PAGE EIGHT Continued From Page l COUNTY'S FIRST as their contribution to the drive it was announced hy F. I Car nage, chairman of the local drive committee. BANK RETAINS siutant cashier; D 11 Keek 1 ■ ■ tan; cashier-Rah trb Branch; T. D Parham, trust office! and -I b lingbson. auditor. . I, H i President Spf.uhh.ip p.t>■ >r; the stockholder:- and director- thru the bonk had experience kgihly .n ■ cessful operatic.,: duri. the y 1948. which marked the fortieth anniversary of 'ho bank Tidal ic sou.rccs at the end of the y " were $5,3.16.32«.84 of which Si 978.324.09 repp- uted funds held on deposit an the remainder * «v 004.551 represented capita! fund-. Earnings Listed Kami us.; for the >c;u wm rep Piled t n c - • •-•t; -net ■ and in i see;.;: of tut- Ivd-e'., $lO hav e-: iu'en 1 - uiitii ■ itcui in ' - re) of !lac president was his ..hiietiiCnr that duriri;.; the year. Mar:- totaling SI. 507. i 37. d'. had b f cm made tc 3.407 borrower., hy the Raleigh and Durham of;'.-- of thr hank. He emphasized tf-nt the lending activities of the hank had reached more persons in 1948 than i; any prior yeas. Ad. was taken by the stuck* hold* ■ -pproving the adoption of the North Carolina Bankers A social ion group insurance and hos pitalization plan for ifficei.- .uni employee:-: t e entire cost of wine'.; would be paid i•> ihe hank. The plan as adopted was a: a o’p to the regular pens •.>» ! fan proved by the slotkh--ldcr> at sis meeting ic. .; muary, UHii At tile director; me do toe president appointed the following committees. Executive commiftee C Spa .7:i:i • d.i . ■1 Knwichy d F. F d S. Stewart. ,1. C. Scarbonnuih. S: and ,1 II VV; eeler Exrralive Or Loan i ••immilli fßaleigh Branch) I. E. McCauley, chairman; C \ Haywood. ./. K. Strickland. J s Stewart, and. ,! H Wherbe. Examining i cm mi life R. N If i ci;a ■ ripair .1 Scarborough, Sr. and I, IF Me- Coulee Trust Commute J. H. Wheeiei. <■ - on T f> Parham. C. W C.‘_>x ■■ s ><.. - .1. F Si lick; "d J ( 1 Sea!■: ■■■■■ :,:i\ Jr. and C C Spaulding Jr I'oisomm; oi nut USaoteii. who i- ii cati ,g !h> I■ ■ ■ youngsters Mr. Templeton stated also id-.: he knew mining eor,c. r-me ' aiit-.xo-y u-J’;;-h v.: : • h e beer: scheduled nr ''in hdv t .e dog altliOug'; ... ...... .-. such examination would in ducted !\V the state Johor • Dr Woot'-n v-h., had derh-rn ability to c .. >ic , sc op Toe • dry night be: <• til • f j» . ;r . ord.. were a- :■■■ .gin.d cr.i.. :j !)Ot br t'EVffi.r'.. f'-r , , fore pry- - -i Wednesd.-n Mr.:. Hall. hoy. ever. Ie; •: led fed tow mg a v..).t b, (In ! )i ... U’. d: • ~;t< I : :I; ,• ■ ter had toid ), :i j i. r . ~ ~,r .it. ole to -i n la ment on the cause of the. children dlnc.-s nlihoorli iheir c tj. n ‘‘wag much improved' She was also iotd Rial t- -m we •d the ho-piia! >'■■■■■■. signs" of poisoned ni' Mr. and Mrs. ! •' parent;, i.f .-nr f i’-,r t nr ,,e;, dren arrived m t?.deign on Mnnda-. from New York Ctv where n.ey arc cum r.l!\ :• tdi;.. ItUIS. VUASTON The rcuncr) for the df fen. •- >■■... center.drd that the appeal aw-: of. the courthouse* represents ■ of armed yen;!" and on Monday asked thru the ivaiccmen be re moved Louis McCabe of Philadelphia, one of the defense lawyer.-. d< dared that when hi c-tnembt rs ,\ the panel jury •wrre c-uitronted ' by the display of “armed force*’ they were afected ,“in tiieii minds'. The petition to remove im guards, however, wa- oca rruflcd. Basi' of Defense The communists, it ws.-, report ed. plan to use „s their de-feus, the old law guaiantoeing changes of '•enire ant, cr.uc. an ,i« panel of jui-rs selected v.,,s .if the “blue ribbon"' variety and nm ; "peers'' of -he defendant; Toe chati-.;*- of vt ntre will 1 1 k• i • be asked becatise of the defense'.