WEEK ENDIN',! SATUiDAY, .1 ANT Ali \ Z'JL, HMD PATRONIZE THESE , ADVERTISERS * j&k THE WEEK IN 5C GOLDSBORO ■ »Y E- A. THORNTON % NEGRO FARMERS MEET The* Nep.ro Farmci.- of V.'ayiu County were well represented at a meeting at the Agtlcultura! l nid jftg Wednesday nigh! January Is* hen a specialist from St.ne u< lege Extension Sen ice .>.i-< ■. J th'e group. The program wa. a. ranged by M Zachary c-xiiM/ agent. The speaker evomn noeti improved practices in !■ e I '-'ln ; farm management The Little Theatre. Inc. met at the home ol Mr. and Mrs li.• ' Taylor. East Spruce Street Fi iday night. January H and t ‘ nii'tcd all plans fur the annual cube ret party to be held at the N. C Mu tual building on February !!. J. D. Middleton, dii dot repotted that the reading of the play '‘Dou ble Door" 1) t•• p-rc;: ned oy (tie group n ! f near tut-.u-e was progressing nicely i.oeh nn'tr fcer of the eaM has hr" . -:vi ■ part, in the play . ~-nd oa-o - sals are being held twice .1 wen;, immediately following me meet ing. the hostess. Mr- 1 Taylor, serv ed a very fine r< past of ham and fheese sandwiches and hot c tfr-e The president. E A Thu. r.tor. pre sided. The Little rheatre will ne.'c-l Friday. Jammy 21. 8:30 p. m. All members are urged to be present. Miss Edna Brinson, home dem onstration agent of Sampson Coun ty was a visitor in ihe city ovc-r the weekend. Mi- .-in .... Park;-, and Mrs. Bessie H. ’t rt-r attended ?ne PTA meeting in Raleigh on Monday A week of prayer service began at Dillard High School Monday. January 17. with the following pus tors of the city purticipaling: Mr;;- day, the Rev J. E. Green, Tues day. the Rev B R. Richardson, paster Shiloh Presbyterian Church; Wednesday, the Rev M. W Mor gan. pastor First African Baptist Church; Thursday, the Rev. G. W Todd, pastor Ml Calvary Baptist Church; Friday, the Rev. C. B San mens, pastor St. Janus AME Eon Church. The services are very help ful to the faculty and student body. LEGION OFFICERS CONFERENCE At the meeting of Bryan-’-Best Post No. 215 Arne; lean Legion on Tuesday nigh - J Thon-.ton's Ca sino. the po-t completed alt plan to send a delegate to the post of ficers conference ir. ii - Pont! <: February 5. f! . 7 Member:- pic.:T> t. go along with the delegate an - Q/gup HAtR » 6Perfectly Utah keel ■ v......... THE HALF GLAMOUR., When it » length you want, tii« JESSIE KARE Rail Cl* mour fit* youi taste. A* you see. It fastens at the crown ol the head and tkangs naturally down the back. You can wear it »* art iip.-wrep or any •*t,yk- you like. <lt is 15 to 20 incites ii>; *i®.oo| SEND NO MONEY! # SI. NO SAMPLE OF YOUR HAIR H js a Y POSTMAN ON I DELIVERY! • i Jessie Kare UAVTY Mt©»rCYS S#‘F FIFTH AVENUE (SUITE 90S) MPT. £ NEW YOSJK »?. Pi, T. • - Cornmandei R W vV'r..-'.uil la 1 * *• ! j 1 CortvO’aruh'i I'. 1 A Chonitnn. A iutant Jerome Best, ana C'otrirad" j ' O Meh in. The Ame: lean DCgior, Auxiliary v.i;i meet Sunday ,1 .inutiry 28. "M ;p m. a the home ot Ads. i-.