WT.:bk t vdint; $ \turdat march a, 1 n.tn PATRONIZE , THESE H ADVERTISERS A Time For Laughter Kids in ,i Rod (toss disaster shelter pot :i kick out of instruction front tn "iris and Skills volunteer as she shows them boss to use water color sendls. NCC GIVEN $98,200 BY FOLIO FUND DURHAM \ i •• • -■ of $88,200 fi”: " M !', h <•? t HIV." tn the North A,. o-ii-ge ;.t i Due! .)!>• . ;m ,r ' continue • si.*- -f ,> iuxltli educatin' l> - ;Thi an nounced .rwc. iy : ’ .. :• >'■■ ■ i (l C liner l\ ‘ '• :■ •:! . \ ' ii;M • ' a! Fnuv.dat; f- " Ii 1 i' i' ■ lysis and Aiionsv rt.iv-. Prcsuien'. ! tjf North (At i.e; -i College. Ai led ! v 1,. a.' tion.il FoUit-.5.-!;' :: • A i Caroliti ! C to hr,~ \g: -rously • expanded health eihn'atr.ci ronrscs with a »>ur i>oint i i '.-.i- ' ■ 111 providmti >|>ci ini nr-til' : ■ 1 i C.: iUiv.nn'r v t;.. .‘hops in he-ftth r -d- : ucation; (3' equipping and main-• taming a l.ri- . lory lot rii'Yca p health education mnieri.i!.' (4i do term;:' :'k spoc:::c comm'.:, ity health neod; by travel : nrt • - servatr • la < me range Matth Dimes P e drip. Eider i ihe net a f-. . ha: 1 .- the NcgiXi pcnp.i A,-: ';: ( .-. College.'' to state. 'is at a ■.«: • students f • :: t - Kb , 1 ■ . probable t: ih< • D! p' .... j ploymenl in :inr ; .n'Aruia: iy as P.i'C:l l m ■ . : ' A nr. needs of ti n s iihen*. X ■ . in theore-ical ;mu iicid u?■....•■> the studtnt " Pres ; dent Hide, an- ; dnd that s.xty orients had ieeejv- j ed instinotion under this program! Since 1947. While i.ir eves dl pm p of ■ ■ grant is to improve lie f n fantilc p-ar.d • p; : and pi >• vide f-. r 1 ettn ce.i.n : <■ dr ease among Kejn.t- President i pointed out that the March ( I (. health ttendat I the South [ SPECI AL SERY ICES The Fa.:h T.itx': ttacie it y; Church of Kinston conducted .u ! pre-quarterly meeting ;.-er\ ice ,<nd i observance «>f the forty-f rA m j niversary c-f it.- pastor, It:-hop G J j Branch ■ f G>’H amro during . rr viers which were conducted from! Monday. Kir: 21 th; oU;;:i Sun- j day. February 27 Each iglif: services were eon- ] dueled by a dif.rieni v.siting min- I is ter and his eon err.: >vjon. The | wees:-: obse, \ was sponsored I *>;• tiie Rev T G Galloway and; the Rev. 1? P, Dunn. The program for tin: week and ib participants follow: Mondry i.wly. Rev. R. H. Jack-! sou. pastor >f pcr.iec---- d Church! of G'dil-!..<ro. N*. arc nipamed by ni: ehoii and congregation. Tee fl 1.::.'.-" Rev C. I St< . ■ er .rnj, pastor of Saint James AMI. : 4 h. ted by bis c ■ find c<'ngrepation bVcdnesdry nigiit, Re\ U. m i Johnson, pa-t'-r of Satnt A. *. i: AME Zion Chure . :iccs"-mp.ii;!cd b.> his choir and eongre.t.iti' n. Thursday right- Rev k. A. A] - j lor a- •is IS!:'. i •• of Mm, : . Holy Church r>( Wil.-on. N C.. i hoi- \ jud ci i itreg.ition : Friday night. Rev. L. E Rash; rry. j f.o.tor of Antieth i* \V li Church., j j> companied ■ 1 choir tlci •• legation. Sunday aftenmon, Atunvc■; oa .Srnr.on by fu.