PAGE TWELVE . IKOMZE THESE IPVERTISERS Leaders Rally To Rocky Mount Citizens Greet •ammm u j College Fund Fold Governor William Hastie YORK ■ John D. Rocke-j Vm ■ ,H. rk.-'inrun of the Nation- : • : Cutiruil >,f the United Negro | M. art Fund, w; t-'t 57th 3|tvet, "Tji•». v.v.-U m.wL public the names! , a fisuimr.iHy kr.,nv,i . duc.'lL'-i s. : ;■ ■ ■.ii-.i : - 1 iny Laidei ■ win ; ' c Y ' ..,! M Co ii : i ii u . fyijt]';, ;tj: annua! rtppo.ii ; ;- ' io rkitton.sily • it A uni 20 • Arr dv ••f.v rnem'iinv of i'v. i inei! ■ 17 nr K. S!n:-ss't!. Pre - i. ' iJoruid K Birr.-; ~f u u ,‘ Up., vvr.t I'niveraity Graduate School of B-.’ in Da Admir;!.-.!i..i;on; J. it • n. .tenoral man:u;er -I Mo. nfnrlu rbu: division of >■ . Motors Co.j:. Dayton. . ii I. G nimby. Conm-v- u>;s --3 'lie;,:i n. Federal Security Washington. ii). C.; at.-< r u Hill. '. ! X i'-iiv He. Tcr-ii nf\ Southern Arsoeiathm of; ;■ and Secondary Schools, dr. Rockefeller also announced: '■he following member;; of the j Nader,;.! C ti.ic;! who served in am in .comntii'ee: Frnesi G. Ad :!'].■ Providence. 1' I : Bruce Barton of New York Ci'v I'iCi;: > Bell of Tyler, Texas: M J Bcnedum of PuGbmgb; Lindsay 1 L'rrudr-id, of New York City; W. Randolph Burge?.:;. of Now Ym k C;1y: Harry Woodbnrn Char-'o. Chancellor. New V; rk tu u ; .-. Hampton To Be Scene Ol Exposition Event ILrnptcn. V.t .. County mm home rieinonstrutn■■?>. ay • : and be me economic: and high sehoo] student: if. ■■ • ~; .urn,-; bt :i "tv,;.. L" ; - pie 1 . k;n:.: te> Haniptr, L—t •. :V ■ ;; Saturday, April 0 t< an ' : *■ n?,ve Farm and Home Ex ■ ; :i spon:;u:* d joint■>. by th. P■ v: ions f Ap.fteuUur,. -Rune Kronomi - A vitdem < uiiruttf e. ■ v (Try J( . me Pars .ji> of Wry; wiytur.. D. ( . ;; • urn or m a,; a ti S ;-a:, T V. M; : ; a f iTiorub; ol the two dm; . .»r are Lie school administration <;• r ,i;v’ •ut dr t.ndrd p; -n... f t ,.; the era.-ion, *,vh:cb is expcet«;d t • ■ring 1,000 visitor; to the campr.;- ’ . ru :■ (’av :-->ng series of exhibit; «;rd df.monstration;;. Th, prehrmuiry ryhcdulr- cale lor . y.strata n b< ginm -ig at 8 a rr. , nd a tones of exhibits and cion.oral rations -- most of them repeated during the dsv from o a 'O. t■ 4, with rtf' l o ; M.: l] ft t ;'[i' ;.'.m yroupx and ■ n e n house so! Inwiua until 8. p in , when acini ties will end Aoicng the items on the sols.- oa- are 'detniinstrations in prer- Mioe rucking, freezing, w.-aving, !