WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MARCH 5. 1941 The New WAGONER Apt, Size Range 2-Unit oven 3,000 wall. The fammr-t T K Kwitvhc:; and units u.-od flmnurhouf. As illustrated. -*?T«Sr rvr-^e- { ■■ ■• •• • MU' U \ ■ u; ,:;U ;;j t I ! !. A : ! S i • • $149.50 Hayes-Jackson ELECTRIC CO. 133 E. Hargett St. Phone 3-5031 “A Savings Account” “Helped put in- vasv reel ' It was one of she safes! invest„ merits that I ever made during my productive years and for building up cash reserves, j van recommend a bank to anyone.’' FIRST CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO. #«<;■■* ..... ■? ■ . _. , | j^ | j.l < ;n,Nju. —J Jf I§§i (' 1 1 cl u Hi* CHATHAM < • I/l" *" 1 '" _ ! ~j'd 1i | ■ r Pal Leather \ N*vy Blue and Green 11 / \ Calf with closed back M 1 y ¥ Smart 11 IT SHOES ’ BY GOLD {RED} CROSS Bed. green blue, calf, black JUL.'.. ‘ . ptunt, 'teM, mtt' They’re intent on adding that n. a. p h T —■ ..... feminine fashion touch to your .spim, . n nnn, . • jt" 'l¥%JrZcl>«m And they’re just as mindful of lit and quality. ' M ' M Come in. Choose from our beautiful ‘ Suit Mv*-” , t ,n-- timi # 11 11 Ranch Tan W UEI> CROSS SHOES l"'" ~jrsKCl*&rs ,¥t&C. m£tt& “ Adler’s Ambassador Theatre Building I T. • s*Sn . ■ . . ” SHAW RINOMEN WIN OVER SMITH, ST, AUG. IN MEET Till- Sluiv Unlicr-ity bp.vmg ;team rmc: ted o : ,i winner o\e ‘Join; nn c Smith mid Sc Atretic iline's n tj'ianKuliii' b xing meet ; Friday nighi iu SpoUhii:,; svnuia 1 hum !|, Tile Shaw fight) .".ataal dei.'L 11 ••■ions in thro bmiis 'l' a -even rii-iit raid while St Align: tint*'- wi.- ' j picking up tvv \ ictorie-!. Snath .om', md mie elided in a draw. tn (in' opening si t-lo John 1 Wyman < 134 >, Smith, won the deci-: iskin over Carl Trevares < 131'• St ! Augustine's Other result.-, were, j Arthui Tavior i 1.35), Shaw, over; Howard Grier 'l37c. Smith, by a j 'decision; Charles Coleman 1 143», i !Shaw, a decision over Herbert Jes• fersou Smith; and Charles! jLogan f 170*. S’. Augustine's, over . Waller Aim »ur i 171 *. Shaw, 1 By a- pi ll decision. Jonathan 1 Byrd < 157 1 Since, won over Charles i Mosi".' 1 152', Sc Augustine's.; !Charles Miw''i.s (179 c St. An M-- j tine’s, garnered the only TKO of i die evening by stopping Allen lGrooms 'l79c Shaw, in the second j round of the near-final go. In the ;final bout. George RobciCs iMfii. Shaw, and Thomas Brownlee (138>. : Smith- fought to a draw and a j statu!.;!!!! when both gave out in the third round DOG IN 6 DAY VIGIL BY DEAD MISTRESS PHILADELPHIA (AND —Mr Eva Smith, 55 year-old • Slate relief recipient was found deed in her home by police lasi week Standing guard ever the body was a snarling, starving Kerry-blue lerr ; er. Neighbors notified police that Mrs Smith had nol been seen and they thought something must be wrong because they heard lof dog, Spider, howling. Neighbor- also tcld police that Mrs, Smith was never seen in the neighborhood without her pot. Police raid the woman had been dead about six days.. Charles Kramer went to :ho house after hearing the howls 1 el 11.e dog. and tric« the doors, found them locked then peered through the windows, Kramer said he could not see nor hear anything but. Spider’s cries, and tailed the police When Patrolmen Howard Slater and Clinton Warren arrived and forced the cipor open, the deg dashed at them wnh bared fanqs They retreated and returned with a bone The dog took the bene but dropped it each time the officers tried to approach the room where the body was. One patrolman purchased some hamburger and threw is to the dog. The officers then entered the dining room where they found the body of the woman on the floor, Plan Supreme Court Test of Bias Ruling New York The validity -if sou regra!ion. in public park-, and. r<> ; creational facilities is headed inw ard a Supremo Court test. Thur good Marshal!, special counsel for it no Nat! Assocication for the Ad vancement i'i Colored, People, a.n --; nounceoti here today Mr Marsnnn's p; ■ f:.: :v.