SECOND SECTION THE CAROLINIAN Vv I KK !• : SATURDAY, AFKJJ 0, 1010 fly W.^TRUDWICK a m urm t mi n i All the beli i'l A .. > ■ i:iy i a;... All :!h birds at h, \on may .- id;. All tilt 1 wells '.ii O'irib mil) Ail the winds o;, o;.i't». r■.:.y m, All sweet .sounds logciher . . U the ; * I Irn-crcsiert wicn Wire r ni;'iil)".e.iie - v.1... then Sonif.-thr isee;' ;:m; ;. t; •_. i --i men Mii-lit i.i. hull as wee; -a hen LAUGHS A lIK,\ I.TII V CC; u OS SKVF.N IHE H AMM, Sl*l ( S \ ! Oil V IIAVS V VIASS Ml l MM. Waif, ' White, executive i <*• tus y of th, AAAI T. i. . . ~i p "i 1, lie", e U .1 11 ! )„■ '■ itlt'll! of tiie Ihilmgh bt«t eh, real officei anri dh;nit.,i'Ks Iron; aii the Dixon-Line State-, b. ;< led plan ned and ■ ■■Hi' to Ralegh; thi > v, they ian o'. Ul.’T Mil) WL CON-: gi’KH ' Mr >V I:" e ■ a;. !-•ii - lliilitard tiMl;t-. i tor all the nin-ar iti-.- i i the world, reeeived li : just • and (hit e-oOial ie*ept;-':i lie vvas . I u .iid The tie;.-. and masterfully .-ample pielur-. lie nave of She rd state' "i ;:!tali in the polite;,! , ot ill I) ( coo’d not ; os- -A :v p, tihelfd But .‘a- ■•oay’e c..;;..- , , me whil.- i a’ of. uHvely due.-ts: ~ his orate re DOES ,!OF 1)01- UNDERSTAND And to. the ties' it v laics '.May I ' t-c •'«.) h ;:I;' I li, shi’l S |)(' 11 cent fi.a.-ct, ■.‘.hicl: 'am.- held ;r, the See •,!, titled. "Fl! !:..i-t'‘l ieot '... if.zing and the dawn c,j u Mibtle new f, rro w .-.ieh • etr.ial in; II length newly dseeovei eu , it, t'n< isidious hand which .• ; ;n - irond the lie. oricd hr, *. t. me i>•.ci' ri but imbev. Idfied p; w, n- .. j)-> KKK. \ ‘ a .- . '■•a to h .'.p c.iik -abject.on; i'.e looked the i iont door and pulsed t ‘ ■ lit (i< . .iHli • lU file ; , tare aii the world was Fork a.-,-:! that i!.fa we •• fm-tuti;:: c to fed . glimmer of light. But to day ti-e . C:». c(i , o back duo., saw the and t.rc world km-.. hi.s piie.lii S r s ■ :ua Mr 1■ - save :;a :;a t.n ta-ned Fue 1l i i;.,; di.Ol i s'i'acl-t 'li tv. a ;. ■. I RUT WITH THE OTHER lm 'plan to 021 tnc* Oitfk door, piumv tin whole iv-u.-; into dark no.,- to no de: hr cm.; :. F|:- d i ,m; i'artr, r to* : e.u tiomo forces who are now {•ether. th and south lit . mad ’•(•ramble to ream t. e oner;, i ...... icod have* Sony since d.tinned. You: power to retaliate be-, a: the polls .fid in the fact :h. t ; . NAACP and others n.n <- .■ f<;.,; (ha. duor ‘ a lit t (b ■:r. a'u: arc t. -a - , force oi will to •< !J • "a- < it ran pi ' raiy ojn-ni'd Sl’T'HOli'l N'OUII OR(IANIZATIOXS A I.) THE RIGHT MF.A A . 11 F j>. ,>.! , - OPEN THAT Ufa .a Nt AY NOW NOW NEGRO HEALTH AM) NORTH { AROI I\\ | \( rs The only state who nave lev - «"■ Cartel 100,00(1 , a t: tii N C. ■'- Akibarui s, : , Car-1 nia. ■ t-,a Miiu;,it.i;n i rut ..! Many ct-an: jes ha . i no dtre ler or hospital . : all. nr Ne gro But the state ot N’oith Caro lina pay.