WEEK F..\ T DTN<; S.Vl'l f;PAY F! HR I RV ~0. If»f f« ' :.: v v- v v. ■ .w- • . tiOg&M ~:y: S| ' , I ' ; l*OPn. \IUT V I*l S S \b»\o is Mioun tin (h.nmil..: , dis. A Hclcii Kutli i ind, of No. I ir< - dell Terrace. l{silt*ifcl>. u «io < H-NCG PROFESSOR NAMED m POST IN RECREATION Dr. Allen K ,esi Wr. i ■ ’t Pr < ft $•- . •• ! : < itc- •■■cation Vr . i. U N. : " (’..re i in;: Col ( ■■ O.v . lecenOy re ..; ■■• ,l; .: u> •'■ >• -■■ ■ and Rests.:,’c::! ft i, ... •. ■ American Hm cm ter. hindoßv 1 ;:lfo ..y.j'.'n' lite ... F ‘ion Commincc t trn N. : . Safety Council he Slandaii. Ht • Education ’>■: t r !< ■■ j Carolina, and ; »e r . . > t.f till? NO.',: C *Sot ic'y Dr. Wt«iherfiivd Ik.’ ;m- p : iil 13 .-i •o',* C . .; P Kthica* ■ fr< ,? H.-.n i :<>■ tin. M F..i .■ : ■ .Ur:; and : in Physiliai no K, i ion f.'.nn Sj. V.VfCA Cbll«K<’ and C. : •:> ea in Herd I- i> . a : and Kcciea'i... P. ■ . ;■ var.i't stale (."• ;I.■ ■. In : : S- h . : ;. • ... a !• lion end Athl, sh.- a: 'the P- :. vania Suit CV:i< : . i;.\ \v< • i lul :i - ;■ i..". : «■ ..lion white he v.. oi.r of n- -■ r .' Sch»la: <.; the A ha’ T a KraUnn.ly, C . , ... h, ..< ~ . , » Pi >-i< : :>■ IfWo-46 an. a! tile Cdi'.e/fc .■...■ . , : . tion j.-r 1947-;.,a; Dr '.V< ..!-■■ : : . , topic Jr i. .... - tuonn! H’.: • . = mid Ren or: a Ed-,!; at. 1 - : - Coßcue •. 1 V. ITr.t I Statc: > A Si ■ : Institutions a;r ■ - '.'.’hith Will 0’.i.1l 0,0.. drainage ditch; s and railtvi.,,.’ tracks : :.!, U.-Ui . • removal and thawing fro/, n pip or earth U) be o.vravat ,i. Th » patent on P..,. j.....: 1 1. pact apparatus was e at ,i • heirs otter the i-. eth . f .* in ventor. • ,sP 1 • MXi **** * * * jj?' r % : -|||y loekyears younger Ig% 'l^yllE i,''' '' ■ ' ' ' "" "’' r ’ A v/cn't rub off or wash o s': —uniffccJi’d by bc.v. 1 “ u& ff —permits per Rsn-rnts end stylish h.siidm .. , * * friiGwn «nd used for ov- LO y ..•?. W,r ) ; ' \. 4iwler will give your money b-aci. if yc»u’»T .'io‘ , "** f 100%*tL>Ud. \ / '* Hi»v« dr< c«y f appUcdtjor/«? your j. \ / fdvo’ite bv.outy shop or buy hd.'sea'c at «u;y ■ d ( o»» t# c*r. • co>cn«iic cit'-pdrU'icnl cr OMJ'jitore. \ \ \ ./j Use v-ty O'# \ \ S V. ■'■ | ciiecJc'J ct- to Hu*. • * * * ***** * v V/ "'v * » * * * tf y#w diotm «teH S 9 S'"/?' /Z' v fiot hove i»fc.« w> | C/ati.epzm/s wow— 1 w.-4 *y *J ©*t tho P** 23* Fed. 1 8 I (fl Liilssollao 3rc«*££%sist OOMHIOT MRS C9.»??ip ovvs jrrtftr.'jt. i?