PAGE FOUR PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS ».k in iinw— nr- .mm_. __ FAYETTEVILLE V £ PROGRESS ffljm HENRY M. I. JAMES I %-y. < , >W i m- ir ii,Hrw .i l .i.ji. j il /xOTiETSS IX r.IMSUi llr IK * \Vp .ii e xi-• .v i'Hii ■ i it.Nation ,o? •' n ruilud t • ; I'V tbs jf Tbl '• ii. \ kun ly ni.ur *- ? .lub- U .?"* fit'..- !\ ■' bMM/xS y. ,-j ; ; j infuriru ;• < ■ < <-•< mil,:' thrift. Wb»i c Mr. V .•U,wiU.,t ,t Ihf At X n "■ • u■ ? . \\ { , iv ,• S' y. in* • . «Vt v *f : 'n; u »-•♦ vvblcii VV (.• ; • .; V!? Od Mr i. Y?|* i !'.*••> V• ■ <'■ i•; . | iv-;. ;'S>n HU’’ in-: will :u-i * i * *< x j ;-j . . • ; y V »'> -h »R \N i» ERO{,Ri>'n e cm k< h > vC ’ r i 13 I VV M-Tr- • y, •p, }• t,, j- ( , f f*‘ fi T *«.*», , T••+ y ■ . -l r 7.inn Ci‘-.uvh. . . :n >,> . !,;•;• \ ;» uonupi. r! <i .utin ~ *•• > •'c duarn ur.d s i!..r.e au V X \r> u*r E *'(' > r-,;5,» no“. . . * r ■ ■ s •. :-vi. i , r p ;t» uvl Rr y ; -. . y r ru niv rjonr ; ! : - i- in !.} »• fi\ <• yui;i' i Come To The | COLLEGE CENTER GRILL Tu'-ty Sandwiches A Specially i ICE CREAM SUNDAES Waddell Williams, Prop, j M irdiison Pd. I'ront Teachers L College ! SILVER GRILL Home Made Pies I Tasty Home Cooked Foods fi Fsv D. Morrison Mgr, 115 Gillespie Sf. I J j *.,vi - -- ——-—-f —r-n nrrntTrr i Tn-n-iim —ill—munr Cr issie’s Beauty Shop;; I F* air moni I'ayellrvillo i Thompson St 113 Gillespie We need your head in our ) Business Crissie Mclntyre, Prop Arthur's Seafood Grill 11 637 Person St Phone 4890 ; Wo serve you anything trom a i sandwich to a chicken dinner Mrs. Cra B. Williams, prop. I **' l “* l^ll -"mi-miw *■ ■■■ -iftTi -Binm TiTiiniirnii n MOHAWK INN Peaceful Among The Pine* Parties Appreciated G. H- McDcugald Manchester —„—.—,——: PHOTO CENTER I 481 Hay St. |; I’HOVE 3"77 IS HOUR SI RVIf i; ov PHOTO !■ INISIHNG COMPLETE LINE OF Cameras AND Photo Supplies FOR THE Amateur > CM THE Profescionai Sill |i THE PIBLE CENTER Uncter thu ao -putci she James Institutional Community Church (Christian l n ter f <xi th) Murchison Hoad at M*\Un St. (Bus Stop) H«v Charles L. Miller, Sr Pastor Sunday School 10 a nr. H L Dawson, Jr , Shipl. Morning Wat shin 11 a in- COMMUNITY SING (Seng 8r Sermon) 4 p. nr Mrs. Sarah Swiason. Directress Worship with us Sunday and make new friends. Phone 4623 for further information Write P. O. Box 325 , # ROORI Ss 'iNHOCrWI FKAVF.H it 'i bH\vs the I'arJiios • i tdo • :i f p; ?r w ;•f *.