PAGE SIX 20 Schools Compete li State Drama Ass*n Festival Mite Life In N. Y liV AI.VJN MOM •» N'KW YOUK 'AN!' 1 Setting hi ,/OK WK! .1.: . Vi- iwt n :m 1 iJnvl S:.i ert. Vvii:iV 'h( “(laiTHliy itiV. i ■ !■:•■ ' lit ■-" el-all. < !• ’ week witii u. ’iMt.'S v i'.uitt lit >;;<■ i J: k‘ ..n „t Guirifl H:t -<: . Mir ' d mi hi 1 Min'd tad \ wi;o v.. vi ne t on > tiKT iiff.r :■• ). in Bro.-i.- Iyn’s nilv • pot. Quit, n.iii'h dm joe* ».-li !• .! e t .!'!•;«' r< 4 11 |.' •■■nt i* ? vm: tluu \v A!.. .o' ■ . ... nr l im* in..: ;.n i . i I 1•t .- ; 'No ; I*l IV. • . < void .. i‘v i m,k . ..' .i: i of !1 j• - . ■...() I 1 .",! d o t-v li i boo.: Mo v ilt'i |.' tM.v.'d ( - oi j ... :., "i! 1. I' \ >'■■■: ilt"' t‘i' shown.v th<‘: t'♦ I'n i m :« a>•: t. J' ' '• i •:: vV/Ma* J Lilli «;•;! h*. iLo * i *»N itiM I UiH I<< V ii; !«• ‘• ‘ ‘Pit du!-ii. ■' my v,v.(U\ 'D. Hu 5« day tit CHlnnol! CotUf'pc \V« *'..M ‘ tr. jn ho •\.r *'>'i :h ‘•.-.t riled tr.m • - r .u?d-. .f Louie nvc l .v St ,j A HtiViK r co-own-r oi ihr ire nu-nthe ( e-d<*i iLt uh r. Ntei V*). Ci!y with tv/.) U» v mc c *> < on.*', ;UK] she- is lui tn~m :» ; oor K ri c d uno;ut;4«‘(l by n:*r.v v. . neve finish, d com es ed eun.-cd d' n \ PC: in t he- better cfi*- •l - •• >i ! :u v lit* in but he's bellie v \\i :i >' eumie? to lie. m v up pc- pie .v?)!r ' 1 1 C»Xno■ e* 1 1 ! i and I" N! ; rii-. Vfirtz . od Bi.rja Hn i- bv: -v ;•<': FA N t iKI’AK i.l i . . M Ci-. A; Mo,i i o i . n\i< ’• • J,. p of «'• !■>'•■' <•:< i'f>.- vi 1 ncr, j t tl.’iS JOKI'iAM un nul cut •|. | . -o. (ts .)■ 11 -I i. o'-. !1. V* : Hbuh< i n Siv.wdcii. \fiJv.v iki'O. W; A Jodan and bis "Tynipan> Ksv.: 1 : •*j(( »• *ie *' “U >/ i **('s.j.-} s*«. ,e I), ad 11. in.. Mai ke! ' H ■ • ov<: >'• Movie Lot Gossip H\ HARRY I I \ I'TTE HOLLYWOOD. Cukf \NI > Prom se." ..’ the !mi( r a; :!dc the Ambassador a :ei. T.. a f.i' about -1 -}I ciubs liv.i; .v citizen;- and parents of all .hi aid m:h when it r i i ■ d Red Cm:: s'mrcr .nd movie tress Haze! Jones and i were nevi i fn s.'!!i. we were when we .■ ..w tla* new KKO f>* ti.K . V ( iieity la; tiinfl. its D • • u pie - ernd and poignant. Wt ilteti bv M nty F. C -dire- and diret-;( d by William D. Hassell, tells the story of a Kan:..-::. *,.we and h's family. It feature.- Mary:.: 1 Chapman, Robert fab c. \V; ; : Brennan and others Tail was another alow ,vc -; b.r sepia motion picture player-, tan v, th r.f vcval new picture: schedul ed. bit: inn S should bi :■.'•» - «>;i. To .