WEEK ENDtI’KC SATmnAY. MARC IT 19, 10-10 ' SECOND SECTION " TITE CAROLINIAN SECOND SECTION PATRONIZE THESE k ADVERTISERS DOVER DOINGS We hr»l a nic tin;*’ !': B; • • tIM Cliv.il th. D-.v ! \.i inday :> ~i !. Tile Hev. VV. I' Far ii <. lie cliicl a n tierful h i nn'ti :.ik;n:, - ii. t a-■ •■r ! II Timothj fir.- 1 chapter, Miv<"nth V [!• (•!.'>: , bjC’l t. ■T)|(! Th’ ref, li< i Itifidhv el 111". Ciii isttr.:; *iel-: an " The He\ aac 1 Mr-. VV. K. I’vi ■ ml,. ; na- !vii r --■ Hattie ..ncl Hull' Back. hi. Cvdc White. Mi- R. .! Joi : nil and Lizzie C. iu,d . niotai cd ■-1 Ivasstcis Th: : -die. . i the btdsid* 1 m s l. Gains a w.v scriousl.v ill. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Sir Waite, Ov - ami siste l ’. Mrs Abie Cri- . . 1 Hackensaca. N. .! . u< a . me in MtenJ the Utiiera! of ir.cir ; thcr. S. I. Oaia... who died !• i id. • ■ i:u at Parr- ♦ Memorial JPvp.tal. Kirsten. wi ! live lark-ii T a d..j ~t Feat Barnwell with tan Rcvt f ai d the Tic V* i liciuno!. i f Detain:#. Leroy House aa ■ ova :■ t- Kiw Chapel Sunday ndht. FrtL.v Kve'dap Mr. and i\|i. ; . Jarvis P. :• . had C, . House a- a dinno; v.i• ■ ■!. I>C Cl !. IJI. .. 1 hody (~<• . it;. ; \. nich v. ill he Cf-.'.d i"i. day Tin Pa.-.;or the !(> D C Artis ficm VV . .: MEMORIAL SERVICE Dr. Mai.tiu .. W . : ilovv tir.i University a rpcaker at thr ;,nnu.ai re. c.eey i)i :>)-• N'u Aip.ua d :• ( ! lihe Omega Ft: FA; F: ■' ■ which w«he'd .Sunday ,-t :• J. H S.IU:., ,u ii. K : itoritmi. An ante; .• in: ia ■ ■ was pn ?cnted. L\ MEM OK I.AM hlr-,. lam >- * • Stainil >l* ; I In loving i( a. iV ■■ 1 . thf.i! . • '• , i i.'Cii M : -h i'i .. . ■' rust,am a- in the ('hri u n FMth cximpliiied i.y v’a . Gi ; o: R util E'. an.-, and i Su"ir: I HEILIG-LEVINE j OF KINSTON, INC Furniture House Furnishings CASH or CREDIT ! 138 126 W. Worth St Phone 2844 " CHASE Watches $19.95 up DIAL 3896 # ; HORNE’S Jewelers 130 W Worth St K listen ~W I, „ I WNING OMFORT PAYS ■ H*vf you ever seen a good Vjjfjm rug, drapes, or upholstered w&R furniture, fade and turn H i shaoby in a single summer? * Awnings would have saved you that loss - wo; i.J have kept 5 our rooms coed.com fortable. liveable too Wm Attractive -.1 real protec- tion and they cost so little. May we show you the man\ colors an _ . .v*« . * ' '■' e , .--*. POULTRY P A Y S DIVI DENDS ~~ The Mills Family of Nr use Township have well learned the value of careful and up to date practices in lhc jaising and care of poultry, for their flock cf blood tested and well culled barred Ply mouth Recks return the family FAIRMONT BRIEFS i v ruiKoiMv 11ovn Tm: Service heici oil S-.; i . Mai.