- Federal laxalioit frond only to the richest Mate in the l ailed Stales. Ne.r Vr: T. . t' are t niy I*l-1 Ncrro doctors, in N -;*a Carolina to .-ewe irture than . iTiHlion people, i e Sta'e al .A;,., has adt’.itied students m it; ,-nedi • cal school already :eg idle.. ■' HOC'; I*.-i ■; ~ No: tl Slate' 1 Th** number of rural people p?i |-hyslea • ,- -- .3.613 in !»4OO nv.-t.her- die ,1 ehiJ birth t.'initiiig *1! ■ St. b -tie- hoc. ta.,l 7 I'M pi ev • table :•*< (lead. ;,!,<( -ill * :,:- oe* lin ed ,n M)4O I) <{ von knov th..: ij.opie travel seiu’c! imes ftn .-iid h<) milt to see a t .'-a-f .u i then iv eto -.. ut t*.o :b . MALI. t. -FOUR HEALTH. NO’.’ I'HF IKM FAR. . ", u lla- •:>-.*. I"(•■; b?.tl, neahh oner g me. NO .MORE. . . OFT N THAT DOOR. Did STING THE NEWS OKtEGiaot.' t J?Rd/afde ’- u k tin STUDENT TICKET LINE AT THE STATE CAPITOL IN RA LEIGH last week may set .: pace o: stymie progress Who knows? It; lls positively and glaringly true that there are many, many askant ee-ndit ans in the oduc, Tonal pro gram of North Carolina; and they are not all r* ntcred about present appropriations. For the outlying counties in our by::’!, rural dlsirifts ; the fact oi the matter L. the huge a .urn- p.ven tl, are itll pet. .*;■<{ mil :< ,:tl n.t die memo;y ot the late DR .LAMES K!>IVARD SHEFAF-H --: I don't Iral it IT|o liin- to de ,Ki . wilt;l he would have (10n,., i.i .t r- i, - 1 ; -; ‘., it ion Fit. \v el - * he i,rtnl.v be! c\ *'d in the t FiTNESS ,-f pimp's and tiniiitr.. One , ruth ; . iei i f.ato li.),- rot ert ated sn ace t.ff.d ’r-stiti-t.nn a tt:> ( th .1 lav raeciirine or graduate : vv .-. date; and it has not level -1 t-d ib (s| endi: u.- ioi all ehilcii'e:! i to .nidi, -ii • ive,,-: iil* RCC AND Ti 1F I.iOC'RS A!;F CLOSE’! IT) ME .AND THI'E We po.‘ .e-;- a Mtinmi; piovressivc ifjH.tata-t; nut 'in, inne* D-, :•.*.: 111 y lndignatite::; v.-ht-n they -*e i.'arod to tile- ’ii-nt of day Kius ;pdh r . nuclei" hopes that tin ■ ’-v i one fact on . v, .I; is•,t a.,.- tl;u ] incident as a ir.t ,us to lash out jupt.-i it ;.s Lett' , tie- diie-.-t re?tilt *tf Fa* knowledge t-oiy.-:i;<,u titat •Tin: INFAMOUS FII..IBUSTKR ' -A- -tdv rd m the NAAC I’. and die ' : el te 11- tail a!-• Frank I '■ 1 Graham ; Fie m.-i l.e tuva .nil a; I r.rtu-Ucally lhe y;,-.e breath. SAIL ON O SHIP OF STATE' SAIL ON O UNION STRONG AND ! • ire at: t I ROM Tin SAM I i >1 1 am look l !*:.* nr a I■ ttie town , tieslltv: d---o in a mtiirv t'recn v .d- V.'h-re men -. ran and eh:.- (hen live. **. ork and laugh in ■■ healthy H-n.v Where the corn ,;vov. , hi; 'h arui n ow tr wii oi rnn: <. t ■f i iit i I'l Oi.tM .t (i '• 111 : •’* A •' ;Oi s. In < ]v) -Jiiaisy 'i ■■■ uoo . . Blossom Sunday and m Fi. t- :: Olive Yew Si • - 5.:.. i Willow, i! i:- a. o i :dy Da- Pa- Ft-;-l .! tin An It- i> Jit id, id:,; that Ihe anr.i --'• • • ?