- contention that enpanclcd jm-.i... had already beer, effected hi m,;. show of "armed force' out-:d< ;-,r courthouse in lower, . COUNCIL" OK’S Smith to Lenoir, and Lenoir, I oni Project Drive to Church Slrec The fcllowuiu streets v/hu.h now cut tho ugh the proposed Ft? were recommended for -' ; i: nr Church, from Boundary truth u Worth Street; W -rth, from Church west to Smith Street. ,-r«d Smith. from Project .Drive north m Lenoir Street. The lequesl f>r the construction of a new school on a site other than that now occupied by the Washington High School was made to school and city officials las* | spring following announcement m plans for the expansion of Wash irigtc-n High School in an effort to make it satisfactory to rake rare 1 of the city’s Negro secondary school needs. Following announcement of those: glans, however, the Raleigh Negro ;Citizen..' c.iiPiiuttec ••ind oUvn in put i |IV) pO|UH>*i . » un ! satisfactory because ot it-- dt-toncc ! noil' tiie center nf the city's Nc ! urn popuiniion, its inaccessibility I and jts hi my I'u r' unded by ,i utti J c r.ihy run-down quasi slum urea Followin'; the v.-'ii-tlig of (licit disapproval duritiy a p'ieeting i.-t s. y.. .1 !',nt>( -inte!.!') nt_ Jet re O. Sandei'-on '.id re.omb'i's of the i (."'tizetis Committee and later con-- fr) a - 1.1 - w i t'n other city ufftetKls. popuiati'm eltcov was undertak j , , ■ I 'l • ' iii/.'. r punit h e which | .-s' '.wed tin- highest perecnlago , of p i- cii ,• . Nr;:r" si-condar.v scitool : , I-jin la-on lived eastern sec lit" f tiie tit v .ni'l ' the p"pu- i ii-lion (Iritl was in that direction. SIM 111 Al iIH V j an ; The n'livr Zulu pnpulatnn re .-ovted primitive means in bring- I : i:,<■ in' -■ ual:; v desii ■- I i d :i:<- i been felt .ay the natives' for tie.- j t aflt'. ;,;nt-(.- tiieu tsuiniry v- a. fir., i "i;ivi.dcd" 1 > persons of other )).'i I : ti' Dm b . i:!r. I- a City ovC'i ; a iiich hank 1 .: a pall. Many homos j : ave in .'ii .i. i.-'i by fire and other have been v.V'dalized. M re than : : 1.300 natives and Indians have been treated a> hospiials fr.-r major iil mont.-. fallowing the riot, wia rc-a>* ;niurc tnan a.i'-'O have been treated I 1 .r. minor cases. An estim ■ t*-•;( .aiD.. Indians are no?’ being I.isnl in refugee can-p- ; n: and around ’!:< city cr- "ting a problem es :-.r»r.itat.< 11 . food and , The nativr: in the uu an! )-• e._ have given notice >hat they will; no longer tolerate the oyer-run uns i f tholr land by '■‘but-siders' who «• -»iti-i ! ~pw;t:-ii- :V» pel .(■Ut t: |, • li.nimi'ir.' ei the iC- 1 Ginn. st\ti; rvmoiir • ! - - * )•»:-. if ? l\o (I •< v • • A -Mocii.tion i!’ the B‘yfe. t,» u nn inner/* Ihr . nr : : ;■rrmin.-j:-. 4, Jh.»l dinonc ‘ ’8• i ihrK i n i> ••Jicalori l if 4 ho j ii ' .-vrratio;, of .« mythical white : , Mijirerr'iycy .;nr; . t(» flic dciVin! of j j» « ; ■■ printing exprt - ..'i n* if' the true scn.M* of Mir ■ o: I A'. ’ r.g - the Khiu i •u' so fno itnmigiont. h.» jhr .K'w or n> Ask F.D. Patterson To “Stand Up And f ight’ BIRMINGHAM Dr. F D Pa Her son, president ••>! Ttr kc-jee Instifulo and a member of the 35-man committor ap pointed hy Governor James E. Fto .'study tin. problem : ! of college training tor Negroes in Aidbarr .*. w,- urge-' - i jup and fight for ncn df tcrim : nation by En’"ry O Jack: on -> ; j coßvo secretary of the Birmingham NAACP branch n ' -35 c I I Ann i‘a;;e With Pork and Tern, , . i. -2 BEANS t«- ’> 10c i I Wftitehohm- )v- a(K)'atf d 8 i | MILK J ta!l 39c | I Packer’s J . hei I TOMATOES 2 27c | I Armour's i RLLI. 12 n/ - ca?v 45c SortFvV field Flour Inr PANCAKES n:... ,13c Ann Page Blended SYRUP a-i, t „ 23c Kin ida Full of 3nir. ORANGES 47c Fine Flavor Waxed RUTABAGAS ? -9c I 'Medium Size I Yellow Onions 5c I 1 GRAPEFRUIT -29 c j PORK CHOPS Critter (3d (f»- 55c 1 j PORK CHOPS End Cni a, 45c I PORK ROAST Rib or 7,oin End lb. 39c PORK LIVER Fresh ib. 39c I —parking lots— -201 E. HARGETT ST. 4lO HILLSBORO ST. 1 • -*£■ ’*’* u; ** ,^S ' • . fflfty ’ " : ,;K^w^> v ’ • /*fljß', v jr.^ : '> n &>% ••' -v jc~ . v concent to dlvt : ’ a;it ;itr 11 fr'-.