■ ms,' tx’antificat: sn, nutriuovi, end i...hs;'.aid jf>pl?ances. a sash ion show; demonstrations of farm re ah’, mery. landsraping, aninrta i sciences, dairy mat bin cry and , VK HiTviGt 1M IN V UTS you to RADIO AX IT> Bl sT H» V R * 'Till CHOIR ANH THR ORGAN” WF.DNESOAJ NIGHT id<’nt, I?>:•: >:• . - ! Lanai Ladits (laimam Work'-r.- j Union. f Ni-w York City; !v!" in ii Kmbreo f Now V.,i"l; Cip . V. •limn Doan limbi c. of Now York C.ty; HaiS'Oy S Fin .-tonr, ,Ji . ,:f A loon. Orm: T K Gib in, Clut.,'.,’ ! V.Tm'ci r »; if ford. New York < ’ v. ‘T. M. Ginllc-r. of < '• v< i. • •• Fills .'• a!ii S G. »ni. • f U:;r! ord. C Wilinun fin .on, }’rc:M(ior:. A. ••'. ~f I r.. t w ..... ;. n. W. T Holliday ("k vcl n ,i. Ch.nrle It Hook;:. of M iddlrt.nvn. Ohio, i hi.irk'. Ik I! min ;. Jr of New York )f' i • , A!■ ' F. II- .! r;;..- . of \v . Don, ii), C.; I.en T. Jones, f Kan.;.is City. Mo.; Dona id F Ks; f', of N :\y Haven. Conn : Samufi i.), ; Lridfsdnrf. of Now York Citv: I I an i ■ me ,T '.la- id, -f sonnn ; •V J . .’vlfCormiok, of Ch; j oil. i : Edwin B ;\i< h;/niv. of s: 1 ■lO ui.v Mo.; Jeremiar Mil:-, .in;. ikcvv York; T. E, Milk-op of Weir-i : r. Wow Virginia; Phillip M;;n-,rr,: . Prf.:idcnf, CTO: Graham Paiwr • n- Philadeiphla; A W. Rohn'tr-'n.; jof Pittr-burgh; L,w;n;; ,} TRoam ■ w aid, of .fenkintav Pa fir : j Chares Seymour, P.tmdc.n?, Yale; University; Tiefiv D. Sharpe, rs ; Pro valence, U. I.; Edgar B. Stern- ■ •)». \ T evv Ork a ns. La.; Ch a ni'ijnr ,H i TebicS Os New V *. 1 k city "and | Earnest !. Weir c«f Pittryburah, is .srocedures, ■’ t-ing, and hor ticultura: nvt.h ■•■! . A tour of tin id:,mot Ir • i.:ißi- ;.nd vdlOWiDg-; • flip ' an-; g -ni; '.v:?)h phase-, < ,■) lea's and ~ar:e;C' , - ■ o v.uiabjp i . t.hf vi ..'be : A n.nid;:-. ,r .-: O? !-. i ilali, pros; l nL;;ye: *nmi j . peak* r in or, th> tw > fi, ''v ?i.l h. the f e - dp.i ri.v A sr-hcdulc- Mow detailed ; n ; nounromoniy; ,veo pr.'-ndrcd 1 1. school offmic;!:- : n the rear f«lur PEDNUTSCKtf'fi QUOTAS m OH i The averagf Martin Cminly f;,rre * C’ Wll i 'Fi >W f’ i'.m i>. • j ., • joys IX- 1 eHV.It A (Ids vr.-ir j-pyi «’ft /,J ■ Lh C Bi. a; dLS< ■ (vj ntv <,U Sit j Stole C-diere j.'*yf, ... _ " sees, ib nd- *• -!• . ' ’’ • e;vvp. tiic firmer? are mo king viar. '* : i > grow larger home food supn-ios in an erfori i ; i-.-dmw th ■ . > ' ,expens?*s, tho countv aont v-e-' : 1 ; ed. . re*cent farm plane ng m»v : * Tip' !hc rir ' u ‘ J re-eec.i .