PAGE SIX In C % OI fMTV JE JiU rJL xl fcwslfF JLi ' «s!*? v '4 jkJL Jta I SBOO,OOO ASSETS ARE CLAIMED BY N.C. CREDIT UNIONS ■•Ninety-riv Credit l’mr.)i> in North Carolina opernted t.<> Ne groes, nave total asr-c-ih of hk« trial.- SBt7ii,ooii H .'dared D H CJr.i ham. State Supt-riiYlPrtdcia ■ ! (,’re el it. Un:(•))?; in ..< recent ;i(Mit*>.- ;d ' the iiprijjß meeting of tin Norln ; Carolina Council »r CinC tJnion.- The meeting war wai repi. a yt etl by seventy live del«. cate; i «• smting thii t,y -U vc Crei-Hi l ■>■ • ■ and v«.- The la re, os'. i e dit union which liar av..; in.) 000 la at Cm toilia ami v-;;;■ rop: •. • si nie<l b> Nt.tli: 1 a I Barber and Ms. Hall 'I 'll st-culul !m>" "! 1. op«-ra!iv. Ha v Hi; and i.■■..» 1 i '; tute is at Ki.ieuli.ui;; ness than $125,000 atei'i. ansi rep;. -out ed by in Vs H A Sl.a; mm ~iai Rev. .1 K I’iileit 'i'h" V n till V (.'it.!' Cn: ■ a at Win St in'S.'iini: a- i !i lit- y ar.- • is: and v. ill. “fka.tiiiiJ mv. .n regie.- 1 uh d ; , Will lain Si- Tie farmer::, ami Veteran- c. • di; t ion, at t i-.-i i ■ -i;. Clii.": vest mm months old v.-mt.-h has done tcm ; IT.unity ‘<d Vil> Ui'evaiU "! S.'V il'Jl: mas rcpirstiUeu k C- an,: i 1. ito X> . '1 :m i.i) ‘.a i a-vit- i ■•■.-i ill North 1 Sll.iili.t ng.' l.lUnl l-;- CLAYTON NOTES The vV. V,' W Cii.h . f pt'etivc .a. al■ I- I ,-i. oi ah 'a ! ar.nive;sai > w*-•-*< In - ii-.miis Apfd 10th through .V,.;!1 ! .ah They am..a, i.iio v.smk with Ship servii't;.: at var.uus. churches in the community On Monday ». » port!lived our nul r-, L-y v. earieg inaioou .hi,! •>- Vr’i cine-May. Aplil hi the cfut.- e::ti lan nil a eh mothers at a tea tie. Ifcin iv. • nonucs )i- a.n vvi’h Ms; a. . a J m g ■ s..f,.i,i:r Via- an. - si.-, an inspiring talk on Ihilst Wel tm V. at, ! -an' on ; ut life Alter the l« r'li'h • ! • dlicei a tmauUlul Hi-; ‘ o !iat ion -- \ ; .o> id T/.ii.-'dav, . J .pn, it .v.-i tin,- OiU 'J'oiilt' a . n■ ;1 ai id £ Lit* ShULe vt' SV X 4.1 * • “Maimers. i i v. us fi=*>' >. f ryo r.t. ? UiVi mi n m u.i h ut. Corunvuiiitv Club cfi'. l*i mu P-. -Jlh c: \ :v••1 - ai v ut W bach tiiia Vi i Hull cLa ; Ui'Jli I i/Ur Nf ; (• > L'itrJ?y A.:Mfei3tJ"M wav tin- nraiu :pcaker Hfc t'hd!;- d thy hi'OUp to avoid the waste at UnH- Al: Vir gfhted fTiaiiy ways ts. c.roup rt-uid M. Ip ii; Lit lu.-pr vernf. i u! H com* munity L-v.t; and atat«- STASSEN SPEAKS AS UNCF DRIVE STARTS More tlian RiP pic: iis V'ciid iim - s 1(1 E SV; i-;-c', p) e-si.jc n! ui lilt* University of Ptniisyh .mss Di (.'banning H Tobim, Duocto; o< U it i’heip.-.-StokC's Fund, aiv.i Cornelia Otis Sk.miff ,actre.