NAACP PARLEY GEARED TO FUTURE OF SOUTH By DR. J. BUSTEE DAVIS 'President Raleigh CiaiicH XAACP) Vi TuaHy ail ol :he st -si my and panel di-teussioii.": of the X AA'i'P Southeastern Regional eonfei <-i-ce Group's 40-Y ear History is One Os Racial Gain Til • 'forty year lusto: v < " 100 National A- -iat.i- a fat th -\ Vuncement (.1 Copied Pc up! ■ one el service, of constant vp banco and of determined ffo t to do v. .'.at its name anphm, tc iruprevo the lot of the Ncgm m th- United St at: On 1. i.n<: ’’i ■ bit th.lav. loriy yeai:» ago. a group <;i ahi to area .Near.) citizens met. and aypa'led at the injustice-; and Liequalu, tu whah Neg:'.ies ‘. ' .a snbit'C'Sed, iSSUed a call t : natiOfl : eee !,-•. r, v for the nev. al .'■ to !•; ..’it and p iilH’.u liiberty". This marked t s • beginning oi the NAACP. Fd-> th>e. a- .ant pign-Ki tiie m ii-mat ca I i winch v\ an an: we red by Aiin i u.-ii) ■ from ah part; r.t tin country. A DREAM REALIZED Te.. ,!! •a.T, :,f the ortßmai sign , f :’ a 'laid anj w:Wi-mi;l V.d\ of ( li/.-ii-" to fight for equal right;; has pee ;mo a reahtv in a measure fas great: r than ar.'. of the :vt t raid nave flivei ill d. On ;t t«*t Urth ;mnivci sivry, x <; NAACP ; a nation wide rn: iss •>: i ~ni/ a ■■ X mm: • • , Halt .i inn.: a AmeHcJiv: ot e\ ... race. tvcfrJ and color, nurr sentiiia can- oi the m - : t ,v; t forcer c£ I or generatem in sup t . rt ot on u n.r.hta. It- fnrty year icce d e! < ear. pitiOi 11 ; till- N', : ee ■ 'ill' : .... e bidi il - niliciintjy ■a- i»? peers of me ;,e •• dUfim.; die re' ".e.J'f of ! * e . o.tuur Throneh it.: 1600 brni <■ in }5 state-. Di. *: .ot of hum bin m I a- T’ei’i’Ltory eMU aV: the NAA ’P oar: ie; on there:, day st; i; le of tin i-t.L'jO.UO'j •• gioe . i equal jr> 1 iigh.Tr, !v le-gc--- end i«•: p, c ■ Pes i t Am -rican eiti/ensiun THE ANTI LYNCHING DRIVE Striking '>>»M n; tee etas of Nog; o me- t -h*. compared with t -nshti > b>*-ty years at.a it' ideitr aiapnw.Hh the c-ffcctiven ; of the A -turn's it > 'Oitar-i „•< • i - ,-K ! ‘ e i'.an. at 1 t ' • NAACP' :.ustnirn ,i do, i,-. 1 doe! am. Synch;-:;: - . fa n. tin anna, t numb-: -e! deal V- by moo vie ir-nc -l e at-- dea-.t ic.'l.dy redo f: ■ j <.01 iti lin'd turn- to to i last vear. - C’eTiU: aa at ail pee.C T 0 NAACP NATIONS! OFFICERS FOR 'AS ART!ILK it hBIN GAELS Chmetli.'M ol the Bl nil! OR LOUIS T. VVKIGMT V a- 'Alea MRS MAR\ Met.ROD JtKTHCNE iNANNTI. H BUftiiOttGllS GODFREY i.OWEU CABOT vIARR N am i ifT RON HARRY !r DAVIS DOUG 1., AS t- FA! ; 'ONI-.!; Bl'F-.i 1. G (.lAS.IAGHfo REV id!; N A ( = HKG<J DR. WILLIAM Li OVD IMPS HON FRA W it AVNE ISA DO HE UARTIN HON NEW HOI L ■!( >:RFS T C. NIFTTER •REV A (.'LA'.TON POWELL A PHH.U* HANIrOI !