-h j.:. . . h.- -I- ■ t L. I c:; .ak- d the C:laVi..iX 01 .» c, of louvj This -ova-' : iic J;: i-jor C‘• h Choir. . •: , j ... .. r .....' ■• a . 1 j. .. t fs;i:yi •• f c ' da'. >•’ r ;-:o<.*odf d foil j Sumtircii. Afti. ,s • • • • y..-l !f■ ; |» C; i . | (*'!•/. ■ iiic* ♦. i t it* f\oy. w ». • icy ;. j» 'ls.. l s*mise BJorr. •.’•ho Ml D.'l I n ii a V)V ‘a! ' ■ 1 • Sh if iif )'-a tlsuu-:,,, i;m i -a SAVE TIME AND MONEY —AT— HARVEY'S ONE STOP SHOPPING For The Infant, Junior, Mi ss, M rs. and Gent 10 DEPARTMENTS TC SERVE YOU jtm; %*±™^'THi^'X‘rLTt‘T3e!X3BKrirrft L. HARVEY AND SONS Queen Sf. - Kinston ■ a weekly income of $39-75 from certified -d9 aT.no which are sold to hate! erio. Th;:. i:» <:i addiicr. to the called uggs which are soia »u Kin-ton re si dents end cairn by the family. According to W N Pavtcn Ntqro iarm agent, ■• i■ ■ : right, the Mills fa mi / >s the *T.ItS 11 i • A.’ '• l.dj'.'L l . i t 0 t ’ X i.VIT-.U v Thu fu.m-'Ful sF-rvicrs' for Hnrrun . Viri AF.t I. ; ,ui (T {• A4 ji',, ■ •. ..., ;j WaF. i. Hou-eveF ; Su J» r. ! V F'fV. 1 !:•' I n:.-« iifi ■ , ; • f McX;ijv ; : F v Etl ’ i wir . D. V. i’: hi-*;* i a-J.a Vi: An.'' :v lF..rr, - ’ •' r . f ' ! \' f m iiif ! «■ i • \’;; M • A f ■\r: ); ~ i, > ;.; >r j , • \ Jr j net Mrs. Du ; l 122 (. ;0 St O' t. >M- - Hut.'i Crr ot of. F-.-rtrrnr.uth ! Yu. s pen; th< . ( -nd nor ' --'IDO,. If.. Rev W D <»i Wl SSFCOM) f’I.MF vi i»i! m resriv \i, v .ill ; (no L;kI; .;) • D ■ ma’.ii: Club v/on .-wand place in the drama fistiv.,: hUri at the K E. Sm:::i His!i Scheo! in Favcis ViLa . ant!. through ‘heir pr c rifiil l : He Ain't Done Right b> Nell 1': -V I :,u i: a■. a 1;. - r. ■ ■ ■ Richofl Hint Eva B< ;ciia .Johnson, Christine Bs it', SPEAR & SON Bicycle Repairs • Whe have a Key to Fit year Lock" SPORTING GOODS ’JO N. Quern. Sf Kinston Qutrm & Miller , COMPANY Furniture cf Qualify KINSTON, fv C » H H SERVICE STATION Under Now Management | GAS OIL LUBRICATION f Washing Is Our Specialty 3 Prompt. Cnuricous Service f Patterson & King. Props t 423 S. Queen St first colored ianuty in Lenoir Cecity to have <• veg. crcd fkak Sn.v.v.i wi!n Mr. Payl.cn ■ »/i r j. . .1- Mf!’ and Mr' Mill Te:- r..-.:p.'e's 2 sons who .■•ha ‘A ■ - . • a F. •• -• whi-FD U'R:> dtUR lCll *■ • nraon y s s <* et:nip . h i 0 KINS [/'. mi \iiit, • . . I, ;if <♦.*> p. , Rf>* p , y h . . w .’ 