'WFFK FMI INC >ATI RD Ay, APRILS, 10*0 M:\V liWHLO M!3I 1 DI!K BY SniiMKli ' New Vork "Ho t !vn> Fol'ics (•!' 1950, Feral d Pictures M'.mt: ,i:l- N‘> i at ii'f i,'i;rl'jclUiM. a nun it- the eu’litig s . ■(> ;> be i c cl befo’e sujr'inrf. :ic'f'dirv t'> :iti ann< . r’e ■: :i ! m id: thi <’■ ' i.v J.fjk (.;•'! U)C:' .. < y ,'WI'VC l' I II I • The pie*:'if i i." "i' n ll .i tiy mii«>:il i.n:l ’aivms a MU '■ ’ ■! ?n> dint T ,'K If - ,i iww • I V'ii'i - Who in ti'.c N't'" • civvrlaitiint: t field ll r i .no has ■ i‘- • .>! three n i.* f !ucn'V j .uu-'.i Eiriii (if '''iov, Wh « ! .. G I!' -- -’)>i C I • pIU" ud "Muscle i'i iliii'- H m i. a!: i, n :" .1• • on - ttires I'if- > i!i:f" i -in k a nun if' • -Minclc in H'trier;.' > slid i:!- . - ing roan;, of n • tiv ph ■ i i thi' (tlK'i tv. ii .i; c ] liti;. ■-V k ( 11;: gi • 1111 r; ’ !•■!1 11. 1 I'll I ill.' f I tn lied ! > ■ i n tin'Cin i wMi |" : I . : i I epilogue. I ■ Jock (!■•; : >' i • I surli name: as S:> .u:iin!i ('l:i.u i niH. I Eh i!.i K. L 1 “ liii L, ni) .luanitn If .U Slop n Fi t a l;.. Wat'-oti. S!.-in iv'••->. .ti t . I ’ if! M 'll ...'id .f, o' i/I. • • i'i. • Broil Sp l ■ ’ A pus and LxlelliUi, A ; V an;! .••.'■! j Tv cm a Sno.-ni-O This is tiie Mrs! aunaa! re leases AB t; ; . i i; the bantu i ni IF.! : ! ;■ i pict’ui ■ e! : dultat Id ■ ■<. ;Hi ules. TWO GLOBETfiOT'I ERIS TO PLAY WITH GRAND RAPIDS GRAND RAPIDS. Y . ' - Two play-.Ts Mom th*.' H.n 1 Hob.'*:. I tors hiiskt te.nr. •>. : I play with Grand Rm o: I Yllt; .1! il iliii: I T 111 Til " Sanunv G< mi S.-.ni One ■ m tea mm D . i'Ai) exp C'M si I : Ni !■: ■ > < s Day: .n wtil hav i!m .-piirtg MainiTi!; IwmmmmmmmsmMmtzwsrv-? mumHnmamrmr .* ■-xxv;-. ACME REALTY CO. INSURANCE Fire —Automobile —Casualty | REAL ESTATE AND RENTALS j Property Management * \ BONDS Surety-—Fidelity CALL US FOR INFORMATION AND SERVICE RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA ' | PARADE OF DRESSES PICKED FOR FASHION . . . PACKED WITH VALUE! iy. wi Jus! arrived! Dazslin s new ,£***“‘^*" \ Presses ‘bound tor the Eas *>’* ■ Y # , r Parade and a busy life .y d a '***»,' y in your vva-Jitcbe thereafter '? Y'F Simple i ic* smart . . ye! > % v with a icuch of .he unusual. * ** 1 hty'H lug at your heart . j,-$ string, but not as your purse / )£, Y strings ' sy \ You'll Love f I , v-\ \ ‘W>/ 'i ) °‘ ,r f i J f bpriruy ‘ SUITS r iff^ s 'i\ coAs jA y y{l •\ jlOWv '• I g T\ i BUY NOW FOR Jvlp*' % ' V >' ' = ' V EASTER ON OUR & - ll;. : | CREDIT i i l.< | TERMS j . . SUITS ;■ \ A COATS * i i ;>1 ii HATS ! 0. K. CLOTHING GO. | 113 E. Martin Si. 8 r f"-,] p• ijyj ■jp ivise rss ( iMTic a-s( i tool. KM.