WEEK BINDING SATURDAY, 'ftTATH'Tf 26, l1 irl os n Kiohioml Mi.; Eirun:., Snaf;> . the ••.::<• • ■ tilt fb*\ VVilliiiiSi Si-.iig!.* •• l: takui ; kiiHlnc: in thi . bej <\ivcnieiit. Mrs Lain . Benders n, Mi . Mar tha IliM and .'.l < 1.!,.: ■:•. Bon •: well -..pent in- fi t.y in Kinston Sun-1 day Mill i:< 2P. .'"e? 111 ■.. tie i;t:: . n-i ly n-.oetmy M tin Auiiui.li i Church o' which Mr-, io.uia ileiuf »rson is a lnemboi airs. I. . I.': ", bum, . i h i or ,0 : hi.nip for . -iioit vi.-i; v\ ,iii hl'i mother, af'.ci which Ik .;i n - turn to hei homt in S nth U< nd. ' Indiana Mrs. Bail phillip and children "f VVash.ng! ”... D C an now at a.t,:o to be wHi their molhc• and o.nr mother do:an. iier illness. Mr. and VI..- Hay Hk kifa n v, :a • called m.nu- 'luliitnly uo ■ la :. illness of id:; mother. Next Sunday March 27. is quar terly mee tinr, at Dovu First Bad tas! The Rev H. J. Johnston, jus tor. i.?k ; all to plea e t ?me on* and help make Tins a grea! day. Mrs Dor, Havrkin: ot noliLbui ■ is ret urn ii; to h< i home after •.;“■■ lug With her nu-ther. Air: . Julia it> rk 1... i. a. is u:iy ii! a! Gen- . tral Mhi: a a! It, ■; itni. Mrs. L .ih Bivaiit ; Kiaslon is’ spending some time in Dover io t e at ; u t edside ■ f her moihe JOIN THE EASTER PARADE at ('he LADIES SHOP Smart New Sprint? Styles COATS, SUITS AND ACCESSORIES Queer. Si Kinsicm HEILIG-LEVINE OF KINSTON, INC furniture House Furnishings CASH or CREDIT 118 126 W. Worth St Phone 2344 CHASE ™ W atches $19,95 up DIAL 3896 HORN E ’ S Jewelers 130 W Worth Si Kinston ...j - HAVE YOU j VISITED THE TODDLER SHOP? It’s Located at 110 E. Gordon St. Kinston, N. C. We have everything for the baby AND CHILDREN UP TO Size 12 ATTENTION... KINSTON READERS Thomas Bailey is the man to see for gelling news in lhe CAROLINIAN. Mr. Bailey is a newspaper man as you know He will be glad, to put picture* of all kinds in for you. So when you see him just ihnk about the mews you want jn the paper. It’* so easy new. You may leave news at the following addresses: Sutton Bros, News Stand. Veterans News—-Dial 3998. Remember, deadline for news Is Thursday oi each week— get your news in at once. Mr. Bailey lives on E. North St. in Kinston or yop spay jxmMct William R. Burney. PERSONALS The ThTd Summy v. . a -eg. jul r ea l* • (iv at 'it. ii ■ CUi)i'cl) of f ’h.' j- '. Thu ncu ni ag i t )-'!r«. • v. C: c» ci'.i ..a.i. ’.'d r' •i- • T'!:< R•" ! > jC. Artr '.d Wilsi-n Mie-ic was suy 'i tied :’v the choir. • C-i.i; qn'".ikm‘ i-c (lit nicra ung I'm: ivc .1. I Ami.-. I.■ ■a : ■cr of ■uc t.cv-b.r t'c pr . i.'h'-d a 1 void rr in." rmon S:!i!r. ;< tnk n U ft: 1. " Wirdi m i i,:.11i i : ! 