PAGE EIGHT Continued From Page One EPISCOPAL SCHOOL of it. Augustine's College Iht mu ting it St. Augustine':; tvu! tl'e first <>l ns kind, lmt Mb gioup plans to make ft an annual event. Letti,. eight (clockwise); l)r.. Manila 1. t i igg iirrsiilrnt of .At Augustine’- Colltgr. .vho was tin,sen president oi' the contcr ence ami was host to the groun; Bishoj til-win A. JTniek, \V. L. Whitehead, St. Paii"> s Polytechnic institute Lawrencevilie. V.v St. M. Millikan. Charles K. Trn-pl. - ton. administrate] St. Asms lie pita! and Training School tor Nurses, U.tleigh, Dr. U. Arnold Taylor, St. Paul's: Karl H. >te t'U-nney, president. Vuorhees School and .lunior College, Den mark, S. C.; F < Sis James, prin cipal, Gamlet Normal and Inlus trial School New Orleans, I.a Rev. .1. Henry Brown, dim-tor eliaplain. Fori Vallcj (Ga.i .stair College Center; W. Milan Da' is. president.Okolima College. Oko lona, Miss ; .1. L. Raspberry. Ok«- lona College. Mr. James iu named recording seere!ar> of tin- group. com opens kv. the Univer- :ty ami the IN-- ' ■ State lIIv ;.e fN< >0:- by ■■ fi'um ue i ver > l l \ pc -fe.-: : a The NAAFI* swt attacked the validity of 11-.A .o-ran-N wen. eon* tending tl. it a did ret offer 1 ru in;.: equal to ' h;d se !-• iit students on the camp.,. on t. - Uni vers...-.. .-V; *<• i'.f« tin.: !"< ■■ • issue Hi tl. of -lit' < f r " iiitit s. Judge r mtl ordered Univi. io pmv .: '.s • was leeei'.uu. equal t under the -if-campt - device. Or, motion :Ti ,;v ?M- -id! NAACT C- ■ nuns, : "" Ford handed d'-\vti a j.irf men: m favor of John on on the grounds that the University had failed to establish equal tv of f is t. • I deed, the N’AACP - -u'-y eon tended, there were • » • '• 1 facilities t" N’egi-'e-. V iMs Marshall h. too c,-e NAAFI.' lawyer- Robert L V 1 1> N< w York: Benjamin c •• ! -.u:. ton- a (i ,I;:rm • N .S-: ‘ V. • a!.::' •‘Tlie rrcthod by v.h.- h Kentucky s', is.iit to ei;'co: v i .i S.-. . - ; Co ." ’■;. nd-.l -.-• Icq. : US I ".at • Froes !>=_- fi.rn; -'h'-d e e: ! ‘-d--..- ;; •• ai laeliuk’s ivns tin. ' -.>p : ticatc-d yet devised.' M:. Ivi r commented Judge Fo;;i deeU. "'.ay have widespread of feet upon o';cr state, which have ado,-ed sinaiiar de vices to maintain .segregation in rd.ueat '-,n, th, NAACP .special : cmu -<'l -:t • ;r,'ed. sim acouees by January I, 195!) Though the - ;,.di- , . - -x --ception of an indfpendwi.v v- Hire < fleet it s thro-.- d .-tmet units which may hr nMID-'d as : fim-t .-cu. - ate si;::-..;- by 15■ e ! Um v« ■ ; - Dr Robert. P Daniel, Jf>re.--id: i>» . of .HV T Tii.i. I: : ;ly. has iud iled Ihta the -ciiool plans t-y move M: the unit - At present the admmis- ■ ti alive office- f n sc-iuei are scaticred n me: tin;*- dl over the mini”--.; s. A Mieond o.y j--e-;t f l]J rotim donee iiaii w onu-n tcaei'ors. i Unde nt nrr .menls rooms j for some of t r.i • • trii u- ■ j nr,- provided on one f!<•»..• of Me serve H.i : s >.iJ* etiw . , . ere accomodaied in • o lv > •.