PAGE FOUR / DITORIALS A DIFFICULT PROBLEM ‘ ■ appears at this point that the Gen- ■ O'. Assembly will not authorize a state x* : endinn oa the proposition. of making t* ■ • tat-' on her a•! wot oc all dry. Os cV; e the refus, !of the legislature to per il, .his referendum will meet with wide s?.m:ad ii.snpproval, and it in arguable tha* .he people of the stale as a whole sUhrnld hat a the right to pass on the ffues tiun <>f whether North Carolina as a state should be officially wot or dry. However it is equally arguable that the present system which permits a decision by each dcoity as to whether it ,shall allow the stole of wine or beer, one, both or neither, and whether it shall operate ABC stores for the sale of stronger alcoholic bever a:;. , is •• more- drmoerntie system than ,1. . Idimr those questions Wr ail count u •: ou a statewide basis, i great iroublt* under either system tjf election is that people are not prone vote on the merits of governmental oi of the alcohol problem as against { r ontroi. They are much more likely to v* , b days, against the evils of liquor, ;., if wets, in favor of the system which v permit them to buy what they want drmh jj; • i such away as impose them on <}' who do not feel as they feel, and 1} wrt< are likely to vote :.hi, 1 ' of i - personal habi's and tastes, with hßle X d for the patent evils of alcohol 4 Hie passionate convictions of those v are acutely a ware of those evils. ! he issue should be decided on one $ ideration: Winch is '.i - best and lair l way of controlling the liquor problem % o best interests of a i the* people? i question should be answered with e fact clearly in mind. That fact is that i l-.uor trairic and the liquor evil are , . . ! . : ■ !• < . ■ -::. ■ d • .a I j‘ i '■ - h: am, on eitlier a state or a county basis. t C v; rd.FICTION IN OFFING j J an i- turned out that under the par ti r dtv rt ■awil-city manager plan of I yit into effet in Raleigh U\ • |e: rs ago, five of the seven council mem t ; elected were from the same pr« - 4;r.ct. the Raleigh News and Observer, which had supported the adoption of the kew fonn of gove i ll me ll l, canm out loi «e:ne modification in the ~ ame. <>i elm-t --b the council. 1 The primary, at which M candidate.-, * ... will be nominated, and from which 1! At;,x»n will later be elected to mc-Muersiup hn the council, is only a few weeks away, k. d the finals occur the first week in May. But nothing has been heard lately f om any quarter about a change in the ir.dhod of selecting the eouncilmen. Have I i, . • people forgotten? Or am they salis j" d, after all, with the pit-sen: system I c r representations? * U seems to the CAROL)XIAN that a H 1 f ange is definitely still in order. It mid be possible that either on a gi*o c tpnical or some other basis member i! ip on the policy-making and legislative i h of the city govern nent would be as. x- representative. it. may happ<-n t.hai uld be some safeguard and guarantee * 6' such a result i:. the manner of election j ♦ : • he cAtiOLiratAN ♦ i sued bv Che Carohiuan Publishing Co. i >'• C;»v• H6 r ?l*r SO. RraoSpq Nf „ Office a: Raleigh, N C.. under the Art is 3. 187a , P K. JERVAV. Publisher I , D HALLIBURTON. Editorial Subscription ilat‘*s> ■ 0 cai, $3.50: Six Months $2.00 lAd al, :.