{' lh f i r c\i zten r< . M;r' an AL'i’AK !:< * isuF !;• - . ; In- rrvre than ;■ :,yr- !u.i. tut. wm'- - and joy be :-t roupthciu'd n re al i? -a aai.r Gaily dt t atnu :> . A. w-’ : Ain Thou, oni' Kather, mako it vuv M,v t ; f >xv’ \U:n » ; • rot ! ‘ii jnpJO. rioj jii j»n\vi . in v'i * \V<r thnnb' Thee f« v r t r»e * rrvn: >• PbbSOMIS !• !1 ' A ! \\ -.lf. ' i ' i V: ; ‘O. . ’ • ; \' t'.. .•• •••.; i' v. ;a . ■ A ' HER( ii NEWS New liethe| t ■ ;.ii< ■S Hniin*-.... Chnrrh C) 11 r r,rv'U« ju.ii •. \*'- .ivh r •• O }.' o : • !J ' r Ii , i V T »hth vc,,vf Vnhy a' Hv a> • : . , |T ; b'. rr ' ,! ’' J "' a!!,i r K,v,: 1 piUnft : nd VI. . A',.,, f | , ' j j L.iei; ■.i■' r n.chinci 1 V:< . vvCro ; V;!ad ' nr !,< ,■ dv :er. |MASON CHI HOW.' REP. W.!. IWSOV | ! r} ur a- n r- , , .... ' ! • - i • ■i,' u,. *, I J I HI- yld : l'd ■ ! ,< I jf the mcctal wao ; ■ • r t ! .-a in UHB. It In m .l;>.i1 1 n . ! 'r. r ’'''' \.'l ' . ' ' : I CREEK VIEW CLUB 430 N. King S* , I ayeltov die Sandwiches Bee.- Dancmq Mrs Dons Melvin, Prop, LA HEIGHTS BEAUTY NOOK. If Your Coiffure Ir> Not Be coming Tc> You, Then You Should Be Coming To Us 132 12 MURCHISON RD Visit— Ruth's Beauty Shop 500 Wilmington Rd. Fayetteville Dial 5442 CAROLINA I Mu 3 i c Com pa is v Finest !n INSTRUMENTS RECORDS RADIOS Anti Instrument Rejmis 1 11 Andcr >r»n Si., V AVI I IE VILLI UUUIUUU «!Wll ' WIIMaiUIAW second section " u .yvni ■;.:■ : . n. ■ American Silver Spoon Suspires Paris Fashions I ... 1 W ;' "yijc ; v - i,?S ,fC < :* . V•cTv-v'i . ..v ; .ym~ | ruby. 'J ‘rye y c La '■>.■ ■ • .n :? ■■■:'*:.<■ i .-f' ', r -.T. - ,faH .u i ... • '...v-y.. -:-ar .Itep r : ' ' vV . ;v I .-rry; rv \ tvS%:.r rrr ; v a r-y ' nvvi-rw- . > fc n ■ ■ S"; : •• • . mi T - :r- ■ , ' ■ ' ••-• - .'•■■• ■' , . illiSfeY : ' .{. . ..#.•»? '-vit ‘ ■• .%is--ji-f'e ‘a wlß^ir'b. . / "b/" I j - ■ n ■ ■ • ■ ...-rr.v • E3 7'.,„/ //„» !,;ce .L\.iured gouns inspired si- L"? ■ r •poon that went to Ports and made fashion history ae. ■ •■• ;• , •/ A, V n. •i\ ■■ -I ’ ■: nrr.r* artd bridii govn hv Ptn • H Mr. pFLs i, last of f:,i pox. v /vr. kc oper.wt.-rk of the "Queen < Lace pattern, the spoon cf schiih is shot, n directly ahoee. - This is the ste y of an Amer l 'an i sterling; ..ilvrr spoon that, went to | Paris and made fashion history, j It'r • 1,-- -A I > . .•-I, h fa-h'onahl" sot th:.i ycav’s .inn. b- dr and ••• rad.. 0 I. • .., j: - rohps and h ,p, , hiii-Sahtir.g | Jare Tt all began rr. v 1 his yc ar when i a N’s-w York ! i ■!. iI, ippcrt: t-lianrrd t/i .. 1 <rv s.,'-; ■■ host in .; Intern .* oj r. i ',! V r r < ■.mp;. . t'Lr.>v I f-->- d- ■ • , - due !