- T «-,i V:r family con),s ;v,> fi..... V ‘ S3OO am?., lb. f . :r\ |„ , ;-y pr-uduw a yc-rn-wund g.vMn, i . -‘le. sufficirnt supof pm k j ; bird, poultry, and milk In ar i r , J : ;• if P’G in com .. id i\, **************® , **®*** , *®*** ,ll * ,, *'*®**®*l*H**ll**ww*HWMBB«B*llm«l»JlaIHBIIt(*l*IB«w^®*!, , • r , -:i 1 a-rc by the :'i a,! !-e r t:f Air Fp, . - j.inS. Mr.; Nar.iiTv* Parker and others i e ts e reeen-ij.K i- i ;i Knl,owln - !l "- ; event a special ->1 Il.c f.ty :: \ e GppO)'sU))it\ (i> inspeet ~:e. .: * aevei-e: wents, !tij:-.jties. l -te-, Lion?. The lour rdark-d at the B„t --hc Park mniinufh }., tfie V- ra iil - -a.. i T dn’i: - ScT-r-d Iren V-eoler, Anm-fear. !; . e.-n Ifom-- .| 1 bC.r,|Ci'aii;M , tkewerayc l.i p■ !j iaiit, Eithon Drive in Lit t:oin r I Park, and it? the O. R pope Sdv>o; i whepe teachei« and students had i L'.e pie., -are of ; hnkin:.- hand? with • ; tile Governor. The jj'.iri.v thru vFiird the (.b-n? : nnnu,y (’enter- Na burines., :->\- Ition. Lincolr School, when- tcaen . or - and student? r.recuG and ; i rheok iiana. with G<-verne-r Ha?!if i i he x ertatod Fso by Sup- ' ;c; ustei-.di nt R M. WiLon. i Then die four co’dii-’icd ov ,, .... I i Anna VY. Holland Seho a for cixc-i-i i hiy? fretn warhtus one r iuden:?.; I Other pohvY visited v-.-rc ; municipal stadium, V. Hawn-1 L t Water Plant and the Booker j - •"» Sc ho ' • 11t? oovc r- j spoke to the -:>tutierh body on j : >k- ;• i’--ca * (.on of 11;, g v ; r -:in Inlandi ian%? r ; .-yi \ ::i Rockj Alounb'' V(V tenLvnteU bp favor tidy o>? ii:,-- eduenririi-.atj i W;n:i.t:rly ;nnl ,a y Rc.iltv C - •I: 't‘’-'D€c tr *r' Th *> . i . liiC.-e v.-fm ouy or rent Ltt j o sA't • c\t ms were cl Annexed | at 8:00 o'clock at the Booker i ! i- .! ..;■ i ,b, ..ce and htar Governor li.-.-ari u the H-or.-'-!e AV Kerr Scott ! of North Ortmij t,.a. > ’ ■ o- * Brandm; said farmers also nr::* ;mi sliiraf ng siipj.ilt'jDCnta] source: i r -. inconu;. potiieularly s'./eet jv.Uj. ! b'i lialryu,.- V. T-v ' i oairjnian. said reerndy buyij;.; between SI,BOO ori .‘RVOor ■ vorii’ c-f milk a )?jor.Ui from out 'em. if ;he c-njn’y .. .D loir.ers suppbej. VA ill ;f,r ! :b : ~( a . iT. Jr ,- TV , .j c i- i„. , 1 ; braldH,;: Tavlor v i'i hr :,h; : ly it rr.iik >outes bt the cou'dv to Taykc. eni.. faje.-’ ■us m (he cr.urity ahradv 110 ! $1 .acti v. - )•* It of n; jJ i -f., . v ,, ■ il'i.v, i lAs been in some miyhty In,. • . • ‘b.c. ’ rsiakit::: reference to the : ' luinii -f-r tis dignitaries that ho mol.! j lb Vich , n ; n Rocky Mount i j:> motive lieu, Fou'-tain of rtv-ch v : j.viennt and Senator 1.. 11. Fountain ; j as Tasboro in r-.aiiitainiß.* the good j !