. ■—'—M week • m»in(. sati:!:dav. may v. i Ol9 ' tec fimxm L-— ' OlllArNffl Bj v. w. STRUDWICK MOMMA'S U.U *■: V»■ KVDAA If i ev:r do anythin;', - : '1 ( - > ; id j ii 1 ever am noble a:'d true HU i.c- btvau't: you. Deal J.--v .;c )n>' and h.-lped tor thrto.; ... JVC ><ill ;'ivt In: t!i< iV 111 t .ion Jo mea.-are up um/1 h<* tei or t wv • rtf. v ui j U •ii 1' <- *j l 0 ! r ‘ .m: 1 your v. mw-rtui r:>mh in i:v « >RCHIUS V! Vi \ i |<>\ uNE. not - f*(iU'.>6nCiU: WO.'.. -o.t ;.< i feet. 1 » >. i.o i j-.i- *•« ■ •* iV?r W UTit . O kI Pj»M It! .: (P .. f» : ' ' • l?; anp'd iu Urn*’ Jw'utiiiur. Hu..* di?f interpret 1 U-u% «o u*r . »i: ana. iriaD r.I.C vvftm llV* t) i: ifU ,v* flr t lIV* .1 <• Ute .V. * Ini ‘L» ten; i aii- Oi'wkfi* tiff ii Wru-r*-* ]ov*■• * ■ 1 1 .-i>! 1 ail & vhiia ‘>v upon yt tr i;< ’ nail : /•. pr: :.f Hi ill -Tv»'U i> % Yuti noli .lakr- y vi Jidi. A «ick mill li: ;• a ■ * ia * : make you - 1 r*•:. : Tnoy Y.naJt l t served thy:-If *o f-v«ny -t-r.f. <)j . : rvice which lh*. ■: !td* ' t PASSING PAH ADI-' » •••■ j Hau who receive-; the credit lor initialir: f the- ob.-ervatice, na- ! bon&i!y Oj. Mot hr r !)«..% * the attention ui c* world upon the*, bark bone of e.ii notions. 1• .-.ceai- - l : T of lIJC-tl . .HO !•:>■. .a:!.. ■ uaee their ■ • :>-.i-• • ! si.'• {>»i.i; , , Mother. S..lns • fa . Lit.'!!- , HAM'S FIRST FAGI.i SCOUT 1 nWAfil) rect-ived !■.. A•• A : Siillt’i at St Joseph A.Mf. (..'■. :r. •,Ij. and Mr. C. C. Smith )i <m r.tOOCi pfO'-ldiy RarilU' e j Tr U : r jEJSic- J’ 'J ay'., .thank i T-pliy rt-iut. a .t.xf niad' ! hy Pa ii Robfson ■* "Morniiig j Ji< ! rs,!d" anicit l)i J. M Mu:'ha.. . ■, h iniv :ic»-lit \V:: itt• Hoc.-. Rap !»• Chu:'.va- principal r ; S-t:.rd. ■' vl.i'.’i t!i<- Sunday SchOwi : •.-. „r a.:', f! ..v< ! lalioi: Vv DN:" a trail, it- • i VM C A r.ro; ;am Ami*, i' r'iliia OoiJeye'a la-t i:. an can a tion rchPduicj sot :u a ivi. F'riduy. i.i v. Dr. Aij.honso Rld«h\ San..-.ei mile. Ga ". !!! l,ec(>!.i<- tiir . * Limit jn ■ u:< nt I it- ; ■ ‘• • f d ; . ii* hi ~i N;i t.i toli. .. ' Tuesday J...a.a»y 2M, J'H*. MumtiP!' me laie m . i. . shepartt v. uo held the . ji». • m:u ’ matt.. Rjit; Dr Tilth ; ijji.ii ■ ti:'. ’fT l rise taut a U-in'dicToii Au ordhet. a,.ii may three t-‘ n.a y i ■;> J G. Cousiilin. "t :vlai u'/ti - Aik .vjr.y t ,t .-.n.i ir.uu' : ter Tiif* cegiTUaiiou retun.- rea!..- pi dr.rie m o-. ...li i/uiit:- exe.r-t tltn Cap.tf.l ci.y: Wake up nt*yem-.. ■’ins ib yoiu' world lie it > build it , '•v .. :-"v«. -t.iatti-i «'•••' ‘.'ll .it . OJH -rr'Ti to t'ar out ! f ■ Hi i . olir.e ot all ; irtfi gnats. To u.e tiiu “C net-ihe/ la femmet'« - yrats to p.ie Dull City and .v A Morrii ry for Sat • j.