1’ and ■, .s iif a. c,: ■at v< n piilarj. Sc ,jf . ! - "The in • •> Wadi .’a Belt 'f!r ; | Ftv■■ M Artis was at hi ■ best. ( A eh a; art: »• v . ia Id at St i 1.1« r; Oaureh of Cb !.•'!. ,S<'!•('••• \!- ; :it irig chairs jo,nod the host ( ••.uk ; Mil Ift'-ir Uf.lov. and raised cighU j : dollars A candle light service sponsor', d j iby Mrs Sall.e Johnston will : ii.Td ini" Missi -nary Be. ■ ; : -' iCnurrh S llll day 11 i •/ hi, Mn cli 27 } The public a cordially invited. I Mis- Be. -(> '.vi. Cos, pr'.mapal fi Dover Sea- o). was the house pp,;l\,t ; ••'■!' Aii and Mrs. Jan ms Btirli !-'■ day night. w riooi noi.Ds yi tIITEKIV Mi l ! Quin tt”. Jy meet in" bertai'i on F i day riigai at .Artiaaat f'o B:(p- Us' ChiitcU. Sunday was a -aa i.c-s- vrith a iniC attvndnnce. The ;■ 1 K c bury is toe- ?. -t! :. ‘speakers wo a- ow- Bov. f„ F : Ravbiiry at 1 COO A A. Ho no. I JVC was she Search for Man. A: ’ c M. f!>e Hi-, McKvnlj Ha ftio:. oubjec: "Forgive theiTi f-o (bey know cot what they do." ,i : :\Ja Histoo Rev Mai) Grc<-»'a • ...'ok;: . ■■ Md . subject, ‘ ■' l :* ! !:■■ ' :' die i o; o : : - ia at d iO ■■ : ViCCS till eughout t; inarii rl> <- ■'■,eworr -.aco:: ia: • v. sc.o !t , t-njoyed them with the ' .vrathe: no.e. Many peo; as; K i (li-lon : io >. IS: a-0 WC 0i p! , e; It T:.e Re\ L !■: Ra.-tUi-y p. - Ur ami a, i v. C.'adj !.-: the i retary, Urs. Ih*rrirk On lour for \\omens (»roijp WashingtCn, D. C - Mi . P.-a * l J o E. I; ■ me k , t'ic 1:i rep;• uv.en u-,. Lv> tot the National Council of Nvgi'u Wnvu .is u. urin-g ' a sUiti., ,o Virginia, North !;na. Sciii-n (.'in auna r.:i-J Ti-nn. '-■■■ m :Uo if.c-ja-: of Noti: ': 1 . : 1 :a s ! . i•. W nv..-ri M • ! Derrick will siimulat-.;- the }ot.;i! x'.i t: i aaoilan Councils and will 1 nrgnrvr t ru . ,n cit i«v where ■Uo Ce-ursciJs t-xw.t ftps, Maoei 1 Hsw,: Atlanta. '/< .nin;;s of June U-ID. Vila, JoKcpiiitu: Curtis, who iiai jdi ecled :‘or the Burieij.;? coir • Vans a si ring c.!' annual operatiu i ,-w a;ai'a? been rehear,:;ag irer ! • ~i last OetobeV. Reir.forc ;it ih< 'local er.kt wuii be /lancers a ;i: ; - and rial; v; I hi it ran-, in N w Yu!•>■-' '■ ity. .Torr H.-a i.esv (..UrUuiay. nuted j:: I’dri. v.nl t. auk-*'(" u'inj; and . eeinur '■Otmng.i' - i? native voedoo |t- ■ on: i ti:e la 'Mi' i■ f Uic an r.i 1 deal., .vitii -.a lyin'lu-t betv/eea : ;k -p; j; ~f I-J! • VGOIiOO "'rid the : r-lt '? tl'i: ii- ' (."■!!.! 1 - ‘ : : k-d Hir a!,:;,:! ■DA SOU, SEK\ H E (IDS 1.20(1 NEI.RO ! IRMERS IN Mil Hi Twelv;' inou.