WEEK ENDING RATI.TRDA V\ FEBRUARY 12, 1949 »: . j®§s| mmMmmmmmmm&me&m v,: : . saps.* ■■ *wmm ■■«■*■*s' FOURTH STRAIGHT WIN— v W D, Pogrom of Vafina, Routo L doesn't believe <■• doing things by halve ana '< te sult he ■; ;ik* i i the v> inner in .*h<- W,,k. . iH n gr-r*.* ing if nt!?■•? lor the l*”jrth * time Here he u -.hj-.vn receiving Observer. CO-OP CREDIT UNION ORGANIZED BY ASS’N FAIRMONT l t mmo lin i i.ovi* i rh-M i virl- | y . vi ’! h, - A-’ >!. ; T-!"> let of ,\i i • e..; Mi S- o Fn.vctb F. Id . 9 'w" y V . by a sc'., v .if T< i" The ; .uno tu: :•<•! '= , ;t: ’w iciV'->; ' by *lvv <■ 1 f : •’ ' : • Co. leh <>t th- Fairmont 'i'-i-nt ,md M; Allen. A , : ; The !?<•• ere. ■ i 1 IV.iiin 1 t frv'vd Vi ' ' to’ ip Ibi : <■' ■■ The Rp'nifor, ■ : un' : • jour :i ■ • MU* i n threw ' S viihf : \* :• > r e ' The >if orv .'•( Mi. R. • ei. v.i id Futvhft ' I" IV.-' M' i : . ■ cheered v. Till n> 1 ■ Fe'.vnw :id studenl - Tie ■ 1! . i Sin.elet'r.- :,<••: " i ' e Pd- " Onntv School • Fn Hie Blobe. P ■ . t< The p eue-i- h• i e • •'‘•red*- fov IJij .. \\ rvk R*'H <> ’• * • l"' m v 811. n e'e ' F-n. the same dab : • 7 30. The J >nn ■■; have won ?h< " ; ■ - "" j'.rr duvin;- tin Thfie V. I'et-.n. ■ ’ Mcllv’i • ( ' ••- ■ e l i e “Four I*j Wtiniu'.kioh *"■" . eve y 1! I. - '•• • The i> : < ■ * • • 1 Faimn.e ' •> H > • ••'• t •" -'■■■ •' ' Ss w- ■ f Rev B. H ' ■ -' I ,;e . cr. FIP". : 1 If' ' t 11 ' da Tt.e. M' e,. J.Ci t ...I e i.P John M- t!:- .• < ■ ; ".'- l'.-; she w;;.: ,< le.end • ... icin'. I' be 6 H- V V . F- ■ ' Mh.-.i • ... e ed' rrd ! v ;( - .< • iov choir with v - T ..< ’■'. ■' 'V'v.'rn; -A th ■ 1 v OVefu ‘i and e.-hd' • e.; e ■ i by Mr. II ’ -Doe Jem. A... beaut fell by Mi . F(r.el «... ridy. So- i'-O. - {wo daitpii nc v■ •" icc . vixicf*n grand ciulUi-on. 1 :~ir 7 ;*• ■ ■■ < bildt' • i ••I'd • be 1 'if •• '■■■ ■ I' M f » ' I MKMON l t’di; IMS A 0 i--' pound-. i i-m M- M Them- r.'imr-i'eii ... Tu« ■ Feb rn.ry ! ,M> Mr I'-:.;;. bell live u* FM Rind-, i ;.■'■! eei Cn Wednesday FVbr.eiv. e baby y.i l. Ro . Me* - ■■ .■ ■' Mr. . lid M. ■ Re a. Nana ■ n- ■ Me. . n Phil bp.;- Si ia ! O- Krid-yv in-- ; •-• 4. thi s n bablr \. ri-( i.-yin e e.- anie pe.rj;' ■; i-.iv --i .'v cen ‘vui \ and IlMK) A V J At 10:15 - baby sirl • turn ■- Mi. and M a John !... ! in- < > She ;s Ingrid Juivasyne Mr. and M. • Linsey live at 10s Cole Strec At ');;■)« A M. a ban.. >v;.. born to Mr, and Mr.- J.anes Glue of Ben.nn.it. si • .