PAGE FOUR PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS SILVER GRILI. Home Made Pies T.i ■ y Benin Cookflcl Foods r v. D. Mo’-tisan Mgr. 115 Gillespie St '•.viwwtw i - •*— *>'<■-ran mei n lie’s Beauty Shops Fu.-aonl Fayetteville •Thompson SI. 113 Gillespie Wc reed your head in our Business C '-.sic Mclntyre. Prop. A ‘hur’s Seafood Grill t person St Phono. 4630 '■ ■ v« you «ny:hing from a ’>.vieh to a•• hicken dinner M s Or.i ,B William?'-. Prop, v> ■ ■ ~T-m —i iru 'mu w imin i~nuni in inwie mil nrn IOHAWK INN -fnl Among The Pines P.Mfirs Appreciated Mi-Dougald Manchester iIOTO CENTER 481 Hay St. I’itOM. ;;??7 ’!< * n si i;. m • on PHOTO I I MSI TING rOMTM If LINE OF Cameras VNJ) Photo Supplies FOR THE Amateur OR THE Professional iwui3 DIXIE PAINT & HARDWARE CO. We Have “It” Can Get “It” or “It” Ixn’i Made jj SPORTING GOODS—FARM AND MILL J SUPPLIES PAINTS ? < uikrspu- St • Dial 4J 19 I . ycHevilh j 1 JACK’S~CAFE ~~ | BEST HOT DOC'S FOR TEN CLN'iS IN IGWN \ INKS BF.ER 21.'! MILLSBCHO STREET | JACK PHILLIPS Prop. THE HARVEY BEAUTY SALONS | \ THE BROWN Dial 5537 THE ROYALE - Dial 4107 j THE MODISTE D;;:' 3703 Vi f.n P; ;'ij ‘ wr: CAN SERVE YON PROMPTLY Mrs. Ethel Brown Harvey. P. •■>. * proctor-barboUr " o. i I ? !■' srdv/are Athey's Paint Fain-. Mach nery Bail Eng Material, j Doors, Windows. Nods Cement Motia. Mix. To ! 12' Gillespie St. Phene 2080 SIC:- j L _ * J THE PIBLE CENTER -- i Under the auspices cl the James Institutional Community Church (Christian Interfaith) I i Murchison Road at Marlin St. (Bus Stop) Rev- Charles L Miller, Sr Pastor l E'nday School 10 a. m. { IH L. Dawson. Jr., Supl v ' -ning Warship 1! a m. COMMUNITY SING (Seng & Sermon) A p m Mrs Sarah Swinson Directress Worship with us Sunday and m»k« new friends. Phone 'lfc29 for further information Writs P. O. Box 325 K < & *■ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmammmm mmmmmmm wr* | ' ENNY’S SHOE REPAIR DEPT. « 1 SPECIAL l I FRIDAY AND SATURDAY S | MENS I HALF ?|J9 ' HOLES “sr I I IW mam mw COMPOSITION Fast While-U-Wait Service 1 at PENNEY’S 1 FOR SERViCK | J. & K. Market Grocery a rut Mi eat a 1 -117 ,\1 ur c! u -in Rd. Phone 2890 \ wnuiwtwim ina-m-.Wf i‘ . *w >«r-.v -new ‘ ~~ -in*-- - l otvio •’•UUMWI.- ' «U• «' —i— ■WlWexr«l»'-MS J r, Quiei Tactful Service CRUMPS FUNERAL j HOME Mutual Burial Association 515 Culbreih St Day Dial 547 G, Nigh! 236/ f S IVINGSrONF RADIO SERVICE i HOME AND AUTO RADIO REPAIRS I 113 Gillespie Si Fayetteville j l-'OR OUAI.ITY ! CLEANING j DIXIE ! CLEANERS i 214 PERSON ST. j Fayc-tteviHe, N. ( ■ntri rrmniiitfi i jrniiinieiwifli>iiiwi«i.ui*e.i w ~i**iiffliwiiii ■ 11111 n i.jiii