«i .• ad !.. -t m ejvlc r« (It i»\ ci. i j .... 1 . 1 >'. the :ilUl vidusi great- FROM iHU S ANC TI M Ivlay i t!ie ieitilr time ol tu-' year. Mata, the daughtes or Atlas' v. ho hid uj • tin- Vv Cl flit for which toe month i named was a d rev lit er. l.irfamri ■ make the \to*»d ro Columbus dreamed ana net. hemi sphere war add'd to the earth. Raphael dreaiTied and tile Sistim* r.iadc.nna looker nut tr< cn the can to bless: the f.enei uti. n . : naker,-‘are ioU! the :-iur.v of hi* d.eatr. aid held tin- hearts ot men :v. lib Guild Fi aiikitn dceanieii aiiit me gla itt [gv.ii of electricity < ante out of thru hlduik plaec.- And lh* i.cvvr world. • 1 tmnoi • xiv.*. will in- erected and moved on your drtuiu lostereu on it.*• Hr r> oi MOTHKR Os A .Mi vi I. IT) MAN AND VKIKt. MtSl.l l) MEN Wreathe* then a man w.th ,; d Ssj dead Who nevei ('• ni’nseJC - t Tnts. is n.. ovv rt. ir.y* native lan«. • Whose hcait 1 1 a;:i m-.i vvttliin Itmi turn n A? home hi,- I<|.U V* JI )c liii '■ i t.jrnni :'r« - wsnderiti* < .. t .. ft land!': If sucli there bieuthe, mark 1 him well nils IS sTUT. AMERICA Recently the wires; of the na -1 n rang with dech f .nc I-’ a i.i i Rube-son, internatioually kw /i! sincei and actor M.at “the Negro would not fight tru Kremlin ir. the event ot war." A small group of rni.sk d cili/.e.is of Goias bdro tnked to the State Caji.iol and exprer.-ed Hu desire to char ter a shiip for the South Americas, to set u p u f r\ e and independent | retiiu state • With what. To the--. and t..y > filer rnl : .ec vyii.j... Ii • of U.e abso lute. we rjy. tht: is. itilt At.,- rt< the tanii of tne Draw and free etterprire, which -ve have fov.g;u. !t !i it> 7O’. fin ■ t.Il land where n t.:.ll fnt editor J. C‘■ ' !iii: ot W ,1 n...m Ark. cm: dart- the migat Os n, ia. >. t pin vi and j .r. j ■an e. -..iiit'd i tiitferfiit and !.ate, -mu I tilt w I, *"X <.:« the eye: (1 M-Cult, : t ,ypp i! pli. tit ill i m nority ... oU(i. * .arn the title ‘>l "mil .a, •. in eihUii in i iia'.det 1 ami ;,V ...'iu ia. C C Sj.aal in. .ie:a el; ... 1 Dr A >! ■ c.u . ne m and mold a million do!! .; ,hi o.an/ation to: the protection > tut ' . itiVilov'i cut ot liteu f.eoijiU ami : |.* t< ; till hi ve. , - and nil <• ~ or J I Smpai.i t-t. im. ’:i I: . heap a: ii.-tilUtlo:i It.; hi- Jlit! iIV t* I<> ru> lth*F. r fiii cr. ‘ lit J ii/c beyond ull rx t» ttntio ;; vvheif' u M:a> M Al^ ; . 1 a. ';:;,: ■ | U‘j- ti< r-,t H it U.t hitll> Mi the ha , 4> ..‘!:- j-i'€Tt« liJli f- »i '))!'