WFER ENIOINH SATURDAY. MA 28. 19 f 0 *. . Live as Bravely As They Die ’ C oner a: Bradley facts the Caisscu If y Otttcir V If milk". Chief of S!<e>, //, »S .4 -y This r,c Ac f.rt of tt.*i itdil/'i-. *i. '' > e f... J Mu**., a! //•< ■ .-. s, '■ >. " "o' /.•«..> . A IV it i. in, ( < .7 ( .' •" ’ 1 ' ■ ' • 7 ' '' * ! /f', f, 7 U. '/.r.- ://•■ 7■' ,J ' ■ 7 ■ ■ .I ; ■ ' • ■ tra! llnniuy'v tv •< ft r'.'t/t rt at */■.« m • r c• ,/ - . • , <!■ •<•. '' • lllth - ! i. • g -■ ■' ' 5 frundt umi ntiffhi ■■ at /-«fij;...f «*te*c. nKHK ON THE long green mer.4o-.v9 •>? th's tran- )•! New r. , land tow cm- h«v.- . .;>•:< to do ■- :-l - amt.' to M•' • • sidfltt-t Blit to ' 1 <"• r' . "mi:-- (. I. - ■ t j ' •"! .'-I ■< their I:-:,.—. t« dill. 7] at < \ ' . £*at .‘o *•’ - Argonne and .11 tie -er. •>! the \- iiiies lin a-, long tie. men t-n c < livid, vs <l* Kfd, w <>r.-»lii|i|ieil uni reared their lamihc- .it 1 th* a elm 7 -<> tong have their been summoned to :»an aeconst those who wimU ct-vei *it <!< stroy (Item ]i> o alter to r:e'i.iHu'i Mies have been forced to i)iiit these quiet homes -n your r.f-mehsl valley i» fight - and sometime.- to die n eontlicN visited upon them h\ Issues that s-e. unit rcnuil. trout tluir <• v<>■ vP: t v lives. Ku in the enai-'ellim r-s |., h.,,. 1’ . 1 1.. I '.•, No: e. !' ,};\,. I.nd M.0.0w, those lotto .0 1..0,10 thii O..CC ■ u-o d 1 ■ :o • t.t &1I nii.oi, o.d eve-iit 1 .H's ' ■ ’. so. -o-.i [jllllililt 111 id wurt’l k-'elt. Ot t'o ■! A<-<: :i“ the -e world tt’niggles have tin vo : d:- runt ...... • { nid --os they bo 1 i -v■ -••; •• ' • - chair* in the houses on this .. it is ea-v for Us v.ho ate i.-vi; J> -.- of »-:«>«e who are dead, hor it ! -h > • - '■ t t‘ -‘d ■ in their ptese-n. Wats ■. be i '., v, ■ b.-: stne! .... they are pjbed Iml }•••>•• -u- v -'. to m • -• * • •>.- •hste in I have i.i*t ci." te -e '■ .' ‘ • 1 .r the Mirh' i- ; ■ ; ' d. ! ■ ’ ■ "■ !.-es .1.0 n d - • •>' • < *... • • • ••■■■ whc«n it f ;i> d<viade-».i sv 11 ; t •- ut<<nt v* \'a l?; in* . {<■• 1 fhA I‘HKR Vve are (rathe -i in. to ft-be ''f 1 : ” ? ' , 'TD. - » h.-.v. ai-m-./ # „ V, ,- have .... : to imu :t we •'« ■ '><>''- ■ , . ..... . ..... . • • V died for .oh ot!.«-•« live h?* ilia.Hai’iy s*4 l <9 . • - »n ‘-'-•at ,i We have -t, CIS ■hv ‘ ' r ' • - "" 1'.., e. o. - . f - o<; i ’ 1 ' " h\s t.i tK'V-ly tin they me. 1.1 oni hatred and renumi-viion id • - mu-t not f..rget that the i out a ut conflict flourish in the l.u'K' ami l.u.ur." «d t .. »'»* v £ a I-. « ri 11 rt |j C 11 \l 91 l * who heeK piace j»»t a* a =* * K H diseases and designs of aggressors. While the American people ha'-e witinn f'-emselves im- rmeu! *fiei,gtt:. the power, a -i wisd-ne. n.a*.'' u at e.