSS - /&k- PARDON me w EAsE BUT JpSAf AN mi.A JUST f" ■' «► STRUCK ME ’ I’ll let My Boy J * Sell Ihe Carolinian f ot His Vacation Money r”~~ —'—~~—“—— i nr PAYS ' i TO Advertise SEE CHARLES SPARROW OR JOSEPH EDWARDS REPRESENTATIVES 729 West Street \Y, JAN VARY 22, ""New Bern Citizens Win* Trade With The r Achn ti et Make This IVc Pos ibJe Bishop * t VimmilteT- I o Meet Hesv Somlay 4 Ten pail?h I'ivihw: I- O-c r.i '!■ T)e. • "i ’■ l.;. ; $' mm - fm ChrisUmi H • ' ■ FamUic» 'will in r-r I ~1 3;0tl {- i , here .- ..i ri day. 11 h’ tf.rr ani'nmccJ. I Chairmen cm groups at tend Um ;!i, meeting are Mr . BeMnto WV, -.te . .. M nii f iilroUt f’hi" ■ and Mrs. Paul Sacred (Ten: Cnlherii A both 01 Raleigh: 1 ’ Rohert \Vett(>ch, Si iHutr.i; Mom,i Chap.? l 11:11. Mu Rich.) d V i > i lb h IV' ; bill M H S . -. . Itumaculati- incepl oil l) ! AT? R. o M. Co* . S» i*.. i. ' , Ft.yettryill. . Mr*. CM .> me V' il. ! ' P. St Paul's, H. nd. ..a , M- , • N Samir. S* Aim r. S>r tn , ; field, Avii ; Rarrctt Hm ri . St. An | bumv SouPicii Pmr: and Mr-.. : A. Cannady. Sacred H, art. Dw»m. Fodie's Smoke Shop The Gavest Spot In i own 1016 QUEEN ST. Beer • Cigarettes - Candy DRAFT BEER FODIE HARRIS. Prop ■ 'KW.II WIWBWIIM«W»IWBWW.' jIM'WK. w. J ,»W—W* ■'!»■ WH (UWIHtIIVUI I* LADIES, FOR THAT PERFECT FIGURE SEE MISS COR AI HAZELTON CHARIS COR PET IE RE 1713 Garden St. M l I* 3IONTV? tVI REV OR 1.0 VNiMONT YON HOST ANA rillM. OI VAI FI? MW 1U K.N tow ANO 1! WIT FRS H . MIDDLE ST. IVI 171 \ Oi l* OOLD, DIAMONDS. SILVER, ETC Tmx, pom) •H iiVI( I STATION* W.t'liing Polishing. Gre axing ( in. Rum A: ( St. Dial 2351 Beer - Smokvs - Candy Mhert Whitfield. Sunny Bryant - t The , . . BARBECUE INN Treated at 5 Points Get Some M Nettie' . Good Cooking * Hours: 3 «. in. to 10 p. m. ! For Kish 'lhat \re. Cleaned j Heady •oi Ihe Pan See* I s | Bakers Sea Food AND I’KUIHtf. kit Queen ht- Dial 36?.$ 1040