II '• * lif „Mj I i | I' gi §| ! 1| I «*flff : : i: I 1 i ptpi: ► I : j ■ s ; s ’ iff >.;.: -i\i- o« ; r : ■"■■* : ■ « I » I-. ; : , mm ! ;y **■**, % M%. f n | jy ’ l-^|jf - 'W :• ' U S";;.',* HCTS DRUMMER Pictur ed here at his drums is William H. Mcßride who has become known as the Gene Krupa’’ of Harnett Cty Training School Mcßride was winner in a State wide Talent Contest held m jfhsmsd TOPS IN SCHOLARSHIPS— Six students of Shaw Univer sity who made (A; in every one of their subjects for the first sc mesler arc pictured above They are listed cn the Honor Roll an j given special distinction fa c cause of -.heir achievement From left to right are: Courtney Omegas To Meet At Charleston More I’: <vv,> ] ■!:«'<! n,; from N- ' tfj and Soutn Caron:; > will rivet i: Cbnrleston, South Carolina n Friday, April 20th at t >-! f. 1 [ ;rr {;; ■ ; Pst phi Sixth District Confrif nee According to H Carl Moultrie oi • Wilmington, North Carolina, Dis trict Roprcsentalrve. pin!:; :■ i\ •' been completed by the ent- >; lin ingl chapter. Mu Alpha, for h.-t promisse to he tbv greatest cm if .b in its bust vY. Talent Hunt finalists, v.inntrs in local contests from all over the district, will appear in rental •••■ Sunday afternoon, My. ID. '<■ cli max the gala conferee.-»■ ! f... i While tr<; project is net entirely .. i contest. ar: ..biectn-c i-'- to pick , out taler t d youth, vo prizes will | be awarded from. SIOO fur in u place. SSO for second d ire ~s<d , $25 for third place. The disl rc' launched this program four - . ■ ago and with the end of the <:< . - rent year, will have given no.iriy $2,000 in prizes and aid gran! • 1 . •* talei.t'd youth, The largest lum ber of finalists fver in cute, the District Talent Hunt r expected li. participate 1»P BF. VI A.MIN MAV.S SI'S \KI K The i. onferc m e sc sns v, p i> r ASK PVSSAGF 01 LAI TO PROTO l FARM WORKKRS WASHINGTON bin;, <v safe gu finis to pr .tect agricpi■ urai v. tkers in ttii bill to amend the Fair I. xbor St’u, i-irds Act ■■ ;s urg ed by Clarence Mo "beIS NAAC.’I' labor reerctary, tcxtilyi. befo: •' the Senate -ab ■'imtr.iU* c m- l-’;ii Labcz Standard Act an endment.- "Therc ',u <. a ■ n 1 :1: 0 ; C ‘.‘orcri ri'ii ■■ tlren wiio li-’O and v. -. k > t; : Mr. Mitchell raid at the a. on April 12. ‘•Under the present • law ihm- child ret i re not protect- ; ed ft oi i .nar.ardn.' ' T . i,.-v , biii. S 653, be pointed. <ml, offers \ these children u > protection ‘•against hazardous va rk afts.r school hours." { Mr. Mitchell asked that the bill be amended to cover ait persons, i working for wages in agriculture. 1 to Include workers in such seasonal l industries as canning, tobacco, rot- • W >o.t and oils; and io authorize t i Secretary of Labor to extend the I i same protection to children cm- j ployed in agriculture as ir. indus- - < fry. _ i 1 Raleigh and wiii compete in Charleston. S. C. on April 23 for a $2,000 scholarship. Or. next Tuesday night, he will play at a meeting of the Junior Woman's Club of Dunn- (Dispatch photo by Wayne Justcsen.' Brcwn. a junior of New York. Miss Florence Bocne, a sop ho mcr* of Woodland; St Elmo ' Pugh, a junior of Norfolk, Va.; Wilber 1 L Nixon a fivshm mos . Smifbfield; Mt r Carolyn Y- Prunly, a senior of North Fork, ; West Va ; and Charlie Lyons a j junior of Bethel >, tlv- ,r>; ■ ' • if | Dr Bcujan-m K Mu>, President! «• f Motv house College who will t-;d-! dre . ’.hr public re • ling; if ilo.