-omn;ur,i» a;:on> and make a.U ■ eh payable to Tt-.c Carolinian rather than to ■ ip me Car rimaa repudiates I reap. pctors oS unstitched pictui • - ■W 1 * ccipt. c-tc. ii/.i stamps are sera. THE YOUNGER GENERATION We are again reminded of the fact that, the younger generation is well in aclvatv * of its elders in c.oim of its attitudes. V: - giotis recent polls in soul hern institutions have revealed a much more sane ml matter-of-fact attitude on the pact of the white college students on the question of admitting Negroes to graduate schools in the South than might have been ex pected. The white student* of a Canadian university reccnly made a beautiful cok ored girl queen of flieir ico carnival. The divergence in attitudes between the young and their <*Ulma may some times be accounted for by the superior kmo.vh.Mige, ha -c;! on twepermneo, oi the older generation, but quite olteu tlie rea son ir a diliorent one. 'l'he youth has mow. enthusiasm for the right. The status quo baa n<>! i ios ei sis grip so firmly' on him. H. has not become so involved in the cross currents of issues that be tails, as hie cider-, so often do, to sec principles mow clearly than detail.-.. So we read that students at the 1 niver sity vi'Nsnii Carolina turew stencil bombs into ;;n assembly of Klam-mien in Colum bia. and wlien driven away by the police d-'fetiding the “Hi ht” oi Ua- luuioded iiand to hold its meeting, heckled the as* x>.-mb)age from the sideline;-. Whatevi r one may think of the juven ile method by which these college students o.jn'essed their disapproval .of the Finn ; v, is at. it stands lor. the fact remains tiu\\ did e>-pre-s then disapproval, bi'. v showed what, they wought of the Ki:.n. and by impin-ation, of the organ (l ad. v, world w hicii l>ecau.-m oi > in• v.avhv or apathy tolerates such an orgar:- ;•/ ; ; ,i witli its know a aims and methods. * * rims is hope f-.»r South Carolina. 1 ! lies in tie younger general ion. J. MELVILLE BROUGHTON ,r. Melville B. mgiit'on was a soutueni < y lb- was proud of u ami certainly ieh. > need to apologize for it. But he was a vnerner of the belter tradition. As it sun - no or catevd to race pre i i■ ■ o ye.,;)]?, not iH’g'eting the inler t- ts of the Negroes of North It ode rate in his public utterances, lie did not try by words to make n bad cause seem good. He often b>ok a traditional view of racial matters, but there was no*king .yu, ol - Mick in Ir.s appraae;;. ll was a good, hom-st middle-of-the road and potitiv iun, tvilh a ctrong s.mst i de ency, a love ol justice and 1 aimers, and a real if conservative in terest m racial and inter-racial progress. Senator Broughton was scheduled to ta k<:• his turn the day following his death to ‘register, as other'southern senators •had and wilt, his views on the move to -'coteh the filibuster. One wonders w hat he vvuuid have said. We are sure he was against the rule change, but we are. equal ly certain that his arguments would have been tm a nigh plane, that he would nor have descended to demogouery, and that he would have maintained his personal dignity. Mr. Bn‘lighten was a good governor, and he was going to be a good senator, in the contest against his Republican op ponent for the office, who was more Dix iecrat than Republican. Senator Brough te a refused to be drawn into making race and the obvious lights of Negro citizens an issue. Negroes gladly supported him, 5 th in the primaries and in the general election. They did not expect him to bo a crusader for certain things dear to their carts, but they knew he would always Be honest, stviaghtfonvard and decent. And Hi at is a h,i 1: ?H1 the politicians and officeholder.