>m torn, ' Qsii; n ' 1 • " P , v f was so impfc- -d h.Mi the !»« . Ii!;,, openwork, •I r end C‘'-'* r ' f"h .r-.v- • : hr » !..*'t shr awk-pd pern-i, -,0,i to take h ‘■'O j i i'' -S 1 >' ; ; ’’ UVv : ■ iJL r, >•; ■ i ifh>rn, or ■.* "i ‘ r,*> cut > SIE V * I I EE. ri \ . a; \ , ; • Binco f /, : ('! „n _ yi) i: _ ,Yl, . ] j., :; ; ■ » ( ; f Ti U 1 IF > r ) • ! \' A V *> r!:. : ■ ; . , :j rfi- l j (V} r« rr- —O); j <*.f E »'AH-i£’r? 2 Eli 11"30 a rp •-- r,ilia rd ;. SA n.MU./A V, Vi A I 7 3.00 (lU) p. ?n nilliir'-v --c’.OO ] EOQ }'■ ji l --Inio>‘«'ii as El; SUNDAY. MAY E C I OEAy Ya-rra* Sinewy) iU/HE ryoi) N lot -Ce-fY-* Hour 00-7:00 p. m -EloSit'? I ', U'cr, | : * ! • a Moxnv; may a 8 IX) *1 :L0 y YAAO- ; :<• }i•■ .; ; Ft ESDAY MVV 0 10:03 }• ni- Ft o<> <. mw v tto i Fn * r ■c .WEDNESI/AV. MAY !! 7.39 ■. i: nCf, ..;.;' - j 2 0> ! -.r. m ■ 8 Hi'. d„ n-ruitsn.,v. mv. i? •" r. • M ; ■ i uient r m; - ><• io rm p n Bih:- FRIDAY , MAY 13 ;> 4;i. p ... -iv ’i.. i<i 8:00-1100 j, , n . Mi U tt H; t.|i . 1 ,<•; -Senif, iv.-m SATULDAY v ’I »; ! _-0 1 i :(!l! 1- h 111 <•■ :> 9 ! 91 ' > \ •. m\ j : '0 ir! 1 • '■■! , 1t,.,;, 6 <Hi |> rr Hut U- iVii- »tms; .VU >NIiAV. lAV’ in • ' ' I ,1 | i t i Imne !\ ! ;;"bt JUESDAY, MAY 17 1 '■ ic rr. L Ho 1. JV»>r hna WE!.- • v y iUA.V !r* 7 .?• B 8 * /JO p nj■ T '} ,j iji j i jrj jt (’■ •. jy} f i*} • i i ! re- M^rfs rn. inform^ *1 HUhSDAV Tv'f \ y n * p. fui n 00 v *-> —Quiet G«mes i ■’ '■»(■ Kl;30 p n Bh.Liard'; FlillMV. MAY 30 HO t ai -Quid Game pod for eonrpicious service to the | ! United Supremo Council in the; ■ liquidation :>£ its catheta debt, j spoor-, with her the following week j to Paris. :• Theiigh only a few spoon? woro j ,! : : . I, r- ;i:y p‘-rmitfoi ; the es-prrt to lake one. She arrived : in Pan:! at tti- tirr-o designers j e wort ing on creations sot this i year’s y ■ rg and summer mar- i i f, a nfoi-rr. v noth a i fam n-K ycc.-xx ngr-r, the A pier | icen w m.sft shu’vcd h ur, the silver j Sli-ron i-f.- :e-H int> P.tiy »t to 1 -' j r, • I d for pappr And : ■- eiri.-.;-, ■ 7- !..l gown that ■ 1 ,- i i j .... -r :. *) | -,.7 7 Y .:Uvr- I ’ 7- ■:j • i ,i > the frio-ias I r r ’ i ! \ { - **' r j •I 3. ■ YOUR SCRIBE 1 r kV r-'m : 8: v '.v :V|! ; f : By nUiDRK-'K L. BURNS I ■ L : .i. c-.ic ■ I Oiu.c'ic, s and ’ . , : !> .... >H that 1” .. i■ v. . . ■ : pf .pO ,r pm . ' i't ’ . t I ; ■ . 1 ■ i (•! |r* ' | ' {'•■' .( T-V V)OG B» r\ f h • : ■\ ...j, : ,s !old »Vial | (c ~ ••.... ; , • .