1 ■ ' of Vri'( i S. )u: ; ii nAiiv. ol VV ii ' j j;; - >■; '; ;, A:t’l• >. i! • h A\ t* Vi « RL L ' •J --in VV U;idiii 3 to 1 . 1 v.i’t'l\ci : -j .• j; )<• L 71 T' fV !c 1 1 ;!n y tu .• lie v-tis witn p u’inß Si:Jon <>pmitov. Tli..- : OUFtilf he ic pi i-.iFI a iO\V era.) v.hf :: itc .i'.’ir.'d th Birakti I. ; Chesin. Hi* 1':.,, ,*; ".'o* i IV,anaacr a: i Ihor.iPtv in Or-ld.shrii'ri. Ornn.tobuv, . ; a. 1. arai Ua! imbia, S. C. AI j,. a-a lit Mr and ;Virv. B 7 ;:..::- . Tt- hvme; with Mrs Kli:': betit Davis , Cuntomiioa Street. All - 1.:,:;. I : member of the any whia, : .yskw of IT eky Ah Hint. ( \Rl> Ol TH A \KS CRIJ:\Vli.i i: ,deatlv i.I oiu little son and brotiier Lit If Arthur L. H iley. Jr. Mr. ;>• id Mr-. A. L. H.dlcy and ; F; n;iJy. (WWYM TiCIW AM VNTA ■ Nl’ \n un orrupiri.! tv r> cnlouial type home «i.vii- -I I \ Mi-. Bo 1 loi • ran'-r, ' ymi old hrauthiun r 1 s ’.’ i noltod hr re last w eek within is lew hours after she had >oen :l ’.I would in ‘ ' •: •> -I '•!. , )(.? a 'I ; ■ a i. 1 - ab v:< c via , ,T - 1 ■■ I.y iv <1 white men who came to the home ' rrliri- in tin- after noun v.Kile the ncmait w.t- sup e:r i n-. i-i'motlelinK work. Tin- hou-e stairds In a hither fa white nrii{>ihorhoiMl. Aecnrd rt»K i<> it:r. ii boon dis turbed by r,-trial eonfliel siner .Neare.es fivnv.ll movinjr tn. \ while couple, liv!r»R next door, it , sliphilv injured when the JofiddrdiLST, lARIA aiIUCHGOBi I'liJLAilFt nil \ 1 \NJ A iialircn. ui lure -!•' u,.-*f >t i. as r:u. "Ii <>d ivrlj 1«’ ,i y> a: -aid (1 : wDiril • •>•••■ . m In he ;:(l< lu’iu.. u- •■!• m. Sii ,; !., The Hu!’! > ;l 'I ' i'i the nnn *l;ul eat the rhuieli t.’ . ailt,;i lire iat -.-! ill- r. oni ar::i was ..('i/!.- bu.i C. ihii'-.h •<) - l-t j) i!' M.: iu-ui ill 'D id bail to kef’U Ml"' 1. .if * . I“I I I VFt VIS . JPS \i»L \\ NO! M dl) •Via; \ 1. ■ ■ . ' ... -■ . in**: f--y 1 ,. -yen ,( !. up;a yi.u (-lia nt ! L ; yJI Jj , , 1 l, J J ’. 1 , |'l, ■' , . I • ! S3.2bi»,!tJ7. Th,. I" ivacc:.. in th- romp> ■ - J’.in • vc! : • Re i lii cents!ii-. no ' •sihicb- - I !'■; D 'A- . hi" d ;c S I Hun ■ iv: kv as W-ync G.,.,a • y h:i- itt d •!i In 4 1 i v pur*. ; • avnefty thu hoyd Hr was si;,*- . hcinvAion m - • Hoy i.T:.I lun-d - ’ ■ ■ '"‘vdJ >n unci :• ••■ vvd at; ' • . of 'fij 2d ■ rn his ; • • I.i M i (1 nvron :j, t?*,. p: oic*i -A • ■ -1 If . M ' : ■ Jfi \h i i i (i ai iss vu S .U --mur.dson i , thr pin up tJn* t!i).- work. Sh * ?oukos hrr .hortn. 1 .. i Oi'' I -t '■ N! !'<’<* f, Khislon ri SCHOOL LACK fOI R.NAMI-.M ON \T FLORIDA \.*N M Ta';i arid , ermrad, D !.ii>n from th.