-■ Mr Ghee i a native •' f K' iii'e l I Vi. and M. Gee i.s (ormei .vii-s Louis Brown of Fairmont A baby boy was born to M: -nd SoiK IHI fH I YOUNGSTM ; Isl I FOOD !! ! ijQ I SMITH- I MELVILLE® homoginiub _SBI I VITAMIN D .i§£s»V I MILK mi ) > Hftr#i '. p*-'fO f*rrt^ s -}«on far I f day*. Vi»<ir*vp ’• D rw»lfc •’ f*nr«c)n*d wi*K f/Ktt.i S/Urj j min 0- rKf Vifomin »■■ *ot pr .nt»ri "sy bod»e« . friil If V»«H*r • 1 -Jiif »H«e troM-tj «*: r*J J* I-s »h« j b©Hp*« «( bO* t \ Crfli 7-0351 for 0?' >«'Y I | SMITH MELVILLE , DAIRY i* 9 ' I Raleigh, N C the winner's check frem B W. Haigh, chairman cf the Raleigh Merchant'., bureau agricultural ccmmittee- Looking on W C Davenport Wake C only lartr. i.genl Photo Courtesy .1 News and A.-- birth.f ;t miv to is • mer. r.s and customers, the Board c Dirc.-tu; -, of the- Wake Cotisun: i : Mu'ual A-.. iatir-n. Inc.. d« «; led to esb'bli.sh a credit uni or -■ ( by,|-t, ■ < ..j ivv As-, ici.at.ion. Tec •> iriv -i. the i-.--.ii! un d ; ]-:n i-i to . use financ’ d aid t uw: i . Wia. O’ V fir.. :t ijiijryclii in re - si -d such as.si.s-ta.net '. Rha... i)i<- rate of r :v.- dollsr rdu-h v s ii, olfr-iv:! an: :! tile:e:d to tin ar.unt - I six pc cent A)' ). ,ui.r!y. ir.av be p.iii Tin:. (rei'c.* union will nffo • pt -ns '.v.lli fim.tU amounts o • surplus cash : . inveM. an nppoi' r tunity u> . an a :« asonabl.- rr turn n then av,s- .ipienl All err r*!> unions ;.j 0 node’ the di:« ■' - siitT-T visa >:i a j.,,, .t,ifi ttn\ em i ■ nicnt, and opr ram under low enact d 1 r th; ' nuenose. 1 . Ti-'- Ci-lnb!i/hru*.Tit r ‘s this c iv i ;dlt uniun is Airotiv- Men rr, \ ] f P *;r;»1- ru l>Vf L.r« i W^k* • G'iH'.um J .l A . . grDF'U i! -{2l U\\' B1 -r1 a2 .j t G BA ) Im. H‘Stdqusiff’l •; r.-r tM um*?: - r< !e;ohf>n*' 3-2*)0B, .'ink fire' -n • fn-TnAlion •.orir< rru-nc, All -autivi -1 iO' >•: thr A.-- -TUihVA •. ;j .vbk* to th,' nubik the.ro. siiFsi of mum AT DINNER FETE ( lv, I■,l, •- -1- >I n .. •.j i Tii-kles. olive, and ritz. The se tend (Uirist d ol !••• t- dipper mmF. V). t\ ; ..v*. two . .w,..-: M;..M. L. P.eiin ; <..iid RiiTs Piiilin i.y sired the col f-e The -linini.a room table w in an ti. d-i lace table cloth had so: 1 ' if.-, cent'-; piece a beaulifu! j arete ■-bi.'-su: ,--.eoamd c ik< . mad,- -m l Me !',! ■.!-!■-!• a 'Mdu-iiei! .o; • d< n Si.ct His a.aw Ln.Vci w «nd ■a vveighed Id fidurid’s 2 ounces ~i X Does \ / 3 jobs fast *©\ I relieve that J I BACKACHE/ AY Rvt p!_. -,*.on, arc t|\r one. product, neig.' for .'{-vuv relict of muss ular bnekaebp. «1> The plaster stirs up clrcn j Mioii. brings the heahag and warming blood to the sore spot Tense mnsdes relax and the pam f’n.sr s, f 2) R rtraps tv/itchtng mus cles cuts down those jabs of pair.. <s> The. protective pad gna rdf against, chilling. Tests by doctors chow that Johnson’s BAC K. PLASTER helps nearly 0 out of 10 sufferers. It’s made by Johnson <fc Johnson known lo: anc surgical products for «l years. At ah drug stores. » j HOLY NAMELROtir NAMES OFFICERS 1 j RALEIGH The Hoiy N«ii'< j jciety of St. Monica:'-: Church -i , I j Conb aterniiy of the CaUiolh I j Church who.