-i! REV. JAMES H i-'OBINSON OSWALD < . A!: HI Sr N ViI.i.AHD BISHOP \V J WALLS DR. Aid.AN KNIGHT CHALMERS As- Tn a.- u' Ct DR uVaNNING II TOBIAS Si t i t t a ry WALTER WHITE Ar-istant SuM-ter.) r.dilul The G i-; ROY WILKINS MAhh-iN S JONHS iiu :itive A.v e.n ot spf-t iii! C :i:i: I I TMLFR O; )D MARSH Aid FtOIL i.d L. CARTER. J.iAf N WYNN PERRY FRANKLIN H WILLIAMS KDWARD R. I)t. DLEY - ui .■ nvv> A LKSL'jV S. PEER V Adminirt . in. ■ A* - suit W.i liingti n Ravea'. Gf.OSIER B. CCRR’-NT. Dire.a. ai BrsiTiclKs LF-HOY K CARTER Iti ■-: V Ain DANIEL K. HYfii) A.N NF BROW N Li IE l i !t *>: HAILE ’, A- istnnt Field Seci’t- tu> DONALD JONES, Smiitiweit Re gional SC’crttai-y N W. GRIFFIN. West Coast Hr gional ScrTClai'v LUCILI E BLACK, Mt-mbc-rship .Secretary RUBY HURLEY Y-nnh Serreim-v CLARENCE M. MJ'TCHE)JR . Labor Secretary WALTER J\ OFFUTT. JR Church Shi rt t.ary HEMRY LEE MOON, Director of Public .Relations ; em- . •• $% ''T; TO i J.-iT ( iiTRCTIVKS iu ■ I R Ou-. '.a diiVch); u!' Bi'-d-f. j •, ••-. I-,.--: !.!;■' NaUoriuj A . Ot')aU'mi> ft c; ' ‘if- A ' . mi i!! 11' >; ! ( f { i'm ' i.t . , : u(';r. c oi U'.f An 1?: f 1 r,.i Id *...•? • ’ I’m’ I cl ; : c' evn Rei.: - c.,c! Ooi.fe fm c cl Ihv | FA -• : < c.,. ... ai iU a iU. • s.'fUm Jav. fV I up J { *. ' d ;L ;C 4 : lc:k? ; I ]; . t i... t ?ht; -ikood v Il ■ i Sicri >' A: V 'A- unR-.r : i U . kv.Jt.-rship ol Udvbl i: BvfU, o> - hte t j*' 4 JcM Vt ’ : c ; y p.r Ike Av la - i p v f -c;-'- -e-- imr wk., j : iyUvU!** Hi- (V. ;»:»{)>.>'! j'l {'!}*•! J'i bC*. !;tit; t'-.u ; v jv» tii ivo i«'>.* r»o(i*wO U C :• ” ! . :.t a alia .ah’ i T! ’ form:;: ?. \\t B S . av be I.: K - . n Saturday arid S':Sid;... SEVER FOUNDERS ARE DOW LIVING ! 'il: NAACP .' i . all, ini; i .Men m. Mm Whit . o-.-ingte.n I V . ' I i.i Ca ■ earn V.!;:. I lyaiHt nj th Dei vßm Mi a Ai- i.-t.i,:mt. V/iUinrn L’av I ' (Jan icHi ,way sim-jv.-'i by 51 othtM* l oducH't* f iii)*l it :als. n*'c i’il wu* l . i Os :h 51! ; - -11 id .-:... ’seven svr ’’save ling :n rukiitn-n u, Miss ] Ovmglun and Mr ViL. d Pro'. Derr V. Di \V K 1C Du Lui.r. D-. Hum: a H it. ti eR. v John Hay tier: H arms and Ratiht , Sl.a.ihi n S \V:-.- Serviny the A-muemtion ow r I th.- veart, nv.-ntix’t!? of the 1 i.d Im. i ' ire ’ OT n' ■: ol I H-.'d 1 ; r. 11 ■ ;,- • ntmn out trmding Anmru :e;i.ns, !u:tn Ne.;i > and white. Th" I b'a i ii r. ah , : j■, : , in it.- : inrauj- rrJiip snm,- -,,f the most, ini*>n >;sive naim • n American .fe All n) : 1a- -e ;i;; , ■ I : . i Moorh Irl Shv-v, the l’n.-st jues; ! nent of 1a ■ A. . .hi ,au . ; t-eJSvH’K. toe SprilTgurii b' ilthe ... ! fan 1 !• and Ai l a;r B ; Senate j. thu. Car.per Jane Adda ms, j Chimes Edward Rus.v-11, Mary B. T.’vit fJ:-;> r> Jnhn Hitr.M, Li! !.an IT W..1 i. Chatining H Tobiua. j Klefitl..:' Roust.-ve!