WEEK ! \T)L\'(j SATURDAY. M ARC R 12, 1919 PATRONIZE «g**»g If?':: T y"WHI iTT! TT"S "?* Vs f «W» W| layelteville Vom Tl ;: 2 vl Sr ifjk %# j£ ’§ ' "4 # 5 I 1 B— - business Men Brought ADVERTISERS * * **"* * X PalrolSlhem __ __ ___ __[__ _____ _ ___ ______ : _ ’ 1 ■ . mm. YOUR SCRIBE 1 zC' § if - b, ~ 4m Ely FREDRICK 1.. BURNS JpUr jffpp Hh .V^vl In a few cL,y i:., Favctmvdh Branch i Tiie H• ’; .i;..i \ ; t'«n for '' • a AOO members Till: nun; her may .vom large. bid if \ n con sider the r.uir,!'•■;• of ; oonlc Jiving in the city and r.e.n bv ter: imry I I'p mil; : ■■ or' "'.-lil. in the last lev, v ,u> city im grown trim o 1 pop:-!.. to aiounrt fiO-OOQ and v e t. n •.••- say 1h: ; Hi.Odoi to i. 1 -• |.:-:o':y tlie \egro :: <<■ Ai ■ : new comers and !i • e m » '■■■■ ( ‘.’leu-d lor air.-..: ”... . Evuy effort vi ! ,e .• J. t., bring nearly ali o: mu e:t . no the f> ld U h.i: Lea- o,e ~f t jot’s convincing our people U, the NWAC’P : (i . -■ , • crimes would have im-vKhie- Crissie’s Beauty S'hops iirmont Fayeftovil! ■ nompson Si 113 Gillespie We need your head in our Crissie Mclntyre, Prop Business •—Visit— Ruth's Beauty Shop 500 Wilmington Kd, fayeiteviUe Dial 5442 ! Arthur's Seafood Grill I 337 Person St. Phone 4G- 1 j We serve you anything from a sandwich to a chicken dinne i Mrs, Ora B Williams, Prop. Prompt and Courteous Service : EAGLE TAXI CAB DIAL 2800 - 5807 24 Hour Service 208 Hillsboro St, James Purvis, Prop MOHAWK INN . Peaceful Axnonj The Pines Parties Appreciated G. H- McDougald Manchester PHOTO CENTER| 481 Hay St. | t’llOM. 3777 48 HOUR SER.K'E ON PHOTO 11MSHIXG COM PI l TE UN?: OF j Cameras i \Nfl- Pfioto Supplies FOR THE Amateur OR THE Professional ft,, i Ii 4 ) i t THE PIBLE CENTER Under tij- auspices. . j tie James institutional Community Church (Christian Interfaith } Murchison Road ai Martin Si. (Bus Stop) Rev- Charles L. Miller. Sr. Pastor Sunday School 10 a m H L Dawson, Jr Supt '-timing Worship 11 a m. 30MMUNIT V SING (Sung & Hex men', 4 p rr. Mrs. Sa?ah S win son Directress Worship with us Sunday end make new Inends. Phono 4829 for further information Write P. O. Box 325 r-nmi .•.in-wuiem-r-Ta««rivni-r- r-- -it ti- i r üB I I 1^ p ''-on St. Phone 7117 | FAYETTEVILLE t r{ - j.rj ntr.dj 4fi -• of Do; ■•'♦PS 4,VtUjld At; Uffl:: lied r:imei ngninM Me . • ii. t ii' i.‘C r ill., on)«ipQ p,tl, ;i v• *i t i ‘! tnni. tticV were i», sympathy anti w uld 1 ii»: rs o 1 1 w .»- ! i red be - !'• tk.?.e ■. ■ o . rtis ot our la(e Lj . -Ai'.’.. K; rink lin f) Ri . vE*t ‘j 1 f t j'ota.idi it) lciit' v .it fear ' v. <‘ aif* Ticlinod (0 i'rlieve 1 •- 1 1 j 1 ; ' -’r' ‘ *■* ‘ ■ » * j i it. u 1 1 tied i-*\ s>: rae ].cople becaorc' Vs : iv. .iCinUt* ! n;H 11 • nt VAi' '.TCip : - r'vv it- t’ raise it has arway -yO Hi-fi <:d is 'ivne hocrotarv us the •r • azuiier .* ; 1 itavc vie a}>]■;*« ,l > rev and near Waller • no-irei-';-. the District Ni.rth Crt-otna c anlerej tee tin its fi: al : wo a;• y «?e. icp;. •! fit S-E f ,.E:-or’* • ‘ fade 1 vhiT - ’ T A A.*• "D , .w!, , ,« j t . . HI trn foOI KRF \lll Its 1 1 •ll t,i ih < AROI.I\ 1 'V v.r w’i h to thank our read -Irs ter Hit* c'»riL. letters anti mi yy.