-t whatever l'orw if tim gh ' r - K . ■■ l :*■ - * -1 ■■ We have s:,t!elrd rr. .If: • fvv ■ v ■id w ■ K!;: ' A ' involve.;.eia in peace moans it.-t n m'---- v < 1 - i!i Eithei v e sluiii employ ’ f-. •••• ■ ( ' ‘ b . dtliy '.si i.. U i * or v v snail waste tliO'C : *.-t er\ es ml pea-.i • < ! ••• 11 ' 1 ' • tfcat :. • ed rev v.-r.: • Tins ii-.d v\t bar -d !■ -la. i' ' ;1 35. tl.-e vict.... -. frl -.. ai -1 f 1 . 1 pKipies who tut> -i th'-ir ha-fkfi f*.- •' fc J*. 1 tlit very ti .e • lie-- a;. i■ -• i- at : v d ’ cvdisp.ii 4 apt in fit thi pen eot -■ - '> •t iq their t!.i> ;-‘-s a.-: !•-. vban-, -nl n- ’ ' staniiiK at fa-- 1 -., S- . die - distan 1 and peacefu! tov. '.s The i! • • . enva "i g ’• ■'■■ ■- frits. i v. risk : . -kb..- dttV. 'v ' ■'* >' ve ieeant. vl po-Ai-t teat c, r..COte. ?<• .4- " - v - h ; • , *'“ l Cl. at id v t-.i.c T< .. tele -■ • •■■‘•■-l '"• '" l '■ ' : • Bj-.d t • keep out frc-cd'.m ■ pant ‘‘or.<•s ••{ not youi s Ml. S. IF THK l iiitc-d F ate-' a. ap;,:-.- -t' -'i-s f e*-K>rbem-. »■> the (id’.lclllt d< ■ Olis tll.'it e< 11'v vdh It-«<'.e - sii.j , tin- l< •' • biu-delt* that com* W-'h (tela Use. WC 'h::!i u-.Ci l.u't* Hid td-' dill h. riH-:i-.llt<-S ; -T ... ! i ' ■ ' 1 !-i£t » •'* '■ svietde as a •vveaUa ivane rather thar a 'or-a If we n tige triim the nt-ceasi-y cl row-:ir.-g *— l,l a hedd-v > n piim-iplc. resoli.-mi, ami sh,:; ->in.-|.i> :•• •!:.- Bi-dlls’ i rom i, is tv. i'v': :-. improvir ngr w-itU espi.-du-t >, sod u-t in*it!vc isoiuti. us, iiiuggi-.i- Nation a :•• u st,, iit v w:n i» i.idl 11 Hi so .-o'Kiit iuns catitn-t fxist, If : - ,r s,hii.per fiuw crisis- t. crisis, fixing principle-- and policies to th.- change of eaei, day, we shall pi. - umselves- sepniny and le -ly i, 4 fin t- cu-> ur - lU'trr* -> ’- f Ml- P>*- - 1 ti|. iiion aval dec.’-iiato onr Incc-<-- : . \-..h. Tv live bravelv tv . .t i wl-» : ' ,if this world cun Filer h-mt. »h«- Anu-acn . j-eopic m ist ert toon uitM it, atul ie, long-ranß-e iio!icier: -poiitii al, oc-mo-n-.; and m• 1 1 1 1» e p/i'Kiams that w,ll net he h«-ai*ai an d - - ■ >*■ •< • lnjj- find -waning cf t* nsion. ihc liniled Fihlt-. t... s, malured !o w <>* Id . dcrs-’iip . d is tin.e w*. steered by the stars, not by the lights of veh passing ship On this Memorial Dav. -c- ■ t. ! ; a ’r.--c t)..s '.rove c.ddu-r-- C,,»(,!. Edward Wilkin, Army of th* United State'. Med.-d of Hoimr -we pay homage as lie would have us do, ti- all i is f:-.lleo - 'i" rades— to the strong the weak; tin lenders, Mr- led: tim teev-r, '• lie fvarfui; to all v, id. pet isued where only C•/»! •- oW -- itc* >v 'im.r charity to their follow inon. Proudly hut r*-. >-it*utl>, r.ndiy —-we honor them. vVt prnv h.