*>.;.r,r'!nn:; to • ! •-'*>? rtwn r < .s' i'jmt pen Mj I''’’ Yd env ‘Vn-iv ‘Si’’f Yin-! ! h'. ,;icn , -m, and sUmd rmj I ■ p e i <?.o *- Ci ■ oii :. y tii a t o(; •; m* >n ! <l7 t, s r *' 'AV, MA V 22 nta* : <i:00 J-. rn.- VYM- s ’VR'rtl: a j 7(0 j ’T) Mi l ;’if;;) IV tTY im ; ,n- ( > rn,- MONDAY. MAY i 8:00 1.1 00 j. * Vi. • Quiet * >unr< r rIJ.KSDAY. Yi A Y 71 ; o:00«9:f;i> p nv-li- sUns ; <♦ oo \0 00 j > n\ J- r * (: •cnvr f | o ’ Bin-o » W ! ,v ni ’Kfi s .) VV ; MAY ;y I . ’ (i 11' l'■ -tj_. 1 nll it (A)nn,|jt . t, r i‘ M‘ tj n •, i 8:00- J]oo p Biim nv. Pro f ' ! riiURSDA Y jVI YY ;; 00-11:00 , Qt;.! -• ,-3 I 'f. 11 in ;1 I rri •:3 i, - . f-'hl>-.AY, ... I A'' , n f»f>-1 ■ n p, rn -v,! 1- ',, ■ SATUBD.VV■, MAY 1 (M 11 ft(* 1 rn. !uf rr>i.'«l i) mre i jCnday. may :d 1 '' i!' !'!!1 Tii ■' I e'offl . ' I p. i hno p. m - -Hor-tess M >-t i■■. y. j »• •' I)■ m if 'ii:.. Mcvic AlOYi • , MAY 30 ; 2:00-7:00 i.\ ..- Yicnic - Mack's; Tavern j, i 8:00 p m —Memorial Day Pro-I fit am i • i Pierre Ba’rnain Other name da ! s;gnors. too, were inspired by the i -.peon. Molvneux created a short ■•m re dross, *an Patou inter ! preted a lace and net evening i dross, and M ‘> ~‘-r made- trou*so.i<> i piece? including j uowns, Mips i and n- jlige.- -• l ■ -t- t :.,'. Adaptior.B of these Pari? orig* as well a t Que -o’? I ,ae.e ! silverware *. . will he avr. ilahlo , fr,i tl-e .Tune hv-.df and jrr.’.duatA' : {t row i? an *• stahl)•••hed fart that. | l.t ', a w;u time casualty, or,re n ■ gam is hack to please the faatidj ; on : The ;i, -on that vsvnt v- Pari? !h . . ;vade Amo! : ' i lacr-r.onseious I once ag::irt r , ■ • 1 t:o bf ; '■ v vv-.-n he u. •••' i- ■' !!;■ v 11 i.dfi’i in.; du'K • a-: i;doU ! t;dnily ; Ev■ n o lie d'-C: r-'i c or .. , 1 t;i i . -V I ii! ; 1. . .r --1 pre!ic( tr'Cre. v-ul.l nvhn thnt the !• 'hit Ceir orean.iza.t'hn < nolmcs*!.» ; !■; :\ r.. 1 V* :ftOn<4*'d In : hr C-’i < ,i c f.'iiirc! V (ers loacvs'. !..•< ..j• »• ' 1 c\ ()'• ■! no! hc-m invited I 1 ,i;i '.rgani/.Hlic:',.; huh he n »>ni- A'ctcd and all i:ad rev ,>>..tlcni ex jeep! one or two. and they hadn’t :-'Ks'vered bcraii'-c thc> h.ivor.'t ! I"-id a ITlCClilie SIKiC lac ■.! t>. pi'i j isiary in. 1047. They also I • asted that Pir 2f> 1 yciirs I hey had '.vrrkcd in cvei.v election and had ceurcfi hund:ads iof our people t-. C" ;o i-g Thai lis ewe 11, bof. whnrf -id< ere y<i TUESDAY. MAY 3! .: (V -VOO ro —Scwicft '■ i'. i • • Fret t* • Bingo \t. :i X t 1n» Tit, 17. M XKfAS i ■ s'xi > r >?. n or .mu in nr) t pxks i;x i xxn •> v. u\\r> VIA IOANNA Am AMP : tt’dlic nro.