\veek r:>:? >i xr,: \r ii; i > \v. i\r a rctr n, 10 to PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS j ■ ■ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ' **" " I YOUR SCRIBE ol?-■ .i By FREDRICK I- BUR MS mm ' J$H On,' ■ f thr mu;- k< - ‘ \\ ;..v t ruin a per-sun’-* rvpuUtmn t Let . . ’.un . vV>- ;•j j' ! m&rs burauke they spread like v ii-hi,c: .md us th«\v .tie 'up at< ' a few iv-it v.,;.- • »•* Ui.kk i, t Jin OiiO k.n-: \V> thv .-UrU’.Y-- OtK Kuril riinuH has n un b'vf . . - '.;J cme vitfflj; hrJ■ 5,.-'- ■>l . These y. un-g gi is pray or m,'.y li.it. gliiltv. Wo 1' ;ukl Ilk. to .i.ioi; at I; a different :.:'kV w r . rumor hi- ut ti . . • p- !■•’’ T ir. wav of btiiikin;. tin pc: n- ‘ ■ lng them are only yX > : because their "I.it;m•' - «-l.t:n ’ : ,g, -iath" u o;.t- it,,.n • ‘i young girls <-.<n 1 ad iK • . in • to nr to s *:f " ; i Hero is tho : t ry: A f \v <ia . ago. I overheard two mo’!;<’■ :ii tussi.ig ilrsv young u'ii'.s TT• -sv they ;.-rc often -v; n into at ray t Crissie’s Beauty Shops sirmont Fayetteville hontpsen St 113 Gillespie We need vour head in our Crissie Mclr.tyre, Prop Business Visit— Ruth's Beauty Shop SCO Wilmington Hi , Fayetteville Dial 5442 Arthur’s Seafood Grill 537 Person St. Phone 43 r 'o i We serve you anything from a j sandwich to a chicken dinne>- | Mrs. Ora B Williams, Prop. Prompt and Courteous Service EAGLE TAX! CAB DIAL 2300 - 5807 24 Hour Service 208 Hillsboro Si James Purvis. Prop- MOHAWK INN Peaceful Among The Pines Parlies Appreciated G. H- McDougald Manchester I " ■ i PHOTO CENTER j 481 Hay St. PHONE 3777 48 HOT'R SER.'iTP ON PHOTO FINISHING COMPLETE LINE OF Cameras AND Photo Suppl ies FOR THE. Amateur OR THE Professional h THE PIBLE CENTER Under the auspices c.i the James Institutional Community Church (Christian Interfaith) Murchison Road a). Martin St (Bus Stop- Rev- Charles L. Miller. Sr. Pastor Sunday School 10 a rn. H. L, Dawson, Jr Supi, Morning Worship 11 a- in. COMMUNITY SING (Seng & Sermon) 4 p. m Mrs Sarah Sv/inson. Directress Worship with us Sunday and make new friends. Phone 4629 tor further information Write P O. Box 325 Kimbrelli DEPENDABLE FURNITURE 120 Person St. Phone 7117 j FAYETTEVILLE. | fl«—Mill- ■Mtma«iuii«i l ,»,...,.. M , l l in<> ___ ««. in cabs and at one nr the other of thy night clubs datieb-ig unci rirmkime until tile wee hours cf I t’-'i- ’V'V iiiny Tu'.-rr is m re but a c only wanted to 2iv a eon oral j ; uica c,f w.u.t was sa;d. f’hi m >thers have children oi s their < wn. attending th same i A.'hooi nnd if they \v ;uid do the , (light thing instead f discussing! • the iimicN, they won!;; go to the j j air's parent; and t 13 them what j . u;«*y in.ui hoard jiOoi.it tnoir I It i-s about time for -one of u* I ‘<o .seo th- bt-arn. in our own oyo. ; * Cioov wnon w • start a r-.nlor it away oi running its course ; a.nd Hr,ding away bar-v home, 1 | nd hen it gets back Jxome h ■ ; sn t. rn.ake you feel good. Her*; i< sc me thing- else that : ■i. t*„*k me- (,)r t c* oi the ha.cu. s -vaiia. "H !