PAGE TWO j PATKOMZE TIIESK AiMiKTISEKS mm \otes " I'.KOWMNii Vs( lIM -j I VST Fum-i, i i vies • ..." ,■ . : \V> d ii' ( ■ i. r Tern ■ ■ Mc-tii i V . I'hu' c‘i > U'if'i'/i: U r .1 o .U.-.v J:i , *i:r. ii;. \i\is (jii'wn S"’!r'(i. u r:!li ’iron 11 11 1 <■ Cx v'ek at cvn-r ’ll I'-. (• Vkl.-xui :n. p;i g v l p - - :■;t. 4 . * f. it A. S’ • V ; ■ f ■ v-.p* \ nu\ Di ANA SHOP CornUnc. Styk* and Qualify vv-lh Erc-oit:: I Cii -x-n S:. Kir.- t .t ‘ ■ . IMBW«w*»K*-> ■■.IMW.WaMW* —>IHH m m HM-ww I- Guinn &. Miller COMPANY J u>'?,-ture of Qualify S KINSTON. N C P** v*r 'W HMWHWr *M - WTW* W a.xumwv jvjivr. - . ■ i M»’ WJ'fV :. »• •; %: •• /iv : .Vv, ; ■■ w' /• Jr ■, „ ... ■•■•• : ■ \ i; Oit ■ ri.v; VVALLS , 1 This Special Price During May Only! TPCINf^TON ' M"\FH- lalE* .... -S -3 s j|U' sa«l * lip ■ y- . ' it ■ , > U ! i; . • UiU V txihx ii. tin- (S.-s'.igJiter of tin; '.Hi itr.\ »n.l 'Sr-. C s. Tolui.-- n. \ v, tv n;t•. ilex iii .! j !!' txh»‘ ? ’ - Jv. i i ,r; ,‘nhc-j ♦»! G.-e . S.V •’• t. U ui.Ml Uii-1 • ; • k*V' civ. . .J. ;. y J 1 A !jj Q 'f f f•» • { ■' '• r .; ; i' (\ hv’T .I ’vij ‘1 iTlit f ;V>r } :-i< i JVC _ m. rtnu 44 y '• i*ii ..m'.cc- Bathunn w:.»s i-n 5 ■- I* I < . re p *. qi j i ;", (; * K\ f\ SPEN HERS 1>0! B > MAC KE N 7. 1 E ( v \ \ " A^T H^' v j a ' ' "77 "" V' ai 1 flß&f.' \s*J dk -jUhX Lsrfdf safe/ -4JB IP y# ; ■ >*2a L* t 7ir2tCr.-. <£**7<*. .#a®R.—-■"■. ‘'f-’CONI' SECTION P^^Tl That is the lieentii-/ifth of n srrire on the Infoutry it'd j .1 > iiir,ra< Oicisiona, of the \i o S'ltional (in,,!. 7ln > n <••• r r ' I senied to tirnmxhit hoa with tlu orijaniuitiO'i < r> »' n >1! ht an j i/fetjert! poet of 'he Xiiti.oA* M - l i: t h •<•)(/ ,:f oiiy rmergeuey. ; TH INFANTRY DIVISION—New in oiganizotion Hut gte*-pod in j th? traditions oi tho west is Caliiornici's !9ti; Iniantry Division uirder ] the ■ rmroand ot Majo: Genorcti John U Cail.'ins. Ir. Although ihe division was organized in 1557 as of j - -- Tj America’* blueprint for security—the new. post j j wat National Guard, the 49th has u r oud an.t ■■% cheiishfd tradition that date = ba«-t: to th.- wild j and w : oiy gold-rush day.?. The number oi the division was select-, d in honor of the gold-rush i y*■ days of 1619 which ’.va the start <-i Coliiorniu - ; >-'Q: r>-e to slot. hood. Th? 159th Infantry regiment of th« Diviihou J hi turns I:or- • omparties origincxlly organized :u hfh’ V? 