■,:•::■! ii'u.s 1 "b.vecn wihte and N,-- j -•'. ( ■in (his section and s lated that | ; b. is in full .accord w.h mch or j : mi!.-;,imps The f-vis ; G<>v.*:nor H., be rfr- :r, .j i ; -ho .South i s the find center of i. j,-- y-Tro, in isr addrt;-: He mad' ! bi! inea-ds trade hv ism Ton... state Lm--day,re-; mw :i,. y. w-t! War. Rsiicr-Pbiv did he rite ; th? - Incidenl reg d - g hi; delili a ■ UUle.n n 1 ed i'.v that body ; 0.0, Os :-S • x,. ' •i < c.r’ - f ray rare have made j !*' ; ' : D '‘:V l)U ■ :')h;p cy)\y\ into dtmO | Tuv Gove-j mar.: not fad io i 1 Uhiov/ ihe:V' ;,r*;v;-i views regardnig 1 1 : . u)Fr;n :;nt fov all people*. WHh glADit L js i ; ..•r*cja ‘io t ‘, Govc rn o r Ha > tie nt c. d, 1 : .?< '• ■, - - |,. 'Mw:m'''oL;i: oicmL,; p i( L r ;' ; : I j Demorracy was handed dow„ : , m. : ;by such men a:; .Ikiuc: Mt;ch:,o». ! ‘ iThomns Js ffcr ;er. and uds-i-s of ybr- 1 ' iSomln After the Civil ;V ,i ;f ? I Legiibtu •« >f lb South {:■ od < ;!)i I' • ,< • onr ! .1? ;E' ,C* ’La ' r 1 yonne: • •• i:n C Nt j -cm: e. -vom .:: ; ,o ( •„ ~-r m | On tlv* tibufej-T!' wo t ..„ !• j Gcvirncrs. May.; Benr-oL. Cc. : - Man me r Hoy f Willi ". .a p< ;• 3cn Fk'.urdairi and SemMr Fsym bm: B. b( V. S, I• ; r (': A . >,} Y, ■ ~ - ; | •] ( a I M-boo]. Ti: R. K p n tfir. W’ho\ . j xKdivc• rd the IT- vo. .;|i o >*j ip. - j i j-' Rri',b !t a ]i f> r . . . ! m of th*' Civ a K r and D* ; i *G AY Bullock, an official of ibed I Music was sui riled hv the BwoF :! I' ■’ l V\ ■-> n;;|!in (;]>'{•> { m;h s , I -O' cli -'s', i-n of Mi .-: Vers Si lis V,’; I - , s - i f Chicago. (J: ■ ted:, r;.. nes ■f: ■ ■ ','••< « v YcH. o-i . -'i '. •.?•'.ry of ■ iA: played an bwh ,rv.• 1 !!eel ion '• -—ply IH-wr, i 1i , ' r'. } .J p lie ■(,- i .-Acs' Ccyder after tl.e t*: -gu.n, *’ '- ■ hr-' while cd: .ens ?- . irerled Governor H'\?'ie were l-fer?- b (L'Cg jry ain't Alfred SburciJ of j. ! 'A'mu..:> a,id Greaory H,:..iiv , j Company. HALIFAXNEGSO j FARMERS PLAN HOME ORCHARDS . V ■’ 1 v v i,Gt*:.> ,'j‘st.. r >’ir.; tile, r I p w tb- •) .dm Ha!if? , j '• ’"’-ty T'v j-i inert.: ttirmry J ' - i tO I ••(>{. ' is o ',; .. i' ,L Knijiit N-:.. ' snifii ■ '-.'id -th,- state C -lice' Tide:s ~s '• , if-r , K b,bf ih->i plans, nr -d --niKicvv. ,y - i.i iii ;i pt-atn U. b ry li.a ,i;, r>',C'U rlf iscfis! 1U r; bn ■ . ■ ! ' o ,i p.'d HU! . ■ic-gnl '.'l'hcod. 1 'sc .'iri.h-.rd eon 'aim 500 frur year old • • ecu ?vbi t - ■ h.v, •; not had the proper alt<>nt-k>p i J - t.i ■ . u 1: .11 I>- • ''p-.'.mi of the *.