-A! Monroe of Chicago :■ a, a - and Dave (Windy City (''hat ter) Clark, it is mighty ; find you easterners when son drop into town Looked everyw iiere f..r you to give you the "keys t tin* city." Heard you iound puss key", good i nought It s ■■ ■ ou!ted that. Shell on !.,■ .!. Jr., f" n of the pong eoropo:ei. w..-; ai'l eptPi.i : ! 11:: v, itb a China, t !a ; . man 1* r singing ousce ri«:■ amp ■ in a night spi t dir church .scandal be'rip held under : trained co vor: deacon and piaster reported to have misplaced several thousand ->1 d Harr . both ride WM» Cadil lac;'. Naomi Hunter, white wife of singer Rudy Hunt: r. found guilt - -. • f pas:-i-.-Mun of mn.-itiana. given fti) days; she’s a right club photograph er. Eric Johnson reelected head of M lion Picture Producer.- - associa tion . Juano Hernando and MflM company of ' St:am is a: the I: herd for Oxford, Mir sot o! iv-nrl* mi vie. I.mi 1 KNOWN FACTS Alton WIT .I. KNOWN PERSONS During the filming of "Cabin in the Sky ’ Lena Horne fell and chipped ari ankle ir ne in the se quence with Roches. - ., r. The ankle broke when Rochester threw her over his shoaldler. He enriied her in his arm; to ‘hi* sound since hos pital. Joel Fluellyn once suffered a broken leg during the filming ol a movie. In “While Thouasntls Cheer’* Fluellyn in a fight scene v/a:- sup- ■ i’ll '• and Don’ U’< n y t'.< "t M.ik ' I ". I.aiiiv •/! ihf viv - ;|. :' ion ; (r ii ■ i :ii A:l : 1 '1 ■ v H- m. '! : !.!'• -id.'!.: .!• b ■ i- • - .-onal a' B«*rU> Attains. Alvin. lii«*i'o vis: .-. :v. .1., in liic field • f inn 4 .ic triai i ;»Ri • 1 a Io?.-: on jnst hov.* to wrap ttiis up :o nrdfr thai : : a ill mak 'AH l'o v. it !!.. i vlmr’ in Oak i nd t''.! 1.f., i ho.; i a d ni.mfi . . tr. a Min; skin ..innM .is ;u'! 1 O' ./v Codes tan. ;.: hi. P o F"t'p,!vp fn so, aiiiii.y ms • ... Aiv n ' -o; os India 4 . Jo- <-ph r. •- !i> s' tMidd ;• oil icvei fniMd ion heard him iv. "tin.-if" i." a I'.-.t! . Mi,i’ i lia, lad w, ’ nri a' .;• .'ijco. V ■'■'.) 1 leil’,'l O ;,t ;. ■ : In' o yea :i! t.i i y<;i i N-te (Moth i F.-quio'i ii. r.rr.i', 1, ,da !'•!'•• ...-id ■ i it a n- Ms nc t! . . ~ ft ally ;.i t!,<- i■ vo: n.di ■ ’ y i i: ms ■; ia.’llri l.ofi fitin liaJH'tP • '.‘‘l'O Ila-; ■ i■' V T pOUHI!i - Nt. o i -tei I *l ,a. i I .il 111!.!. KAtiN si . Mi AN \: js 11 100. a : ;»*.:>• '• -T: ■ a :. 4 I IT//,' ]' \ ■ a Hu.:: <' . ot Okma •a" si . a 011 , v. ). in .nt ijU't. t: * , ~ a:; ■ a. . t (i.,. \ :\t). .\GF o; . W an d !