- bays an i girls d;v;- - Tl’.f'l . ir- ,i f Li! of .’Ui Icon: , at •-e Florida A and M Cnilev. Hus '.vtek participating in ih a eat tain nan eis! L,:..; veur th" ii■ ai ’ 1 arn of Do'i Th; i.-.n’i a V-rot. Vial School < harnpi: ami the :>;> is' t rrm ... 1 i :;*e >!n His a Sdiiiii! i f Talla i,v ! see ’.vere champ. . hla ,t ilrov»‘ a plank thr.-uigh a winitow ul ttseir home. Attention... j Greenville Readers Sharper Forbes, well known Greenville citizen and busino:;- r, ; -oread to make ii easy lor Greenville re. d m of sh>' j CAHOLI 'JIAN to get ihtir papery and to get their news in to j the paper. Mr Forbes will soil the CAROLINIAN at his store and j will J?ko any news that readers briny in- Si ja past Mr. Forbes* tor a cool drink and bring year news j and pick up your CAROLINIAN. If you don't happen io want j a drink, bring your news and get your full sixteen pages of local, j eta 1c- and national news. Don't forget, bring your news jn by Thursday of the work : befaic you want it published Support the CAROLINIAN, it -v.'ll support you. WILLIAM R. BURNEY. Greenville representative. sfti ' :• cf.,4,;‘*. . . . ;,■ , Fr . v •Aw 1 »: £7.'. ;•• - 'i> *>• *•*?& ."•'.A'' *'• (.. xsS , ' ! . - i . ■•' A C ,-v ■ i % 't- ■ P- " . - . ■ , . . ■ •■■. ;' rCW ?■)&»; AA* - i p - V 'C» »:■ ': A.,Co •:: ' . cpYC , c : - .-. ' n ; - i » vr t-rc ~ .. 4 v ■ " : > ■•'■# • 'T& i ■■V&* : C&C -V ‘ 'P«# I ? iXs*‘xo ,T'v • . <’- C >?: '/ * ' r " • W "If ' \v- - V AR 'Ns # • -;• ■ -• .-■■-■ *& ?c c 1 1 •.•.,■ P- a, ..•>> a* .■ ■■ ... .-, y !-V ■ %v.- V- :-,'f' -• -■■ /:>■• •.; ■■’■'?■• ’ ' , .-jU'-.v, .•"O&r’pT A■: r , u - x : i. . ' i ■ v : ?*■" '■ ' ■-" ■ "* ■' ■- : . ■■ « \ ■ ■ ■ • ' • WORKS TOC K CL I ii > C - Farmer -of Lc.-.olr County air hewn , t ihc- farm cl Mrs. Car r: : S-BAn in Tcv/vs-h;., a.-he e they brought thr,:- mule: TTH.ISI Oil Gy tj q ■ y a:;: €■' %V o *f“ r ’■■■-' AA I C Vit f -■ •; ?» V IF -“ s--7L 7 - % Mt'ilill \ I SlSi nic DU’S Ii AI ?f ij t! I’.S, : 'Ft ftUtM* c.’* J(* . ; ,'. M j' s . i'J Qi t; i; • iii'.’t' *r. I Vi’■ . i Sehiial O'.-rir rr and T, .ah; a:-- THE POET s SEE \h V;irs Mil OU - i Rain and Mtr.cr thiiiy-'- f:orn d;r .-k,' Tn ;) van jd viir ri a vdid , ,n;. LtSRNVI IKM’I. By At'lliam lien: > Huff till Ul’ 1 I <]rot iuxj.'i ihu ot”ir.H-fn in Utc | lL:ki no bed thf* Vs'ay v.-ua do\k Ktorna.! hot:a cHu-t spcT-:crcd by the S.Rh i:n Exixncvcir, H: , v;c.'\ Dr Branch Moore Kinsman veterinarian 5.