- ialrii folov.'tig a derish.: > the Kentucky Com' of Appeal. or. ; February 21, upholding a lower | court which had gr.mteii a motion ' to dismiss the complain; of Dr F. O. Sweeney ague st the City of . Louisville. Dr. Sweeney, through NAACP lawyers representing the national • office md the ioc: < i ,<•>• sued : the city to halt the pr.-ctice of, refusing to admit Negro residents to the oily-maintained amphitheatre !and gulf course The city'.- molin,. t- 1 u.MTiis.l ihe coir.piaint was gi ne ed in file trial conn. if! trseir brief before the Kou- Mick- Court of Appeals, . - Alfred M. Carroll. James, C ndh > and Beni-min. SI, aby of I .-,vil!< and Franklin H. Williams • NAiAOP national oft'Le pointed , DOMESTIC JAILED IS E. 1. SI.AYiM, . An -el, iA NT Pie- fj, ; laggibio break in the mysterious death : f t, Waller ' . (Jo, dm.. ;i then huliic come thi -A.-ck w tie, i police «11 ji: • unced to . rc-r * of \VU k-‘n Appleby, X- domestic work- I or. I IVtcotives ccumVocl Appleby t.. Mho apparent murder r fho\ they Tno:i AT o i;i ]r . ‘ i K ‘ longing to the* v-.-timv under Ap : plcby's niiiiin. >* h-. , m ; ,- !I*» c Ne \ v r>j>,•r x) • p. • *, -; t, ; ! i j-s**ll being held. b Pays jo Advertise!!! out that Negroes, wiu, number 65,- 000 out of a total poptjlation of ! 145.000- are restricted to park fa cilities foaling 153 aert :•>. while whie : persons have 2.267 acre, of park facilities for their use They fur ther pointed out that though the • city maintain.-, five golf courses for ’v. a. yair.ens. no Nio ro is allowed ■ln use them and w no is provided for Negro citizens. The NAACp at t raeys argued that such segrega tion resulting in this clear discrim ination is a violation of thcUnited ’ States Constitution SPECIAL AUTOMOBILE SEAT COVERS 1 Lot of 100 Sets SEDAN AND COACH $795 Coupe and Coach Front $445 While They Last Originally $9.45 to $17.95 v VZ&Bm***"* 3 **^ 7 - —Si Ir.restoH THE CAROLINIAN BUCKNELL PROF. BECOMES NAACF LIFE MEMBER l.rtvisburg. r.t. I*r. < yjrus llarreld Karraker, assistant prn f< -cr of history of Jturknrll I'uiversity, this work la-caine life member of lh> National Association for the Yilv.itur ment of Colored People. Or Karvaker took out his SSOO member-hip fluoush the Buek nell NAACP ih.ipfcr .vhieh lie has served as adviser -mcc that time. In a letter In Mrs Kirby Hur ley. NAACP youth secretary. Dr. Karraker expressril his pleasure at making the contri bution to th Assoeiatinu and stated. "Working for the N Y A. C p. is the sort of thing that means real happiness." It I’d vs lo Vchcrlise!!! Something New Sensational 2 Rings In 1— Bridal Set EXAMINATIONS | ; For Students Planning To Attend LINCOLN UNIVERSITY IN PENNSYLVANIA In September, 1949, Will Be Held \ Follow j M M-rh 19, Rnlei.qh, N, C. 10:00 A. M. | Washington i •:.gh School March 26 Buiefie’.d, W. Va, 10:00 A. Genoa High School j STORE HOURS 9:00-5:30 WEDNESDAYS 9:00-1:00 * V * v ft beautiful ■ \ AT \J)t HfZ&gg—* 5 e U ' ? ' h, \ | K? * * I- *L x * • ■ ; i jti. hr ~ - -v- -m || ■ R ; . .* t : X - AJ*4 . fV'i V %' rs. f $ X 49Yard , ..i’.l: .[►, * -I v« 1 ’ ; !4- I 1 A i . : T? t. f ¥/ /' ■ V/ .-- \ K EASTERN CAROLINA’S LARGEST" ;>g- r y Urge Extension iOf Rent Control i ; W;r- : i',.r. tcm i t testinWhy i”• . li'-'ic the Ixfi(‘onmiitU a (;:i Hank- ! I ini' and Curi'C!:t,v, U’e National! ■ v ockilinn f. the Advancement j ■j !' Colored People U;:s week r,rg«T. j s fonß)i.i s!v xxihcs and extend j j until at least .fium 30. 