-Ti. iT-vrar-on mein • ( ihr ' ’ John l• f I club, bar :irc<dc ' ir.'i : profti of s:{,o,‘{o.'io »>i ■ . fn i y. firs as a -l-H club work • ■'it Inch he is «i villi' tft ,'od 'nii-.c.clf t .much college in e 1.. re,'five <:■ a. : Hi: al do. N’t ■ tii- ' Willie has •it aa h'u.; Cj! (n u:V I , e I hi . 1 1 •• k. ; r.l.nd ■rri : l;,|. in;:i for Ihe past thr«" | I years, bought -di < r his eiotiiinc. ( .It J i.o.ifor- ' ; I :<i f mec si. itis I, •n. i) I rat ror lii • firs< year's w k -a:, ccr.fer 'l d I,( Co i and iu’.'-ituosi. His j i r .j i c >rn 'v,;s |.,iiid)[ (n (he, a. Ind he vrianusCd 'e pro-, 111 a S 3 h;i hols of corn valued at j ;. ate: bushel *.f pp■,nllf.' s)| jKn in tv-f. acres ti.o fcocn yea, be . ri ceivcd V,i l Bn. the third you. j r;. the lomrlh. gross of *1.137; ~nd net of $817.43. Grors f«u- the j filth veer was $1,273.88 and net.; $D 17.58. Ha hybrid coi n won see-j orid place in last year's Leo Coun-: ty fair. BFNNKTT VOII.HJ Hl'Ai) HKNOtNCKS hOi.I-MIN SPEW H ; ! GRE'• I.f • FOIVO i\N P i Dr • !D I\ ft .1* prr .1 :Ml{H, ,i j ;i"" i ■>.!!'■ In t wi'Pj, nttnekeri I M" ’■ i I '■'!>] !{■ >b«, ill - coi-CMin?) I I I'' I gl'' 1 'Ill'll 1 ''! ■ ■ VCr ? lin 111 ! j J « 'll' i. . .-I V t It u ua | N -akin; ’ll • )t. tli 1 ■ 1 bud’ IT I ; I'\, 11 ,0, t 'iuipi'l, Dr .tour.; mj, j ; ; ; •i'll hb ii .iny .n. ] | pi-T-'i.n ir ar.v group can assume to | •’ ■" * :.!■ foi Neemes :n It i. j i ’' •'or* '"I i"'i • >m'ilile tin any..a r j Jln ■" lii a I N■•l; r« i would n-l t'lyitj i> i..i count r\ .is nMarked " I in r .i'll' ii. i 1K.,11 lag | I '■■rr!, i the IV. .Id P „T cons re:, i ' I ! "An on. a ,i Mi I.' t 1 j ' v '»' KP«*w in inv v-' rid,' Dr. Jon«\ ; i i'-nn.i “W,. ront inuo to ;)oiru I is i:i bn,,. ~T e:i i ! UvaiK-Ji. ;md rroUclion foi | | '-A ! \ v tn in.■ ij• u\<\ i».c Arnf:; tea th»; j ! »• inti -;>\ pi ,r; all >-t' -j.s v/i.-v \ 1 n, h. ’ hovoii mm ii n IS HOST TO liit.i! ,< .11001. SEMOI’S CHARLOTTE K. C • ANfi j ; Alpha K;. Mu riaMoiru him-.,! ■ 'lib ■ ■' ■ : . 1.1 ■,r J 1 1• ■: , Nr yam ." " "■,!- of Meek it ü eOUOIj ! 1 , I'm;,! r-'ll,l:vc ycru ! ■ ■■'■ -. i 1 : 1 !! i i School Senior's ris v.l ion ;i:i(ii!!!ii:ii!i os' Bridle Mom or- j ... li.oj. Johnson C Smith umvi' i j !: - i r-' r, ihr senior students sit- ■ M'-ohr-i tv society's "M honor; jfnvy • ! ; iVr, T E M-Kno ,V. ; r no.i ’ll fl't'ir Ihr IH’iet V. !: ■' I: J i'!].o g” ; ‘ o'hiU'IIOM of :■ :urj idotrs is i i l ' no chip nr in sra.ii i v'-. Alpha j io,iH’ itonoi-s convocatisn sport ;or,.; i.v the cm! chapter. Ufl! '0 . i 1 1 , '••.ip • f pCpj ; T K uss (!. Rio RMS' so ; j | I Hi K ov.i Ai; s honor societies, j I inch also nave thapL’s mi the I ci,irij.ns Bel,;: Is comnoscri of -io- P'liti domo honor work in phy ■il ai, ninural srioi.ifs Sa-iTia ha.