PAGE SIX patron [/i; TIIKSK ADVERTISFKS State College Answers Timely *-'nrm Questions ST Ml ( «il f *:<:* V 'US TIVfl V I ARM M> . •• s l'l( .1' v *; Iv, ■ ■ .IvcfiCf (i n jii l i . ovil> 1 '.uoliti. 1 unit V i '.iiM.i I • •• )<■ rind I p:!7 -ill, and .>)•(* I fir !iw i hii) vi ill's. ;.<■*', . . u *!. i from lii; / 'i ■ • ■ '■ Mo;) vi' i \ \ hc,; 193 G • :• ucw iO in 101! i in-, J '<4 t Ini. )01‘i \ y r i . i -j j . • • ' • KM? *:* • J94H ' ‘ i; l"r I‘ 11 !!’«■ {r**u in « nifl Ini )»»♦ f< l ii> itT \ _•: ?‘i n JvV. I ; * Timely Farm Hints For The Homemakers ;.•! Ml ( I KK! NT \ ... • ■ n 11 ji i. i ■ ■ ; Ur .:! ' ri.vK . : : ■ til iatf- ! C mine.. ■ .■ ■ • - . • ole- .11 ■ i . iif’O ■ i | ■ !. _• • = TOi'inl.’S *.-*, ■>■>'_! i;;: "i :,n Ito.i.*’ —icit t: \o..i - *. v * rrjjj-j, I’ th f - • - veg UiblG Jo u ; C<i r-.T , , : ca V• , P' J *S MO ; - fcl<-: ..f i \y : Lv. p tliili ‘ U .. Jessie Kare rui match your hair perfectly.., % ’ PAGIS IK) V Ibis most ii.-eiV i.rui r '*■• n!ci’**N in with j "iii *; v 1-iii) ■» tiie rough et. * ■ t • * ■ » ear to ear a* . ‘ ' a JESSIE K All >. »'*..:** ■ % •your new 1..>: s k*n»r n • Ural that no one on > ted tn- '*: ferr-rice s; PAGE BOY f- / CLUSTER IS* v * $8.50 This JESSIE K*r V. -..*’• < ■ «s.e head cluster can be " in in cunt, ether styU a i *; , or pair. You do away «.:a the . <• .fit irons,thereby citing vour ha.r time to regain its .stivngih. Ae HALF GLAMOUR, is length you want, the JESSIE KARS Half Glamour tits ‘your taste. As you see, it fastens- at the crown of the head arid hangs nat urally down the back. You can wear it as an upsweep oi any style you like. (It is 15 to JO inches long). SIO.OO Stift 1 tampiit of yovr fuilr or liteito rotor. CWIS fODAY! FKK 1) ' N 0 MO!« EY , —pay postman on deliver JESSIE KA RE Bccvly Prod. ‘ 507 Fifth Ava-., Nov; Torie City Mpxir BF’DM MsmSi w W Jr & i ■ ’.ilb-- 11. .■ t i '■••lre! hi M l Cm. ol; ' 'i'h: p’.ibl e.*:i i.m i • m!.. it,, id'-'f, ml e;u r n! oy. plis "I t m.'.i i yai den •u ■• *• met !i • i** i* 'in into, mm! i ii * !■• ii.i cilny : i: J<>; i: Hern*-. !'• *T ■ t;•*.*'; • I .* ' i*.** . ' tor. -• th' i i are li'. i't' mi -1 th.n,;.-. to cmmlc. Shu!. •;> ; v.ii. oi <;*.. t,n • ;o time; ii.i .*. . I:.• : ;; .i. .*('. .nd he sun the rn *. ■e.' > i.u , i*i* ij.-inu ■ ■ i . •"*i**; i * 1. : [ in eoi’i.oj tin* ii’.crl o*• *.. licl*. y iii ,*u •• u ip.*’, t. <l l ii”'. are recoinnu'iitf. <* i ini tmtinn eocei'!ir<si> i<; poultrr it*. 1! E. i ]■• iilti v t !r.— ; -t i . .. . ... *- 1*..l i* necil ,h,**."!i in be • :<io *.* Tin *. i .*• iii;. . .■•.*.* ,1 m* -j*,*;, , !■ I ~, . *p.. * ;, | f !■(..' * 1 ■ ;•1 . 1 : - , . t ! .lii *'i !