PAGE TWO Legal Notices PV HU SLCMUOR COI'KT T.OP'I If CAROLINA Wk. CL CGIP TV MiTICI ID t‘ lilil, RATION •i.i .i; \ sui: r.\MPBm.. by hoc I'-: 1 I'. Alf I Hi; If A. A RON ■ PG A V . ], S El • ,'L CAMPBELL ■ HU timed will ;■ c t •. iv. .. j. nr it. ii '■'it: •, id \ I - • i ’ni ?nced in ■> 1 ■ l ... • l .Vt.fce Conn ;i : t , . f.JI 0 1-0' I.t • ■. . ' rem 11:t'• |; -id . ' f Hut.. - IV. •■! .11 it' Ul(i tj.,- ■ ii' . . f -mn.) i .l • • . ' toe .i.ll ■• t> • will : 1,.'1l ; o ■' IA 'lit d ' . | '■: 1 . .. ■ .it' C ~r ■ I ;• Kl l . ~ :.. i • -:■ ■ .. March ’.y da; • .t*.". f ft*-. ■ '.f '■ ■■ . : . C -itr.ty . r : : :i N'.i t.h < k»t ! <ilina. ■.:. 1 >. t t. i 11' a;i.l l Id till- Com}-.!*!.; ‘ . .1. n lbe pLunLlf ■. id ; :(V.!i ’. f.-: tin.' rc l'i.t 11. (1 ir Inc CuinpLut.t. ; 1 • -..1 das .! Eibi u.ii v 1919 ■; RA • I LEN Aid Muir. ( ,i. ■•fi i...i Co..C of :.« C.. I t.-' • .'.‘•Cl. • . > .. 11.. : .IP ill ) 1.1.(>Y D A .!.-, iwy ’■ • • , !9. Mai in i r: ihi s i tM hi or < oiit i •adi: ! H ( 'ARC>I.I N A M l i ll ! ivJ /• EOARF.T ! KVVI ‘; iPDJi: LEW Iff THE OF.FF.MBANT. Eddie !.. v : ahe r- Cl ' ha' aii •■' : 101 l a i.i ■-. has Let t'. com . ! '‘ :. lal (’• JUI I tat • . ? i. c.uiii* I ci obtain sn etbtsio ■ ; i'r ; : i|: lilt 1-1 CUinCH 1 I t.V' ye ; - .1 at». r. a- provided il: tiK L'L'fUtf-.. at Ni j ' .roll!,. I, plan* ■ ti. oil,i nii-1 -C.nt I' .v)ls g. l.ved .rati* 1 m :. 11 ■ .. 1 .. • . - ■ a- !( v ! ; .ri ettlLrig 1 il' 111- 1 .itvi,,. iii. ..i-uoii: uid teal T. c lit;:; tit V' jll titllhii' 1 Cl : <>- a t t‘L}a ;t l 1.1 Ita appl.ii : . taa.a- •,1 liti l ii'-lK of :‘jt : .iit ... ( .>ti : *'.f Wake County, aal ;; Ca 1 i.i): 1.: i. in the ( ‘.jlii 'hot : e . 1 -,C ah no ton 7th day of .1 i : ii ! i ltd a u! V.aililti tV/CfltV du.V ' i• il . t a.! .. a ivir ■.•)' dl'lllll: lO it..t li! a aid ac ton ni I ph.-ill! iff V. ~1 apply to til ■ a a : ta. ; i Ilf , . i.Oi l.) p 111 .til did it, i : lit. lia . d .lain in \ 1949 i Lie; A- • l 4-1 I'll 0,.,i.f Lnperinr Court V .! CAP Lack. Attorney r < a. it y.r. > ' l lor Mini i L 'tM .ill; JU i 1 xi. .loc • it.D '■ Lit (■ 1 ! .1,,}.! Tut til i i W if i i ■ ■■ i■' !;.. - it, nos ’ • ! U1 ..: ci i’in t 1. ' ■ .. . ..11l ’ . 111 ta t :< 1 O' I M !-t t. J 1 ] 1T)II. (.1 Ihr in v. v ot nit. tit-.! in ben ~} *\r r'f.v, All i.i,-.,;.. huiibt. t "aid , UUI >.--,11 | .it- a , in:.h ■ O'lt'ltta . | Hit lit in Oil Wit ■ nr ; aod ~,.d ■ ! out C t«c lie 1M day ot‘ evimiary, D. If MEID Eye. tiinr P H WILSON' Ct.rk at •' 'UtrfY.Ol (.'tail * it 1m i 9 i'i; 1 i'Hi SI 1-I.KIok COI'KT LoRTH CAROLINA • ■>::l i 'Ot.' ;; i , SOIK I LEI.)A K hHOOKS ‘ AlllfOX r BROOKS !‘ :* lit- h ; f;a• i- : : c fit ath a ' ' 1 tai-. ;OK • In!;, ti.. nbevi t.-o 'i' ••Jiditii. .... o'.-t.n f.':jnrr;eni:e;i trior Court of ‘ v. ; • it, No;til c.. Colin:,, lot •'h 'oliai .iiin . t itoiti the bonds . r. :.L tin,,n v on the grounds of ■ • f j.-,i. ! ion .is .et lort; ■■ ; ii,e C. irijjh.ini on !'ii, in Iju of . i ■ 1 Ifce i'it . k ~f pit- Superior utt '.l V\ hr (‘■.uritv. ~t Tlaleifi!. ■ • ri:', C.iiaa,,:, an.i th(- ra.d d< ferdant v\;i! take noLce that lie is • • tuirt it lo anpc.-i ; ; i th, office of Ch'i k of Hu Suijmoi Court o! ii and State of North I o!:n., ay af,iresafd. at Raleifid, ' 1 T (I;. of ?.