-.and coi-nrcrl iarm fru ui the rouiu a:-;te:n region ,u 1 w—avuig teuhii iI cro-Hfon «•' i I trol aid fr.:in the if (.'oii-.'S <">ii m .; 'f 11 s 1 oaf-;, ii ports the So:!. Cons.: - -.atari SljVn'O u_f im U. S, !)u ;ii.in riant of Agriduifure. H-u-.v this (a n- Ua ai aid wiel] frig t'n. sia farmer? to earn a | U.u'tU • livin:g js described by C.ii jL. Roark in a recent n port re Cf u at from 'Ua SCS :- a sa; a-: : fie- at Spartan bury, S. C. H aa: k p: ;nu. oiif. for oxampie, f'ba 11 rSaU'-aJ kalliCrS, Vvh: I Li Vi an uUark enmity new Rock Hill, . S' C,. nave nun;;, dnubhd thcii : cot 1 -an yield, an cl their in-cofne b.y ; ■v v of tin-;c roiling puniunnl ; :a- 1 He WaU 1 WwUng the? ( Ott-01l | i!(■ t?, rays Roark. .Ancl thev had j , leu rj);, pincl'i of i.iiwcr ye his and | the if r-oii conservation dii-irici su : ■- :1 eo.inly eeirnt, 15. T. Mil- j ; fur, n ipia'i -then'; tw m ganiz;* arid! : nun 1? cense: vati'.M fanning. 1 G....-WWW, te .aa. tie.: fa : p .!' tin- :S Cure nwlnm S a fui. On,- of t\::e fi? amnars, .hi 'i (J |'*T\ i''>; Vi ■ 1 ! 1 ' t }■»■ i/*f . , { r» l 18ft acres -.1 eoliing w-.ea-lwr:. es ■ in d -strip c.:-p w ; ■47 . .wa.te i Hrea wwvs iron. ■ Imp hii i lic.vn- tiii! t i contours-1 ari.imd H, iwil? and . 'opr? Tie ?t Quinn & Miller COMPANY Furniture of Quality KINSTON N C. H H. SERVICE STATION Under New Management GAS OIL-LUBRICATION Washing Is Our Specialty Prompt. Courteous Service Patterson & King, Props -423 S. Queen St. r ' I HisiW; fr | i> ■ \Tf fi;n - msi r w ;t LAY -UtU O) \ ( .VI 11 Sj’ 1 I'd,'!’ \!ri< ,u: • , ;aii-iI ■ x. ;lr.l - ;.(i, ;i r.'i'cn: vi'-it at Turkw.u lir.titiitc [ii'Mil vri It na.yvc ■! < . dent;, «n the rumpus. J urav • li ft tu i-iKiii; Henry L. Jiupisiy . I'crtufi'tirv W i Urn:; < liri tiana t'.uiiker, rrcotown, s»iri i a URBAN LEAGUE WINS MAGAZINE’S SALUTE j •- .> V. i: ANI ■ * ( 1 ’ T; April insuu carries ; ! Ut*xhi i-ciigue in a n iiy&A : : i.-.i'liule, * ia** cvic vVlr "i 1 ' • N : uUC;T;aura ticn ;( y I ;n ..; 1 Q t. 1 . ;>■' X ;: ■ q l ?!\, ''. : I V:orV. G! la lf nmG lAWUvv/.r l C ' 11,15'. ,vr thi o:cc . : . ucw j L io- IV I - > j v ,'•••. i I -n<:rc:ss us the \h s. h wsi'.-'m? a ' (came law. Major Gene?-a 1 Frede • Social se<*urit\ Notes Tit tiw i;i:t that n ;it*j ■: tv. | receive fivjn t!u Soria) S run:,. h ; Adrnini;ara,Uivri ,4 r<■!erm-nt, d* I !>end.; ■.-n. yiu.- amount be h:u earn j led in covered cTßpo.oynti&nt.. Tie r T |loro. h : . oho-uid o'urn; he avc-vm’ ;• . r.un.U r card to every ornulot 4. v nooo.- Cii'iiajj that v- 00 1 ■. .!.il tc r :i |! (.••inpioyr.o.m. Pi 01 0 cmpl*. ■ ‘ ;0 .-■ .•! | "! dZ, i v.o *:' / i j !,= i - >u!fi fi t c-nh f mptoo . . 10:..! J : :v oS V ~ - 0 i lac I ■ O !' hi 'OO , i UOi ' | jAd mart• -n, F ' Oil.-.