-.; ur;Y support of the United N« g. » C o Irc o Ft.O’d i tho l.' < ! il; ; 13itli aroma! naUemAide -.'oloo Tuesday The ithmuny svs.-. mid m the Rsint Hoorn at Hooke ft lie 1- Center liuroid Sdi.-.stri tmpirj'i/.td tic i*Vlf Os Pit !i j ata i editfcd pr.Vidt Negro colleges in tin- Fund m "Eci* ucJtio!' and ilniHaiiitai lun l J r■ ■ - vrt t:: The Fund i: .seeking $1,400. 000 or 10 per relit til tin roinbilU/d operating budget* -. 1 n ujeniher scliuOls. John h‘ Suniau vuv pi t.-Ulm t, Standard 0.1 'New Jci.-v-yi i-haii man of ilv iWy campingri. pit-.-.ia tU at !iii j netting Sponsors Wrj e Wn.Olrop W AiOiidgt fund tiea.Miitr. and chair man ot tin Chase Natr nal Uanii Claude A Harnett. vice c.'tau man oi the current campaign, and tli rrrtOi Ot tin s; ;l!t d Nt ■ n Pn rr John W. Hvtue. director f t- Lilt' -■, and Waltei Huvmg. pn • tident Having Corporation, Lain 1 national council members; Don Ci : Mitchell, president if Syltaina Elect; ic Product, lin aiui < ban • man ot the f eint! tin ;.lir Nett y.iiK Committee-; liiomar. A vim - ; gan president nl' tin, Sperry Cm- Pration, i.oune.,: mon'idr. 1 John 1 Rooke-teik r J* c> until chan man' Y nk ToU’.'t) vice pres r' ! U:ia: ( Nat-oaol Bin k. tout ail rmunbt'i, and Mrs. Chauncey L Waddell, daughter t-f tne , ; .iu <_ imrif-', E Hughes and uswoeiun. chairman of the council The spfliVKeii addressed tee r )<- >*i ,m- livt.-ji a dan: which it-itl sw :i . Vi eu ki. own Fund supporier>; JORDAN’S JEWELERS Quality Gifts SINCE 1898 Stmthfield, N, C, SEC ONI) SECTION THE 'CAROLINIAN SKCQNI) SIC TtQN WOK K I’iNDlNo \T'- Si >A\ . sIMil. ;P, vuy N ea.- cs. 1 1 av e bce: n the sblvo 1 1 ; j i» ;to Lm ad red 8 oi to: n.eis and oUh*]* citize/ia ,v)su eoyik] not have uv.' the ll <Avn home.s and raised their stan da r d vi 1 1 1 vi n .a. c; ihe v w ise. Ci. K. Cheek, dh-eetti «-i' public j <Tat:oi;-. Sha v. ij hi vers l lv si pt osi•• id ut. D.*■ W ; . ii. A Stallirißs ot Edllj to 11 v' i<: e pi' e • »-J aid, Tr i a 1 1 <■ v ■ ell nd A C MaUhewa VVt idun. ht. e i t*hsi y ; The ik ■- renci J VV W t , ley. Weldon, trea uit-r; and the |Ht vest, ud I t t, Mitchell. Cater : vilh chaplaac The Kxecutivv <'ojiitnUlce oL tiie <\o 1 1;: C ’ai oiina Cvti-iitcil. o| tk » l.hi!. H. i he a tied Py Hie Reverend J {■] Ik t! of Ki\ ion. N. (.A, and i associated with him are the fol • low *ng: Tin- Revt’iaiid it. W. ' 1 liOar . Rmxboio. ih Ote: W- B ; .h: ml son, I ntt.k. l e Dr. p. W Jones , W.-Ki e, t- o t'luLca! C VV For - to* R M-euid t . r Wei 1 M»ii !’: I/!;'. ' ; w - ‘ ii'-Te . K: i l ii id. 1 k ote-n A ; ; i: Si mm ih a fa- L • ;.