- -1 > »s which hurt* been .given Criticism is alnai gi prici.: *:|f yon kntm of air. r * eg r c«-i\e a< tp. ities m jjy etteville filease report the same P UiA writer. Acidr- s-. P <> Rov 375 or phone 18?*). Il fbns To Advertise! ! ! SILVER GRILL ! Home Made Pies Tasty Home Cooked Foods Rev D. Morrison Mgr 115 Gi!lespi e Si „ - i CREEK VIEW CLUB 53C N King St Fayetteville ! ! Sandwiches Beer - Dancing Mrs Doris Melvin. Prop Quiet Tactful Service Crump’s Funeral Home J Mutual Burial Association | 515 Culbrcth St Day - D:aj 5476; Night | SECOND SECTION New n-V Knitting Process Means l onger Life for Nylon Sheers V*. A .. . '*v.7^ » A Us" M "i' fP: "* ■ .•' “L'i- : T : Nl:pf|Ply | % y *l ‘ 1 M ■ \ A -i M '•' ' m , • i \'i. • .lui !*::•: i - -..u. X'i-v “V ” arc for tin* •* ' '»: - v iy.:.-!ric IU <■■■■-" • i. -v. !..o ri; v. r ,! •>«••■>■ Kmfi ■ I?!.-.- \ ru-e 7 mi., \h, fm -f n nylon slnyt t■ . !'. •■ it a now ha nf -.: -:• \. d good n -.v., fur .MEN -A uiTi Inn h-V LihElct r:’"knittn^ I - .it tin; ‘..dtiio/’ cunivni" U knitted in for a tvue : tv •ii.inuiy A: \ n rious !'c: types. This volume . d (!a ■ :) give:- a sh'iek-ai'icrbtng guai-ty <•> tlie nylor- tabne. ’i i ripu .; too n ■ f ooi:;; nac. hi, fowoi vnr ]i v. .< TWO MORE SEEK TO ENTER OKLA. SCHOOL STII..' V, i TER, Ok'a- (ANP1 —The first ahsni.'i to break the hly white pa Lorn at Oklahoma A and M. college was made h re lot Wednesday when two Langston university students s’.c ' for entrance to the arts and science school and school of hems economics. Henry f ,yd. 21. cf Eufaula, seeks courses in political rc.encr He a junior «t Langston. June*' Ellison, 19, Oklahoma City. >■ ■ r. teke toxriles course Thc-.r v 'ivy!:, were accepted by Dear, Herbert Pail ersen, ir-’ colleges regwirar, who said they wc.tld be checkExi in the usual manner Ho added that the enrollment of Negroes would be referred to Dr Henry G. Bennett, president St chute.-, f b d the >.. r -i races n schccl. However, a. special three judge teds ra! cc rs ruled last yeai tii»: the Univer ’-ity of Oklahoma musi admit a Negio studeni if none of the Is >;t -: oyr'iS .-ocphf G M 14-cl.aurin was’ adimilc to the un.versit',- on a segregated basis to study ior a doctors degree in education Apt lications of two others have boor, approved for entrance into lb? stale university. Bid To Outlaw Bias Killed In Chicago ! tr cl ? c ™ .J xp ;.,\ A :' te ;;., a ■ •. slum . J SU-e in ! Yuuv copV . . THE CAROLINIAN V ' ‘ !W.V:iit !-> M. U . ! L,' . an,, '* | Minis;.-, and Civic Lead*. ( > On« Yea*', 5V:0; > i 5 :•. ...h.snlk- ,-,2 jH> ( s RemittaMu Name . ' ‘ I ;: Ad-dress I i {'■'* VFk ■' OTS r* un , j ! ' 1 <*• * '-**K • StH iC . ... I Mail this wupwit-' T!v- Co oilman. i|» Harj* tt St. Rafeigh. N. C. •j ■ ‘ rt.e.v *») i?.' t iee* i» pro •: ed •’ I AiiL L.cV; I‘OpttTidt’d JJ'i.'i ■V- ' vs: V -tp. r ■ :,v:■ : if ’' » ■'.•• *li <>! CfJl 1 /vM;>» i’vitnO 1 I'Ti»*j ••v'e i11p•. of bole ' THE CAROLINIAN MIWMWA v.w 1 IT - —iiTinr ~ ii—im i ii inTfci ii“n f'.ii~inwiimrtirr“ "% FA YETTEVILLE l PROGRESS Mm b y ' WW l . -:IR HENRY ML L. JAMES PROGRESS''? POI.ITK \|, ARENA we •imuiri make:’ Are we jutft : markirg time. vx :ii*ing for some ■ :i■. ■■'• • cortifi.r., i forward - I march? Should minority groups ■.'Vi li prese.'