\hitxaiy, 1949. or if L:m tv.'in tv days there:,l i'i .ird ;n:i v.vr or demur to the. 1 inplaint of tin plaintiff in the , - >1 armn tin plaintiff will ap 1 at" the <Viu ; tor th, reliel <j, t. at ded in - aid ,-t foplaint. Tins J.Mi 1 1 .i of .Itniitaiy 1919 j SARA ALLEN, A*-. I P.i,; Citik of the Superior CuiiiT Wake County. N C. / : POL SO LLOYD, Attorney ri a) Liv.yvr B ide. •tv n 22, 29-Feb. 9 12. ADMINISTRATIVE NOTH I c.i, a H Carlo,, late ot it • CiL of Rah . eh. Wila C' int, K. C diet on the day of Jamury 1949. jr-aviiu; ., r rt L.,-t Will and. »'*" ."!• id r f.ti n li. M < >a, reit s naihed Fxteiilor that till ra.,,1 G. ai Canut h.r beep duly < ; wi i ExecuK.i A it c t-date and :d 'ot i> Eh. tec. he i.' hereby eiving notice to tiic public that all dr-tic due the cc-uti ' f -aid rien-jii d utict Paid to y.a, Exen,',i .at hs oifice. Raleigh. ' C., on or before one year fro,n t.u.’e This i funhe.- to notify aii creditors of ; aid de"t a- i to tile ;vith raid Exei tl..r .« c. ,i, i.i : lap i ,ei i of sue; ■••'bit in nr before one ye. fror ia hereof. This the 17th day of dan 1949 G 4. GaRREN, Executor 15 Wei Lenoir Street Jan 22, 29, Feb. 5. 19 SAY YOL SAW IT IN THE CAROLINIAN THANK YOU! 2 Af>M f N1 ST R A TOR’S NOTH’ E NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY HAVING QUALIFIED n.x Admin i«!ratnr of the Estate of Mmy Law rfence, deceased, late of Wake Couti ty. North Carolina, this c in noti fy all persons having claims against Hn.: Estate of said deceased to ex itrit them to 'in undersigned ~i 708 Manly f .«et. Raleigh. North . Carolina on • • ion. the Bth day f J rtmiv.j'y, ’.'Cat ot this liotii.e V h be [dpr.Uid lit l • ' of th' i I t •ivc.ii All pet .uus i.U bteil 1- tin ! id, L ~lft ;• •■:t ii • in n.u >. a 0,. ytiti >•* T..j '.|i a '.f Jain,a! 1949 : C t..A vVKKNCE, . i a,-' it’.'ti- I . J < '.\uN ai; k a tot ,i <*y f.a. 29 IL I- , 12. 19 Jf M HIM .1 K \TRfX NO Hi h NOI: i M CAROL! • A Y,:iT NTY I;.-. . !.. 1 QU.-iLII- II i; Ad; nr, ; ‘.a' . : lit E Cat,. 1 it-',' t li T ms. iici.t... , i , i W.,)•■( Jij ili North C:ii li.'ui. tin it '<) until .•.:! person : .v.nt*. claim: an tlie Estate of said dcceasi ii ti t yl.iait ibim to tin undt i UiiC'ii ,i ;«3* West Caution Strei-l. Ralfig:.. Norlli t ai- 1 iiia ui, or before tra day 'ti Novmnbci 1!449 n the oolite will be pleaded in i-ui "l ,r i t-covt*, y. All p-i rion-. indebl t,l to t.v E.siait? will til, t liiati pa.ynii nt 1’!,,.- mill day • f vLiiHi.ny, PHH LORHROMA TOWNS. Adimnisli all lx E .1, CARNAGE All nm • 1 it; 29. I 'I. a. 12. 19. 2(i MIIK I Ol SALE Ol t Al l \BEE Kl AE ESTATE DEKAI’LT’ having been t,,ade in it.- pa .client of tilt- mdebtidne-. etui'.’d by certain Deed ot Trust ■-a-, iifaj in IL.iiy O (a-mi and ..lie - l'.liit i 1) t .artii: • J. 11 lii-ndt-i ti,.. I ■ n Ini ;] ttf-t ti ••! trust a dated Api li if, !917 •! 1 ei'OlCd il B ICI \ic'i i. p- b, in ,'a • tin, oi ilio Kitji-iii ol 1 I.a With County i'i nth CatoJir.a. ihi •, i itn'i • ij-’nerj liu-’ie. ,tt tin etaiui-'l a tiit- he,!tlvj , t the uondi turned Tii'Ty and u.'icPr poWta : laaiitei red by the ataic-aid deed ol tiar.i n,l Joe tfit- purpose of obta nitsg Honey ta satisi.v said indebiediiis,.. ".,11 offer lot ..tie ami m-U to tin iii'i.'. ! bidder at pubiii auciioii. ■ f-arh. :C tin- iourthoun- door ' Wake County. Ninth Carolina, in in City of Ralt.-i}-;!'- an i- if iDA Y, FEBRUARY 25. 1949 12 O dock, liiajit. till; .! •■ iii A . Ms' .. ■ illa-d Iml c-state situated m the 1 id Rale,i 1 :. Ralt Lb Town - ii)),. Wake County > laic of Noitli tioliii.i. and niter p.-o tii-nhn ly ai t : ibid f<i 11- IV:-: Eiß.S'i TRAC'!’: BEGINNING a! .. point i, the :.* uth -iuc oi •c. il l I. Mil (T ■ ! if.tU-irh A 1 Butts Nortfi W> I ioinei. iiicn.-e laioiig sail! Street West foi iy wv-li ’ ■ ' - I " I ' it- "I V,. St iet ! I hence South atoni- \yv-t die.! tini humirtn' five- < 1051 Pet !