-ry ; T Pent) (, atv: Pasbom, ( .f M.;' f •r:;i v’ ' r ' c - r >.: [: " i:;m ~ i,.. , I •I-' U. 'I IJi.isiness s t ysions will begin cn Fri.biV afternoon ;.f Avca v j nsti-1 HAW SOI IAI S Aeci.rrbng to John F Potts, D.b- | ; trie*. Marshall -if Mu Aipna Char- j ter of Chariest: . Suu'n Carolina. | . cveval events have been | srhrduleci for the cun feet nee Tm- , mediately following the Cocktail j Get-Acprai (eri p rty ,ii the fa- j j mous Owl'.- Cash on Friday • , ren- i | ign, the pu*aty will be entertained j Cx in !y Hull ai . era -formal 1 dauur On Samrdav .a tier;: ■..• on, aj Vio.il tour -f liisior.r ;•>]«:>• will be! oi filed the cues!.:. On Saturday! nighi, the Pan-ib ■nr Council will ' rpon.- a !>eaeh part-- On Sunday j ;Tiornirig’. o t )r>so.':A brr-jKiast will be .held at Sou ■-■Hon School Cafe *• !• : . li uiu <i!,a‘ -,v ! .lin'vtrg the Tabnt Hunt,’ ~ rtintier will be giv en for the ci.iitesUint,. F£PC GIVEN TO? I NSSGP PRIORITY i IN RIGHTS DRIVE ... j i.’iu'mr. * -4 ib : . ~ r.der.d F ■ ! L . y.m-u: p ." W! -.sion | ha> riXTived prion;;,- w. the | if ~: ,).• ..grain of the NUion- j Association io. th- AcK.mee-j m. ni of Coln.-r-fl pi opje i,v -.-uir of i Heretofore 'he NA ACT l as rc-! fused ?■ <■’ .;ig,;'-t*■■■ an , prinr'Sy jar I civil right; iv. n:.urc; rr.iui.talnit./j tr.i. anii-Jyneh.i.g anl.-poil lay. imti-segregiitinn and FEPC bill.; were ;ill n£ equal imporlance. At ‘he regular monthly meeting on April li, the board voted to aban-, elm; this poiU > 'jme efforts of tbo NAACP v. ill j be voneentrute-j upon obtaining on- j actmerit of the FEPC bill ns the; fieri order of business. Other items 1 in the Association’s legislative pro gram however, wili not ; H - ncglect c-d, Walter White, secret;. r an-! noiWieecL " j SEEK 5 MILLION NEGRO VOTERS BY 1950 ELECTION NEW YORK • A MC.aI O' 3.000,000 Negro vote i s by 1990 was set by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People l as tn s:.-'.vsr the "victory of the Pixie crabs and their northern ai des in the filibuster fiasco." The NAACP Board oi Directors ■t its regular monthly meeting here on April 11 called "trie As sociations 1000 branches, in the South as well as in the North and West, to conduct intensive regis tration drives to expand vastly the N; gro vote by 1950.' By tile time of the next c mere. - dona! election there can be ,5,000,- FISK SLATES 6th ANNUAL INSTITUTE ON RACE RELATIONS ! To plan the "how" and ‘"whaF; j of human rights, the Rat e Relation-, ’Department of the American Mis- ' sionttry Association announetrs its. sixth Institute of Race Relations. ;He!d annually nt Fisk University tibs- year's Institute will open on . Johnson, Pn\ h.J. n! of Fr k, will direct the pp'r-, i ding':. A natoina] 1 .boralory, the In: 1- : i Mite is set-up !o provide the sewn : t-.'ic ‘ kIIOW iv'iV" : 0 Opt j];f; til! ; lions -- tin.;.- affect our 'hfitne : Mown.'' our < nmitry and the v.ndd j This suww: v- n v. J conctv- j trate on the social and ryiiticat it,-.. ; 1 p.icatior.,, of n>-,nvm m-.his. How | can there right- !,e oo’o .red for a;]; j peoples m mrr ■■■ctv " Whet :-o --! involved u- uric. - tAe-■ >v ,t i daily live and .-oei.it t -titutlon.