*.. A. Philip Harm Id; tot,. Ge'dhey LuwdJ Cabot. ;Phi!in "M ji; ;iv. Rev A. Clayton j Ptnve-i], Sr.. Ohie State Senator : Harry E. Davis. D., Iv.ruir T. j Wright du iir ' Chare-.- F„ Tnn(-V. iJudge Ira W. Jayne. Prof S. !Ka’n.h liar! rv. Waller Retitihe l *. j.ludee Jan ■> Bolin and Bishop i John A Gregg. SAY YOU SAW IT IN [ | THU CAROLINIAN which will e-e heici iii linh-iah this w v(?.k-< nd wni Ik* cose’y identified with pia-bicm which m . *ir' :m I wtil continue to m t-upv attention of the S ml!, 10. many y< ao’ to con:e. m. Uc ■Hi ' wmm - a':- . .’■ . . Jf ; f,: S CD , ' ,p m c '-'V 5 * c. V . • .'. •• U v : v *‘. • v x ' 4 -C;..L; N’...v • -'-s; ' " ‘ - ■ k > D" • : T. ' '/t-MCUa'-'M-. .... . rn ■ ’ :. .CMC,. -> . .^; * I | yUH; ■a; a .m.•’• : .•••;• mtWsSfeYSm’vr.’’SG. 4-i. ~ \ ' 1 . : a ■ ■ ■■■'m : :f. a y " m vaIU h f Pfj| , - - a.:’.. : . - -t f?Cj'Jv -< |«y > |l| & - ■' v ■ ■ : ■: : : IT' - -m ... . :-LA-m ,K yCm-amh .' .. -■>> .-. • • . % .x -..•> >f * <:>C.>-'.-.v.; .- .: .. ■; . ~ 0 :..„ . ' ' ,jmf: ;. ' . | ... "M ’’ v ’'m 'Z* v - m - " . ■ • ■ :.V' v" f;: y c|f.i|| v ' ■fS’4:-. :q - m . a W a; - |■ / ,yv rT ' : xXIm--'U'.. 4 :-- . "iTTTi I! ” - /C ~ ay J- '. ....,, -'a sa A W>, i f ; -•.-- - ; .•. .m;;% • ■ » - * * a y * - mm • a- vy ’ . mS •Y*:t;:aCla a"a; vC a >: -a : ,mvFNyV-\v % 'at wf'< * | ' . , m. , ■x a .ac : .. ..•% Cifl; . m: ,2.,, CS 4 ■ ,A. C V-'*- ' ! %?S :»3|a''’";’' :MS'd r ay •:. >n.G ■*» V *. .«* a- m>.. - am.. _ TO SPEAK Hid V. .L-- - Widu- vi;uie>.:d i-xcn-.aive mmre t;i;• r the N .’ .. : A: >k iai. n NAACP HEAD HAS HELD POST FOR; NEARLY TWO DECADES LAWMAKERS LAUDED FOR JIMCROW BAN New Y,.: a.- Kcvtv gr-itna a Hen a! tile unanimous pasaip ■ ;-v ! .U- C •"!’,( ct;. . ; 1: «;C ai. .- of a bill prohibiting racial s-igrcg-ation in the ..tat* Nu:■ -m l Gua' dv. '■> - W’.liter VV'.m . see:-, u: W a., A a-: Colcrij People. "Otda r das - and indc-.I the Congress of the United States .‘could Ji- pa'.: : a;;i the ex ample el ly. < mne<ticut k.’.v niak,i!i I:;r ,-j Mm White. Terming tin action a **tr> m- :;d m stop ior-ivard.’' th.. NAACP see :etarv yommi nci 1 ( hi.-ter Bowles "tor he, tonh; , . ’ st m 1 in -urgir.,- the* a 1 .i• i■; r. - ■mt mbei's a! Pie Connect cut i. cisiaUU'e •fur airmaunaj; pait> eifi'err;u cr t-> d.-al this r.-’-dy nlm.v ,against r a rim oise: on a.op i j without a -i; nt n.r-; v. L- Gove .'!»<’•!• Fu:V.’,s till I - - I WILKINS TO ADDRESS MIDWEST PARLEY sen TR BEND. Jnd.—An appral jto NAACP rnorruitVY in (he, I civil rights pro r T:tm with ri-nPivori; in :.r effort to c< sel jbitfks toy fallhro of the Senate to i j adopt an >: i'feetlvo ant: iiltbosi. r; : rule will lip jit ode b> Boy WiikioL, ■ NOT SÈE moke Em- .m gregntion ban imnv-d- ; a p • .