\ R R Dunn. . comp.miid t'j ; civ t. ■ -.a c>,,, , gution of St Del mb' Chur.: ; ' A tßange. N. t . FLEMING- COX SERVICE STATION Gas, and Oil Fish Meats and Groceries. Cold Drinks, Ice | Cream I i Rhone 212-8 Ayden. NC. j' Groceries Delivered , EDWARDS AUTO f SUPPLY WHOLESALE Replacement Farts and Accessories Greenville *|*|.;* Ym y- rri 9 "'p 'f JTf Y DAUGHTER ASKS AID OF BATION IN INGRAM CASF I’i IK.ADKI.fTIIA, Ha (ANl'.i EM. Geneva Rirdikiv t:4. of f.e-lm. «Ga. the oide-l dauuhier of M - 'H" a Lee Ingram. Philadrl i phia las! ••veck ‘nd to lake* hi a two 1 . -tv. . ("inairs 17. and .fame . ■ Hi. hack to Georgia ! ' help m ' ; V ill: chi') IV, Tic to;. have bar:'; touriln. I' : ::oi r -'' 1. ill’ lot a, ■ months n the in loser- oi tU.o i. i mothci ai d tsvo brother- who ■ ■ j rorving uic .-or - onre ■ft tl'a' ci- - ; I I'cnre slay n; of a white farmer law - ,M- ; R’i rio . r;:,-"-- li,(- curie fu'-- | xIC-. *IY . ii*.' n'OOH i:; I\C\v vor.*v i.i > j week Siie all ■■An •" ir.. I(' • J .( Ki •i \ .Si'ui id:?, should SljppO'.M i iir!',< : or> i)t'(\iuc.s this fieht con j suffoi 2 ,UWith *4 htifl lU Hl't «UK« COli :w- •. Uijbr ! L-*' who i.‘- now two ! the nunhci :no Wailoco and Sam- 1 i a • .mri the P. ¥ idem of the; cm: \ \. nuci* vine; I OI? S( HrtOl. FK.HT Ril :i.Kb\;) Va i A *•; p i V:; . Martin A .Martin. 39-yoai old vice aim ,: .•! the V i.-emi : NAAC’P ; h'g.'i -i d! ' named v mie-r of i th‘ Arlington Veterans Memorial' jVaK.'A - Voulli S' air awc.rd. ' ( hr.ro i-r.-t week. According to Miss _ Beatrice Diihie. award coin mil- I tee rh am no. m the honor went t> j Martin foi h.- fiyht to equalize; j .-:ch f vl facinlif-s and tcachei's' sal aries for Negro schools, i A )ir-!)'. rr •-f tiie Richiiu■ I f,. i.. 'of Hill. Martin and Robinson, die j attorney was bom in Pmnsylvania. ! County. V.: He graduated from I t Jo.v-'ard Imii'crsity la\c sciiool ac'i I .served ar tiial attorney m the, ice dc--rartment’s <■ iminal ciivi j The card v. II o presented tom at a leHiwor iai riinnei in M! I Zionrd Rapt is! Church. Arlington f oil A; all 1 (?atp.s I aimers Seek Dairy Ynimals I A :-.!)■ rtage of dairy animals in; j A,iU-s Con t> la- ieu .Negro far: | er-s to flood their count v agent's ; offer with requests for cows, bred jhe ifer and ijulls. ; H L Mitchell. N'lgro count} . ,;rr.t 1" the Slate Colic,e Exteu- Ihi n Sv! vice. rav.-. ■an vr a) faim ! e;*ce i..ive called a: him <-'u' eg the 'pa a .■•; k aii-i is .'piested i,- »•: he.t ■ - f. . u-o as : '.ini.-- -ov..- He is; I’l'ecku.g *.• ith farmers, ir the eoun- H to see J tiicre rre any high* i'r.aie heifers for •*.jle. li,- .has aifi asked 'a,; xtci. - i v • ' ..-••is to .. i hire )■. csi .t.iolr ■ji mu Is. T" (i he lifers hsve been obtained: j fri in J’. J Gat li) -. gof Gates, who I raised the animals fro", the Jirsi ■ jduugt ! -3r of a cow which came A'-, on Mississippi in 19:3 One of the; .'