• el lFe ; tr.din:. 7 J .,:i.*e I')e LiV - - A. the foundation "i •- *. r-a.-'M.; yoathi. >lio;ild oceut -■ 1! 'ids'. *-i N*.-,; Health Wct’K, ' Apr'l L-. 13 He *- ,-.i died m vain 1 tee louma n mv- .)! .til! jee-.i 1 - 1 -- year u u-r men discovered da*', the runny clime he did End "• mild prolong the: lives. Alt,no' F- t.rv sucked ou" at, an ■ - - rrt.w spf-.i I,'tvi on way. AS TIME'S HI.ART BEAT TRIPS THUMP thump WITH THE •ROE OF SPRING AN "Mi THINGS TO DO UNDONE Till hen FIT Glenn Street. Darn,mi, N. C STIC DV.’ICK.. LAST RITES ARE HELD AT APEX FOR A, 8. RAINES Fut < ral mv. ire. wore hold fur Ar! .. B R.t.r.. . f 338 E--ist Lemar Slid" |, ni.ty Ap: )• 4- ;■! Ml, /.i'rn Ban” -! Chinch of Acex N. C M Ram. - died at St Agnes Hos- ! pita! Ap: il alter a bros illness. R ii'- : <1 sJ lit. •-'-■ Mrs. Nu F -'m v , t N In lie. Tears N'-t'td -E D- lay Anrii'i vv -of N<: v i G, • ms. lot nt y \V * 1 1:. 11-, ( . R; Mi v. i V ('oidCT. j Rain' * 1 .* , i Jftr :• ■ l;,,;d! OI Nr - '■ (At \ •« . .:,■ . . I n ,-i ■< Rai’e ui th city Fse Rev. F S. R..F r.- nf New Orle,, 1., ! •rd f • i'” E ? ini ;■ ■ ! F.a nnsi.ud. • Va, tiici four Uslen r lser«ic j t-vs.i. D.ti'h us,- Air.- Fannie V. al den- Harr,let, *\. .ATee R j Plsdrsdelplii.i. p-„ . ..-iid i\*;,-. .pi; Wilson. I’hiladtr.phui. Pn. 1 ■ Lev. Jam Stew a l*t r-f Dev s' former pastor of Mount Zios Church, conducied Fa- Em* ral. Mr j R-nne- *, ;vs , seert tary and j deacon under the pastorship of 1 Rev, Stew, til at the Mount Zion Church. 'The Rev. O S Bullock, pastor m i too First Baptist Church. Raleigh, j i mid The Rev Mr. June.:' present ) .PEtOs' ui Mount Zion Church gave ! l' ks. Continued on Jjage i, ibi& seeLml NO SEOREBATIOM SAYS DEM SOLON Bv .VJ.ii i DJ'NNTGAN 1 WaShh.gon A\pi ■- s-a, run DA Douj inb, of ULnes ; i". nt*:lie ; th,.' the D( moo’.vtie pI;.L J form d'd not --'ale that segregation i yf'C’llo *• l-lharj :rs the - >tlt*l •«1 u.g.-ii v.'lion the lilineis • nal o . ke brl't-rt* a large .v:d --1 s'.'* t St i’eter CLivi r y Sen IM;:"! \-- ii p: '"-'title solution of the ; rat -tl '.if notion in *h>- counb-y.; Son. Dougins mu-, r .Mod mai the! I \T ro Os Hie South sc* -old i.i*; ist" 'S'-lib rl |* inetnbtn-s I V l | : -S . CHI f?( If CONDI CIS l\YM\ \I SCHVIMS Bshop \y J N,,;.p0!. p..; Mr of .the Believes-: IP-Loess Chur eh *t - i J L'fus - n S.-uh Bl.sodvvoslh .Street, i ttlis wet k ..coot,need a p, v-val ,s e-.irrer.tly being held at the j B. >* ;tie.';.- 1-. t ,f the .service ; arc !' made < aci- S-ci v 10;30 P ' vl Th" p, t;-,| ;c [; •-;! to ,i the j v I* lS. '. ; .'s' . ' , ",ey' ? ’ ’**'**•* ..... ■> -4 s - D: f.A" A.,4 ! w.'D a v'AI"-M a- •- ■■ , ' ■;* ■ '•. T'"e A A' N kmmm M- J A"- &%&■<*■«&■ kl H . v'-'-i;"'- " F',, ;.T "--N ; ■ . " I , ; ye ■ • i", ’ '* ,M ' • ' '*- " 4•• ■ ".