> : ) titty T v!..i d 1..-U! w.: t- da BM L CHASE v . .. . ' i;HI MAJOiI ~ii SiV-iJlon Hrooki.. Hi to, (. • :'ii ‘ (Cuißti €ar t e: . Cl;i xv ac:o M:!so. I : r'iCir,' Cr m, and Kail i)- : rw v -t,. 3 i. ,j. has his; a pay-as-you-go dud* : err dud.-.. 1 : !!c Toni liar: it. who attends i Fro h..• junior high schol. loves in i r i p and ; lay. She jik*• -. i'uun::.ii a p pet it i- pei iully for JiSfn and • .-.'.1- v- iitc Has t ut clucken < r tin i key. She r ; nut a show ’if ;itni,i!.t; pl- t ' alt- M■■■’ I'l.ii.d, wife of c-'-rrie • i.’i'i M.onion. is pretty rnough to . !be in movies, but has no df-s re for • h; 'iv'w'ii: k. activities and her . M.-tte Hawley, who used to cir , Cr. of tl.att . friends olfred tu w ■•l range it. i j C;,s, Derm nd. former >y;-th 1 player. fm appeared in a r imU-i .I of good rule- v*. iffi moved th.-..t< ,al i aicrup in Holly 00-od. I Frr.i : i Whitman war a mem he-, of the M..vwetl House C-.i'i.-e H -m ; radio ; how cast in New York year s iago when he was called to lloily . vvnd to play in "The Prisoner of ) Shu: k Island " Since* !h n hi It - ncvci t . New Y :>. k f A while- sik when Lena Horne - failed to attend a party in honor 1 as Dorothy D-'tifgan Lv a group of ' ; the pianist'.s caucasion friends. ; Dorothy told them lhat 1 er>a was iin ; e.-ing high-hat. At a later par ty. Lena apologized for missing the • Erst ine ..nd sang to Dorothy's i I accompaniment. This w.i: the first 1 ;time they ever met - i A blue-eyeu blond Caucasian a ’ Jaf auesc end a Chinese j’iri hove .been i nt red into the b> aly contt.-s j; porisi-red by the California Wcek - ily Informer Ttiese booartic's wire* i JT't in thy itriP) racial contest by i the Co-ran dance school. It Pays To Advertise!!: MATTHEWS T 8 SE OH SHAW y,'S ANNUALCONGERT Sha .ir. - mmr.ji fuc . pity . advert, an cnterlainment ar ■ -i.:.. ■.t and prevented by the staff 1 - if tho Hal vo''n- year w.ll fca ! tir. • Kdvvs.d Mat'hews, biiritune I’hi v.a • i i to be ;;l a: on tod Ft 1- l: v ni,,.;* April i. a! H;l'i o clock in ; 11v.,Uu:«4 Hit- (ueuh.v er.inrniuee ■ dtru'tvi a i." >i a! in ll t v ;vn - •a,: V :M M. : .V .a .ail F. I).v. 'Oil ;:a* . .'d! on ticket rates n .i v; C.i.'t F. DfVvm: FsaM ; v i p.f.n :u ■ :i " 1 mil. d to a load ■ o;' abou. 3PO j. dr. . - fur whom s<. .r --: A id !.,(■ ' rvr-(| until 8 o eloi k. ViiiUlKrv... v an,., talent and vocal oviit % : a iv c*»,.niz. U l y li" !; i'd i, is con 4 ldemi one • f tin' i tr..