PAGE TWO i'(m\ OF THE WEEK v\ 1. HOMIER HUY l••».{• Harvey was : uch a little lad. V, n*• to knov. how to or bad, . G»kl to iak* him away. V/<-.'n still wondering oast vvby ; tdav. < M Gdi... ;’i wa? s u a littb. i. <<;■. ~ . t. , full a !ui! ut joy A. i "'jo heart s' clean and jH ‘< .'. : , .r.H funwlv. ■: heme sei-ure A ij'.tUs mind wi'.'v i worry or w ov. ' <*;<«'i ite.p but ,m v«. hy hi i to go ; i?M 1.0t.1, i ut':-? you Know the i- ■ i T- tn'.o this litUe saul to icst. i •.••<*> T:\ uot long born, too young to < : ie. ,i-, Taken ..way soon and we wonder V ■- inis Aon • ;ie end ID.-a hi,e W ilium? v.m no this ;.n <rn i *; nu-mo i,,- ■ f iitUe Harvey low Perry, a A; ''cvo year <>'cl fi; si grade; of 'he i 1 ,i,-jr S< i:<>* ii via ■ Vas “ -ivm] msiantly Ft briniry in. Iff4 y . , ‘v, , fitnmk ny a Unek * t* tn o youru* [i '■> A a: *' n '<!'■ • " iih; members of the junior class at ■ if- Tracing Sclu-nl a; the;- both are (o: !dt-n's of S, id; Run, a * (fb 111 in. It -ft! 'II fit Hill M.'iiOOi f■ i ■ 1 . ’ 1 Henry Hardware & Electric Co. VITA-VAR PAINTS < '«. ••tplvte l ine of Bicycle Parts 5 i.CIAL DISCOUNT ON PI OW CASTINGS I lard ware, Supplies 6 Wiring Materials SELMA. N, C JORDAN’S* JEWELERS | Quality Gifts \ SINCE 1898 Smithfield, N. C. * . - i mi whim'i >* maiaiw »«»'-=* 1 /CCVERYOUR .mouth when you / SNEEZE, FREEZY/-—OH/ < —\ *> - —-— WoA,m>. jONES-^MiTHA JWf, K:mS^ol, k y/o&l,.. '- vc m L s ?ln6' • SECOND SECTION TUN CAKOT TNI AN SECOND SECTION WKTK KNPi.Ni „ rfATt i.'-DAO, )f-UKTi 5, .1 (Mi) JOHNSTON COUNTY SHORT JOURNEY The '.acuity of the Short Journey this week announced the : names of the follow kn' student; as those who made the honor roll 3or the 1 n’”ft six Vv "i Ks '-'i the scho-d ; > car. G>. d r - 4, ,\t:?■, E..'/k> /i.rf-h * tin., McNeil. John Arthur Rowh.nd. ' PctrieM Thome ••. HttP . 'Marie Wil iiar. is 1 Gcijfr L Mii.s Pilin'.,' x'-m Mil dred. Hiikks. J.mie- i Gbchtisk Rosa T.e< Gulley Ruby G'-reo Mc- Kay. Juuwia ;»-JcT Ivlmo sea ■Sounders. Rebecca non Sanders.; n - -ime,. mein • Bo:! ; So.itil, Jiornvatie William G.-,'(.;;; 2. M.> - V mmr - .1; run C. Banks, hiiru; Ri - - Limy-hm. Loris Vlane Sender. 1 Or, de Mr; T : Gm aidim ' Alien. Lie! - Hui H e'■ Cl klinc MtC lilCi Cil.l' ice Simdei'S. P< ti • gie (} Scnd’-rs l.uth r Smith Shirt 1 Way tie Ttiifcr. P»n/eU Wnliimm Grade Mm. G;i".- ivh.ry Eilets Eason. Elliot Ella Lie. Ev'.eUc ic' i.Gr- , Grade ..i i■. GiJ ■ C .ara Pearl .Pc;.t->c.-k, C. ,rkii Siuulers Wiilie M.e Suibn. Mai-thr, Arm Grade 3- !...,s-iu:r - I.ticindi, Eedgtm Ruin Bub. p-ueme Ka- Grude -5 M, Smith Etnv An ii;, Ei v n C.’hri: ivuM Pie Holder. (,’(•; aiuii.e 1. inn Mae tie Jean Su..'*!, Do. icriy iloieu ; .Marie 'iii;..; Grade 4 Vic V e 0 Gir.-lditie SamiCrs it; n d Seiai- Grade f,. Mr - Mu'rph -M; c.-rt i R. Clark, i.' • . M,n Evei ett -c i'c-.n lire Httrriiij.;tun Saiali L. P.ssifr-! 1 Stele- Mae C'lta; lotc McClanth. Oorothv J Mcl't.osjj, Grade 5- Mis. Mum.. 1 ; Joe A' Ho-,.: L.