\TTO\x y (rr«ap repre senting' Bul.er < Glcrc of Tyler li'vis jii;l Texas Baptist ( im vt ntiiMi - shown w>d. represrn l.n:ve~ of Shaw anil tin < iertrraj I!., ..t Convention. I 'he Texas delegation visited .Shaw lust w and observed tile iHiiqu' rela tion hetw.en Straw and N. < 1!: • fist-. Ihe Texas group uuluded in aundien to I’re-idenl R, \\ I’m year, irrnier North < areliniau the Rev. S, T. VI xander. pre-. of flu; * * .xas i.j lm Com nliou RALEIGH DEL TAS PRESENT TENTH .ANNUAL JABBER WOCK Ia '! u'liee min.'.' 1 ■ t )F ; 11 "•' \!Ci ■ ■ 71 I' j l - •,r . ii' :. t !....jiffM- o: {Vita S;.V': T' j i. v f>it j* riel y. .viDi . >, 1. - . t . t' •’ ;»•--(» 'i; •' Hi i| M . (i YCtuLo]vj Mi-j.vocl, a ; •’ ’U *■ I .S'; iW l . ,■ >tv. i Pi:;L j a: .' fhainrau '»f the Board of Trii'-teen of Butler: the Rev. 1,. Came run, moderator of East * <••••<" Baptist V o . (In n. Airs. < ■* Haines pi • sident id Texas V "C'an • Auxiliary t'uuvention; id " !le\. tv V. vixen president o| tin T' ..is Baptist Sum!a\ s ;.i il t'•:i,«i s, Rev. \t. p. ■“ ' Met president of T' xis Baptist Com eulii II; the Re\ I . O sweet, ti. White and the Rev. I H I’m a. , tiusteis; and Vlr-. V V I tie).hart. piMcl lit of l 'isf ' • i it.i ;>ll ,1 \ - .or la: I e.n. vm’. u’On I’v t\*■ • y rJlLiari cf 1 S- :?•* Ayue:. Hos ;!al OMu.'f con -; -•' ! I"! «j'-iv •5. ,>/ ?.hv si irOVi ■ .Vlu *T w. .• , y; :i •: S V’.- ; : !) o r trie ■ ;i • cunfut ii " ;> • Dl;d I : ii'jp v Jolviu i'i . t v»n.'..oO:'» j i ■’.) - 1 iiiiUd I nut;» ."Nt*■ *> ci .• ' i)' ••• THE I YES OF THE LORD ARE on the: just ! By MARY FARLEY T ’' ’ ' ' 11 * *•'*■ ' ' 11 1 ■ . Fhe ->!gn. u n I ’M. < "... N '.J ,B\ Ihu T>- .i . . , l, '. ,)|1 ,: , ) } tl i£uP K ‘** ! W ;ki He liovr left it bam? . - t lap L r,i . 1 -v. ipths nut : ■: lor. out the r.util .a " 1 p. ?!i;im i acre, .\n.{ Vi a n :p • Hi at i.-; raised by ■■pee ;P black A pea .-!.. ! :• .;die. k, lias chanp j cd Ihr bn. ad Aii ! G .i is heii’ ,:!■ iinro bef.es. NEED GLASSES? '" y * Raleigh. N. C. fT - ~ A Child Con Push It! ***%{**» ' V' lonfy : f 125 • LAWN ( mower * ! A a tighter tb;.g ordinary Movers. JUmnlmim construe-' im-n until steel handle, ; tiu-h cutting blades, ball bear-' 1 if-' B) E'- adjust froia ’ . s to li 2 inch cut. Has rubber I _ a 315 FAYETTEVILLE St, CLOWNS TO STAGE PRE-GAME SHOW AT CHAVIS PARK Pep.oi ; b.,1 1 ; c.' run exhibit) 1 n 'p: inui arigiaiil f-.'iadow i>-a:i In ;u. M \W i k.-a;, Aid be h- n’i.;.iT_ via'tied by the nulio.iuiy lain •us IndiurupM is Clm'.vns. ti.<• N-’ m,m> Amc -ic;n lexiguc ..ho mnun and baseball .v : 0:i . win"' they appear a 1 Cr.rtvis Park. Raie ■ n Sa!urduv n1 *• . Ain! !■ utfua. 1 the strain' HaU i.ali Tiee a! ('clock, in ■■ ix'ga:;: ly selicduli'i spring Into; 1 oncjii'’ oxlnriil inn i ! nil si C.'