-mtlo - Bass. 609 Pep Air Street. ' \ ft? cn | | time the Auxiuaty will complete j j plane send a delegate t- the Pc.; ot fivers Cou.tvence in Hi; t j .Point. M Rosetta Fat m. pr.'it- j 1 dent statea Ihat toe Aixdiaty is j : hoping to havt at least three pvt - \ ■oi s present at . conference, j The American ! egion AU-Stai j I busketbe.il team chalked up then Ml!; victory out of 11 starts this- j ■ e.ison l.v deles' inr- he Roy.;! j ‘ Duke ; team of Fayetteville Mon- . ;day night by the score of 40 t >.) si iat the i.Vmitnuii'y Center. '• I set,res J'S Ike All-Stars. Willi: Be'; HI p-unts and Is.;;! Kent.- I! 9 p utl T.'iC Junior All-Star;, defeated | •the School Street Schc-ul Flasiss Iby the : core <f 9 '■» a. High «:oj•- - j ; tor the Juniors lunman 4 <utd j ihe ifi. ;s. The All-Stai = will play j Aha American I xg, n All-Stars • i I | Rocky Mount Mommy now! Jots j uarv 24. 8 p in. d the Community i j Center This, will be ute All-Shir- • | first CO:. Ir: 1 :• ■ s ii- of the sea- | j sou. The A.m-- ■ n: Legion basket-; ! ball league opens during the ween, with the following teams parti;; . ; patinp: Wilson. Reeky Mount- Kin- ' i ston and Goldsboro COMM I MTV CENTER B.V-KI J BALI. Si HEIH 1.1 FOR rm WEEK | Monday night January 17. All j j Stars vs. Royal Dukes of Fayetu | ville Tuesday night- Central Hi... ■ : School v- Pikeville Training ; |School, in' I.rsgrang®. Thursday 1 j night. Dillard -Tiger*- vs Wiimmy ! ton High School and Friday rtvstu t Dillard Tiger-. \- Green Ce.umy j Training School of St tow Hill. AH games ore double bids icn-■ t Turing buys and guns icanm witn ■ i the first game starting id 7 :'M> p.m. } :The Dillard Tigers spot a double ' ‘"“TT , .•#••- ON MANEUVERS, A-’i INFANTRY C"J“" ,r SS MAk SC; & PtfC Tju lR HE GOT MOLD 6F CRAIG AND I HE REACHEP THEBAN*' EXHAUSTFP AND BOTH MEN WERE HELPED" !—I. . . .... . " ~.. ■ ....... _ GOLDSBORO .-Act-vs-'. 1 -' eke. ; m .si *i ?# ...if*,*" | J ‘/ T 0\ !.? ♦ f ’-i i * Hi.VI.IH I'llOß l)r Paul P. Hobinsttu, mt-mbt i of the stt> - KK-al stall of Flint fox'd ridge hospital, N<-v, Orleans, who is the aullntr of this week -, "ROAD Iff HEALTH article on "Climatt an IB". (ANP) bill with the Atk r,5 High School --f Kinst< n Friday night. January 14 Tlu- bo.vs won by th- store -I to 17 (.rid the Dillfmi girt-s lu’-tt by the score of 11 to 9. Coathe- lb tix j!,d Bui re; are vvarking hard in the teems it! seSliiueS, Is the :■ - die with Wiittiinsd n --n Tixu. ‘-j;.,y night. tin.- prom;--- ■ to be one ol the tough.-u game si the reason. Ti»» j 4i; e-r- ;- I n-eo :j double bill t«- WdminrUu.; he t .so fk l.iljraiA Os E.on»it sh Kfjiorl i ilt n \ i«*ns On Stale Anli-Bias Laws WASHINGTON ■ AN! A v-r --r - csrionul libra tv pubiiealiun. is expected to ia> grouuvrot i; frr live forthcoming civil rights fight in congress, sharply foett.-'ed attert'on upon the fact that minor ity grittps in wide variety in sec !;un:' states . ; J cities t)rroitsf;out the country, "all are the victims f local prejudice, ofon times of act ual dircriminatian." T - report, prepat c-d i-y the U |i-i;:tive reference st-ivice as a erode ;i,r - on; -nos son s up urgu nent for and tigainst civil rights pro j f.os-air ft says. "While stale anti ••.liscnmittfilttm iawst appear to have iJKC-UND SECIION AKA’s Furnish Rooms At Y; Give Senior Cash Award j AKA’s Furnish Rooms At Y; Give Senior Cash Award worked .sntisfaetorily under a i la bo.