-O-e JeHn Sanders. F.fiiSie M‘ : -■ S-.iivic-i r. IP; P* Mae Sanfi- Gi- do 6. Mr-. Sander? - 5.,-:. ,m Hi.ukwc!!. Antrei Pi,nit. ! iVK.rlha M, , H<--ki. Ger.ddine Mc- Kay Grade 7. Miff MeAllirfrr Frs kinc C iarkc. Robc-n Elliott, P ■ bat a 1 .each- Charles McKay. Fred - erick Sanders, Maiu.nrei Sandt-m. Ralph Sander- Atm-.m-U Wliiian--- JGHNSTON COt MV NEWS VISITS SISTER Mo A . -; . S,. of Feu: Oak-a N-m't Carolina, n witmc 'her -1 (.'■ Mr: Ini/ Tluiit prom oi Phi!,.del;-itno Pennsy ivc.n a /OH.DEAR. / YOU 4 DIDN'T YOU 2 i — - ml y~-7i. _ ' §8 _ (0S~) t PARDON ME, MRF "BREEZY) FNEEZEPAND EMcOOiNOr TO 61VE HIM rs HOME COLD MEDICINE" BEEN TRYING TO TEU. IP HONOR COURT IS HELD BT SCOOTS UT HARRISON HI iMe C nrt of Honor Scout root ; - ■ .?; -•■as hmd at Rickard B Ha:: i -■ n School Tuesday Fcb .-:;r, 22. roar Ork-, Smitlifield and . Mi-.vto! Scouts 'rr runiv-, m ! Mi. P x, the P ' M Executive, m present. Sf.voral pcuDiOtions v on.' .n'otoo • C:-c. iic Sander.; im am.' Sec-nd Clas< Si out: C!«: v ttcc !..-aue> !. t 0.'a.0: Hu Gmiv iv;,’n;,r.-. 1 i-ff ,Iges and Jc- -lo liollotnan fco : me Shirr. Merit bad,yes wen- glv n Ci;roi.i;i Liiey. .Tic- -ie H - (.man. Aln.-hum Vlo-due? and Wil de Mt-Kaehcj tt. Mr Ri.'i'c) t L; .c-ic r Jr i- Sc u‘ Negro County Council Meets by i iTi \(,<;\nr>, Jr. Til iiu;)r fiiuium GoUI.I"! mo! IP ides. FeM u;<ry 18. I!U9 First >d vve elected a treasuier, dm- -‘ • hi. ,„i.i. that mir recent treesm- .r in.-- ■ on; into the armed force:-' The , - u ill., or. . ;. VV liu, VVidi. Pia Four Oak? School aii.r-pted rerpeiiribitiry as host fin the ; : md:. - M. ? Ii war dc-i idl'd OMu vre have the contest on April :i 1949. B«! <-o 'he other hatid . r, 'r.uiueh cf-a 'm-*vi"..- \ n? i</ .r. tether y. won id Pe?un the con-, '-si ai y-iiO i;? to.uo It v.-a.-: finally , icirideu that wi w bi git ut 10:00. There wa? a!;:u much couvoverny I .:bout. the U'av.r- id II Vatvvl-cVI ' V M’t-n-;,' v ,ad h 1 'J' ich'f-J n,- i m.. M * a !-' • - 4 i however, r, wan dec idv.i : ::o g-■ it.g stay ;ii v i? hi-ieiofi:''. pin viiPim that t!a h r’ setuud l'urturh me mu?- i i ; a; - , the iMm: ■ p. ols . did not mut- t'lrepart.-d 10 Pin.., ... Joiauum spe-ke Pi ’.a: abmd "iv hi,vim; a I'karu-m He ixp!;m;- i.'d :hat w t had maintained the maximum ur -m-f of points re .par-cd to get a charier. Tim -ou if :d. m closed ’.iih Ti ? M ■ We Gel T- :•< 'P&:V ifirisT ! ro \mMl \T FISKE tivirvav Sunuwr, well knvv.i 11 un.mti am pianist, wil! flay in j the FiMi Mcrn-.rial C >U'pei ea . vV'.-thusday, March 2nd, at eight i } ;»I. .ih. Sandei is tin- third of thice ait' ts bi presented at j Fu.k University this year under j >l. am?pipes Os the Fi-’-k Umver : ity ii icfi't stall:?. The iir.-t two : ■fir.'-- iperothy ivluynor and Air- , ail Aj.v vert.- enthusiastically re- j , i is-ml hy uidand public alike, j Mr. Saiud-i, born in Budapest, [fiim.u'V. has buen an Anvanc.i.n ; i ilizen . mcc his ?-■'■; vir? with tlv United St m s A:mt I Ferces. ■ since hm Am rican dcPiit in IS3J ho has toured extensively in the l Frit :.’ S;. t Canada, L..» ; .. .: m I Etm pc. He he-- giv .--;j lY.'h.d; in Carnegie HslL K. V.. ;i..