. * ,t '* - • ‘ i !'..•;«»• i:j i\.t l.c c! ■.■.::<!> Iv *k | Wsi.'. on with i?i:Ouion;i ; J \VjlTi ;ic t to Kuuv. r.-tt hht- owi any u s aud the ui;- •. : ; ortunilv tt» add thf- »ii: i k ii( ■ ‘a iwboi'; - * b !*>?' j ht.'fi'" c;t!) : .-■. *o j it* . i*ia! h**is<Jits Hi t'-‘ •''■ ''a I '■ • ! C r f.CV -lid hlf < ) **.V 1) # -*J ' * • I\o h:> ft* how man: •A , h- »> r. < : •■■i \ ; ..li .act■.. e:.fi i tx{ d»- m! wit ; i: -ii j iiv councils and spe- - u* y . :vl ! wiiimut ii'ar: wrtert !{ N H... !'• X !UcC; uli > C \ H;. y*i 5 | Wltee 1. Gric;‘ ui 1 D; VV V IX - j Vein-* C&r: Hi- ii c l.Vv tUCir V.tnlh aJ , 1 ' ru' 'jj-iiMr* oi Ui»- •* .' h ‘ 'the. : [a;:'; A ,ikv -..1i:. r WITHOUT I i’KAH arn! wi be • -en i<- i • :nO i.eard m Uu-ir vat nm: h;c<. < ! Us. vvhere : . .. l-n- .-r.r, :d [ ;nt* < :si:Mijei.:.r nt «'•! 1 h i.rei ;• t‘U I i\Tf veil i if'-.-. lie i* v‘ -C‘.* | ,»:• till i; amlUe ; Jrop; m 111-.. Vtilai: ell !.a !!■■ of leal i U.: j 111.- 1 mil. t "'ii . !it«- ran or. |:. i d its the t.; i.>:••:! <■;*-ti:ty ••> i i farm h..ml. i ... ..- li;e m . 1 J hut.huh Ot t' . ■ •eit.it;- met; pliii .if ;• mar; tu. the Will lo UV-.R : 1 it do ami at/ove a;;, ta. rud't t t.'.Jiu ; e.'uit CtlU ..i : J. * •' jW .. i-eciiilitr l»T ait V -a.l • ! • I :jc l vl, cj ;T «dr.- ii *■ . V<' * ‘ Sills if. liiE AMERICA WE iVf. F< d: AND THIS I Hi > AiKRICA WE SHAI..L AT' Vr k : MEASE l-TGDTINC. FOR \M i IT II «»l II Ml ’pills pillar hi. vi l.tur*. ti ai.aiii j ii JeUiaiic tUiiiUN. that i «• ? ere REVOI.I’T ION AH V X iMF.S i;.-.- I m.ddie- ill .. re u!-ary. a tun? -f lat j:. n.r god u !<'. It v.a atiiit:,:; ii.he Re r.:-• : ■!: R. ,:. d C,., •!.- i irov* ardite.- nt i -ni-ran.;. .ad !. •!. Autry i ad t;i'. pi'ogi e.-s mm ’■.■poo/, the u«--liold- that vour, i.adi ithc. . •!. tie thivUv-kl :. t i'.ll! LIU- . t;;ii:p i-HOTECTiON. With tin ■ • e)|. a ue.k pn.. iilent;al eandi .laie v. i were -.old out ami tin , I Nci U'.erji A.- j A’Uh'ii .. . ji.o.i the South the most iiau ai point : in . a; ueyeiopiu ui (.ive; "a yea., : i tiavf j.assail .-niLe; we hyv< yet lo 1 repam toe trctlyt h which Wj ,in allied ..t mat point Ami a man dare spt ik of this i>'.ya:t> ?-pill«1 | v.ita oi.- bio.a! oi the > eai:. in: ! ireasonable ton?.-, and terms Rail!: AS TIME SPEAKS OF THE EX-; PI.CITS OF ATHLETIC: GREATS i AND OF FULL CITIXENSHiP fc COME . VOTE Vul t; VO'TK TILL THEN VV VV STRUDWICK V. Lli -L! ;L)t HiCirjin 1 1 -el Dili • nani. N ( r . . | t _ ' | SI lIMI K (Ml KM. m BE DEVOTED TO VSI’ECTS OF I* AGISM Washington d c Si.