-.- mat Km. .itcrc is JiO a-- .-,!>ce that they vvduld cc-rttinu t- , do so in. a period of wide, -. a - The lepuG was pre-pa: ad ut'd ,,: ■u nior spr-vialiSl in Atriti'i'.-an ,| c, tintent in tniblk* adnunistrauou, -: 1 1 painted out 11 . at U ;■ i;-1 H u <■ "tannoi < ihninate prejitdi(;>. tn" the outw.'itd, aueial nianifesbiUort ->i prejudice can be corrected by leg istution and perhaps only b> lr-.'-.- lation.' "li cannot be too strong!.', em phasized that the problems ot pre iiid'cc and riisi-rltninu fion a;e cotm- Irywide and no state, .'i-'ctmu oi curnmunilv should fc-M that i' - brim ineled out h-r erJieistn Legislation to equalize job-gel ting opportunities stands high on i iiie list of civil rights nr ,-Bures "While the Jews .aid the Negroes me the most numerous, minor;!;, groups in wide variety exist in sec* ; tiuus states and cities throughout ithe eouiitjy. All are the victim! ot , |oe,’d jit c jud-t-e. : Hen of actual cits ‘ j i nitiin;. ' .he ptiijt;cation -'ay.- "to r.ottthe; n New Jersey, it ; ' sho Indians: in Fennsylv atth, Nc : - ,r : ..mi w tscoiis 1 . Get mam*- fviiui;-, ,o!j od tin Dakota'.-, Meat dinavi;:ii-'; Niv.- England mill vtl j uigvs i-'K-nt !) (. 'anadiaiis: Boston |i .ji C capo and Detroit. Poles; 1 1 and : uot ov, e>t, Mexicans, ; Hid no ir- P.;c.!:r c .a-t, Orientals ' (,onli at ior Will Seek \u<iiisla Eonm ii Sea! AUG US’; A ANP- U. -t. • U 'too. Nee 1-0 con! I actor, has thr wit to;, t,; 1 1 to ; ill. -t. i.abte mr ' u council scat Irom the third ward and lias named as I, campaign | manager. Mrs Beatrice Wallace : Ross in anno-.ineiu his eaodid;.c> - here last week, said hi would run . w dr.ont p Silica! party affili:it'-on .-mi without tnckiir promise.- to ; anyone for supper 1, A former atoriicy, he -uti itded .'OYVoingiov.;; im.Ua.lnn! Hujo Reno .!. Wes .a.M.-a U , Ui-epcrafui ; -ciiooi. New Wilmington. P . Vit - Ut-ior Utiive:sity. Riehjti>-.mi , Vs.; and Chicago Law School. TIIK UAKOUjMIAN u. -i - :!. iiieetio;.’ ol '.be Ai '. I kill ' . < in.■ ta.aaao r of the ■Mo':,. Kai pa Air.ha ruroritv held ; -• '! ''; , ia»l S.: ;U Au',o istine's Co ~u -a rit v selected a •ei'i-n-iu 'v ■■ ■ si i ot Sot'Ors J. it. li'ici : '.airman M McCauley. 1> y, tjin'i Duffy to sedect com- I Ini: 1 : oi ir! ,;n as tor i or.ni at the ! ,j ;,;;i(-r Truth lhaocil of the • MU' to,.- rooi.ii will an- tr ed as .. i-'ii! i r r,; a guest room. A-tdi- Loan the iwo scholarships! a tail Siu.w University and Si. ; Aa.r'.tast.ioe's (Nillege each year, the rarity voted to give fifty dollars > *.!■ .<-oo.i, M-iiii.r at the Wash ington High School at the June RI-BORT HEARD S«iror Delanc v who was ■me of the rioU-.:;io . to 'he bottle Isold in Voa- hi);;.,U-i D. C Deai-mbSi 28- 3) g.-ivc a report Sorors Eaton, Mai omi-oi. and v <-l> were ap point: i.i to \ i on tl-e Pan Hei :it me Council. \ 1 i;e soroniy presented Soroi IM.-i ior; Aiuioi'roii an orchid dim- - i> ;r iis-r concert at the Raleigh Me-; 'nioruil A aid i t i.