-h t.j t’ai' m-.-st enthusia stic erVicai acciahrt fur th.- txtra ' oicunttry H-H’.liancc of his porfor- Richard B. Harrison Highlights TP' Gi't Cu.b of Richard B ILu f.i-huol ui dvr the dire* - u- u ~i M. • F W AP-iop- iecordeU j, ?: -PI , P ?(:!. PM 10 LIP bl'lUliP , vi.-i iVufitc; WGTM. Fliday. ' IV br.iai;- Mi. ui 3:45 p. m. dim n-imi.c- . recorded were: ‘'The Hi‘:,ii-i' ! Ri-i ,itmil,' ;i- i iitiTil fron; ’ Ber-’hoi i ''Wider Boy.” arranged k-y Gl.-.ily Pitcher ”1 o’. Us Break . kiurJ. i,y Ryder: "Sim, Along tht VV..y "a nnuged !;-■ p W. Alstom tumiiv By.' by Edward PercelP IT'.dd on," tnTi.iii/.ed by John Work. Deep River.” air&ny-d Jy TI. T Pu P irt ml O M, 'm- I Pf v< t»K.\MATH'S CM'H ■| X !): * •Erection of VP V It Hatfield. :in akin c yum !; i : riiopating in ’’’e Rod, MmuJ District Drama Festiv 1 v.hPh v.iil be hckl Fri day a: ,* Sat ii: day. March 4 md J IK Y (M B TP Hi -V Chib, under the super- • ri O D aiu'!', »-ukes plans ia ■ P ' or -ml Sor. Banquet V m) pko i Apnl 12 / BUT' NCTHiNCY// YOU RUN\ RiOHT UPSTAIR AND TAKE j OFF THOSE CLOTHES .HURRY/ 7NOW'// THERE SOMEONE AT r-o CJsfcr/ I THEiWNi—V .8 ‘ ) fHAVE YX) Grl VEIN ANYGOOSCGREASEOR TALL OF THAT | RUBBED m CHEAT WITH ! 6000 FORC iMUTTOfi SUET DEAR ?,.5 7^ KNCWEXPO/ER. THD=a£*| : AWARDS PRESENTED TO JOHNSTON SCOUTS Th-- court "t honor sen ice lm Viohnston County divP.ron of (lie , y Scouts of America ’.va? he id iTnerdr;, evening, February 22, a' j the R P, H;p ri.-.on High School. ! The purpose of til's set vice vra? •hr Id !<■ iv-imoi'ud the toy.-; fur file jim.i.iv nebieve-nsents tii,.: they fiaoe ‘ I niadf Many pariT'.' and pat) ms vr ■rorod this very impressive pro . gram as the f-dlowic.g boy? were M 0n,,:.-ti-(i the ijffper ,• i i-a.-:: of ' r. Scouts Th,,m prorn ted to Second Cla?:• 1 wore J- iiie - Dubl.n. Carl Moore, l-.i.',/.:) Sanders. Jo: -pit N.-M ,w ; ;< : ire Bi '.diem Edward Hinton Ricnard Nichols, Cony Sanders. Koom.’U. Carr 11. Edwat cl Ro-.c. • :James Sinims, Bui Saunders. MM vi: Holman. Charles Nevvk.rk. Rati- i :, ip l ; Mc-CJavnos Hintoi!, VVil m S.OOlder . Kimer H<>bbs. Janie? 7. ,!b, Wj I: i c Choles. F :m. -: .v.iund r? Curtis Arrir-guijv Glee.. \ ood Roger: . Jeon' Sillier. Charles -f M r;. Finn Pemmll, Day id - Bunch and Otis McClain. Will o iVlcEachen and f.’l, i trim y wete pronv ti.-d ie Fir? CM. - . and [mb, ri Gray J. ? e H?-i - man and Abrahano ilodge:, to Star. 1 Pm of men! v. or- aim given. JL-be.'i Gray ,4 Troop 13J. :oceived a badge fo< dc vri pnicid. pctsonal htadlh. pioneer in K public health, ij ■ t aid- safety leading, put.lie and pool - t:y Omcr meiit nadgir, vm;t- r:- ir I,: ('iar; m e 1 ...i wy A bran ~ i itid-r and Willie McEix-hr-ii. aim J the same troop, for leather vv :k linking art basketry cenv nt i mi. , and safety. This ('■ unty has four arfivc : 0,-i -, Da y ;mi- Ti oops PV, Si i ■.- : 133 of Four Oaks; 130, Ciayton n-.d Kil, Smithfkld. Urge Caution When Using Insecticides "A : ‘!'i dust. : pray ;av and «i I; sc-cticides will do much to promote me healthy growth of trials and vu-v tables. they often 1 have Ji■: t the bpposie eftVet mi i man," Oouny Agent of the State ' Coll; go Extensa.)