-- ;<ifjopl ill t i'jf* M't'il'i st'irn ! ‘V'6 K ip » m •‘"i i'ri! f 's. WASHINGTON 1 NAACP ANNUAL ! : MEETING HELD 1 I VAMCOPVEK W.i i■ (;,<mp j r on labor aM J j pyo 1 . :'/ 'J . V.’? 11 •■’T f G •.)it > ,T f 't •' ( . •.i n'’ ’ nc.'.tmz of V>' • h ; i H'.'g-O;' S 4 alp j .' '?ji.‘r'T-'e .->,f • ' ! if’Chr of tlV’ Nafi-y \ A ;a ■ | : Pi' t p ?:•.• Adi -J .- ovp »f r I ’ !M MA P t , f held ' l-V t ’ . Ap.: ) 1 ■■'} t NI > h TV Pr r! ffs n. fJ A A.f' p •yf i • i -p-d rcgionHl .-hOP’rctftrv, uall hr; -•! principal .;>rakcr at a li.inchco:i j f•' fp^-oth'2 the \vo’ kingj -j i "Odp Dii-«. I yadrrs include j ■; E. S. Hi];, industrial <.'crrt. j , ol ; : phs Portland Urban League, Mr. . ; 1 ivi- iviu:, Squires, president r f th . SeaiHe NAACP: Atorneys Cnsrlis, ‘'■ i Stokes and ijlyrrev I'inniirioi; I i! Dale V/h:(mack, as: istai.i. • up. r-1 ; iiitondent :, i Van- mvor public i ; choel,.:; Miss Dorothy Smith of the; Pori land Journal; Baron 1 Burhnus J ;of Veirran : Ad mi nistra ts :.; i i f-trs. W C Bowman of the Van- j j i.'ouvcr Council of Church Women:' ■ ••id Rev. L N Haurse, pastor of; Mcinugh.lin Heights Lutheran j j Church. 1 A public education moi tin..: S: t • , urd.ay eveting will feature tain | !:v Prnfe.: r Clyde Linvillt of ii,cj Uncr .is itv us Wasiiington, John | ' hi’C- ;:kc, educator, of Yakima, .m : Edwin C. Ben y. exec h Tas j • J the Urban i.eaaue r Portland A VO! .I'crenef of eoiviinercial ! : fh vci grov in North Caiulina j .'ill or held on the State College! mpus Haiei,. Mt> 18-18. , the <■■),n.vsohiiip of the Colic:vnj : 1 :f-rt 1 c;i,:tudepartment and the. I North Carolina Florist- As: ocia- 1 ! tion j i TRUSTEESHIP FOE COLONIES „ NEW YORK Key branches ot 1 •he National Association for the' Advancement of Colored People | imouglicut the country were to day urged to seek congressional j support for a plan to place the' : former Italian colonies under a' Unit’-<1 Natlcns ti u^treoh v. 1 1 let'. ■)' I-. ,| .scon nt .i. i<• j i g'oallv located brauche; Roy Wtl I kin., II I \ o'ory, ik' d that I : I dry v 1 c ti;' i •. or •• ii 1 i< <’ ivl i r - ! ! . fell) lit’ t'•>. n; v,.', ;'’i ’i a i'n led Nati'.n •: i i; r teo .!n jj-> i >i. i 1 . i rnt ( Italian col,-no I I S.iiii eriigic. men have vi -,te;l ihe; I A .1;t !! ii- f ,': fhela ;, of o-11 . 