PAGE FOUR EDITORIALS QUESTIONS OF POLICY (Editor's Note) La.-fc wc; v on this page the:i wax lx -■ guna dU-vuion of the stai . -i Ni'gro nu-nlally diseased aad lunidieappf o<l. Other aspects of the same silufitmi; ;u ... commented on ihis. week. It will be interesting to „ee what new ingenuity Tainuulge and his fi iiuuU v.;H pull out of the Hal to check (he black lx Constdcihg the “separate lint, conn!** doctrine, an outside observer might well tiide on the has-is of the relative in stitutional facilities for the two races, that the Negro race in North Carolina is a lot saner and a lot loss men tali'/ defec tive. than the white race. Accompanying the article i< a picture of a staff conference at the Goldsboro hospital VII the faces in. the picture are white. Tins would indicate that under the system which calls foi separate* institu tions for Negroes and whites, all the im portant positions in this N pro institution ■are filled by white persons. From the su perintendent down to the case worker the personnel is white. The interesting article would indicalc that this staff is serious, conscientious and devoted. It is clear that the members arc overworked. Exit why, in a Negro institution should there not be some Ne gro professionals on the staff? There warn a time when this question might have been countered by the allegation that there were no competently trained colored per sons io till such positiigits; but certain l.v no one could argue successfully t hi as, qualified Negroe-' could not be found for a* (past mne T them today. Finally, (he article rep or Lx that • he popuiadon of the Goldsboro instil,mion is 2,771, a- big as that of a good sized town. It goes into detail at the same time concerning the plan of .individualized treatment which the staff is 1 eying to car ry out with the patients. Yet the stall ''consists of six medical doctors, a psy chologist, a social service worker a ad their assistants.” (Number of assistants not specified. > There have bevn enthusm-; of the in adequate care and curative treatment given the patients in North Carolina’s mental disease hospitals in general. The writer does not know how 7 the size of ike Goldsboro staff compares with that of the other institutions in the state, but in view of the other facts one knows, it is a very sound conjecture that the »gro institu tion is not better off in this respect than the others, But be f !i ;> f as if. m;n il i-t ■ ions that a staff so vmail cannot handle highly specialized and technical care ~.rr. curative treatment «.f nearly 5.000 persons, representing every known type of mental disease and mental deficiency. When the state authorities, goaded by criticism and aroused by scandal, exam trip the Citof» of affairs in our mental in stitutions they will make high-sounding statements about the needs of “all mu’ insiituiions for the unfortnate. - * But will (they also consider Hie gap that exists already bewern the .institutions for while and the institutions for “our eullnd peo ple”? And will they examine all phases, of inch discrimination, including Hud of st?lf personnel on the higher