\VFI K ENPr'i; SATUIiJOAY, FEBRV RY 5, 1940 Wife 'f Raleigh Medic Resigns league Post vn A’, 1 IA. G ' VI : ,I ! Ch> holm dark, direct-. : of n- e ■ COfion UKI Jvi'ih.M 1 X;.:;. i.d ’V" le. , -I' ~l; | H,.T ■ l K" I , ■ ■ ■.(id rciiikned !>o> >j■ ' ! ft:l.',■ ■'. I.m :m ■ •vi.v v S’IP i.- '.vii" ri| Dr. \V F. v lark ." hah i j: i". a «‘ T. " a v.... r. >’ i>i 'm Chr;'.iirv ( ,. V> ~ V.rjfi Duvui.i the ■■■.•.. 1 . anr i •'•ln,, fuiik. h■> • rvi i ip ihi puli lie r-iolnna rai.acty At..mAi i tile S'’ 1 ( 1 ■■• i t{( .1301! ,|)|(I ill n'hcr Si -'■it'::. I■ j. l ,v it. 'I'M adqtan u.• (• A’lnn: Uo > ■ . )V.T.- ib,l - I ;:i"d a ju . am yi < 'tion ■ I Nui.it nm I ’rice 5 a ar.n ... !i viler, i■ i' A- 1 :i mii v i t ■ i Uiba:i !; if,;., }■, :or In *ii f a■ A (ea ;a . n ‘hr < No! ::'lt'. .•'(". ..! ~ war exi'eti'A?' ij.rec • . v ilm V W I A, h: .' i■ i X,. u i l l :!. Ln Dtirr-.n hf’i' i' ■ ■ ■ .. i,. i "... ! vear.s a YVV< A.:■ ■ ■■..!•», a !.adu lt’g .fluid C.uau fin 72900 ca W.i. launched and ;■-to .study c■■ i plctcd. The new YWCA buiidin;’ i.- presently under eor.;.ir,,C' ■ 11 . •Vine Chirk also *o vo : ' propmm direch-r ■ i YWCA : 1 ni- yes m: A-- luinhus. On.; ami Knise, City '.Vie Re: Qualifications She is a graduate of both tto-.v "i':i Clliy .i:• i : ■ Ah University .Sv.lv • 1 of So< ..1 W and completed the i .otiinu u; ■ for YWCA d,r< ;<• Obi , . • Collette. She :'.3> ilonp mil: 1a ; i! study a; me Universit*. iVun- Flyvmiiu in Oslo Sine Usivm .•*,!>. end for one year all-ode the Group Work Soper ■■ IS'J.'V Si Ml 111 ! M "i uinne Unix . :-■• ..ms . ! V.'f a Ans . ;m- •: '■a . ' In 19i7 Ms Ch i, •.. ■ SvC'mi ’.!.»: i er hi n • Who'.; Who An , OiK: n Ho'cnni UmveriA .. Women waduat e She . ■ .. mem or-: .I iic A :v. i ■ i.m: A.'."»ci>aiun of Social Wons. and Uk Delta S. e,., Toe:- Sm >;• ■ group;; Till j. ,:i!t . . ?'| I. : -h. .;. is a n.-.Uvo of Phih'rh: 1 iI 1 .: S:tr was ciiiv'ea fn Di Free man ChuA; A,- m ~ J ’s Raleigh X C , . i . n. -'o', po:-.: tr: R- h . v.f!•(:. ,ry A I He; p S!!■:.■■■■■ ; . M : V: , . » o ; : . ... Coyh,, executive v p oi Ciroeini Motors, os Cor ::,.-, i.oil mu,: (.out imu uss 4Jiif.il : f V CotUinmm i Price Kj *:"TTSir >.■ : • • a<~? #*• «« * cc/*'.*■•■■’ n CAPITAL COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. 5’ -I W. M organ St roc t Dial 2.-1 179 jr Does \ /3 jobs fast ta\ / relieve that 1 backache/ h ( | * plasters at the o.ic p. : If straps tvritehing mas*. clas cuts down those jabs of pain. (3 1 The protective pad guards against chilling. Tests bv doctors snow that * Johnson’s HACK PI,ASTER helps nearly » out of 10 sufferers. It’s | made by Johnson & Johnson known i'or hue scvgicftl products for £1 years. At all tiros stores. BIRTHS It rib o'rl float'."; for babies b ‘llotviu* 1 couples "i re re i 1 creel it! th f clfsecs 1,1 tlio W o ■Couniy i\iyd!h rinp-yrlsucnt dui’i' I lof pout v.'o. k ■ i Robe 1 1 Uilirlbevg Flowers m Mrs JacqtioUhc Cooper Flows ! l'M'7 East Hit.ueU Street, a on, !>. I belt, l.tmdberi: Jr last liemnih. ; ! 7 i. '• Si A* i is. H sp'd Janu:;; Fclmn Hmr'don and Mt IVUigrcsv Sire.