-, t ; | apply for aJv o, , t ;,o (not an c•1- ;i j ,;:nai) at ho oo mvM Serna! S- J ; cu- ity Achninisi ration Fit-Id 1 >! ; iioe. The same- account nuratior j I is ffc.'O-d for a life -lion 0 : i In. -order i-boi < mp-loyccs will receive- credit foo all woooo t out*.- | J ,-rttjph vers should make ?ure ; .It fid. tho name:, account number j , onri ar.ro ant of wages paid <0 ov i cry crnroloy-e are &V.«m t.n Tboir j j (fuarxt-rly Social Security Tax Re. j turn. i " THE CAE OT, I NT AN I- • im: 1 : fir. Ruth slu.iii. chief. As ■ ■ sdivi' ii i: r S til'; .i r tniCni i i -l.iU'. Ua:-liingtfm: iiinn.ii ft Lit i 1 ;. Nigeria. St rond r»v ■ hnr j <:. ii; "ini’- '*■ ■ > :-ftt {till . : i .111- I calitin ( idff Loud,in; !. Iv. rtl A. ; be 'll I- 1 I efl-Mi 11. den : I • "lie nd Dur-i-nx ?-- i?. 1 1 . Liberia ■ \M’’ ; 1 ;w. merit, iu: vr.xd mart ; H'i " • !'■'. I'-l: W ■: k -die ' cjt'jt- , .-j < joyC . • | i jfj' iHA’ittC'l : t iu 1 J,'-. I i,'u 2l i j%Ui- u'u.cn re- • .. , A . i ,? ;.0 •v.-,. ~yy . ] , . Y ,-f- '. . . | : . . ' Coronet Lelicv* 5 : ’ : • :i O' - ' thin ift r :h -! Ou:: .: vCun it.i :hr ; 11-ode.! mv G-mH Resident i ' . ; ■ ; . - ~ . . , , ? to onn.'; 'ivb of race ; tC'il ii-ci a TfTOi* 0 ClOCftH • • iv?--.! ;v- 'rv l‘)2no ir,,.- : piiii j a v,v;rs mxiM rORPSKFSrRVK I. M'l Pil ; LADELPHTA tANPi - Ma- ■ iii* Ci v re*: vc ■ vhjHiut-'r , iRO e i'UCCQIIy ; ■ oiiounced the for-; .: . !- V . C S MAC .i* • i.’i s'j-j -S rs j Th s onii. lirni of iu* kind in la'dlr-dnVphin.. wr! in h • ninim; of Negro marines, now i f‘ v-lieu i/i tic., alariifH- Corps Vo]-' vo ! ecr rCftAM'-ve, 100 uni* wlll he under the com - ; Dr- odu Mat no C'< au. lOsorvr who ’ i' ..'Ui'/t.‘>i the unit and planned its; 1 1 w j i»•; y. S-Qjvo (l IJ ) P N ‘Vine Corpe vr" ewe in May. ItH.c , a «> - ved oywwaA :.o. Kji.ee h - ‘■Aa'A \vi 111 Tin ;> (* ! i , 1 C iOj Q u3t 1j ■' ’on H.v i■; Iv in ■. t v d, Iv> thel h S. t• ? j cUif-nade in a Novy V-i'2 euiU-a.e ; ' 'rmuy: at. Pu: due Universit;-.. A • "!a :rc P* lUiivei-nv seacifent. prica . ! }'o eniistmcrit. H'nneh ioce iecd ! : -■ . c*co;H'i iicateutifitC coir.mission ; •ui Novemi)*. r H), 194’v L itrain h ii.. - :hf» distinction ' C be in. the j irs. X e„ rb cemrnteiari -• 5 J. .vi ti)i marine corps ; | Attention.,. ■ Greenville Readers Shat per Forbes, well known Greenville citizen and business .