levels? facing facts Ihe ••minenl historian, Henry J-ftcole Comma per, in an address before the Uni ted Church’* 1 refituto of Religion, brought into this area a fresh- and a refreshing (slant on the civil rights U-ne. A disinter ested student of I: iiman affairs, unhamp ! ir-ii by consider;'.!ion of tin* p •• --Tile lo cal reaction against him became of the frank statement of his vi<nvs. Dr, Com mager said: The question of the gradual institution of reforms concerning civil rights as op- THE CAROLINIAN Published by The Carolinian Publishing Co. lift East Haraeit St.. Raleigh- N f " the Post Office at Raleigh, N. C„ under the Act of March 3. 1379. P. R. JERVAY. Publisher C. D. HALLIBURTON. Editorial Subscription Mates Oe.r Ye -r, $3.50: Six Months $2.00 Address all communications and make all checks payable to The Carolinian rather than to individuals. The Carolinian expressly repudiates responsibility lor return of unsolicited pictures, manuscript, etc., unless stamps are seat. posed fa immediate action is largely arli ficial. There i-. no danger that wo will create Utopia, overnight. Wo may be sure the: vi • '. or will in doin' will be dune . ■ actually.” We take this I>> me. n that, the natural jr.crtia. of the human nvnd and of human .society being tv hal. it i*. flu* time to ini ii,-d!‘ a ; !<• r- 1 > iu when iU*; *■ need is (Widen' 1 for i 1 siMre at bi-v-1 il udl *a V <•* years to :* Hilo VC O; ! dtllAi ’* C - 01 -■ !.) Ijf ' o\o|u!iouai v on (he .-airfare -f 0 One need on? io Until-. of I !:••• i;k 1 ! - 1 Ho 1: 1 wip.'l'ici t'i'Of. 11l IV! ‘I i‘H; and 1 ii Hii and : sth Amendments are an r:‘ i e wan 75 years old. to realize how oiuid Dr. romma.j'er?; nU.iei vation u. . One .need only uflevl on the lincc qt.tartc.r-centttvy .druggie of the Negro i Ol the ballot a struggle not yet ovig, in .spite of the i'at'i'ficiHion 1 f!• ■ quarters of a n’ii t.Ul'v ag" of Hie !,.!•( .'implidlMeu! "Wo may lie sure.'* ho .-'..aid, “that whatever a. done will be done gr. dually.” All 100 si! re, There is hardly a social, reform one can think of w hich would ever haw bec 11 brought ;.dxmi if ‘ had Ixy-n no i-» wait until even all the good and intelli gent people were sure that the linn* was sip. . There was honm-i. opposition U> suf frage for women right down to the very day it finallv herum-* a fact throughout' Hie United Stab"-, and these arc still iho<e. including *•' muon, who think it wa*i a mistake to c-xtc nd Hk> i.uillot to females. Another point clearly expounded by 1 >c. (hunmagi’c wa - the fal'ary in the dvit cniphards of the lion betw ‘'hi na tional and local in the m Wer of «i\ 1 i ngiity In the coerpai'! modern v, <• :• >. • stence :-Ber insiatice demon-drab. u cannot t> * localized 01 its effect-'. There is phony of room ; • slates and )o --< aii• i> s to w-)'rl; on Hu h- "peculiar” pro blems-, but it is a mistake to characterize many of these problems as local either in their ruauifos*.ati'*n or in Uioir effects. Furthermore, the stales have insisted that they he a How - d to handle 1 heir own problems .when, Dr. Com may. r jamn •out- and as is pw-'.te obv iots- anyway, 1 i- *.