-c ; Mary Eden if Hanlon, autlioi oi | Racial Myths v ill I'ond.ict a course 1 •>n The Social A-.-'E -of Raci-rn" at t o School ■■■< lilen.ua... Liv in, ,! via: ..Willi: VV ,n-jti l . m irer r was am.ounc. ■,! u-ct-; tly i Oh St Petei > : ■ • : Cente Ward ingtnn', Cat nolle Fix-imiship House ' The am. iMnt tanetit vv.«r mad.. Ly Vii -,- Mm id Zimmerman stall winker of Harlem Fri-ndship House during a tali', entitled, "C.'atii- j otic School of Interracial Living." Rev John Ma koc. chapiam of the i Del’orr.. Ct'-i> ox Creghton Cm- . 'versify and ptoinim-ut leadeis in j .nteiracial will ai.su eon duct i‘. ur.se.s. This -ummer will mark the fourth srsHiin of tl.i- School of lie terraria) Livinp Me,:, Zimni.'-t- • i man '*aid. ••The School which i I conducted annually at St. Jo-c';.Y: j Faun ui MuraUior., Wi'.a.n in, : , ntored by the Cat.iolic 1 ... ml ri.i j. H'-ii- • .i) vvihi n F j E.ii in :? .run' i't emiv.hto ) I Hou?eare ;i:.i iocateu in N* v* : i'fdiL, e.j.iCoig.'. -xxili >V.,■ 1 ir.pt,. Happy Khmer New Year. t DDK. hm s DAD \ »*t 11 I ’SHERs *it-inber> ot ioc Vllll I K .111 N> W v p.l}li‘l l*ul'li>tle! s V- IK I.lt ton 1 l)| 111*. I!I St . .11l In .u it a i i.jirt‘s.enl,i dve ot the Nt-- Li o pi >a- a it., i*■ • • l liei i im.i! I'elii enliun v tli'n t to VV VutinL |)( I 'idem • I ill- loui .1 *s and (iiitlc ami of ttie Nigr,. New spain r I'utilisnci’. V- .na tion, spoke to a general .essio»i DANIELS FINALS SPEAKER FOR N S, CCLLEUE,JUNE! M Dun.ois uhtoi -,J Uu ‘ s’c ♦ . j. i i t : • • . ■ i: < Xurt Ci'lUiit::. (.’•■ ill.- ; .ImiY .. A.- jv.*'!**- C uil.* - - VVCi.'k '! :l CO!!!'! YTR'.' ? ..(• »11, • c iEiAikkute!. .. v i f‘iv>idem Aifuiu;- r.t’f:; •. :»rui G' 7 M i\ ■■ .•-.}■> «• • 1 - ,\d‘sl 2;- \i ,v; >c ■. ’ : held in li N A ut; 1 ; ■ S /miki.’i' »■«•«♦ »>, -aiujv, u'■ . ... • thi- vtcir wii: -t ,J hi. f) Brt.v ;i vv !.«•.. •cM J n'rv (.•vv*:'; • tudy isl ?.» ;•! X -I*l V. - ■ I'YA i • : its . ha; I* - t.h - «.iJ ! Uvu - ■ v bten . t % . i'UM.RH m • I’Oi-i •*;•' vi t.i t.'.t* i An-(it i>t>:. }' J—;',,; 1,-dJ 't(, • Tht- JU , he ■ > itdir-h iVr Hr. day. at j. • J'aslui (;i 'J (•: if hjlHl.l Cim. s;« OkliJiii'iMi i'\ :)k; : .|o t.n f..it; , Sur n\ U w a ' • : i . i ■ . i ntc) ;.!< ;! y. I .* V uiv: - *. t th(‘ }. n'SKifht'- '(• | , , , ■ ~ ’■ ,! . . , _ ( V.:50 hn : I«*i'■ wUi: fat*.-- v. >; 1 | u:i ■ LEABEM I,V II'S MiLH'MOf'S PEPSK-VMLA! -—• I >§ Far out ahi id of the rest for quality f~ , . \| -tgC: * f< | ;'d i-ali- uiut’a Pepsi-('ola! Extra - 1 12 > V |§js| MlfgM | g<- nttrons Pepsi gives you two ft*U 1 \ I’jlai sill Si hsiwtr.