• o: Lh'viiV 1. : ii K. J cm* iii *. enebai •: iVI e J i I :VluOi «• J i ■Thai iutU:. NsThiiiiitT Baib' i, (JUS* !» ma 1 1 1 i e He ve i e i J A. N iiniTiO r i tof. n vale Di P A Bi'LiOp K*ci i ; P,quart* e-.n W dllaiVi Nr •Li V VVT. . i ;;i i,-, • Sate in. N e , ■'ld;e OiNcers tm idd) ikau are a.-, priinvc Prmkkn? Mr- At Ciood u,y Vnee Preridenl ivln c) V Jv iikehr. .SC'cretarv. Air - MRJO: Safidei s; Trt aSiirer airs Wiliam WfikOii. All hr. irtbers play an Uipo l-mt purl in the work oL the Club i:i \l ;.> . Weinan': Day -vsi; i ■>♦.* Oi. -. : \ ith cl project and a- bp: :;,> *.ce f.o ’he eeieetCi > . 110 VI3!. IN ONOAIIt n Oi l ! if-arii : U : Home. Ecnnonm;:- hi the Win, ,M. Cooper Ada-td at.tempts to arid .’. ns. vv:il im ; u •,-ve ib ( p i act ar• < a1 so o 1U•: ;■; / f-ral l- <■ opcorUa-iii e l i the iMudeiitih dh - recent pi rtp '-. e :. iJaby Con - trat. just raided. 'Twelve beaut ful baoM - v-ere enu red namly; Evelyn C-s -1 m*' v s Charies tilee. woo<‘ .VP-.-piM-ar Geo: ,"«• KiHeard Wat: n. V iviaii Ati-;uwon VVndarn I,an > At ; kuism; Demotnu: (darsv'ry Hoiaii . Ai! r». <• .-■» Hearthy QuinH • ley R,n jam, ;Vi Bniid. lnauev iloHifei. ,mu Filet: leniy Tmulne ; son. The total a: as. no. .j Yi UV 0T VV ;'•» s Dm Viaynm-. sopir.lm who ..." st : - Rill!. VV.l.t- - fl'-jil Vvnaiey. executive assistant: i!> N. v. York City 13 vpiart. merit t.l ! V>- citare C* nnn'ii.vsiui; Raymond Hiilia: d. and co-chairman of Wit \ Km id's Creator Now York Omv ! mittfcc. a) id the Ht-vaaead Mr. Br;p . ja:ah: Rnht lji A tin. M tlioi A , :v! K. Zin, Church, New Vmk City ' who made' the iuvceal on Dr 'Eehia.', VVtiO IS Ri'adUHlO O! i 1 'alnc Colie.ce ( Ahhusle. Ga.;, •■■■tn- ; cl Uii- Ti cOihaA 1 ' in !h*- Fund, said ’PliVate t'Ol iOfjeS tOi‘ Neg I*Jil'i v* doe a custK more than ju:. t ham , tun. at:' Tin \ have blazt-d new : (jui itwa>1 ii e-ct 11cation i.>j tdged i I'Uit’s id intoi racial st.aiid 1 i iug arid pi ejuciiee Pointing OT that t very i c-ii'-gel in re ecu ii eg th%? kiitd oi service u, : which member schools such .c , Fisk At Junta. Hampton and Tus- ' vt.*T.f had p-"ir Pied, 1); . TAbke j declared it was important, tiu*ce- , toil. 1 . t only in the in ten-I «.,t i da Ne.H u 1. ut lo the into! te l ui \ Arauiti, .4 culturai a- vvril ..a eea-j ;iei:u' leadership of the i.clnce at i ; the world Had there be no lag ui 1 |Ui 1h« • uppolT Ol these in stU ! , tIuJ'RS,” Mrs. Whaley, svtjo c• Isa * grsiduat ! !ed trow a b mid (’ clie -*- i.L.iv.'ng* I ! stone, Salisbury, N. C.i is U-.t inslj I Negro V/f.u'laii to b*. aClm.tled tv ! . e bar oi North Carolina unci Me. i second aid united in New Yoi k C.Tty. j She is: Director of Staff and Cone j ; munity Relations in the Depart- ! : merit of ‘ Claude A. Bar* j ‘ nett e> a graduate oi Turkee- -e. I I !