-’ primal ,v purpose it' i jls In pr mete love, noniu and rr | ■■■}.., ,-l fri llu- Mo " Holy !’.,i"ie f.i I ; Jcmi • :ield then- fii t nu Gina • |Of 1!.,’ . I■l W. 'a. , o*l 11. •.ad ! ' I iic'v offa i Th-.v *■. FI •. di, B T >-pi | >-> •( 1.-'U I". .-'O'.Cl ( '..{op! ■ P H / I ■ v!cr-l r,-> id- 111. A.i ll- I F-. I ■ <•: c I I :,nv ,-uirt ,Je.- 1’ a- ! re; ana I j The Rev Fa liter .1 m ■- Dill . ; I : the spit IPi.i! Oil. - u.u a me I!,.|y K • Name S.-cict.v and ! t . tncvlie . I aa iu>'fl la" , a eirirffye « rin- Society vneel the -r-c.*tul Fri , I -day es each month . ad ihi. voni- l; I in:-. Friday Fnlhe will a.v --|. n I h-• 'Sermon oi the M< .■" " S’.CK'G la.a a delimit* 0.-l -a. '. -utile pro;-, -im tor the • • ,-,e. 1 J ’ 1 tin i 'ii by Mr. William ft. \* , cit'hc < nil of the lat'lc a .j i.clip,.! tail green cinidJe. fb.rl; 11 10 living; room -and dining p vi :y .beautifully and arli 't: a! det'Oi ateil wil l cut -■.■print* fiawc: : , aa ■ ,e n .-■■■' • >• ■ lul and g.orgf'ou, gifta The gnesl-; liars i.t wen Mr and Mrs. Jo ! i-oph Th .may Mr. and Mrs. Ha jv James. Mr and Mr- WiMio ChuDp. M’ and A!. Wil a- Hu, die. Mr. ,md Mr.-, V il McLui don, ivlr and Mis Fletcher ilav .. • wood, Mr nd Mi.-. Leonard ; oi Jackson, M a and Mrs WiHinia u- Reid. Miss Nannie Mon*an. Miss , (.:, .al limit. M. . Laura Wimbiv. n Ho-ige. Mis (lursie Grav Mrs I.’,:’ a Fpla-vn. Mrs. Lillie M ;i- lev. VI;; s Oorothv Lain . Mrs. Sam . to Bi mer. Mrs. Sarah Sha: |>e, Mr. ;,! -aid «I.s Km-it;amic! Alien Mrs e ha! ■ Cat.i'.ehai t. Mrs. Kiizab; ' h Mr: Doret a v Raker. A ~-| : Jo ■ ,-J: Sanders. Ti’,. fut of 1 'W'll ;.lle--t- «>.*•: ' id "J ; l.’uhv Pailin and M. .. M-u ■d*, Filison of Caslaiia, N. C- Mis -r M L. Pailin and Mi'-.;- Eniestin ■ V '.Mg of Henderson. Mi ■ Id. ■ Ti.i :;< rof Montclair. N J Lawv ; . Wi! on Grav of Washington. D C. fAKE k mi ut nm iwror ■: : ; ,V.. : Y--J'/V'' 3 ) T tv!Mfft i ■iaa-ay?''- \ a ''-pr.-piM -n.>;r SttKlv i hr above drawing for j a few mtpuics. Notice, partif f iar'y i.mv the bile flows I'rmri . the liver into and out of the ;;:ii! liladiipr arirl jy: no inG> . l ib*■ -ni.di intc.al'r. wiiprc it j mixes with the partly dige-ted | food just beiow the tnjnaeh. Ril is a s *• j*y adjunct to i pi dip. .-limp fix nh ’ iirr ! fro,)- th' iy>i< -,t !■))<- vitfihfy {'si j; t } cf ft {*l oy? fry. i N \ U RL S 1) \N<.I R SIGN \I,S Wbe.i vour stomach, liver. . ; and gall oh doer have been I upset by improper eating or drinking, or when they are not working well >- .m. retained and putrefying fond matter in your intestines is poisoning e your entire body, your bi!*' r stops flowing freely and you, sooner or later, begin to feel ; pome <>f the following symp toms: « Your breath may become V ' unpli'asant thalitosis), your tongue coated, a had taste in vour rnoulh, y.