-. uj (h«- i>ig, BIG twelvc-ounet -1 *,j the big B»G 1 M Ij&r || .Jcnjgg 1 ‘ id Vw - ' A ™’» ,iuer «*** Ul ,1 vM.u.seboUW' {,,UX - ! * k * hoWHS ,* Cartu “ * 1 :**r'* r s .T~ ®i|Pf .. that .- twelve full glasses, v Why Tafct Un . Whin P«p»i'» Betfl of tile \\.’A Weivniilay niorn ms. \ri it fT, in tin- VV.tldoif- V t : i.i Hotel. \f n Vol k City In above pnolo D,n Id \V How(U-lti bilMliess maiUHi i oi the Iturlington \ i ! re. I'r< o I ii i - i.iem ot the Anii’ut .i a x u jiajii i I’tihli. lu-rs Assoei.i lion wii. nines Ale Vault:: O.li ers in j.-ii lo are ilowilal t! Da . I-. eHei at tiialruje! of tlo luHm' J® W ewish Congress Asks For Ban On Race Segregalion !'V iJViX ! IV. ? i iti’.u Aril <V • i ; > »t. ,» it U-' ..,. ; .*!'x . : Cinnrwuc.'.' '■ |?ui- ■ cliii i .1 ]Kr\ n\ i :ai 2.'\;-r.r]; 4 j 1' it *\'|Y* ’ * ■■ ii i VugrP.Vtf, i*fi t'id t *'* I’t- ;h C* 1 '•“* C". t i:t' J YL ;| j»t l>- t ‘•» ! : :• ■ n-1ii;;11 • .rt• c. it ?• •ia •• ?;.-■• . i te;. o I ;*>l ye'ev in tht Jt. i ru.d C ity Call and vice president ol 'ln * V and t ranslon VV il l| ..'ltK ■■ •a! i:i:iiu»*r ot the Vimnc.i it Newspapct I’ublisliet's A' M'l.t tlOIl. \n ‘dii, i,i „( \\|*A will uulri". tin publishers an led , nr.v-(itinii in Washington, 1 l J lint I'., 17, and 18 , in,: ,a- ~, ir-i! i:i Uh ..T,. u i , j-.ii,;. it mat <•»* ! : a hr, «.- at: r net', ia I lid . icy 2 per t rfu indicated Or TV- :.f. vi c, u , ti-t polled ; \o I'. -v. mOi»ii> lV « ! inr* > ■ i -To alin; T * »v>vg i\t vd pei son, !hi/• .shewed, n j ;*.ar<.lkv: •f, ... iit v of aval it* Die it)-.' j.u-- tiXi-HiCiOd Jo d^'vei-»p vi ' - f priority and li.vcur v, .*•:j i U--.inibiva]rr t rt . o v ;*. ami of no? t;, . - -? *« < ».*, t'.V HiCLSID ■ . ■ ; \ ■ voUvr ..i i ; t ' U)- v..;'; P’S ii { ter I - ; t,' ■ : .d a iv ! •- i <-67} vdo r.of;!-; _ , « 1 WOKKI KS AT COM AH A nc.iUoual guidance and in dustrial rrlatoin.s secretaries oi 1 1 1,an leagues throughout the , oil Til i y attend* tl the annual con volition ol tin- .National Amu Unrial tiuidaiiia aam ulnm m I Imago la 1 rum ti lt lo right, scatr-d. if 'Nits t i<>yd ASK HOUSE BODY FOR WIDENING OF SECURITY ACT WASHINGTON TvAvirv v favor t*l t. x H-'TiCJj n g vi: **l> T.> ol i h »:• Sf * <.. a i S c tirs ? v A* • 1 i'« dr-i : . c>. - ■ t IK:'; \. vH \* I•; >■■ I <' • rt'iii y. told liU' 11 1 c;.-.e v\ .o-d : IVI i. *:; t i is Oo11• ? i) *lll. l \at niv e Ulan ifiililon aik! a n.'i»l viii vt-ii as don >- viC vuj uv :v illan* l -.'