\UU» HM) CHOWS | NEW YORK The NAACP Itiiuj ; ll \ • : i.r tftH'J'i ..UK ■ | iit li - o\.i ti: ijlg ti*t- j,■ : J :'! Wfi Kbv | •‘tj t, i<■ 11 ionlotfiling S!t2. r ) from,! tAc brubches. Mi.';- Lucille Black, I ' acting iiirtfto: ol blanches in ) ! nouiic*-.-* Tin- Sumter S C branch | : blit :i. .t contirbution of S2OO Oth- : !.'!■ bruncher- contiiliutod a., follows: j 1 Lynchburg, \ .. $150; Brazos Coun ty. Texas, $100; Brinkley. Aik . SSO; j and Howard County Mo., $25. The I )GOO NAACP branches, youth four.- j ells and college chapters have ac- j ci pled goals ranging from SSO t<> '• $5,000 I Read The Carolinian!! | !i#V *"•?:«*» wo! j - 3 By GEORGE S. BENSOM A:n c ' .j,jßf •y A Jp ' Pmid«nt oi Hoidinq Ctl'toe iltl/inf! figary jy Siwcy. Arkansas j c/1 1^X14/' p— ET ..J...J.J m .-Imi.—■—* MANY CRITICS of out American i system use hit? business as a spe- . i tsai target for their attacks. Ac- ( cowling to their charger, big Vo i j ness throttles coinpetition. creates j monopolies, maltreats labor, and | kills small enterprises. Their at- j i titudt- toward i>ig business repre sents more than a natural dislike j for bigness in business. It also ; shows the it shrewdness in using i the propaganda weapon to de- , g.trov our system. If they should succeed in jf-t- j ting public opinion on their side, it would soon la- reflected in leg is- ! hitum which could well denU'oy | tins segment of our economy. ! and eventually turn our entire i ft i.e i'«my mto vtut»r Hucictbsoi, "drown I'p” Kid BUSINESS is Business i.otbing hut small i.-usmess g s own up. Tiu-y grew up because thi public lii;n\V:--.t them to do •■-. No irisl peiss <ii*i become log business without op Pin, approval. Public eunriut be bou«nt ; It ; ; earned thi our a the h.urd-rvork proces: Cf eo u. p t w: e: ug.illl ! SC. lies Os othei colllpani*:?- and giving .lol.l! M i’ublic a b-ettel washing niHchuie. tires:., or auto ! mobile foi his moiiev As deitiund for a product grow:, facilities must be increased to iiu-et that demand A busiticss glows as the ; public with its buying dictates | j f /.s business g-pt-ws n becoan i mole efficient and inakc-s p.;s:itile ' c. a! rsvini,; t._ the pub!:-. Out i Si.fim! !pahs pueiaced ahtomobiln j it hoiit w,u, ihe t.... iu! P'i.o | w .mid . l '<■>’ OOP Mass J fiu.t ...ii /,. .1. g -i - lit -non *ih*l th t es i l. her.* your local -:..-: -- -< ! tie,-' IIAKSIIAid Pl lvUtS I (Hi OHIO Id PC Bil l. CUiCiMiMh-. O App. 