\ too often wanted to he lei? a,lone i • do nothing at all about them. Jt lias hot u noted in these columns Uub it is difficult to find any instance in which -t .southern state has by its legislative action, d im anything to lessen diseriminaHi-n. <);: Ha either hand thejr matute books many examples oi laws whose {■ffv-et i,-. to pro duce discrimination. An intercsling and import atd lore) sidelight on lb < lomuiaym • add! e was the f;Penu-n! made at the meeting ! ;-. I’r.'f, .10.-.eph D Giarke, who presided. After referring 'o I.he resent dcchuxitien of Governor Kerr Scot? to the el feet that, Negroes should have representation on state boards be added that as a member of Raleigh’s school board he would hi-.•• so .er- ;i Negro on that lioarl ! 1 ri'-jee •sent the one-third of Raleigh’*'- -ch.ool chil dren wire ai*e Ncgix'cs.” “.SHINING SYMBOL” A bill to unmask the Ku Klux Kla.n was recently defeated in the House of Rep rose! datives * f the state of Georgia That Georgia is not a total lo ? i:j iudr e,i led howevc,- ,l.»y the hut. 1 out. it wa only after "three h<un.s ol fiery debate, as the United Dress reported I*. that the vote io reconsider Ihe unmasking iv- s sm*e was- finally token and the rerun , ideration motion lost. Av s rdiing to U. P., pi.> Him ; riglit in Georgia n» xmain hooded was won by impassioned ex 1- t«;ry es '-no Rc-p. .Julian BcnnoP. who in t:.-- •i.'siu'Sf of hi.- specvh de-crib! d the Klan a •' t shining : yir’osl of th.- Raiithern wav of life.' Such a ohorjieten.e-.tien of file Ku Klux Kl.'m •in the Year of our 1.,0r.d 1P49 is j sic! and de ! > ~>m;.- Co mg. -adder and more depressing is tbr oi'ceptnn-co of that ■•!-*..u-aet.r rizal ion by iJic great, majority in a 1c LslsC v< i>.>dy 1 f one if the United Stales at tins kit.- d; *■•-. But part of the- shame may be charged against fee thousands of respect ,.ib!o Hvutheirx rs who in the- past have romanti cized and glamorized the tirl Kla.n of pa t-Civil War days. They established a pattern wliich has ••./tit!asted them. Lawlessness was made noble, and intimidation oil the weak and helpless was glam orized. What happened in Georgia a few days.ago them cannot bo e.Targcri exclusively against the igno rance ana prejudire of (today. Tile foundation :f;>r it was laid long ago by men and women whose-, -opportunities -and advantages should have made tl;un know better. THE r -AKOI.dUTAN ■ ' A A i \ V ;; VT :.w : - ■-.! -ST'Spllg^.Ay. 1 ; IZpmL* --- WA ■ -A?-"./; "I 7 y ’■ --v.NT T , ' mTo m /,- Nf TtiM V » - ■' !/. f 1 ■ Ml L»* 1 _ f Ty?/;? ' .'•'■/•.- .' /r .y * i . -a.„.. zW"*.. 1 . ' ■*> * ’V. •. I’?USAT \K fAT HOME ’ITTsr l lecoiicl »i||v I'h on tilts ... A T\ BY c r> i?;.i !.nunnq:i 1 icwwmwmwnfcn- f ** T'-‘- \>ubLrE*v und - ?»•-. •« •*:*,') • ; *un .|j\| i*£\y : the: ttfiilUr.l uiTiir' t! -* : ■ ; 1 J ■ - ■ •' .. ' ■ 5} 1 '1 ! i \7fiii' •iif 1 ? *’* enfcuH-mcu-t au/ir ’lu' u- • • '-A-* ife*. * ’ U : teun tC.FUi A::- ih> u :.D k;“) :•:-• ■■ * ‘ G• , : is f UIT.C: 1 uah'i 10 u? •• ng'*; '■'u)if‘. luuu cur* risr* IV: >;SUS f-1 CbilA! ,'- • .id »■•:! A'S? ■ GU ! ’ T f UG’U-iAj )-• oi >* • -mg •••- * .