'hot and consoHd -tcd -nto the siii Intanti .in 1687. It was . rdesignated th- Bth Infantry, i ih fornia Volunteers wh« i called to active duty duiiixg the Spanish-American War in 1859. Ay. - i as th. Sth infantry it was stationed in r.. C.iu. :» Arizona dui.n.j the M ■on Rcrdct Ccmpcian j IP'S and h'niliy evolved into the iiStts Inlcnlry Regiment its i ISI v w!i —;• \ f r. 't’O■ M isii nU sick ! ; : iS' .‘it j i.)tt -■■ I*s G ; Ik \ U. J. •r'.i'.iV'tU I. - . C ’ ■ ft - - P*. I : iii.‘i.: .oi.} Biifjlist ' • ■ ' . ! • .'i ~t SdmGi. l’-s. I. o ?A, « Mis. Mi •. Winnie Brock, r Iq.mtds ,u\xl uiu-.o •y • t , (|| (| tr,n •A]* sc :• Vv; v t•nj -> > iio!o Grno. i 'ii V! v Tiki v ivsnino at 3 «. • O'M O' ■ . Ih C-tVS ; ! . , • ■ . -, I tzj ■ . , f, , . pecker. i HE CAROLINIAN , , * i *•* j'(j V r? T T,- : |k)>.;,v : ■he o; too I'ARO- . B-jf.'K too t’ A ROBIN iA N • JStribuH'ir : ;• While p.«. re nr- visitea lir: ;Fovr Rapt -; c:. f. in o; de': ' lon i'lir clfu‘is to rep re seni Dover: Si: Ijto H»» G-iteci Boat v o ui \ ih the Ova vs ion por es pt ir . Bv- ’' a > S) 'rDt-or* is i .ou \: :• V. i. n f-. • . not, Mrs Mu v «.v .• p , ; Kv.tov r. week i. '■ lu i 1 ;' ' of \OV.- DOIC IV «> vpnp Schi' .* vll ;> est-nt I’-'-i • I vs'-M* oi j joy n"5 c. n ‘ • ?,’p *'o our orc.'i-O’.st '7 h; c'av : i"hi \J'i‘ 20 c.i F, k;}o f l; Cm - * at i SOO p t r s-:kj< «)i ( mertaivnu rn. At: • Do i • M;i *to>. It.i crihl. o - t, Kt'M, 0 C -psj j; Sootkoi Been >:p Tr - R- v. T: 3 .Tohs.- so CD - u; ; ..{ . I i '-:)op di V :.< »f C;U lu ■:• iVCt ). 111■ Y) CJ is Tv tv-.v.0 ! ip ;• ;.•! (•; . Sis. • nu -:fies• >’ov c-n\ 1 j : ■- : of icifC.s I?ov Johnson’-. ! •■ •... ! 0. V. .0,1 ‘o 1- up and : , . <•»; r >!:•' 1 - . . His rol Vivo- a.iG j . .> l. .ni i o la dlo u.TD- hn. ) ; .. ) . ■( y !. s.:ov n il L> , - 00. Me \-\ , s . v.-oos cud \ i Dior 'do Si.:. .•< cun. ..rn-'fl : . r t:-thcr i h R :: K f.. M'- !;• • L. « 11 n itv-h has vo- • Pined aorr.k all tv s.ndi.s evo , ! 1 ‘ v.. it i \.t • .•ion and cinop.M n 1 -v. n Nos h-lk. Va Tin? -ni. it. -- A»niv s . l iv T.\ i»:.d U\ -'S'l o' 100 lit o. : P-.-hrol elite - is- ' f. j,- . .1 i if- , x ... i Tliui 'xcf: V ii *ht 'l'li - nr ci'.n-. rl , : pi , ■ ’. , <-'•• «- c k, !; -. ~,i. --. ■ . ■v. cillfi. t. v ice m-.-i i,nd ,i.l' ' ru, .\ . I.'\ ' \ ulic p ■id - >: V.\ do'V.ii' ■ ;;1 ' vx tii; l 1 ■ . t y.i-CC'lul. Ir.n d .it: 1 fnurin ; ,'? -.m>i 'ed tv,i plyylc... 'a.-t : I',-- Mts;-- A MtUtlicll i : • r; f f. ei-TWiv. '.'(Tf trn- to;icitr ; e- '..-ir-e. The ire l.i.r • Pi Ile S' ,i,'ii! 1 i Chui- h ot Ciu ist choir .will - /- ; •i- tr- these x-hn;:-- atr IvCrs,'). ■ se ' . t'liifi Sued-..'- eight: S- v o s'ui • :.n!’ • to ■■ -. 