••-•ifci which recently came fresh: ; was pirn.- 'd for R. M. Sumner, j It is exp‘wi-4 ‘bat 11: * - other heifer j will oe placed ver> shortly. William Gatling of Sunbury. for • whom the agent placed a bull last 1 j summer report:; that the farmer in i ibis community appreciate having! liTibi animal available, SECOND SECTION ATTENTION... KINSTON READERS Thom.'"*. Bailey ii lhc man to see ior getting nev;s in the CAROLINIAN. Mr. Bailey is a newspaper man as you know. He will bo glad to put pictures cd ail klm<j in for you So when you see him just thr.k about the ni#f ycu wart p* the papor. It's so easy now You may leave news at the following addresses: Sulton Brer,. News Stand, Veterans News —Dial 3998. Remember, deadline tor news is Thursday of each week — gel your news in at once. Mr. Bailey lives on E. North St. in Kinston or you may contact William FI. Barney ASHEVILLE NOTES BAI’TIS I ( 111 R< II NAZARETH FIRST B\ Mi» Marjorie 1)< graftenreid ASIIKVII.L.I' Rc.mla: woi .-liip j services were held, at the Na/i.roth ; : First Bai:!i<’ Chureh H"-. ; ii and line St roe's. Sunday F*' bruray 27 •at j 1.00 Music f--r :i'.e .non: w, i:--e,\ice was iOnderrd by lit.; G -- j pel Chorus Rev On.; K Dunn, pus i ‘or preached a most informntiot'uil ; and inspirational scrnion. His sub !<■( ■ was "By Faith- - text Hebrews ; 11 ia. A! TOO P. M as; ci ml service was held by the Prcgressivo Club, ; Mrs. Maine Join’s. President and ! Mrs O K. Dunn sc veil as secro ,'nuv The Nazareth Male Chorus' node 111 direr!i' of Pr F A hva:i - rendered music fm th." occasion. A timely message was de li ve ed bv Re • Hyan! ■•-! the t ap pidiv:a F. B 111;’ ess Church. Th- BTU n f a< ti’OO P M. <(’- -, - ~.iP Tin BAU DeiV.rtr.'.enl was in. entertained by , Bade R-yidr: . Leade! Mr A 1, Mur phy, High sis,,,;;, were madi by ;-hr majority < u the daily Bible , : readings ,\i ~:30 regular cvci.ing worship rci vice !• k place conducted by Rev . M R. Dpi. .id. ay-Dlard pastor ! a ~ p ; pi-;, ii lf . Baptist CovCti GREENVILLE NEWS T , St '! k Club of the Buttlo Lind Kelly Pitt County Clinic U), n v;i t::e Southern Co,p. 1 the benefit oi the? clinic. Gfueial.; of th< club rep- rted that the affair was very well at V s R. M Atkinson Henry 1 ■-V . Mr.* i-iai * Mrs. ’J. hn J. Johnson a net Mrs- Martha J, At v; ins on spent the ween on 1 *o Fayetteville. Fan mont and parts cf South Carolina. The Usher Board of the Sy -a mure Hill Baptist Church was j-.ist at a S'.:; ( Size Party given Sunday at the home of Mrs. Hula Edis, ;n at 415 Nash Street on Mr nd;,'. !• ■ ai’iiary 28. Guests : were charged admission based upon the size of their shoes. The playing of games and the serv ing of refreshments provided high KINSTON BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Cann'ct :mxv unco the birth of a six-pound, ■ 12 ounce daughter on February 20 at the Memorial Gcnc:ai Hos oita!. Mrs. Cannon is the fornr ; iiss N A : 228 East Shine St Mr. and Mrs Rodelph Patrick i announce the 'birth > f a daughter, OlJie Fay. ,n February 16, M* s. Patrick js the former Miss Susan H. Coed ell of New Bern. M ... D ra E. Farrow and b'-'o trier Ri. brit E. Farrow, Kinston, i Retut,. 