- 1 leading v«r-! rscuet in the State, including llsic ■■ Elbert*, .'two stuair.?i. Brils m Georgia. Golden Jubilee, and ! Svnejnr rerest Doßi'.riMr?.iions will br condurt ] d m i)n.i?)U: “• spraying, peach tree; bore? • ontrol, ferliliy'ten. end Jj,. vesting • • A. young i • ’• my.. : ~rt ■a th n:n - ! F- ,s> iv ■i[ be r.-.» -.f and preperh mar iced this .>c.r.r "it!i 11; of Conn-;. Agent Knig-ht. Pruntn,,. i'crtiJtzatioii. anti rprayiny pmc -leer v.'iil he followed according to Extension recommendations. NEWS AND Vi EWS in i. 11 %hki n : .i;n v. WT. Grime in helpm : ;tn . irculaio the (V\ HO UN IAN ■■A ;• collect yi 'NEWS AND •VIEWS" nil v;:.., topic* f color hod been ' honored in those parts with a j jnv to: cycle c scort. (two from the nb-porl in to Hie c.-v end Jr ter ail !>’or.-:. I M;n■ rest p> ■ t !( - :* r - hnirns,,! ~t ; (j,, Vis.ri Isles. ['rc.-iden* A H «vv;,ni and ihn c id have been accomplished had! tf.i NAAGP be- n taken in on me ■Ch:n..v" .Without the other term mam, end l t Has!to giro just opr felk.s a ic-ii n.irssay since he ;■ / NA.\rp otlictal. vr-v hk.-tv we ; cede! b..|\ <; be » accen t;’;...tied had ) , . ff l; •• ct , r , . ■•‘c'-v cod officials of city and | Wo saw the foiln-.ving sat; .a ; ! ; and Chance of Bnck.s. Tarboi ■ 4 vc; Stic, Will, v, ton leorHciaa i Mr- Mary Body of Br.CHs. R < bey (•{-,, Rfv j A t 1. llar>i .ici of T t-.,,. ■Mr;; Vts an Moore and J..c Joys >n ■ resmt. J w. Whitehc H'-th :it a grade crossing on Grand -• Avenue. F-nrtunat-olv. he esc.-*re?t ! lime Mrs, Lillian B. Wright of D, C e visit mg her brother, ,1. \V Bui | COAL FUEL OIL i IHIGHTRIDGE MIS ( OVM* VNY i * s ’?a ft ft Glare Sts. Phone s*>(> j ...., MdCINIXY F A SON’S jl PI ACF I ; CASH GROCERY P's Cigar:;. Cigarettes. Soil i Drinks. Candies Gbod Music | 442 Center St. ~~~ " 1 ~— l ' —~ i Harren's Sales Agency LJ J COM LCTIONLRS Vl 1101 MS \I l AND RETAIL AGENTS WANTED: AERO A: JLIIGR AM NEW M* VVERS 213 Atlantic Aw, - Phone 7J>6 n.i.,v„„ - - —. Mo-ore’s 1- Market Trouts - Butierfish - Mullets - Spots • Black Bass - Drums. Drinks, Confection orios. Fuel Oil. Music: 625 W. Thorn a;. Phone 125FWX i Corel.Ha A. Mot re. Prop. MOUSE’S SERVICE STATION Allantic Gas Oil. Washing, Greasing. Tire Repairs 800 Myrtle Avc. MOUSE S SODA SHOP 2IS Durham Si. Light Groceries - Sodas - Music SECOND SECTION * -|i L ' ■ I 1 s w- ms f ' b' '' ' doy-x i vy -v< (r V. } GOVERNOR VISITS CITY Govcrnnr IN silmni (I H mlic of it.