- : vbi 4 at;:,, arta-t ; ,n Aim'daa • • .;!:>y F< i - oven years be v. a.-; .. a alii id mem!:: r of Mi'joi I’.ntW i-O' d V id, 4 aii.t tin I■ o> <•.-- ■ on : , nr-;-; : n Gc: :-.:i win'd 4 i’o: > : ~nd Ce. / .>;)»’! a. often appeal iru; i!. Hid roll ia I'od.v H? ii,)' Made . Mexico Conti nt aiui Suud; Arn»T- Tbe i:d ;. v.'iiu w,. - born in < V etnriiii:;. N'. Y . ir a eradiiafe of Feb. ■ L’oivel'Mlv and a I'.ihifii immUr ■ ■ ’ 4 . , ~. Ft.-I: .!; Siii.o'i M. IJt'.i.ul v.’a v iue >l.i ae. sal airt.'i lured turn .vay, tie was Di j " ett-.r of niii.sic IP ylv !be N.-w • both IM .-! i. via I. . i ell/Ov. iMaUlii . v owev-i vi “a !...• I'ii-h. ri) : in : r I- r o. ■. u. 1 : l ■ a umbi r- N. I HIGH SCHOOL STOOEriTS HEAR OPERATIC TENOB N i ■'.W Y (>]{K 1 A. N i ’ - L;jurf*;.• 1 vV.'M Cii.. I lY v! x '-curs IfT'rT *lo :! . v-.uia the Doti’f'i* Civic; t.m-r.i, slave a com-ait dm-i y the vi'i uoon : i • >!)■ -Ml 1: t- : i bi-iiu) ! 1 •: 1f : ■ h HC.'b '• is 5 it 4 '; t fOC.O':* i ■ 11 ■'' ‘U : t i?u hldbfi Work.-; JM _ • •:Th.!S. Hlfpedvi. Duiout (‘ A ieduc- of Caphijl onivS-rsity. i’-Y. h.uii. 01:u» W.■!■ • 1 n hi: m; t ■■ .: ;m tairly agl IL ; ic.v) < :! Uuc:4ion w.'t:: v : hiirp*'»n.£?cl j utid’-r pi ? luio;;; jn Coluiubu;;, ; :fb"vV Tipi: and Detrot H*• •«'» i <‘<\ >r' cojicerls and • .: . « ~. Aj . ~•. j . .• r» ,j* M ~ t’j , 1 .••• i t't • n iko kuHo l: !;-nd i iidilii mv. in 1U44- and : cared . 'Otoist with the Detroit 4 i f M7 He *v. ■ tS mijc.} n ’Li 1 liveivi on tii-.* National A ; • :.< ■ i • arc! mombo . !11 < a mo;.I i i (or :)u> iivn cm; . < : Gcoryc H* ex os foi.i:iu\( j: rn m S£i IM, SNOT B\ i NMT I) UiTISTS HOM.YWOOb A NP) A new I . ill 1 * ■•rod op Ft). a: li •,. >• jiah.".' ’ ■ f Noyrnes ttjrme .s slated to be j :• V .e-l t;v United A: lists, it wa. • vi! 1(j here last week. The | \ . . nr. or.tie to the middle o- 1 •i'l-day |.i'o(litction ssehedulr*. is! rppp.d’ "TTon-.o of the Hi ave ' | r-ivi. a three-year-..1d play oi the j me n. r.a' to. Arthur Florets | II ' he 112 fihned bv lite Screen I lay", inc. 11 1 .lively- yenmv coin 1 !*: vy, which ) urel'i 4 e,l screen | ■M- •.. •}: -.1 ■ sAii.OOO T 1 ;. i : rii'i ts d> • . : st of lhr Netti’e s-:.iv!iCi so ur other pi'jt.vt along the an ;»n iu :i<.. hip? v > tj. in handled Me the major .-in.i.o Karly la. 1 { year, production was started ..k "No Ww . 