• eifrettve. ;ttiled as he si«e. id no Lid: 'The action of our' Connecticut. : gislature is pa : ':. ; cuUe iv iu-arlenmg since it cosnc.-.' : i a time when a stubborn griv-.'h e! n ))a:v hye.'ato! ,11 t'.. U. n;m . ..1 the Up;:, i Stales j, Wiiying a violent war against ■a,-. ;Km T ruoan's civil ;u; d ' g-ani. J hope that some ot toe nortnern enutem who arc su;> fxrtinv. the Dixiecrais :u la-s; fight will .he<d the meaning if t , ,vha' we F.iVc accoiripTished i 1 Connecticut It shc-u-UI be a .van ing to thma th d decent Arm-ri cans I ■ isuaari ve I o I}n• p! ill iMe. 'hat ■ i richt to deny t N. g?•:> ,m ful v.ilace in our ••. an > Hi: .vc have little w i ..r a n who w.,uld bat gain away the 'ivii sd. of any American mi:,-, t i.,- tx-iitical ad i : w.’-.tllgo *' . assistant' secretary 'of the National i [ Asy.'cir-tion jor the Advat.cement; c f Colored Pc pie. nl ~ .\'l;dv' £ t • f : ■• i. a I training eonfe. core of hi<v i Association to be held here. Apt tl • ; 9-50. (Continued, on p ; >se fc.. teetion 3> ’ Those problems, .sha.'jtly pointed up by the past, election and the .subsequent filibuster over Senate rules eh,-mires to open the way for enactment of the civil rights program advocated by President Truman, ■ , jo voting schi doled to be held . .- : the R,heigh Memc.ria! Auditor;'.mi ■ ; : San;;. - alTernoon at 3 p m . vi ar; mo Walter White s;->.TOC..ied Weldon Inhn-on •.'xccnlivv secretary . f die Na i!'■:irii ;ociatii.n tor Itk Atr. , Yr.cut oi C •. a* People. In the .veara which have passed nee, Ins name and effort•: have ‘become «(( closely identified v.-ah the NAACP that to think of one u think of the uthir Veer. prior t being named head 1 ■ l life association, Mr White had 'worked with the organization since thus, whin tv* left hi.' birthplace in Atlanl: itla as-ii a background of racial ....trite anil oppress.on to ae on ement where ''paydays were a ' I problem”, A graduate of Atlanta Univer sity 0916), he has also done post 'laduste v. oi k m econoniJc, arid ' . so( i-.'logy. 11 wait! University in : hr'ill amt Atlanta University in ! 1 i>-53 conferred upon him the hon o:ary degree of Doctor of Laws.; hi 1948 he became the first re- 1 ,eipienl of the Sir James .lea; - | Award by the New don Junior i • Conn.) College. ! A:, in NAACP official ho has in iVi -ligated -It h uchinßs; and tv.« I\ e • : race .tots ami tins v. ritten exten- ; .tiviiv c.ii mob violence in the Ua.-.i- A-d State.;. In 1931, he succeeded James Weldon Johnson os the .As ••■•( ; turn's executive secretary. A- the executive bead of the N. A. C P. hr has served up m 1 j -Many official, semi-official and pn-; •rat rtmMnis&Ums and committee;;! i on various aspects of the race and; (Other problems These ;n.