■■ ok- iik, the teach, rs c. aid c! .ptl '■ I i'o i .>:'■> going j : S' ] i.l these cars." What a rc,p-:ms;b:i;!v tn.r r ■ k; idoce u;>.;n Uic- tcacht-rs. A \*v• pro t:aohfr> mu;i be, lather, ox; me.:', teacher and. everything ; else. How m the world can. aiv 17 teaohrv follow (; :.ch child from : f v hihji to inoi• her es pcct i\• < • | eh.m.i.;- • cut r „u cte\ to taw m inot.jd i f ’Wfh' “Iv 'shn,Sh; ;; ' triitih niayh'(j the child woulil : >t;c't thinking for him.- If. We kiavo hundreds ,h cases ,p kip city mat j1 m• narent work vrtf.il 6:0,1 0 r 7.00 o'clock each ay, ana from too time school let's pnt in tin .iflcrn-oon they don't i know vshat their clyld is d eng. Tlv r ,■■■,),.nsi!i lit - pioes notics' ■men the shoulders . f th;* teachci, id is .-till your r,soon^ikeliiv. P'oiiEe remember that a rone-! is a ,s iigcr,ms tiling, it ■ is::,- , ■da: ic i -but so hard to story POO'S CORNER ! ! VI.K » O \IVSEEI Pv WHliam H* in y Hull lor \NJ* : For tel;-;lug i, t 'nysclf is fun: j mh* '.ha: men in rvi-iy ;iy j Who use <r t i;, cu'innnn in-; :i. ■ f»C(- n :i-.i-v !f*!: ' H-'s liMllnnt I Wm-r ,v. . , P . :> . heard ! T:as ;nay l v fe.ii.d -n books »,Kl*:-re j 1 a fa asi.d dusty sfieb *-*. If Pavs To \(herlis<! I ! I SILVER GRILI Home Made Pies ! Tasty Heme Cooked Foods Rev D. Morrison Mgr. 115 Gillespie St . ( , CREEK VIEW CLUB 430 N K.ng £t Fayetteville | Sandwiches Beer - Dancing Mrs Doris Melvin Prop Quiet Tactful Service Crump’s Funeral Home Mutual Burial Association 515 Culbrcth St Day - Dial. 5476: Night 246 T ■A; ; n Ih a t Ncv e r Gro w $ Tired ' T > St /#. . \ : h' a-. • b Ml %jh ; 1 ■. rm '\Mr. I i rf | '■ *< \ toV, # I: I % % :t .: ; % nm m - G ' .j ,# |||; A«: V \ ■ w il k- liil'i wk \ ■ x- v : illil Wm l 1 Invented by a young mother who got her Idea while feeding her own two youngster'-, this handy new patented gadget gives house-wives more time for other duties when Baby is having its milk. Known as the "ther now ’ bottle holder., the device has a flexible arm which can be fastened to crib -day p-.-n, high chair or carriage for the convenience of the uiti marc consumer. Rigid enough to hold the bottle firmly in any position, it r said to he an aid in teaching Baby independence and coordination. The htatnlcss steel bottle clamp fits nd standard baby bottles. The crib clamp redded to protect furniture—National Patent Conned- * WOMEN CAN CUT HOME FIRE TOLL BY THREE FOURTHS of the MelLevil Board A Fire Un* vriUrsi •'* f I .i'::'-!:? . I CIN’. 1 * vey : Board rJd :T;o 70 pry cent Cf nil l bulldog fires during ono-year broke I oui. n I hi o hour: . • *'* ‘' '*' • ou • r;; e- * 1 c. u.'O help in , r.' t‘* : .jt ‘‘j) ; w |J: - j rui com oi cH five-: .» j-r, caused hv riopi H> U»Lji fhurik < Ltrkc lo« AM’ j J|*g -Jj ; , >.. 