. . ;•* -rril: i' , * Mil Nit' 'V Oi oi :;i<; t coiiono:- ladaot ’ are iiot ; now covered by the -.aw. ; “To expect that mdavdli d> earr> ' iVlg ;-i.cil li'iff.tgC’l vVsig; - VCvmld 1- V iin *O/y wa,\ Oe to psawide tor vco? j. \ m t*ie.i; oid age • • of 1 e*WC. :‘itJi( -fi i <; . ' ; tatpO *;• A. A (' r L-j !(.>.• •. • "it {-• Who htt iidOPphould MupiOvtUH;! Wl » inev j fti li h.•. 4 ' -: 1 *-♦ i*id Job:' TWO TO WIN NCC FACULTY IN FALL ,D"F(T! A ,V! fmcuiiy Ilti.iii tin ilej ~i!- 1 .'Ill'll! 1,1 !•»’;.-)'• : IH'i to tniUiKV !.ill;!.at«ge:. ilaVn i it-.'.Ur .'il Nortl. Ijm Colli ■ ■ S;ih.n j l V\‘ »!■.! a.ill j, ,n !no f.i.'inty in | !s* jiloiir• ', .in i" j. .. tr':.i m ■ , ' :i:1• ain! Di Ru'li I. IT r , m • thy luiii-iiuOr di-narnmoit. air Hill, v. no v i - : a..-;:1.x . nl . I'io.iTh t'aroliiia ! i.lli- <■ laeuU.S , I di.rioe tin- IWI -U* rtlOoi Jt- iii . | i. \'o-. ElrO*'k IVII, N V He o.’iMli-U fh.t '.Jo 1.1 dt'yrt-o ii Tall ad 4yj ; t iTk-i'i T; I lotto. :. A:," him, aiui iioiils ni.i-tor- cioo,. !i. -u. i- ,c .- 1 •r> Coilfor. t'o,uinoia l' 1 . n'r-m ! Hr nl-ai canied :i diploma a o! : "Ol'lalisi 111 AT :0 I'.r! liC'j 1 K>|. tlllitlj j ( -OlLUVlbia 1 Tills t. - sit t j Dr. Hot i i a1 1 lid in , under- ! : t -,ractuate iio.J- ,t T ilion. -,j Cri i ii'.'d'. She ’- ; i.istoi ■■■ ilo j dree fro! ■ m ’ .■ ■.r • *>. .0.0 j ’ the Ph L>. dt mee i.\;<i . \.o 1: i | TToivl'l'iin At pies, nt siio is eiu- j plfivfi! 01 Alan UiiH'Oisd.y. C'-ihim- | i b?u. S'Ti.ith farouiiO v w she iias! ; serwi foi -he p. J t*-n >( .:.•. U, OF TEX. BARS 3A I ,Vl STIN Ti \, - Hi ill*- lust large scale attempt tu LirraU tm barriers 11 segregation m higher riluratirn, :U ouiig Ne- i , e*'>* m< u and women wort turn ed down By ill 1 I diversity <rf leva when they sought adnus ■ lon to Hie l'niversU> s irrotii s'loiiiil ami giadit.il! selionl* ‘sponson d li the National Vs stKiulioii For the Ad vane*merit * f ( nloied l*rii|ile, in rubers of the group applied on April 77 Fui admission to the I'niversi tv’s medical, dental and other gra iuale srnuols. .Max t'ltchen «uii'i issistaiit registrar, re- j ircir.i men , judtai iioris iuio i ('•■1:1(1,i them to Hie Jmi Crow j itsas isiatt- nmvwn.l at Hoiisli.il. heetiinpanjinje the applicants were llimald .tones, re.gicmai \A.'ll I' rn-id secretary; C. (Simpsen 'i'.iW, irgiorntl special counsel; anti t 11. North, lona ei president or trie au-.dn MAACF ur»ji;>d- Wlieler <>( the VVestside Womens i.ivision ul Uie < incago 1 man tea.- tnd Miss Ann 1 ,-ruii 1 lull dmu tor of Vocational t.niitaii 'e ol tile National 1 Mian league >n New V>. rk; standing tlitiiigi.