'at' "Pr ky" deal- with the prob j lems ( f an almost--white '.V|M . n .rsa; ;! in ril.iv the p. rt r,f j u ar.drrrolher in "Pinky.' Wiliam Faulkner';- ''lntruder in 'jibe Dust-' . tale of an attempted | lynching of a Negro in the soiith, ! was purchased last summer by j MOM The screen adaptation goes j hd 1 production on location in Mbs. ii • iprvi with Jtiane Hernand.z a | Puerto Rican, s.igie-d to play the •; part of the near lynching victim. I I Os the 2.263,654 veterans on l!’.? jVA disability ciwnp- riv'.tian and ; [ o-uh ;; 1 oils i.n January 1, I'M'/, as fetal of 1.656,383 served in World ! '! War li, Ttirc OAUOMNIAN' , To Be or Not to Bop , NEW MUSIC TREND IS ' PUZZLE FOR WILCOX ' Tommy Dor,' v's .. .fm levmii ! bited blast. ;-,t B"-Bo.o. the niu-dc 1 ; that rlefiv ; dvfi vj t tr, on 1 ; 4 . ill ; it’s hli'.:; prii's.l, 1.1 i.Cdlh'-sp e. | nd H:u : ti ! v;;; wii - (• vv i ill ' M‘o be-l.ojh ■ ton; 4 !a J ot f c 44 r I highly 1 harped'tn ai>- n>.' ■ . I An l I you onev ti'vvybt ijnppi'iv: : i vVUv, a ;■ übjr-ct i.U. v to t l ;■ ■ 1 : ; :../ jv/v 1 .- i.o, v. no ! ;"' 1 V , M , . j : cos. no bopj) ; '.irn 4 ' 11, yvii-.'ii in j | Savoy IS-MI run'v. N■v.'.on . ;. <■ | 1 Hie N Y. Daly N. w.- "f r* men - I ucs win n the- la’.- .1 • : :. ■ - | lord ami mv; it had ~f ... il> < 1 ■„ c . ■• . . ; ! t*iay u iii.ijor nnrt in , 1 ; “ 4, r io.ti ;a mc* oi t v «t : ■u. r?« \ : .•tv • HoUno TV R*• f. { t u ;? i : OV*"i' 1 (il) WCi , t j til ■ T\.(-y •ui iLi- , i e . , • ; : i ii VV ii j hie ' •!'! , »: ’ V’jlUi'iim* 11'u* uli-Yme : bltl't's vv ;: s< ;? is'.t<3' l u* **i ; ,'i: ; !A . %,'i IV. s*4t’ J ‘ . ! ‘ U-nti ti; • 1 '! ■ ■ i 1;.• ; . . ! it-i elude iv-■ • iv iii. } :-t r> •• i vVlHrh m.i V lit : j-» C ./. - : >: ! lion ‘Tm &>: -B* :> • ■ Nni. To Ho i JOHNSON IHI Oi;;! 4 \ BK-BOP M MBKR j spec ial the: -,va • pem- d by ,1 t . : Will; , Me] -on ■.«. id; Pulli a, e! " j ’> ! 'Mu; in 'A i'h a “imp' w,i ~1 .'■Fonts. | K- cod i/'i such svv. et ballads | l World' f Whmr On la v. I! i 4 ! “S. r\ • Me !< .. i -vd : 4 ;* u ! ioi kbii 4 bn- 44 jive i*pi< : Ihi I>; . .nd ! D- n’.< ' v e Ki: ,ws." Buddy's p,after of 'Fail j'.HK " marks hi- initial excur ion ; in;.. 4 , till' realm ~l "Bop. -. b. ; . a ; hiat,s ftist -i.e.p" i> definite!-.- ... | ’o stay On th,- flspover. Hu!;, j pse..e>'ds the nimun'ic v ibe uj i, j ui.-s Arthur P. vso< s its a i., a d j new ballad hit fi-.m :i' • [!; ic pen. tiled "S«.tr>e--i'., F.u S's.eel. iA; You " ] Chick.- enutimu so h- halched at j • rcci.i 1 1 sal; Til. KO H nii*l-• | J i reed in January ♦•xeencJi d baa... j n;;- in ,I;.unary., l'S 'dt, nv ,34 I . ! -•(-ht. i j ’lake It Easy, Friend. Don t Drop 'four Asnes'On Others j KINC CCLETRT’S NSW * FOIKSSE b..; ; is-. 