4.,-rl to j. u i lieip.iU- nnd 'i-- -Mibii' i eei'dii'lh fnvittt.'i "• ; tilciirl s,nd enjoy an eve".i!irS nujt»- j! i ic: ! treat ' j] J _ ■ j i jl:ul.:f o- 4 lu HHB i rr. t"r>i> ha A- j I'k'iitualN fp’On eonipletoci in iru- •. iC'Gudal Plain counties, JFARMVILLE NEWS r.V TAME S J Attl. • 1 iiu-is lii.iTi;. ' \ ■■ r .s, K;: tins ,- he| j- w i:, ,i.i . r! it) c ;:.i:.i;':• ,'hc pr.vpoeU , t 1- - ill : \ ’ '•!. I 1 1,1 Wei C M - i'• i , \‘- • ! : i F: : I in',- ~ i .1 Fr, :''.m-.Kkt. . j.-. ■ T'l 1,,-.,- y,; BUL LETIN TELLS 2 FAMILIES’ HOME BUILDING STORY T'.vf. ... u u 1 fcaM>a the A;" 'H i'srw of '’Tht. E;;ti - :icm< .■ .j t. h.•. ay \'u 7e-.ii.- Ext:) :-.ix\rc T: :• i'XO f’Hl e-i a • n hi Air :ad • - \V \u- h- Ml*. *!) U i,t: O’ O . i . Au-un ia .1 :: i (! .i-: ail’ll f» •. v, r.K n i i an ;av ca. . : an:; n h -th. itavn f;uvaiu.s ani atrOir :i»-e ’ '• sla wd< !i'v, mlsth . '-Vili. h Ni t !!> a- di" hOtU 8 DOW bit! Iff- same ai' the .flit" : •'• ■ aij. a.i- t- .. ■>*< . t'.we nre a j I~ 1 *“ - - - " j Record of Bc-thum* Broadcast <#ivc» to \ult- Libra.} ■y. Tv ~ V'T , ,- s r risKt.n' Worthy, President of the James Weldon Johnson L tcrory Gui!d, presents a recording of the Ralph Edwards' “This Is You: Life" broadcast on the life of Mary McLeod Bethune to Donald t ;i!up of the Vale Library for the University's James Weldon John ..,■ ’Mr .:oi ■a 1 Coi’ect:on of Nryro Arts and t. "t Herbert VAyght represented Philip Morrh cigarettes, spans',rs of the program, in p the original recording of the NBC broadcast to the Literary Guild tor the presentation. I Attention... Greenville Readers Sharper Forbes, we I! known Graenvi'le cjbxen and business man. h«s agreed to make i t easy t or Green trifle- readers of the CAROLINIAN to gel their papers and to get their news in to the paper Mr. Forbes will sell the CAROLINIAN at his store and will take any news that readers bring in. Slop pasi Mr. Forbes' tor a cool drink and bring your news and pi.V up youx CAROLINIAN. If you don't happen to want a drink, bring your news „ad get your lull sixteen pages of local, slate and national news. Don't forget, bring your news Jr: by Thursday of the week before you want i, published. Support the CAROLINIAN, ii will support you. WILLIAM R BURNEY, Greenville representative. SECOND SECTION l-'.,: i-n ill.- !' •• : ein, ijiieii fino ,U --lor th- rn, . i:,-1 uir th; 'iu Ivt s. bo . \ -;■ t i .’tub th,- bund nvuni ... will i.: . ci 11 \v -1 ’a, 0r.,.- - -.mi ii uc.x ■ h ’u ,i',-. I U: coal! fha' i . .', ", m. ' uni: f 11.