- a Ninth ( arolina were as fair and straightforward as Senator Broughton was, North Carolina would come nearer to being the. ideal place she is often pictured as being. And North l. arolina is a pretty good place, after all. 'manks to men like the late Senator Broughton. THE CAROLINIAN ryi -<«* 4, *4Me n> ir*' \ Anaohea Wake * p. '('here Is Danger in Such Thinking v v • • ..^wwittr' .;y|ya /ecend ‘■Jybl Th€Ul!lltS BY C D. HALLIBURTON v.*«. iflWi *-mft it i n -- - l'(c \-, ~I "itt • 1 .;i “ht' ;-liCl 11; logj. i llv■ PTJMSinVI r.** I ' ? - iv •( t * ,ii- ! B]f Jv. -*l -a. ,! , j 1 : , . The- of juAivo tvrc-i ;?< rI if) ?'{?(• iT/t VI Bi> .* 0 * ‘ln m:-.ny f id-fl l^culhUw jTpd.V ofiiuurs' Hbl Id )'T:Vti VJb i r c'OCb; !..-l'bV Id < R v • •' In Pip* notDi iDU; (V b- "la fu c Imm aeja ?«. | fcf v r - '•>. >.VCN THE NY. '■ , ,u- ' •"> 1&-- i 5& StH f S> AWARD/Ml?. I "' ' i tV Fi 7-~r TROUPE OF , *», - ~ .. ' f 1 CC-i.ORED SHAKES” "/? ••V TRAGEDIANS- J | ' ‘'m- ASWB PUCE ' / |j TRACCOy COMP. ANY" / . •# . ,, . ”:'«§r% S«AKE«PE»£AN ' :#/ ACTOR AMD EDITOR/ „ i ‘ !' A' Continent*) Featnm. UV }IU l \ ;!d’M .'. 0. i 11 -T iu.s i '<* : ] r uc.jiSC' oi* no* .1? :U) fl ve i..: 1. A Vvnuhin:; \v GUv:tr.ntc- lIV-ibr. HERE AND THERE BY IO» JOHNSON WASHINGTON' • ANi>< - Tll -■ , i ; whit . -.hero i■ ;m untold , t 1 nr v- 1 hat %ou p. t i -s’t nr ha! vsiii want.) ■■■ -r senator a letter. tiv n >.'■■■■ ' ■ ijn. vrk ii the filihubtereet •i hr, whnlf d W>! til, ■ 'i i O: ilc : n.ii -nt t>» he pi . 1 . : I nil. it is ;hi at time '..x our fcroup T:.; coluojTi predict-* war wim lied-: rviui ige their altitude *'• ; ; ine>- v,s. w lie a i-uo E.U d tiio On,- Huiwirutf nuvr r hwd ;;ml tailed for Ii tint a a ioiinln Uva. ; ' evor tsjus,) IMs ..if : . ).„uis L.iUtie. Wiii i\ev.-;-!V,a:i.i award winner The NNPA '\v,isnh'!plop press chief it nally deH-rvod the distinction There is a; brewing in illn -i:-sippi ever the manner m wit . h Nerrr vets are being vi< - timized by a white syndicate which e(©ii‘o3s approval of vet training .-.diio!.-'. Watch this eh :;e --1 \ it mere than anything -. a the griddle can determine- just how much abu.-.c the Federal gnv • • n't lent will lake from Dixiecnd shites. (Which reminds me, chum: who DID win the election. Tru man or Thurmond?) Quit kidding ourselves: white folks are not -■ ing to fight an • a.her civil war for Negroes. If , we win this fight. \v« will win it on: solve?, with the help of all those going our way. BUT WE MUST TAKE THE LEAD Arid bye the bye, nave you joined the NiAAOP yet? Which is more i-r?~ f/Crten.. a fiftn of whiskey or a ticket to j 'vedom Weekly -lesson: BE MOKE QUIET. A loud mouth is the tok en cf an empty head. At least oisht. communities plan to enter the Nash County Farm anci. Home Improvement Gwitcst during 194!) A total i f SISOO 1,1 prises will be av. aided to the whi ning communities. Approximately 200 farmery in North will grow Turkish tobae, o llii *■ year. All . r these arc located in mountain and foolhil! comil .r-s in (ho western part of the State. IVnieiL’ir. is being tried experi mentally by some research .insti tutions ns a possible means of com batting come plant diseases. WEEKENDING SATURDAY. MARCH 19, 3.9-10 between: : —~ ...._LiHcsr~ BY DEAN & HANCOCK FOit ANP OUH AMERICAN ARMAGEDDON In the ei.'iigrcssiontl fibbu; t r that is now under v ay. this a. -I nation i. .