<• Wilier :n ( •>; eir.- ;*;:■- Unit i** ;*,.•■• *■■ . u{ wilien I'lili* ■*. III.* If -hnu'cl ir* .-*lll.ll, - i.* , x i.'.ly ..,*. ■;>*, **u.: S. !!.. i*,;Pi j'.jimti; ■* liwv n. nppv their F i'. U! r, ill* . pel ; {tnd yeilc-w \ ••*.. •*. ••. i a -.*• lit ' ,ful. By Gt • 1 <'*.*» * IO * • '•. U_ t I'MM ■} - ■■' I:.tit* r«n;i H;;niu Ftor-. *o bro«-- • ;; ■ ; . fat; n ! r.i *.i (J ,IS an i la* • r.iaiis ar*i <•<■rUnoute vn.a,i'!i A a ! C . **.' *n r* ci * .-• v :*■.* ** i til. !*.iiGreen lieains rank * *r. : to t v-.iitu.” .11 ;*•* ,;.i:. .0 ’ .. . * ' «-r\. 11 rn A * Vi VV I.X 1 A V.r. i.HJI.I pCOS, 00“ ir < • .*. * in cy t;rc v ht-r. is* r,rv for focvJ value •e to rood ■H;H io be v; iitkicvvi in 1,, liit* v*‘ Unu ? vricpfrh 1 * ijpivi-o TOTTO.N J'O .1015 i .( i i n or Net DI'IiHA M Pi-t* .**'..i• I Ailuirso Kai > Am ;;i ( G.,:ie. <* <in * * ilia an 1 ... v*erk l'*,'. ;:,.v>oint' :: nl -.'i til Ei'.r.i I Tc . , as a ’ *'• . t! : . ,ii. . p of 1 •<: . t v „t N,.; ’*.) ( *,. . ..... . {a.]. iCI in* Till'!!*, v.*,!: I~C N't •" 1.1 * *.:.' v i! .Si O' *1 - ■* 1* Tim I„*W rrd *-m .s a . a- a,to : Knoxville College. K,n\n,:*. re fii'ss'e. wit.’*! a ’via.-lei: de,* . *, i . r .iw * .!•. of low.. Me c c o.*' 1.1 I') <ic . *.'•' ,j1 t ! i';* *.* ■•*-n*. ! V. .si,, m T*i h,,s * .an’ C uriiplclccl ’OVoSaI minll-e ol ; *•■• itv ol V.'.-i -.:i, — —— —— J. W. REESE GROCERY j GROCERIES AND MEATS | 1048 Bread Si. Dial 4481 < NEED MONEY? We Buy Or Loan Money On Most Anything Ol Value NEW BERN LOAN AND JEWELERS 215 Middle Si We Buy Old Gold Diamonds, Silver, etc DIANA SHOP Diana's Fashions At a Price 212 Middle S«. NEW BERN GET YOUR NEWS IN THE CAROLINIAN ADVERTISE IN THE CAROLINIAN NEWS DEADLINE Thursday EACH WEEK SKrfJND SEGTTON THE CAROL! NT AN SECOND SECTION WEFi'K ENDING SATURDAY”, MAY 21, 1949 ** - i tVi JOG ( LINK'S VITAL TO PROP \KEON ESS OF NEGRO vorm Industrial circles expressed keen i.uert?A in tin reuent clinics conducts d at *r ’ North Carolina College at Durham and linroln University at Missouri, Both 'nstitutions laid emphasis on job opportunities, for graduates al though the letter devoted con siderable time to business and industrial opportunities. The necessity for Negro youth to be aware ol the trends m job possibilities in many new fields of e-rieevor cannot be over emphosized, obscrv a i s ogree. The wider.'' g hori,-*.MS in many phases of American industry make it imperative that college-trained youth be* intelli gently prepared to parlir.;;:.*;'.* in those for which he or sp may qualify. • -0 SALES EXPANSION EFFORT URGED A word of caution whi:**- is felt to be of espf rial interest to the progressive Negro business man is that cf a noted adver executive. In remarks to a Toledo, Ohio group, Leonard W. Trester, spokesman for ad vertising, declared that if p; .