*•••• ' fmtiuu i 1)10 > us i ■ iftiJ u; -. ! ’ ;n thv (lii cci - • ut u- ; • ■-* • 1.•, 1 i 1 tp-x ; p-i v: >i. ;1 • Gf'fi U t\. mCI; 4 ■» i*o }’U.> U .e-Y o)'’* iLL ii« >l. : : ~!'.<• \ I >;» •?•'- : .1 •' * •••:■• : * : • •: ;>nr::i !,-■ Cxr ... - .. V o m-ii-Uirt'lie ' '. '! - (. ,) L : •, 1 .• ortilf 1 - .' ,f 1 !* - t* .?!: }V. -- ■ '!'!•:< ■ : ■-i -V Mili. iri C.vil . Ur , }c; ;' .* -; A li!'ll. • fit (i i,'! i.'i U • whole lot ... ihcßl, i-' f.-iii'. • i<";- oi’.iTO'ii iJai- .‘.-i ]•>•":■: - 1:-, r;-; • • lib-: 4 : xvii* b • oiU luit .. > against -'= td.-j--. h- mu TK.rmiv.'' M.-.ny *,f :U i>e pnlvno t xt the oki ccV'-uirA. -ip- usa! I'.w No „*i ... !;•' o i,....: s j,■; ; ),<• . ■ y, v- h'. <; n U..- v -.v •( 1 V! Os ■( *»u .'il- '>!"• u, X- :'. - ' * * v il! ,-I j until . , .! I: n I ' i !:•■■: I Uv Ni'Xth. Os . '.-OX- V - but in.sgulied v‘iiU; -■ >, i X. «' . oi; under ife<> of Mo. o'.iv.x ijcui’x 1m st.ii up iking.-' Aik! i!i i!x- •'.*( of hi-toA-i'i'n 1 >.»;>. ut ideas nod .run-, fr'.-x .- 1 -Hal efjtiaisU nruv:. : » jxnid IN THIS OUR DAY I S ( \ I I!|I I, s, V If.’SC V RI'S Oft -'At !;,?.* .• i i (he p..e:-idcn*• of I'D' Nu» in I : I 'VVuebCi - An ’ O aUr.jj < ;AU t\ ;j 11 •Ur t 1 •! * , Kj 1 i ;y. .-utiu i-;o .rd, S('r ! ,on <*!.- ,i-i 1 . i oUh-is f > i*t-.ii. dvr the -i-iniVil nro/.- am i n ?)->.(? A. ofi.-cioi; piling (.-i'.i'tcm.ui '■.l tiic general. X 11 l aUrr.ded i ix- iiic- iru. I uiixlij ti,c round* tl'ift from r\ ycttftvfile by iris. My - ■;ix - rtoru c on Un- l■ tr> of ccuirvc, a 4 fn.-iper trip-; j-v-’ mil I i j•--. I<-;) No n< ctx-A-d: d in (hr !*..>)• of ti-c tu*- hkc- vrdixer. in i ca* i'. ■* :. <!'. K'ljliiie .md li. f.'i-!cfu: us i! u to b>- foiccd in t-j.-ie under suv’i • • • ■ illi<.i . Iliey cp;i: ji. i!c<'•■'•• .pix.c.' ;:n: forced to under.' .' in she waiting i"oin? is more hum-lial iiiß and nbomdinablt*. That pari of the bt. -iniion set I'pavt 1 Neeroes gt-iC-r.-iXl.v is targe c?io;i;i.h to eccominactaic abrnf! lm'if drifen people, they are I'Ci.dom, indeed if ever, . clean; they are told in the wilder, and; t,y and large the Negro waiting v iaa ccrvos ar, a siorage room for empty r-ft drink bo tics, baggage, etc. With but lew exceptions, only one person at a time can go into ihe rest m-m. In one station the nHi.ipu fDu »v;>; iI.U lv':7y U;*f : ■. • : • • • • 1 *d N? ‘-NUii Y 1 . U-U -'Mi. r 0>H # ' V- ;•: j ?.; v .; • . ’. ■ \ U■ • U’ r • t ('*yi ii . ’ t,: . . u 1 1 1 ; ; • i ;p. i '{ L h , '*• U • r . ... y-H u '' ;,???<')’ - ... G-U’C : tV.tfi }i V. ' inn M h,. ; u a f:;f i m.'N. A uu i uu.O; • -il J*!: . -« . A • :»■ ’ u stoi o in rt .vuv./o in c'k.vcGUiA ■,)■}(» rd » he*lp be? • FU >? .\VvVn Ibv:,.* .n- f i -?>:•» fib- • : • : J'; : r* rHTuyi <‘-.Hinty \\ hitc mOti •:! b• I Ur, ■ l-iyt'n'.- ,tt w . ■ ,* -li, v .. \ ■ '.\T*..u v' -:' •il A; jt r. n i ■ - - • - f ;> • ' ’ * I-. : liw> l.oi-v of r-.-i fill;! : ■ . . V'111::: .- !<; ~d h 0. ■ • . A Klivki'i'.-- ■•.i.i’.i v'.;:.; i.K-\cr tiilundcd iq ha anything oi:.". •] ilc i ■ T live •X . "01-1 ’ lv.> widely -cad. and ,-.■ !• mul -! if-adn..: i>v ih*--.