WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. APRIL 9, 10-10 ;3f3fefc. APPOINT*!!: ll. II P. is! was appointed to tin* position <•■ comptroller av Jackson .•"•iJI. *<' in Jackson. .Miss.. recently by tin* »-i Siege s presidt *){, l>r Jaroli i Rrddlx. Mr. Beasley, a graduate of ( lark College, sen f'l tin a while a- assistant < oinpmdlt i ai Fort Valley Stale ( ullt-gc. i.ANP REV. N. J. JOHNSOW, fatty: ”I recommend CALOTABS" ts < li — L /'X ' / «v N > JOf’.sitl * v JA 1206 Spring street, <.v. Atlanta, Georgia o«ntletnant For rawy -er3 I :: ..; ; -ro :i Pectuso Os faulty elimination j Then or:< ■■ ny I r-i a v .'..-at 0al:to;.3» | 1 tried then an ; *as delights n. I wl.l net to s i-.rfir lily o - cm r:■ c L. .3 ‘ -- - ~ Who suffer f: - :' ':. ‘t’ ■ ,'t ore ' ’ J by Ccrricc :: x ; h-.'. : ; -v -ooc Lack to norm..:a' | _______ ' > Ca!..tahs are .i thoroughly dependable laxHtise designed to eHectivclv re'icse s\mpi-cns - f V*lti sou 1 ! css ai-i* .si : ;(• Ji.. /, \ Wi or j.i:i!ty digestion -wd to pnm.vit me ; •"•' \ TaN' fcde through the inteste i \ J CalotaHs are pleasant to take • 'agar ooa!cu SW, a w 'L< t?*' jgf prompt and efteetive. Try then, mo 1 mo, \\S , ;r f Ao”" label directions At mui druggists A.•••• " Demand the -irigm.il lotahs in the distinctive. , , checker board box Accept no substitute K&r druggist has them, "W, ,IT'^-' / :' ... V j y \ - ! v "V. Jjik M s Umprica s most important building program Evert with accural** scale models j ik<- these, building is nu easy matte i these days. Hut around 900.000 familii-- will move into new ot enlarged homes this \ear. Jf \uu ve ever built, you know that each one has the tnosl important building program in tin country. One *d the most important--in size- is the I construction program of the bwAi/im-nianugcd electric companies, in ordei <>• keep up with l the- increasing demand be In. hi and pown. these < on tpnni(!s. inn died* ot :he• .• , are build ing in. w plant -. ! : ; and equipment that will tost l.i. tio/is oj di'H-irs m nil. HELEN HAYES stars in the ELECTRIC THEATRE. Hear it every Sunday. CBS, V F.M , ESI. k CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO. i THICK *CI. ! IN~JNETS ! \IL SENTENCE NKVV OIiLBANS < ANT' i To 1 \no l'ilU ii wiih li. sc oui'e o’ • ,ii ■ li: lies -s one iiu iV. ■■ but when you I lull t. .t\t;isit‘l flit! pOM.t s.,iou 111 dm ingi :tc> ll : ) nr ei' - ' gun v\ th the 1 federal -o\ t rnr.<-iitl. then of nc- : '■■ -city yrii l'o he hd for trouble. I In tioutle nt'.w is Loui. Thomj , sen. .*>.•> yt.ii s. >vit used lust wee!: jon -'i $230 henri. for not regisle; - ' ■ *■ .vnicr. ’.'