- ’.eoei; t!li.< T:.r I- ! nil: fi,.-;,: el- - u >.! s-,.-e A.s ; :tc ii - ,-.ny on .' can jl is i,;.-. ■ when >l i':u T i' i,r ii sir fi-.i) hot to.- von ail v. ’ 1 > i-. \ e ihe (ion,' ;'and i fetuy ~ firm KKs 'n ;uo r.-orio. 'f/T r D.O. ..'-tratio-u •:! v:- fv {\ A<■ -.rune fii'O- WEEK SATURDAY. MAY 28, 1919 ' - ■ ,N . ' J ; N<:U ;L O ! , MMM ANA! ‘ American infintrymen haul , . “ '“-G>■'! terrain in the heroic advance de« L' tv< !jmo tl:«. Ofluial History of World War 11. ‘.TLIVL^t' ~!ear . is,al the Rl *« "’ho fought on Guadalcanal thr f l ,u" L’ a,ld k thC> %V " n ' fstaW,sb ” ! * a P sl, \ ivik ( l.ii ki- it;; \ S * lit' 1.-. C!"li V 1 ;vtv ■iv Tt. • y . \ c. t •;'*>•* • l! '-‘ •• • ~~——■ ————-- ' I Always. See William s First I Ladies Ready-to Wear • WILLIAM’S RE \D~\ -TO-WEAR GREENVILLE JANE’S SHOP infant? and Childrens Juniors & Misses Cottons j GREENVILLE N C } ■ - - „ , .... i Best Jewelr y Co. i ‘‘Eastern Carolina’s Leadin'’ Jewelers” GREENVILLE N C “Honest Values " | VETERANS NEWSSTAND IS TOPS WITH NEWSPAPERS - MAGAZINES !Ufe Weekly, Journal and Guide, Afto, Carolinian Pittsburgh Courier and Comic Bcck> ?■. COMPLETE SHOE TUNE 'ERVICE Dial 39 PP George Suggs, Mgr. William Burney. Prop. 231 S Queer. Si. Free Delivery Service NORCOTT FUNERAL HOME ~ 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone-Day or Night 4331 —Prepare For Tomorrow Join The Noreoti Mutual Burial Ass'u Tnc. Ayden. N. C. G Norcctt. Jr., Mgr; J. I, Albritton. Asst. 711 S? 1 ec Si. " ' Kinston - Greenville Kim ness Men | And Women Sponsor | I his Page - Patronize Them Lunaiean Lmenumtil f«V{«; is Immigration* Le ! jjLrna Plan ' f WIUU ll l L. m .MMIM; S iO\ • 1.1 -: i:i;. .• < ANP) • . • - •{ t .i ~: . •. 1 j1 > . •u n? Ihr Carolinian! ! I I EFIRD’S DEPARTMENT STORE ‘•WHERE PRICES ARE LOW" | i.v.,0 Si Greenville 1 HOME FURNITURE STORE COMPLETE HOME j BLACKWOOD’S ASSO. STORE C \RRIS BROS . Owners ! F cycle and Radio Repairs Trade ins Whiazor Bikt Me tore Terms HO W. Slh St Greenville 1- ! . ••••••« j Whites Stores, Inc. j WHAT YOU WANT AT | WHAT YOU WANT TO PAY Greenville- N C. j McC OR MICK MUSIC STORE | 215 East Fifth St. Greenville j Fee-ids Sheet Mu c ic and Musical Accessories Tel. 3114 FORBES’ GROCERY Candy Cigars. Cigarettes Canned Goods. Frozen Drinks Fresh Sandwiches Daily ID'S Flemmings SI Mr. Sharper Forbes, Prop. BERRY BOSTIC ,V SON Heme Furnishings and Appliances 207 7 Slh Sf- Greenville (Next Door to While Chev. Co) DIANA SHOP | Greenville's Shopping Center I» for the Ladies 31? Evans St Greenville