-'': ! General background oktrol ne ' i Cte !. into : >e fr-oro' ,v. ■ I; i ; ‘ir ! question , 't ile .5.0v0., e.ativ jm.'iti of action Pi,unmeet educe- UNSAFE LADDERS LEAD TO FALLS “Ct'iOck VY i • j ifjfj ■ ~r dim, s 'hahif;-. If yu-m yv ■ 515' t«» b* •kfe Comity Agent W C. h„v>: i : ( ■ ■ ole .> t-1 1 ■ {..oitege Ksicr ing far too -n a insafr- 1 Pi. i'j; si ; j;, op .. ■ . ; r j be elfhe: 0pp.,:,. or f j, , j |h« i-ncld' ■ ■ nos.i<s * !,-,g s{ i tro.a if , , o o . i , cation V- V 1 o; i, ■ o -ti in a I;a■ rv m <■,< ■c <a f Before monnlmg a indcku-, p sti-e It o' .ecuvoj-.- The No that i! he set scorn r, r u LEA HEII #A MS LWLH: MATTIfKW A. HK,\S()\ M :» Arctic explorer; .Member, A<l .iKl' g : > i-il IV-;xry‘• f n-tie Kxpi-diiior. o' i ' '' ; ' :i * R 1 ' • i imAMCiI fiV fTS FIKLIB: , teA colfi value! Think of it— ten full 1? c 41 SI ilffl i glasses in the big. BIG twelve- 1 ‘ j I|B Ij e, ounce bottle! Vet, there’s no finer 1 in die big, b' l jf] \siPSiJcz> % > cola at any price! Take home a I v * : - OUUCi 'Hi | carton —-that's twelve full glasses. | ' w/jj/Lfl ' Why Take Lass;;. When Pepsi’s Best! [ 1,000 registered Negro voter: j throughout the country, including 2.000 000 in the southern states, tin | Board resolution asserted. ; "A vote of such strength'" the i resolution maintains, "can contts j bute significantly to the regetwra jtion of political tetivity through ' out tine South and to the election I (it more southern legislators of the ! calibre of Senators Popper, Kefauv iev and Graham. These voters, u alliance with other liberal foccts i on the local and natio.il level, can ! materially alter the present pole | tical complextion of Coiiea sss and I prepare the way for enactment or • effective civil rights legislation.” tors. scientists and community; leaders serve as IccLih rs and con- j sultants. Anions' these Hated h;r ‘ this summer's series tn mention; only a few - are Dr. Frank Horne of the U. S. Housing and. Home Finance Agency; Uio wcll-knov.u: 1 al Urban l.« m'u . Clmries il H> ns- j cum; an i eslr.ctive covenants, CL-nr.,c S. Mitchell of the Soutiicin; R> .’e-un! '• a , ; , ,!■ 11 !,o ■ r. O', •■ ci a-U t - has :m o - Ft. of Chicago, vhn pwetilky :"rnplt t - VV.h.l.,.‘i'!: Lite has grniiiu.’cd ,00 U;t- ' th- s’tiilil; Ktakina n! apo) civic and religious ~s.;L i the i; fourth for* d i e- r . ; ■,. h> the b'T‘ ■ !>p r' A ••-!'!» should ! 3 1--so he hoi '.‘i nt >:(•■ -h ;><i i.'ji-: 1 , ; h if used where.- 'here is danger 1 ’’f ppiru- A.hvav:; f the hidd's jp.jng ! ;up or d<'v,M;. , n d hold <m with I of); ; hand.;. Take <'<u step at a time •ion'! Hurry 5! > easier and safer; ; ■ " •! ' sirs i ;j:,j 1 ■ tersi-. veil a: ~ landing: T"uh I f, r materia!.; that r-imn! he carrhd; • 'afely in pork eh; ah'utlcl oc hoisted ; ;-.e !h a hand ime. Weo ; f.e th" ! (Ode r • hold | '• !!h onr hind. Avoid w.i itlfij; ; n lti|h osnet, Av-a.rl overo-estrb- i Sit, or over •'x('Vfioi) J, S ;■ or T!Uli!»<:; v. !',i|<- worker; on ladder Hes sen her ’ ha' j: s, .y : , lose balawx* and fail 1— ! ... ... . • ifr'K- % v- * I j | ! < -,lsl: Y \ 581*’ TOPS I ASTI K PAR A !,* t Mr:-, Bitty Lou Thomas of Llt> T. (abarru-i Strict won top honors :mt) a Soft pri- ‘ Sunday .n the lest drt ed woman in the K;-.