. tntion in the govern* A>t-r-■ (' pcci.iily the city ;overn-j ! * piocv in tie.’ real:,-! ot propaganda ' ' .'clopatent it' ve are to make pro- I ! . es;-. When are we jemng to sc- > * loci the right titan u.iii then give f i . i'l oar 100 y; r cent aai.ipori- 1 Why | :.ot register and vote? "Proctdrsthi-I iti-ni ]., the thief cl' time.” Why ; Toe C.d'. • He;.;drls ('!> • Club j ’tit h-ove its ion ser\:co tit: ; inn Person Strco! -'SO Sand; v,; : March 13 tit -1:0;) p. in. The Rover- I id M. L. William:- pastor of thej i To »;> -'i- will ' ; ■. >i"otttietd by C. W. Is to-ml ar.d j 1 nui'ic vV.ii. bi* funusned by the 1 i i.eaguo- Choir of First Baptist; ! Church. The ibllcwva# officers will : ! i 's:;Cid: E J. Elliott. prodent; : : •:! J. Buboek, vice president; Vl\« j Edith M. Council, secretary: Mr- j •V. R Humphrey. ;?:• iisirnt’ score-i PROCKiiSjs IX I iX.WC £ ) W;: v»i !‘ • p a \ rae m ■ »» or t h e 1 . « • t : ’ I • : ' v n; he will find it ditii-| - tam ft h war. iv tm a f-miu s in Cd rrr..?-:y .. raitdred meet ever,- second Friday and j ■ ' b . hii n Ro d. at : Martin Street -■ r ,- n*».!..bv; ii» Inis ; dence: Any person re.idling within j 0 tv '° m>le radius of Fayett vilie. X r .Section 2 Each application for | !rtT:,,ot'Ts,iiip nxiist be mod,.- in writ-' u ’ : : wet ndorserserst of 1 ■ ! tri.'itibe.- i the board of directors.; ! indif.t a;.;-; his opinion that the ap- i • his !•' 1 honest, industrious, and. i of yo..y .;:.ots: ar.d must be pro -onl'd by :-,ueh director to the board ! I'.:pdosi l '.: pdosi lu> jo ion at u regular; |ti«:der a Jim crow system.'' His view was backed by Aid. Har- i ; rev. Sec nd word. and the other '«•. . • ' memlyr of ihr council who ; asserted that Negroes ‘‘ernei .11% OcTitve ! v slum cli atTnce ; lans ; r ther than development 1 Hei 1 warned that Negroes .u*e prepared ! to .fight the nondiscrimination is-i ROY A. EVANS, Representative HOLMES ELECTRIC CO. r rig-.da;■ e?.. E'ecttic Stoves Water Heaters. 1; oners. Easy. MayiaS- i x Warmin'? Machines, Youngstown Kitchen Cabinets Dtal *l3s Ask Fcr Evans, Home ,'3Bl nr Write 553 Orange St, FOR TOP LINE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CAROLINA MUSIC COMPANY Beat Stocked Store In Carolina 114 Anderson St Dial 4767 I 11 [■vimmw.»*wvw«mi*wiii■nawnMamBBi -AMii»o»an*a!ywMiM^iw»4m*— nwwniwi* 'vnufxaMCTamnvm »»»■<,-ewe . ANNOUNCING— THE HARVEY- BEAUTY SALONS THE BROWN Dial 5537 THE ROY ALE ~ Dial 4407 I j THE MODISTE Dial 370 G All on Person St, WE CAN SERVE YOU PROMPTLY' Mr' Ethel Brown Harvey Prop. j i I or : pec el met ling thereof. Section .5. A n applicant Mi Mi not be admit >t;d to men'll; vr-Vip ex cop, pv me aftirr;.ative vote of a major.ty 0 1 , the directors present at ike meet - in; ; ;u which the application is act 'd ytpon; and shall not bccomr a fiber or entitled to .my m Hit .'.e. or privileges ■: ifiernbei Mn.ii! he shall have qualified by i ryviny .