>ur cofl'ee (and f.obaciT') lose their natural flavor, your food does not agree with you; you may have head ache. heartburn, gas and dizzy spells, you may be troubled with belching; at night th gas in your bowels may press upon your bladder making you get; up frequently, thus break ing into your sleep. «, Fn the morning you are tired instead of refreshed. Gradually : your health is impaired: you ; have constipation, gas, putre ! faction and self-poisoning (“intestinal toxaemia” or "acute gastritis” as many doc tors call ii). HOW TO GKT REI.IKF You can relieve this condi tion, usually overnight,, by | taking Oalotahs at bedtime and i drinking \vafor freely next. day. fa lotahs ar.: a thorough jy dependable laxative designed i ; to effectively relievo svmp- I : toms of biliousnes.' and acute | gastrins due to constipation ' nr faulty digestion, and to ! promote the flow of bile 1 through the intestines, j Calotabs arc pleasant intake , (sugar coated). prompt and es. j furtive. T-* them and see. Fol i low lab* ■ - factions. At .vour i iruggis', ’ j ‘Demandthe original Calo- yy ta hs in th I *!ft | fi islin cti v e TOb y /wg : i checker-board YBy, j box. Accept if'- ft--"" .j yo substitute, * , National Alumni Ass n \ Unit Slates Meeting I I M? A > I 1.1 S VIM . II *CM . Tl:c- Tluvfl Aiimu'l f 'oitTcrcui ■- >'t Ai.ua Four ct !)i>- Nabon,)!. AhiuiiJ A :i c lie i will bf I><'!d Ft ifh'v an:! Sell!).jay. March I atid i!t*}*. SU'tc T- if Ur... ,i . /.ji. , ■ CIO'. No th (.'aii’liua. TllO fii :( , K-.| I - !!'.(' I Kt'tlc "tic,: will he held Ft id .; nielli March 1. it i ig hl n'clui'k in the eell.-'!7r> KitCi'orium. GrccUnc.-: 11 vviwili be extended Uk c 'i iri'cncc i i Pc i 1 ut S. 1) WUH ntm <>f St.'it* Ten;!.' . CrR. ;>i> r.i.a ,»m .i jj. » immi u iun mwi n fi*.-ci-u^n..*. i~i«-*rt'nr.J»» miMiwumiiiniimiiiiniinM -,■■■ r„ir, t -m-nmriarnnwniiiu r^i^.mmiirjrunoiiuju.m funii wnfnnwT> ii«.iimiKniirgrwnmia'rt*M.w»’.'wi».r»~mvfinnw«nii»iiir<niri STORt: HOURS SrOO-R-flO WEDNESDAYS 9:00-1:00 We Have A Complete Stock of WASH COTTON DRESSES CHOOSE YOUR PERT, FRESH SPRING AND SUMMER DRESSES FROM OUR WIDE ASSORTMENT . . INCLUDING FA- . > W MOIJS BRAND NAMES HENRY ROSEN- jgßj^.gL FELD, MARTHA MANNING, ANN SUT TON, AND McKETTRICK. *2* l4*’ . OyH^, 7 1 P » yk\ yymrn jT\ • - fci*/ O /* ,-i ‘ 0,1,.,," m j j | ** l / I | I. no i out’Tiling cycle! embioidei rd f J ( \ \ j i | .v |! ke and sleeves add a smart touch l*H f ( • 'I 'i bav'ning Sanforised > •• ( ®’’ \ ill' 1 die-- . Aft can five lasb pockets. Y'd jSL j j \ \ !