**- sen! business conditions ore to be met there must be renewed sales activity The business leadm indicated trial advertising and prumotio-. will become men* sign.iic/."! than ever fril.s vv l l l bo loss popular, and 'seal p**o,motion and per of ;-.o c* A ill L 1 . v -.’ increasingly imporlant At a time when business end induv try have unusually high break even points -t is almost di. y .ng fate to cut production, tv? declared. 0 RAIL WORKERS HONORED A Negto station i • nd ‘ rw Colw'-.b'C Soutls C< o' no drew nat'onal ottent ** -.'cent fo.* his unself sh work during the 'March of Dimes camoctaa. James Jones. Southern railroad . (• . i _ during the drive, for which h? was honoi <*d by the mizor.ry. in commenting on the achieve ment, A. L. W i g g •■ n •: , board Chairman foi the syt em, sfat* . "'The success of his tt’erts proves that any citircn who is genuine *y inteiesled in the public wel FSTC ALUMNI TO PAY TRIBUTE TO FORMER PRESIDENT AN D WIFE F \YT.TTKVILI .V. V ■ « - • k ir 11 ~t K.f .i; >v;i> ,St=.U Lt ilV•' O. V. ! .'MTUti. -. 5 1 J. ts f.d -: ( A- SCO ' . .< ; .11 It * ! l uHUiy. to vvw-rk do' i' by uoo Iwoi Dr Smi'.h even ihouah n t ri f " »am> d f no or <>j toe sr .no. j- o * in tie. souin. 18. reeved ,. *. p;v t >i the ! he r. 'v tnnti >. Unr.oi "n* t'J \ I hm . IS f ax.; J,: •-..• h\ k and F(iiinets ..ud if. Ainmm Awe i ial.on feel * tl.aJ out oi i foi . * Pi' 1 I'l'k li'OJK t’l lli-ri. 11 x.luiUd !. f.;.u i* lii*. memory, by* makinu th,■ ii>-lc c vury >*car. Tin Al .uni •. :.:•* ■ :••.,.' uldl 1o « t in *<*ay on I' i iday t 'j* t ic campus, Onid- rf nci forrm*■: Dr. Totten i.- a former instrui • : oi* t t::c Norfolk Diiifiun i t Y, '-;tn:a Slatn Coikvc. SUMMER FURNITURE * I FOR PORCH AND LAWN Cash or Credit at 1 HfiLiG-UvinE] I OF NEV^BE^^_J f Li^f**'*"*'**”" * fare, can make an outstanding contribution in service." .. . O - STEEL USE AIDS JOB LEVEL According to spokesmen for the sloe! industry, ilia high level cf employment during the post war period was appreciably influenced by the half-biilion do'.’ars spent by s*ee! producers for new plant aria equipment It wets also indicated that the planned : • ml "i of $627 b ■on by t* '. ir.uusivy in 1949 s'iculd ; ■> c *.'