-, ..ugustme. assistant Utreelnr ,il the Imlustri.U Iterations ilrpait* tnent ot the Akron o ( ommun ,f%. "* ' ; ■* \ » l .w- Mki s AMI RIC \ American culture has much appi.rl says Mi- VV file s Jones of Kolrerts poll tape .Mount t'ounty. Liber - 1.1. West Vlrua, a student a 1 tacksou t oil* gc >u Jackson, Miss ill Jones is :! a-lhor l'.;, In I Oil n e irotn the Bromley Mission -fiio.i! in f i'aul Inver, Liberia >h< is Uie daUgliter of ISig t.-eii. I V II Julie-. pr> sidem pi n (l.ntpoie I*l the Liberia S<‘nat* a ltd all ‘allila'i OS' Stic duinv lV\ F MALI* Mil HI BODY \W\s KlAh BIAS BAA ‘Ciatinn fui- the Advanefirient , i , ! i ■) J tg , , ~ 1 1 . s-hi, 1 and ,:ei,- .' i>i Sir: eciiVlOtin? r . ii; . \ it-intin;; the fetaje :L.:ut» ii.v fiisi'i'jhVt.iai fslliit .'I!-; ),J naiii:, ol i-I link said “it in an umaziriK oolif’ 11:;,t :n tl,e \ i... Dili, alter at ; ’ a--. ..mis and thaurand nt j>c ;.n nt , x peri i .-.ac tn, luni'.ali , : Urat - 1 a a cobra cd a Uunf; ,i ■' 1 e ado e ', an OXISt In the htl* - niar t iimi and Ueart or 111 huiTiac at: 1 ci, b is nut try tluiy to eaity ! .lit 'ami wield the *:v. mt; ot j ir,\ , ic e<»lov but it !• ; • n: • ;>'i my »o | | tiv’ -. stviluttf, ;ipply if and it«-> pro• | | ' I' 1< O. ! UV*. { }u .*} •• «:.t* \ «'• jv. tsk CI.BUuM Yl\ | I 0: IU MARTIAL . WASHINGTON The Notional! : • mi.-;,:! t .11 t a t' ■* * Advancement! j --i CuT.vrd PiiipLr tod:.', sublTuTti*c! , ■' I ! '•■■■< : a! v ui ii)i Arm,, a ■ > ut. -n toi i'i.’me:..cy m nehalt of, j/oruvi | ivai.c first class George • .V. v’". i)ot New York City, j • iitc et-d to li\. year iiopmon- j |im at utsd nishor:'raLle discharged! j. an ,1 Mill a Swiss f v-i | v Hi the --i n.- a British. ;t \i i,ai ..t tifl'i -N AACP atto; i <-y« after reading] ,1 h. roc. r. ■ • 1 ’> p- ■ a.. -i CO::i*C : rvi.il ti i!, a:U I 'UP !. iv.it Ihc Vi: Jiecu- | 5 ' *<< to pros- e that j • / ur; o! i ’■■■! V'ii': mill’ i nnv | . .d ’.a hi - id-r.tity as the,' "an.. t -a ■ ■ iifviv < slablishort be- j .■ I; 1 the re;, •■n.-ibli- doubt requii’-j is i:y i.ni They Tu; tilth- contended! lira! the evidence Introduced at thei trial had e’thcr been procured li lt gal) v or was incanipet-ent Tno petition for clemency file:! bv 1-yYACP attorney Const ri -e Hah r Mob-ley, asks that tr ■: l k-. tnvncy Or-, m up ■u revu-w -i the < c-'inmute the entire remain- j hi portion of Youngblood V. ten-1 b >.ei- a net him an oppnt iunity to re-i ’iiisi In the Army in order j: that he :na; earn an he-.arable dr charge. , < j - ■ MM*, J*L -i%A. M itv Serviiei Center Samuel J. Fc.rsUM/n. assistant industrial sec ritai'V oF tin- Chicago l rhair iei gti’-, AV hibaw A nun:;, indc tital soetptars ot the st f*aul t than league, ami I’hiiip AAmiteid 111 dustnat a-i'iet.ir> luvton O . bi'k.m )e iglle A \l', WATTS CASE AWAITING HIGH COURT RULING WASHINGTON - Dec-, ton i : .'r'.ViiiUd :t- the cr-i- nt Watty \ ; md,ilia cry., J th;. wee . hefor e v Ui.ii <i States Si.at tr .e CuU)' I.' tne W.'ttis e;,-c, H e tv> i.