- h iftii Easier Far in contest r.pon 'iind by thy Selah Jubilee Sina ia . in eonnu’tiois w -ill their Tast er Sumlav aftei noon concert at the Karikh Memorial Xsnittor iimt. Mi"., rlinoias was fef* hinyly gar! ft in In ml, r gab - urn: t 0., suit with lavender shoes, and l ay and *;i >k hlou t-, hat and e‘tr *£r. Her -uM ss i - m sic by b- t mother, ills. Mat i),n is. .Mrs Thomas mad- tier own hat V'■ t.■’! nh.it Si, (tlamicti hi do wtiii her I'riv . she ?d ihat she tlrasidj civcii pari of :i to hr Mot hi - .ire < I plan--, to hank the rest of it. TGPEKA SCHOOL BIAS SHIT HEARS COURT DECISIQf! '1 i >PEK A \ : . s*Ji-:"t;- V f,.. tss- 1 Dateline jMFrcJffc&Bg) ijJONh *■**» *» 1 o “30” BY TOl SHEPHARD A few year? ago Newspaperman, i Walter Winehell drew the w rath ; of Congress by calling the Hoys:; j of Representative the “House of: Reprehcnslvcs." Jus! hov. he got that way was | * shown, pretty' clearly last week j ; when legislation to establish a j * i,tnut‘s reserve in the Coast j Guard was on the floor of the j House for consideration. Not the least bit of difficulty j ! had beer, ex yet ted in (hr passage | jof th< bill, and it is quit,: likely | ! hat there would have been none i ! had the bill been voted upon as i -t v.-.ts written.. ; Instead. Vito Mareantonio, New York City's American Labor Par-j ty Congressman introduced an I amendment to the bill This amend- j tner.t rnild have banned any dis | crim nation :r the Goast Guard's | '. Wcnier.'s Reserve because o! race, i j creed or color. i i d.-ntbt quite seriously that there) j wo ;hl be any objection to such an j nmvdmetit by Coast Guard ;vffi-1 ! rial:-, because the U. S. C'cast i i Guard has the best record, from ; the standpoint of integration of pm s, r,i;el of all branches <>f the : nab u s marine armed services. * Air on Imm. was defeated by a In the interest -of presenting h i i vie. r picture of whal foil owed, u ! may he necessary So point oytj in: ' .1 • •.' v:>tc w a proceduvo i -s' Fry for cit! >.■; ihc “yc : i ; <’i' ''nays' whenever there seems j A' s rcsuif them i- , iof ; ;he Thy pn rticiilnr n nee! of “no j : vote ' and, to a !r degree, th- \ i '.riter vote" in which those mem ; ■ i'- rf;>y i siiic a measure and is,s : , J ter :-- i’ -f .e .s'ic pur jks-.v of h: , 7- > ' i their constituents Marcvuitonio, <-jir of the ic.r-s j i populai men aeor.g hi., colleagues j :hc most a state puriiaraenta; .aus, j in save the W'nKnte-' Rescssf rp. ;; • ov. lcr,' l v I a? wither ‘ill fay <|e- \ mm - ■ i ■di call vote on amendrn- t:< The, time the amendment pass - ' i'd by a vote of 193-133 with those! from areas with! tion or where strong support of! iso- dto* Truman civil rights .urogram was indicated voting for; ' .-ret ir.j< of th. United States armecl , ~ . , ._ c , , i sum was not to be the case; for North Caroiin.Y? own .Reprc-aenta- i five Banner, smarting under the! - .or Os a b?it of civil rights leg-! , islat ion, even ! hough it affected I tsb' an uixiliary branch of the i armed services, introduced n re so- j iutim to send it back to commit ; *OO Tios tunc there was no record vote, and hiding behind 'he know . ledge that their constitutents would nave no offieai means of detemin . mg how they had voted on the 1 , nu'.-iMire. anti-civil rights congress men and their “off the record ai i lies, voted to send the measure j , back to committee Tii's was done, e'earty domon- , strating thta the anti-etvii right' - : forces would prefer having no; : Won.