.' • cm even iarqei volume of purchasing, power to workers. Because of the large forc-t l of Negro industrial workers in the so-ccdled ’’heavy industries, it fed to b” on encouraging vgn of continued employmct* t in tlii* pltose of cur industtial economy. rg PUSH-BUTTON FEEDING You can sleep a litJe longer, down on the farm, if feeding the- chic - ens ", an early morning 'horn A t”.'w!y developed a,nr. mu tic poultry feeder operated by an elocliir motor and con trollfc) by a time c’ock nosv ci:»t;s ;no vrotk, it is claimed A supply of I. yd is coined from a otnrag-' i * i on g con vevor, wlivr, i-j ns along the be c,m ut a t 0.. g ’chi* < :• iyi It:-. ’'’ it is ief';i>’»?d to the bin (or another trio. - O AND WE QUOTE •It ought t" !■' completely unnecf :-sa*v !c ,n nk that the Ns aro's scN in American .n Ju .r / should Oft, difTti .'.rl from <ba| rs any of h*s tcilo .v a 4...... W : ‘t-ird e Townsend, labor leader. WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? * of ctgarr tfes, after tax, costs a! cut 70 cents n-i B n-iin. De Cj~.;fyi c* liinil »} (- ; p C-* SO | Q JO b’l? common for 100 or more Sriiishcrs to line un before a toboc o shop. And ours c e more healthful, too! . <!*iN . .nd Alumni pi*i■ ?cct* -.* to, car c of tin** n.eetio * it ! :v. i . -■ pio.t <1 (*n ?h A Gt hA > ’ 1 • . I'juth *.i : - Ini,, Black 'A*:3l be in; *.d -I me*, .YicCiitloaqh. Philad pßiy, Airs. .Annhi JVi. Hii'iT.eiU or. ■ V. n ;*.;:i' ijai is Fov, hr. Alt.'n .* * * c -*' ' * : v. ..,i:., jit rao j. •' : .1, i*;,"ii.*... Moxclia Lane Mid iM • • W i on. Raieiu’.l: Ci.irl ** j i i aii ii il no,von . I'i ■ ■i-hi F net Fort. Smith Mo- I t.* * I o". • *.* . n. .-..Us Vl.ii \ F: butt, r ■ month, Vi * ,ini.<: Fmctt , lo*i!*k. La. j rat: ic; Walter liuuvei. J H.;.h Point Mnc-io. McEartn^rn,; ' H ink* Noth a* i. i irplc. Movvf-nx: • ..i*i*oo - South*. >*n Piii>** : Mi*s Alp. ki Inca Them;::* cm F.d .: . Brighten Your Corner With New Slip Covers For Your Furniture Tht* time:* of Year * l.avt* | ?.h much t * (!-> with yud! decision } to HiKiuiro nvw slip ("ever:-!, as the j nay yotir rooni looks If j it looks shabby* you want «ny, j now slip f'uviT*. 7urn hotm h (krt' l - \ rator, save looney an«l have fun | in the bargain hv {horn j yhiirsCf, tit your sewing ma- ■ chine, r Y; uj first concern in makintr ! y«'ur (' v?i I-? thaf your j fir-wit■■ y machine is in onier if' you rlorFt own o,no. now is th- : time to lake look at the many \ mode is; avaiiabh.,- ..* y--ui- Snarer \ ho.wing (\ 'iter. \ tv;’;! f-nd that i you can make everythuue from i cirapc nes to fuks* as as your I sh;ij env-'-rs, with y«a?r ‘-ving ma- j •r. in* and it - - at?a< hriiofG s. 1, vou haw any qualm s i.lioiii !.-■ klnni » slip. •:-'. . r pmifft, fry i as; v leNi'-ns ot your loc t! sew- j renter where o:v.p:< : e-iuen’- • can --how you the latest tricks j and .short-cuts* j -Pc?' i ye ■I !J\ 4 a Jii I V \ A / V Uy Y% FI / f m \ 1| p^rF’Sv \ vAYr a.r%L\ \jiK \§ Je J / : A ' w i , i Y ; '.