.i; f.cj | Tuvde But ft;r i ntcidenlal d 1 ! chaise of ih< v. • aeoj'i on Mord. !G: :iu day lu‘re. ..m! llv injurini: •>1 'a icdwcvH; n-s-M til!!. I'CMFII b;: ii'lU'hcr | (! -|-r. ill;,, TilOliip ;r* n s find v. i.tu'.i arve -in cacinc ' Bn' Tbe.mpsh; t| to show hove Tiir- • Jim knife ::■• ~ very inui ■•- , -.oils' a!lair It shi ol- caliber . hell-, .a.d •■, ci|Liic'i'Cfl with or.e , iilmie and a an-uit Irvvt’ v-.u:r-ii v. hi a i M.n : h down a:- a 1 rid- Tiir' v.-ano'i i.~ oniv four ■ ■.-vii- Why? Weil, your appetite foi , : - trie sen - iee like e\ei \ both - is ;-n». mg b« set and bigger. .New u.-ers <d elect ri; -Iy - i.alkies and businesses— an being hoi iini> cm d nui de-rs. Were catching up with the construction we ciiuldn’l do dm "ng ih - war. This fApaiiM!m el the self-sup pm! iiigelec trie eonipanie- is one of the big.i ’ ;--..i- hiae i ■ >ii slrui tion j<<11- in history. 1h« e, 'm; ois Ireiiig done without tile use 01 ov'ernne nt tnonev. Millions of men end mine u all walk- of life are ime.-tnig iiu ii s.' s m..» possible It more jioun for . I met - r ■ ■ . rLL,^ !■ # ! ' ,2ii N§ t fi .TS I y.% T-3f '■vWW I | ■ j ■ - .SutSSWciip-jafflik-XiiitfSaiißlJf i 'V M *k *. Jf if - . $[ \' yj’: •. m RR ;V:--A'A : L?\ " ' : : o . . . ■ i AiiOKFNSI !) < 111 it* iff Mi. N lir. li. Jackson, pastor of aU\ •■: ikii. tici • 'nit h rs ( i.ir-a:. ■ he. i siriUin:.- adtirevs before a -late-,vide' conte fence of 3 ..30,5 uliile ilaptist irsuiisti fv tnd iuy i'.u e in North t atolina m.-entt> iia- won hi,-!; praise, 'ilie noted Ni gro }Hi.'. :,-; . y ; » tin ni no nation (•■mill built! se arclv which itid not ba.ld .n to laws oi jti-liec. Ur. .lark-an is vice r< iitrnt of tfii National ti.ip- L tem rniion. ( \.\ 1’ i GIVE THE YOUNGSTERS THIS FINE FOOD !!! SMITHMELVILLE HOMOGENIZED VITAMIN D MILK Here : t-.iro heolth prelection for j vde'f d: HeiTv.jc'ltfeti V.-foitiin i rr--!„- ... vv :j}* c•<trci Visa- j ■ - -'Of pre?**m : a d)QaiM>t coldi-for bwiM- j •*3 hvoUby hciiUr,. ? • ‘ :'A lip V Iriv fntik better i nu- :!ea !.: the j Uat':t‘i of Uu: Uv-’i-ts [ -u! v-03.5? for Horre SMtfH'MELVILLE DAIHY I * » ! Raieigh, N C. M .—T rnaimn ir i r imill iniui kiti r Hirin'.n ni -m i i r iinn« - n v-iw.-^iuvi• M>.wiwa« - -jrnsMM-atMWammMXMMitHistfl TESTIMONIAL 11 ELD FOR C.E. LIGHTNER i C E. h.eal retired, u*;- t dertakev m:d builder, \va„ honor t\i ft a ruriu i •• 1 iiu.- >niai ;vi - qtiet. ; ivci at. the Oh: vi - I lei 1 ’ Kcci-eonee Center o:i a: • b.Tliti. . i ;Vlu 11 - h d!, Mr. J.'gntnev's host•• were: Dr. J. ! Thomas H: rslin,. toimlmas'lrr; A!-,- . K. • . .! ('. >.■■■ ' t • : Claude IT Whitaker; Frauh A W.d --i sen; Dr. h. E. \»c('-iuKy; Jarru-- ’O. ; Lytle: Ai'iiuir )' i. ,f \: '.V : 1 N ■ - 1 o ! : D) Rl:: l:: S .' i - " jLe m..fl' w. f.i'kOM. red Citu li. : Mitel u !i. wiili C!:a.