-:, a girl Sy iv ‘lh Co i'iviir,. . ,!a:juery 1V in Me, ko Hospital. J rvi Beckwith and Mr: Halt I Bo< nb. Veil •. •■■■ Ann ex, ("n,,v ' Hcie.i. a sot;, ! ,r\ i All'! •>. Jai ic in Mi Catilcy Hospital it :v . (tali', arid' Mrs. Kli/.ibe! i Pepper* Gillis JJ" Tucker S'.o.'c ~ , , i . He! -Tr . Janu a ■ Mi McCauley H -spifah Major Burloli. .1 r. and Airs J< i • Boyd Burl on. Cary. it daugUtc , Annie Mac. .1 .inuary 111 u\rria(;ks Circuses to. marry were i-Aued : km foHdv.'h:,: foupk’t dur!': II ... to eeir, according to records < k'aih :• Ellington, Wake (ar.i; i ■ a, k.o of fk :0: ; Sylvester Holden, Hidcmh a Mi .lai'ey Bell Richavd.'o:., We j deli. Route 1 Januar .ho I, I i• -1a 209 X '!*:■. o ■ro Ro.id, iti;d Miss Sara!) I, H*.:. ■, Hah. .Janiiory 2d. Rich.’-.1 1) Green. 42-1 Wats; ; Si: tel. arid Airs. Dursy Stcv«.i;s Iv.h ,o o Jatraary 28. i \\ hi! ;r: A. Ca'o.oi’ 7at. S ;S Bhoo’M Street. Mi Hertia T, 1 ih’e Raleigh. Ji-o'-uary 2tl. (aale-. C Craiy. J'.. -S .., ze per fee* S j ICE CRiA*f|)feiL j 1 2k I lOf Ho.mc> DrlivO ry l)»al -■; l - --. imm— ........ - ... - —' ■ • . ' ----- - Wake Consumers Mutual Ass’n, Inc. 421 S. E ioodworth St- Raleigh, N. C. Investment and Saving W hether you have 5.5.00 or $500.00 to save fir to invest, ‘ here* are few place-' your money will work as. el itvtivol v lor you as in yonr own local CO-OP. ( apital is a kind of energy i’he more your CO-OP has, the ; >etter it van sent and protect you when \ou buy. Member own tie ir CO-OP, provide the capita) and reap the benefits. None of us would try to build a house with only a wheelbarrow full of bricks, the larger the house we want, the more bricks we need. Capital investment and customer patronage are the bricks used by your ( .'O-0P in building and maintain ing the type of business you want. Whether you purchase shares or gr< - veriest r both from your local (OOP, you are not spending your money, you are in vesting it in a safe and sound business, a local enterprise you own and control. Come in let us tell you about the CO-OP plan. “THIS IS YOUR STORE - VISIT IT OFTEN” Member Progressive Business Learue i . & iSt't ; A tfj A ■ j .• ■ : I,: < . • r M-. . . . | V m * 7-n SA.CV>7; } I « ? f v f * h Is v ‘ .•• * t mi f■ ■ • •5 Ml V i AMT BK:.i) V. J T i! (Hit f tlNfli! Aliev o< -hiiv. u mcnilM'r.s of tin rtrleg.itn.in it prcicntil!-; the A, ( \v.<>e>ati«« o! S.\ '»( I’ Hiain.’h ho t-osifei i -1 with (A;' Heir ,-ca I .it the W ashington High ' School Jottings r.t 111,1 si. UhYl •ON i . a.: Ilk a mm: r o; vice i ;-h b : (a . a ,-M. rri”. <■:,;•!.). C tm.-.v JC'-ho': twere j,- 1 j m. ~ , . < Vno, O’' W.i'kinh; ii.ri.stuiil . , la: 'A"' MM ~: { a . | Hlli'C'VJ II 1 I•.11 I( ', : . Mae Th lrr .i Adatno r.'porter.; ; knuaiM 29. . ■ ; (m.m.m: eh.;, v ‘ t >n Fiiday O: V Aa ' 2 Am. a , !.a a . i 0ra1..;, y.are ; - ll'oa, ■. ana .a!"- iho.t . . i n "C a ■ " The picture was ‘ 1 ;; ru- a.ij . I ~ a •: I'.'fi i,. tie A.MMissiOll and ' t ( ■ 1..| I ! Wcdncsdav. T i h i i/ior ridterated Ids in t (A i n in iidlotv a |K>)i.yi aimed a' < jus!■> l !c .reatment oi ail oili ivois ami hstened to the presenta imn oi .ii• Bp. int Irsislatlvc pro THE (lAT-JOEINTAN 1 fir.ini offend by th ■ group. Th, eoitip u-is led by Kettj AI A*. \ awliT, pre? him m ih> Si h ( ': fort nee of NAAFI* t;>aiu-h< ,m:i (li.is. Mi-Lorn 1.! •.Mi r t' ■ • raillee ehairinan fr.llo". rrl itv ;) |f l; 1 !, y 0yi,,.. Matt in. \v-~ Till of f iv , Dr-iis N.v'hui**, * ? {■ !] • ’ 1 [;• S'jff th{i v, ~ .. j , 1 I I . ) }■. c ;j ■ , . r. •' j■ . | I. hr>;>l new nrr ISH.UM.LiV mnT The ii h y * n. '.l; leu Die. .