iii f~ % 'w w\ : Til **¥*■£? a i'^ , £ r 'n i %J r I^JlC gi Q 4 nr* y i<-r\ j JQ S ¥7 M M\ 1 yi m\ it m»» JR JL,Jr J& '<& •••*• ' M’ys^&S*d Jh J*L Jfi!, ..'i'll JKL-HdfJi % «A JE /’ ■ <*■'* ? : 'Y% %-f»% ft I y . v s # # : 4J^ ; ” mig gar’'-? .••’. *< 1® {■ ||||fef|i «■ l *%i .gif i. fpst IjL 'ma \ Ntp ittfitSl #llllll ..Jl air t i&« V' \ :M 1 - ,4 »® mULJ f IH9 : k f,%ii qp gpi , YiA . ::. 1 • :¥¥■¥ mSmKm HOSiITSS Sour of tin* rom munil> residents who served a> hostcsM’s appeared flu I.he pi" gram and othri'w ise as i :»i! in the open houv out dedication to tbn /ten ' l J a> ton's Hue rail Dome ,3MU ** ,JL ( , ■ % I h ( ONUI? AICI bl IJONS - ' . rounded by a Mirons of *s « o ner . who mn;;ratul,it r 'l Uni upon rnmpirUnii < ! f the nnv !’■'■■ it’ll Cucncal Home air. Payton '• "f .-w. i Mr f ■ ' t ; ip ; o. t I W - » 0 Ik ■ 'Wifew ( a,** M' At Dll NCH Above nrc shown ale« ni the rncmbirs of flu- .tud irnrr who were fortunate iiioustb to obtain seals at the. hißhiy »uc Owners Respond Wink tv i:’!\ f "f'r , ' ■v, .j> pea re I at the y ■'■n ii • u i.-o .wl ■i! i I enjoy i ie lime, . vn" 1‘- 1 -i ff est ones by far were jvj- .* n■: O, S. r n v.-'-o bid ritffi ■ I V! mr.-ilt.oitj (■]. v ■Y' V '■■ ■ ■ I heard more (Lao fir■••• y- •■ ■ ■ I t,.ritual, frnr.i lh : • w Resp ndiiut i tiie '■>' ■' • I Mr, and Mrs- Pavton " >h- ' appreciation for tu <■i i 171 ■ 7 * I bhown by those tv ,•()? a "* ■' I as thetr patronage 111 years which -ad made t. !•:>• I the construe ain of liii- n lice Mr. Payton pledged ;n t.b, fu ture the sail • dignified. <on and sympat'het »•* ictvv■which have marked the >h m' t‘ ! the past. The nrv boi.de;.: '■'■ 1 facilities, he declared. wc ■ 1 structed with no 1 tiher vit-v, t!<» ; to permit the effermg of in■ j od and bettor services ' ■ ;b« v-ho turn tc:« Payton’s Far r; ; Home in their hour of need <*n i bcrcaypmcn't. •Exprcssm.f her pleasure at hue • in it had the opportunity of work im r with her husband in the r,a. vice of Mu: firm’s patrons. fVb .. Payton told her audience that the home was theirs and that it had been provided.only through their support and co-operation •‘lf we have •anytlu.ng here." she raid, St is because- you have j provided it In th<. building f the Continued on jm e B, 3ml Scot: ■!. lOf 1 .-a Ilargrtt Street, Dunn, V t ~ Sunday aftcronii tire in the a 1 nun ■■ hown *ho v< , tto \ include firs. Konur lint aid. Mi . Samuel Hbosi-, Mrs. I loyd Pay, His Nat Turkcr Mrs. (j 1( . cnnsratillaliotn. «f 1.1 f it Cntiriiiglor), ■nr ot Har -1 ncli, t iiHut - s Hading riU/ens. 'I in- "roup above formed ,i tmSJI s | art nr the hundred;, v. ho were ef.s tul open bouse anil (Urti<a tory exercise, of thr new I'ay ioii s I uueral Home which were lidil Sunriay a;te:noon THANK YOU... C. li. <'mlitutten. Mr O S. i’»'. ton, .Mr- f. (■ .Vlnnd ~ \fi . \\ H Mi l•• ill. M- , Mix In-( |. . f'l 1 ib.nl. Ml U I Mil'll. M « fit ru". c ,ul Mi , tt.ii 1 v Saltcrwhite. I'c in- inr- liie d* Ui ji mu pin ar.in ip-ii linn .