'is 1 Lti'u; ■ d i' c t.m Oil!" State Sc ;at - nc-i- v'.a-.'i> i i;si :e. si Ai.; ‘ ■.i ; I';.', As f‘ - i f. i,,! . ' Li. f1- c P i' U! , v-.i l. : Pspci't ' 1 a bill for . state lair a' -. an ra praefk-H eoim'n.fltc He J 1 an cn:i .‘cent of ta- nnasa!- :t_- 1 i(i;; his c> ai:;t i!utiaiKa I> y a;sci ■ . l.a is: .-c •i :t•:1 • • - > by i-ns-i, I'Sr t:a;Ji ■ iy < .and, is j..ii. 1 a a. .<» . -- s \ ,r" - •-•— i. — ar "’ : ~ \ f \Ji . I ,$■ i ' \ ‘f&Ot /Thk. board £ lic H / r—- , ! : [ /OF EDUCATION CAMPAIGN C>) \ it ffovC r —=rac 7 1 vok I - \ icJ Ci7 Aa- kSI S' ! ' CryyW'u-^wiw-: ■; : V J vatJTVw / '' • 'pC. j CvElvsi j i rOAepOf' VMY ON fHE T —-T THAI *. MY Pirn TORS / BOARD,. AMD HES Oi THB ) # b /CHAiWCY-MY PAP'n A 7 ArHEfci'AON j and. r WY' Bcm> CcajT BOARPT 4f f i CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK 'J ftUPyi rnr JCtA a np-p I|a a Tcssrw — pries, vepct ,vt PToTve-- v-e itl | /m-.r 7-v/ what )—(\ don no, ) ( ; whf thfr white pine \ WELL-EDUCATED ANDYoEACAi ; HA C li/APT I HUT WINPBA6C}) H IF. t-f A CHIPS ARB BETTER THAN) HI A °AFA WA: AN y'A PBGi&e i tkCMUIWIN'' TO Pn \Tr-WMAYH- THt \kf ) MAHO6AMY CHIPS <JR vA INTEIteCTCAt TX)/} HCXVARP ANP - AC\ / V\ r S&j-AR- IHi I -'Cff H A , Asa , v " • / W / —— v 7 ( U \ ' THPOi D P-‘ CX c"/ A ANOIHBRCHIPOH- < ( -f/ /C. ~ V 5 f k. *-. ±Y^- : esa.Ti€ CO CLOCK J) ,7 ( t 'A A \ \ #s% N Mi. '(HfcWCj> • T -" /A /■• /Of<r\ . A \ ; v, .v-fT 1 Y v-■ , 1 "™> / f /\ \r- V%P Kr' * PAC>& M/\Y CHIPS | y Vt f:h if. J H , A Tn \if OFF THE* OU> STLOCK JT fT C IIAvVNVYY) Y‘ x \ 1 , /4C- A!C> BP aJ-T \ r— --'jr—' A3 0- m Am*. ; mg. prodoctfon and disti iliuti'in resul! in economic- impossible in smalt business. Public LARGER niv.-st- I’rospcrs merit provides also the necessary ex tensive research demanded by keen competition. This huge m v-■st me n t p« y s divute ti d f to workers., too, Labor-saving tools multiply the productive eapuciu >.-f the worker and ease the load from his bio k, i hi:- grenter pi duction a 11<Avh him higher pay and shorter hours and puts him in u class far above workmen ot any o-Uu-r t■ c.t>•-■■■ > r - call i 1 a-: hus I a red >Vt-A a this pgigiesc ?tury You see. big business has created thous ands of enterprise- that owe their existi-iici- to d-- i i'o-iie ti-it; VViiii ■ml the huge output provided nv the aut ci ii*' -:!vf ;od:.e..t.r\ the ;n» r age citv would t- without - s nu-.nv accessory stores, radial.;,l shops, repair simp.*-. Idling sin lions, pinking and garages L'ltr iiuiii. biih) - *:tenoii.dte*'!, - ilifiii tiUcoiei conll uuec to dc ■ V- k )/ li.t bus,nc-' has load a strik ing -,intribotHiji f-.y om iaitioi. - (; i O.