1 lie; e i■ ; i nti |4 . Tiie i ',,iit.o 1 I:v;.V 'ls. disc a; tis;s addi '.t ; ;;.i Kavuvn'.; fovv -u u'.Mb" star, . v. mm vi ’ :v- Hi:, - | m origim by P:* ,on 4 r! that j da 4 . ;i(. s : a ii-;i C'i'.aiai '.-.a-; a h -M 4 " 4 - i-o-va. UI-. t !ri aivo! 4 :; aul'U: 111.- t! U) oil i mail .I'.jiit dial l 'uuUanzo ! ■ « i , , . , y , I|| iV{‘ 1• J ‘ ** ' Llll ; IA. f. \M) M. CHOIR ON 111 1 i I’Vi TO Ili i y- !};«?:• -i ■ it-f'. FVriTa • Th*' {Trow* : ;i: ; •,. ; ; ? j?< L!. ■ m j.» .-\ i;id j .I ('■- i!r.;p win i- on n rco i(-d j(i ; , ,y, ‘j J 4 » • V'v 4 } ;.! ! ‘ ': *ii . }>) Li * (h . VUU.IM)E;fv TO SO W ST. f IS Y * i 110 I S M'lf- 1 a >‘> 4 1. : .;i nil’ll 1 at thi: a la iii: -i' -rum: vd Hi \ . Vie' 4 r pl.-dd.-i ..) "D Natmai Hhms ' ■d Fide .'A Vic*• >e .f Leban-'-n 1 i hospital. , ~ ..... ■ ... ■ am • 1 »- * J 5 ;JWI M i I ■ "Up : / ■' #O. .. * ' V • 4 “U di' ,>b . W f i ORCAN >):.\>.V!'fO\ New : Vnit i.MsHtii .it. .tailing the ‘ * i iivatliu;.: 1 i" vi as! i-‘ iai S' I; lit. in,, .vlioii) .lie-, /a . lan' 4 .'!!); the 1 ate ! its 1 VValiei 4 ': ;.ticc» 44 » in \,i) tti m: e;‘ I Hul. le , Sli.rhinar t .lie, J.dni mi s font aii s hand in oi'k - 4 iiu! htimlre.U ot h v tins ire pe!ll>numl by tie IF ilcs fesfi -4 l.i.fU, ih- ii.Kivia l' ('.'i.HS e "l Over :set. , I'jlvusii trin.l tl»c William Jones And Willie B. Cox. l ake Top Honors At. N. C. Drama Festival . ':! intent of ]>' ;.:i. I !>’ < V iff;,' Shan Pl.iyO) - Hoi i. i I: ii ' i’.:'e: : idol! n: for S: i 1 ir, rv. ! The civrml jVr the best r : •• ent i.) William Jour--; of liud.’ey; •• *l ‘ " iVi'l t Jo Willie If. ( U, Book ra T. VV: ; hino:> o Hi-fi V,, ■ i-i'inl \T.■ /iae ;• oijf c.'i: ;,ons i a f ‘it-ip.iUi... iooJk. ! Joniirable : ; f 0 V., . I to (k'l-pdlliii Lyle;..; Dudley Up a Green o ?.>. i Wilmington S*. 1 j (With tV * 3. Salft.-i-Salvage Co. FOR MUSIC MACHINES PHONE 8381 WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, AIA.IICH Jy, ii) 1(1 ! t!«; -h • in jit// ,uxl l)-‘ bu|), “ I»•.ilinur's i i vrpi st'itM , I,uih(i lor, ti j f his four u rrks ( v\?.< a 1 trrv tij < ii lu re Lo ! \ <•;«>■ ;uul v »ot» a tn u J ■ no that caHCil i'«>r o-Hmsun ap l - aviii« Uict-' as loto, a>; io* w :iui < d il .i < (Mti)iD ii pha ' aiouoH Nf \V Voik OV that “III* Dip to n ' hii» ■■•(i t t:nn t i\* tr u ilhoot. he.»riit): Johiison ,*t th«* oii- ut/' , I i ■ On- Uiiiiu. -‘The C inivm.irnf'iD n . \ flic T ,n; • . of God." Mi . Aiiin j t ;i\ Tui-'ic. Dircclxc : ]l l i ’'. c i»* Huh,’ ;iiid iViS ". Mere.]