• .';,:AA" :.r , a ;- ■ '• ■'■ vVxA-rcF •. .. .v-v*i, . DURHAM OMEGAS | v ! • ctatnr *. patron*. •"!’-» pm ; 't fitud a ":-;r?\y .si North C " * ; hna > jN'-.t h: if:and mu.-ha.! talfrit I Tht* Orm-NG T.-ilcm V?; an • fan 'll .. it: b\ «n ». -a ■ j local c’t jpt<"• t-i .-t it": tissl : ].am' j ( *.)N St..;: - , ’• • . Cl,. 1 -C L f* «t i'\ly lisil C-sU't: u*st<;l;. jS. (.’. th: Vi•;i! b; -iit*;,* J 11. Wilts It'* ) Oj>: I‘W’,l-.- : a tht- Bet;; p..i ;.i - J Y.cj y- i ..*• .)! .... iNiiV; - ; "uV. y made ine i uun i - ill ?c v ijinv’i s. ]>r,z* ..: i ; ! Mi,* . 1 iJct n;-o;t .>i .. o, r, ;:t i. , v. HP .* vT 1 .. * * * * V'\: ■ : ' ->•*■■■ d& *»» --^ WORK FOR fJOFY FAN’S) I’FAt‘F While separate nego- : nations ronlimsc between the | new state of Israel and the Arab , nations, truer teams (1; sent by the tUnited Nations, check oppos i in*> Arab amt F-meli positions during informal conferences ! Dateline nr* “ 1.0“ “30” BY JOE Nil!' EH ARD • TTie recent rinnitng u' E. J Car* ; u-sgo ! j the Ha; -syt (uy Sch-jo. l I Boerd *ep (sented a :n;>jns* advance : It'S the at,/. - , tl-- tit; ; :;• .1..' i the t r(. s' North State. T (h'.'ir.:: of .- tfigrc ..scird.-c-t' '.f ”i' City Council would insr'i tin "Vei: «' ate; yam and rate in ft; 11 kc<:p!ii!' vv 1 1 h t!:. lil cral tvuditivm i.-> ; tit of the North heritage. ; ts’ election, however, no n;;.tt ■Rv Low :rt»:i!l.v desired bv tin- ivsi* i d'"'Ur ~r ti-e e-ty -•;■ how g: rally ; ".ei. -.led to < ii-i"! j -•*. o! got-.; r,d i lair w-vt.; ament is a then.' which '"-Ail iitst .nr! cannot be,! ! .1) 11 'f' " * \11:«i:,»? * «if or' any ui* ",„n (i --!f » coi ii« •** a i.-ou! i .sc of. and : r -'*ly bPCc't. so of an • ‘c-rcs.' i•{ nnci .a-. ,j (.'f*• and ! '•• M Oil : hJ» p:vt of th*'* oiCr -1 ‘l »'i tv. , T!.•• (insiro }o,‘ i'eniTscn* on ; !,/• C. "" •' has bo * n V- i I• : - fii' iy in past liy Caisit'.d -IK'UJV in Raiciyh. 'The ism: I recent such expression W..S .if : l.e F-C't Rules,y> Civ;, Forum which iso. •' i.d •-d i.ue • ‘■'- i -h.r.v ■>. t ■ -l i... A H , oed and wl.'a h a t sp".n isead.-d the e> ; s.jsi,-sui;* ;vhit-!: tend to h ist ! ding on Mon ■■ iy tttoj nJitg.. SiniiA. ;• i t .-omeni •,... ..-ed Ay U,- RwtT'h C'tute;.-. As iciat a ti. f<*rin-r]y the Raleigh Negro *'etc Committo, :.t its niuntlUy iii-.oiin:; hold on Tut'xday njgfit Thf* enci.o?>« :,( mos »fJm*» nips iy ••\:p i. tM.i follow thrh i-rxt v2’i'. in. • ~v »! iji>< j o jyi n;? •; ii. *.■ o HiOa i* r?" 5 on if t u* oily":*- fS T ot/ri> f it - F.'idcc-r.aenl aiorr- h.-wever m D N IbITKE AUDITORIUM ST/lfiF yC/IQI v ulnttu l lhi «Ll IX’;T.T; > ty f; ri 1 • ' > l. ’lit' • ;,*•;■• t Pianist Kruu iv;.. Oxford; N v, .i* i .}(' H i:.. «•:.