PAGE FOUR PATRONIZE J ' " S> iIiVERTISERS "®* *“ "** “* “"“ * ifia ei * ? Patronize Them %, FAYETTEVILLE ? . I PROGRESS . abj| by ffMIL. MM HENRY M. L. JAMES w ’ »--. «mm> +***-*% --i-v -T-i n-nrirtin t-nrii'iirm-ir«rrti—— .viwwwim*- •- .mi **nHi fii • i ss r.y •! m w • r vii v i V ) Uu? >,*: world wu/ tv. > Ihe all-! boom, piiiyi c bunc;; oi Fayette- • A -v?r ;■■■.intrust was eou*;dcre ( i t u. ; ii: t,:.; AuVl; • . oi tlw (Ait ("u .>C i* i'j «>t f ,:vr' UiV;i. «. ;tt? day' a;u cor on. ■•* ;r;c* .* :.o«.iK c’m-. l ido v I .wvoiE. bni -.a the name U • At:-.* • •-;■ <.r* :;r we are mvituo; ..uG ii., . all the praying people oi ; ;': .. .• r .. • Thing (?••': iv*. the .nuast oi a GOOD, STh 0, CLEAN. CITY GOV . of these praytn o h ..'a ..lo Donald, Walk 'Tq' T h e ' | ' ifJ.ECa ('ENTER p GRILL _ | | " Sandwic ••;.»?< A Special!? s t CELAM SUNDAES ■ addell Williams, Prep, f M - son Rd., Front Teachers ji I College | _ - - SILVER GRILL ft - - f Horn? M Me Pins * v Home Cooked Foods { ■/ D. Morrison Mgr I iS Gillespie St ! , . 4m » - 'in ||-~I -iwn~mi nr m44iu munut w. ■ Ms Be nut v Shops j | F ni Fayetteville |T\ - son St 113 Gillespie ! V.. s-.-ed your head in our j Bu‘ ir.ess - ie Mclntyre, Prop. j ' fur’s Seafood Grill '| |G : '• son St. Phone 4G9G | f i t •• ve you anything from a | s '■ "h to <; chicken dinner, I 1 Ova B Vt'i.iiam--, Prop. .'. j smm$ mm ': ....... • MOHAWK INN | p. aceful Among The Pines Parties Appreciated - I C. H- McDougald Manchester I WOTO CENTER ; 481 Hay St, phone ?,rn »* HOUR SERVICE ON PHOTO FINISHING ! COMPLETE LINE OF | Cameras AND ~ Photo Supplies FOR THE Amateur OB THE Professional ! t« a> i *»41l j- THE PIBLE CENTER Ur»xk*i the aucpics* cl the I James Institutional Community Church (Christian lnte;r faith) Murchison Road at Martin St, {Bus Stop) Rov. Charles L. Miller, Sr. Pastor k Sunday School 10 a. m. H. L. Dawson. Jr, Supt, I Morning Worship 11 a- m. I COMMUNITY SING {Seng & Sermon) 4 p. m. Mrs. Sarah Swinson, Directress Worship with us Sunday and make mw friend*. Phone 4629 for further information i Write P. O. Box 325 imwrr wiwiii.pwff-f«Mi‘iiiMiiwwairiainiirirwnwi»iiwi iiii't wr 1 ir 1 imtwnwwwvwww*-.jeaniwerniMevasH; i Wt in--' twirl by nv- . of. an AT • j .’; (.: 01 1. • • y *•-■ -v! P ' v ‘ • occarvHl within a if. av year p*a ■; • : • ' . - !■■• ' 4 •(,-•. I >(■* - ; li-].' v'lV.lVi'; viloi i. ULH-- : { y ;.N ;D ■ i i1 . VTi, j : I KHN:bENT m Cu:- CLU • • Y.iyvoo ; Vine Will bf 1 Lnvs-xenrj. if ; Hon, ‘ j-dor»4‘ ‘Thy i;<;inP ' !;iv •• t' lT‘‘ i !