-v will ever >v ■ SHORT JOURNEY M IV-IHS, tt*)U.H M .xAMIHi.x The : citm-i i-las-ir at oar , c.'i*. .1 are 'ngdut-fl p! H.. f( . : ; i xhii i tlutl ~1- :.ur.i--.;>r> of *no;r .-.elf ::*(' ivtti* s cat th d i. -i. tie Tt.v Sixth Grade i> pivparing . t. activity on “Pi.-.i t ! \e ’ -Ah pupjlv cat-i-.eti out id*- 10l- U)nr:» act:vim-.- i.t. a. *c-’:-. drawings, c-xperiti-cnp, used rnie- I'CygC/pe. pint-.tad .jarcen a: i j .e. it oi'-ncc: notebooi-;.- . Ti.i >•<-.-• . .- orut- Lias bf-f-t, both cr.j yid i • end helpful to all beys and <- rh. The school now js.eking p)un% tor conunerjcemett exercise*. Tic: JOHNSTON COUNTY pi ■■■•• an-., p'tmn d arc a tuimina- 1 i inti nt .1 u- a'tU :■ y 1h- . ■tal-in nr oi ivsii:-. i ar follow*: ’ fiiurrd iy, vj;-.v 26, at " M.. v.-tll i.t Primary iJICv tdab. Bau-'i 1 !.-. vr*! Education (itotijj I). ■J : 21 ,11-n . i G -ad • i '.r <• Chto -• -rt 1 'i’hn, sday Jt -,c ; will ch- Fhi ' Ch.n (‘ ->...• iv< 6 ns. Vn . ’.l Me k •id Vt : a i ! ’ur atce f.i; aun J. vj- Ruud .lie - .-it 4M P ii. r.-.- Pfcv E. M MeQ ii,: i.'ui ]*-• - ]i i; toe Ot v.’j.'.r.i” ‘.Oil W■, - * It: - I . in. :>nr.• .-rn, rn. A ! i pupil.- urg • J 1 ?. • :.r vF.t.- Ic. Ihis • rt-ivics. 7m. pucE: is invited to STurroN ti'.K-litl a,' th*- d On M,.v 27 a. • vate: >i: "f k <(i ut. tiip sclioi I Tuts ( sht'l. t \ -ill 1 1 -play ;ii licles u-.acii by i-h i. : 11 cli - o aft. 4-H >.'!hi) An. j; a i -. ritiiif» uoivb v ■ 4 11 :• ij. . Tbe 4-1! . (Milt, lil.irillt-.-.. pliill t.. exl) Lit n"M cle.H made l't-oni fn-ci b. y.-. C’hn. i a... cods and rar.l board. The u - 'honip “M I • the Best B< ‘tor" is ii. kc* | in>; v-.iih taeir - bib .n.-n'.». ■J ill .5i)...! t Jilin tic-;. II'.I. e iff . ill traUcni ('nib met. w:i!i Air.- «>s?• i t-llltott it her ta .in- at i- i\i last V.‘. '. i : if- . 111 -11 1 :J.f 11 tins j i .::■■> i\ as uisem (I .■i*; i.■ - * |j. rst r: i j. ’ on tail , a’.i , t .-a d .n Mi I- . that they r,i,• v!f. ian ut . ‘ihc he', i e,i by Mr:- Vera Met‘iu.e d . ;iui !!!. i• ■ ! uK.-n-lime drink, deviled ban; set. i ieli- r dry Jled e- mul r.-. r 'I a- meet:,..: v,.e inlc)nans .ii.) ( iiji.yaole in cvci van i-i,i 0.i1v,, limit ,J are :le- .... i ;..a: on):■ <d a f.-.iiry It,"iii,». " Jr. The bn,.v - fi;.;r .-d !0 imi (is .it'd 4 oimi-i •• .A idH o U'H.'e • . rJ .. I , , - l'( (_, ‘! i ■ f|J < " jV . .- \i! * * f • ♦• k ill B< : ' : ' 4 '' i: i - - \| .| - I/HUS IS h!MO( H\i\ Hi . >. SAWYER AUTO SUPPLY -SEE SAW YET? ° IN SELMA AND SAVE 122 S Hue ford St Selma ,i 1 SA *' Jor, YV “ / af-TTj. tr& HUL ‘ f iVt hi’l-N IN A ki4j ■ AMIVi. IHfS . - I ' ‘: r .V :■ T l/ Y.A - f '.G- Jk Ms AD- tV * AS; ON *Ti n gm, 110 , 00. ,-..rac a vo- S&AK !T OFf // rHI ' ' 0: Y ■’ / ■<:- - . tin >/'/■-.,# 7.