-riun, January 13 A rtetici i (-past was served by H< ; -- (hi;iiiiti and t tdell. Tic- fodoa in, ■ • wore preseni : Ja ; a i); !,n . > M B Ealon. Raelut. ! Me. - .1- . : ...lic-i . M W Wheeler Thelma Nelson. J. E. • Meal.; S V. Pe-ny F V. 1 .atiiam j M Duffs vt. 1 , Hast „ V. K New | eh. !. ('. ..'lei i-ndoo, G. B l.igon. j H Edmund: -.m. Tie-in::- CanJo and : ( -.0-'.inr-: Ooa-1! i'o; tix ‘ ijot-a-.e on tontnpaste : iitljt.s! Nt-v. iy eaU nted ire. •-ntior-; It t; you st-; ti.e lasi iuehe of rn> | b'.-u ft tint toy !.ui;e dispenser Cte:in - ■;)' a narrow stripj oj | " plastic, fee device is slots-d to a!- ] low i: t ft over the lower <dge oi ! : the; tube betux seolfhf’ In use. it j t - par-bed eMey -aall; ■ -nc i.aild. ; leaviiig the -sher Dee t"- hold the! .;■ ethbrurt. The slut ;s rotstejed to j !.. mat -ra0,,... sudiie: without • ipuncturing the tube. T be t.e.oi \ iit - ).404 Negroes j c-d os vote, s. ; • compared j ; ) 743 a -a::- ja r. o,a- Ro>s -.aid he i wtiuld ion in tie- genetal council- O’ a ■ I eet.f.i- ht-t .e :s t - there would h: oo :;r)l: ea. tile city ihii. I year, j NEW SCHOOL LIBRARY— Approxmately three thousand volumes are included in the new library of the Mother of Mercy paK,cbial high school shown above. The high school as well as the grammar school is staffed by the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary The library is an attractive, room located in a spec' us us well as a sunny portion of the building. At Florida A&M College Hospital Building Rises On Campus TALL UfASSRh. Ha. Cun ■.-tructi' ii on Kit sl.:iuo.opd huapdal; (at tu»- Florida A. and A! Colli .. lU> provide health services and; inurse training for Negroes is well • i underway uivirUiu# to a n cent an j riontH.'iunent. by ;•■ t* an hitei-t of Ka. j.S;aU Board of t.\»>lr-<l and the i Stan Imp - oven'idi! <A<m mission !v. ho is s'iperv ~ lll a the develop ■nioiit on the A. and M. Campus The i' i structioo is be ing done Lev the Beers C‘ -nstrucuon Com-) Deny of Atlanta, Georgia. The A. F. ! Hieh Company. landscaping arehi- j ‘Ue! of TaUahti:- • e ha.-, been mak ing the neiesi-ary excavations lor ‘ the pi • iji ■ ' Twenty five thousand | cubic yards of dirt have already icvi! moved from the site and the 1 land has beer, tet race and the actual j foundation building l work has be- RALEIGH ABIT RECRUITERS DO ‘BEST BUSINESS’ Is >:. *j 1 A )"! y anci Aj r Force Rc ; i-.'iiii.;enlisted thirty three men A?i n •, a ltd Air Force duniig !he week ending January y break ing the record t re any one wick of ; i ii• Rah ii.> 1 > R. at nitii.M S taii o ;. oi’Cc office v*''L:s opened ;n So. - leinbo:. 1945 Among" eleven en listed for p .■< •’ veart for me A.i Jp-re- is .Tamos K. WiTifaim. Hi. 9 Lincoln Te.'i.an Raleigh Twenty -two on haled for the Reg ular Army. Among them are: Hu bert B: an mu, 18 208 W 7st St re ; Smu.aticdd, w!to tm.'halt'd tor a ie n year pcTiod Amorvy tho*-e enisled ior a three year period were* Duihc . Hedgi'peth. 19, 102 North Fs.sl.tv} ! Street. Raleigh; Henry L Wallen s I 19, Ri 1. Noriina, who was grad ! uaied from Wanvp.l-5. High Sohoul • !in 1948; Leon Parker 23. Route 2- l Clayton, Rotes McTillma. 20. Routt ;2, Golds ton. who was graduah 2 : from Goldston High Scho-d in the . class td 1948. Joseph S. Ramis- ’ < ■Uti Moritague Lane Raleigh; e.Yn. i ton Duns ton, 20, Route b Warns i ; tom and Phillip Morgan. Ml ‘m ' S•:;uf.h B ioiSla (■£ t, Kale- .