( , n'dy t AH v,■ f C , a;!.. > U I'RCGItt.-S iMOM. MIM \ •■'■■■■ OI i iti AI !.! \W ! , piihidem U tiif: Alii nii- called, 'he . : ' :., D: K Or. :. ; ... . t i <. • ~ * . - .• ■ . I . ' 'lojfi lit, in .ringrag the hymn ‘O i VJ L'Ci, V./ ! . » . t\{~ : i • , Yv'l, Gh Vv v sUt\i< v. d a r^ponsdvG pis ; y Henry M. L James, TP” Rev. Olid ,)OT!' f, • a S EKOf*KI .SS i N i>»i LOFING A ‘ ve vv cry ¥ go ve k n ;ie n t in order to % v ote io: :.he dty dec-, I i.b‘j-1 v hv. -i; t(• > r*!*J G!i Tug •; ' \ CREEK VIEW CLUB ] > i 1 420 N King S-* Fayeitevuie ; ; !! Sandwiches - Beer ■ Dancing | j j Mrs Doris Melvin, Prop i \ I 9 nuinnrmrinwiM urinanriiMivmnm-nrtf--tViW4W''«W ! nT’istV'ttioii | 'Mute if* oii’.f/-< b'.u r*» •,* fii -un* < u •:,.* new CU•• tV\ l' A..'*; i: • five fuu'idaU s ' the b .3-10-A nurAbc,- of.; !v. t . At 1 1 u;. ttio new conn- ; , .i. 7r.r Citi/-■?!', I d UiUU- m i'.• y * tio- : [Will hr.;;- j.Gii . ' \V V. i.'/t.-viUiC . d, y, in; > • ;■ : • : u • o.- U-.U. can !K* men who -kocAV Hi. (XD TRADITIONS li -: known as the First Regiment of Foot Militia, in 1757, its companies included such historical j outfits an the "Chatham Arl.’liery." ‘ Savannah Volunteer Guards," "Wheaton’s Battery." and j ‘ Irish Jasper Greens.” In World War 11. tho J ißth Field Battery landed in France shortly after D-Day and fought through Belgium and Holland. Also historic is tho ’Old Gray Bonnet" 121st Infantry Regiment, of Georgia, which grew out oi the Floyd Hi Hew and other units j ■ itablished before tho Civil War. Most at those outfits, under one designation or another, (ought in the Confederate cause, and the 121 s! also was ir. France with the 31st “Dixie" Division in World War 1. In the last war the 121st Infantry, fighting as part of the Bth Division, wan a Distinguished Unit Citation for its work in the green hell" of the Hurtgen Forest in Germany. Georgia's second regiment of the 48th, the 122nd, is a new [ force, constituted in July of 1946. Though younger than the Old Gray Bonnet" 121st, the divi i sioa’s Florida regiment, the 124th, goes back ot least to the time, noire oi its companies were formed in 3887, Several o! these wore I in the Spamsh-Arnerican War, and they arid others were in Francs j lor World War J. In the last war the 17.4th was part of the 31st "Dixie" Division, handling patrols on Morotai end helping to smash Japanese forces on Mindanao. Commanding general cf the 48th is