1 • . \. o arid rj^ble : Urdr; folkov ;o the roa:. "h\: O.H vT r.x;: > Si-iVli ac lulls i Air.' : . t . ;>. •> * C ••;. J•- -. * ■' j ,- • s *L Ot '‘ :. r C*: ;C i ; Tii!TlUh»M lly \ ’'-A 'Ta ’' s 4x • . i^W.V -a * . ; V. ,s - * ./ : vxj g c'" k m T*i :: - MW l lwfefipm *■ '■ ’ "o"' 1 " * FOR f REE ESTIMATES DIAL 3794 if j i Venetian Blind And Awning Co. 145 MAJWELL ST * AWNINGS * VENETIAN BLINDS * WINDOW SHADES L Milk : .- I’m of Your cop;. . THE CAROLINIAN | Road !': fc 1 t vitit* I’rog' by Hcnr-. M, L. James. (Librarian, j | Mini:-to- and Civic Lender) I t - tin’ V t..v. 1 . ’J-i3O. i Sit. Months .slOti; ; ) .R.i-m tlaricr i'’ KTiO.'- d ; Add ( ■*. J I City <s Zone State J | Mail this coupon to; The Carolinian, Ifc Hergntt St.. Thilei&h, IN'. C, j • - .. Z ZZZ. ZTZZZZZr*m SECOND SECTION TTTE CAROLTN’IAN K op stove Gc.rred of all gmasr. 1 and stfD'C grease i:UU'ncrr away iron j tbo .stove Put all oily rata- and paint cloths ‘in rlfrit.F wet a! containers. Don't u‘o nroLne for cleaning. If clear)- uii: sh ■ > arc usi d be sure they I have 1 \ a - - let be \ 0" Ull dorwntor? La.boi at .'Tic s Inc.. the car, N ecr 1 e?jve e 1 c • rie irons with i 5 ho current on. Dan** tty to -‘quk’KeiF' a lire with Sf.v -hat curtains don't blow over :he :-t( = *.r whejv* ?hev nvcootr*h - i .*V } 1 ':ti)cl• ' 1 • , i«• ’l tip i Loo"; over ard Lu-rn themselves. 7)•!.?■<4. Ihr-cvv dust ir n? a vox-cur:• < r* «r wlicrr i‘ uupht explode , (-mO'-'-c eJectiaeal appliance widen • Laboratories., Inc Cull in an 1 xpert up \f> t-nos for tiie ord.na:y Keep a met a' serueu in front of See that .watches are kept out of ‘ re.u.h u( y. nnp ehildi en. : Dr.n i dress children in flnnsv. !ft an lir-able clothes or party \ Tij iues. MaiyC it a household rule* that ; •'-o' vme is 1 ver 1.0 sun ke in bod. CARF URGED IN ; BLOWTORCH USE • lie > i Ms; - , ins-ling io rcu.-iin! '’ ■ p n •-•■f •'«<- ,;i:m ,d '"I . <-ii.,ip,-i-,-n .ir** urgrrei lu ;t, .on <>vii« the present j <• -d s. ! The nai Liosrd of ¥: - Un- j ;dc iuvi in : p, I-:.-, mi", tiiat the loi - i, \s , : , , ciuli,she-. Id in l«iken » i! if -i bUe.v-torch ir- user!. 1 The flame of the fel -v-toreh ■ ' should l directed downward rather : .'krm upwiird. Tn prevents flames : 1 from penetrating spaces beneath' i ;he (its) board:-. .? A ’ rl n is'. ~ .-. ■ | t;!£-l'!'.*ri to the nearest faucet and . ikrpt cl’--'- ,-:i hand Ihroaghtoit the! r- ted of peint removal. 3 The l-.ou ('holder and the paint er d'louki make tltorough iuspec of ;),i- jiivolvcvi immedi-: 1 - k aft - . '’sell day's work is fin :.--hecl. and also th first »hing the ! foil -.vip.g murniny. Titis is itnpor ka tire, 'ometime raii,uliit-t- ,- iibi! the walls under he el j> • lin'd wl of ■ i.glr. Tl.e !-■ inte -Itoiiid be eon-'antlv aliti ! to, ao> lioirsciul heating oi ti.- - : wood One • ) c- >ii-.deri.ig leal la io.-, 1.0 iiiakf I'.'kV-.-.. smoking' :u bi-teJ i o >ms a iTusdentcanai* in i'.v;;*; v ii> ■■!)< ■; laieh'i-.