<• !■ hi .Sijti da> afiernoou. M > ■•■ •■ '■ -'c. '> \W ' lit mKJ&jr S • sS**£fsfeT-l j \Jh'i2 -aaj-, m 1 'ifp v#S> i ' P i '‘Wite&t iife ;.|f $r /M '• v^ iv » v •» 3 '‘Ota A ■ ■: ~ . 1 ■' . ... VllCv. ICy wJg^lWßi M k itv, • *tyk y ' T , o^» r - ■■ - '^*'^. ■-•, mo*%& ’%'■*■&<**. .-s■ . . J ..- ' '' ' ' 1. -#'*.* R ,' l .-iM'o.i *bms''W" ''■*&*" " '■' -• ® v f: v ---'t ; „ ..... . v ;■ -c sl ' SRv-'m? - '■ *X. ; ;• 0 5.1/It VilON HI.I.I) Above i v bo\vr tin- noivij f'tmnlf (' <1 l> ■> 5' ivt.-ii. I uni ti) Mm ic at l-'U S' *-{ ll.irnrtl Sti* <i in Onon, WK ARE OYLIAKO LI) WITH THE RECEPTION AO< 'ORDKD U, D! Us K( i (M K OPEN HOUSE \ND DEDICATORY SER VICES LAST SUNDAY. A YD, 111I 1 1 i K M V * AOEMENT AM) PERSONNEL SINCERELY THANK THEIR VEVYY FREE L•> WHO V ISTi L!) WITH US, DOR IT IS <>NI . ON Si < II * >cc \SiOX's THAT ONE l'U\i,!ZL HA RE WO;!, . . AND DILIGENT EFFORT (MUFFED WITH A DIVINE INSPIRATION RESULT IN SU( H MO?,ihA''OUS ACCEPTANO K DOR OUR HUM RLE DESIRE 'I’O GIVE THU BEST T<) THOSE WHO ENTRUST THEIR LOVED ONUS INTO <i\ R ( ARJ SO, AGAIN WE SAY, THANK AOU FOR YOUR GRACIOUS AGCLPTAM U OK OUR OPEN HOUSE AND APPROVAL OFOURNFAVFACILITIES. O. S. PAYTON FUNERAL HOME DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA Built Career on Idea of Service IN FIELD 13 YEARS !1 1 ". v * .1' ' 'i !> )'! cI 'll V,' >. J ‘.. i" ■ ■ *■■•’' ;; cni-njil n r;t'l il.fl.t f>f*(.• 1-' * * -npton Jilt'.P- pallOOi f'i 1 1 '! 1!.) ,'.l IMi ts jiif ;unl mih!" : ! nkiii};, ri<■ t• i<D• < i>:;il llutin, ,N . < rnij 'h*. .i j ■., ?i; l [tan- l-i'.in . •.: • |>. t••t. v. I'iru r;t! <I i; •••t'> rt • • v u 1 : 1 ' ■> • ini’s.i. A! ! i’" tip.i , Mr. Payton too! Hioii! oik Mom -M: ‘ <)■ n !;i.rs in rapi'ri, !i>s nruly oann'H pret cs'foim 1 traiuinj:;, ,» (if. il'i to ! '•■.• <>!' .- "iv irr, ;i! i; i :• dot (Tin ma !on n uuiko point. Wifi \ii‘ ii ul! \ till- <»ntii*r sf,d.t>. <- • i-; 1 1 li - : i* > hi- i pt;iv rr jnoii to clioo.rr t rom, hi (!< '■ irion t> v;o iido Imsii ■ in tlit' •: i ~’t:\.dy smtiH tuv.-n f'nnu c l . • : . nt W ""• ' : ' •it b f rvmA Hi Hit’ V..;,-. b cnmin£; l( ’.i i t , au in:.,! itutit.-n m the area w{) it a , ’ . *•; v> n, ..»,.. , . •., i .■ i < •. v i •.;« ady <tn/l «*.->nslstrrt, and o > •i ;. niMfc- of i ..i r. ;•;.(.; tb • : .. : V .!!, roof, unr \ ;ipo:i>f in !), n .-id rc'M>Oi*t of the no p’- " h m dir r i :r : . onvi'i i ... it ”.v n.: J,. . . . ‘ ~. • »' ■■,!!•,< i ; . • , . .- • .'''■.t'ii‘ f>* i.tif' rnrnn tnirrcu ’' ills \\ ji’o'i ?,! ■ . p.v. l' ri rind pul fito his business ir.ciudod .-.ympathi or ,r; v.ci- nod coi ; d .'.den for I!.,- : rip.i I ",. '.!)..; .