- ' . ' ( ■ ■ . ; J : . cnniciriar aetlviUe,j •• vileci on u H;-: ■■■o.'hoo; du: the !• , .Hi column, :t 'ru/vc;. of y;: ,!- ,i .!• • . ieiicrs to (he r ■ ••.! < >n'f olvijj.- T;i•. ,if is • orn; ,- tl >; tun lollxv. s.) r’udenrs: Edltor-iii-cnief, th. *>erl Adams; s.-id. i. ut wlitc-iu-chief, George Fir he, : fsjirrts editors, Jame; Mr ler enrl Cr , Ariam- 'n'ov. • manager. Jethro Rob.ns,,;;; au\-..r* Using rr Catherine Wynn, gossip reporter!.. Josephine Sun on Walker Bros. Transfer Moving and General Haulim? Wood Bng Coal - Wood Sawing Local and Long Distnm v Hn tiling 81 2 ¥ . Davie Sti cut !) . a I 3 -1 62 3 | Daniel Walker Edward WaHtc:* | iSpun U ;\l< i ■ )so I l * Feel those ’Sofa Wide Serifs... up to five feet wide! And 'oft! «fa •;T feel that AW Ship Ride. .you'll ride in the level center section of the cat ! reel that“Equa•Poise' I’power 1 ’power in both the neiv iOOh.p.VS snd ihe 95h.p. Six I Feed ih'WG Hydn Coil" Springs in from teamed with "Para-Flex Springs in the rear! Feel the wheel...you]l love ih.tjJraw-wai.hl feel fee Magic Action braces. . to 35% easieracting.. .theyre'King-Siaf tee Ye >jr Fori Dealer yoo ’o ? • -- vn to ;h« f(f*3 AHrp Show. Sunday Evenings —NBC Network. •:< the r *r6 tWsift Friiev 1 CHS S«*e your newspaper for time unit s f^u)n. ' '*s \ SEE YOUR FRIENDLY FORD DEALER m I'm nci Diiiitii 11, club reporter. Zy 1- . pii.. Moore; i'lOniei pom rcporU: *, J !*.); ie Sanders: scci'c.taf.v, Aynes Als- I ton; idvi.si'l', Mit-.', Wall, i The Social Sc (.nee Dtpartßacni , | under direction rs Mr. l.„ F. Per rin, vi.-.iter.i the Gsine.iai Asserubly j ' 1 ' curi• fir.rl hand mb ; mail'>n ! .‘H tiic iiitioduction of a bill. Mrmbi y; of the Y-'iV. ;• .. nov ' ! pfenning their antm.i! ~c' n \ Niy.lu dec di>o i.n in ahe !' . i o s i}'#' :n tci mi i"t ■ to ■t # ipc-pniisr fhctne whicli h.*s »r. r. y. t | been announced Tin Girls' Leagi,' l men it r>rs r .'an ! ned ;: choyolaie sip for the r ! 5:...!#. iy" v. !dch u - os held Supda) ' the YWCA Ft cm February 0 to i- i • ;F of Ann .'Km v. isi - ob'ia'c | Scouts Anu-ejca will c.• ■:.'•) ip- V ; Ml 111,! ■' Syi-id:, ' f)i imytrn High Sc in'.", .i. umier the di-' '; ;, d i-io oi diir is rider, :\l. C. ibb idueti j*i,... iin:nation.>l theiue.; “Q!d at 40,50,60?” fJan, Vou re Crazy httlf * ijl|, -.it \1 ..G i t t’Tl •: , .'«<{ ?• 'f.’kl'Tfi > NEED GUSSES? i « eper,inp 3. Adventure in Special Events 4. Adventure in Citizenship 5. Ad venture in Leadership Ail schools, chinches and civic chi!:.' --a ill assist the Scouts in reie ,•jilting their birthday. ST. AUGUSTINE’S CHORAL GROUP TO SING SUNDAY A choral pinup it . Augus- CY,Siege will vlyg ,P th< first ir.oMhl meeting of the ftrt Ra- Civil Forum at It v St. M.,U- Strv. A‘.VIM Ct.urch at .i-(lO Sunday .f'.nrnnon, the Rev. S F. Daly, has armouric: d. '1 hi choral graun win be under irectien of Air 1 Cor,; lance Odell. Jiroc'.or of vocal music, and T. Cur ' i ?reu«. sh„ Lmu #l, *« hronebi*! rongtttloa, %t,r u,Mthin *' ***> I Bjossers I ||/ 4A > /s/jidicat % CIGMETT C S