m 11 ww—iin ‘n ii n i i -Visit--. j Ruth’s Beauty Shop j 500 Wilmington Rd. I Fayetteville Dial 5442 j CAROLINA ] .Music Company j Finest. In INSTRUMENTS RECOI D.S RADIOS And Instrument Repair j 114 Anderson St., FAYETTEVILLE OiIvTaTTN i J oH\7I ivN «&■ j!m bUr miraS kJLi mJL §HH SmWMIS r , > /ga-CvtH . L '* a"' a ■ '■* V> ? VCm> '&&■ >• >• T- . ■ _ 4:c- kip ■ . ■■ - ■TV- • . * M ■ ■ ,T ■ ). ' ■ ■pf w:h . i j>. -• : .. - 4 .... « isi-a#” “»c. -v Vs- - ... V,* : ■ . ,ir ’••Sul&i'itf ■ p# ' •:. 4 . . --.U sSitrASSI iv-.V ,A >- . r • >;». Hl.\ M CO V.vvijs Vsi,*«\ i!f • ... I *<:■ tin ;iu 'u . .in !.!i • «•( I: Aii vi* i !'!’*< i'! ' ■' (<**{■■ unit it t tii . i( |) i: iin tv in ■' fill.', oi i) ’ 1111\\ 11 :tl>i<\ i' liiH' ii■ ; • tu-ifi'!!;..; ■■■ ■ i-i oiiil lifij FAYETTEVILLE ’ 4 PROGRESS E 'H BV T" -* HF.NRY M L. JAMES 'VfiiIT.SS IN v .1 : > ' . H \ . i ■ , ,• ■; v- v. ; MI pi . hi! F, i K , ? 'Ui t. . ; ;v i mHfft , n»n.;i >■.. -■ l - tlah jVt .v T>-,\ .. ”? ■ E-nb* sTF'f ? V j ! •) - f . ■ - T,v •- F. t ' r-t ti'ey.i.'. Ti;;!,-:.!. Jw 3. C abiie S'ii'i-; 1 b - \ . i'.bb' C ii F... V> ; ■. 7 f ‘ ■ ; ■■ - i< by. Bi.t:: ■ : u s i • ir, n M '!.r r: ;?•>. r it.- ■ vy r . ; ... • V i it , :.i • '!> : i > ' • t , Y-: • ; ' . • • -y:; ‘ .... ; } ■ ’ .. ' . -J,. ('[ rr.tb; - F ibbb "i‘f}" |V.v* •■■ ■ . i.T ...... J >■■ .■ ■’ .---A *'' ■ '1 .... ;i' .■■: - - I i.'iil i I.(J cl- . ... ■■ ; pi'.>.'■•: ■r. fi.rii- i Vi e :. ( : \t iti .... '. ’.... ; ■ ...... . . \ 't»y F vVb-F t ... 'H.' > - . Elsiik' top Pi. l ' .<?. i' ( .';il . = H VoSM ■■■ tnSgSm ' ,' G >S|il . ■ v .... fc tI V WK ■ • „' A . .. , a - ' '" :p /> * ,-f 4* :„G - ~'EvfSh E S' ■ -A • A- , J \ t . «y> G .. 4‘. b .. Vv *• M<V ' .'■ 4 E... ■ o : P f o cc. 4 '■ ' „Gs ... - ' * v , ' "y v '•V-V SS 4 ■ :a ' .). A j i r, * ■ . ■ . \ i lias j hi na 0.0 pu; ~ m> C t.-A: .it i ■! .':.v g,/ i,..iand \ ixt'.t WIW ■ tv,' u'. 'i- I in' .... i y. ;.;is <*x;iii’fcii. fhc- •.'uloJ-Ot hh.-.v. 1 ati.i -i !.,!.• f trir-i-cl <\.;i ivitfi l; • I. 1 .1•; •. ,7 Ml.', i y Wjoia’n M< i.tic.i .!,• tis. ; ip i.'lj.;iw■ rs n-.- ar. h at the M' O 'Myagy iabt,.ra(:<?s a:.{ y. a:. ’ :. of cV late Ccrhard Mt rtta-n. i' mivvi < f j.r .. . t i.aby j. j, t vgir •.to; r.-R oifc-anizat n. ll ii :hr : 3;:•: c„. ■ a t,.y. ,i j - ...| t .a ha'f Ivti. j faced < a th». Lal-v ■. t'.ir. IMG NivUWA Hy CO M.IER • » £ - Y*. , , v.. *), ,ij t r - ' J *> (i*U U6k j.'d. *tVt- ; . I 1 r A ki 11— aift-Gc. ■ /•' A ii • h':‘4 f f :CM ■ - ]teJ BTpii •.' -i J. G v s • Ms > g3' % ■ - /A" j, y*" w i * 0. i n f, an i< ru;»l *i) Hr > ‘s 4 r ; ii . *» « 4* . ♦ -i u. i . *•:{ l v Mu* St f>:»I’ H(-) »• lit )•;»•» Ihot u: • iit* E / I lull i ' i f'.ll (Ilia'S 2* MU s■(<«,• ?i 1 J f» ft* S| 1 1V t{ n 0)1 : iJL.fv W \in .:\ l •»I l t * . ; . * ...... (■•«•• ! AO.; ;d \\ Mi.'