1. wen recent guests of ■ their sister, Mrs. Wiley McLaw horn and Mr. McLaw horn ol , Greenville. The annual meeting ot the N C. Federation of K g:\> Worn*. a Clubs will be held m Kinston or. May 13 and 14. II -its to the i inventiom w;L 1) I Kinston's five mvmibei dubs »J i the Federation. i Mosdamcs Cali a;- Foye and Sal lie C. Hi-11 have en named as : chairwomen of a •mmittec fur , iSSV4*i.nC(.‘ C)f ii 5 PCTI ki i 4 C‘ * I» . venti-m issue" of the Federation ! Journal- Other committee members in - lude MesclaimH len B. Bvmur. Marion Wi-nu-k Lillian B. Ox 'and Elaine Card net. Captain Haines Homy of the Chib wer m cl large ot dm re!’, services held at the St. James, AMF Chinch Sunn,’ey ,r 3 p.m i Hit Ad km High School Glee Club ! I was pri.--.nted in m ideal pra gram at the - .arch at 7 30 p,m. Mr ami Mrs Caesar Lawson \ ox Kinsior. Route 4. recently an : rr.nr'- t-: *•;>• birth t a son, Cae- ! . I-- v ; f !,.ru;iry 19- The < .an* Jr ' h. -J Miw Vir i term Law--*'} of Kinston. Mr. uir.! r i,'.: 1». U Lawson ,! Kinston, Roubv 3. announce the . •.via.-ria.Ee of their daughter. Miss \ ; Or.. Bail Lawson 1- . pi, -,,m- - . vilJe Cox of Ft- Worth, Texas, : : which took place Sunday, Febru ary AO, I Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kemp of i Florida wore guests recently at thy home of Mrs. Kemp's mother. ■ Mrs. Bertha Wards and sister, j Miss Helen Cobb, near Graingers. , While in the vicinity the Kemps j . visited many other friends and re. I i If-lives. They relumed to the.it'* ~t ..... -.- , j >-. i:,(• :-i ::g'*egation :;!Ki e.xj ! uned by the pastor, i lie Service wa. highlighted at the i'io«e .cull t:h Sunday eve ning Baptismal Sn vice Ten per sona v.i’.v baptized. Alt the ser vices -.cere largely attended by iii< >nt.»; and visitors. Tr,- foi iwirg cvints will take ; pi; ico tiu- week: -M< uday tt no P. M Ushers' Board Me.'ting at the church: 8:00 P. M- Seniin Deacons' Board at the church; 800 P. M. Gorpel Chorus rclic.rrsal at the church VVt'due: day. 6:00 P. M. Senio, Missionary Department at the church; 7:30 P. M. General Church C r.fcrente at the Church. Thurrd.av J:3O P. M Scmoi Dea- B 1 it 26-1 H ‘id S’, wet 11 (ho home of Mis. l.ula Mack. Friday. 6:00 P M. All Junioi . Cg.-ups of the Missionary Depart- ; :i:rii‘. .'i me ciii.reh: 8:00 P J So I lor click rehearsal at the Church: 8:00 P M. Sunday .School Tench-! , i v.eoti': a' the church. Th > yv,!": was recently allow- | ered with a surprised tiiithday .< C gifts .ad dinner by the Vineyard Workers' Ciub on Sassafras Street ■ ii: ipo home of Done' u and Mrs. I Clarence Mayfcin. . ! >£, thi ’■ 1 : ' ■ - M . Anna B .vn -w. g-> . inother. Mrs. E\ mgM'.n. lie .vo Ohamw. a ut p: id birth ■av . arty. Wi inus iay night ~ her guest.