.'wn" arc fanv'us H> theij cidi lir.v antics on the t.ii nd that h ■ maria them cpular as th.- Zanies of tin Dm in: ni, ''.at 'o a s ana irl i ior Icae.ue AAA hem ball nn.l b.dl handling. 11:• • fan: will have i com,, tn watch their uubi’le-y.i’.m' pepper '' met ions cf he! ding an int'm ! workdit without, the use of a | ',;,]) A‘ !i -it. arm nehm. iml C . is,!l is liavi.'-ipy -o '..ss' ihay a:;n i t noU'i’v<> tihfir i’.vcs, oat Cm m;< n reaii/.o that jb.r Ci.-wn .-inrplj' clnwmng agahi and ;a 1.. i; !>• wa’.cl: and . a .at >.y.: . m vlng inti.-n"'t. On the iighte: .id of Il’< C lown ci tnedy arc t'a aumita 1 !''" t: o! K ! • Till. J iup: iil’.i: J •• Taylor a n i the ir*esuda-bie Tdo?) Tatum. The antics oi r„. 11: ir. aic woriii I:e price • f "■ I: O ,aoo Mat in • a t.-r flight I't "..'ball game ai.'TP.! V Pi, a'!.. lunru-rabb’ features: i-P •rtb imp;: miles to see. Ad 'am.' -a'.' ’ft., flow • ..w .. mu'nbf’t of 'tifpi ises in UiV, : a.- I: ', on r‘ ' Jliiwo Bead f lit? ( aroliiiian!l WALKER BROS. TRANSFER 812 E. Davie St. Dial 3 1623 MOVING & GENERAL HAULING Wood Bag Coal Wood Sawing l ocal and Lena Distance Hauling Daniel Walker, Edward Walker Bennett McClain x-9j 11 r >‘(| |ill£[fejfc,B| iw/ , AV/j , >~ tJfek- !^c =Kia H' ■ ; Q ki i • i o V v f~\ |K f 111 ! I It’s 3he EXTRA Value and Quality That Counts! •\ ;; '• |f\ %.; |A ® p ||| | u 1 ..do !’<>.■• m, ■ - coining hark to this >kl reliable furniture store? The explana | ~;. Klv | V Ife t”jkjjjfc \%y 3U * I ‘ : r> ! ■ a illA value and I-.X 1 i riA quality! Come in tomorrow and sea 1/ \ \\ lllUf ’ I r * ' > •'*' -iudinp values in Spring AQmishiugs now on diaolav at R, fi. Quinn rkj/J \ \\/W J !i ' ,r,!l "- r ' — *■ '* l ;) nven*f.N'i payment plan R. E* Quinn Furniture Co, *■^1 /v ~' / 108 E, Martin Street r\V ' .V •<• ffir { * : ■ ;sv. I . •v ■■ A' :&%•' m'-cv ♦ • :• i '? *1 '■ ft V ' V» ••'• ' 5 **■- j I '{j?'■' • . | i ”' 1 : i II! ! 1 \ fil l 111; -• That's <1« minutive Kav Ne,i. phciiiiniiuai hitting m l fielding ?lt-ycar ok) ■niitld ■ : ;i of the famed Indi.tm s.oif-- i «*iwiis Negro American 1 f ;igurr>, who will he seen •»« a< l.i<>n linen tft • tumnakers I>*‘» - lium at f.Tiavi, I'Jtk tut April ! m ,* inter f.ragui game against I •..•• ■; r< nr, mi S liH;!il\ tnutiwi i.l,\ Champs, Rah’igh Tigers at y »*. M, Neil has been with the « towns *nrc except during tie war years a hen he served "With Hi! Vnn> in tlie Mediier ■ « ~;i ’i ■! atre of War, He was .Mi Alt ,iw selection for the list to seasons in the Cast-Wist > l.i- ic st.Mfeil .mniwllf befon ■la,(ton at ( onnxkey I’atk, Chica go. a well as i pick for the AH star s :i nu‘s ,>t I’olo lifound!. \« w Vori , ami with file Kansas i ;ty