. I ■ no. utvl litd i.i. ( hi! • It; !• \\ Ho)ii:i\.i i il I'bOlll. V.t i ' 1 V 1., if. ifv i- 'ii ('i.nnriiis o I 111 V.l ■; .lot o! Utis v I■ . 1.1- l V i i ; lli/lf i» iv a v vv ini it A! t' i • Vi Its* it I ii'-kt’Ki'i 's Ki-Uilua li ft r\ i > 'ii ill Mil t i\\ l' i 1-iCIAL HISTORY C ' CAMPAIGN IN GUADALCANAL **7tTu/ conifSt.t t> ihfrnt of f //! fi.» it'i’if • ft .y* Vf-jor A u t M. t'ufcft ii iroftoccii the tl?st ot}vfr:>( icon hit Aitiri to , yf(>>us<i U ■ c(:< ih ihe f’onßi oh(i>e -jf It o/TT It nr f! uti !* h * hi ■o ; if I SUE v The in'it who Honyht on (.mijnl Hint: — kt- if Us rr establthh i >/.-j a not ton for final ?e 'Vt-' v nt th v / a*. , , it;!/- jhort tony mt t’ n ; >;; i t g nut to ynnjt. them in t.hi K ' f <ti‘< o! H-oi ohrro: *o the:se "-cf rly iiyktot r wrote tin ir or ?/.. 7 l s .• • mh'h at.rt! (jfffhi proved co rivluSi to i ,/ ?A u' • American suitin'ru ai-U non :xt >. could on toy ht uul on t tn ur t. ii.o Jo p(i rtosc i old io r tn (ho ton ijh <s ! kind of junpU nurfatc. Jf piuad a i»t> the yut( fid no j a «.*/ .T morh-n n , tactical concepts when n)>p\iod to jinujie uarfaro. GUADALCANAL; THE FIRST Os rTT<3iVE tr; an absorbing narrative* a! the Army's official account cl this operation. It opens up to public view the variod combat experience.-, that awaited the Americans who swept ashore in August 1542: A lane tical onemv, jungle warfare, tropical heat, end the uncertainties of ftght ;ng with th- ir backr to a vast ocean. Arnericau troops were not yet tullf hard* d i to the thirst, exhaustion, and diuc-ase c i iho jungle (malaria caused five times as many casual E( e as enemy ocfjon'r maps were inadequate, intelligence often incom plete ta Ers 'untried, and arr.t.hibi ous warfare doctrine in the pro cess of vindication. B y p.--: renting a unified picture of the whole operation, the author thewrr ‘.hot the viev.; y on Guado! iiiiul can be andg-rsteed only by u. apprrr.-ictien cf the c< r.’.ribuß.on of f'- r h I he- ntmciiVF . - h • an olfici.d »u rdc inS-rvic-ws an; Japanuße dec .ments and pt- sem Scully iat U left p- f the first Dm-. »! i.i the BC-( end combat history n. pored ghl-t U.o bu per vision oi tn Historic j* Divcion in THE U. S ARMY IN WOULD WAR 11 which when cornj/’eu d will include mere than ninety volumes, GOADALCAIvAL: THE FihbT OF PENSIVE by John h'hlicr ]r . Histori cal Division, Special StaH. U. S. . B miy. Washingt-.n, 1955 413 pp "6 naps. (5 pp. cf phclogiapiis $4.