Major General Horry Tl. ! Russell, of Macon, Ga. Approved only recently, the patch of this new Guard division is ocn will bo seen on tho sleeves of its men. It is a four-pointed siur, cue paint worn up, and with the points divided between white and red. The four points symbolize the ”4" of 48, and tho i j I eight segments they are d.vided into represent the “8". -j ~~ , ; ' M 1 : THE UNITED' STATES OE AM EG 1* S | TO ALL WHO SHALL SEE THESE HUES ENTS, GJIULtI.Vh THIS IS TO f-MHULY THAT THg OH ESI DENT OI TIIK I NTT EH STATES of .MEGS At THO 111 ZED it Y AGE OF fUAOItfSS, .11 E‘» !>, JEIH, H.V-v AWAH 1)1'- 9 j A SII-VEH STAII I i ' TO I !, . I oDlfii j s-1 [IJtIUMU f()H \ GAIJ.AXrm EV AETION j CM V I MUCH MS OWL I ' nn: I li'Y uF V sSHI.VOTt'V i this ;>iat tew or Jynl | | 1 1 ; ■■■■Jr ,! i ■;:V w d i j s’- MI-.iHI. CKIITIFICATI'S UV.A!>\- i'e : i I is -ii;.: - • - - i; -- : U<. ... '■! ol 1 i ,«_• Aiiny uniioujiU-?, ready fwd:.. i i'it-ui:.'n t» «»:•*; "I : ' J •** I,u i!. ith UN'*:-.s by twelve in sire-, ur.« c- uu-»ie->» «<> •»* v s >.•••"* ■ - - ■ j ■?. .1 v 1 r.-jirea«mt:.r,or,, in lull I ' <- .•••u-d.-! 1- ' ' ■ ' li.-.. .3 [ui.'U'd on tire f-lre c| tl.fc <:»•' l.ltvate Vii.i- r \ • > - v ‘ ')• cl dy oLi.-'n wjt - .- .: . - in.!, K-r>u;-tmcr.t of Iht: Army, Waslttigton -- P. ’■ tiv.nß H tiic •■ - - u -'• :: 1 ters . ♦ the penesi>i orders that awmled tie vj«tu*i! oi!;r. ai;;-. It ■ - •» s'v‘«- ‘ i si Ihe « ■ J F: • - : ■: ' . Si-;:- cats t»t| S-Miic .-S. ; . li tii ■ • : ; schUOi’/ 'i'Uvse .4?U u .gjiJ mc*i t: •-i L\l .i - :I-1 i tn i> r,otV. it i. s. . i.-m- o. ,ix 1..- ,m;.- any ;r-r- 1 ir syivani . .iv •••■iiiaidute. l,ul ,!• . • ’ . .J, ulf- iu L,*’ V, 1 I C'lJi.i ini.- int.’lJlyriil '...1. I rufim/i! ji r Atn. i- f |(A AK V ; l» f h n Si i f ILTL I 1 ■-.1. lee--; M , j 2 E*v.J { ijn ...: . i j ;. I A.i iM . ■! x I j : lfJ *' dm.- any iy w : coi.uu i*avt\: .. : t h'.U G )•-•> ; '■ f' -• If- S,,E : j - ; ,| r j ‘-Ye.-YU -.i »j<•-. v-,. t -r- j | AV'T -C ; u, i f .Juju- I ; -a , .;■ - ! ' U•! (1 *f, A; * AI c - i.. .. ■ I , :ru sici cbv A L.-i,.-o uuL 1.. I. . . '<•' *-■ *;• ««•’ w U,i*-d ; s (i.OoO j ’ Era v, .Id. •• •JA; ; J it; Tig. UAi j i : i.l Ia joVv ii-ij for UiG ■ Airt vjdil.-i v-fel- ... d:< j ■ • > i i i •.iuCo |>H Ff in •- , ' \ If-i;. He h:'E'. 