*- li, -m ! * uut-. i- 1...55 i 5 ,vs hr nr jVs trit d\i "Hin-s hi Iro. I. s Mount's iwv ? iitcnlii I’.ii l. lion 1 mg rro:.;i in the r‘its(l).uiv of fI.U k of U■: - t u- Ch ti.. s; . j The F'Cil NAACF Id r thy :".;rmg nieniLi.’isl'.lt; r: v, pm u The Veiith Coupi-it i ?h I’.',;;;. - - X \ .\< )' ;mi---Tpu a ■ ..--si (hyru- .i, ii on she work H the N A A ( L. >hc H, ,'i><- c,( ivhim: v. :. -Tim Wdj'jk Came Tumbling paiK'i thi- v i-ifrr has ■ ■■ •'. in ifbs N'cll • Hi -so; v Work rvojit \m>v: r 1R ■ « j » . ■ .. t, •, , ( 4 T*' 1 rr;< ■' . -.5 T< , ~-}>• ,„. f j p - . , iDiuJu t : . !/■ : j?'• ■ •• f •:* of fbe Y (\ N AAfp < /•*• ■> k> Mousrjl. TV*.i- FAIRMONT r.\ !»<)R< vjii \ fimn ■'' ■ S-'-mil < ' . br;,, Mr ? A-.,. ,- ..ys, d s*l •*i ? Sir? r? h;*:- *e"?rnt*'! ii-'ir,,* fr. -ni S1 Fur::, *w" .). Mr: V* -.veil , , I- n ■ ; l Vi , |~, ; . bt wren Ibospn.d .-.ileif&Tits and jxi ients accejc ; c. progee.-- sn recov erv. Mrs. Madgie McM-iim has re turned hoiur a’i-si v* itinc her son and drwcbVr-hi-law. Mr and Mi? Tiary birn.-i: VC, } -tt? t-.-n Aw-mie. N< a , rk. X - Brotherhood - Not Hood*! * * ■ *'• ~ v- v.v ■/ •*■ ■ “ f * r • r . . . .• v "***'■*«**... ' . ■ &y- , : .fsTpR-j *Rs,ralP? ’’<►' * ’ ; T J',’ • , •'■ * '**.»■ 'i: ..' " ■ v * •' \ ■ ■ -- ■ *> .... .«.■•••, - / ■: •' - % ~~ ■'■ « * i # >1 • & S %> rT /- .If /". " \ A"*~- V " * Fwr >, * V \ ~ H iWN S . , -• !b /V>\ a - a. • \ I jfV- .i> ji t ""sS r v~' f / 4s£' i • '*7 W* /* " , * //%-- k, jg *rl v , V-'tflpr ~** •V f '*■ ■• . _ Vt»- $ - 1-J&L - - A-? r % »**• ' WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1949 >H-!iv\ < rrjtory. inrnib? i of the Sine in -ti consti in ted the ]iro j-'i't Also ,hmvn is VVillisim li bs a. employ? c of IVittihedy .uifl Gregory, after w Itom one of tin srerts m the project tvas named. \li (Bvm;m *>r bfw; K ■■.'tree;, luiycltfvlle. way curd «.»y La!'.* f B! •{- M- • ,\t■■(‘lam r-f yt ■di .<_s.j nd xf; - ii". ibi.ilf" of V wr-.i \ \ c.b n.-l j., ■,( Ml ... E;:?G1,I Tavku. L- I'-lta Granger and i i .eif en?. ’;G Canal S'reel. Mon *:!. - - is-'", lb bruary 7. in h-.nv r of .url i -Id. Mi .- Ruth Thy e'hiorr v, : ;,:! chib meinbe* s; i’- - ■ A.''?. Er.unit McMillan; : "-Lm,:.,r "*:■ -he F.vining. Mr , Als- V- . Are You. What 7? Your V'b.f is Ai < \t >.f G<,)t,;>"" ... !.. : <•’ 5.V, .;.?•! , !■-]■*• i ~''t <5,, r. g the f ,i:i*’ **!, i- d*av?- are Mr-. Mane Powell. ss3.; Mrs. Nin. !>,("'■ i. qv, ~,,?? M Kerth.'i fir : ;ev. SfOfNt R*v ail'd!'? . of ivh-il type tobacco i'Uinl Led vptr-,1 control ?