-ii 010 TO FIGHT KY. SCHOOL JIMCROW LOUISVILLE. K> <ANT- A! Si tri-stabE* vonlvn-nce , ! the Und :od Automobile Workers fatr-prsiv ; I ices committee, here last week, ' William B Taylor. n.*Ri-.i-,:il baiv ; ior. declared that the CIO will Sight to end racial scgiugaDon ini Lotiisv ilk M-h.a;!. . -aid will seek tt-,r- j ■a. of a civil rights law m i : Kentucky. j The CIO council will draw i ■it-' a modi) civil rights law at its vex! meet in;., Taylor said. Thu. law i <" 11 lor equal access, to public sac-l litas, he ielated The CIO, he eon-i 'Co idl’d, will ask for U, i. coi iperution ' i );«••* groups it putting over | •\ N so . pci.kcr. William H 1 Olivi ’. fo-di, cider of the HAW : rolled "netting schools on a non ■ ri scnminalory basis "the first step in rotii-viug dircLimination in other i fields. Asked to comni'nt on the CIO; , ,ui i.' .irn. Omer CarmichaeL sup- j rnnlendent id' the Luu > v.lit* public ■■■ ■o. L .-.-iid, "l don't think 1 have; any comment For Fun and Recreation Visit THORNTON'S TEEN-AGE CASINO And SHAVING PARLOR SO? Alvin Street Gcldrbcro. N. C. E. A. Th.oin.tsn, Pi.o», Phone 3fi7-M ; ,am Tirrtrvnrr- — T ‘ f SECOND SECTION j KEN Its SOIT.Ht According to Dr William H. Gray. Jr., the college president, the . funds for th«> actual erection of the ho.-pital have already boon, i ; viiH’d for by the state, the city and t..v• federal government. Hov -! evei-, plans are now being made , In rain an additional $320.000; which is m ailed to provide modem j equipment and facil.lies for the various service units in the build ing. It is anticipated that such funds j will be obtained prior to Kte corn- 1 plot ion of the hospital which is scheduled for the early pan of i 1950. Th hospital i located on the ! east boundary of the college rain-j pu.s. j NfIACP COUNSEL TERMS GEORGIA JUSTICE "FARCE" NEW YORK Lu‘ ; hl? i p ccn trrsi which exists m ih.- <iper.E'tion 1 citizens in the St,■ f c;et.rgi.-j vv;e ) p-ninled up by Thuri y >G-d Md-shall j .•pec.jjl counsel f'. ; the Natii»tai I A-.-Ociatiiin tot tin- -Vd\ a, vrnji'nt j of Cob red People in :t - tateioent ! commetiting »j. the ■p, ed> acquit-j a white Gcurgiiiit eiuugod v.'ith (he Iviichina of Rnb-. rt Molh.rd Tnoriit)'- i Court;/ Negro ' ' j tVmj.ar.ng H.ot-ils acquittal 1 with ti.l "(i.-c.;- j;, .in. V . nki. ’ lot oner complete tv j-efuie an v pos • : > ie ; : 1 : y;u iv! n 1■ ‘s 1 t*n\-iny i ),r qu fs• « >n oi ?he fc’iibu ccutent Nd&im's ' ri.yhis io 'Gw.x-gi.ii jiiticf ’ If there be don it m any io the iw * recent Kot -ci Guv- Taiman.-c ,n u.• tormina- Knn !t ‘ - T it i I, pni! tux ii) Geofcia and to exm-t registration : ‘;y ' ; ‘h v.ili d).-franchise most; Si “ ' (hi f.il 1 ti:,n I|,( N A -V <• P. wdl continue with re intensity n • dime for .'cimrm oi a IrdrraJ ami-lynching iavv. Mr Marshal! asserted that K,c mil eiment of members of np»bs 1,1 ' ; b> R’Cii psumpt release G O LDSB O RCMVIUSIC COMPANY Sheet Music Phonographs Records All Types of Musical Instruments 221 N. John St. Goldsboro. N C. Phone 1718 BELL-STAURT Furniture Company 1 Qualify Furniture, Reasonable Prices 22? 