>yti a, w.t*. _! WSUMBKHmammmmmßMammmmmummrnmmmmamm , <■: d, ivoi, p-i’nilarlt.'. con test .«.p',!(«ire;i h> tin’ S«,ut Art social Viiii.. M* l.aisd .he daushtf r of Mr. I (lit!, s •i -. | .... | Pr A. f.r.. n-' U Wm* i .Ml y * <*> *> ? •*-.. j, *" vm ■ .- i uM l • ■ T \Wt . mm IP A. r. V.»..ii'iIEBFORW i'Cl, 5« ? &U f **• Msn, You’re Crazy ■, * • 1 ” • ‘ ' r ’'.l ; "T C* Tl.jf R:; ! ; ' ;:lj. \V.n«', < it's A; Eekerd s Refreshment iij/adfpiariers C A PITA L COC A -COL A BOTTLING CO. 514 W. Morgan Street Dial 2 1179 iy' .0' 0 k\ . v If' f W.M \ KILL ROMANCE? Groy, drab hair can i-iato yc i fecit older discourage invvallor.s to have a good time be ccj.o r.-pn ft-.A. yovi’re too old. Don't take a chance -:th : r- iru/rce. Give ycurr : ',nr rich, no turd toot-ing color end Iruauty with Lctdeuse. Your friends v.i!l approve. Beginning Thursday Morning... at 9 o’clock Sharp °SALE° Shop at Hudson-Belk Today, Friday and Saturday! Hundreds of Wonderful Values! j EASTERN CAROLINA’S LARGEST STORE OFFERS YOU MANY SPECIAL PURCHASES , . . PLUS SPECIAL CLEARANCE AND CLOSE OUT PRICES. Full Double Bed Size ,Jacquard Bedspreads Ret'. $4.98 Value $4.29 -I:. • L,.,‘ eolur .‘/oral hi-dspi'ead a.ur;: ante. ;i !'er pi/.per 1j 1 after Rum;! e, .na., HU; . ims. , a; i ccm,. BEDDING THIRL) FLOOR LUGGAGE Ih« WII caav;!-; !u.;..wi1l ’.Vj/tp pie/, haivl V. jt : (■ i. a I ;un ive.vn leathei Vat.;."' This Sale fra incase Si 2.95 $ 9.95 18”x21” Case-' 3 2.95 8.95 | Pullman Case 18.95 14.95 LUGGAGE THIRD FLOOR ■0 j* ' Wt •f 4* / if ./•■ J \ f* ** ''' sf Jpy * .~ij Cannon TURKISH TOWELS 39c WINDOW PANE CHECKS 20x40 SIZE LINENS STREET FLOOR SPECIAL PURCHASE Women s Cotton BLOUSES 98c I mi. and w.-.ltt ~1. ~ full ca.*H:p I BASEMENT STORE SPECIAL PURCHASE 600 Men’s Dress SHIRTS hZ.SO Quality $1.98 ■Tine v , }. oad let; in fr.r.t-v Mi /.•id solkl reki)SanhiM/.e! fused <-t.l lav Blius, tans. v... and gn-eris. BASEMENT STORE 81 x 108” Double Bed Size SHEETS $2.79 Value in First Qualify $2.19 TYPE ITS. SLIGHT SECONDS OF A FAMOUS NORTH CARO LINA MANUFACTURER. BEDDING THIRD FLOOR •uMHMM ~~ TTIE CARQLTNTaN End of the Month Specials! Printed Waffle Pique Special 59c yd. FABRICS STREET FLOOR Nylon Marquisette and Cotton Bras, Spec’! Pur. 59c LINGERIE SECOND FLOOR Drapery and Slipcover Fabric (Discontinued Patterns & Remnants. Value to $2.98 Special $1 .10 DRAPERIES - THIRD FLOOR , - / fy A"*‘" \ I *-■ \ I ’ \ ;■. \ ■ \ j:J \ \ * Aj i \ fP ty* 6 : t l \ | 67 AH W 00l SWEATERS I Value/ to 5i0,95 99e to $'1.99 j SHORE SLEEVE AND SHORT SLEEVE SLIPOVERS. BO X Y AND FITTED CARDIGANS. A FEW CASHMERS. Sports S'hoppe Second Floor Boys’ Cotton FLANNEL SHIRTS j 51.98 Value $1.33 Long Sleeves, Large Choice O Solids, Plaids, Ami Figures. Sizes 6-18. BOY’S DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR End of the Month Specials! Basement Store 200 Muslin Single Bed Sizf- 72 x9o'' Sheets $1.48 Turkish Towels 'jCjr Value 25c 1,000 Large Dish Cloths 39c Value 25c Toilet Scan Pine, apple, oatyncal, castile. 7c ea. 3 for 19c Children’s Frosty Mcrn Snow Suits P,green, tan, hr* wn. i >l. Regular $3.45 $2.98 Boy’s Irregular Polo Shirts $1.39 Value 98c BASEMENT STORE Hundreds of Unadvertised Values Throughout the Store. Shop Every Department and Save. / CAROLINA'S LARGEST’ y Basement Men’s Store Specials Close Out of 127 Pairs Men's Dress Pants A :•!.•> le.l. ,vi-* i! c. n twi ■■•ds, gabardinon. Values to $10.95 $4.95 Men’s Fancy Gripper SHORTS i H,t: i-'.-S. ' 59c Blue Chambray Shirts S r.t. Sues 3 4-17 j $1.37 Belk Red Camel 8 oz. Blue Denim Overalls \ w . . , , _ J ,j : . .. ~. . $2.69 first quality $2.29 -- seconds Swiss Ribbed Athletic Shirts 39( Zipper Windbreaer Jackets $3.95 Sanforized Work Pants $2.98" BASEMENT MEN’S STORE 5.00 C Pcs. Blue Ridge Dinnerware 5c 9c 15c 18c 23c 27c 18 x36’' Shag Rugs SI.OO 200 Yds. M ull i»Fi 11 ament Crepe Values to SI 98 yd 98c yd. 1.000 Yds. Cotton Prints 29c yd. Women’s Rayon Jersey Slips .'■light :i < ..uii.TS. Regular $1.98 Value $1.48 63 Women's Blouses S zi , 32 .18. $5.95 Value $2.98 ( e l ' ’ • >/ Gotham Irregular NYLON HOSE Irregular of $1.98 Quality $L()0 54 GAUGE 3 5 DENIER Sizes S 3-2 lO 1-2 HOSIERY STREET FLOOR Fail and Winter DRESSES 104 Dresses Valued to $85.00 SIO.OO 9t> Dresses Valued to $14.95 $5.00 SECOND FLOOR OF FASHION I - /') /I /! /. 0 l V \ i ' / .. / / \ i ‘ :i / ; -■V, ? • ■ '»<.»,.•<, ■ ->-*•«*,. < “"1 Satin or Rayon Crepe SLIPS $3.98 Value $2.98 Tailored or LaceTrimmeJ, White And Pink In Sizes- 32-40. Pink Only in Sizes 42-50. LINGERIE SECOND FLOOR Rayon Crepe or Cotton BLOUSES Values to $8.95 $3.99 LONG OR SHORT SLEEVES. PASTELS, WHITE AND BLACK Sports Shoppe Second Floor 4,000 Yards REMNANTS 69c yd. Satins, taffetas, and printed French crepes. Values to $1.98 vd. TWO TO TEN YARD LENGTHS. WIDE ASSORTMENT OF COLORS AND PATTERNS BASEMENT STORE PAGE FIVE