> om en':-. dormilurie S ; ,r.d K. |n / Halls. Th' .idiiii n is; -at - - nrA < ■ t.J«.bi to whiit uo the th d ,>i it would be put. Jlowevci on- build ing's stntu'riiliiv ;,s -...indent i-cn- Icr t-i prui-ide isCns for ' -de organizations ond -c; was constdci-ed. Advanta.vx of eor.vert - tng lb-;; unit into a res'dence hail fer inei te-ochc; s with pere.ap; o ditional men's dormitory space uiso were being vc i a hen Included tn thi- c :: tec. ■•.an.f; are plan, for mo it. ; liv. , ... 1; Nursery Scho : tr< -u j. p-. sent UKTilltM. in the bi< ’ l> v:.■ of the ; : J rary builf. 'Vi . ? quarters in rhr newly acquired structure. Bt t tan and <:- ! hoi deiati:- v rn-t l.e cleared up until idler the Ts ft a. of ‘ la- -ha- i: -i.; . Hoard of Trustees fim-t weci: ; Apr i. !',r G. 1 * B r >: f ingion. D. C h: chuirman of the Board D ( C. Sj a j-iing. surer ■ t;d Exe- utive. C -mmiit -: Clu.inYiaii President Daniel has. ndicaied lhat ar.-p: t.vinut ly «4(, ot>o ;>(- will be needed for r m-vatic ri of t ■ l-'Uilding and xoi its ci-nversion to tht use req- u-ed by 1 r institution "A eampaigt: ’ rare the , : ,nU “'vill bt r-rojec ted among alumni Mid 1 riv-i L-.’ ho aj The building called y most the "Old Hex Hospital" v.-j- e;np 0 d In that rapacil y uiv. HUG- - hen .i nn R-.-x Hospital ,vas built In that same yt..r the county of ’ice. were u ■ d .-. to the present iuiildinp. The nuspital was named for Jt),"ti. Rex a native of Pennsyl vania and one of the earliest settlers tr. Raleigh, who had bequeathed pro- -eriy for the establishment of a hospital for the ’ sick one ti-.e if flictcd c«f the City of Raleigh.' !NTER-AL[jMi\f year some forty thow* nd dollars from the nntiona! effort. Alumni representing the follow ing schools attended the n ecu Carl DeVane, Atlanta University: J. W. Wallace. Benedict Collegt: K. L. Raiford and Mrs. J. B Mc- Lendon. Bennett College; M. H Crock ell. Hanipton Insiliule.; Dr iliev S F. Daly. T.lvui..; ton Col | leye, Do, a FuDm I'm -;o mid | John Lewis. ,-L>. -house Co'.tsge; ! Mrs. Louise /’■ t in Mums 8r0v..) ;Colic:-. Mrs Sarah W Wallace, j 'ba ne College. | ICv. -1 !1. CFuilon Mrs Vivian !Harris, Mr . J. I. strodwick, C. - Alarriotl liev. r,. K CLc, i; Rev. J. I It. Manic . -.rid C. B. Hobson, Shaw • Uni-.' rsity; Miss Jeanette Hicks, j Spctinan College I, D. Uav-.vood, I St. Augustine's C lege; Dr R. P. Darnel. Welker ii Qumit -. 's - . Re. W R. Jtias.-ncr ViiT-ir.iti l'n ! .ei Unix rrsi:y; H. r. pci - in. VVil !iu r ... iv Coii cs; Mrs K B. ' 'hook i ..i-d ' M. ,'.-: i a;,in Ui.-.i.v lie Cel J W K-'an and Ml-.- George Ne-.-.t-11, i. Marie- i oiiOea-; : : IK! hr- C,. .■.. ~ rla;; I-', -k Untv. r.sif. Th Conn:-:: ■ F.x<--c‘Pive Conn: "- ;or jiioi ~ii - M H. CroekeU Pv.-s;- dent, Mi.- Nora t-k f.n.kliart. ve: d-.-i-t Ml-- j( ■ tie I lit us. 1 semt.iry: At tv. F J. C .ni-.a ; treasurer; C. K Cheek, com --i“>nd : in,?; reel ftarv, Tfa- |>r>' com ! iTiitl-'C- in*, lade • M-.-- Hiek. . M; •• jo. 1- Check, and Mr-, Noia F. i I ;C> GK il-U’t j N. C. \1( ri \L j integrity, and fo:ih in the America-; i'vy'jti’i.’i ci free r/n f.'U' pail of Inc founder}:, uccouniod f ,, r iiiC c'--zTi*dinicvi survival, dut c>- ; . c ia'ly the faith of the first p 1- : erm ; a ha’f criduiy. to uha. jl.y pJju c arr;on;.