-. -a- • e <u»c fires bat cjiil.-irigct the ; 1 d othet ; ■ttfesis. 1 r~— Y-.W M. ... WOrnWM, , |fT . ~ ~,m ' \ FAYETTEVILLE % F .m -. t PROGRESS JjftT m BY m m HENRY M. L. JAMES PROGRESS PRESS fim press ns a whole is mak ing g: -«t u; isl vss the ~t >a liiteriacKii } W rdwill .rod world• ; wide unders 1 realize that ■ tio i-iugfc example w-ll pi ove '.ke • whr-! but th tallowing. <*xa:nn!>- v ill ; now a trfflvL T... Saturhar . Ft it !':'. !!’ ! 1 ci p-\ ol the Fnvetlevilli* Ob.-ervu 'ms an edrtorkil ‘NOMINATING BUNCHE", l hav been given ! permission to use that edit Un t'.\i iter, a. a trend in Fa> "A dispatch (Vein Oslo, N.” { wav. d. c lares tiial three Antert* J cans have been nominate:.! for the : 1949 Nobel peace prize They a; • Mis Eleanor Roosevelt. Column : Drew Fern.a n ra t Mai. G* u. Frank McCoy, l.k S. mern' er ot i the Far Eastern Ceoirr.ission. \i-*.ibie by its absence is t.n-- natTi • of Dr Ralph. Benchc, i American Negro, who UH.d-.ote.'i the Israeii-Egyptian war :or th-.- Up.ita,-j Nations. To our wav of thinking the tv. rk of Dr. Buncho w as the most 1 outstanding single accomplish .-ntent for peaog cf the past year. Perhaps the non-inclusion of his natv ■ '■■ as due |u th, tart, that the armistice between the two powers Was not concluded until the year 3949, Dr, Bunch.- stepped into a hi 4. spot and has brought togctlu-i powers that seemed intent on lighting to the finish. He took ov t-r at consjd. .-able -personal risk, hi.-, or: dccessor Count Bornadolte having been ,assassinated it; U:o t ■ icrmaticc- of maty. His courage and success should be ,m inssmaiion to the Ne,g:n me,-, in Americn Dr. Bun-die has ccrijinlv exemplifted th besi Iradt: .n -of America and has set \vnat .should he a pattern fur th-- all intemationai dis ■ put-'S. ■ The r:iv tfcviik- Observee AN OPEN LETTER FayoHeville. Nik C. Ek'Praary 28. 1949 D. -r Editor. I vr .- 'i in r xpress sp:)r,-i- * ■’ < : Saturday. Fob 26. 1949. "NOM IN A.TINT; BUNCHE.” Dr. Ralph J. Brine no i N Mediator fm iknit i-tme. merits the i? .- -t man Wlaise worthy comments NineertTv youi’S, Hi n v ML. L. James READINGS FOR PROGRESS IVE MINDS Jr, regard lo the A meric, m Pi . sk :it Middlt- East, rt-; an edil.-.: .al in the Greenslwwp Daily, News Sutvlay. F« b. 27. 1944 ‘■Pnlesttrie L< oks Ahead." <.>n the covrr of the U. S. New - and W. rid Report, for F-.-b. 25. 3949 via will see a pliotograpb mm the Unite-:! Nations, of Dr. Ralph J- Ronche In the same ! weekly prtriodical. sec ‘People of the Week,’ Page 32. PROGRESS IN LIBRARY SCIENCE Mo:. Mamie Wtlker-m me i-.f tii- rtiost efficient assistant it l.ranans on the staff of The Char ier Weddell Che nutt Lihratv of the Fayetteville State Teachers Cjtllegc, Miss Wilkeison. holds a b S Dc-gn . - Kiernentarv Kdu ,-ti. t, Fayetteville State. Teach. . e:'s Ci,lit ge and .rise a B S. D, «r<•<.- tn Library Science. North C,> : ?