28 N, John Street Goldsboro, N. C., Phone 1760-J j ELMORE’S RADIO SERVICE Sales and Service Street Floor Borden Building Goldsboro, N. C. Phone 2)88 ! : Moore’s Grocery TVE HUY ANI» SELL FRESH COInVTRIT PRODUCTS 505 CREECH STREET TKIIDLKICK MOORE. Prop, j SERVICE DRY CLEANERS Co?, S, James and Elm Sts. Branch OXiice S- Jobx St, ONE DAY SERVICE i Ws Specialise In Women's Silk Dresses and White Sweal*** I PHONE 1579-B PAGE SEVEN Goldsboro Merchants Aml Business Persons Made This Page Pos sible. Give Them Your Trade. RIISTIN IN INDIA FACES N.C. JAIL TERM ON RETURN \|;\V DEIIJI, India (ANPi India is giving a warm wel come to Ha yard Hustin. one of the active figures in the Fel lowship of Reconciliation, an internatomal pactiist organiza tion. Eayard, a New Yorker, spoke puhlielc here last Well in'.day on racial intolerance in the l S and praised the Cana dian creed of nonviolence. In an a.Ueinpt to show clearly how iT.*grocs are discriminat ed against in the l • S.. Huslin explained that on his return home next March, he will face a 30-day jail sentence on a road gang in North Carolina for riding in a section of a bus reserved for white people. He said The North Carolina bu pnme Court upheld the sen tence and that hi was without funds to appeal to the C. S. Supreme Court. During His visit here, in which he has worn Indian dress much of the time. Rustin has hi en received by Prime Minis ter Nehru am! has been a guest of Gov.-Cen. C. Uajagopalaehari. at government house. News papers devoted columns to his speeches and to the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Rustin was also associated with A. Philip Randolph and Grant Reynolds on the Committee Against Jim < row in the Armed forces. by juries has “one purpose only to furnish the oasi; I r the fallaci ous argument that the South is solving it. own problems."’ "Tlk* Mallard cum* demons!rates ..nee apn;. mnunued Mr. Morshali, ' float the evil inherent itt lyrtchlngs '.ill txi.-ts Prospective lynchers till kiiow that their only possible punishment will c mi a! the hands •'! a jury ‘of their peers,’ which it th.s i.' :- 1 meant .. jury composed of h.Jivlduals wliom minds were equally ri'iit aquisaied and Who :■nu -i O) ~iv>: a tait trial in a ■, e win re i lea.-.t two of the juiy hv'ifiet; tutdei' oath that they; y- .U<i :■'■! believe the cojtnplainmg "SCOTT’S CAFE- Besi In Barbecued Foods 404 Galley Street Goldsboro, N. C. HICK’S LUNCH ROOM f New Open For Business i Short Orders and Regular f ; Meals, Cold Drinks, Ice Cream | | 902 N. John St. Phone 3189 < Mrs. Frank Hicks, Prop. | j ODIMIVm 7 SERVK E STATION GAS AND OIL 1311 N. GRFFNLFAF ST. COLD DRINKS AND BEER PHONE b47-J f II L. JACOBS, Prop. Your Credit Is Good At (f&CUCL c£~ FURNITURE 115-117 East Walnut St. GOLDSBORO THOMPSON'S SUPER WASH AND SELF-SERVK 'E LAI N DRY 905 N. JOHN ST. 9 LBS. 35c PER MACHINE Mrs. Pearl Smith, Mgr*. Moye’s Grocery Fancy and Staple Groceries Fmik and Veffctables 401 SOUTH JAMES ST. PHONE 9134 ■gy.,-s:srav‘s:t,:;£s:re;r^-.r^r^ Miss Willie Mae Faison Announces The Opening of The Monti Cello Beauty Salon Next door lo Exuais Grocery Store, Urik.a, N, C. Miss Willie Mao Filsan, Prop

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