- y y tvnw'. p> rs FfA-nifiCC it' . . lo.' ■ jv ■■. ; * o. ni iii oiid !ir!p 1. t -1 \ wi!h her mat. JAMES CITY NEWS i n vi j**n sji i i tiwis 1 n: a rvy.i "t ,1 <* i*k'i- l ,«'M Fi"(*!. Lino, Wane, I . , ■ t 0,., i. o;' - '! a !'!(•(* '-'t'icii**- V. ; \ 1 [ PARDON ME (A4kJX;_ please but l! 'JG& !l AN IDEA JUST rm? STRUCK ME ' MS-;P PH Let Mv Boy J oP • Sell The Carolinian For H»s Vacation Mcm«s 1: V'.;i want t" oh: npi- yin i-. t : nut’ >;•." ■ *'.i>n>, you may ill null-'lnils lit;.' tin novelty iiio.i;'*, ant. :*.;>mi idazt’d or iryl.i;*. <! < iont • pi.plm ■" p< > . If yon v.ant i'nvi:i inus of •. i',n . •.:i >-■.’ oaiiiM , ohoo-T !*.<■.ivier •if..' t'.tbr;.' s like <ici:Mil. l.qii StrT a* noh 4>‘.in<■ is’ .-at.'i'ii. I’m suiu that lorn f.'ibr'.r and* | arc pi*. -h: on’:, nrs-1 .*■ no-f.i- !. Tin * a" • a mono .ad .• | •*■ t r ! Mol a,. a’.a i ‘ .oh* f■> | .!>;’* ’TO f t ! '.\[ • of .'hui*.*.'* ami sofas Dr. a car. ml, inn i it mi: j-* ; > •* * : o i F<* ;..*tU‘.on. A •.*,! may v. u.i Io make i \ *: ..\vr. H';-t; 11 | d’• * . h«*l|> : ...oir a -1 ik t 1, * .1 -:! r*,. t . II I ti- ;*.*.- Sibiht yof *.*. .*. *'!!.!,' ■ (!ifu . IT.. F. r: ,o* vour pin tit! my i<.h. •0. .*,. ’ . f'li tin. : I - I i. .- l)I• - ’Yu your pat torn m> t ha* I hi* !!l, : I I'll (ini’. *, lltn- of y.’lu ::*.,:t»o ~; 1 iv:i’ f lo.v ti*.,- up and down hi,.* ■ f !h>* piyiv vouVr j o'V'iiiK In pirn ini', tl -rati; *, I to!;*)”, to, onjyinal inns of tho 1 , lain in tl*. dliftinal iovi,r of th« 1 iltlhi!,!..! o ' '*l - ' -’- .** •' fJ v. lldl‘1! i ■.o l,on ill: i ...o o-, o . ’ ML •-htlnii Bapt.k * ■: 'on.. I on i;: S ht A I;n y 1..: .: o mn io! t.ui *• .J] rl *i l, '.* *• r C‘i. Mo Foi-. S. tS|,iv>'v of Brookiyn JO (.'-rn*' hen’ visit.- i n;io-.. .Inyo , and Addi ft-v.n oioo.ri 1,, vioioU'nd City 'dr . I). - .•; Ia • * entertained hi * m * 1 Ir nd ■ a i .hi;* i:irrtl*idny P -rl.i Mi- 12 at the Rrnwnsv He C! A *."i mi)'* \v?r- (iijoved by >1 al. ■ Graeie Mideftt and Mim I?'-,-I !,o ci I' d a delicious Mur; , Gi .dv d il-y Hard fy ' tiave miunicd 1.. Brooklyn “io; * fi f'u ih" Mekness ■ nd I t::'’ij i: other. AJj';: jV, r*. E. Jones .h eS. ivi '. *i K*iH 1., dton mot ’•i d i N v Yuri: la: t week. Bead She C arolinian! ! NEW BERN NOTES nv i n. wood I’Ki Bry.ud Stun I I’hone J l'.iti suvcfiz- Xf- tod 1 tie Rev. "d:. Kll s. p a>i. * o' , j Piney Grove AMR //.on l/iuri h. i ’'■ i!! | reach hi SI P:'te-.*'s AMI.Z ! church Sunday .it ;t P. M. H<* will I an.' l ni'panieJ b.v his choir aiyi I yonyri pat ion. Monday night. May ',’T Rte.v.u'si i Board No. 3, .