!■! S. Bullock. Du I!' ■ • -I" ta Him;.' :\i P- I ; ,i • .‘-if, '’t'l:, Vl< iher \V .. V. i ;i! , C i:i need on ;‘aye revon i —NOW PLAYING! Guaranteed Entertainment! JEANNE CRAIN LINDA DARNELL ANN SOTHERN —IN— “A Letter to Three Wives"’ | 1 ATF. SHOW SATURDAY N I Gll T ! John Wayne i —lN— “Wake of the I Red Witch” STARTS SUNDAY! DAN DAILEY CELESTE HOLM 1 —IN “Chicken Every a 1.1 ci "Be-.vilderccl" clicked .:i i iif nnisu- buyii'y j/ubi i< . Red .tilln is finding 'in- recepton ac* •ortlcd him belter tiuoi ,'Xpeeted. VVi'h 111: trio. Miller i '• mli'i. wiP, ;tr S,, vi, .■ Sultans . :.d ; i■ i;.e i v. dh linn on l.e bimd: lurid When hi- disc (! i m'd a few 1 -miths ago :I eatapolti-d Miller t.t . 1 lit- <;:imill IV' .fi.-i ■ b. j.i.n •oiitactiil!' . fin t i .::i their ■ '.os nd aft''; co;:)f i': mWitil his booking nroot. H:d[.ih t.'ooper, Miller ret out *.,n .. tour with his and. t'eioing ■! a time when other .re r ■.. leni-in-!' p ior l.)ox- ’ ■ J-. a. tin Mil ler' pie.vf to draw toil houses whrie other fat! to thaw 200 peo : )l e he! imich eom ■ I 1 .. I'ot.elude th "V i i"'-riirhi. . a. live week- and ji!a; thea'.i'i" and night rlub.v HA Ml KOI TIIS SOXNV I'ilOM l‘SO\ Oil'll !'•: Bowling, (Bren, K> h 'll ( Ink vill* 1 Teiiil. Al oa h ’.I. I iliti Kneli. ,\i S, JO! MOKKIS March !> lolloru 'l. tili r:. U I'.ilnt Teaih. ! ia, March 18, st Bet < i dem ; . 11a, 'kuHi Id. 1 anrpa, ! !:t Mandi ! ! lionia• i, die (la '•lari (ii I 'Culn, 1 la •M.iiih day Inna Beach. I la. I'd i II MAY, ■ 1 fill !i. •S, ( olomine . () Ml Minis SUM 'latch IS Dayton, Ohio f Ki n mi l 11; (Kin ... j tv 0 4 SI'I MINS '•Sal'll G louichurr, N, (\ 'l'ii'ch v Kii-limund. Va '■'.!'![ t * Buckler, vv Va. Kl U! ST. MM.OMKS ntlk VII VIiTIIS Sl.lM 4 1 ■" v■; i; When Atem '■ ' : r:i ■ : ;. d t: • I’alaee Then- V;, . ||) of 1 • . . ■ ■ o.i played the Cl. ... : r : or ie. V, i e lip .ToH,r p. lord hoy who h'-vr ,r. r; ■ t r Ire fir i ; one rii'- he leP a ML.N r 4 ODDITY REEL NT TVs Ol THE WOK I II WEDNESDAY ,v THURSDAY. MARCH '*3-24 Belly <• table, fear Romero IN Thus Ltclv In Ermine ■Aports Reel News Events FRIDAY ANI) SATURDAY, MARCH 25-26 DOUBLE FEATURE.:!! ALLAN "ROCKY”' LANE IN HOMESTEADERS OF PARADISE VALLEY AND JOHHNY YYKtSSMULLER BRENDA JOYCE IN l'arzan & Du* Amazons' [ ALSO CHARTER 4 ■ THE CRIMSON GHOST I