! Service declared "As the Nation;)] Safety Council itmnls out." he added, 'even though : i nc is rd airier may no! beai the rt U: I Ui: lj V.i y *..i • rl\Ci: KiUt.'j* oaunon '*• ( t th v t • c 1 h< , 1 ihe y nj: • y n• >! JOTS STUDENTS TIE FOR WEEK’S HONORS Tics ere represented in ;he drawings this week which pre vent disp'ev pictures of the winners In the division of qractes. 8 '2: The A* for first place is between Ardtsial Williams, 8A; Reese volt. Sanders, 10B; Annie Cogdell It Gr Honorable mention: Jean Blackman, 9A; Virginia McClain 8C; Doris Sanders, 8B; William McKay, 9E; Ireno Penny OA; Robert Boylan, 12 Gr AH sections ir this division represented In the division of grades, 4 7: The tie for firs: mace is between Margaret Andersen. 7A; Della Mae Budgets, 4B: Honorable men J ,n: Morion Williams. 7B; Julia Mae Dublin, 68 6A. SA, 5B and A A not reoresented. Watch the parade of scholars in ".his feature weekly JCTS GRADUATES RECORDS LISTED The Guidance Department >.f the Johnston County Training, School has tu leased the result.-; of its fol low-up record of those students who were .graduated within the last decade mid who are now < r,roiled in -.schools and colleges. Front- the graduating' classt 40 ; ’'lhit; have rmUi'iculaUd to Hi dii'if; ent institutions <,f higher leor.i.ofc :'woughont the South. C. these forty. 18 are being '.lam 'd fort( aching. 7 for nursing. 3 for !.ir inesr and sec ant ru; 4 for n. divine 2 for pharmacy. 1 for mechanical industries, j tor agireul tuif, ! for clothing and 1 for the ministry. Tiit* u; mes of Me sliidents find !ho respective class.) icatiot'.s and school.- arc a- f Hows; 1.-aac: Weod ■ I'd. senaii'; '.Via.' y Barm s ;a.pho n 1 and Frederick if. Sanders. I i si man; A. ~nd T. College; C'hai i lotto Clarke, a sophomore Ben nett C< Met’c; K'.cl' ii Atkinson p'aumore. Tessle Sanders, ir- lt- I man Ccrvimuriif; Hospital; The! mi a Watkins, senior; Betty Ruth Mc , i.ea i, junior, Nannie FruireH and [ Theima Stevens freshmen. Fayette ,v Be State Teachers College. Also. Velma Dublin, renior. Good j Samaritan Hospital; Carv r Joyner, i.-'enlor Hampton Institute- Wilbert AUTOMOBILE UPHOLSTERY We Rebuild Any Aufo Interior. Tailor Made Seal Covers, Head Linings, Floor Mats. Truck Covers Rebuilt, Safety Glass | Installation MOZINGO AUTO TRIM SHOP Dial 366 J SmilhfieM, W- C. definitely be ppisons.” Tlv? county agent urged ?p:mi,.l |:.‘ l atdioi t: avoid inbalhig fumes i I. V,:')(:?? front fureivams which. . i:f , ,J p« isoi.os. '.•.-ill usually pvuve | i; '"ting to human, teitty’s. He said j ••preia! otnphasts should also be placed on the mccs.xity of p. s . labeP for all i:n cctlcides and salt .- 1 ,a, s’, here children ennnot :u?aeh j , lhe.n.. ‘•The wiv-ili story of safety in! a :■■ ■■ bra cli do is ising-iv (ireoati f : i’.” Jo a get! i a .?(i ted. The N.t- ' ’ ion..! Painty Couch, he said hm formi last v the following rule: i witch (.’