* the r.i- I 110 •i jt nf!’ H . .I, > . \». :' C»* UV’c-" t -< .. th r> . (.• ? i \r 1 ;har. o.vpor rnced phcnejiuna! cv v. ih ; In it;-- fifty y tilt s of continuous Ii. I ;.*nisi ;i$ inM.a'at;t’t.\ :c i.<*rci- Kmri- ■ : v. J,' it• and ‘ v of the ho.-tinc f nys. Dr. tdvde Dumud;. na'dicai do ’after ihf* Nation a? An then*'. J. i. Wi io;. Al.itua: c, idem and - «a*il * ( ”’j -)\ i 1 ( ipv/« i 1 .-•••* : r ..;• \' i?.t-Set rota< v Jnc W ! - ’ n v .„> . rp; |,J * , s’. 1 Tir ‘ . (I . n * < *. 2 !• i -.I , v'.-tUil'. . .1. x » jjtJc.'d : : < **L*iGC‘ ;! hiv.dent ( C Spauidinj re • p c dcri io tj'd'iT-' , M.; B A. ,r Whi‘ t ed ;i; i.s taa 1- ’*.re a ei* and ca. loc ; . handed o; o' <}•»,; I .. • ; 4 •)*'»(, ' > . . , V.rv-V: r 'do ; . , •. a.- On. - lor G Vv . ('• >; Sr. introduce d, tm aeceis i -n D. C EASTER S( \rusj; the reading yv-'-uvossos. the oast portrays the scenes *n pan torn me which were on acted, a f the it on'* mid the only voice heard is that of the render aceontpair.od by ap • prop, idle musical .selections. ; Easter morning service has been Ifceld in H.deiph v ith the full eo •operation of the entire Mmist rial '- r ovl ;»t k- -U'c to attract a very larrr .ha: ever ;-ecr: prod.uced m this -part : <-f the. country. The pageant cast is made up fp-m 1 among the well known persons v. bo have so .snecersfulty taken part in Little- Theatre play,, and m an i tiers of 1,1-:' York Rite Masons; who complete the cast Ihe Knight:-; Templar of this d>- irct expect to attend in a body hi inj >- dre s s ano ‘cc; r c (-: 1 /, c s will add yreatlv to the ri feet of lilo un-re Ma,.-;-u Pm ti-")n;.t‘- IjaraaiTnrTirrTnwr ininiim t m TAKE HOME •• BAMBY BREAD j Alt ro,i-1 1: nt - J Ri! - -M ;o v in l oci R.i .: 1: ■ u MORTIE!,V\ OKI) • ' lie /Y.-kill I i U - v-W. '< . in !he c*: ,si . :11 I . llk.y -a ... :1 iv the F,, t R'J . t‘; i K .-;D;M' ,d, y>;-,tom (•;' la. At :-’-i‘:on tinir; tl;::t i.i -i .:: » ( -f ;'v E.i.'t Raic-ieh I' rum d;ul ;•.>u-,. n • t’i;;\s a-i it etc-.*. g-tMip, . .'king lb-: . soot; n > I Inc ci< "iml that i ; was up to tliq At.-vo-inli -n to take whatever acl-i' i, if . lie vs. At this P ini I■. F Vi Her nf . i -1 .: t' i t 1 hat the A "-; ' tl-ii on i-?ee;.l its i nc!,>;sing Mr. llo'd's ■ :.udid-,y The lit; lif >.J \ .. -n-Ji i Itit-:- Tv. v. (J E Cliees. posiM nt es Us North Ci'ivkinit Council of Cn-.iperativc.- ; . u pass, d witiutul a dissenting - vote. In ;j :-..:i:u:\vh;.'t ; tmilar i.ietio i taken by civic leaders of Fay - tti-vi-I].. a* a mass nu- ting held l'h;irviii\ the St. Luke AMK Church. I.;:. W P Dev.m«- i . -.1 ~ . '..aid.Mat. ; the ' "illn Ha: i * i AI irrnien. t-k M. it.;.; fht H.d igh Citu:<-ns' A.-seeiation t rvdtn... ment of Mr. ) -.,iy '.vo, >i's candidacy, the "a an ■reted to requert it.- ' t-'T e->n -. iU, as ■: and me inkers M its torty jd< nr- ■ -ar< up-- t • -,to, arid Veh- ’ lijclf ; and; hr A t. it;-a <•! K • My lh,v v. ■ | att lad d the loeal pui-i'-r . rli. :.. J'.: n.a:- Jr. CAMM---- S’-j.