1 , Li.. 10. : iipport of Pre.-nt--ot Ten j ! nan fur a i f ton; of f.h<- colonies ;o i j tel;, 't Peso i. ! re- ontat: ve , should j .c »nformed cf your p. .diem r.n i | m lir.poi tanl uui .dion ' J I'll. VViikips j asked l;;el j -I'.'ii •!;'-■ »o (Itci ' sini'.la) con’, : . nor, , a’ioi's In W .rre-i Ardin, [ e-illlan of I lie A o .ei ion i 'lr. h a.- : ; 1 to it , tjmf,. i >g .«|= •: . Tin ■ i , \'dal i-. in , tie ~](t, 1 -: li. f the fl spo.ltion pt.,,io ol < '•< r ! '.. .. iii.ay . snt tin- i r.d .■( oloi;mlr f Altlioogi) tl’.i i., ;> mat-I | ' ohe s,;lli> d f.y l he UN. the at- . I Isc- of tile ,Vr.or.ran people and : f 11 Aiv, n oi Coegres; ni.iv : J i.ivc an imp, riant 1, arm,’ on the ! j ip,,.1 ouleornc. N. C. N. E. EXTENSION TIB ICE LENDERS MAN EOR MEEEIV; The N St-tilhea.: lei n Ihshiel j XCcat it e IV,: ill:; fox i J)cp„ j net t of Agriculture Fxh’nsion sei I .lee '■'■).■•■ held on olonda.v Api d ' Vfa> "o ( a.-unt.v {''• • • , i '' nnntmity (.'• nmr i ,■>: ; o ' N, ith Camllna Plans ft,. next Dlstrel nv <■■ | ng wl-.ich r ■ 1 ~tdii o Wayne 1 j . Ottnty ciri T mrsti.iv. Det 'iVpirr i, i vre rnaat 1 Tl'.r pro.., am will mo-i t "f , ; van-. 1 disonsri n >r. • :/.enahi|i" !1: 11 h.v i II! si speaker and .re' ■ -101 l•: u< i • in Hi" di-ttr t.l, a ; dress revue which will in th" i lolht'vmc pvp s of rives.- - nnnye. A iiiirch. m-modeled, a ca»,>'• n.- con "i to con. i •? of ! I l'acaes. Eufr; lie 1 " , -oil!' UX i The f llov'hi.o eoiiniirs ■ t is ! : rpreeentrd at Ho r . .-ting Bin ■o tv <v-.ircn. C’lrn'-'p) oifi l u-hr. . I [aj-nra . ,i.-im.: t,'u. .!• ■ j ■on r - F’etider. Nani) "n V n.,1 : Waviin [ The, , !-. f , Mu " . - n 1 I > Id are ! -e.dridO. \ij . M; ~,.• iGif'dy. Way tie County; firs' vj. ■ 1 :,i' nt Yli . J Comity; s-recrai 'ot elent M j '! a : t ry . , ,ml l■ t , r, •-orning ■ Mi- N I .Be h i.endr County, t"i f. : poiHlin-; cc reiary. Mis Svannie K .r- W.-kr County treasuiTr. *. TI IV |. '.V:. I lit pas, .tone (’ni, a , Mi- \t* jPirm' Mi |‘"■ *!a r> rI,■I IT• i I ,'c * j WHAT'S Nt;w A ,"'Hs:PdM" I host "t‘;,n enough to be ! .!■ i ir,’ i > j :.n "verntdif bag aifl- ted. th<- b.,,u I ill. <si i y an "dull and tvs , j,,: I drrn i aii be taddlrd like • canoe 1 DIXIE PAINT & HARDWARE CO. Wp Have “It” Can Got “It” or “It" Isn’t Made SPORTING GOODS—FARM AND MILL SUPPLIES PAINTS 109 Gillespie St. Dial 4119 Fayetteville Make .-/bn of Your copy . . THE CAROLINIAN R. ... I V. V'U<- P ngr.~...... b Hrl n y M I !u’i‘ . (Libra/!