-'ii';: Coast Guard Rcnerve ty having one in which every v. r-man , was guarantied consideration on i the basis of her merit rather than : ‘*n the ' dor of her okm or of her racial background. W hat was more, .f sh-rwed can clusively that civil i ights measures can pa>s and are likely to pass in the Congee-- ,f the record vote of ihc individual member-; c made available to the constituents who sent them to Congress, , N’t ml. nr-;- foi that matter do > ven .1 majority, of the member . of ■ the Bouse take advantage »>t sm-ii tactic to evade the<r responsib,- i I.r. » their <■'-nstitucnl But. tie' fair of the Woman's fc.-.'t Guard Reserve Bill .-hoy.-, enough of ih'-ni do to call f<- the f iinuiva tien of "voice.” -teller" or other I non-record vote::. Perhaps a Congrcsman's coc.li- ' Incuts have no right to “demand' ; that lie vote a certain way. bull they do have the ■ ~ht to know i !n-w lie votes co that, they can jn • the future, send men 1o the House : arid Senate who will art in accor dance with the expressed wish of the voters. NFW.MMIIHtiV LIVES TRENTON SIX SIOOO I NEW YORK CAN'D A con-! trtbutior. of SI,OOO for the defense ' of Six Trenton, N T . J., Negroes con-1 vieted of the murder of a white i storekeeper was made her recently! by M.ss Anna Lotjis Strong, white i newspaper woman expelled from ( Russia not long ago as a spy The j contribution originally had been: i ffered to the 11 Communist party! leaders, now on trial, but it was re-j fused, SECOND SECTION - The Carolinian WERK ENDING SATURDAY APEJL 2: 1 ., li'49 > _ == _ a=== Li t ML IV ■'Let me learn,’’ ihi It tie isres. ray i They have learned that Faith must do More than mediate and pray ! That a b.-uider may fall i hrengi.'. | Mak.ng on*.? largo man size *n i trance i: t" stiiy. !": . - ] They have 1 ear nett: forget tin? dis | Count no steps run' stop to blow, j L'IVK RAF AT TIIK (JAY CfH'.VCIL BOOK Five prominent and qualifk'-ci i North Carolinian- hav* fill d as i c.mdidates for City Council n tiit i :a spoctive cites: R N Hands. Dur hnm, N C vice j.res.dent and se re t ary of the Bankers Fine li.sur ■:tw C< mpany and member of iium ; evens civic organization : it elect ed Mr Hand - il! !>• -■ • ,-Je .c; Hi.-die MeCanU; <Jr*X'iisbon>. V, C, i 'rnninei t reshiurae J a.;: and | eieirciiinau. DR \V P DeVANE. i*.i> ettO\ il!-'. N C . u. » wfui pr. c ■ ticing physic;;!! and eminently ! qualified i", rwic s I - ,i’v ed i federally !. 'iicnarJ in WYuUi ;\V o i ,md tx-uriimrig p- .. .* w : drafv Boar*! W-wid YVar I!, j Wiiiit L *.: i* :‘, f r [ti'ard •:!' Aisiw {man of 'A'::. ‘ r; Sib n. N. The ! cton*l K p; n-'th 'WiFi, m.- j C A HA YWOI )i>, rr:->v' , lau, ; Raiciri? Funeral I lorn-... He L. . lend he ■.') r-Sipognh'C't as o, jntCn: •civic worker, a director <-r the Me litAtiicv. n’ K.* n {'• B'i/iK- rj j apement C- an of YMGA. anu |; erst exalted raU s of Fidelity Lodge ! . : T,’! j,- .. |> s ( , | 'phase Carolina cirizen, .ny mov | f.g to pinnecr a needed |v, edge in the c- nnmmity life of i our ehoici.sv and q. -.vit 1 .;- I i? vtrcr .: • ~ , j slip]) 1 It their lysrc Ctv: •J ~ T: car; eve. . 7GTL . VOTE- . (VOTE . YOUR PEOPLE NEED, j - THEIR CRY IS STRONG ! P ACING PROGRESS ! It ;s encouraging to not-.