-hided service a-' a con yol'ant at the nrganiXinv r •r.fc-r- ' ‘nee of the (Jnd«l Nation- in Son 1 •Continued on page 8, section If) • climax to the NAACP S o a.,.-: ! cm Regional Confert.-nc, v.-htd’ ! will i.,0 ac,d m Rale f;h i-u NAACP Raps Mayor For Housing Ban Aid Now York lnto; volition bv M.iyo, Martin 11 Kmtv 1-Iy of Chicago to defeat the Carey ro i solution to ban segregation and discrimination in public and .semi ■ public housing in that city was. today -branded bv Waiter Whit:, NAACP .eeretary. as a breach of iuith with ill(‘ p] t ■ of (’]ji ct\g o . To a letter adihv.- d to sir- Mayor, Mr White cites t a- f mer'» testimony that ho intended "to keep faith with the- people of Chicago" and asks "Is theft no in-! ;ail obligation So keep faith • with the Negro eitizi n.v oi you , city who were persuaded to ■ port this program with the under ' .-landing that housing to he da ,v< Mood under it would be on -■ non-discriminatory basis?'' • M ■ White ehuUenftes Konnelly's>tti nipt, to evade -pub responsibility for hou-iny :•> 'be developed with joint public and private ftin-ds. Pointing .-vt the city imposed certain girlations upon tiueh projects, the NAACP official inquires: -Why 'fun ran is not require that. ikk •, housing be mode equally avail aide to citizen • irrerpt'etive of j race, color, creed or national mi yin?" He further challenges the v.< lidiiv of the Mayor’s statement , that imposition of a non-discriin i inatory police would ‘'retard if not romp.’etelv prevent the re ' buildtpg oi Ciiit.if.'.o slums und r are eiostiy linked with the i'utjire, not only of Negro (itiz< ns, of the entire South. Action on tin* part of the suite and i’odt al gov ernment-: as veil as decisions .;)' the courts of the land :• J ". •;/ ;M-d Subi'jv. tfor ivUlntk in u i 1 ip u -Pi i.< •ni , oH*nce rei story '•••■ op-. !K;O id ill >:ectiun 3‘. • t-jis program.'’ The .letter remind.-. I the Mayor that he gave no ao thorny and cited no precedent ! :,<r such a -tat. men!. The rcia Union. introduced by C uncilnian Archibald Carey, vva; , beli< vod to nave an even chance f, n.-u-tme-m until the May.:- ■ a lined again.- 1 it. It was d" V. ;,! d hy a vc.te of 31 to 13 after *v].i... - Kennedy tv.lined. H\\\ KNOIN FHrl RES IN SFRViLi; 0L NAACP Among nationally known persons who l ave worked on the NAACP staff are Dr, Dußois. the first 'editor o i ••Tho Crisis ’ and later direc lot of special research: James 1 Weldon John sen. the erudite diplomat, poet and song-writ ei: William Pickens, the fam oui orator; Charles Houston, th*? brilliant lawyer who served as the- Association's fir-;1 full time special counsel: and Mrs. Daisy Lumpkin, for 19 years an effective organis or for the Association. The present staff is headed by Walter White, who has been ihe executive secretary since 1931, during ‘ii • ~.