-r.. Hr :r;M V >r|h Hr. li.irt Ce. c;:,. at !):: ii.-ni. IL ■■ .vc.r.ei : . •. \ tr- l.e! ■ad mtmmmmsmm »■ mwnwin" mt» w>wi 1 \f pyy .Y They lead a double life •• * I | '/y practical Saddles | I Yu Tv vJj fey Buster Brown I IW® 'vfT d ,e%, f* \ ) & They scuffle in the schoolyatrl / Vy) -"bd bine up beautifully for Sunday? A. • • these colorful, practical suddlesl 1 " ,y ’ B us tcr Brown makes them tough for wear. I | but oh-so-gentle on the feet. II " IH ' ' Genuine Goodyear welt. X-Ray sits- -d | .V y X (1 > JUNE IN It»e Ik***' fcr»w»i Cn-iie I ' Xy'- , f ! '"b ■' OaitJ e-t i io'urday momifig M A' - - ajfi J v. -w • I ~... ■■■;■„*s % v Ay"- ' -‘Aixa.vM. I Ct 11:!: ■; |i a l j<n , us i.i'oWt: and Whiff l 'Ti -■= t* Ym 33 ! Suo's 12 12 A y V v ", / I - it: HNilher, white, blue, green or j I Size, oto r y>.oo ■<]zc s to )2 SD.-to Brown or coinbiiuiiidi|! of brown and H white. Sk-o 12 1-2 to 2 SB.n) Sizm 8 1-2 to 12 SO.OO j Roscoe-Griffin Shoe Co. I 12C Fayetteville St. Raleigh * 9 l-’i I.'. I.r I 1! ;1’( )RW, - ■ '' Phi B- -a Ai ■! ’■ . ■i ■ !y. . nif-n: in. i and P ete - :!.< St, 1- -u: VML Chi. ■ ... nan . lh - Lear i .J M; •« ■ . - 111 I f P ill Si ' kTCA and : 1 >o;:j 1 met •-. ■ r of . tl: Wake Ci:u. , Mi ‘,u;i! Aj- , ..Mat Or. 1 fevane h-:.- wen t.n lotieinf, ipc lh ::i f - in FaveD..-villi- since 1 024. .. . ;-! S! ... ,V Urn. , versify, iiir.i r •••..• ived hi- rr.ecli. ; , < al training at the Leonard Much ~1 CY-.-Vec-, the Uniwisi-L" We Tenn v-ec, L• ty Id and ! Medical Celle, ge and Meharry. lip d: | f..vtgradim.te study at • • Fiiiv- .shy of P-rnnsylvaniit. ar.u tin: University of Hhk. .;,.i, ; • • ’-’e,"! cm th: -Mass ol Merev Boiiylas-s in Pi-.iktdc-lplua and 1 !i ■’ t t; nt in liie At-mv du.-inh World War J. H - was one of the founders nf Community Hospital in Wilmmu tom. N. C, and served on a mo yor ■ ml. , . v commissi >n •!' ir tint My. I’ii: mi -, \Vi :-.i Wa II a.- servt d :.s ,--xamining chysh-ian t- >• Lave t'.evilie'■ Droft 800-d No I. BI AS U\ U VY 01 T f -It. • • i.-i j>. ibl. nv AMla.uch nothie.y definite v I'uU'neci by the ijepartmcni of the A- M V :a a t.-fl 'at !■< lop in-ar pvt-nos.'-d. to cxia.-riment tn fUi thct" integral ton. ~ Be. mis- these ln-at mgs arc bc r.-.-. held teak;-! <Muy, C ] doois. IVI- : ti.'-: the jaii.i i-elations tiiveion of ; i my. f- roes nor tie -• ralh li Faliy • -imtllitt.r-C would * --li.* any opeu. official comments |( \ {; j a *'; (K \ •*H "y<iby .'.\ i r.iUa: ‘ !>c .tu.-c , : I 1- e.-ndef! ! V she '' ■.O: ■- ; :e - TTTE CAPvOONTAN tors general. Charles Fahy. Othi. ' mcmhoian- Lr--: ! er B. •;rni • r John If Seni'-tacl'. hv dhi R <J I Palmer, William L. Stevenson, A.', .i Donahue at cl ChariO' ackinati. local citizens ■ h: vine th ' proposed t.-ea school ii' the Chavs- set ! -:p ~: i poitor ;n*i for a ihiph | .■ 1 the p.'f'E-ct;- vVashintfU'ii CSil'-it-: used . s an area school Adoption revised •n.-iistitu i-n sunn,.'