• I V* Bet; iim: thence ha-l a .0 1 V\ Kelt- In.- f,,ii> ■\ t 471 fia t !i the Sou Hi We ‘ omei •; A R.-tts lot. thence- Nortn .iw ' Hu aid A. Betts hue one munired live ■ i 0.71 it--, f to tin BE GINNING i,t')n ’ pan ut the hum roilvt VI d n A Blip by 'i hos 1. !a Mi,as sliOii ■ by ii«-eti recorded B -ok niunbei .v, pages 227 ami 238 regi.-ny ol Wake County, and hat ’t.t conveyed by A Betti raid vis.- P, W ii McCullei.... Sr., by ’ ' u .leu .! ,i!y lttti. 1888. and ;<■ • a did in Book ln-E page 220. Rep i ,r‘ley of Wakr County, arid being ame ]ii p.-ity by Melba Mc .Gullii: Mi’-t-nheiinf-i n, Hairv <) : an er by deed if a ted April ]4tb, ; 1947. and reaorde-d in Bunk B.'k” Wake- County Repi-try Bfcing known and designated as 133 West Li.: e Sir, it. Raieiyh. N C SECOND TRACT: A certain trait ■“ pared of land it, Raleigh. W’.tke '■ only. St.,-n „f N rth Caioln::,. ■•bounded by a line beginning take on the South v]<it- of Lain i Street, in the N( t tini est’rn poitain , l.saki City «the- ether stake being , die Clay Johnson Northwest cor runs; therm.- west along the - lth ■ id, of Lane Stret-1. to the McCullor’s lot ;thenci South along hi McCullers lot to the J M , Betts’ line,- thence East along the I. M Beits line to the* Clay John on lie. Ho nee North along the Johnson line to the beginning, cu•. t .uHliig about ]-7 aeii-, and beiitg tiiit- lot conveyed by Adam Terry , Really Company to Harry O Cm ber and wife by deed duti-d l.)e it mb, i 2.i. 1940. and recordi'ij oi L Ok T 7 Page 4,4. Wake Cminty j Heeistry. THIRD TRACT BEGINNING at ; p int cm the South ; tit- oj Wisl 1 .4.1- Street, said point beine jo , t’-ef from the Wi--t ht,iutdai lii.e •I North ILii; iiifcton St let-1 and 11 hit from Ihe South boundary Mine ii We-i l.ani Street them' parallel with the West buodary iine of North Hanutp.ton Stree) ■v.inh ;j(i „it • w<- ! "'I hot i,, a lit 11 tenet North 3 mimiir- ' 4j f. -t to a , b iJ ut. point y o fp.u from ! South boundary Jute i,f West I.Street; harn f- p -.ijiiel with ! tit* South boundary line or West i f-.- r.e Sheet Lane Street South t;C *ie t uT( so ntniiif Kart 105 frrt to ! ie point of BEGINNING. ai.d he-i ' hint* property dtncr.btd j II a deed dated December 4th. laid ' Hrr.u. F. J H.*.rr*ll d wife, Annie j N *_ to Hurry O. Cartje- &n d v ' 'ie t'* *'i G ! ■ Ik . t - corded in B >ak h:/p pajse .'eh W.d.e County )h mfujry . TRACT numfc. ■ 3- p being void object to a !>cd <,f Tin t exeeui .by Harry O. Car e. and wife to .1 J Henderson, Trustor-, dated De ccmbe: 28th. 1946, recorded m Book 900, page 47. TO is 25th day of January, 1949. J. J HENDERSON,' Trustee ROGER IT O'KELLY, Attorney Jan. 29-Fob. 5 12, 19, Support Your Paper! ! ! YWCA ACTIVITIES MAPLE TEMPLE f I —* .i All membt’A and friends of fin Y„WCA are invited in at tend the 1 hostess tea on Sunday FeLruai y 13th (rum a ',t 7 p. in. at li"- "Y The purposf of this it- ■ is to: , Raise ftm ' 2. a >< !i I- ’’ ■ j’(/J l J * j I ;U* Omi S- LUV C« ■ C ' i I'il .uid C'U- Oil ’ ill’. •>*» !>i Jt« # l i v';' lCi t« W.ivs 1* * t: . ■ll pin g* :i.' i. '■ Hu Vah ntiiit- a- ' f wtl' lac-v i! e | ami iv. : pit i/es W : L>; f'Svort UM 1 • i -ettest tabh and . priki will 1.1. i.i po’eti i . wi/iinniitt : .til l | - 1• t. I: . l u .- i Jilt'll. ; in." ' V\ v v. ,r a-, ■ ■ mn V.u, il : alllp .a ■• I i,lll •. - - •’' |in • ;.nd . iiNi t-inn.v. tut' ,11 ,- . "astir,. V. ■ ...' i ad ’ . it! Uitid ihe Coin; itii Man:,:m. , ■ ii i Ai.i.utd M« nil'-;.. Me. !.;•• at Un Y tin Vtoiid I’ i nai i V'di Jin )' i.i,-". ti, w U tilt-!'