■: ~ i;inmce fee of 2r> cents • and shall have subwetibed for at | least one hare o- nr s credit uni n yto .ri paid ’he ft; m-talimeni fr,i .. . j jon Section 4. Subject to the con- i } cations herein contained, a member iv yo loaves the f.e.e o, membership l I • ‘ this credit union may retain him i fnai mo.i'Sii:ip th-er, m but v.■ ■ y u t i borrow therefrom. I'ROCiRFSS TIIROIT.H na. V EARS H.'iiVii the third, month of out ! calendar year .s a very interesting | ntmtVh because n has to its credit. \V •• cu.cm. ? t o.e fit :■! day : the b.v.tle of the Mer.- s.r.ac | - 0 Monitor • f 1862, the birlhtl: y i ; Andr<".v Jo ke;n eg 1707 the Alaska Purchase of 1867, M. Patrick's Day. the Birthday of •Iji Scouih .nd the fi;st day of . tyring which is on the 2Jsh i from a study of Roman rnvtholoo-,’ ■ *'c .earn that the name ivtarch pioimrs the war rod. Mars March |. was _the first month of the year ac | i-ording to the ancient Roman cal j endnr but when Julius Caesar j !; : ■•--r’d the calendar is became the third month. and i s:cn for the firs: mbs?, ;i , , t ■t.h* that spring ha.- ready come crib- a. THE CARO-. t 'V:. ; of V r A >.ib* • v • : t o . C.\ ROLIN [A N i vi'U’ • ■ a i :*hei iI co let rate rn v binh i'eadiic THE CAROUNIAN VKM». ii f- OJR P H (Hi R1 > > f r;: - '• f - 1 v " ; Ml upon Thee in hope I ] enilenee, craving Thy pre v.»w ~tj u Cat"i ot n cr. i irant us peace Hvt;c 5 ionewe-i strong th in Thy love TA NOIINC i’ROiiil TOOLS OmiODEI) SAVS EDI CATOK j MARSHALL. Texas • ANPt - In v i' to the New York office f ; the NAACP last week. Dr Joseph jJ Rhoads, pre-idem of the Texas jCcj.-cil of Ncrro organizations, | charged ,ne research division of office with ernrloying “out:- 1 ; motaeti metods” in the roropilafiar. ' !of st itij-tics on lynching “Th. program of collecting such 'nov v r- iybvciy simple w hen , ."-.•o'", 1 ;:;: was a public exhibition ‘" ' v ' no-ti bv prom incut ly-headlined front-page new.- stories," L)> Rtmuds pointed out. “but the moti r- : mob accomplishes its purpose ’ . mb secrecy. in deference to Uu- ustatit threat of federal in- D:. P :oand s msi* t - t h«*t f *t he jp - ww :ii I?’ •- : i’i .abii.t. Os the in ot hods employed by the research • | of the NAACP and Tus .w.a:, . ‘ KTi'iitiis, in the niton, for Come To The COLLEGE CENTER GRILL Tasty Sandwiches A Specialty ICE CREAM SUNDAES Waddell Williams Prop, Murchison Rd. Front Teachers College SECOND SECTION j. Levy Freed Oh Narcotic Charge SAN F RANCISCO ~ John Levy, personal manager of Billie Holiday, and former Broadway nilt club ■ operator, appeared before Judge i B.a*!y n Superlo: ("ourl hern to ! day to ui.iver charges of )>osses i : of narcotics arising from in > • '.nest Trade January 22nd. ; The dapper Attorney J. W. (Jake) : . El-.vlich known as tiic “Jerry: Geifie: “ of northern California merely i id ■ a motion befoie the Conn h g. • charge against Levy dismissed, since a special Grand .Jury refused to indict' him on Feb; nary le h. Phis was i ranted ■:rl Ih-.* uiiole j>rocedure lasted l f ss then fi\ e minutes. HOLIDAY < ASH ( ONTTMED Billie Holiday- no’cd singer, ap pa.r-od i; far ■ Juii.'e Wallenberg in ’■superior Court, March 3 with At • iorney Ehrlich to her case acl.eduled a. *■ rd March If ae sot forward ~-r. the calendar for im* mediate hearing. T' was anted r.nd nriultau ' ui.’