-,, Mr. and Mi Dew He kb rrt Pew Mi Maggiv Cher; v . M:w. Rosa Cutter.. M: Haute Wi St, Mr.-. Madeline Bum 1,-v Mrs Lena Kllison, Mrs. Vio • 1 tt.a Rasemore. Will Langley. D vid Barnhill. Mrs- Belie M. At Ikinson. N. J. Green, Charlie Ellt s’ n. Miss Johnnie Cherry, Mrs Lillie Shivers. Mr. and Mrs. Macs Daniel, Mrs- Annin Foreman. M: ‘Ella lYnn, Mrs. Mary S. Beatty. Mrs J. H. Donaldson, and Mr. o DEII. *Tb»i room v\ r «»s bcfimtifutlv *tl tcraied with Chicken *alad. ice tea, and candy wen’ served jt j f I n;. heme ia;--t week. Rev. W. E. Beam- n of KmsUtu. N- C will preach :d Fir: i Baptid Church. Dover, NT. C. M -n-e-. night. Marc]; 7 194!) ~t 8 o'clock. 'For the benefit of the Candle : Light program given at that • i hurch fourth Sunday night, BVbcrch 27, 1447 uskmg .'-vm'-uii" l-■ pi. ase conic- out and uea' him. Miss Barbara Johnston ha- re | turned home front a two week ; visit with her relatives in Kin r.ten, the Rev. and Mrs- W, E. Beamon. Jai'-is Buck has been appointed . gci *. • the CAROLINIAN new. - puper at Dove r. All news may be turn -<] in to Mi Buck. 1 appro cUiti.- '-our in -operation and help ing to building a paper in your '*■ wn Thank each and every one «,t vou William R. Burney. Rep. BAPTISTS PI \\\l\<; ARKANSAS HOSPITAL HOT SPRINGS Ark. < ANP' The National Baptist C- nveution. li'.c,, In ought. a three story brick i-, luilng far She housing of u new iSO bed hospital, last week The Baptist voted to establish the hospital at ;> two-day meeting Nashville, . A bath house and nurse train in;’* scho 1 are to be rated in connection with the •.• nodical center, church olliciais The build eg was originally erect icl it' RFC Linda by the late John • Web.- JcK.d ’NTeg-ro leadc: .When ’• Vt• !:• i• - d A • RFC took over the . t-uildi. a church bought the ctific i me RFC. :t .ns elevator lac: I.ties and the largest convention hall in the city. Wv. ! y.-.-- Ilk- ■ - ]■: - i status tinder Social Security? Write to the nearest field office for this i information. There are very few farms in North Carolina that cannot raise 'One or more of the small fruits to supply their home needs, sayr H. R Niswonger. in charge of horti > culture extension work at Stale [CciHre.!-. THE CAROLINIAN j At \HALIA JACK-SON MAH ALIA JACKSON TO OFFER CONCERT r; c B M;-. >•:! ’'\ ; -!.-r G.t.'V jwiil loose n Man liia Jack-on : i the i Rale:yii d Auditorium -u ! Stoi-.1.;-. altc. .ivon. March 20 at 3 ;p. m Ml*:> Jack on. an Ap,;il- . reco- o; • ins ! -i. w - yin n in i • Lean' La. and today i.- known m ■ mini- ns a !”e mtiorks “Q :;y of the Gospel S.i'grr:-' [ She ir the ..ffinii! ...-.i.-t of f..:c t miilior. Bapii.»ti. i.u -iur. ; )nn!a. Georgia. r dvc-,v 2! 000 e - I one 'f the highest fmd spiritu.-.} Mabalia Ja.’ k. ou com.act "ii , n.. n r at -'ii carl;. ■,i jonied !i,i JOHNSON SINGERS a. cr |<f gospel itlgmy, MIX!- 1! ,»• J.ag,. !! !