>iirva t’-.dieg-o. Durham Miss Wil : kerson has as a teach cf and librarian, having wi rlred at ( ■ the toil- '.rat places. Ann Ches. r• ■ll High Schi'K.l, Jam*.-:, Waisor liiPuto-i- Irk rary, an t th*: i Ch<ttiiam County Training School, Siler C;t v. N. C. Dll; MR 1:i. i i- *i*n‘ Con -I;:m * v Chest Camptiign manu'e-ited b. , i interest in cemmunity activitier. hv r, .- v.ng as i,p.e of t ic s -creta : rics AS WE PRAY M-IV the pr .Ui,..,-d f:! ihuster to •.n.i :ili-busterin-g prove thr a-h.rar. h r . sus.'!i . n e v ,k May w link ear player: with • those ot the Nptimial Council *.f • ROY A. EVANS, Represent alive HOLMES ELECTRIC CO, Fncfidatrev K'ecMc Stoves. Water Heaters Doners, Easy, Maytag, Be radix Washing Machine*. Youngstown Kitchen Cabinets, I Dial 4136 Ask For Evan.-. Homo 2381 or Write 553 Oiange Si, FOR TOP LINE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! CAROLINA MUSIC COMPANY I Beet Stocked Store In Carolina 114 Anderson St. Dial 4767 ‘ _ . , _ j I ANNOUNCING. "’""'‘"lil THE HARVEY BEAUTY SALONS fTm BROWN Dial 5537 THE ROYALE ~~ Dial 4407 THE MODISTE Dial 370 C All on Person Si. II ' WE GAN SERVE YOU PROMPTLY t Mr®. Ethel Brown Harvey Prop. I I Negi'u Wo:re :t h r the achieve ment - t ‘V;v.l and Hutran highi.s ior uk,'' Tins fritunr Sunday March 6th is. the day lor this spec- ! iai prays r. j O iloavenly Father hea' our : mr and arrent . ,n.. , '' j 'fig far the many blessings bestor- j :' e upon us. We are as ehildr. n i 11* st in th v turmoil of life, and we j | rente t ( > 1 her tor comfort and' !ctrength. to r\, forth to continue ! j the way. We risk Thy hoi?) in ,Jc | l an -' Namr. Amen MEMO TO OUR READERS j _ On irrh.h: , f the CAROLINE i ; .AN ,V(, wish to titanic ~vo loaders j ; " -'ie. cards. It iteis .and suggts- ! ; t:or,s whieii iiave been given, i Crifc:.«n ,s dways t.pprecia-t cl. H you kirov. (jf any progressive i •u’tLV dies tti Fayetlc-viiio please t : r «"'>crt tn. to his writer. Ad- i <!•• •«•--.< P o. B,v 325 or phone 482!). J MORRIS BROWN HOST TO HONOR SOCIETY MEET ATLANTA. Ga. An arr.vr .' Dr. .Ten,i.. f?. .McCain, ivrcsi-'{ : gi, AlU'Os Scot! C^G ; irue. Decatur, j :Cm- -oh P'lt" ! diseuM.-.on. “The; I Roi-a of flic Scholar t, the Politi -: |’z.k Life of a Demons;- - ■■ a Jm- : plicatir r i f i- Wta-b, F. :u >.. ' mark • 1 :< d the el-'v-onth annual convention 1 "f fn A: i-li.-i Kappa ..’i Honor So-; p iery ,-,i ,\ioni\ Dre-'-r; t otie.-v la:; ; week-end. ’ Eigthy deleg Trr 25 instltu- • itioiM panic pose., in v■■ th «-*<■»-,T >y j ffOgi-atn. Cb.- .?) ;. I! i.-u t flu newly jt,.-* ; • j «haver.-- -i me ! ; -ociety at VRorn '■ , -J r.,' i : lege. Alcan";, <> <i .lack -1 -i.;i Cofleue, Jackson. ivl;..si.v.;ppi. Newly fleet'd offeers im.-tiidc: ! :Ri oert Cored. Dillard University.! ’vk'T- pre adent: Miss Virghtif. M;ie! Re!',:r Ark; A M ar.d N Coi ; L--TC. a •-•.•lstant secretary; J bn \V. i i-‘ rr:v h V ,J kit'isca'i, Geoipw State . Of,!leg.. historian. N.