- pet 11 : a lid (Ci 1: : ■ A- b-r-. t; as It is opLiaa d t• :J liUllUin beii'u ; , there Will he ’ •.' a- a-c- f>,i iusli - liable criti-. mn Hi.wa.v- i ihiiioi enticisit oa.-f in.; ,iilowed tc a ! t i f It- .a ; l f... : " . big I. o;'il to a rt■ - av nati'.-fi it a- a,,:i t-, a• • ■ ?1! i'.' led .i V i.aiiiK. -■ -. . ; 'i (■' |"jbin. la v l:g >. i - all d t "M - ■ -j ful 1.0 its!i;i;i,iA t ii.Richie V„ fniTliCi'/JiS HiSd-ere! Os i’El tJili in - tin- i--a i i-aatss c sUiil in Mbjva sii-i-h the iud< >■ i i tm! is. value.- tin tied i.i.a.i, V. .i ■c; 1 ; ;. a.- is.: hire ill ID .> <ul .no Sr met! s-pus; s sine NAACP YOUTH MEET CALLS FOR ACTION ON CIVIL RIGHTS WASHINGTON- A Nlrom; Mate- j m£tu '-af'giug Hie younu j/uoplE ui tne .'datiUii tu uGiizu Ur ir coileC' • t.Vfc* eiuTHit-N tii p/ tN-N lor ofiottivc ; >..i v ,ii Li;.:; I iiS arifei CKi l Wfilß! t: iu - ! ii i .■* iJ*t i oi i \ .•,:atl opt i ■ U 1 11 dll y at thu : ciosisii.-; «• lloii ot the Hill'd Hi* DLL’*] Vo Util lliJiitiVf C-UliTt*] etiO* i ol ti-e Nal.iuiiji A. ■<>(.: jl.U.ij; u.r die : ' Acivunc; iiirnt i. t Cuioruti People • whieh operu-d AprLl 20 on 11 u? c:.siu • i-M ol Huwaiu IduvriLit, CnaLKU-p that ~U i- lack ol a t*a Uirirht a:araiu f• u! eivii rip.h-. - I::. . eudaopf: ftj Uiu po.-aliuH “>> 1 • 'ipU ' ':■ p lor ) Mira }|t id by tde i: Luted HIM ~ the TOO y liu;; . ! •■ ■; , , ;: t tii tile ißiiiJ ri < lur ]* j -a; ' ; ed Uh lONtTvee “to are ore our rLv.s --: irate- eo-vvoikeiN and tcliow eiti /‘/in' !u t'XfTiLit: I'.dly U'iL Lip/it •h ti.iiKhiNu u,- an !Oi t tu ni;.he ’ '!'.iiHH.itß.y \Viiik. T.e-. ca]it-»i ai o U.a .■ 2 f v !i : ,pl r - Y me; d. prat tire; I" e.-iit .■ t.; I:.; e.Y U"i :;TOo •;: ..rail Oi a s dilation if: thf arft.ed i V»I U .;• qv*:.:!. t-' i,■ j i iii'i maiui-v tee. ■ fept-i.M u. in-ailt< L.lie etitu atiuii, ./lid aii t-1 1 tr t; ,a •eh it Hie. rule Kr pre.-hi irtt-uiiua ■a. La ' a:.-: U ? ? v i i Klein 'To K,i Ut: i" P: iaiuld .400 f; mini aOi a Uc s iiil‘Crat > V.-iIL a* Hii c i'u -lot i. and uyiKirii;; k.IiT'CiU/ tL • : fO.ilul.fiu iair;.. '’vvi> me- the t. it / li'i >' Os the ihiih d Shi U. •• Uj y bo-i Ii Rn iatiofei to eTaeliTi a pi a Uo;:m nt PFIN;, n., m,Tt; h IL - poll ; Gx Li preo L-fejaiNde to vGUUp m ; teUfc*i■;■:•.! electlCa..o iu yum .olit •jy : iiC-*av> pi'iirOl! teiPi: and !.n ; .- tot a I iV r i v\) i * ’to bnt e i r Laid eus; pjrin g a:- TaF- ami Me i M i u;tu- f-m.trt v- ; Lna A : to e.-.-.m e equal riyou. in auivi 11> i ota t-.;s the armed forces.' “Only at such time as is accorn : plished complete integration el the ! ! races ie. every branch of our j armed ioro-s ineludtnp '.he various ; iNalienal Guard the : late- ' /Li Til a.