-ntc e . tl,' nir.FK'st ee.jrt in the < ~i,.v '■he NAACP pin:..led the ,'ittu'in.i ;‘i **. the Supreme Cot:it o L" ; 'I ' ,1 t u■l ■,. , ; i; r.t v -A A'. M. t.v 1 1 aver It, ! ■-/ - liVirtioi. of k '’a . A W ill. by )no in-.vi s ii. tiam ; ,! I'-' tar ulietJki muixtet' o . Bii-noy , watte wunmn Ca.H. that Wnn-,' I ;"S lit-s . lit.::-■ I ;11 ;«a vailnffO a! b. : trial tn> -N A ACT i ont.'-nd: .1 Uta s- ‘-sti t»et- o . :;tein.du - all ■'.l'l 'l ‘ i., \i v.!';'- Watt irm'Kti 11. ! :•! pi : ini) if ntuiy he cm ,ts ,t VV.,tt nas t. .< -:ct ■ Pi involuntary contesMyn. ..b t.diied tiiroiijhi coeteiot; and intim '.a' - . inLiVgond ,\1 ~i Ft ij li A.ACT* sp,, iii counsel, and Fiank li AVtili.assistant spteia ■ , - t. liili hh Tii'H aUM. ' I 'nit oil SJatCsi OHIO STATE INS. MANAGERS MEET DAY TON. Ohio ‘.AMPS - Tu* Oh:- State insurance .'.i.in.ti,- ' ! ec;iiici! n.eetjjQg, held here Tubs. ■ O I ;.|i!'ii L.,-: Ch.-iic, AV ‘‘tit-ne OF AUunt.i. i't.rnaT ninst debt ui tin- Matin! .d \«x*ro 'lnsui - - any. ass,it ~r':i“ii i : a.ci’ti i w i.'ild at Li.ndeii (.fcuir ; unity Cvcrici LuUn the grauj' v. ■. < ;.b I't.-ihed at luncheon by tilt I.' ■: ! n i- fi.utiei t iun At this ism* J K Mennm,; foriiier Cleveland unci: nait: -,i the peake, SCHOOL BOARD GIVES TEACHERS EQUAL SALARIES \ MO HI I V A!.i < ANFi - Ne.'ro •n«l hi -t,- ••.*;. :> .. e p -.red or eqh.'.l iv. foot llll; hy C < Mobile j Caunty School board last week 'Lilt- bos it vi-’iij an extra SS6.UM: n- -,a':u;, raised to bring about tie. j cqiu*Vv it .. m1 mo?t of the u’i\v ; e y: ip;. ' on would go to too S?; j Negro ti .iclier,'- ti..- "c oily, now . u I A' 1,. ■ - • •’:<? (.21 i >, liite ici.hci'-s’lLi - hat - in 1 1, j i mu ivy Ti.i salary equality - ill ;o Into | effect m Stp.-tei if -or • IM At; AZINE CARRIES STORY BY DR. HIAIKS ; DURHAM -- Phylon for the firs' quart r ii)4y. carries an article bj j Dr. Joseph S Ilunes. of the di> ! partmeiu of sociology at Nortt CnroLina College. Lri hi,, article Dr Himes dlsusse: • ih«* ' ... .tl History of Soda ;Co;. ■. ,xi White Negro'Relation* ’ Tv. net-, cotton improvement as svi'-datiom have Mist been organ ; i«ed ip North Carolina one in Bla reu County and the other in Co >lambus County, ~

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