.unit out the most i*npor- « am things to ri member Fol'mvviitg directiims >-f tlu- mnnu- : lae'i'fc: in ha rid Png. tnixim”. ap- i j plying. Always ptay or dust dovvnwhsd. i r<??pirate's which pi.otv.4 : t ntPe face when there is dan ger of : nh'-tii:-g fur,•.(■•?. Only iipprcA’c-'i by file U. S Bureau of Mini hr. the par'icular ytt : arc doing :-iiim!d be worn (it vi- . Intig-:-ii'i-'i oil ■ hirts. .md j clothing to cuvet the t ntire Loon : me t »•(•< mmcniH•! Waah hands ind other ex]r ‘ed ; pro I: of tli l-.ofty with simp .mil ■ "am-, afi-ii mum (ioi:-:omn!" ekerni 1 St, :■ ■ poisoni .r 'isitr-rial in ■Won,' P uk-pro f ir.ntainers. Be , x tain they arc on' t i.-ai-h of .•htidret or livestock P.m.y imu-'.d ' "orlin:m. Thornughly wash oi strip fruit > and vi-t, tat !(" t, ?- hit-!: |, . a mm, chemii-ai.-, of a ••table nature haw ' hei u applied. Unknown substance; should not : be used, nor should substances sold utidt ■■ trade name- without corn- , . plcte Information as to e: inpositian ITAYNTm; 10 MARK PRESS Mlh NASHVILLE Negro News impel Week ill h> observed at To i:,. ■ tee Statue College with ad-; lire,- by Lewis o. Swiugler. erli ' u>r of tin Memphis World, and . Nathaniel Williams, pope..a Mctn i rate e hnmiist and radii’ iwnn i-a --> Coin . i journal ism i las v under I •■".!<.■an G W Goie. ltd the ’iincloi joj pul ixaity Mtr • Martha Hue > > An exhibit ft at urine the eo-aiHry 5 ; - n display it; tin- Library IMu February 2H to March 5. : Wiilianis an alumnus of ljie Go!-. H Gianrl” senior Booker TV Dav.v and. Patrick. Williams, juniors. Hovv • ard University; Rudolph Edward ■ Obey junior in the school of Theo logy at Johnson C. Smith Univer sity: Donnie Eveiyrt Davis and Ida Ree Smith, seniors at Lincoln H o : pit all; Grace V. Solomon, James A. S'ltidc; Quinton K. Wall. Hubei a VC liiar, . senior.'.; Fred Smith sophomore. North Carolina Slate College; Mercedes Sanders; and Agnes M. Raiford. sciia r; ai Payne's Busim ss College, .B asic Mae Wilde, senior. St. Agnes Hos pital; Fiances Sanders, freshman at St Mia v s Hospital, Washing ton, D. < i Also Franees Frutrell, senior at ,It Paul's Polytechnic Institute; Ful,a Pearl V/atson and Kdward .Mack Todd, senior. Harold Biidgi . ai d Ho;,.ee Sanders, jiuiuuv' Caro • . lyn Gi'antam, Preston Gr.;mli"i): l Rirnio Grantham, Wibert Nixon. Theta-.' a Watson, freshmen at Shaw UnlverVty: Arthur Bell, sophomore; i Tu.kogoi Institute Frances Ar rington, freshman; Winston-Salem i TeochePs College: and Ruby Nixon, 'a freshman at Xavier University. ;R’ew Orleans, I,a. i Os the above mention* d pei - .ns ,: l<> vdll don caps and gowns and receive their diplomas this June Advisory Column C x.x, -- Mv husband and I set < long fine. We don't quarrei or figkf. Hi a- good nirfurid and • p'.eusp? gii' all ol the time and i m?, r,i ntiMul. My only complain' * is that he doesn't have tnrt lovey d- V'cy icmante tr-oss that moves something within me No.v i do y-.m think I iuivc my t : e life | mat;' An- i do. Tn fm V yoi have ? }i \v( i ~;.d me fai’4 ;J to appre cir.ln f inrt. He may *• t ’• the ((.ntantie '.’