7 ->' , 1 . , , ““ HAWKINS j ■THE TUXEDO JUNCTION KING'* AND HIS 16-PIECE BAND i landing FAYETTEVILLE j I SAT. NITE —APRIL 30th .A DMI SSI ON (Advfi nc e) $1.50 I' j VOTF. FOR | DR. VV. P. I DEVANE l» >y | ■TI V COUNCU. ! OI FAYE n i VIELE , ■— £ & - -m w t - I ? IP* i A I A . ,b j J ! ImSk ISfpSSlbii YOUR VOTE AND j .SUPPOR i URGED !N j ! HI. Fli'f IION J riJKS., MAY 3rd MM- -■> I !iii fi'i''. ~f 1)1 l)v:,ni' "1)011*1 Ask Mi* Why*’ Is Nfvu-si “jiulimuost Jackson Hit luMonhiP- Uw KAPIX sCliFutod tho '*uU JiOjj' ! iC«-uiT-ia-.-; ft ■ Apni 1 by Tu* Dune -. ji :i o?UC4.:»l hEivliu-. iU..;:i/tfA o! ' ■ .-ilO Elation <1 i:i jOvEU vE. r.:.u'K)lh j ; ioukson liar capture*) such ho»:-,L. ; . 1 HihUiDt ;u’ tiiL.<* * 1 l iUYt' ' i DIXIE PAINT & HARDWARE CO. We “It” Can G.-l "It” or * It’ hn’l Made SPO RI! N<, ( OOHS lA K M AMI) Mill suppi n s paiNTs 109 Gille pie St. 4119 Fayetteville -»'-InfjiiiL.i.OLTli~»wr i r~n i me —f Th rrin'Ti nrr ~ir irrni iir niiinrtninii isl mil - - r~ -—— • — atr***** THE CAROLINIAN ■R, ;,J F.w.-H vi'!e. ) .: ■' ‘!■ ! : M !. IS’ , ( [,,V U: j J \/t , v . j.,., r A (• t -, J j-.v A ,, i , . ... . y;. , f ;. r - ... ,j % IA,o V| } - t V, ■p. -T) i •'» 6 1 < { ■vToil thi ».;onpt n to*'Tin-* C ,cvaPu.ov iHi Har.;; it Si . Raleigh., *’ ANNOTJNCING THK HARVEY BEAUTY SALONS Till; BROWN' Dial 5537 THE ROYALE - Dial 4407 THE MODISTE Dial 3700 All on P< r >;n St WE CAN SERVE YOU PROMPTLY Mrs. Ethel Brown Harvey Prop. HOLMES ROY A. EVANS FI.ECI RIC €C.I. K EFI ;,• j4j go Auk For Evan . Horn ' or WnJe >53 Orange* St. PROCTOR-BARPOUR CO. COMPLETE U HAUDVVARF. A they P. mtr, * '.»• He i Seed a nil •’ arm M«»< htaery 129 Gillespie St. I’fiou-'* 7080 - sHia ■ u> i wnm rail"-" r.M.«w.v « Hiwoaai'itiiw nii'f.M«H»iiiotiwww^WWWiHU’WiWiiaiiJ—we*—«« J ACK , S CAF £~ REST HOT DOGS POP. TEN CENTS IN TOWN WINES BEER 213 HILLSBORO STREET JACK PHILLIPS Prop. FAYETTEVILLE ELECTRIC CO. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ELECTRIICAL FIXTURES ••WIRING ON EASY TERMS WE WILL WIRE YOUR HOME FOR POWER AND LIGHT J, FURNISHING ALL FIXTURES ON A PAY AS -YOU-GO PLAN I REE ESTIMATES 231 WINSLOW STREET DIM. 580/ mmammwmmmmmmmmmmmm IKIMBRELL ’S NEW ACCOUNT GAMP AIGN DOWN rrii~n«»n—i— r—nmrfmm in Au ii 19*18. I T: .■ popular su::-.;Jay;ng vocal Mar. i cent winner «jf important I pcpulanty poll: coiKiucted annual ;‘\ Tnc Biilo’siTi a':id C'asti box, {music oaO* uouiu. ations, us now .;p j-’. • ••{. I.* • '.vT'.’L- a MtCC^SS uail ■(.*., r• * * Ft ..a j :]^;h r v .> 11 ).o£i • f.,U Pt/M’ i)V u.-V,Dj)HhU(I • na-a;v a■••.*. 'an-ttcridariOf-* inark c . Kilt SI RVICK J. &. K. Market Grocery ami Meats 1117 Murchison Rd, Phone 2890