* t.nndin.R At its Armag. ''’don. President Truman was wi&r in raking tor a show down; far the pw.pone-ment tin yibil Lssncs involved will • help rat:ter-;. Tw'sv is-ap--- ii. -Vtight to a a’m’.sh. s; oner, ns later. and Hu? Stiotu • the better. A.ud so -no fight ir on and may (i-.-i fits', ■ tire catt'. • <;f -right; mnncii! Furturuite-.v. tor the nation the is.-ue ns barn draggl'd out into full v;> w : t the nation and ■’*■■ world, an ran be ' acct ; t- - ernct I'Vssl :ls. Ut An. tr. i southerm rs* n own'd attempt t i-t-.-rnalirs the subjugation M :is- Nc;'ki. They s', g :t matter ?•£ stale rights is. . of making i{ ~n outright Negro issue. Even thus.- rabid south* ■ '■'nor-: would be decent in tneir :>.-inpl to h:»id the Negro dow. . Win n hey heroine ashamed u> declare Nob wicked purpose we have* -signs at mors! ono There was a time when ih, ■■.-„yj.-* v.-oiKd have !y. on launch. i opsn strict: v anti N evacuation • those distasteful premiers is a subtle s.g:i of progress Uv* eountry has oxprtNfed its. If on •no ;:-SU*• id eiVli ; Ign ! ' and now it ■■ up to (■.:•!:vre..- ‘- : impress it.-.elt on th>'same i • sues- Tv writer has more than ivnc.-. df-i-lured That the gTvat>- : ;‘. ? rouble ,yiUi the uth and north r; no: its 1 ;] av.-hip but its ft so . rskiij. If tnc unhaopy sestr vvlio wi willing to -Nsn-o m a s ... • ou id A m? p ; v,h'.;m to find those to f-d --1-e.v thrm. As often s.s it is Re in n si. ,se. the younger south sovnvs expresses itself as annustak wv r; ady h r morel ,si vs no - This nation is standing at its , o, j\ .v ia gedd',a ; ng i< r jho. ! thr-se civ:! right i: ..o iait, it will !>.- a n-rthinaJ fu.iore md not the failure -i tie Negro rat". It. these issues f .]i vV ,. ohaii weaken our posi whi so ov ■ In trie lone run are T:if' ■,■ ah has at pa ■nt - -V - \ j;- ."J ' Dp- i’l ■VI ‘ ?'•' PROBLEMS ~ ■ • , sti . ■, :. , ic . 1 100 ' .ago U. Si . Hcligio-n, 1! . v< . ;n< and I him lb •*. >m, to i.H- near me and I want t , liii::' him. We wonkl. like ' c r v xnucn tc> marry dux trodi v ~i-.‘ mmh school. 1 am j;0- jw *i> Chicago and want to onto*. the .■■■.■ he..,) Inisr;.s’ DifC'.eskasi men 1.-' it two yi ai course. Wj'. I oe a bio to meko :t financialA' An*, you’ll have to woik your v. a.y through Decorating School. The first thing for you to do in Chicago is to "hind a decent pay j ni i 1,/b. It will s: an attending Xight Sc is.i !, no dou-ot • and there will . r v d \\y . .4 * 1 loan and look as good as other boys te.U the gi■ ‘s strive to ’keep away from mo at id T am kind to Hunt. T.iiy' vend lot mo tu’v to tlie movies cr io dances. Wit at must 1 do? Ans: The gins are leary of vmt thev think you’re a little ‘’tnu ferissv . I b:li'.’ve you'll have n-nrt succss winning friends ! utenc g > e far- : f x through ;.vur church afflictions rather than nsmv halls. Yeu •will bo more •iko'ly to meet tip- kind of ft! d want for a wife in church circles. Tt C- —1 am d!■••.satisfied and want to maW? a change. 1 own two V,ernes .properly and am se cure. My husband and I live in one place arid the other has been rented Pul. I am planning to give one place- to mv bur"'and and k op for mv-sc-K and ' hen we cun go our wav. Is this the change that vi'fi re .die me hanpy. Am. That would only cornpli 'j,- a cut.;.-: taco in. ts i.. is] Nn i.j tin.* rsis • tide , f rigtdeous a.