/pc but he ’ true ; bine, a w'-iiuc.- fu! provider and :. ngel whom you will be proud io call ; oUI own Pc a ))'-• tli mure demonstrative in yev . alfecVo'i tor him and you win' im.V tiiat he will , t'-pi'ial cm ihi.siasticully. Don't ixpect r,.m t make all (he advance:-:. l * -r ■ D.F. - I have taught school tor I", past live 'i'm? and fm-tunaiv • iy hoc: a id'll- nus.-roe tha: 1 have -aved everv cent that I have , mmm. I ,■ to i :-1 to Chic n; and . nnj 11 in art svhir I. VV'. d : ii,,a haw y.-u? An V CT. u-ago on y m viica'i dio eoii'ii g suirmier and look in!,i if l ..' milder. You vri.i l ertiliidv go; I ! of p VSiillai i isfa<-f:-,n liuiii alfending art i-clKio! a you have had your l ead t on d foi - long, long time, ii ..dime ion to carry out tills plan * * <i •?. TV? My wife and i manag- i ,ii !. save a little money and we ;,!(■ u, mi? -, ,iv n iimne ! n.m! - buy a ••>.'< -J hand car and she thinks: J :> the wrung thing right now. Sim : ay? it we wart until: next year, we can buy a new car Aim? she's right. Before you buy ~ cm- ~~ you are going to have to buy a "or : b" and every thing ‘hm ? vr, along with F T! Timely Farm Hints What rew width Is recom mended for cotton? for the State Collcg • Extension Met vice has just compiled an in terest tng summary on this subject 1: urn records tu the 451 termers a!. panic pa • d ;>• the 1948 Five '• Acre Cotton Ooniexi. Seven cun te.siant.s wh > used vows 52 indies ' less in ivai'b made an .u m a."f‘ yield of 918 pounds ncr atae; !97 ■.contestants used rows 37-41 inches .v. id; and produced 889 pounds p- r i raid 1.56 ;•< ‘ tostnnts who used ■ru i ■ 42 inches or more in widtn i produced an average of only 789 ',a Ua'is of ltnl per acre The ever o vie’d of ail r-inieshav.r war . ...54 ])' aids The* e figures definitely , Indicate that close row width re mits it- greater yields. Shankhn Do ‘•ovbeaiiN require much potash*’ Via 7he 0-10-20 airily ':: fe-titi i7er, which is high in potash con tent. fiave the best yields in J!C Lo m dent*'i.-stralions conducted in Curnbiek GnunG year. On 14 a* mon.-arations. O-lOf'O produced an av rage yield of 31.5 bushels of will give the history of Negro new. paper;; before the student body The various aspects i f pre- j : -nt day newspaper publishing will; i'-a discussed by Swingles who has ! edited the Memphis World over 15 •tars and is also edito; of the Sphh'.x rnnpastfce. The land devoted so fruit craps j . f leaning .a,;- in North Carolina j bar dccrea:--ed in recent years. Chemical treatment of peanut : ■ i «■'*.-d raved Ter Her! farmers nearly ; j ■■'■'u million dollars in 1947. says J I 'i■'f! H. Garris, plant potholo- i a tit at State D Sieve, North Carolina ranks 15th among 1 the states in total hog production. ECONOMY FURNITURE COMPANY Complete Home Furnishings HOT POINT APPLIANCES EASY TERMS Jl2 W Anderson Sf. Selma Johnson’s Laundry & Dry Cleaners, Inc. COMPLETE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING SERVICE RIGHT IN THE HEART OF SMITHFIELD COMPLIMENTS OF ! Hudson-Belk Co. | “WE