-iy i; r ~'.!emc;. reque.dcd that he ease be c ritinned ?o April 14 to ■’ w T\i. . Holiday to o mplete ; <>.-k na ir the ' Th'-. was'also *. d end Hobday fmmed co..':: ■,d bar plans io re ■ “n cast. Mb; Holiday ins been on the won ecv”. for die past three m inus ying • iigai: ■ m-ants in I.os An m i<‘ Sae. Fi me sco. Pcrtl.inci. Bca'de and Vancouver \ Meh have been hi;. - hly uccessful. She will, ip.riKe i n ii * eastern oppear.mce' ,n ;■ xm.-.-ert. at P<:rsii:r.;; B.dlroom, Cbioago March 13 h. PROPOSE SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM FOR LITTLE BCK I ITT; ? HOCK AMP; .. The' i Ii adding lunches and: ilk f.v e-.i> Near:, -cm,H chib | die: ~ being fadmi anew by -f b >oi, I" ninninit'. chttt and conn official-.. ■! learned h-:rc - ’ week Tim ntiicuu- arc raid to, renmsi Jei ing a cfei ■ b of a; . r- .rnriend.it i■ ■ ahe-: lund- for • inis pu;g-ose in 1949 The Community chest's appro-; f';aa.tion of $1,051.71 for err.ld we!- 1 • riccr in b '■ a- choc!, makes I -p: vision f r lunches or milk; :V, r eh.idren ur bi, la pay. In other; :•< Hicn a provision was listed j .-a ng web• re i* ms A sib -committee of the- Commun* j dy (’ uncil Welfare committee rec mmenderi •. budget cut lrom the j>.or.,-sJ»mii» anim_i iiLriwmini imm i dTk7taylor I WHOLESALE Wp- ““ sso - '““'"I PAGE THREE ! WOMEN HONOR MR; -SAME ALEXANDER PHILADELPHIA (ANP) - T1 Mfthodist Human Rights attar \ which is given by the Pbiladelph. distr tt of the Wesleyan Servu tuild to the woman who bos mat the best contribution towai achievement rights in the area New York, New Jersey and Phil delphia was presented to Sadie IT Alexander last we>k. Mrs. Ale: hinder, an outstanding attorney, Is former member of President Trt man’s CTvii Rlphts Committee. The annoimceimnt was. made 1 | Wilma E. Gaines, district secrcta* h f the guild. ANSA'S SLAVE DIES AT AGE OF 101 ST. LOUIS (ANP) Mrs. Eirn t, fc-.mer slave on a planiatit i Li tlvr Rock. v’ic-J recently h’.v ar. i 104. Acchiiiiy; to a Jar iiy Libia, she w..s tom U .ah and .. .a I. ii.iv .a • n 104 !u V "i ' (,;f ‘ Funeral services wc re held Mount Nttbo Mission-ny Bapii C hurch und bur ai v;,.- in Sr Pc , er s cemetery. DR. BAA ION Mill V. DEPARTMENT i WASHINGTON (ANP) -- I :innr s E Bay ton, associate profs - s < f p-ycti logy at H-iwnrd U: | vs: shy. ha? been appointed snei | science analyst in the Bureau A grimiltural Fconom cs of the U. Th .Utmeftt of Agriculture. : ■ v ill serve on a port-tin • helping BAE to analyze su vvv data and prepare rcj.oris < some. The prycholeglst- was fotnr l ; employed fulltime rv I apfency. fut resigned in 1945 to a cep i-xist at Southen UnlversT Ho toi: ,'d H ward's staff tv.o yea Dr Bay ton is a graduate of Hoi .ni :nri acids the Ph D from t U iversltv of Pennsylvania. EVANS' SNACK BAR New Manamm f { COURTESY OUR motto WU FO'"WO t tTH • 1 01 MUP.CTfITOV RD LIVINGSTONE RADIO SERVICE HOME AND AUTO RADIO REPAIRS 119 Giiiwpi* St. Fayetlevilli MOORE'S CHATHAM ST. GROCERY & MKT. MOSES MELVIN. Prop. Fruit and Produce Phon* 43 H I -- FOB QUALITY CLEANING DIXIE CLEANERS 21* PERSON STREET FOR SERVICE J, & K. Market Grocery and Meat.* 1417 Murchison Rd. Phone 2890