*f msec’s al -i bile ‘IS- *ri • Isl’flUs ,l l y In early, healthy r i .,nf? liiai will pep. ml t!a e ,ib . ■ f p ! ;n. I the scltitig el' ih«- crop ~i the propc. ■ IvENMR, BOSTIC Men roc Pmstu of Rocky Mount, v. ;, ; mvc :m surprise birthday par ty .bmuary :'l by ids wife and j - not her. The birthda;. nm’.ii was u;>:d in th.c refreshments. Levely arran,'cirumt; i,f n v were a. ed in the dining it •. room and hall. Several enjoyable names were played by Die yucsis Ain hie :. ar.' tin- f • iv ■da ilciou.-. I’.ii'kr- dim r, 0(1 poi alfn-;;. ; ar' cay > nice, hoi • roils, lanonado. ice cream, cake, I minis and peanuts. The out. of town vests were W and .Vim I,inwood Williams and Mr; A dole Wmuin; of Battlcoorn and Miss Geraldine William; ;>f Rod Oak The R.od.v Month guests werr- Mr. and Mm. Henry Brown. Mr ind Mr- .lames Cooper, Mr. and Mr; .lames Freeman, Miss Catn erine Anthony. R .1. Johnson, Mr. and Mr;-;. Willie 1. Boykin, Mr. and Mr.-. Willie Edge. Mr. and Mr.--. Sam McClain. Th- Roy. and Mrs. R. W Underwood. Mr: ; C H Se.> so;ns, Mm Carrie White. Mrs. 1,;k” Batle, . nri F C Hunter Ulj - Davis Mrs Mc-ilie T k .r, Ciaii iic Jones. Cliarlie W. ite rn id M■■ ■; Mary Dortch, Mr- (bee PenmaH Mrs. Blanche lime-, -us, Ed so Miller, Miss Dai So Mrs. I .aura Brown. M: Savfm Leonard. Prfncsor C F Edwards, and Mrs Mary Deloach Mrs. C.larence Griftin went to Wushu .-..nil, D C md witnessed the Inauguration el President Har ry S T.- iimw: uiH'i attended the a r, ;a < of her niece, Miss Billie Sh ieids. Wise Amei ic s; Mw Fight or BroncKiei Irritotiens Du«» fe Cold* -—With Buckley's "Cansdi?^' Almost InstnrMy you tfte surprl.*-- vjur r»'uclilng' rvaem ent** gbt away 1* lf*osetis up tbieik choking pb ! c>. u—- i.ip clogged bronchial tub*? —nv?Ks» breathing (j-or. There’ (->-• at onomy m Buckicv •? at! m^;llca‘lon r.o i?vrup. Half to one ?ea ■ -7-ful V. :a .■ ov;r.rp the n:--= --t A net B'l kifv's CANADTOL'' mixture that's entirely different-—m -« ef (<»■ -; v s ■ faster !h ,icti .*!i -- »ak« it for rnor& restful sleep tonight. Druggists everywhere. • | ___ __ TRY l Old Colony Beverages ! ORANGE CKLSH BOTTLING CO. | 201 319 S. WASHINGTON St. I ' »i«rw»n»»t(iirn«r Sanding ,t Painting j 700 Penn. Ave, «... Phone 2386 R .1. Lassiter, Prop. RADIO HOSPITAL 127 S. WASHINGTON ST. Everything In Radio Repair* PHONE 2637 WILLIAMS , COMMUNITY STORE 311 GOT.DLEAF STREET | PLAIN & FANCY GROCERIES i FRESH MEATS DAIRY* | PRODUCTS OF ALL KINDS ! STOP AT THE BLUE FRONT Cigarette#. Cigars, Salt Drinks, Good Music 6?5 W Thesns.s SI. ’ Mrs, Gxibmiv Baker, Prop. 1 1