1951 the fee- , • i i .it it'ie eontvol taw wtnrh expires - 3! • -h .lit, !949 1..f.-:iio Perry, ndnunElr.iUvc a ■ ■ xiviant ot ii:i> .N \ Wsshirighm i ■ Bureau ure i! the Commit tee to' idiscontinue 1 the so-called voluntary I U | if, i, cui rent increases which . : the present lav, allows. ?\I. . Perry; said there was never any justifica tion for tile c voluntary" increase., exacted "at the point of a pistol," nance the interest of landlords are adequate ly protected in eases of t ; hardship. The NAACP also asked for: >1 rerißt honed enforcement powers ■ f that portion of the law winch permits criminal action as well as * t-oble civil ox mages an.!ins! has' lords v. ho w ronuiy r. .sc rents or I ' 1 I evict tenants Tile NA \CI ; * an amend* j Iment to IIR- t?3t, the Adnainistra- j I do"-..;.- po -ted rent control bill ; i which piw s veterans and their fa- j indie: re- 1 tali: p.-rfereueos in the ■ ; has.- and rentr.i of dwellings i ibu’lt since .Leu 30, 1947 In urging ! | that- the bill be arm sided 1 : jjve ; i preference, to veterans and their if: untie:; v i them i • ret to race I i color, creed or national origin.' 1 ! <»*«■" *’* ****mmm immmmmmzmKimmmmmmmmmmmmmteiimir. PLACEMENT BUREAU NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 1 he North ( nrolina College Placement Bureau has Been e.-tabiished by the North Carolina College Alum ni Association t<» serve three groups: 2* . ktcdents' ft# l*?Ff I MiWmm* , ... »mm a i , « . the: collect: § T'ne objectives are: i Fo serve prospective employers in theii efforts io obtain <jualified employees from each Senior Class by arranging interviews, meetings, and, also, sub mitting personnel record upon request. 2. io devoJop and maintain i. job opportunity file to assist members of the Senior Class and Alumni in locating employment in fields for which they are qualified and are desirous of positions. >. I o maintain placement records, and follow-up ser ve os lor Alumni in order to assist those who desire changes, and to recommend changes when place ment opportunities are available and desirable. C lo serve the ( oliege by maintaining personnel roc onlm graduates! which will include personal data, trar.si not, photograph and confidential rating .sheets. I Employers, students and Alumni are cordially invited 1 to avail themselves <>{ the services of the Placement I T here will be a representative at N. C. I State teacher’s Ass’n in Charlotte, N. C. I M. S. JOHNSON, Director wakes every room say "Welcome!" Striking new patterns and glorious ' , colors make vour rooms more inviting. |ust see what you can do when you decorate w ith Kaiulell chintz! So budget right that you can have new draperies V* and slipcovers for every room. All on the lines! of fabric with a permanent, w ashable everglaze finish. Full 36-inch width and only $1.41.) a yard! Beautiful florals wit a matching solids and candy stripe* Also Nursery Prints with Circus Motifs Breakfast Room Designs, and Game Roam or Den Patterns. Home Furnishings Third Fioor Mr. Perry said that 5S per cent of the married Negro veterans in the Sofoth. as compared with 33 per cent, of the white veterans arc liv ing doubled up. "Tis situation dues no: necessar ily result from inability io pay rea , son able rents o-- sale prices,” the | NAACP spokesman continued, "but I •• was c of restrictive really pw i tiers based on the color of the vet* 1 craii." □T'CHOiFROBES 1 Mad* cf f in* fnci*ena , s ft i down-to p r :c«s to Es J your budfiaE —Catalog cw — j II HIKSCH UNIFORM COMPANY | j Hi toot fIV It '"2 CO PAGE FIVE

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