- that ten ! -'trite? have Fair Krnpi'’ yr:ji; Law?. ! three entered the f. id ,fir- -:?r■ * th- I eonth of March while Coh| re . jiia? been fighting every FEPC; I 'i'rVr tooth an-d sorr#- - j | has been made. Thos<? whu adopt ied laws in March -vert. Now I co, Washing-.m and i-N- V , Kan., Cent).. Tndand Ki, j passed FKP law . between: LMJt ami i 194 C. Tho all of the laws differ ti.es all have the central fm-me -- t'., ; |prevent disenmir. uium THE NOTE 'I HAT "JACKIE I | ROBINSON'' Hi. MARKED' IJ! ' ;Rlad to get bac k to t: e -d old SA .clr.'ir;v t'n * ... j jUad to perform in G.i * was rejiud- .' | iated in the 'New York Timer..'' i | Robinson’s and the D-rdgPr'-.i rectp- i ti r: in Georgia was parailei .Sin nnan'r m flavor, ' Chen . ip< n-cd from th* throat? . f i> ‘au.s when he at’iwarcti de-pitef th? 1 iact that he had Iweu ir.forrr.ed »>v Dr Samuel Greer, the grand ;U.,. ■a >f P:C KKK th.r ;> •. - 'be no demon:;!) iti*-r. against Is, : playing. Robinson wa { . leery of j G*“- rgia If there \k< r. n;, i • ; iairometer to use fur judgement.' UiC reception would definitely ' • iio-.v that the trend of World think ing has changed. AND TEL I OF TIM! ; Twelve ciignitarie. : P-' ; Truman, Vice President. Barkley I and 30 Senator-, made history in I the Interdepartmental AmtV tv |in Washington recently The .won! 1 fbc Atlantic Par* For j rr-r 1 ! n ■ against Rus.-rio The meet rig w., jplan, the act neighborly But v-tii j teeth May it a . v f,r j brotherhood. i April 10 . p,Print;. Dev. at,. : tvorsarv of Mir Ball!, of I.exing ; !* ’! ami Concord The day 177a j when General Gave sent out Col. ones Smith and Major Pitcairn w.'h d fnrep of ftoo mfi: in t;/p {hr i2liujij t i on r. ;, t f>r< Y j j n ix* js • } 1 ; i ! 1 1 , Severe made his famous vide and j roused the minutemcn. Petei Sa j lcm. a Negro, fired the shot, that j feller Major Pitcairn. Os Hie Bat i tie Emerson wrob |By the rude bridge that arched Ihc flood, j Their flag to April breeze un furl- d, ! Here on re the embattled farmer; stood, tAnd fired the stmt heard round! the world HOME FOR EASTER Omh-m. jN. C, Warren James Strudwick., | with M- n, Bert her and Sister, 302! j Glenn Street..., Anri David ID: I lor. Weaver, tif)7 Brant Street, with 'Many; ancl Papa and all the clan They are both. Howard M< -:l.u.v.i j j School Frosty ! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goins. Jr., i from K. y Mr and Mrs. W J.i Kennedy, Jr, also from N. Y, where j he is about to receive his doctor-j j ate. . . All N. c. Mutual satellites.! I Mr. and Mrs. (Gloria Garrett, Noe)! Hsines Down Florida Way. At! ; Florida A. and M. specific, M S,j Johnson, secretary Alumni Assc ’ ciatinn. North Car- Una College, Durham, for National Aiumni : Aa-ociati'-n Meet Mr. Johnson :■ : .“d ;o panel discussion leader :on theme: '‘Equalising Educational i ;-. rli.rdtles in i'/igher Education.” Poo s i nipha ozcd- J. The strength '! Ui» Aim::: . Association in the fight for suit citizenship. 2. Toe . diLiiilr need fur greater and ; great, r participation in. political activity. J Definite militant tvader '■ill.: in all civic ass lirr. by -dunmis. Carolinian KIVEItS, April lit Dei'initc .