•» P? ■ ' ■ :•" > v-'-’w •• *■ p/' 1 - Asr ' v jf| ' * ' % IhIIL ■ h -. MVS . ’ Otic of !!01!•..)■' a Hi! ;tc ' i<‘ • . > ’ y.'. i•' • <- : A: iit son, world-lal'i'ioie >'••:•'.' ’"• ■■ ■)• ><■■•■ n-r of the applause (and c<.>:-sidi •<(•••!- •; "• ) v hen . i-‘ was virl Ha iiy nU !;I.• and other •.••;. .•. on. by student; ••• !><• "OS.:; ; •:= J>i: ui\ !.'•■:! it:.. lien.. lion program. PICTHER BEFORE AVji AFTER— Followed by the lit. Rev. | Edwin A. Pennick. D.D.. Bishop of Eastern North Caro lina and chairman of the hoard of Trustee;- of St. Au gustine's. College and lit. ih-v. George M. Hcnr, Bis hop of tV ester2l North CarOma, a sole ton and thought*'* SOLEMNITY AND GAIETY MARK DR. TRIGG’S INAUGURATION ST. \\ [XS’i'ALLS FIRST NKORO i’itFSi 1 )i.'\T-- The ab" \.• -nos too: plane ,;s !>-. Hi .. Lc't>!:;!rd T: ;l I'ciscs. At the upper right merrrb* <\h of thc inaugural pro- i cession who ere .-scheduled to he seated ou Uii* .speak** iimi, , . l>u' .i 'iv ) the- U?Ss . , , •"fi ■ .*! 'u:.':;tc b she .vn ii!« : i-i i: prapu-' lav --I p.*t 'a. • ..d'.i i'c-:»noiTs!v: sfctvtrKy i:-v <• univ « i;u w.iit! isi-itAn : :ihr!!)k( pi'it'i'jPh lh;s aVirl' than any <> »4i 1 ? v. at jot: ••What ..i <••» the, stir fat* !o 'on a » .’jfik’i be ii' ls ; ]}*'. ■!. \\ St 1 :*? u'GOjv. f>. i-Sait it o; •• 1■ ■ \ j ; r* | ; ;. A ers’ platform nnt* fchown. as they marched across the cr.wpu? -io 4 ho strains of M<-nr!.M«sohn\ “War March of the .Priests" ifom “At!,alia”. *—•Caroiii'jiau Photos by Shepard \ } t;• i: v . J) D , b-s}«<.*}> u f \V•. •• tCrii »t \ ;' t {*o »'h iit'ici jii U'iC r') j•; > v Ri'- Si ate !"< ’:H‘ h ( i(h.; tin !‘ M \ i ’urenrai). Ai■ • a a,;:; \:: : l>r L p I j it;: J bn; - S.roiia ihh'pgo and Dean ,\i;ti eF. Sfiute t ;i' i.ivmg ton-'{ ollt-gn. ■ the lower right is shown i..\v eir-e Oxley of (lie Miino itics section of the F. S. I H'partniont of I h r ;,ad SI .\isku,stinc’s alurenir as in proivuted thi- (Knt*! titot i.ltii’hi'i Is*' t.*'■ i‘em*;nv. Man, 75, Is “Martyr”; Undergoes ‘lced' Surgery >(.'i siiMr'nl' 1 ■ i .i,,,, fi < '. • a-'!,- ;• bv i). Aipie r.se ■•.. IN a, a >f \ i?*■ i Dr 5. S. C\ ?.:■■ sc. president . : Bar-j , ■ : J e Ok st A tin*.'**' ilutr.r.M.. and fi S. Lubtn D - Gevi ■■’■ r Kn i Sr (i sl a l Dr I; tv mi were abw mm by vir. Oxiey. a'a\' by the Shaw Urjv< rsity ( : > :vU Chib under the direction of Mi- K. Constance Q Dell and Mir. - •'* (f*lia I. Perry and Virginia ■ K. <'. c: as instrumentalists. The general j#»i! 11 ..-erral ■ tce war headed -fcv Dean C. D 1: ! ibiurton. Tinsley L. Spra gains serv ed ; • Chief •Vl>.r.;han while Dr Ed nri D. Blackman served as ,ue.-i : dentN mars'uil. xTi-mensfKYl ETA SHR KT SHR ' Di 'l’riL.;: . graduaUt c-f i\J< :• tan College. Baltimore Md., fid Syracuse University. Hr sewed for a number of years r.r. president of i the Elizabeth City Teachers Col-! hire and has. been employed as! • i.MO<: i>; • Tlnte executive ui *;« ’Ct..) c: the Southern fifegion.il In addition to the hundreds cl .duouters md other igruUincs p.c-- ■nt the auience inc hided interna- . ? tonally famous concert artist Mat - Anderson, and Hieinbi'ts of the Tntj;:, family including: Mrs. Tn,:-i; ad daughters. Melvt-i tr and 1.