.' hi' ’949 i'. ■ ■ i id' ’• >■ t !•.-• in ut. Ml.. 1' I’m tin a Pi. sideiu .1, ■ l"i"!li da a. ~v ' retail id t, c I'Ll ;i Bade as-l> t : tan) 1*,,, .il, .s' '.flrcti Jone.-' I i),• i :11 .- ■: ,i o .'.i. • N", a I .t'C,; ; • New lueinhi, - - J tin* CinniiiU."' <• j VV. --.ell 411*I by the pi 1-Mfk-I.L liadallation Sc-, victß fm New men.- 1 Id ; - and officer/' w ii tin t' it’, March lriiitin; i;\ Ei i kh; I- »<ti n i ! NORTH CAROLINA i WAKE COUNTY HA VINO QUALIFIED a.- h.vwt -11. r ot ibe Estate of Mary Choic"' • diceased. late oi Wakt County. North Carolina, thi is to liotlJ.v all pi i: ons havirty claim-: again.'.’ , the Es.ude of -aid di-i-eand to ex -1 i hihit them S ' till under: » nod at 11,2 i I It't.t 1 St! lit I i.i!, a 11, N.:; !i • 1... will i.i. "I, i In-i i■. . 1i a Pit day 1 ot February, 19:70 ~r thi; r.oiic, .. .’ J at [t.'t ,li!l;i :tl it: . : t till i . ' t '.vmy All pamur llui' bled t,- TltO ! Estate! pa-‘. ui.,rt nr.ri.i.'i . - 'iherd. ’ id.'s 4in dov .-I EY'iiruarv 3949. JOHN W Hit 'L ' : Lace,it.i, 1 J i ,li;N.At i l - ' A 'lf, ::, y 1 It : v;. :!» 2ii-March 7 12. hi. \<t l It i OJ \1 i Ol VA El AEI 1 fit AI » sTA i I i i;T I 1 bavin-, law, made it: ii.t- pay isn.nt of the indt ),I.ed;ie: • i .an < d by ciGatu Di d! ,:! 'i , an ! II- d by elvr-t'S G. Li. i '.and wife. Aitui-.- M i lick-, i. to I i Hi ltd' i• on I i c. v/hieh ilt-t li f 11 it:' ■ dated \ rr 1!M8 ami lie .i<f. <.; in ii" 2 ijo4. 1’ . a 98, in "j the cifi-re >,t it." Jf er. ter of Deni. i ior Wake t • unty. Nortr, Cajoima.. C the tmdc ■ ii,ii,: ti tird,. • a' t*ie ‘! - i '!h hold, i of lii. bond d'dn : J then i.y and undo: powers ■ jcoiiti , red by ti,. aforesaid died ol i tint anil ini the pnipo - ~f .>i, • iairii'ig na.jiiey to -add hi -1 ,diibleiim will aflei Ur .- ,!e mid 1 ' '"Il In .he ia. i;i -! hu'ldt , j.ubiic ; GK'tif’ll tot 17' li, at l<:C Fill:: liiiHl u 1 .|,i',i , ! V.. ke County North 1 iina aim City of R; ;-i' : h. .... FRIDA i 1- EBRUARY 2:7 1949 k it 12 ■ clock no-r. the tuilo.viny *. 1 til , ialS Ml,laud in ' ti,. ! Fo: k Ti, .vn.-lui.,. Wak. Conn 'y State 'i Ninth Carolina, and , ,o, c j t.., 'ic uiur! y lie.- ct i i,' i: a ! ’ , BEING a troet oj land situate : W .hi- County Nullh Ca.ohn;: im the East id, • ! Hr Dm:..ii 1 Raiiieli Higbwi.-. Numbi ml ill ~i. : 1 jti-1 East of tin Durl,mu Goonty BEGINNING a: an iron -taki "■Six and one-half uj i- 2 > fe« I S. ~:k-' ' : east from a drain throueh -ad 1 State Hiyhway and six :.i„i six tenths >o Ci lei t ! a the Nm ia • Wi-rtei n t-dge- of 1!,, concivie sur fat iv.•. said point of l,e:- bt - , . H.g'Jai k W. 1.-,:.. Nortnwo.i com ' i',i"' and Him. ng from said point oi i.eginn.i.g along and with -.‘.id Jack VV Lou: lice North de; : ei.- | j Ea-t 1290 feet It, ,1, il' i. Stake J ' ' L Salley and Mary I. Salley'.-. ‘ •'•on,ci v.-ith liu-i: lim- Nortii : ] 1 : 2ii deg rn 8.7 minute.- Wt si 300 feet I ■ to an non stake and i.-oi*i».«■,<: | thence .S',uth 89 degrees West 1290: L it et to nun stake on Hie Ra-j leigh - Ltn ’.iam Stall Hipav. ,v;! " I hence ah.up and with -a: i IJK’h- , way South 2i; degree.- 35 mimiii- i East 300 H i-i to the point and pint < ; ,-f BEGINNING ~ or’.aiaur;: > l ~ | " 'Bl alii-.- more o, It-.-is, ai-curdin j lo a survey niadr by K i' Bf!v:i; n ’ Marin 1 1933. 1 The ;.b ve described tr.ict i,, ! ". -■ -) of iat, d ".ti) m ■ sold (jet ■Ho a I 'll • I Dioi of Tro t il, J J. ; Hll ,4 i- . i,. J.llsi ce ioi Mutual, 1 Luih. o, and 1,0. ii, A- oi ial oii !