-ai-ed r..‘. regional iloyctov r.-eic T F, T : K■; a. ,t, i Ur. ver-uv. He... . I s. J. \v .Har.-de-n Im-ttmtc. Region II: Gu ■ - -lone W.loei force State Cob Region ITT; 1, A. Derbi/r,y. i J ir-Krare In.- 1 tide Regt.-c IV. and ■ T ('. C.’tht ■ Di land ' 'rpri : n. jit» h..-i->n V. di.*:r H Grey. Flori -5 "rd Tvl C->!lf . ;’i -, Joseph H Wit'iam- TM.m-.vrt Si me Col- 1 (’i-.-eird t the Executive Coi uy( il Ur ■ Maize Fayetteviiie ■ CM:,- ~ ; nr. G. \V Gote.; j Ir;-*:-. ,‘-M-c State C< ileec. are con ; lmuk .fi their term of office as p: c- ■ : <.e*U nd rty: ■- : >- v pccti\-ely Wilbe force University will be : i so- r.c-x: year'' convention v l;a 'k is ••Hv.-duk-d Fei.-ruary I tBORUKOI P SLATES ( It IT Kit,UTS PARITY CHTCAGO . A.iP) The I C -nnnittce to Combat hr Me: .race : v "l) ho id i civil tights conference i " ! d' M" l *-! Sher-tnan Apr:! 3:0 she aim, of the confei-e.icc '■•.ill ho t.;. heit> unjon mernbeis mcM : *•( ciiscrir.'ir-atio;. , , the , 1 • phets. and eommuiiities, iln d ” la'lti c-nordtiuite Chicago s I , agafind dl-eriminatioi). fh-ii'ii'aiv chairman of >h<> con-, I •'> re rl] be William A Icc 1.-M.-o,- <AFL*. ami Albert Tower.O ...,<• nic--. 1 t ■ ■ Fcvii-mt.•.n of, I Conte To The COLLEGE CENTER j GRILL ITa.-iy Sandwiches A Specialty ICE CREAM SUNDAES Waddell Williams, Prop Murchison Rd. Front Teachers College SECOND SECTION har drzmage and shortage of nvderials are being ingeniously npHfl -Om^KS overcome iti European, churches- pWg|mw| IQ &OM3ED CHUOCH OF twelve apostles. Berlin, Iff; EMPTY G\N BOTTLES ARE cement,eo into frames for ■ l|, (V/(VOOVFS '*■"wwtnrl I Yarblesiabs -« ■ J||;gT|T I UUU &y p>S rfc 3“ts 3r I, Parishioners amo fries os. -j;. ■~|‘<]; S r J A PROGRAM W* : - /s broadcast from (•, JEOO STATIONS ON MORE . a TfcW/v /,jro<o BROADCASTS --2% L " a^ 1 0T A iUEEK./M T7ME DONATED BY k. :ar "' . £>%, f SPONSORS tAORTHOt _ I '<<££aoa.~:~ KBOO,OOO. •-■ liwm I»■ HIIIHW *—»■■•-« ■ i—~i ‘ f him.— -~»----' ■■> J THOUSANDS JAM FINAL RITES FOR SLAIN COUPLE BY HARRY LEVY TTI ! LOS ANGEI.ES (ANFt Thr.u --i so ad.-, ' f perrons of all races throng k-:i to (hr iuneiaT services of Mr. and yj s. ''A 1- r, c, rs r. Sr, ■i: Lu Ike Eiv-t AME Church. I The Gord rs, prominent an d 1 ; wealthy c■ ir, ic found dead n ; :week bet'..,,.- with th.-- r feet tied, : igethc o r ~,j 'e,t f.ice downwr»rd iin o !..rhni:> filled with water m •men- :r,>n •. rh<-y had been married. 143 v:-; - . So far i:-.>!iee hare made no ar ;resl» in coimectien with tit: case. ' Tin- Rev Frederick D. Jordan, iposto.- of K.-t AME. officiated at ! :he s< rvires :.n;i the- Rev. Clayton | !"). Russell, n friend of t!i !Gordans, odi.: d {noyor The ; -hureh choir f;»n<f Hte G »rdans* • avorite hymn. "How Finn a Foui.- M< v aet vess Louise Beavers read th- olinory of Mrs Gord:,n i Mi- Mattie Nelson read Go,- o it's obit. Concert Singer Harold H Brov.-n ng rang a solo. O’Hara .