•ran. he*, agreed to make it easy for Greenville readers of the CAROLINIAN to get their papers and to get their news in to j the paper. | Mr For lies will sell the CAROLINIAN at Hus c lore and 1 will take any news that readers bring in- Slop past Mr. Forbes' for a coal drink and bring your news and pith up your CAROLINIAN. If you don’t happen io want i drink, bring your news and get your full sixteen pages of local, ••tale and national news, Don’s forget, brrsg your news in by Thursday oi the week before you want it published. Support the CAROLINIAN, it w:U support you. WILLIAM R. BURNEY, Greenville representative. LIBERiANS SENT MEMORIAL MR FROM ILLINOIS Soring fi? fd, 111. uAN fu A jd.ift of great s.gnifk'.anci' i. : - on j ; \;v t t' (> H -pub! is i•' Libei iu ! irom th.. ; Siu-lft of Illiiiffts. The gift | eonsisl? e' a fame us bus.: of Abrw ■bum Liiii-din., ! 'cy; eduction ? of ■ liistiuuoa; documents in the H'm. 1t i ; ;-Uu historlcnl library hfivm,-? ! in do- -.vi'd thf uarlv ;;:-;‘e:ry - f i wiberin aml a eren I eolcui ul. unn I sal. Ihe mui ai on u Jive by nan vac nerve in the rise of the Ic i r rr.n :mC'.'h f i -r i rhe !K U ■ ' a i‘r dinc-n to that ni .sell' i;o\’ j rnrnen!. It was painted by Cla . -C 1 v c i ~a ..Ku i turne'i nut Lev t c>• 11. ,'uvia '.sty c ! i liiincc-' aid se/ioc.i |in recent yeary The bast was made in •hrunze .twin tlur life j vcork of Prm-'i.dent Idncoln in 3ebb jt v t:m vafruviia Civil war sculotor, ! T < nurd Vi.-Ik [ 'lit dorimicnl: ineiude refdii 0- : .d f- flu!-.. hy Lincoin and the m»v ! :-,.ke i;i wf;:i .he le . ■11,• : !;< 1; 1 J U. S. president lu n eagnire L u?ri a si.-vorcign nation. Dm jin .*I. : ;nfl me m trie • out!!. | y :lil - 1 '" 1 ‘ '- '■'■ ■' !i hi m > uii a!, , Nw; 1 lu VfrnMiPn; ru ognized, id - Hu.Pift! the U S. was ;i pens:!?; ' ! ,■ - tale hii’.t.-n-t of Libs ria. . • was u-d imtii Liriei in tiuit thC ' .. I>ur'r\ • (" mi:,- li 1 . ..( tu i- Pi'esidoi-t Tijbman ! ■ u. Gov. Alice If St . \ en-v.i; .! I; 1 -; Ha'ft'v A. Fc .•:n cf Sue ingisud. ?*■<' mea'iied ;Ih - '.vliieh sailed 1 . e N; -.v ft en Feu. 12, Line win ... I s Guv, Steven-an in hi? C tb : ee fuv? t" an early i; nd lease phm i ... v whidi Idmuin spun wed. THi? wa- in 1.;>• >4 wi??;: tm.v new repubic o-ptaim-d :i'" : ar,, Ann : item pu 1 ":? :u ■ jeomhst the slave trc!. It wzu bu wears iatei in ift-1?. rb. Gw. C{ • ' s ; >c •- }fM V| -sQ js’ u;, ! !p; i k 1 j - *,» - unci hi-- i. cukc-c was uncthm > ■ Cease .preyrarn. He heurk l ; i\ me c ,'. n r? oeya t ion 'w hi c ’ 1 vis if 11 P: evident Tubi-we: .1 • : 1 imtndad Hie $12,500? hi! ; n : ~na!d? Li t Ol (If iTo Restore bo Imi sal Leaders I* hruei! b> Dutch L. ; : ; P . _ ■'-, V : ,'\ ‘\ ■' ; - Dufeb LN V ?Uitiv> J. 11. u: eyrUy ecuncil's ei'dek so restart; i . Jr.don.xian republican leader? to; p. .V. r. Hi: Id !:se FN fv dv d:Ut hi? coanUy wanml to make aid In u. ru via independent, but d’fd not want ' .independence