- < i i.,.-,. ,-f rcivuns ab.ovc rht lUloned -,\cre ax *-,, ■ !!".!! oi - :i; ~ - - i v li*. ’ i ,;C --"ad in-- i in J’;ui<-r •- uch o u -! if -. , f <:osp U,!.f * i-Sil I ; * Mi- ;u r, .icy. i; 1 .-ti-tiaii d-.- doer tn tiio r,cx\ i<l r osr <*peii!: (iu Cl *i -• ill 11.- ’ of ihe l ail- ill il ■<: ■,•■. !'' (.-{ (he ktiU.-ex ilirojtfh'i N*. g.-i.M*;; liii.iy .ru v !; h’.K ( : sfl,!-;,i. And. of C( urse :■ ne\v.-|;tu>er :; ! .aprl in.'l a public -pl.l ill- ir.-a 1 lull l-i }:•' qdf tu-a j:i !Il.'d <•(’ ihe -t.iUon i- - : v.‘ .’ I !' I* 11l X At- , n oi: • »?*■“.; i.s fhc Me . i:. ’:room ire a pop c>. a Xa,i«'. (:.■(• .:nd a juke box. Tbr c-o:i --<i11•■•ii.ies whj«h JSogives n ay -. ecu: e f.■ ii a; 1 urr;iliaiir;:» m the 31 lh degi ee. smtiil hole in ino at the I i'lt: KUcliru is a. nci ~l!y sesevved for Negro l»SScr#jrK J thoroughly believe that, i! ;s --hripo-'-sihle for n ’aw'-afcidlng and - "if-respecting Negro to travel by iH'.L'h-; bv -ae in iht Sr.uiiu m part of the United Slates w-iUiorU hav ing, so to speak, (be very !i£e crushed out of his sou). A Negro can iv'; travel by bus without los ing some of bis hope fox a better day. he cannot help front losing a portion of his enthusiasm, loy- HERE AND THERE iP>V \M'i Mr , . . « , . ii. .i ,-,v-a-}* i< , 1-,,- '. -' 1- I FA . < , ■ ■ C ; lit,' - : ■ . , '" s,:: 1 , -■ ’ f., I i '-a ; r 1 ' ' ■ .■: , ... . ~. , , j , . , f <j ir. VA.. .Uh Alt;-,ii-iM i. uppl- mriumn i '-aideut. Tru ■ ■> i o 1 wc '• 10. FtftO> Big ■ ■ i VA ; :■ is Emi icrymcuC V, ;n very ‘uw’dly iashdm. In ■■ c -.- i i dim,A VA aide. :U . cti VA': BO,i- 1 ■ uC'V «C'-V for I* ;-r ;|• , . f « :-A-/ ~'j A Ji- Davis i.*> t* > be a briE;:*riie?- f \Vr j;,»j u * * !•; liir i.i . • h !<■ di » \vr /:• 1 f; <>m h c! t sThnlV !a u junior, that’s athletes r lien d in# track incH in WRsi?;?v?ton (sponsored <•••-■ -•! iD i.Vjtf! * T <>vr\ t L'.'i '-. o’orj tie .am tnltrt-inci t W:r- - •» •» Rr-'JV.I job of 1 1 i 1 on i in'.: iji VA hospitals, and * :1 r t cnn tr 3 b utin 4 1 o enh a1 * c:; 1 g r e,.! j-j• v-els affairs. Scnvc d hit.: huUseye for the N-o -'a;A Co it seif -.A Net so Women Cr J;nw y! . ,this projon (Nice idly, i ‘vJ{or mo A Unfi ts Dr.v e-f.-e ue-.ld a> tieiij* before : *' : eh . horniiiotlHg experience. Ho "toiiiol 1 rffer such rot unj'-jir !r ; ’• f *•:; d i;■': d rrmain •• \:»rod 11 c ivr a/, he ’> ~.s befiai'c. l : v'i ;t euu ■ 1 1 ' 1 tty •' !!<." 111 : •: . a ! foi sj(c "bn fee!•: ih;a hr ss nisi a;vrccif»led by so bar;.;-: t t whclbcr ;1 a' - his; h\ I,a or !; air, ( bnt • i ,!'y by bus) in Ihe Sou 111 iu'-u 1 1 '| byljevo thiit they arc. op;.rcc.aril I. y , whlcn ' ; .f'>i•..*■:• tljom lo Miflci such in i’ v - a, repealed firit during AV I ,in v: ■ v, ji v. a.-, fie to j; • ■ ?; ; t ; IIIIr-r ‘A .0 Id bo cJefeHt- V( *< r.i people were de* b;:Un;; the question ,vital sboutd ia done with him for being re- I'onsibl, the War A N(a,ai in bin group Fti.fgcstrd that tic he bj-otight ■ ■ the United States, cut hi.