Roy sis oho scored victories ver boil; Boh Fetter's and the Huh i -mon-Ocnf f.rarden Ma ,iir l.i ague Stars out on the coast fhc li‘t S\ie fails, H Pav> h> \(l\ertise!!l WMM-jniwwniiii cow• Haw > ■lanrfPn iiiMaiiMM* WunonMi / ,• i / 1/ / i Is.l\O II I And or don t 1 n;< ar> the f .vpb.ui mummy cith- ] et. This So. one baseball come- : dian is ju;t nhout tlic funnii st j fi Urn t<> ever -et loot on a ilia- ; numd ami he can still hold his ! eivn with most of the youngsters j around first base, where he ptr- 1 ill’ll the famed Negro \mericait 1 vague Indianapolis Clowns ] King Tut and that s lus real natn*’, lias oiten been referred to a- a combination of \! Scbacht \iek Mtenck. Stephen 1 eteliit, with i hit of Bert Williams throe •-> m foi good mea lire. He ra i n With the * towns so long that he's consider* d tile • rad, mark ot tlie organ!/. ition. Tut. aliy assisted by his cornedy tnil, Juggling doe iayloi will liy ten in action at Chavis Hark in 8 o'clock night game on April H, when the Clown, cross bah w;fh Do- popular Raleigh Tiger' . North Carolina farmer;- have pro ! dueed a com crop valued at more ! than 100 million dollars daring i ~t the 1 t three vc.v f PINESTAT f §Jj|L , . Jffan tcevents .. .fry it tonigh* i For Home Delivery Dial 2-3911 ■/jaegy,* [sailor is oite¥ |;,jiih, Jr., {runner? mate tnird cl. .s.-. |TS.\ T , :;or c f Mrs. L'l?n Goggann, :Cottaje Grove Ala. has been com j, nended by the commanding offi i cor of tiir Üb> AULT for "out ! .•daticihig performance ,f duty ". Jn cercmon.yj iielu aboard the ji’ JOC-ton modem destroyer, dock-, i in • at thi Naval Slati n here. Gor gans joined seven other Navy men I n receiving oflico ’ recognition of I . i ficieney. | "Vour i. ample to non rated : :n n of ir.c yanac y d nailinent of I ihis :diij> has been 'nspirational,'' Ccremouder B. .). Setnmes, Jr. j CNN', commanding officer of the I AULT, told the Alabamian, j Goggaus served a waj-Cnn- tour i. f duty with the Navy, rJationed j H Pearl Harbor, and was discharg ed in a gunner's mate second class j n 1946. After a vein ot civilian ; life in .Bimii.nya.am, Ala., he iv- I- - : USED CAR BARGAINS I Check Our Prices Before You Buy DIAL 2-1279 K. &W. Motor, Inc. j HUDSON SAM'S AND SERVICE RALEIGH’S CLEANEST USED CARS 425 S. Wilmington St. llB E. Davie St. 9-Pc. Dining Room Suite Os Exceptional Quality Kv;■; s pi H'e finely proportioned, soundly constructed and beautifuNy finished! Includes table, 6 chairs, chi na cabinet, and buffet. PAGE THREE •••(•ilisted and, has served in d< T m - era since He attended C- •:a Co. T aininu' School in Cot. Gr v ..id 1 .IS a g. IN ay ci'..'a,. J. i and Citv Ala. beioie n. Navy hita.i, \ hi + 1949 RED CROSS fUND