- .t tc. • .u award for be. .o.b cli"=n * rUtiO ci •T3i ; . 8.-’icli i . K« >.*..•• by W«*i k Thbd Ivnors wnr to I'ioei E. ‘lan Kir. on of Di m : .l Mr a l K. iTurnor. for Ui:, fi liry/Ot .solo ivn~ Ci.lio;. of tl:" ‘’Good Hussion F. 0.- taM * by Levy. AP \ articipnnts received ibo pa '.Tv, .. d nuV or, tbo. T-Ku and andi-ance; sp.-c.-d somrv/herc along the front. Meantime (2) at United Nations headquarters on the island of Rhodes Acting F. X Mediator Ralph Ehtnehe •• .i. .. . ..V. •■ ,;.. ■, • .V-ii •■»..... ■•• ' _ s:ivsi.rn;tv MV re ;ip «•«"•.;’vice I ; * ' ; ‘u:* id to lof 1 ;• ir* g&vcnirc>ii v.'iU clo little • T u mj OfunreT i f'iLf, ! icUli iL- J I t' <■! s l< ,; (X’"| *•; • •sv . I *. r, • -.ipt" ; '-u eharrssiau. Ckeeuiv Dr. C. V F. !,c : Hi. e u \\ T : I •I; ;•. IV'.; (: A.sill. (‘.rta*. tl- el' suu-,i- at NCC- served .. judge. ! ! anywhere they might fee needti, 'Hie l>ra«)i and fioptia» chief - representative*?, (4) join in a friendly hand-hake after signing ;.)[ armidire io end fighting lie- I tween tfu armies of their coun- | trie*. _ iAW'j : ' .'.••■ .-• ••■-.- ■• ..& •• .• "■'• 'tc'v. v. ' Boswell Act Ban Hailed By White EW YORK Art;on oi t •■'. • • i C;; •>| /> - C-i, !V‘ ,/ ''! , (.' (*.->• i,' •It « •• .... 1: :. ».y .’je if Olrvft, evlvii : .-»..■ nt-t Ct : "*'*•*' | | ~ :k _ ■ ’ ' *4ii4*to’~- l "i|' ; **«§ * i; : ' '■ ■' ■; | ■ > : ■•'* i‘ | i4i|j I' % % 4§i 3I > -,1 ;. ,1 s i ■• ••**■■■ -sVjb n ? ■?-** fj la I" 1 'll ~' ■■s if -T \C KS"' |\ ( LAS.SROOMS 'i he iljin r >t* "if. shows, s fbs. in session at uie Law hhool of the Non-i fai eliii.i {-©Urge at Durham. Th<> snelvcs 01' hooks stacked at the re::, of the ri..-v t orn ire pari of the school s Saw #jaj» .if f ; -% *| 1* jj - eji■- * *** | .. * f ;. | I I SHAW GI!TS \ V\\ ill 2LDING 1— This large dtaristf. which ! how * s offices <:;• the several | Hake (unit; Departments, was acquired recently by Shaw Vnl- j verify. The building. which j contains ft;.' mim.. i. composed el three distinct unitis valued at J the XAACP ifr.cial. • .hat the re-: ■fa -I ■:>f '!.<■ Unhi<• States Suj>rer o' ( isf if! review the iovver court do-! :. : in out!, -i V > t.i;s:ci'iv!u.iatory .'■ not.or t:is' >!i.‘h dcriov:.; at- The: A:nendn.-er,t :c- !:l io bar! : to -.dimi' J on b this section ; libra r’ Students seeking the book; for study or reference are of:*. i) unable to do sc. without disturbing oihet .students who are ;n their ;n the providing- ol' new build tuge rm part of the lib; .. •. are h or piled upon floors in the auditorium because oi lack of space for proper placement. dent organizations and aetiv«ties I j also may be included in the c.x- I | pamive set-up. An estimated I 540.A90 will be needed for r« .in- I ration and conversion of the I building t» uses projected by the | 1 diversity.,