-r. TC9Stamß\\i\\ VV r- -J /b. b* i ■ i lirrJi : >. ] i/L-JLi Z_ J Jj / i i rzi> O'KAY, NOVi,tf/iNI/soti£ £P r \ 'ftVWATS AIT ; 40y, UVA eS£ THAT* tOOK K .<C. ■T S A GQO& C .f/' f PUT /ER HAN PS. -. ■ j ll'HlS A8 / oVANTEP 6/ F,yf. STATES j |I‘M *. ESTER H*Cl f AfTfcP LOU ftROKE O J“; , UP / : WjTAN Hf uVAIKj R.GHT IbTO A/ I * Os SiHC. PNG, W. EP. j ‘9 y ~# ' FV r ' evSvJ 1 M, ,y ‘ Dip /GU GO 7* -■'V't** ' JJy ! • \ t loiTf V€A U i 1 2 v I -e-y v | Vy" - V Wtk //iSHT “ewfr '' what"?ip va ooH [if n-s-il l come clean BUP/||y /iff urn*mu / jl with that fifTY '** I euy go- they caught up wyh) - " ‘ - 7‘j ,v; ... . &0/lAfs? I HANfiSOMf £ 0 IN SIOuX CITY / J pte v ' WHERE'S BiG HOUs£ l*H' ITAd AI£AJ/' "7G n . '. .P f V „„ : :xy ■ ■ ; ...: ... - i i " 4 C 1 j^^J* r GotJ FI . O'K'AY, ACPAM A I FyOU SFiAVED OFF AN ffl i HMPSQM£ A- SMY i?WW jHj i .... -* - : | YOWR. rMSTAenZ/ff tiSBROW J " ',<ocr •< 1 V U/7 /, d . V N Ptf4C.t. / . - -> — A V fc- ) I HAii/?SOAT*~ /) vfteSP ! 1 \ i har - Off i| j '• C ! JlSljT fiSti li~ ' "m;; ... Timely Farm Hints For T he Homemakers m ni ( riim.N 1 floni** {>om».r 4r;:l /V stl'/'v »;rLiVte 1: •>1 * : t- * * . i; * ’ r.. r; 1. \ Ihr 100] 'Ut » ; '.: n.\ ; ITI: .■ !«-'•• < 'H.C }i ■»: i;I s; iulislu. W . i<>'V t'li ETiP. \\ i!.<i(>v\ !»• iXT'S mtj F iifte'i ..... Ii .I* '*;• t k ?•- int.i• m-i ■ <• iya o >-,**n y- f .4, . ' Q -• ■;. !:<'.• *.?. P' -}iV> (. 'i He i «>t ’ .tv>“ ; • i 9 •' tlf > ; in- til.' il. ( . v . J - -t • ({v • j • TUP! CAKptTNf AN .... ■ -ill. ; n -.e.1tl of . r< • t.f,.v ■ ar. . niy . i;n -c! mi u :|i.-:! ..• tbi' '.ln n! ! ..In .1 eild 1 ir. t bte I 1 ',!;' e , lU‘f I • a.C«!, I- t- ill*' ~. State College Answers Timely Farm Questions What is r**c io»h is.t tuii tl lor t i <»nt’l'Uln; (!oi\ u*, ‘.f «f« t it .' It'-'.I;:; . / i >i) r. V " m.'-u. ,-tl :u.r .. ; i ■ Ls i■-AAisic cop* VV’ui.t ‘■■•in !ir «'!«;»««■ 19 tfsvßH (hr* thittv,« r it* K‘u k> >iouuiaii ( . *4 !< \ti clil tin- Ihe lick -* f\i *>ii ‘f iW vfftkrSSrSS rifaw -slaws 'iff, ™"ro Nil JOINS F K. \\ L !T?OVIUKNCE .T J, l ! ! >-.• ,: /. <-, ... a. . -a th • .Vi.’-v Eli* lend I'- .. ■ : Can 1 : ;-P)-tCi' vl i'i .eriihr-s • i ibe Nf.iio .a As .-„-ia-f.-.- liiv v v.-.iu if Cult:) v■! i J '‘*.-,• 1 ■ 1 v s ! ... ivy.ii; ii). '.iilcci air. in* . : ot -I.t : . , r.iti I'.rvi ; 1 c- IV :i' i' ■.•! i. * ('• ).' a HI IMIwCI. i -i.ii.:, QjJVti'n-).’l Jotl II tj 1 r l ■ .* - - 1 ■■ i! tin HaU r i'.H' -ii! . I) II- ; IS "ate.l 1 i:.' c: lii'iii : .1 a, f c-t c -Mb 1: ■: “ ■ ! !:c i-alo i ' , i '. ■: (*' iI : i‘-•' li. 11 ‘’ ‘ :11 ■ i J.J p' . v V ( . pi, HI. flONOil! i \r s'i:\M. st vie .., Jj . :*| sip? : ' ' ' : i« : * .