-in the r* d purposes- -of the oi. gar: z.ation. Ii is mu- hi--p“ that mu..! of the p<:u;.!c tvluj aw those pic nu-i-s d t• u? cic. <■, ■ fori:; by . di' :-cpul..tb!c i. -iui.. ; lieu in nvinitfavuii'c .< favorable testimonial. Ml COLEMAN DIES AT AGE O'” 77 \t ■ ; \L. * : mrni. fiII be :»} Blnrkstonc. Vn S ( Pu?<»on .Em 22. Shr i ■ v Y--: C iv; Mr- David Wiison of fb'-i'klyn, N Y.. n t o.:« f Pr-'Vid< /-.(■!•. R F; C*. . Col,- '•'••'in 'h Du t: lin Ch. Da; 1 brolh -i.-1 ( ■■ "i 1 ! --.»<;»{ tv.ii fl - THE CRYSTAL ROOM and BRIDAL SHOP oi Mother and Daughter Fashions offer you Fab a! ous Redactions in | formal Wear or Bridal Gowns j 5 * o S 2 - I '. : ; - N ’ ! \ j A1 \ / 1 u / V tyt* \ v . 1 h 1 t 4 \ ! ’ ! f* % ■ \ From $1995 Formerly to $/19.8S <. ORGKXH’S MARQ1 1 1 SET "I KK 1 AFFK TAF AND TISSFET AILLDS In Ralciffh It’s Fashions fNS U RAN C E BUILDING THE CAROLINIAN assistant at the Parish and Father Joe Munzig, OFM from St Phillips parish, Statesville; Father Martin J. Collins, OFM. pastor of St. Benedict’ parish is shown at front left. Sf. Benedict's has sildwn remarkable pro gress in the year since its foundation. The Franciscan fathers are in charge of the parish. governor sum U < >■■■:■. .'no bavin? their sins vis ited up-iii ihvr descendants." A “'.iii' opportunity for training" iui-' been ; :• od by the Gov ernor for the Negro race in North C.trolitri. Ho firmly believes that N ,: Ui ('arnlie.i's Agricultural and Technical College in Greensboro lie <.- x t end tei appM.- pi > ! . ■ and h i pledged that vtli support liir- recommendation I' i' i >: - million dollar building P> a pii nr the college. "I *1 '••• c worked under Negro farm foremen and have hired Negro i farm foremen," static! the Oov lernor in pointing out the fact that: i the inability of these men to fun<~- I J lion properly under any clrcum-j stance lay essentially in their hav- ! ling beer, handicapped by insuf-j 1 j fieieni formal educational, j | The improvement of A and T. : . | College will serve onlv a step in j j the rectlficatii of these short- ] I comings, the < wrnor pointed out. j And p : icon's observations j I on tin oe In of and for North! • c.~ in, i . .. not been overlook-j ;ed b. ihe tolored citizenry. A "marc!i on Raleigh" projected by ,- : pressed ad' ; to publicly congra tulate the new executive, i Kelly Alexander, president of he S- do conference -a the NAACP | m rejecting (hr planned march '.so the capital :,id that hi group i had abandoned the idea because j"■ the liberal program of Go,'- . A l ' 01 Kerr Scott ;nd Ins concent jW i h the ad vancement of all pro ; pie in North Carolina regnrdics. ;ot race, creed or color." S Ibe North Carolina Conference As the NAACP has rep tested a j conference with Governor Sso!t j during which it is hoped that some ji gt cement can be reached on it proposed three-point civil rights ! program j President Broun of the State iTeachers Association was also ef fusive in praise of ti e new admin istrator, and proposed that his i a roup prepare and dispatch to the i Governor a statement praising him j e ! m • |M Amu SCHOOL' \Tj SNACKS ! ?h (b/ | .Witft C a f;** fo oti your wh*’* f ;i. r-itegcuy • -•of colored North C 'ons Invr rallied behind the Clove.nor i A /ed farmer re w Raleigh ; tool the Carolinian i "Governor Sc- t’ i not n mats 1 ,! to talk ;« lot and do nothin,;, t'vc ! i seen him roll up hi - sleeves and till ! : the soil like any other ‘man of the : , j sojl’ even though he was at the - j time tb<: State's Secretary of A.gri-1 I culture j "If he say.; he’ll a thing, lie j will!" Head The Corolinian Worst Place There Is FOR CASH it's easily lost, easily stolen and you spend if without thinking. Keep your fund., in the hank where they are proteete’d and insured . . . available upon a moment's notice, FIRST CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO. “Serving Eastern Carolina" RALEIGH, N C. HERE AIND THERE .., Don't get 100 tii 1 /.! ovr iho Langcr report on ir cr.mifa*l