■ | . cine the sum of i dated I 1 Octo! i! 2': 1940 tiid ifi'Ori |dj 1 Book 9.38 at I'i gi- ,',7 Wak. 1 'County Reg dry Tim 2 ■ ii bay of January, 1949 1 ! J HENDERSON Trus-Yi ii'OGER I.) O'KEI.LY, Aitorncy .1 29 F. b 7. 3 2 i'i y again, h« cannot aea . rj THE RALEIGH FUNERAL HOME ' 24-HOUR SERVICE 222 EAST CAKARRES ST. C. A. HAYWOOD, Owner *mm»aGßlKme.nmau& wi i«—wwaaoMcatyaarc im— * THE CAROLINIAN 'l’he Fublit A.ffoirs C mmiut'i' ,'nd Him rigu i- Monthiy Aieiting on Sr. |.• ai i-a "Y ' .vus." J E. Hu'..' C ii, i iiisided. IK e '.til- 1 I niai plans fOi *ie ii 1 te l ! i. ■ m.-iseii thui; voting i'Jiui, l :te pHa.s. 'll ,'l'S' i, i" Civic !. '' n ;,t ed . ! 'o'oia -. e.,ii'.-' .!. a !!ii Y ' T'l , . ,d hi. Jamie: v o, ~s ;.n ■ a giiln 'ai 'o,' )‘ ■ o ■, ,jr. i i >"(,rn ;r. u i.a. ' nd U ■ d.di-lyb .: .>':' i vi L: uh er la a.. ! t - ■ lio:, ■ ''o bum, ia ..!. I fa,it • M ' all ~1 .Hi' W' ,' .1, of I, lT • <;iste. ' . it :,1 ’ill' 0..ia.. J: v i '"i - J'o Wli-'i Ha ' •' Am I i■ 'U i to ut: T.v; 1 etk ... 1* <r S,.ho i >' . a■ ..v • tim: . .km, ,i / 24' 1 ,';! !l TV >tl ,'l|. .1, 11. . p't ■- a ;ir, a T • 4. e FT, i Any oj ■ v. , ' R...< ■ . ~p, ’I ii" ' Balt ■ ii , . ..! I,c ' ■ ot M .i a IP, -w :, Till . "... ' i'i! Kl bi liai '• I (0i1!'..; I .A O ", ’, n Am -e Li 1 . , , ; a. i . im Mi. J A. 02, i ,'('(■"! :. ‘.Il l m .1 ( -,,n, ■,l I, . : , ■J i i.e,a,,. IT' Ni,- Pit-, kb. M.aia, I- ’ iim • b, ’i . i , . Mi i;e:! . R . ..n , Mi, Dill i; Wood'-:. «.' . i ’; .i 11 a i t .ulc : M’di ! ii)' ;• tin 2 d Sunday m A- •' - uai y •„ inn. .. b-!’. ma .- meeiin.; i, planned foi all gtoups. As a climax to its drive lor pad tip. liiimbtu :2l ).". the I, ,M r ti'.un . t mci kilned lie winnitt;' lean). Mai v 'Ha l! ■ it,., i i r'alio I,! the io.-liig ii-aii; and Joiel.h .. Dor r chrinnao I the winning Tile v.;n:’iini' ; team entr-i laineu AM .-iju;:.i e i dami- \t Trrn-A:-\ quariers at D’.e mV. at 8 R M on Er day nmi.i. Fetit'iuU'y 4i!',. i It.* pa, V.' a a ,a-•. ly ~,' v : , ; -j. Ho! chbiTlr!• r.n , t 0., ■ it", v, , re I ■■! . i .0' 111 i',1,1 ; ■,tla i • !,a:t np.ii i- tvd Mr If.>■ i •. Ciiapt rer.r.s A-f re Mp->. >. ivi.t.'.e E. L.r,u. L t li-Agi I uGi'itHiaUa .aid M - Je.a , )t• • H;, 1. Aik in Mi - !,a: ! V. . >• i fa t !.(<• ' but- A’luu w 1 Ai it" < !s A euL'ii Iv duiii,;’. Hie .Aritvdy r ait a! V.'a id,n o MiG TAr- I’a.’.'lit Ed'a at lor: 'oi, ■: t tit v. :;! ,j i»* ! ti, Monday u.--''" nt • the Hal lo: - ai the Y at b (jo ibe ! in. ti a : U: ■ ii,, Vni i.t' ’ m [i 1 ’ |.. t ol t .iam - ir. !„• : ve: t. t 'ab'bn. Etui; on nib'i m u - .ii t-., ’ t v He i'll.". Ail j»:I.-■ ic- fed Itw u l won't.':: a.e n, red ta 1,, p, t nt mi )t in thi tin . u : .on. Mr.; \,Ja AI .: , ?.■ the- Aim.rietiu Red Cross !■ 'mi i la.-.•:. : ' a! ti t YWCA Iv. i-'t pi i. aim .i " '.’. ha! to A'.' im» ■ *i * . ;o ’ m boi.A titiai and wonil'ti • vi. D. -Vb .i.ii Ii r i C ia i>.' hr id ' )! ' " \ oti i- rtit, - fit ii i: Mi CM i Vin 22nd and 24T ;J. g Ai Y , ... r , joviled lui- Ann,:.l YWCA Vii otbci >h j • :di!ve will oi ni ~i, .Mutch 27 and •" "I All; a ‘lb II- ' ,;.j )<J42 : 1:- ) 0(H) :lt( ■ I f: ' At; women ami yiM Rale gn J \» f ' » * ♦ , . i . , I ' • r.e i iK <(j v<jti! Ihe YWCA . op(-*n d-.iilv for tlu* 1 fun i-ecreatiori. u-.i and manv m- ! dMA. tun conmu.mty urttvii e-. R„- • "-■'kit it - tit nt' ,rt invited to join ! Aie "Y" Did make use of a.- fa,a- j '’ ; 4 > »• t . i i 11'} KG S, CO-ED CLEANERS ONE DAY SERVICE Quality • CLEANING * PRESSING • REPAIRING | LADIES CLEANING A SPECIALTY CALL 36417 •OR j P!( KUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE i 900 S. Wilmington Si. - - ; ; j BY JOSERHINE TERRELL And tie stud. "A certain nun a had two sonic But Hit father said ; n to his sei viniis. bring Iprth the j ji'.v. robe, uid pui it on him; end Jt, put a ring <" his hand, and j,, :i Im: ieet; und bring hither '.he itllted can tilt! kill it; and let'.s eat w ana 1,, met t for litis rn.'- son w. ■d: aii. aor • alive again; he r. a.~. lost and a, found ' Luke 22. t iimlv C uinutn.on was observed ' Sunday i Dining and everting, at W Map It- 'J'. oiple Congregational M'J Chfi: it; t i.i;reti with t lit- p.t: ' r |(J ..ini ue;■i.'i.ias :n chajge. u M,.. ” s supplied l.ii tin- S i a- i . d the pa.-toi ili. iivett a , ~ Mr .-.erruon, Th,.-- *i-xf v.t;... n 'fit.a ■: ,tV a • fl, un Goi! " t ’H e 7' tit' People's Fellmx:-liip p Ci:; in me: : t il o'clock. 11 it-v had it: r, unci d.’icussion on 13•. ti > topic "Wily do we have commun ion'' ltd by Deacon Win. Hinton, n A) tl 20 ’lt* ihirttes .Aid anh :! 11 1' it. ia I Ciol.t t a old nt t i had aM. f ■ t ' • t :it ,(< '.i ti< Mr- liitii.tDo • i .>l, Alsioo jiit-itiing Wt- writ - r.ppi to have lot t,to attest . p. . k- .- m '.V 1 Pall.e, mi ".: V.V . . . oyeu Ills in ipiul Mini eneocira:■;o P 1, ”• 'til tl.'.a ia. ei r:i we i... cl on: ‘ Cgtd,. t., 1.1 pi ni ■i : \ t |c,( t Hum y. .a ■ i \!, 1 . ' ;oil*"a t<i ~i :he t• v, tilt,- ! * rirt- ini ■''he i te-eli Im il: : abj-cM ! t• ■ We aiso laid a very i>,l« : ■ f .-i,,iitia.'. i,,,] 1: p dmt v'h t< aetdiig. pieaclung. , and iitaiing of Jesus; in and around Galilei- , j Wt pi'-ii happy to have the tui liHvn.t: v: :' ta for the day: Tin; he • Fo 't- tie le v Mr Lutm. yi and ivlurr tt ILgh, 1 ties were made iveltaine i,y tin ji.i-tur. p Ttii T.v in "I tio will offer » pin- , a an, of Gospel ami Mrn ihia! s,ii at this Gin: cl', iitinda.v. F.-bvu'-ii'y 13 at p. Ivf sponsoied by the I'.t-n.i - Aki and Idorai Chins rom i iiei.i I i!* W' - (dub ib* t \'.M.!, .ft■ My," A lsn n 419 u!.. H........1 Elite! ,t its usual hour with Mis o Ella l Dye- piesidine ,-vffi-. out. .., m ■ wt it M-. .i d j;-t ( ; Mill) ill i cake b> il.. iit. V, lil i lit- . , . I l iJ <I. : . Yt t l'li fit • ; I,: cti.ii •■, a i, i mi- broke), t - toe itfatii ~•! M. Da - v Wornatk M.a, N't-al Si., wa ' 11,e flu Cl' •; • t .: ’ ’ fe,jn.- a.l.i: ~| ".. -a ~.. . • I'Ti f.he ai * ■ . ,an,n-1 <: !}■,. jun ■ l , i -). L*•-, t■: f •- ,dl ’-ut ei ut" site Iv.v.d u: : i to- v.• taken ‘a- i a! V, a- i.t :,' a! il, i- I't'to'M. . ■ Wedn<- day conducted by ; t i:ev Mabit (: u ,-oie, - no ai Dun i N ( Ohci {in School Motes BY KAKIIAKA Wt Hi We v * : lt, i!tank !i who ~no Ji-lbnU-d to li,, Ma; oil , j 1 Jiirn - Di Yt 15. i-'t iilo, d fjavt ti... sit 00 a : L’,l ills! plipi!.-. elifoyed Mt'i, ,d'iai \ period. 1.i.-f We k . • tie checked a book that in- : < olthi •• e.tii 1." take the . ia: -.) oom. 'l’.aey eiijost.d reading and .shyred a m~p . : p ; . i-' • ■■ '"■*))> Libl alia:: gaif tile • t j aiid thi id grade: „ '4'92. .'it if,, k 1.1 le, a.’til A],.a e, (- ■ e ia;■ i* - Mu- t-ina! - t d i> v v jnut'h L : -i M- oi.d u aii*• p'.j, i \M re * 7 ■r !i t:n :; Gas m oom Morn!,v 1; ." i-hildi-.'!! of the dik'd ..ii.t I' 1 ’ •ad .