*!!., "'//-‘r and Ch;.' Leaden i j C'n< V<: • 50, ; ■ Menth :22 r ' r 1 >i ■ .u..'M -.’y y enclosed Name ... . A/ldic , City & /one. State . Mail this eo,ib n to; l hr Crcohman, 118 Hargett St., Raleigh, N. C. ANNOUNCING — THE HARVEY BEAUTY SALONS THE BROWN Dial 5537 THE ROYALE Dial 4407 THE MODISTE Dial 3700 -• All on Person Si, WE CAN SERVE YOU PROMPTLY Mrs. Ethel Brown Harvey. Prop. HOLMES ROY A. EVANS ELECTRIC CO REPRESENTATIVE Frigidaire*, Electric Steves, Water Heaters, Honors. Easy, Marla? Bendix Washing Machines, Youngstown Kitchen Cah nets Dial 4196 -- Ask For Evans, Home 2381 or Write 553 Orange St PROCTOR-BARBOUR CO. COMPLETE LINE HARDWARE Athey Prints, Garden Seed arid Farm Machinery 129 Gillespie St Phone 2080 SI6S ~ j ACK - s CAFE ~~ BEST HOT DOGS FOR TEN CENTS IN TOWN WINES REEK 213 HILLSBORO STREET JACK PHILLIPS - Prop. VWETTEVI LL R FJXCTRIC CO. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS - ELECTRIIGAL FIXTURES “WIRING ON EASY TERMS ' WE WILL WIRE YOUR HOME FO.R POWER AND LIGHTS, FURNISHING ALL FIXTURES ON A PAY-AS-YOU-GO PLAN FREE ESTIMATES 23i WINSLOW STREET DIAL 5802 Favdlcvillf \ our Bh? onrss Men Brougiit \on I his P.'igr, Patroni/c Umiti rmm) machiines SAFER TO OPIiR VIE a • 1 1-, mi , ■ i nuinVer of :i" r t id 'it;, ,)'"'■ ■ i b\ < :•' fatigue and | :,!> .i- lui r'v er due I" Cinpb.'vro | lira a (.Min, :.i'i>r(". -I manufacturers ! are ii. iai* bnrrol; of '"it i-colnred I paint ■ •in the i’.ilci , r . f thei, i t'-nsvrs. i i l ine ;..r.i,t fm.iu ! 11, -it bv i ilr.'mc r.icii UK.- gi rni. v. 'Ms yellow, air! !’ : riifn: ini' d', 1 r of nri.iigr at j ir:U"." • ni1,1.;, if r< dlirf'd b.v Uft ~r cm: the number of days So- ‘ • ’hi ongli accidctib A lv-i'nt> f irm foil 1 from ;> pn cent to :> per cent, and ;i n r I lirtiovt r Irnni i ", per cfllt t) l per , "ill Aimll'.fi t"iiii ' .nv fni11id ; that I'Miniing rnaehines incrfiosccl lOfliicii' n SO i" !!'('!' cerii. and i reriured aee dent iff: from $1.21 *r, 3 ft cent: per man vrr coniji >i ; aiile ! 01 iod.r. j "J iike to help people and m >ke s' ills for * S|i ; n v,'! i re ! can.'' ; NAM !*,- ■■ \V'i i i.i.'v' K. Ben net i i 1 v,t; i : ■■ orbed m a crime in ig ■- ( i . M> nl u • ! n i;i 'a atcihush 9?h/ TlaiqJiboVk !!• Mil s I*4 l usov X- ' ' 7"u,. • T ,-»V L fsMu '■ ■ ‘i isos ir, in’ Communism fei 'l'.'iiib remind me of potato hugs U.iiii’ |>.ir: .-gri i-n for ,m !>,!<». '(■•• iair tho.» find it's perraanoot " I Os! SfBYIt I J. & K. Market (.iroepry and Meats 1417 Mmchiwin Rd, Phone 2890

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