to mean the upset unci trouble thin .it ha?, r! La Bu;n-mC • Vt’. believe tliar if the rop.. l' i l (::' MS WCn t. b a Ck, HIC •%’ \v.; U'■ d l) \; diulo'y avail them-eives of she ppcciu-nilv to start LKJibvcrsivc warfare/" activity and intensify the guerilla Burma ha? been piu?ped by .d Hicuf constant civil war sineo >?uit in? Bniif.h eommonweu u.h ■vi year M v a n w h i 1. e . in Pai anfiariLc. Date Guiana, it was dLeba .1 that an im.-rinr Kottlement giving .'CG ruie to the West Indie? to. rifsrv iiud'hiun dvawn .;o l;v t'a C’uL?) govornm ant and Wen In Sian ii i: ; - ntalives in the Hague. The hi aft. giving Guiana miton. ’ une e! feetive utc l approe.:d by th Dutch parliament. Th?* plan prjts power in the imnds of a wen i ? pi'esenlativ*' arid :< r-abine; res|x>nf.ii'ih* to the j girlative co-imeil, and would ; <■ i-'.'-h th,* Dutch right to make laws Cm* the West Indie?. It vrnu not cii?e'-:?,d whether the self : ul" 1 would ? ;■ vested in the hands ot native W?w Indap?; or while a will "ds in thir tm'itnry. Sheep number, ir, the Untied j State? levy declined to the Imv. •( > level on -. coord Du rim.: \V rid Wai ii. ; armors re-J dneed ti;fw; I<-lal incli'tjt.cliii ? ?> 1 ;’0 per eon' SECOND SECTION PHILADELPHIA FEPC SETTLES 96 CASES IN FIRST NINE MONTHS Phlndelhia ( ANP) Os (he 147 ; i-harg s Treeiv ;cl by th,-. Fhilade 1 I'hi ! Fair Employ rut nt IbacUe. ;ec mnussioi. in il?yi:s‘ ft mentlr-: : ; "i .11 >erati.-n, ft(> lieve been settled find ..l aw. now under invest!'.;-), tk n, it was r vc-ale?] j i V i-i-k , > i-U U ! ..Ti* :-, \] ft, : .''.and Samuel an? mi.ynbtrs of ih? ? -Guv Gcnnes by , ei'nneU.jp eiKiii man, .Judy.? Geraici }- Fhwoi, ’! u,• rcport wi u:> n dn> in•• F--ir Fmplr.ymer.t W- k on Em"arm; i vi ssary ?f fnc n ■■ :y& of (hy .Fan : i'.mplssynn-n; Pry?Ur • u'dinamw. ; ov«. •? the mdi\ um ? ut *lm eons.. ; . ssi-vs.n from the tin? of j;. an : US Mil.-nt an ft?,a? HI4K ' dm ii ?i am ; , C A standicl'l riunmam atl'iehed >\P.y reti 1 (■?!.' Til"laid' 'by en ..X ia nr?' ned; m eyfte rm , videnc' i dir; : imination a?-*?. found. W oman Reaches i 00th Birthday Ci luir.u.i . 1 > \NI '.i ft,!: .Ann.-i MySii"? i • : iu, 1 ; CUlUbiTitC-.i Ot' : ' fi' * ft; .i, >Y C: ‘ F,("?.,;;e. ;1 1 .» • . .Don •.»: '■ : any of her daughter. Mr?. Ga ? 1 i \ -: rpooi. M? : Mi Siiirn ,n '?!':? I? quite y-' th" ar.: ther ol four ri'iikh'en, Gr.ie? !..iv?'ap? >l, Ma-.. Jo'rm 'n an.u ft ..-'as; Aa?Fm e on. D?. J- im \E?>.si, (-yi’nes ia:? .:iy with a lony life EtnC. re ... . rai.yaa: . !a. J ; e ft 4; t i UtllC ■' j v n )pu\ s*) }>” j'" '} "t' ‘, jr. .»