■ i't si uri;in, on'. a . At U . ETA on Mat PEOPLES CAFE 309 S Wilmington Si • Beef Stew * Spare Ribs * ( hit:ken » Pig Feet * Hot Dogs * Soft Drinks ll> r >V'£v.n •; /;• .. . _ .. ; • _ ■'W ' - v. V -Ui 'u: " ; :*V ; j I Mom I! £ -;; tom 1 1 'G'j »l i brighter 1 !: ’H future 'Vifll \» v Wto • ■* '•MI • ■ ■ > Kf* <\& , W.lhMW 1 ;#*•.' | Jp ! ' Ibedo y yi>U Stop vviihii>9 U fid tSurl ’.oviuy »S thto' g doy yvu dwwn il»« tend to u Brighter Futoft. - lh* fbii.tji Wtoil iow &t, plus pr»<«i6* t jUbotr vi ||||| , .. liiiiiJ uic yvur . w»f hirst. ;t vuoly us ‘Vfiuitcy in The? . ’4 i 's••}& i Id uii l. 5 'f m's i*j o*4l iiwVf : Ivnl u Ldinity'. UvvwwOt •'!;%•■• vt! .i t. l iwtui j . TuU ik if i«d U friendly i'y.‘ SK' . , v: ’' H . Mechanics ft j & Farmers Bank | OURHAM-RALEIGH I'huisdiiy night, tin pupils g;.ve 1 short talks about their unit. I The fifth graders are sorry that i Joan Turn, r U ill. They hope that > tie veil) ieturn vers -.'aei. IX-loi es Swellings and Je..n t’oolc wrote tin: f news for tin fifth giade. Mis. McCoy. "in Y Teen tor. ntfef with the cabinet members is 'ii January lath. Site helped thorn .'oik out. ,1 program for tne see jiid sent ster. I 'l v/enty one s'.udenlr from lire ■;i:<th. ;.i.d seventh grade room eon liibuh'd to I)>i- '.lurch of Dim..:. ! 'i t e sludeo'. I’ron: the n vi-nlh T. o' spoke in a-seu.bly last week lulls Campbell spoke on the March .o i.times, and Al.ible Searver spoke ' ii "Tlirif!.' . The eighth : ... ode pupils have . heeled <-Ifleers |o! ihv vcoriU sc- i ncster. Sh l ie; Wdlotiuy was chi, - li pn i-idelil; Sit- all Copeland, vie*.- i. r. iiient; (.’lb ist a< o JHlitori see re • ary: Sid/ les VV> tie. assistant sew i-ttaiy: nd Ffridte G !i irt.ssui c-i Alls Mattie i\i K.-llv, former. * (‘seller of school : .■ ; ! Ih sin- 1 '■'III- ‘Oim pk-tu'ro.s slid eiippn.r --• f the Ti uiuaii ii...or , iir;i’ion * C';' Erm .•! I. Hiai.m. ... former dml's.t. .o, Ud lin e; r :,111 grade i uni ’"ld sir r *'|. ole ..| (!o- oeo- U t n Guam the Hawaiian Is .end's 'l iie pnpli,' We , ups C .iecl uni . ! many pee-.lsrer, l IIHIS HKIWN'S lit '■'ti I. HKO.HUI M 7. id.1 Km e ; ,mo of 24 Chavis »Va; .to is.. lik-u !> ami c mfm- ; id So her apartment mr seviral * <■ ■■ is .liie to is opt .rain tier r oaiiy fiieini- ~re i-hul i,, lean, the j mi id JK'W:-'. Mi. Andie Cl-.a- ■ ■■? t; Chavi; * d. I. 11l III;: ill . s'K. iiontined to <■ ! apartment lor several d - ‘ •'.< a- e f>ui i y ill's! p! Well, Mis. Isi V i Ale Hlls.: Law ct .< fr«-eie)l T- r~ ; .•re is.- beeii .11 w uli piieuiir " 'is mi i-.sitmi-,; to his heme tor ■ t-v . - . da til rna ll v i, it-r.da .-. j-h t■: i . . , . t'liiu k r-'i y. Mm Cem pi l...ward- ••!' Dare 1 t A” rare who ns- been i i rnd roti- ' •: mi ti. hi I lioine I. . several days sole ; . bo cut again to the <le- , f-rii of hei many friends id :■. f.eiai pi.'ivC-l] uT l Fate ssw. Terrace* )■ :i ■ ami eouf ir.eil o C • iiom*'- }'• ! mam I: ieiui feu lu-t a speedy recovery Al. t> ilo*s ■■ ; will . 1..w- ol' 3 Fauiuc Radio Service ">'or Lasting Repair " 3ii cl cm wood avc Dial 3 3123 We Pick tip and Deliver CAPITAL CAB £X& m mown ®s® vicar ’ iHM t>h pi Wm / fi j £*|i§ DIAL 5137 HAYWOOD’S SODA SHOP ‘'Raleigh's Newest Soda Shop" • TASTY SANDWICHES * FOUNTAIN SODAS * ICE CREAM * CIGARS, CIGARETTES • COSMETICS • PERIODICALS JULIUS HAYWOOD. Prop. 417 S. Bloodworth St, WEEK ENDING SATCKDAY. Kl'tilU ALY 12, 1949 Iredell Terrace ceiobruted his 3rd birthday recently He in. wived many useful presents. Happy birth day br.ljy Laws Minnie Gun y el Cured bn Street spent the week end visiting hti pa’ i tits in Kinston, N. C The Bookei T. Washngton Club will meet Sunday. February Kith at tlie home of Mrs. r L Higgs of 311! North Tar boro Stre* t. All imin bers are uarei.l ti. attend. 