-*sens. *'wU 1 Oils order have; c.’y n tally coifipl.ied witli We ru yc tne; t.-s;- t• that the Seci e!ary ut : : Ueunac* v yorou:Ty anti imebrnpro- ; ; uijsoiCiv cti.-itiriuo to intpiement •; - oi u n ..nd that hr remove from politicos ol authority those who: vit irate!\ is lu.-.t- to comply thmowith ’ Ai i NAA tT ’ yoli lh. councils l-.i rui •-' ; TI yo eiiapto-. \vi ;o tu ye(i “to ‘ hat late a fayViim to *-m ouiiige 'aid 'aiitil.U ■ tin Uii-i ci-u 1 by Nr . .a id, vote rah:-, of Uicac benelMs a.s ; .Kl.Hiai'sl.i-1 ed by the Veto.* aas Ad - : rniliistral ;;a:. and It. t-ven tsC VI : {Usance ’To ii teet. and correct m •-o • a <lrnii!:.a I. am m ad i 'mu - --’a at luh i*! muTj bomd'n.. Mis 1I! JH! I I K in U -ai attaelr on the nmrnstar. .Ho .a- a-yau--- a- -tap a that I ha. ! ■■■ 1 ' ‘•.i. }•* ‘ ' Ut.i I lit* f- *. I ut U t.pil ei u| ; (chia ryyiMC ' tX< ! t; mmoray « '..mtt ui ' result•: in *I»• at t>, .it 'Taueh ui ogressive il - .su. -ii "[•hey t' the many ■ peaT- t-on'iproiTiises autj tb- henayal of iampa is a prom •■ > ■ i : t j.,e v.. * a 1 »y t a r?e \ u-1 1 1 o l ho ! i ii i U'.hf S a: d bhe tril 11> • ’' vi • ■T'kiiu ,ud aithv’v coal Ulan m Dix-* :>-e ia l a n 1.1 iirrX ij G. 111 6 th R C pub * - la. a {rresult.ut - u i , • rI o tui e *a l e •' U-.a t an •.{ • rnyiaen «ne liO • i! i:l;t,i»-.(i:U i ativ rirfiir »ii£ ift U‘T-i . she |ii-: of mi; i mt nt in llm !u,;i-r ;- mil p , m-u t y t Uu St n.'il--. :in- ui !*■>'.>!t- i iiiir;! I Upon (i t: ,■ ot H. ; .i, - . , T-CJ I <-v; jtlu;i - , ijttu-i Ci: sci'iin;hano!;k "if t. •• :h- i .'.it!t iriDj ~i c ; \ it •'l-hi- i t cn (jov. O wfr.V I rru-Vf U> i.'i-ai no;; ciircnn »i.:, i<j j y ■ : trO;jtrx<;i,t of , , ' .:;,,i 1,0.0. 00 uTllli'i .00)01 Wijiulf iD - ! “tlli:-. ito o v. ,11 tit- difficult U; X.'oX' Ui o 11 ": o ii;,,! O! too 111 •!: « -•' jl V ‘ i J/fc m p/ v*~ fr I ; . f DO TLATtI YOUJt CHILD TIDIKkSS COLLEGE PRESIDENT SPEAKS AT SEMINARY CCW URLK/Ls , -ii - K-t." IAL j "The rumd ot cm iw.-o . L•• ; - v I.;?'; •d. Uj . iVUm. <.» Chu k. ~u ■. ■•» ■ i.U lit m Southern tdiVHidy Srot ; . laiivivilie La, in an aaiirt - - am : Ni-ti <• U uin*. Seminal y iiurt•. In Clark had been invited to • talk v(: Jji.eiu-i &ducu} mn to Ur * id w * .. -C aluediun .!• •• ■'lnn esm\t GbjvrUvo in In-gm-m eO a tat u:. for Ot- is lu imp Lot a cm reef, .seal*' of vaiiaae' if mu t b‘ reaiizc:U, raid Di ; i Claim tnat Uie we Ha re of the na - ; IV m ck-romC very ni niiv on Inn roi’ro to wi'iu’fi dudeutf, are pn ;pm ed by h.'.gber oduoation to CM , 'me various profusions, ii; .. f* vij ie pi -abioni Lut'd b> , « - imeator.C in- dm-D.