APPRECIATE AND , | SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS” SMITHFIELD, N. C. ____ « tr.r iiii-r .' inrfninr,T.ifimitTititn(rcwvffTW > ~ivntnrt l t-xwjmr’'iTT—n'-f-TllTnn tm — automobiU ran wait at least until the new arrival gets here ant you can see your way clear to make an investment of this kind, ** * * R.E.W. - Last fall I thought 1 fell in love w :h a married worn , n. I know I m used she and her Viasomid to live a nigged life. I know that her.husband Fives her ? -J 1 am aft aid that i don't feel the is" ' vinl he: *1 r-t I did Vv?.., mus i do as some thing will htivi so bo done soon'.' She wants a ■ i,;.,, e !bus! md tor me. A T?k< i job out of town ar.d get :,t '.: tins woman', life. Yon rt-ai : " mv that y-.m were only infatuated . don't Mad her on. FMe , tn! tier .husband can Eve con 'Cnia’h ;■ -. the: if you fade ent ti; the picture. 4- 4j£ M -i. husband mil 1 -,,v• I-, ■. ■ mi vied less than five vi-.m Recently he started living a he: Use and when I failed to get ti rr; to stop, I started it too. 1 don't • 'V this life I'm living , rui 1 v, .nt to qmi it but 1 can't ■laid '.hi- wi.v he is doing. Should 1 slop even though he d e n't f ! want one of your Guides. An- Os ;• ,0 e you should cha; go >•< ur ways. Two wrongs never ni.i.Jt ■■■ right.. And too. you ■ your child to think about— i.eiiavinj: in this manner s not a veiy pood example for the yung m.m Stop this tom-foolery and : mill' a good home. You may in fluence your husband to d" bet tm a • no too i> dissatisfied witn •he life in is living. Ye you may er.d for the 1949 Guide send a dollar, along with your birth iFiie to me - the address is: listed ai'Ove. at the heading of the col umn. A •> • -ybeans per acre at a fertilizer 'cost of 25.3 cenfe pc bush*-l Ana ■ ly>i; .1-12-12 produced 28 bushels 1 per acre on eight demonstrations ' '-at i G i tihr rc ■ of 25 7 cents per bushel R;> comparison, yields of ’ 20 5 and 19 5 bushels were btatned from 0-14-7 .nod 6-8-6 at fertilizer costs of 31.2 and 43 cents res pec ' lively In II of these tests, yields ‘ | were reduced by insect damage and unfavorable weather. Is crotalaria resistant to root knot nematode? I j , j Yes ami this resistance is one >j of its big advantages as a s-'-il ■ I crop When grown in ro ; | lotion with crops that are tiot re sistant. en an l.isid cuts down the | nematode population and thereby , i reduet s damage to the succeeding > fa Tii;s ligume, which forms i ■• *t i’-' r«»o*s nodules containing nitro ; aen-tixii g baeti-i a. i : , now being u-ed .a 'at- mug groves, truck land;; ; mid in rotation with general ! eld I crops. you put th* on som | <■ :,i>:e - talking Negr "leader "ds ek" We c in i win with the Juda.-: s doing the "coritact'ng" with the white folks. Expose ’em! God hates a liar. Coley &. Sons SHOE SHOP (Good Work Guaranteed lIE. Railroad St., Selma Selma Clothing and Shoe Co, Outfitters For Men and Boys Selma, N C. SAWYER AUTO SUPPLY •SEE SAWYER'S IN SELMA AND SAVE , 122 S Raeford St Selma

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