-; snewn v srin ivj •'• snuls? zt 3 hi: toi: W. N *- <-'• y • „ cx*•’■ - '• - * j ' r v •co c ct• c ;1 ft fi ft p *”■■■ $ 0¥ f| M V p tk* i WmpJt TO li^pv 1 s i L . V sh iDiijli « Z '. i " ': : • ' |) • ' - n,-‘: i lpi : 1 1 ' ('; vj) ;.: • a )1;-m; ; ■ .. . ; ,J;* y , i ■*,;■.< .; , , ( , ; i.> *.» :■' < ‘~L j k Cc-UV* •»• v. ! i:•; • ■ l-;.o dcd. , t an in'- ];r<«- r; ;ii at Fir>i AMK rhvij*clj. od cerU'flcate;* dX at u r<\i p~ ! k i: at ine CV«fo H:-L CfiX", k letter .Jo-! Alpka j: C) * .-•*><•; ■•' t Vt* I‘l i l;; »•• £» FORBES’ GROCERY Candy. Cigars, Cigarettes j Canned Geode. Frozen Drinks I Fresh Sandwiches Deify 1026 Flemmings Si Mr. Sharper Forbes, Prop. r . m - r ,, T - nun—rw in, - jT -mmwi. „wi.»rn T „T.»- :i. l »g.Lww BERRY BOSTIC & SOM j Home Furnishings and Appliances 20? E stii St Greenville Next Door to While Cm- v. Co-) ~~~ ” —* j DIANA SHOP Greenville's Shopping Center for the Ladies 310 Evans SI.. Greenville VETERANS NEWSSTAND I IS TOPS WITH NEWSPAPERS - MAGAZINES L-it? Weekly, Journal .nd Guide, Afro, Carolinian Pith-ourgh Courier and Comic Bocks I I COMPLETE SHOE SHINE SERVICE Dial 3399 George Su~ ; gs, Mgr William Surney Prop. I ?.31 S- Quern Si Free Delivery Service ■ -ir*. wk***. i +tr+,tze i'll ***** J NORCOTT FUNERAL HOME 12*1 HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone—Day or Night 4331 Prepare For Tomorrow Jem The- Norcott Burial .V.c'o Inc. Ay den, NC, H G. Norcoft, J , Mgr s J. L Albriitcn. Asst. 711 S. Leo Slv PAGE FIVE Kinston Business Men And Women Sponsor This Page - Patronia* Than s i ’? e.c rn* ~-, -n the con ler. Tbo.io courtesy Kinston Daily Frc ■ i : . Y.r ■. i, v •farm ’ • ' l ' i a i V.. 4 hikion -n»i - ■ • Uc-=.: ." -. i * ui’.? J 947 ' t ’ -D'>'■ -< •. sii t’• iP4 7 ;'C' - ' ’ """ '*•-*•-••-• -• •>■-——• —r“ Tin 1 iimimii nfwm I ho:,:e furniture | SJOUK | COMPLETE HOME ! HD ISt-f INCS J i Vc:nis j C re^nville, N. C h•' * C1..;: A \ERS j 40/ Queen Si., Kinston | Every Job Dene To Please You S Pickup rni: Delivery Dial 4816 ♦ Anri Welch For Hi at Parker | Treih-: Macco P. Mer. Mgr, iC.Ah.C OOi.) S as SO. STORE C ARRIS BROS , Owners j I,:e :1 i: enP R, din Repairs | TeicU hr Whizzer Bike Motor:; Terms IHI W. sth St, Greenville i.r UW : tEPARTMENI STORE '•WHERE PRICES ARE i.OW Ei - ::nr. Greer.vilLj IWhi ties Stores, Inc. I I WHAT YOU WANT AT j WHAT YOU WANT TO PAY Greenville N C | SPRING SUITS COATS HATS, I AND SHOES I I j EASTER I | OUTFITS I FOR Miss es ant! C hi!d reo I ■ BUY FOR. LESS AT ! EFIRD’S j Queen St. - Kinston W e As> p rec ia te Yaw Patronage