(!0, Kui t.ile bv thi Supoiint«nd,.nt cf L'ctua C<.«-innifttf Ptinl**ic NATIONAL GUARD TRAINING OPEN TO RADIO AMATEURS * F.: re f.nei tl • .sst.-onul . • i ■ W tarj : A a:.’- !.<MiT' lfad'.-, F - M A i’Si ; . i . : A ih. . 'I, - ~.• !i, -ii i.. .« >A ■!!■ ' :••>•. I« V.l.uil Will ( labliv: .if. 1 i1 J .dn» . -nw -Fs ic t!.i: A» IV. > . A 1- I 1... ! ... Ait :v .! A. MV \ii\ •a! ■ . F'.-I'ps Si'<f l i•' i'pt tv . 1 v i i ;:11 •• i . 1 i-i l Ul W! !"'■ -I: fi <1(1 ■ 'IV ) .!:■.> 'V- ii.' v ' -ir i the pin:- • rat i • ■ ;»< MAH'- v '' ’i i- a; ■ ;i.t- n; .ilar Ui.itiiny pr.-t 1 latii/ lot ' ;,.••• avd mi,He! Ague , : for M \];:> : *•!•’", v. hich tu:r bv v ta * hud M n'ty i ti.o (iiiai d. ,-\i'inoi ;<•' Oi Aii !*:.>« ‘v.-1. t I t 1 rut •' tlu i' ■ ‘I .**■ ‘ v Al l . v' •! \ ..* i■ * • • •• i c tkuo * Mi;! y. ill ..PS .eh. u <>u)«J l»c ilt atldiTjtu, 1»i ri L * biE v , i j;b, ;i. • up .ay train :Ul' *4 tin* \m Tu:-) tiuard .v.»d him!; on u •‘ • 1 i» : t* % i ”• ; j... M ft. i.-y .. sh' hi rc.- : . - *Y tirti'ncd ovtu ... , f { ' ~J " ill . . I.' I: .. Kl-.V ■ I- ' : , I I t'u \h)tii: ,1 1.. .11,1 fill, . all, ' 1 • r -flit. v<.t ' I.ii v g,i< t .! iv , . tv.igtlmv V Mu MAC-' • IWiMfl'i «' I ...... . .Ml gill! i \ f. ' .... „ *■ ! v m.v : c mi f : . i ,ii 1... I,iii.a g ('.<■■■ Mil.' I f i;/ J Jt* •; J i t Dm O.oni'C:'*. t »ur. I'd > n * > -M'e f 3YFI t » sir 11. I I lisuVAlA .■ j •■.««! i.i Siiiu ■~r■i .j ... ,-f. AI v- vinti," hoc wvt'.i i Mi : .!. A Si v i .a • bm-u/.. )•: y'ai r ,i. .1,-herl w j Flick S;t; o". \MV. Chtn't-fl, Sunday. 1 ('V..' Ai ''n 1.0 I'. : o. U 'i ii>, r. ... ' • ! ii( -u, . ! .g j t*r Ci: ’'A | |.) ■l, n pcin.- fa .ry Mev 17. •. .< i-wn . rlr<- : i.'i! tlv r <•' S j oi l’% an Tvip<»- I .OVIT. uM! I' MUIR’S I LAX I F'V t icmpi Sk*rvtc« DIAL 2441 J Anil a.k For Sam or r.'Jgar i Fni'mcr.t SECOND SECTION iumraim iM—imiwiiaumMniitir. min.ii . imai m^w.Kici«>i<iw.*r>.' ir -nf , ly— -iT POLLTAKBANIS SiRSESi 3!' P.lfi 6T fliiudE i- ! d i; ' ; . i;il.. ■,t \ , ;,t-uh: ! i pO]| i.;’*, • : l/,u;,v ";>y 1. nn Midi < ! Xu ill' . H. 1 il(. ** ■ - • ;S K - lunn^ (Jl'i I,: : d l*. ■>. ''ii :\(ii 11:J. i:• I r;< \. r' Tin [; . V a k , !*.{;[[,,• . ji • f,. r \<!} J,: >! . • l- ’'v TUC ' «.!( cil.i. ! < i.j ’ .. . • V.'J . ( f•! •; If* ! ( >;1 f M(J t. ♦ 'Mij VhighJbcu V liilJL l*u isom * %*% ' ■ -JV... | O , mu ' ,>nS^ Aid | ' ' V 4 'J* you don’t your >hare insder fommuni.-m the* always hack you up... hack von )* - ft i< {. and. {;*■• * ■ aid •*Ut ot H»M : 7t LL i?