%/• *>s«• .. N-.N - rtC’ M y^; v n ..<£• . . .... . >x lfi§ 1 *!* |( s~|pi ■<•"'' .?•'< . 'iU'%/; )V:^^ •j-:--i- ~/. 'W ;,."' »■ ;».. , \sm 2> :Mt . ''H V S - i^'l ' /;: ’ ?' ;• ,'ov. iwJip£fi -■'-■■ O OvN ■■ .. N :v, V 'P# ' •'',•, . ,'■ ; ..z- • *' > ' ■•• ’••'*'” '■***'•}& : • f-v i : ?. •' >'•'•*•• * /'•* >,/S '* ■? ;''' ■ ' - . -v v >A? ’■,\<:KK H)!t MT< ; -.s Ol .u :-h ,- f >TVV/\X. •• I*".' j\‘^W i ■ msli iifu>!•■.. o»o>tnhu e<! .• Iltii s<)» I.;’i t«> Dtr *-il*'Ct'SS l*i lii«* imi'-it U■ - ?r. i> ( < h El i.i t'ol »'s.e «!1 L.i ItllllOi i* , *:... <‘ i • ;.••■ :<rr > .u . <• •'• la 4**l tty i!V*iiriK*t.rJ| M*f pit i*t i»‘i .|> i: I '.»mu.ii-. and €s.•*l# t- •4 * J.orfioris of lie program f, \ Ni> ,\»v- Vl:.?!'»<>lV i t -;.. ■ V\ , i{. 'U‘- - !!o‘'Us • i■ W! • It l • . >* I • |JH» t; . :< !i:.; s( ;- v i rvjl, t .»tiii < \i ■ r/: ■ v 4;* i* SiVJt Si. i'Vv! S UIU> i :/??- > l'j * ': *«.* t ! I >&{ r! :• . -.: •: ; ! V. !L „} of* ii Pays To \iKt*rli^!:! '{■OH Bf.ST VAIIES SN FURNITURE ( 'SI i or CREDIT JOHNSON COUNTY FURN.CO We .\pprcciati* Your TrtHt j Southfield, North Carolina . Ai r ;oMorsu.F upholstery V/* li Any A to In•")•?<>« ' ailor Made Seat Covers. | H r.c, hvr»r-;v F Mats Truck Covers Rebuilt, Safety Glass, | Installation MOZINGO AUTO TRIM SHOP I Dial a Gil J • Smithfieid, N C i aiawn»Mi«a'r.«»«rautcsnaai'iiai»^Bawn<jrvMeMr«sw^*^*».* , n.,rr , :a , j»<if»aaMora» PAGE FIVE i \m \i jsm am i:\rsKs v j. sujool so ii. c/iRiP ' '!! .' jE L I). N J (A NP) i!■ ’•• -1 vis, y t* •; Muk ..-•■p ;it '•V;; t: • "1 ( mi' Jiis'-Ci'.Vv Jiihl Wt-ck H r. ■.. h i.:!; it. l\J l *tO)Vi ify v ir • *u* ’ «: *> o; ■ )ital. th(‘ •’ni-»i »'!;* «■ f 1 h*:: ,!'.)!lmthan D: y i« nci-’ir.;H ; ■. h' "i h:-ts pio»;- • ’sit nisioric j.«:iM••: in tiu* N\. V. V-. *•; l.n! , >n vVnnri. W. f- i '• : »* '; . st'U.o: |. • tin ij>ui, s.'» id 'hf . i ;i: uiiiv.;ll . v mjet ted '»*n I: ’i> *;'•(.*»».;se < t r;» firJ di-*’. i-.r-.'t'.oij ,: tk»e ii.itinrA ‘ I’-::! r i ir. . nr n :.:irnbr: t>f Nr .i-i- !j! tkit- r k ; • i • lu'i’.. tit 1 a Her Stitt- Kd ;>•;» vit in Comitiis.doij John ii. Ho-.-art mU'/d <k- atlrntion ■• iiruv.i> .it: - ■ M- V .S !trT in ? s ; * ! ;; \ i•! •'») V':-is VVf .UNLiIC'-n rvt-nl , i .ii i: u<:\s < m < < im hou.. i 1 J ! ■ i icmr.iral ■ ' t■ K\ ■ . : M ih ~f i ■ -■ '. 1 t, '!!'■. 1: i (Il’in i II ’l 1 i I J ’• ; ‘ n ! i lit n ii<:' v\n t- - v/h'n v<m y ! f n.!-n i.rjUi.ii Dura E;<U r, ■- ; 1 \ ’•• i •■ vdi rt eeive iu or la.tcic to '’f'. mine U t \ j \ v .®y j JORDAN S ; JEWELERS ! ‘ Quality Gifts j j SINCE 1898 Smith field, N. C

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