-dand .igsorist. double standards of education and in tho •bent F'eder if aid fnjit riis : i s:ii:n. a Cniii-ge Presidents •-'li'Mid restrict, t.hier endeavors to th Colleges and not attempt to ; their hampered type of leadership. \N ADmTIONAL II AT The Rev James F. Works, paster * ■ ' Si. I rj : : 5.;:..:,: Ui c,rch. f " - candidate for the ' ( Beard ts Education Fail in Ciir.r , ic-rt t,. -rc ■» Tapped ,y. Communis!:; • : ... I ungfTi.; >; Hiighefc:. Ilixoc Chi,sir■ Chaplin ar.d A C’ tvl : Pr.v/eii. '.VrG.L • he J*< s ‘.e:!; AfvCF.'s new mu'nr, tie Rev. if lav: ! Jorms-t. v, H nr fT; ♦ H { jyy . J ,| - f , 1: ; ss • - s .j; j n q 1() ri »., b e i>-, - irNc ! sp-'ot" 'e ' ' r ci,si es.'h in ip by ,F iiast b: -id J;*. J Jin !-. Os , N-: F 'b'dk. bf, , f. ! 1! V. . ! I) . Hav.'Ai?, of Mss.:.', is N ■. j. .... t v ,.’ y ,G ; • ■c k Humphrey :'■ • the Week : end. Mr ibiu-kiii? i s * on !"3" re,- «.f the if Gerd*--. petroL A.S TZMK I’RLSSES Fnp THE ;It F:J t' VENATI O N O V sl'*R |\ f ; ■ TIME, . 302 Glenn Slue! ' f. n fhai; . N. C MiDU'EST SKY mills RAPPED FOR ROLE IN CLOTURE OEFFAT f SOU TIT BEND -■ C.'mdei'.mrdion rseiri who enured the fsjCCC/y <:f !h, filibuster tv voting a ( .*nin;-1 e Barie v ruling" was expressed rc:oil.;'ion ationtcj by the IV; ■j e", '' : th-.' M'dwcvt Regional Train;?ig Confc-enoc ~f t;; N ; , - •ncs.ji As.'toi ation fer the Advance jr‘ ’' n l '• Colored Th c,, :.. !;c!d he: e be s sell -out to the Dlxiecr.ds: ■ ; ' r; ' ■ B Ohio). Ca;.chart' -R d'd. ■. Chapman <D.. K> - Hicken »P! ‘R., low a KC): , (R., M 0,., ' Don-,cal ip ATo >, R> e,j. , R.. K; in . e.!H'b 'Ti M»J, R((d R . Kaii.l. . ' r ';y<:- Minn,), and Vandxrbere ( R Mi eh. i ,T- r olut'or, also .-cored the nu'Pi five leadersliip of Senate " hi' ye- le-adcj Scott W. Lucas of Lm>' :s :n the ftilbiisier fight and ; expressed concern about ihc “rc -1 mark:-; of Senator Paul Douria.? of fi i m-- •!>' which are cores trued by ’ft* an ' nciors '‘r- eji* of . •lib ’M in the South.” Re-d-dicating there--elves to the : civ:’ • ights fight, the delegate.- call. . Ca ‘" n ' P-.ssagc of st Jo and federal KEPC laws, ibolitiun nf mc gyp gated : < ciiiG.i’.i'n in tin.'- j\; id west. rojwa.l ' i the Taft -fj^rf.loy 3'iur and i riser -1 • tion '■* '-jnt* djsrriminaf.ion t'.'tfo* in Ini • :■ ji}r>iv i . C ..ion r.j toe cut ton of mi • o', group, unde federal and loyal| v orders adequate so* | ei.il security and m nimuin wage j!• gislatjon, ;, n d ihe t* -unnatrui of : '• 1 e "in tor pi vtr. -• hi housing • projects i «.»< eivlng financial assist ! ance from public apemiles. Voters f rged To See Senators At Home In I ivil Rights Fi^ht “ r NEW YORK NAAfT branches yyd ‘her groups throughout the country were urged th- week to ; ii'.ize (if e gatiy/s f, call upon - thm eprcsi: nt.,-)t ■, > y and senaim", '' - 1 may hr- hunt- Ru the holiday ‘.rid to urge lh«ir support of i ci’. it i ights Igisla!:on. change of hvil i'lCtd j« , J.-'ili'l; • -haflge of tnaj'.i'ty vote, and opposition to re« ration of Italian rules over Libya. | Eritrea and Sinaiiland in Africa. “Let your senators know that • you arc not satisfied with the new j Senate rults to permit clo'ure by jN.AACP secretary urged all I Si sri'lics “Lit both vour senators I ' and your representatives knw that, 1 jyou iner.ii business in this fight for I civil rights and expect their sup- I I'Cvt. Let there. Know that you arc 1 • opposed *o the return of any of the I j former colonics to Italy in any I j form.” I

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