•>«, bbiv. )i : nb, lid grey. -i*' ImIM Cmlmm. \ f ashioned in sanforized In'oadclotii 'lilh dyed-to-rnatch lace embroidery I , - \ C inserts, this, crisp cotton is styled so•- /Jji any occasion from office hours to /& * V “after-five” dales. JBlue, grey, pink, I lilac, and aqua. V \ Sizes 12-20. « $5 95 Ca pt! vall n g Fiq U € btrijM H: versus solids. Srcaoii gives you 1 1 i|)0(l pinih l for tsliniftcss -- « -m» mm -*» -**» **** ***** *bwb» Mr»=» ■***» -a- - ~r~r“ ****-. »w n ‘ 1.",1 '.", ! ’ vvl,l! !,|i) ; <" d jiocket J HUDSON.REEK COMPANY, RAI EKUi, N. C. I Hap.- - oi solid pjque lor emphasis in the part manner . . settles the | Please include AG Sales Tax and 12c Postage I whole thing by making the dress as . _ _ . ... , , „ i I Q ,|^r *titv Style Size (.olor Price- t pi’etty a col lon as you vc seen in ! ■ many a day. Turquoise, lavender, . I grey, rnelhei. • Sizes 10-20. .... J ...... J ... . ... I I ; *8« 1 ! W j Total .NAME I * ADDRESS I SECOND FEDOR of FASHION * , CITY AND STATE \ ~ MV ** , **~^ f ’* •***» «M>! «1W iWW* **■,«»«•» ■<—<«■—**, ".'WE- ÜBS* ~" -( :{;) e/%, \ V "EASTERN CAROIINA'S LARGEST' JL ' 11 E_C A E 01*11 fIA N_ • lie cnitcac el-•• 41 tir The j Rev I. R. n. Me Ray of KMr.abcth | City will dclivri lb; adU' - cs: 'I he tbiturday iv• *c*■,i u session of I l.he conference "'iU i*c dc-otecl c' r fly to the ti tcu .sic : i «l usi-; : n- ,nd the election of office) u i 1 Lb- I.sklent " ill deliver his an-j lilKii .1! . 1-0 > :i: Snl’mln y 'ltt'.T , >-, ..-uiof, ~(• ■ nufe: • nc< and | :(•" office . 'w !'C lost.-illt-! ; ,- Na: n; Alumni An*, ec-ition i !- -,,-r i: :| i K in./.at! n composed i cf M-iiuol "id i.i>l!e*,f' ..lunini as-" ah ' oi a : in.: w n'k ahove the thigh school level. I* was organized | |April fi, 1946 at the Wlnston-S-ilMitl | Teachers College. For the ivirpo - <>f regional fcllowshlji the oigi.iiua -1 lion is divided into areas and Ar r ;:i ; i Four is composed of the school and M 1 c iloge alumni associations of Morin j jand South Cnrohna. j Officers of Area Four arc i fol- j moms: President. J I). Marsiuill. S i Ic S'atc College; Fir f Vice Pie ; ! ident Rev. G F, Check. Shaw t!n : - • iiy; second Vice Pit i* ; nt A 1 r ffutlri. Allen t'u e u ;-;*»e . , rriary Mi s C <". I.La u«\.. W;, -)-■ n 1 .>."' "1 Tcirhe- C‘ol|ei»i- aid M (. ('l'llcgi T: ra.'Ur* ; Mr . \l. i. 'lll , ■ biOi KUzabcth City Teacher.-- D-J. I lege; and Chnplaiu. Re\. F. M. I Bunker. Murri- Coilrgc WANTED; NEWSBOYS Support Your Paper S! FILL OUT THIS COUPON AND RETURN IT TO: THE CAROIJNJAN J 18 Easl Hargett St. Raleigh, N. C. I of Raleigh iYour own Nane-j Year Address) fee! that the appointment- of a \'egrn i <• lil! one of the vara ncie -on the on the Raleigh Citj Administrative, School Unit, (School Board) would be in keeping with the democratic, principles of our city and would serve the int. rests of more efficient city school administration. ! suggest the consiriration of for the appointment. (Name of Candidate) PAGE FIVE

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