<" Go.,pel gii'uu She n-d de .-•inghi-;’ today FLORENCE SCHOOL GRI » N' t DRO. N. t ■v i'.a'v a a .winy streak for L; . ear They have won c ignt ames out'df thirteen games play ed Their m rt game is with Liber* ty. on Thursdiij night of this week. fnc Hiirri and fourth grad:-'; gave a chapel program on Monday of this week. They have been stud.y ii'v' t>- : fi. and '.verks of IF- my W. Longfellow, and the p. ag'ram wo ; based < n tils works Mr, K. G. Broadit- 1., the teacher of there you to-: people. Jhe stiidenv; -J the -c-Liool .arc enjoying; the new florcseent ligid-; which have just been installed in th ecla.-.sroom., of the school. Ki ence is oae oi me ursl of the Guilford Sci iiols to get Hk'sc* .;ev,, lights. The S’-’hoi;] cafeteria is in full '*■ mg I'.m. a: ,{> ci.ltdi r-n a, ■ enjoying their lunches in the iu.v. budding This has been one of the efforts of the -mho ] and c c , Uy for seme time; to have hot lunche- for the children. Mm Funds, a white pat run of the school has burn coming to 1 , school each Monday to ;fivt nitis trated Bli>le .stories. We wish to thank Mrs. Furnis for her great generosity of her time and t-nr-rg; 3he Rtlr and Dili graries "f the school have been studying (tie do ings if the State Legislature. They have made I.cgislativc f Id-. .. ' , the in.iterial which they have path c al ,i.d thev fci.pe ' : g , : iy _ ■' I Attention... Greenville Readers i Sharper Forms, well-know:. Gi i-env lie citizen and business nan, ha® agreed to i . is , y for Ge- vide reader.-, of the CAROLINIAN yet . " papers anu t~ gel their new. in. to the paper, Mr. Forbes will sell the CAROLINIAN at his store and will take any news th-d readers bring in St mi '••fist Mi Echos for a cool drink and brine war news I - " ' i and pick up your CAROLINIAN If you don't happen to want a drink, bring your news and get your full sixteen pages of local, j stale and national news. Don't forget, bring your news jn by Thursday ci the week before you want it published Support the CAROLINIAN, it will support you. WILLIAM JR. BURNEY. Greenville representative, - .■uniw. 'a—Bm-nMemnwin i-amMua UM'.wui»i.Trf-«.mnw«w wMiMwaiw jwauuui. SECOND SECTION ■ 'h A l i:,F,t) UK! '< .'KD.S, . j •, for the rvaxi ry K< r tnoa: fatfious MOVE ON VP A LiTTLi: iiIGHKI!." ■,u of I:., inge-'-i M-ll iir s;h! dual records cvri made. fri ah : hr' J.„ k -sincere! •, and rlecj-iy •.'rligious. Sue eontitu. .: ? v ■ e>. Iters to roeord other •mid;.!*: i’AOIN ETAO FgP NA t L ii■.i*• ii * ' ! 111; s, < -it ->, I) »i t kjv ' Ciu. c . Sl'e .v.-ll si: in une -1: ex oi wits. 'lhr-r artists’ who ' •.'•(- ... tk‘ ; y| i h ; 1 l<): ' -! 