•' Ons ot the most (-ulrtandim* acts ■■ ? M McStn ?. - (■end L;? list i? -? a «7 year?.. .VI ay, -he sat on La- ~ ,inim ,? ft In?a in?; a she : t ac-siy of gr; G iHas t? i-?n?ay: ! Grrn?:: nti?-q c,n Mrs. McSimp- S onk: |.>?; ■r- iiicrriher-hir> -n th : erharch, the FU-\\ Q p. jft nkm., pas' :r ci the 113 year old chun by ■’at'a ".Sup douMft'?: ha.- the ; !<.n?v?i rt'C-sr.j of continuo-us DIANA SHOP Combines Style ami j Quality with Economy 1 Queer S Kinston I McCORMICK MUSIC STORE • j 21-i East Fifth St.. Greenville j Records. Sheet Music and Mu-ucai Acc.sscrici, | Tel 3114 I FORBES’ GROCERY Candy Cigars, Cigarettes j Canned Goods. Frozen Drinks f Fresh Sandwiches Daily 1026 Flemmings Si. Mr. Sharper Forbes, Prop, ; BERRY BOSTIC A SON Home Furnishings and Appliances 207 E. Sth Si- Greenville (Next'Door to White Cftev Co.) — i-iii-fimr-rt niiiniimriinmja,T"rr-VTinir nai.iiixn.in.Tr wrr DIANA SHOP Greenville's Shopping Center for fhc Ladies 313 Evans St, Greenville - VETERANS NEWSSTAND IS TOPS WITH NEWSPAPERS - MAGAZINES Life: Weekly, Journal and Guido, Afro, Carolinian Pittsburgh Courier and Comic Books /> COMPLETE SHOE SHINE SERVICE Dial 3998 George Suggs. Mgr. William Burney, Prop. 231 S- Queen Ss. Free Delivery Service gmm mm—wiht’i 1 1 —iri’s muii my mwih ■ miiw ■■iniiinn-■■rmrimTw^rPMVi-"ffK l '»- M —nneunm Mini mi iiiiiiiiwii ii i ■hihih—hiiihu.. NORCOTT FUNERAL HOME 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone—Day or Night 4331 Prepare For Tomorrow Join The Norcott Burial Ass’n, Inc. Ay den. N C, j G Norcott, J j ’., Mgr.; J. L, Albritton. Asst. 711 S, Lee St; i PAGE FIVE i Kinston Business Men '\nm-d>id belli in# the le mri i, id.,ii ■ll a ! fas a Law. V'-oi Lqh; p., Employment on Ml : il ■ ops die o U'l id- d, . olilpon, r nation;!! origin is protested/’ .n is fain round ’ Mis, "via .a Sd.vis anc:d." member of d - .. Vi:: b, wi.il . > : d; ali‘ apr 103 .sd , Id- yp: j”, She bmur.ged ■-•i'.d P t id. 1, HOME FURNITURE STORE COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS Cash or Terms Greenville, N C PARKER CLEANERS 40? S. Queen St., Kinston Every Job Dons To Please Yon Pickup and Delivery Dial 4816 And Watch For That Parker Truck Maceo Parker. Mgr. BLACKWOOD S ASSO. STORE Cl ARRIS. BROS,. Owners j Bicycle and Radio Repairs Trade-ins, Whizzer Bikf Motors Terms HO W. sth St, Greenville r———— —~~ EFIRD S DEPARTMENT STORE ‘■WHERE PRICES ARE LOW" Evan St. Greenvilla Whites Stores, Inc, WHAT YOU WANT AT WHAT YOU WANT TO PAY Greenville N- C. SPRING SUITS COATS, HATS, AND SHOES EASTER OUTFITS FOR j Misses and Children I llfi . .S !' ——— BUY FOR LESS AT EFIRDS Queen St. - Kinston We Appreciate Your Patronage