- hair, paint him black and turn in in loose. The Negr:., felt '.hoi irso "vruld be ample punirti n-ient to Hitler tor all ot his crime a aaa , humanity. WhvM } htFt! of 0 while person inning been found paid;, for some crime, 1 quite of ten • , "Cut hi: nan paint him and give him a long free ride, on a public bus in the South ern part of die United States. I am sincei cuy and thoroughly con vinced that rer ardless of the na ture of the crime this would be sufficient punishment. W'l- T*:Tv T-MDING ' ATT T BD.AT, FEBRUARY -j, 13 4-3 if All BO'WE EH THE #at :zz:iz:xiiaESi~~:;; BV DfANB HANCOCK fCD ANP A CONSPICUOUS HOUR fr a. . j >a- I _ * 1 ~ JI •11 I Vum■" ;i ; . hi; ,a, -, ; ;■] i;i ,: I i P ~ 1 5 II i ,V -'; fi ). ,k : 011 a, utunned umaia »• ,t, Td-, r h-a u-su , rca-nii, wily Trurn.yri .not, 'be .. i- alar, 1 !’.a twaa- - , ■ ore, y.-p. wilv -n . wisy b- . IhhiM be, :m ;tl :• the ■a' ■ i.aan.i in him thy <.. }.»r f ’s. - - ten At hi.-ai-f tltc r- t 'or- r- ,a:.;a: ! , . , lira | anti n-urn Tdana't ~: ’u ~•i i I,:, til.. \ u ,-a - , j.-, , i’, 1 1 - 1 • r t1)1 •- ai. :H‘,:a.-;ly been nw the rntiiurtinv nt :vf :t natu-n',; ■igh'a-ii: !v>i H. rp.-kc? -fbe langueg:: ;:d r-l'tcd Uu- vigilt-c.-ux.-i a.n'-iti-e .-a erca-t pea pie 'rnirnun fl:e'(ft ty, pi ay an utklci'- i -g v >I ■ - in »i-< r,,; ■! Amem.-an r|:ani,'i and he bared to t '.-it the part • l we in;/!, ■ i e- b; . i-tnipgl, with -p; ivilcgcd and c-ntovm-hi'd p!iit-Cv• • : > He dnn tJ to ' • i little I /aval and aiaaywl bimselt avainnt t.h,. (h-i:.e , of a heavily finance,'l rer,; iblu-an) ij'.arty and h a tolled f.'-ie glaw ; n.f rime off the !i,-t s, victor ta one of lire migii* ie.-.t, p, -.itn ; v i;,;- r hiS-tor.V T. it, V ' ' 1 |t',! S ir-> ei ', i;e ■"aitpo.i.e ; .- t, n -I be,, el -a ; -, .It a m pir nc 1 ! a p'-nafe -a'l.a'; n-,| In wa late ion , I a ith I- 'Ota ,i 'legrec-a 1 lyn.YUpr pi'O. v ‘till; ’;, rj t when: "mat ir-; !unv l: wanl- th, hiphrs* to. wwrUl uffi.vd.;, the preaidiaiev of the U. S., he vv-'u I'-ccaun- he cspnuntd an -un ri-pcia. ■ but ye'btnnu:; , ,• e-r ok! believer! in lii.m:-iaif i.nd ;.o- cauae end t,!’.e l.cni i irence of i just (sod lb |-, i . a IdUr tean \vit.twui t a -c-.liege :rn age and to -a ernov a.-h, -1: t, as are atm all;p.j-'-.i a; a.o many gods towering, os ail te.aie fy. In otair-r words m ;- counfr;-- wlierc dcgrcririn '•■a:-; 'oee-wne a an undogic d wbi-te man i': ora Miss-mri ride, t ,! a a ; >o; si la nty a.ln-ost w-itii :•! t paaaUel ijt tlie, n.dir-n’.. ■a-,-;. I-. I:, linacbn oa-nt f. • m itis splitting to to ;a e; i.leni-v ; rt • true thn' Booker T. Washington -went, from :--ao. a bit i 'to th, I frill. , S' Fame, But there two greats lived in :, day vain-a ]e;irn;ng was not :v* wors.hipnc ;l a-- today. They lived before our nation asked .vbrut the deg-rC'C; fir. t. and ciuirac.trr next, before diplomas, like ware; ove; fh<- t -I,i, , ,-iilll!. a. \yt aucf’OUi'f! to the h> ;n‘’a! lii-tdcr; h, tor 1 - i. ree wor-bln tva-1 b'-eeoia a < ctr-ajming tie mu to tuarn tr-lhon;,. T:', itt !<J !> ii- api*,’ 111' ids ~li. '7.IT-e|e;lies, risen to t n-a of i.bc < vot.reajvl mg ,- liiacneeg ,-j Nothing -aid '!>.'• greatw proof ■ ei, r e:jim| ry' gi cubic:.