- Kr,. ii v y a., , -t Nsmet i- Dr I. F,. i . uOkh i<f Ml T v u’et •lT i:; id ai'f.l 1(‘( . j. I•. .l' SJ, >;■ ' tf**.’ . •Dili ■" 'IT! ?i 11 :• 1! InC: ■ . OI 'j'ho V- " ■ -'U ir “ r VttR: - n v • • ; »>.?* ! % 8 R£G ROY ALE PYWFY LAWN j MOWERS I ? 2- HorM! Pow-r $119.50 j ! 18” POWER MOW7 R $99.50 BAND MOWERS $16,00 ■■,.* $24:50 LAWN MIXTURES CaEDEN 9RT.9 X ’* O’OLS | S. M. Y O U N G 130 E. MA K f N ST. DIA h 7i 2 1 WASH ANY DAY! I j i 1 Why iVlakc iVtonday \Wa -b Day When j Our Machmcs Ai<U\t- .am\ s i;;v ,\n IjMs.v LnundiA Dmam USE OUR | AUTHORIZED : SWf. S T US t ' :■ HALFtHOUR LAUN DRY I <• .■s&•&*' : \ (Ac «ie TBX6( ftuum I I QUICKER . . EASIER . . CHEAPER j HUNT-JACKSON Laundromat j -113 S. Blood worth Street { 1 ________ _____ j - i-. : . "ii-'A \wfe4\J % *.* \ :■ v tAj? It is ncas - try to expmnee . At.kle (bishionins* sxTore ' yo'.; cin know the mlvan- I. L ' • \. ta : g< S \unit•li it sh S h oes ' '4 .-'*•) \? «< ;Kl Hie.) ,u ntlks V- e X. Ol snurtacss. 3jg& :^;k| H-k. .\ ti l L: %: *?i ' v: V . ii, ■: ( t > -■S :--,v w •’•Vk '"k v~ _ J \mJX7I thi • 1’- .Ie J ii'c in. u , -rit'c Ci a pa. .< es which Dr. Vues Viii.s mndical ul i.eter. !•* r -ni; A. Wat sun and. Jnm.e- K. L;- I!,- - - >;r;' ■■ -ed fir ndeu a* ion es li;-. '..i-amifr.: y.- n aA.i-riic eeru.'t at Sitav [ Y ni, ci'sit,)". One ei thi -nu ii', u-'-eoUny fee's was, the play .iiy -if i i.’ > ;■■' - ! - in one - week. Wilson S 1- -Th:e ( tpn'tt? es If- ' . Anirci M ii-.c Winds -T :: ;:. : -n v!r. SAyiiti m - : ,C • r-.itl-, ii ;I; Aft:uu : ' .-. or Mr. J.i-htna-.- inn -' t :.i ; i ; '»•'. \'t ,:i 11 ; - ; ]\{\ S' 1 ; *.(*,.* - •"Of; i.GAiii -, j'■(<li j(} {<•'■ n erne til- , Canine sou.:,hi, 'oat the Pn.rhy i tciian Chui’dr AX ter cxpcricnch.. . •:omo «itf f k-ulty. a person •. ■! ud. ’ "O, you wean. Mr 1. ■ htner Chui'eh." This uvpu typTios ‘he i vc-'v ; iriiiiin ; inin; :»«.>* ( ' >'■ :.i <.so.'c "ipStT ! b” «Pr Jtucst 1 -1 huf.Uii •• lib < V’s .'tltb.ifcvul. ; - "fit.' H i : *T,r» Jim ■ h op up. J-i. . jl.ighbier was without rut, w^h! winch to speak JiVvive i'.e 'vc abh to so/, (hot there had Lorn tones Mpnn reflection, that. had ho i t'e opp ; t unify '•> five hw life i over. he v • ntaUc' rorne v '. v : definite fiauntes; but after Mi ( r i".;/ to lhr many c.vi'rc - > nr of the >-f ca.-K-i). he it: cl not done Lu&iy. fa ennJ union, *t(i stilted that, ho • lie -1 111 ..I -•(•••.•» <t ho- O'bse of : r;:ivi ll iivi .i. At t'.ii- point on. the and in- Ton.O’fW H.onlii; ;>:.viU .i I,o{ if V V . i(. , IS t.S.ssi i-fM V til .