-‘ll nu'r‘ u S , I Pclci'-s p istorngc' Mai.v I' l '.' ! ■ .t: i- pvt sklent ! Tuerday night. Mav ..I th ,Mln : i:tcrii.i Alliance * -’ill /.lvr a pei ! ial pr.’gram and unle 1 ! **• innv id ■' ; St Pob . t'hui cli Ki id.yy nisht ihe ■v HI I i< . .»i. r i i . a o . : in ,*■ ; . Willie Mac W\ nil ■■ nn * ni i ~f I :*’:• J’o*in. of i 1 i loft-ph’s High -S- I'.ncl v a:, 1 i win 1 -r of a $25 n 11 up, i "* 1 n• 1 av *: ii* ■ i ill:* Fl„, iui -.t* debt c* .ay i ! 1,.r : ‘.bjlT I ' WI;. *n, ~* ;. j Wni i- • ’ l/ravct’ ■ , '.'!.o. and f! a ; tout C’uunti'o'. >•.■»•, ; opro oati’d hi i inti ie • i Ci, Friday evening. May Fit:..; ' Sand .1 > .IC, O-!* >.* Si ;*. .: ' ;hiO. > ilti d then- a: sued (n il!.*. ( n . i Wrtaumifnt. Each clan, w:u. rep •*<*-• nU'd : a ;-1 ‘l*. * !': *, ill' a! ’ .*!*/. ■ !’.;.* audience I. * Kano I: IF; I,'y ioU i • uni.* " ■ tic* ■ •( * ::. *1 ; ; c.*n d >;radr, in 'Nm.a • I* mc -1 : Fi lends - The Icier ■•!• (dr* n of th. ... v entb and ei*.FU: grades pi oui: ii .. clianniiig th; C e-acl c:*-,.*/ Ma lui.c Bos." Th*** "(TiPfi. on ’*. B Pncur, C (Hitmens. •* ■ ‘.ft 1 ., a. : i-< t ’ *eerc vr * ini’, ita: v.y j:** a a. •■'.*. 'iL ip mi ... Bn* :*..:!' ■*'. : ; I.u*-? .-o.idiene enjoyed i >.* wiml • ITS SUMMERTIME at RELK’S Shtvr Kay on and ('otton Fabrics in t.hy Newest Shades and • 'olors Gorgeous Flowered .Prints and Woven Patterns FASHION CU F RE M>Y TQ-WEAR APPAPE? For Men. Women and Children Combine Ccmfcrt and Economy Hurry Back to BELK’S M W BERN N. C. ATTENTION Thrifty BUYERS SAM L. IPM AN & SONS, Inc. REMODELING SALE IS IN FULL SWING Tremendous Savings In Every Department SAM LIPMAN & SONS, INC. NEW BERN’S BIGGEST AND BEST DEPARTMENT STORE i INew Bern Citizens Who Trade With These Advertisers Make This Page Possible \ n ii£ s civlci tainim-nt. . Ki.iit-1 Simmons. • member ; jin-. iG'adu.iUni’’ clan, of Saint ii, cpli's High Si liOt.’l was t*n -1 oouric-'d to bthe winner of ths ni: h,.| w.itm-r Ilc’.ifious Medal. The M dcr will be pre/ented on ■;; i i j f; 1 ;t ~t c,i aduatiou by Bi '.nop j Waters himself. Tin' ci ildron of Saint .Joseph's ;j:. :i t.iri r-t and their friends cn -1 , nil- on Si; mia y aft,' r !n,i! • H.-.rlmv Beach. Broket licic ... t . i ba!, swimming anu l c-ti-er ( in. ila:nment made the day t a areal success. y.c ail ; ram cri-iis arc reported , pen' rail fair to pood in most r'... o! Iho Stale, Eleanor Shop Smart Apparel For Hie Thrifty Woman and Misr. NEW BERN N € re ate, M.MWKWMMWHII I ■WlWOWfllo--- Ideal Shoe Shop Quality Shoe Rebuilding Milchr.ll J Khoury, Prop j 903 Broad St. —New Bern "woodT" NEIGHBORLY GROCERY Groceries. Meals, Vegetable?. Fruits. Ice Cream Notions. Patent Medicine Negro News Dealer - Call 3269 L D WOODS Prop.

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