€ WI7« H‘77^7^■ , (YOU IN A MOMCN O. . * H(E 4 666 N VVAJ T) KjOr 5 I lau.. op *&&ecc.A IjJ ‘H aw; A Head, A!” , Ke eagle style reporter I - _ J RACES , . "Th*y're o»/* . - *" wordft over th<* i/übiic ad> • -ireftft system electrify some 30.000 tars. Their eyes ar< glued on the track lest and - : ir . dry -under a sunn" wain sky. ,■£ " * perfect Spring ; ■,£* Day lor tha race* w- i •- ••* at Belmont— ore " of the most beau i H-* */W tjful Pack* in the I country, fluauty in clmo.,' everything -the nags, the women, the fktwtti-- I elegat .<■• the men and the Jockey*. j 7 , \ ;'z 'fnLrMmMa - .. i J .c.'o, GveMrt, -jot it eye wbof.s ! . i 1 : j rio/.i' v, i;.-. 1 ... fuiijng. w~. g|jgl 'XT ' h tbe winner." And proudly *• * the (iv . er take* ih* rein* to lead 'torse and joexey to the kealets and coder' ’ ’ r? ‘‘ ■ Vve «a« horaw rj' ictry at 'ha paddock and shook « bar:.!* with the owner in his box. wt:ek enduko SATimn.vv. mac 2h, itoa i 'l^l. 1 iTI 70W? SCRIBE ! JlSp# 1 v By FREDRICK L- BURNS ; J&tr A i tPr:" JH ! -li'.' Mu I tlilUJ, 1 ;I?•• V, V. t ;hy; nh.nw B«?iti! a '-•'M ueh a hus yiL\. Ho >u* SB; !. )v?.-«\al;d )! v.nci Y.,1« .. ■ii' •‘ \ i_- J, ; V'.-1 ,j •< » !_? rj' ! 1 ’ ,i!'.'.t OioalU/;. ’ mm !....ivc hmU'- cmm _ 1 TEp C ''‘.'.‘Of-'.'i V f i}i: [ i people, among thcr/Tj AH VanJerbiit lAND beyond the boxes a va»t sect * ot poc j.te Sn muit' colored suit* ; and dresses —a pleasant picture in j pi' .'»ant company in a pleasant set ting ot SeJmont j { P'l i’Ui: £ a*»itt*r let*;* t> Jb iWi 1 fLt* j n u ‘i t« are rr-talt jt o fans v> b<- It JJL r *'-?f f j t.C I ov• the world. * ! Fayetteville Your Business Men Brought You This Page. Patronize 11 re. n) :' iti- fJI Ui j 1' J > it' 111 li'! I. 1: . v. r- |,;.vo «■ - porj .( (} 11 u i loiii *ii ?.**.<- oth( ior ' m» 1 ;. ri! t i i oii/.j./' 2'*. OH I * j j;,. -, : vea > :o».'; j•„ , <4 *aii I: . . .(,! . < .•. .. •• 1 ;f ; • j / /a&r. , by ,ojj M- .. ' : 7]Xe teiw ? 7 < 5 ' # %ik a «M * JEsfcr Th< iH'i'i-t >.( *»-:n.tii ;! baa i* lh« -■ir.-f.n tn. K if N'Mfmli. nny a, l .ittir y<‘Ul !»j. ('■'* .t lid . 11 :i. I. I V rift* l ; C-lu t.'-riie (h i miiiii fit It •-•.•Is a fas: mating stlkv ..ft i-s.- I', bai: makes s! fas in ir.s».ar«“. wul he! | s flirm '..ail' • j«»l S Si • V»! bail ii mi l ti i>, try r bah', fin*-, v“>i ii ■ 11ri<-«ix•-1 tbst h <-r-ifit ■ 1 i *.•!’« ii ii. iv aiill n. w !if,-1 A * 1 t t) ini,')<•,} tfi » ,'!j|i I.t wain ‘•I M U,.:1 • ml*-1 I - M, It r.ur *i h-a*l s. ait a iuilj jriir.iitt* - ■* _ , . . . fn/o y the Svmmer Sun Under (?(IHV<X4 rftottiKCu , . ' 1 < - ■■'";■ l> '■ - FOB FREE ESTIMATES DIAL 3794 FAYETTEVILLE Venetian Blind And Awning Co. MS MAXWELL ST. • VENETIAN BUNDS j * AWNINGS * WINDOW SHADES

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