- - tiurn tna« 010 ,ked over m'-tt es iitgh ck • . a;, ' laa , * ■ I !’,,, a;■ e.■A- ': ’ s i ! ,!'! \' f lit:.:::. ‘ ; i.n-ssimt Traa a not lea:nod. be t. n<> -e.-a- itson is ah oratoi', he ru.iki . .mi , to a , In---bioode,i m! tvilent Truman a-, just a swell -a people's .nan and. as euth he has brought to this ,ala - ii: .-!. , -nspicucu-’ it'iurs, T w: lias rede:nun -are : rw.iaaa ; aea I■ ■: !■/■ ::', : 1 in t: udimate tnuripi; : rtpiii: oiHic a faith ti'.nt is ;d. times ow;■ a nto its fcimdtaUcuv:. In beirt;’. :>.-osident nf al! the people no one group need expert -,'l n h- .- ; e l (ir, ,-r to mutertnii/. ■ in f-hor! order. It. u true he the a .kesman fur the note n'-; Jibc.-'-.l ,ii wants, but it mu-st no' I-,, f. , y.-t! ■> Hat iris opp'.isitii u not ch "o i Jits re act will be ■> r-eky c>:ti.■ and Tauioan needs the pea -or.- >f a nati-uu The Dtxtc erat--. e-a iy.uig in wait to amhu. h hi u. The eld ra-actiom-ries nrc a. tie : .: ; a-n the-' can . Til til;; chant ,-\v u; . With Him ’ ‘ •;•-!.! if>. Him!" Ra\ wotvas o! foe i mad •wt n- vet* mi;re hungry for -e A,!.; o p- than oi, .:: m . aetor of the south is hungry „■ tie otu-r di - triietion i>f Truman and Trumanism. Ls his program . .- *■ oy, . - - .s and ' - ;,at work as 'planned,' Ne !!ui; i ii- I :f-iAv too j ir.puttent -- a:id too quickly. Truman has . wo y-'u -, hi,; lieart e-; e.d w : wht uoi play infia the IxarHe ii .tie- Dixici-rat. w!v) at"! elanyiripy ins < lest ruction. T; mean i:.i.- pr-.a ed himself tip dnldow knigiit. -eve: chanip ,-H; s'- -wi-- -f civs a atj! : f;,; m yog! , eududea Truman'-- :,ti *; i ■ 1.--, p-nvuidcnvy is one >f the in irrefutable testimo . i■, :- r.a ;. \'id ■v- r ‘leant I - teg \vo:id. He makes possible < ant lon's hour! 0 SENTENCE SERMON Te,.-- .-•■ I-,- ( a,!.1 otilo Usd l ee.iu- 1 fa vad( -re i, wli'Ut flu a g es. ot Hu to in you and im- Vi. i- in a'H-na -, ft,, fca# *• e run’io! triicc. V f >u and I arc the only ones who can v/«;ar His 1 nee. ’} hen if we hi. tray - ur trust, v. > make ms Him h God of deceit nr,.l of lust U, I-;-, ih -II- e.v, ii,,- r::;d of choice and depu I izt cl. them b> imitate if. voice; f;,!f .Kid -nintu-o .-emrdcqu;:-!;; Hu.- kingdiom 1, :,v.. and Hi |,U: IJ<- ■ - met pei-.ei-, . Hr. eaUSC delay.,. ,fr -j, i,, ,: ii .-•.•! .-, -n,<ukf- . • u on- i ogu a- j; in ha i.iy - hoc, . . t Hr ,!(-■ ,: i 1 v, ant H,, f. -kiwi ~ ).> da i Tla- i aioag 'uu. ua in av i.ri uud deed thy greater th Ghj-is-t’s desire to fulfill <«ur every need. Fb-fj" a ethers ovdv ditreet trim II;- Majesty; He prefer.- jdain ir-rn mvl vawmen of l-ov ( - and .purty. IS. can pjiic the bumble.-t sowl and hi ing joy oat of ■ccnfustdii when stormy t-oliows roll Yen, Chnvt's kiniydom (toe-; net. fit pend on rjunion's, great fieri mv. without Chri.-'t ;m making terrible blunders. tV a;, 1< ruing ev> --v day a brut men of experience, influent : d te.unity -ho ar being 's-und by their own destructive feitci a-.- Uawing Ci ri-t cut >f tiiew -planning. YHE’fLI NEVER M RISIDENOf IN cjtVEIxNND, \ HON, JERKMIAH A. leg, BROWN . I OHIO LEGISLATOR ! P|' ContinwmJ Fwtam

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