„. . :-■ H all i • .)'•<! A'!" k with a i-arcfn! atten Mon f- detail nnued :\ nvakin;; ;f:r id: dna ~■, p-ridt's:, o: p .. Sor-h .v’rvow soon lx;;.nn d> puv ".-,) Hi-' h.w.o; "V.-.A 'viijo r.ill , ; , ... 1- . 1 • , , I ','; ■ . .... ~..,' Ii - , '■ iiiyhi'in f['C nett (■,,-.. - f i ’. ii'• (.. \f 1 5)}/Cri a na, n 4 ir^.a. ai «• ■•' ■ • 1 ' '.}' «« • • ‘ Iv . fa/TUiU. o- .Ijif " ••.-•mranr, ’ .... . !. '.v.', - i .irl ■ •'■: . p . ■ : o.i V ai. tl .. -Irthr.ulu ri id :*. : n- -. h o : • .;!. i'i| S.r' r. li.; rK'U f ’ d , public ", i... :;; vlO (11 ■ . r .‘••n.j. . -id d turned out n ifoi • 71 it! I -1 • •:>.>;• . ■•'.■ d-d !,.• ff) 1 ■ i o.v j ,{0 li’indnv dr •••• • . ;.■,: .: Ai.ff • -u - - r ■. •<• % < More than fill# person ir* in Ilarnt ii, Sampson .min' I hlrni .*ii r Uumi'Crland t'o«’UiCS B\ :,hc time set ■'i; the nnrt e.: th.. i',i. {pi ni it ■ ,-p ire ms eh •;■ •! ♦••»• h.iJlw.v . ana nd.i -inm : !■ <>m . '. - ;■• pn.’kerh Kve-.y ;iv:,ihililr ■ ';.ii w.i,; (" ruse i rd.. • .m- at. i U-t t.he're \vcr ( . -.core-:. ■•:' ?•«•••;.>• rmadiriß mvl uanir.fi .ij;n mat tim The aiidienrr overdnvve! into tilt- nt rs H.e i'uildtrip, a hi. hh . t-ern : ma 1•• ;living pun: ter.', <W tie. Pnvd ip family, and h ■ * ( ;-.;.!; i ant ;:i, a ".! to serve pure :, and . r. freshme-nts to tiu Mi., i.c of !.(:•■■ fowd tuauy . • -,• ii.anM i■ • ■ ; i - ‘. •. • and :.. • 11..*'I I ..*' ■ 1 I > i tip rosel vi ... wit ; ,. ■ n irmpr: li:.n Ilf t. 2i.ir.oii-. I dr..:ir imr-n: net a rleriantaui ir. nt, *Mr *’'.■.• Pa; • '"id.; htii 1 a veeilly t;i'.. p’ -~.■< , mid .Up ft '-1 "v i* ' File tniiiiiinP, v.'iiich 1 u ttl : xire. i.. «(•.signed -■> died -.n in’c- ■■•.•oai cbapcl, office, moi-goe a-'d floral and i. " ket. rllsphiy iviom:: an.’ ho rot. I n d vj" t . Acre ; these r ■<-w- r- iy be 'I r rtl’.e [>' ' i" ! ' I’i ' h<: : " I '...id side ■>( O'- 1 OlM.ng i tie ud. : • ear ■•' ■ • t ki i r I*l dfio i - Jr; •'}*".,. r' v»i>. ,3 hjt i. » j ■ >: i;\ •♦. !]:• ' . were present Sunday niter noon lor open Horse md (leitic.ition I exe.rrisi's lor the :I room linen nSSK9IIM>KnMnfISM9XMIV9S3K Z'WHA*'- 'iV ; * * n i :-K , . sjVjXvi tv .:>» v. i I f ' j? K ; i »•*:- siltlirvi S. M . | I. M»>\* »» >], 4 Hi’ f'* the *‘ u ‘ »* 541 i 'n*• u;- - 1? ih'tr t , is «’*. •, .? ; • she ’ rvot? jiiiurh ..tut! uUtcr i* .r*'**}¥ ■' y f li ■ ■‘i r.; ;. Y V :TTW Wis ■ S a ■■*:, tsda' d . id Y ; 'Yo -i ■ ~a.-x ... i V ,^ v . .... T* "' I rV-v ib d- nt ; ;tm tin t \mj I.V Mr. an;l Mrs O S I'.ii ton, surrounded by no ifu r of Mi. ?• 1 •' a, f.imiH n. liov, (I tbev , iused to, * t*'w >nlit'tlcs Pi r It i* r ll e' a ..lift .'iciiii *(• ! , . ~ .. . Ts,.! ii., raw itf£ vt iiteli itviturr.s a 'pn-iou ~ - i. I • amt • 'n!Ml< *• >...- .at. ■ir tb rr.v-.t :< I I (linns tied of iTiuc.t <1 servo:*.",. *****& r f K: ' ¥\y M Jlidvb ,xSS| t mim * -m l < .