11. ill• j 110 i! ifd ('-nt j . .. ... . ( ; j |r .. ifuiip i-c *’.v• : ;*,• ! ?hl ic critics. ..mil'.;. j}? ~j! I ,'jf Sister ‘' ■ ' • ! ‘ I’ MU Ti'n tile GRACE ■ K /I' >N CIJUKCU ALL-GIBL CHORUS. This \v*ll bp Mi>s Jack • • ‘L -■ fl cvii ruH'» 'iCi O. It wiU mJvm \, he, only n;r m this sect inn A* -'list HVI9. Dot/i s wiJl optn for itios oftonv. on pro-ram at I p. m. <in i»ckcls wi!! be sola •!" v- ty.ve AME Zion Choir. Gv Sgi'-day nighi. M.ircli 20 a*. J p. m. Sister Gary will present 'h*' a:. ; - U ini in Kii'.Si’in. N. C Tv. p:..gran: will !j ( . iicld at U o New Recreation Center, owned ; y the Beech Brothers. Doors will P v : 7:15 and the program gets u rk before the -e-m;;, are over.; Mrs. Lucille IF. Smcllie c. ihc in- : The rirauvitu' ciub ot tin? school > .me rehearsing for a play. ‘‘l re I Ci-riv . itfj ij ve ’'ii .h be pro- : sen ted at the rcir o! March 15tn. i M mfcer ; vi the c;:,: ; ,c- as | Deny Ah i, Clara H'-rmt. j Fi: ibj Suj., shiiv. Ahriiv Z-Ur-rv ! Hedrick. Gar'! LiucLay J-vier W Rrleigh. Alice Mae Ing, am and i Eugene Jcssus. Mrs. SmelUe is' coaching the gmup PKRsowEi. sm: TALKS \! \U:()|{\ AI.UORN. Mr-, ' ANP > - Mi s. | O. la. V, :,f* . if j. n- j Miss was guest :pr uk- r f r the! AN'vrv \ ,aid M. College vi-.-per hour recently. Mrs Wate:, spake on tlie sub-[ jfvt. ‘TkiucTu<>r> to ijv i By ..n-i warned thv .Indent*; C‘ b-'*...« v degree is the jtuiijc key to ; ;>I iLX’t SS S.iO u'. slit rtj it> iniiitt St j ious- | !y nf tiu yiAvr pr- b*!< im* which j U «:• .Liu.': rolds and to shape the.r • C"! ti \■:11 nft ii.'o ;i v jrkable phi Jo-: :;oph.V of lift, mUMADGE PLOTS ! GA. OIGTATORSHIP ii , Al J ’K.r ANDFKSON \T I.ANTA (ANP) - gov Fl' irman Talinadge and iiis sup porters ar: busily engaged in cieatinfr a politira-l dynasty in Cforiria that is pattemed along the lint a of the Fluey Long regime in Louisiana. During iie past six week.-, tin legislature hr- sippr v«-d ». lumber o: fea tures which extend the (rover- | mu'-, poiver out the state and make it virtually impossible iiir opponents to stall off the impending threat ot dictator - r.u. No: onli is the crusade direct id against voters, by requir ing' them to 'r giste' every four years and tightening qualifica tion.: requirements, hut al-o against other phases of state government. Among the thing- these hi IK wit! provide, if r.i id- info la-,, : are: I’iii, tlie state Denioe; jtie e\e- J euiive committee out of the | jurisilietion of court.- in iie, iii | ing if Talmage is eligible for j reelcetion. Give tilt' c.irnmittee power ! over question' of cligibilil/. ami Domination for ail state offices, j Give the legislature sole pou | ENROLLS ATM .'LA I.OS \NfiKLKS iAXP) Lraneine Joyce Dupree of this city entered the f nhcisiu of < aliforni.i it Los Angeiv- la-t ui ik. A Kiua’.c us ike ()<x ,i High Sellout hf i i \t: , <>npt lias i.iki n u;» if'idem e >t Ste\ens house on the ti l A i atnpus She i, the daughter of Mr-. FAti'lie Dupree. in inag- i ol I s|e.: f \ s, me Boston s out ■'Hiding i e-taui ant. who i mm ri -iding here. Miss Dupioe re.eeiveil hn iiist. two seas of higli school train dig in Boston. I RIDE ?.Irs Doris i hom es flail, who before her marriage liciiitL. mis Miss Dons It. Thom,tv daughter of ,'VIi. anil Mrs. I t!;Hi \ fhomas of Lnuisburg, N'arfh s arotina, and I’liiladelphia, Fi Judge B Hall. World War II Veteran is tin son of Mr. and Mr.'