1 •resident. M r Ji 1m Chuv s Alia la .e.uc Davis nf tSOtj South Han in; !i; ; . SI n et, win. bar been 11 with ; to.,' 'lf to I again. Mauler C p- a lioj < li . < IP- H. . i 'lei. her • n p., t'oldc but j.n. nble* to ).„• on " "..dn, I'hi i lu i a i -I (Iran vti i* D ; 1 HCC. s YMCfINEWS SCHEDULE Os ACTIVITIES Feb 10 17 Thursday February 10 •' :3U pin- Lueille fkintei ilia Y ( 0(i p.m. Junior Citizens ('ini ball) p.m. Mellow'til M U I • a I Hi tigl'uill Friday February ii 130 pan. Pirioefilt and Ut idg (.T'Ub ' 7:3U p.m. Negro ! '•.:!< e* Fund Cumipaign Mi eting f 00 p.m. YMCA Men’s Health Club bull) p.m. Friend* 12 Pailv Saturday, February 12 2DO p.m. Basket bail 2:00 uni - Zeta. Flu Beta Sau tty 7.00 pin Feature Movies Sunday February 13 4:00 m Music lioui fAunday, February 14 12 00 Nrh.jM- Mitil-.u-rial Aliiaore 0..i0 p.m Ora 't Photo t oil. 7YU p.m. II Y Uhnlo Cho. ,S:OU p.m ■.Ministerial Union b3op. m Am- neat) Legion t\ u.■ *ii a) v IYu tv. Tuesday, f ebraary If. •..00 pm,- -Waihinton C»ra-Y t'iub 7:30 p.m.-- Wa. inntoii Hi.Y Club iTOo p.m —Yt.iUiyg Men s Club ■ : lit) p in.- Town Hail Meeting o> the Air Wednc-day. February IE (MyO p.m --C i,vdbv Garfield Gra Y WAKE SALVAGE CO. We Buy end B*U t»»rrtWe* of Vein* FURNITURE • STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS RADIOS 337 S. Wilmingloß St. Phon* 2 232? mirv Hunter Brothers For Quit k Service.* f or FANCY GROCERIES and wood DIAL 9393 or IL J 998 AND “Never Worry, We Are On Our Way" Dial !75f>7 for: COAL FUELOIL KEROSENE CORRELL COAL & OIL CO. JOE S. CORRELL, Owner DIAL 5567 307 North W'est Finance or Borrow On Your Car through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. i 122 F. Davie Street Phone 3 3231 ucm HAULING HEAVY J LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE COURTEOUS PROMPT ■■ EFFICIENT CALL UMSTEAD Transfer Co. 502 S. Dawson St. Dial 9478 -9212 Ed. Unread, Mgr. $17.25 ELECTRIC HEATER and Ft N COMBINATION SPECIAL 1295 TRADE - IN - SALE On Electric Icon* Receive from SI.OO up on your old Iron# Now In Sttock - Electric Water Healer*. Vacuum Cleaners and Many Other Hard-to-gel Items Taylor Radio and Electrical Co. SALES & SERVICE 224 E. Martin Si, Claud Tayk.e\ Mgr. Phone 2-3»50 • •»njg»-‘rH|lllWTi"l~ -r— »——■ ■ - ~■—TW * , Everyday Cafeteria, dormitory C ,*biaiy, touinge. music* room, re creation (-table lemus, bowling cite, whist, 'pinochlbiiliard.--. 1 'boxing, basketball! room registry, f.hewers. ecunseLing. information services public sten /grapher. ct 1 | vie met ting-:. f | Phone 7159 SUITS MADE TO ' ME AM RE i; SmtkcnbtiriFs Laili»r« j 123 So. Salisbury Street J. I>. Sim k r jihiire Ra!ei p hN. f — ——2 . —-LG v... lor (iiiat anlftil Radia Re:pair ( :tII I til A U iivci > St i’Vice RADIO HOSPITAL 1 813 i L»> nU< *f. Phoiic 3 d>55F - r>-»- Compltde c: ,1 Home Furn ishers We ran furnish any room in yom home - from the living room to the kite hen flee us flirt W. E. COOPER FURNITURE CO. 121 t! Martin tit, i | v _ „ ... % A Lifetime in Flarms* Why ink* chances on burning ap a lifetime * effort in a single j lerrifyinq hour whftji H'» »« < simple and inexpensive so pro it-cl yourself iKjair.i? any possi i . Lie mishap. Your home end i larniiy can be ebsoluiely pro i fecled from ANY disaster *t ! but a few penmen a day. W* is ! show you how SEE YOUH LOCAL AGENT | BANKERS FIRS INS. CO ) 1 DURHAM. N. C. mmmmmmmmmmmwmMmmmmm: I DOVE MUSIC COMPANY , ] AHTflt K DOVE, Prop. Automatic Phonographs Rented For Special Occasion* an»l In: tu)U*d on Commission Basts HEI.EOT KECOimt OliH Sl'Ef lALTf Dial 3-2744 129 E. CARAK XUS HT.

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