*; •V. tb'_. j• - ,I'iV <i\ i I ■ r f St. P u! A jC.iiuuh of . . . *., p ot ';k« i I ) U’-t9 Happy Khmer New Year. !rS«»i?h . ‘' H.k >■ *j S S i i .icjj® jßegt& &;, . Atj J& ■ ... ' "'“...S' •" , % Retail pj#*** '■* I p ™ e I \VVh i a«' || $1,95 I fern | 5 Pmt , m i<s3*lS p II Fifth! m ml 86 Pro of rtf straight whisketr. this product ARE A 'EARS OR MORI 018. :5- ' STRAiGH: RMiSivET. « fiEUTFoW. j.’lkitDiST!tll-» FROM Git AIM cs»BiSH*« t .vasts tirtitu, Pisss. iu«su ! Ladies! Here Are 1 hriliing Values I Special Pre-Easter I I T..1,,„ Fr.™ fJO I Values to $22.50 ||| ■ nciuding Black and Navy, Sizes 9 Ic IS f Special Purchase And Sale I infs I II W f Values to $29..50 ||P | |i mumrnmu mm I | Su»*s iffir.i a well known :r-anufaci*Kt '. mampulai ||jpj ,>'j|| 1 c« 'harden-. . •'*' v, *• >1 - (r- *' < c•• v - >•» '■ - **cwti-. •' PllL. .Jljjfcffi a I®ss S P Bill' , < 8.-jr; • , 10 i./ 2<» ill l I I NO SHOP | HARGETT AND WILMINGTON STS. RALEIGH, N. C. I GROyP qKISHES tjitvs r ucy fi n id! u± Ifciiifcft fpPFj? PLANS Hi-' iinai plan n,\ J, ■ muidt al ytoviue ('qoi’Mtiant foi *hc Vsti'.e Ceiomuo itv I'ciitee be tit let at. tii.' c-i liter on Friday nP;h! Too bonor.t. n. K 1 re ot To r:i< ' • '. voil b( Payed „i Uic t,u ctlle rfuiP-:' pool on Mono.: inch! st fun and v. at hnn !.- \n... !, U: . i-uuiv who Pave ! P ■ > jV> • r 1 1-, , \ i . >"• i * - ' ') f/' rhr»: ; rid Pn vi pV C-i\- ■.» »•*■ i\ .. s.uMM’rt'* .■ -it-.- .'-*WM*row. • , *iWMiii>., 'i«t«k>t*..t». tin, w .5.*--- - 'iMawi«»«i>K -rrr nrnniimwiirwiiriim- .m ! ~1 ""*#l ■••• 'V ♦ . \ !is£Ell . v i o j / ‘4.o' & # ? %n' /*. if/'' Sf I fi %". i*A #' «r. **»*■ »*• V>l »v tr .-<• .a- .-m . /«.<» I S/ ; i¥t HDfrV j j Sri v*fj£ Fares Ft : ht '»m ! i! ! j ' i: AKLC . i {•. One way 53.40 * 27 trips, 3 express si. trip G. 15 | RICHMOND . One way 3.20 ! :) !r:,/i * eshfess R. .'rip 5.80 I NOKt- OLK One way 3.75 j -R trios, 2 press si. trip 6.75 \ K? MS TON On.- way 1.70 ! 7 trips R trip 310 S ? ( Plus Red. tats, i For chetlules tc all points, call UNION BUS STATION £ j 217 \V . Merman St. Fiione 553 G 4 $ Vj^ij s Vi • ■. j "F:" I ■ ~ , •--■■' ‘ •, «' • “ ■■ Rt '/ \w ? .■ • .•-• : 5 . •' •• :•■• " •> i % ■ i- '•* r \-? > H I eFR 5 ■ .;U- c ; . J r '.’-m .‘V Sa •» ... ■». - I -,..U ■ • < Sj^Sk 1'..-.,*! m -f aM«»tac.i *a..V..W rMnimia— fnum bm»i j PAGE FIVE 11,!, SETS FEPC i S ,iOV.I iJAfvCK f A .NO) - Milt de . .0 1 . ■< n iu> ... u: O' o.f con tor i '";.o ' "O', .! )ifart iec 'ihWm .t --v. ■ 11cii '.a.. : m a I'ttnUtf.nif 'O r/at tinoii,‘h 'hr 'f; b.Uiro ior tre »•■■■ c I'io r.:. Guv John O. V*n?toi'o sioriod it. The i.r'. ! !.' ‘a’. Ivi snlarii d o;woniisoion;’:'.-. Orw of the j.:ovcr ti r« 'if.poimeii, expected to bo ovroio" ,'.( !! , . '■■! !.tn- l .Vu fun ■o'ViU.v' . ■ i::. i.■ .'vi ildrult [; ('; ■: .loiw :n. .niftiio. ■ J. M. Ml iiifi .0,0 f Jo. ; Hao' : . Ctai; M, iwcrs Chfit le (. r. k, C ,;n !• . ' * : mni. Dovid Wi :vo. ;md Jo-

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