-- ata .v Trify three- brothers, Dr '-..ij.i. }; Digg phv.'.jcbui, Norfolk, vn, Or. C. V Trigg, pa Dor of So - rn Meihedtsf. Church of New York City; and Dr. Edward G. Tri i '.’ofessor of veterinary medic hr . : Turk,'get; insv.rute. Committee To Encourage Scouting Is Selected Here i he* Raleigh Wake County Divi . Comm ttee of the Occonccs <■ hoe Council Bovs Scouts t,f Aiinev- i ha in a recent meeting elected the officers t* promclo scouting it, Raleigh and Wake County for 1940. Those elected were. M. H. Croc ketf, principal, < -,v. School for No fro Rlmd chairman; P A Wil 1 ii-irns, vice ehEi*mar*, organb.ntiur 1 und. <*x.tenti-.p; s. W, Slaie, ad V iilTl',’ '.LLP, A 75-vear-old . ;• : iu- ■ ;a- ! . ome a martyr i'.i;- :'::o const ■.{ science even " . :M . ft'Vi bit. service to fasirni'ii.; W-.ii.-m Wan., -vjitogenerjan f; ui ’ j th, area, became the I A iV: r 1 • A .;? :(U 3 l ... o an opera- U‘.»u f'.'r v\ i-k'h ; e-; :;; : o!Tition ane ' - ,-i WaJni'u V. ilOll l-.e had . w ;rnhtis Coun- D Hosp.tm last .v ck. iirgTtntit i st: Tiic- c.o . : til. amputation is i. 1 ’.a -I,- .■ i; marked the : . ■■■! ir a nan -nn -r-cihod had been o -iin! fso because it marked ii ■ 1 'in,. • : patient oi - i -a nir' i .in ope rat- :r; ' it* ictmly to tinder* : a 'a(’i. fan and left the . nt-a-iy ti.e same technical yxkvl > oiiditicu as when enter- Wr,r«i'; iiaftt icg was amputated V i.’ : ‘ ' I">\ i!h knee as he i' a.ia ids conti-ibttiion to Colum- Cm.nty Science The opGra t ,! 'ti vu. f. und recsc.sary when s ie ; pot - ' v/fieh appeared or; . Ward’s years ago grew so ::: -.at- that it was found expedient do severe she limb. The- "spot" gI'CV . ' si.;< io -.1 it prevented the aged .wan from A-a lking. UAH (,OOn TIME Ho.spii:,! -attaches noted tha pa ■ iota a-a;,!!. enter the operating ! ■ ’>'(' , skeplcism, but not "Will" vi md. Hi bad a "spanking U'-od time’ through it all !•' tlu* re: iteration method of :.i'H'thc.-.a. tiip area to be worked up is ivw.n so m, ;o make the ! ikitic.it bllvious to pain Ward's wrapped fur some four hour:' in crushed ice before the • ■ -t oruj-utrit-on began. He co -1 pciut.-.i '.vim Ux doctors in a " i ixvbefore seen in suett . ( a- it was pointed cut. i. Dr. Harold L. Trigg, Jr., f-'h.ef M sidcnt in psychiatry at Bci v’k H■■■■■!. Nn... York, was un *l If to be present. once-i>ur.t; W. H. Quarles, Jr, ... .-'ti-. •■ ip training; C. H McLen i don, health arid safety: Dr. N. L ’erry, camping and ac.ivitics; R T. T-oung, finance. Lcondias Frazier, :nJ Znck Ellis, commisloner. It was also announced at thb uie.-ting by G F. Newell, field com executive, that the council md reached at the dosed of 3948 an i U tiro* membership of 2060 Ccnunued on page- 8, This Section