. ‘m. by tli , A socuT.ion s coni-tituf tonal committee was vot ■d. C'oijjcs of *he nr " eon'titutjon' ! will h mad? available to .he . n ' tire membership by the next meet- OPEN fIOCSE offer ; th,e n>0::! up- tod it c ;• i; d ! complete tor,soria I service in the : city. The iippci floor occupied by th- office-',- of Dr. C i. Hunt, \T, L) nd !.); M L. Wat Is, L), D. S.; arm ■tile t'-iilc,retie and scw.'iik shop M.vdmn. - Pnriiy .v-d Milchoi. , Resident of Ruicp’b are itn itc-d 110 a iit and in.-pcct the buil t tie : which ' • one of tiic t*; •■ * no h- rn , i and up-to-date of ts type hi the ■ i * ity. SIGMAS TO MEET PHILADELPHIA >ANP. The : annual spi im> reptonai conference i lof the e:o?.eni district of I ,; n L a: : w ill convene b. ; e- Anri! itia No S'.' o.;i cL;. 1 y rarntci club and special nl'e'n-- tir-n v.-iu i-i laid to th-. no • tion and educational prop V/ilham K I"i . co a, is ia. lorn :c; dined* ■ 11 so holds the p .1 *d nut i i e.-a , culivc octet iy. Thcnc of th mcel will be ‘ Birder and BeLor • Business.'’ the fraternity’; - , muj’.i nel’.v ity for ovc. *;» .veto's. THURMOND ASKS STATE HARMONY COLUMBIA- S. C (ANIM South Crroiina Gov. .1 Strom T'T.r. • | n.’ontl told Uiv Palmetto Stale; reuehof.s* asocial ion *etinj-? ht.i c , 1 S'.st w eek th it ' S* >uth C’:vol . ... i.* ■h e inove in ina \ >y v>. >pc cls." a1 -! pine' ICE CREAM right from your * own refrigerator \ »% .../Aeecoo#/»/cf/ \ f \ •&£?■ - ' v Os". -vdfl "msT / - / / ‘ Vs-sty v X>r^ ■f .. v - c - .<4 k f . . "-fJr' s - ■ -. f A, X' , .i _ '/ ’*s '" w ’ fcjwaMWWßwgHMßßggg' ltiwtwMMiWiFiifWiMMßßgsßMßßßasaHMii ■ f•: rn it iii in ■ i iii—ihhiuhiiiiib | YF.S! It’s Here Again—KimbrelEs New Account Campaign i W| P' ip p f| 10C0 NEW A II I Cl U ACCOUNTS I SPECIAL LOW PRICES EASIER TERMS If You Can’t Come I Phone 7739 jffTf I | M l (TO We Deliver I |1 my down VJ|f/ S%i ! DELIVERS 1 stsages of INOJRECT j Lqkf frorr* one bulb I! plus a lojge gloss NEW 7 WAY | ‘"TT 1 "Hite- Hiy&t f'_ -fN REFLECTOR \4 X / FLOOR 1 AMP " i hVVII 5I*;I ISSI i 3 sfoctes of DIRECT COMPLETE WITH PIIATSD \ SHALE ARB GOLD BRAID TRIM 1 If You Can Come To | Martin ' Si. M the me till.' Hi , tur, to f CiJUtjil c- sets I t. Mr l -t C'-.T durit.,• t'*n ■ <•.r nine; i .After iii ernt.. , r; , l -n, :.i v.-ir.- '■ corn dig prourers In t:is state, th*; 1 Dixit ciat ita'iev told She teacher.: vV ■ mu d v.'i)! ]i loi'cthoi is npi- Friduy .iddit the tv.o-day i:oi,- uI ionsv; add. t.sscd by Dr. Chr.nnin;.; H Tobias, d * roe cits 1 f c f’bclps-Stokos fund and idmi' her f President Ti .an,in.'s roni* ! jn.'Uve on (’'ivT Right Pn -idrn; doh:: P . ; i.h-dart-l in ill - utv.ii'CS.- that Si Utii r .';; •••.;■'. :> was in th midst *-i :■> ■: do ■ ;.-n nl nenaissanci"Never bes ■, jo Kimbrells DEPENOABLE FURNITURE W’T F K l-rvorvc; f VrVTiDAY, APRIL 9, 1949 iii;tot ■ oi .in staff;.,” ho wa d. , . -,-, * omph.a: is been pine • d • : .•.••*!!!•• uid rjualtziiitJ : " umtu Pol . *-j idurled, "it i- i: tins nre u flnr i .:>••, $ vi br • ip nr the rn l f pre.r .." ‘TEED GLASSES?; jjf If You I Can’t Crime Phone 7739 1 mmesm&mmrnmmmm,: 1

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