■ *' d .-. '.A;:-J; • Zt'C K . •' :•:■ 'd/; : Vd .•>».: •• •., d.® .• yJ> j "y. t' iik'.y:. ,ai '&'dv#Msbx .. air , -a 1 1 'l* * ■ W'o $ i sX , f di V d | ffn‘- Sj SX 1 a "|d'A: : c >. ae." .ya; .c.. j-j* -Ir: V w., freslunc-nb t*> some ot ihe guests the ' iir'ii bousi Hinv el those iVOi. ,i ; . te."fisl wen on,d ie !<i hear ii'a pinipuia In a.nine oi tbc C. s. r .: n i 'iivij! ltonif sun n■ , itt. ’ no<- - Vn < .tiiii.it<ui sOo pers.ii) . i i iteil thr o: w ItHe-i.d ll% L «»* 'jfiXi'*. slil.ois ; Mrs vs f . Crowe, ine of In • vc. it soloists who ap peared on id eii "liea itoi \ pro {ram s. s'e. a ii. .•, she i.mi t»«-- f ore ii. ■ a add m. which pack' d 500 At Ceremony , D'J NN ■■■ M ••• t u, 590 ivr k fi? u, Harnett, Cutnbcrla ~ i'l-i :»'VI =l:9 ' ran c > rnVi* h . \ ‘ . i r•,!. to !k)7O v r did 'die ,V, I. ;t' i P,-f tori': J .PH 1 :;,1 } i j . :' ii!l' ~ ' ;or ‘hi i' : ■’ i * ' r ox*'*: f . i:a*s and open h-wse rsammmmmmamummmumumKi 'iff -M If !§t% ■// '••*4. '* : JitrS'e number pus nt who nvn flow i d the chapel into the offices, hallway.; and Pay Min living quar ters. home ,io,| Dayton s> ■ ji'r; ju-it sa-Sore iinl » ilia ,v so*: hi.' ra > cl.' s s Ih ■ ravton's funeral Home t.lup el tor the program. She was at • irmpunied at tin* piano by Mrs It. eorrttitgioH. who also tit I rei.S a r* idiitg' tht* progi tin v,'rr f . held Sunrhi / Trio *.pa<*ioua • ;ap> : and .;ijtke ■' ground f!<•• • r of *m» 21 >' 011 pfit-i’b ’;!,oilmenf -"tr.. < owd' ! through out the iftr-rtu) ci by . * .itor.; wb • b insperp tht new buiMing ;■ -• l ronifra! ul-'ile b-; owner A . ial k'.itur.* o? t:h, J, by*, wa,, the .holding of J to re..i-.m M( i ; eh-ipoj t'H V '.to • ; ,111 ' j,. .<tepi H ii-ri' H i n loipme co'Ufvf ■ r - to• jtl as .: - Mr:. C. B < rh mgton .■tided iiir.tr' :.'. '•{ . ('l *•>)•.'.tv. The uivti , .ctpin » : or! . \-i ■ red by the H ;, v. K ,1 f'or-Ker, (>;< .* ,r. end off;- •■‘ i. of every ' 'o"i: i 'll ho- ro’n I! mujiity were rep'resfhvted among i : hoyo present. Follow .ins j ■program which in , !:i :f( •! J -t.iit.> L-'v Mr,'.. M l Crow. n in-'t rument-d aoivi: ■■■'!, by '■> ... Ivloce Rare. poem by Mr. drington. a reading Mrs, T- O. SatV'r.vhite an ar.trumental tri:■,t. (by Jo: < pit Barnes ;i .()■*: ■ y . :i. County Tramica School Mod t nl. and a nolo by Mrs, V- S. Mc- Lean, residents and leade: •. m fba area:; serv* ( by the funeral home offered testimonials and i-ongrat. ulatory remarks. Among i|i< latter were includ ed Dr r B (' .drington Mrs. M-yiMie Ait is. Mi Bcmwii, Web, M 'ke'tthan. Mi M. F. .MeKeith, an, Mr, Draughorn, C West. Jobi McNeill, Mrs. L. J Surfer Goo Leo, Mr. Langston. J- Toon. lb. Rev. H Monds, J H. Spivey and .'Mrs. J. Sealtaurv,

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