■ "The"'e No Death Others raking part in the funeral included Ge r.'in Ann Laster. Mrs. Maty Ik. Primes. Margaret Chap man. • *■:d the Rev. T K Cobbs Riding it,- the family car to the burit S were thr- deceased's son, At’y. Walter L Gordon Jr., and i wife. Ethel. Gc-roon •»* ns a well-known reat i »or tlu>: area. Mrs. Gordon was nthii., .- , , civic icadc-r and, :: elrgioti.; wetker. j pretTclent, Chkvrv. industrial ITn-, ! ion C-'uiK'tl (CIOk LA HEIGHTS BEAUTT NOOK If Your Ouiffurc Is Not Be coming To You, Then You Should Be Coming To Us I 132 1-2 MURCHISON RD j ENJOY YOURSELF AT BLAYLOCK’S INN Drinks, Ice Cream. Groceries Canned Music MRS NOVLE BLAYLOCK Proprieetor MANCHESTER N. C ■wim.w >****~*~.u^~. —r—rffmitMniiwiiniiiii-naii iiinrrnvinm in iiwiiitf DINE AND DANCE AT GATEWAY GRILL Roomy and Comforlablo Bring Your F’riends MRS PAUL JONES, Prop MANCHESTER N C PROCTOR-B ARBOUR CO. COMPLETE LINE HARDWARE AlKcy Pr ints, Carden Seed and Farm Machinery 123 Gillespie St. Phone 2080 5165 JACK , S CAF£ 1 best hot dogs for ten cents in town /] WINES BEER f I Si 3 HILLSBORO STREET * I j JACK PHILLIPS Prop. ■■ ] ! «* •• miritiniT iiran i -.urn—nii~«<ii-»irTriiTi M Tnn t |. l im w , > | l ni_ r i, l)>lll ,,i > ,, U i lJ^lmflnwi y j , lt)< I|n . r ,- | . r rjpv t ■ FAYETTEVILLE ELECTRIC CO. , ELECTRICAI. CONTRACTOR'S _ ELECTP.HCAL FIXTURES j . „ “WIRING ON EASY TERMS' 7 WIRE VOUH HOME FOR POWER AND LIGHTS FURNISHING ALL FIXTURES ON A PAY-AS-YOU-GO PLAN FREE ESTIMATES 231 WINSLOW STREET DIAL 5852 niTfcTAYLm WHOLESALE WP ... DEALER JZjS O O PRODUCTS ( PAGE THREE Fayetteville Your business Men broughl You This Page, Patronize Them NEW PROMOTION PI AN FOR GUARD OFFICERS IN ILL CHICAGO iAM’i A plan for ‘iie promotion of commssi* nod of* ; ficers in the 178th regimental com ;.A team of the Notional guard was announced here last week by Col. Richard 1. Jones, unit j commander tinder the new scheme ex-army i officers of W< ; ;«1 War 11 and ex ■ srcOA under 32 f the first three grades may be appointed officers, ■r .: Siiin; ‘?:u: 1 year ; guard r fed■: ’ic.j vervu muy be con mis : stoned if they successfully com • plcte an army correspondence •■v ■'.-■(■ They must be between 21 nn-d 32 years old. The 178th includes 29 companies of 1.400 enlist'd men and 110 of f e;lt will beg n summer comp training July 28 at Camp McCoy, ... i'v ... • ... ..e did CcUiOA v ' •IIC“ 1 * . v: Ui ilii rite., reports. 1 EVANS’ SNACK BAR New Manag tnsitl COURTESY OUR MOTTO WM FOXWORTH P op. 1401 MURCHISON RD ■ 1 wnwwi—iiiiiiniiiiiiii i LIVINGSTONE RADIO SERVICE HOME AND AUTO RADIO REPAIRS 319 Gillespie Sf. Fayetteville j MOORE'S CHATHAM | ST. GROCERY & MKT. MOSES MELVIN. Prep. Fruit and Produce Phone 4311 . ... - j FOR QUALITY CLEANING DIXIE CLEANERS 2.14 PERSON STREET | HMMiNMiMMMHHMI ■■■Mnuw.r *«*»-.• FOR SERVICE J. & K. Market Grocery and Meats 1417 Murchison Rd. Phone 2890

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