. Finest tlall oi L’uisburg Route J. Ihe duple went on a wedding trip io Philadelphia. Pa. FORRES’ GROCERY i Candy Cigars, Cigarettes j Canned Goods, Frozen Drinks Fresh Sandwiches Daily 102 S Flemmings St. Mr. Sharper Forbes, Prep. BERRY BOSTIC & SON Home Furnishings and Appliances 207 E sth St- Greenville -Next Door to White Cnev. Co.) _ McCORMICK MUSIC STORE 2H East Fifth St., Greenville Records, Sheet Music and Musical Accessories Tel. 3314 DIANA SHOP i Greenville’s Shopping Center tor tlie Ladies 313 Evans Si., Greenville VETERANS NEWSSTAND IS TOPS WITH NEWSPAPERS - MAGAZINES Life Weekly, Journal and Guide, Afro. Carolinian PitJsburgh Courier and Comic Bocks & A COMPLETE SHOE SHINE SERVICE Dial 3998 George Suggs. Mgr. William Burney, Prop. [ 231 S. Queen Si. Free Delivery Service NORCOTT FUNERAL HOME 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone-Day or Night 4331 Fit-pa re For Tomorrow Join The Norccli Burial A'.-'n Inc. Ayden,, N C. G. Norccft. Jr., Mgr.? L L Albritton. Asst. 711 S-. Lee Si: PAGE FIVE Kinston Business Men And Women Sponsor This Page » Patronize Them Have Another * What ibis little fellow thought of liis Red t coss breakfast after lire destroyed his home during the night is reflected in his face <-r to uctei mine who is elected govirnor and whether lie is qualified. Extend the c«*miy unit s\*>- ' tem t.- general elreUons as well | as the democratic primary. I Give Tatnadge pawn- to de si gnat* which tank-, shall hold slate funds on deposit nut the 1 amounts. Tighten newspaper libel laws, i in an effort to stifle criticism ! against the administration. I.INCOLN (Mo.) SIJ KS NEW \ W BI ILDINC , JEFFERSON CITY, .AM . A). Sen nn ; .-. pr; .uiii'ut of Lincoln, appeared before hr ivmsc appro : orintion.-- committee in ' week. quarter:; i.. si viMr 1 : . iTfHlCsi for t U'L'.i: iaro-e. inn! ;* v <; , v . Sen.-ipe -aid the legislature HOMS FURNI rURE S! ORE COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS Cash or Terms Gr- nville. N. C mmmm Dove s Auto Service on era l Repairs on Al! Makes Ot Cars Pleasing You pleases Us 205 E. South St. Milton Dove. Prop PARKER - CLEANERS 107 S. Queen St., Kinston Every Job Done To Please You Pickup and Delivery Dial 4816 And Watch For That Parker Truck Maceo Parker, Mgr. BLACKWOOD’S ASSO. STORE GARRIS. BROS, Owners Btcycle and Radio Repairs Trade ins. Whizzer Btka Motors Terms 110 W. sih SI., Greenville EFIRD’S DEPARTMENT STORE • WHERE PRICES ARE LOW ' Evans St. Greenville Whites Stores, Inc. WHAT YOU WANT AT WHAT YOU WANT TQ PAY Greenville N, C. EMM A’S CAFE UNDER NEW' MANAGEMENT of Mrs. Lucy Miller Home Cooked Foods A Specially Pleasing You, Pleases Us. j 412 S. Queen St Kinston

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