-ed. tu the- j ‘'And they know Unit, by tak- j deni. qat : th-ii a- to the ioh* oi * iiec'Lo ed "Tiie Catieaiiv Chut eh • ,1. Ho i •..* ad. and- w bu.vbng. Mat a tdit hid ie. Di Clark exur» ..- - 1 ud a'?aa?.er£ifent on knumm; trorn on*.- , pi it i.l, that TtP ■ r*.. a run in- herd made no many suenfiCGf. for t!.e pause of jMfial juste ■■ was simply i that at in- ordination he had de I l dtiun .Dr ICdph bum he a-, uj du- deL dates )>re ern ad !ht‘ ! eo ntevvi.ri itmm puuil . m distant U k-uv. "represent 25,000 youth uv-m ; her- of. tm- Nw/UP m cc «.*of!■ ■? XALTON, Inc. ~ ■ Quality Furiiiiuvf - (CF.) Appliance* | Smit’hfield, N. 1. Phone 529-W AUTOMOBILE UPHOI..STFKY I We Rebuild Any AaJo Interior Tailor Msu<? Seat Covers, Head, floor Mali. Truck Covers '« uilt, Safety Glass ' Installation MOZINGO AUTO TRIf 1 SHOP Dial 366 ) Smilbfield, M C t ( t |-TnieiiT nr iirTir'-it* .--i ■ r -- rn —, ~, „ .iv<r.rnm nn. -,w .i~.r .rwrirani't-Tnmre-^ni-fiiiMßn-T-ir—Yf-f- MMnwtrnnuW COMPLIMENTS OF Hudson-Belk Co. “WE APPRECIATE AND SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS’' SMITHFIELD, N. C. : rt null • T k i.' u * ; <• i ■.sis m tin uni vti sty |:m..Hir) ! i :;ad that *c»‘ spark : f W.. 0 V, ,i V l .. l 'if t.n.j Oli’Oußh ?iJ& lan-übie noiutiui *.m n nw-nded ■nit that Di Hmiu: in. a native ot Ha- S'-alh. u a-, ha -d m mrupH-te ’S. n.: ■. ! : in > : were -V tto us** ;!y d1 ' ■ u :wd 'Hint pi Ogi eSS ha.-. l,m. i,:Ur Now evruyone IfX Inal r-atiiiues ot the • ux.itvictual ; ' ■• ■ ■ -'"j ■ ■! mat -I' 1 ■ :■ :( • >:; i>; ■■ i .tCifll ii) tei 4 eCm i'.iU'i !-.>i -• =-> taken as a. ■ ipi ■ i i i.-i'* as u.j. rfmpuiity Tit j the such i -Salemenl f NHA STATE CONFERENCE TO BE HELD SAT. ;H;:' J : pf. state club ccviMi; :■ !hi New Ilonit:-Makers : '! Ac >hi - eek, ! fit-! i.ilirt: .N'Uih Caroliina MAU!,,., pk.h:, i..!iiple!.* i lur Uit' Nil A I‘oiiierenee Alii: i! Will :.:■( ! ;,i Ullfllc . HigH | Sem.i c i. uicit, April ;io She A, expects appruxl ; A. A. Oii!- 1i i . ■ in.: . .Hritll.H*r.S and 1 A 1.-. 1 ii. ..itend ! . . n.eetmp i 'ii: :i ).■ Uiicd eut : t 1 : i ! in*. I:.:. W ill be in : 1 " in A'i'nch one girl h'A v.-.1l mode! a f : uit ot her 'A .A. . 1■ i iiiiikiij:: activities ■'di • Ar: li.ivi', clothing special - Sit •>> (.uetcshoi . is scheduled tO avi c C- Oimi.ualor and she plans ha iwiitjun tic- oulstanding points at Us gairiivn!- w is; t..v the vari ous inude.’s, New oile'ial and !•...•> will •<■ ■■■ t-.'k-.l A:.., rhinng me day. SAWVI K AUTO SUPPLY ■ f.Pr SAWYER’? IN rLi,MA. AND SAVE 122 r, Ravi Old f»l Selma

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