-Ss- Who-, the .south ceases to ibulldoze and bully its position on the Negro and assorts to apologetics voi ich Uie current study will » a 'tiplify, we are o rlalidy earning upon u new day in tin- history of race re t-icin- '-i 100 . "in i and nut li-n. No intelligent man would cie m the* south tin right to “iusii l'y' itself in this mal ter, for its ian i*(/uld taud a ).->t of ’ just, it'awm'. /and when wt* spi-rd; : t'nv south, care must be ex ercised it st we lump the wniL'S c..-* the south which would a great inju.-tice ha thousands of n. hly ird.cntinnt-.-i whites 'Who jo- )•>.lined at '.fa* t'lm events taKing But hiev like Ne gre.’s eannr-t mom the temipor nry tide that j.-, flowing tuda> ir. a i ur;u that gives th.- .-:o:eu ■•m*': unpleasant i.tverliivng licit tip s.foner iliese issues lie and iu; the hi*iter for the in r ~,• ns But ■a \,i riatic*P-’* -■! the south’s po sib oi will b.-- vv*.>rse thiett its de (’i-rj'-ation file tur a man m cue is m-v< r eortetud oil and -it) ihe* old south that has caooed us fight into a congees si . ia| Armugeci 2‘iasi St-onni.*.' relcrse on the par. i ini si 'port. He seu forth the advent the* Negro has made in :*.Ui* etis.r. but ’.* docs not •ay that such advance stems from the thing, made possible fav n; ft hem phLiaivtiiropy. U.. make- mention of the stubborn sigh; it t ok'to even :sok,- tip. south face the nutt ier , f sal.isv -. a a lie,ation/which i v,,K, i... ■: tl .r, C". , . f : U.s.tUV j,: .1,0 'Os; all so-: ap' a-sax) fact. Hoil i os/*. .■: 1 0. . 1 Mistvissippi mokes no n 'orcJice to the cx p>-ndiLisi* diiUr nlia-ls between p, i-.:n.ohiu* pupil and tbs- per coo/a Negro pupil* The Ilcncsobh- gent’i nr:>i -A.ould oil in,, ui •*:. ' A' orsy *OO-I'' . )" -'• oo • ■ o As- ops- id a cats your p rob'em the more. A va cotin.t awat from iionip will be '.*.*• ~ t<-nit* f<.. •. Wiiy tu ■' v.-, .1 v an kin pcnplc-. The vnangt v >U prove to *o>u that the tie? buui ■* a ■ 'ia scb. nd t-o • •,y Hi ■ r than ■■ -u toore. C. T. —1 wan: one of yom Guides for tliis vtar Here is my problem. 1 «*.*n‘t have a mind to . lean my imuso up or do any - thing like iis my clot-nes. Some 0,:,?.; s.o- i is-d lady Maying \ nh ip-> and .-ho didn’t like to c i jwirh ( she: and 1 want to ..■now if she is the cause of me {.(ing tfic, vvav ;r.v? What must J d./’ Ans: Th ( . lalv is no way re. sponsible (nr your 1 istiesoness. 1.0 ,ks Ike you re lust leaking for on c'Xeu.?; to goof-oft". If you feel as lew as you claim then see r, medical doctor and let. him cheek you over. If there is any thing wrong physically he'd put his finger on you:* trouble. I would like to have you send for - Guiii" Th< ino ■ ,i ; l Be suoe t i include- vour biilhdatc- when ordering. Vc .S'-, iid S'--ur;;y I;,x .uji-auntl to 3 iii-i rent of you; total wage? up ir ?:* * ! ‘ii- In any one year. T'n.-. amo:-nt d:*t!iu:ted frem y..:,r sal* ary each p. yaav t- you; erapil^et Atlenti-m Employers- Secure the c nijjletc name, aecouni namticr,- nd , i.icr*. -of all your employee; *vf.:C y,. : > V'l i-: *0 the ColiCC *(of Ii u-it,:il Revenue will be c. tnplcto. Tell your wile jrw, to contact tin ncr-rexi Social Security Admin i trad ,i Held office n case of yuur death. Sis; may be entitled to :• urvivor : : benefits. If you have been paid wages of rrs. i'o than $3,000 under Social Se curity this year, from more than one cmpl'iytT, contact the Collec* tor c.£ Internal Rrvenue regarding a ; \ refund. Sheep number? in the United States arc at an all-time low.