•« a. <h cade have been, not lie- cause but, the indication, c* thankin'' viewpoint.'-' regalding liic- ,-ights of the Negro. S'-.iticdny and Sunday : confer, mce 'tons v.-Pl be devoted to an. evaluation or the r.rc; nt situ ation and ! ; dove-lot ment and e\p; ; sutler. of nu t < fiocm e -id - hie VC t'.e greatest possible pi - grt - . for 'both : acini grciict.'. the South and Iho nation with tic- i< , t p,.s-ude fide tion. The national picture, which ; hoc, 1 d,< n m mue. educati. n • al, oalitical and i ;e: type:; of discrimination providing im-y.iv • rrou'dable -■ sb - -st■ f v otic out of c L \ ry ten citi/em; is s -fi.HH. T’o- southern picture, which .‘•hows tin- .'nine and in >,t serious i harriers fho.wn admit one fourth i tfi a ne halt of the region’s res'- dints is even mow so Until tie f iiaeklt - movf j tern com - t': our ci i/eos, they will continue to imp. A-- the pre. j gre-’s of all U cair ciliz.-n.-.. Wen the. Oi 1; i tile Raif igh ‘.Thant h NAACP .-dft • a .t«--.c t!.*•!* '■ e. ■ 1 i !; 1 ut ie- Re- ASSISTANT SECRETARY Ro-. Wilkins NAACP •- f-.t --vrereTaiy .. i;U or ti , po- - i i ' A A ACT’ poUleau-.ii, wt.. 0 bo the pi ...eip.d f.cCake: at teO iv. a i ioii V Midw- v. Re !: tonal C nit l'Pncf which wtb be held during the irn nth e-i April. l! ANQITKT SPEAKER- P, -beet Carter assistant spena! imiv-.e). who .vil! dfsicios civil eight.'. tei’t-- iiiqut. a and legal re arcs.- t. - on • ncr meeting of tbs corderc-nec I which vll be held on s .Itsraey i vc.ilng at 7:30 e rn. durim: the t->. c AACd Soußi-aatern IP, . .1,1 vo t t be held n 1! SEEKS MILLION DOLLAR FUND TO CONTINUE EIGHT ii-. legislative pro a ram. thu ■\ \* C P 'iv' n (‘Std j(ii civil ; right. 1 ’, and other social well are VRislation and jia <?pea rhe..uied tht' i;. Ijj an; bpeilt id C>i'll 1 I p,'i Vi'; st v : UC t.-IV i in 1 such lepislat-'.n T't; -u'-.b: youth program. R ’ b;,s ■-•!..-■! 11;: •i■ j ,n Training young pc- ip'.' t' - ! tidershi.p. In , its cnurch pi •M*r.-tn'i. it nas pro ; rooted thf. cooperat- >n -d' church ;'fireu,ps 1 1n NAACP In n - comm. «n program #- we 'al we!- i 'arc, Intcrrmionqlly, th < Assoc ia • tion bo-, optpo:- d impi.' ini ism in ictci v lurm and wr • rep relented b\ os secretary, Walter White, i as a non gov. to mental adviser to tii;. United Staler delegation to the Parr; srsmn .•! the lbifeted • Nations General Assembly. j I.r its. 4Uth anniversary year, the I NAACP, which has derived its fU • nancial support from memnyr le-hios an f small eonfPhut ions -is TA.kmy a MiHion Dollar Funk: to ! insure the continuance ami cv uonsd'.n - f the program om isien. l-Cbtitinoed or page 8. wetton 3)

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