WEEK ENDING SATURPAY. V \\ W. 1') 19 vxnmi/E i mm ADVhRiISERS PERSONALS m WILLIAM T. GKIAfUb Mi'--'- Ml Mo McNair . rnmii iin - Pi” vcc after xpendiru: a 1; w ciu;ii* ■ft! hospital for ~ minor rrcirtuu:. ’ Mr.-. HuVy Scott wns -Inch • with 1 illness recently Hoi dnughu-r wa c.'.lori io he. inoi.ide Vat hi.: rt luncd to N w York city. Mr i; cl Mrs Homy SmiL ,ud n- 'l'toir Koc-t or ' ,s- • eel. i n.:l. M' Mi Hi !<i(. •■> '< i Xi-v • !•“ ■ >V w . V. Mrs Roxanti.i J.ltandnm x;. ttio- ■ ...f 1i: Atlantic ( I,mi: If, i itm i Jam;'. i.lir.i 1’0.;,. , i tin.: c na'.i l umi 11c> illv. ; , • rc-s;ii: •-.? ■i ter ous accidi r.t -a tun hot.: I. ... - were In ok, \v ,i,- m, speedy rccovry M . M. : . ■ .t. t; . n : •ick list A!:... A 1. .I,o' : . i- . non fin:<i to i:. d to> tv ■ ...-• js bette. ni tin- yi'jitnp M,->. .t. - alia :.li; | , ■!, j K lit .1 ohniih: 1 . cat! . Whs - h.. Undergone .-, is op.'ml ion .;t I Hike II . ! o , nn.:.. o: t bat i • im,; . , i a ' . r • :i baby (joy for ,\ii. and M - C. Sherniiti: ■ C -d... >- m i :., ■ M-. v 18 M< in« firm. I U 11.1 HOl’l If \ PTls'l ( 111 K( ! i Te.e .■ mn.l i> vt* ’ .it the L.itii'- Hope P . i ei .i wa held f’om Mai- . i ,««!■ M,\ l.iti; Th ' IP \ V .! ( : . tt llth dei ■ ..rtvtlh '- i. . ; gel Ist pet :. -T an 1 Rev C V S '‘. •P- ■ -.. ; „ if l: ... i Tv: •o.v!'. v.-..|-t of .... iv i ... ] s s(s ;;1..1 v.:.'r, :;4 X of tiv in ni-loi s ..in mentis . bl'OlUlhf •. IIS i I; < ; II \ iv.-.-L in the - i.ist>.i > ..a in.: Chuic:: , rm .. 11 cjs r. ‘ivded the r it t h i. fc-.c in. it m.mr:; I h< ■-i . iviijo;' la.-tcJ trm>;:. Sui.f icm to <i: H- i ait* do ...1 ,i sf'rif.. and i\ ( : iiV'.'l UUU; ■ l.:-. ;i tin t-.ti , tii s, a-;- in v . r 1 >.f a ’ y •>. a.- ekl Si: .i . i-.r Mo ,it C.. V-; ii) Ei. i )-.!•<. -c: Bapti-'t Chni . he. . The i ..itor :•! ■ ’(. o- end tnc Cl ft lit: i* :e t•. ms tv- i' i . iui *< Uti 4 ; "i;: .*i * t ■ :I •; u* il* of Vt* . tv rue s n<; m u l SV'-k: • Fu‘-- rr.i’ Hot) v s v,. .. ■ .1 .., >• ,i\ • h>: ohnrch To : . r \V<? -ih v fi | vc,; MIC( til-;* |-i,4 !:'*♦. nv l; Hu" rh'uir • P n v> ■ . -} \ r » * i inu: kall it.ii 11 VI H> l\i) Is M.IUIs i'iie 4v.lV’. ai i !-• A ; h! hi. ill Eton re Bap: . ; . T sn. cl y a:00 P M v. e i, 1 V. Spu.-i i .if !;<.).r , The ftinei.il . ? VV. .' " ivh'i was aeeHienllj Kh'od i.t ■» i i. w<iS iiPi'i Fl.'C’i ;••*. [j I, *i.-? Church u: rViu. y M. \ Y.i m. Ti. Hu\ D S 'habl*.r ’■-•f the Met h..; C : t • ‘it' i ;is- 'hc/j by Tiv Hr* i K Spacer W ill?.; V ‘ ' <•:•!■' • . vt. - u no? r.! >\ hi »*a 1 y \fn ivo- who kntu Dii.) lio u i.\es M-h' 1 and m.ir.v !{.*]aii\‘es and friends He v.o Kind. ;<-vine- ? d oi'icc tirr.ato H s;iaden death <:a. : over ! .. - I—|-1 —|- T —. G. C. REID & SON HARDWARE AND PAINTS Farm Implements rind Sapplif 248 Falls Reed Phone 2888 Reeky Mount, N C ROYAL CAFE GRADE A' Meals and Sandwiches of all. Kinds lee Cream. Newspapers G. E DANCY. Prep U. S 301 Highway South Phene 384 1. Enfield. N. C t — * —| Petway’s Service Station | Amoco Gas. Oil. Greasing. j Washing, Mechanical Adjust ments, Groceries 600 E Thomas St. Harvey Pel-vay Prop John Wimberly I AIHES AND GENTS TAILOR J AND DRY CLEANING VVe Are Equal tn the Rj-sV. j ! Supr-rior to the Rest ;0f) llijrhland Avr., Vt AUantle I ;. ' --" m j POWELL & SON'S 11 FUNERAL HOME Edgecombe Mutual Burial j Association 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE | Ysn may ;->in this huria'l acso i cialioxi from 1 year to S 5 years, cl age. ... i Joining Fee. 25c Assessments 5c 30c Nashville N. C. —Phone 315 2 • Night; Day Phone —Rocky Mound 3422 cummiinity ; feloor.i 'f -a i • Vte.-'s. Wc wish t*.* cxpii'ss our -;i cert: ; .\ mpathy '< the bire:;vt'd lii'viily. Xiiss Mnr.aii IT.imphre\ con-, t iui,- quite ill at her home : i'i j R::l."ich Read. Miss Aita Mae Horne .is 1 "ck home from the Stone Be i, Cll; k u eric i no inf; *i e-ay >'K "■<• ■:f!: I ..i.i .Bor M,vl . Rl-hurb V/hiu-ha arc fakir. ; ' , vneat .u e: U'.e h nirjie'i: !) Newark, N. •) and! .\ v. York I.s .-. Bql I tie/, i I 1.0 t lino; e Aid, v.I i<-11 1 \f- and irunda neiej i .< woi I y. !>. . Civan h mn- j ec ■ •Tel. i.l .\V< tTH it.*"" >.t ' :r .-.IT .■ ■:i.:ify Conin' r.-CC-ndv fie the/ h. >: 11l ~<■ ti':-' Pipe (a , the -Jloil ■ ■[ ■ V : ,-ila. ■ ■ Qu:n tetr b. . i on ;■ r-if: ~::i }.t Faith Pres; vt .r --i, • Chtin-li Siaul.iy e.\.-: :ttp. Mrs. ~ f; ..a: - .iui; i;. r.-: I Ii , • ait , .i *!'a- >a,; a: amt ilie: i : ... • ,ia ni others taking p..i. •.. M . 1 .1 L>« in '*•- rat:! c.-'s of T:> Hi" K P Baltic itfc-iidi*! : ■if a- !■ ■ ... . ky ::e Vi."';p .. "- : a:i •-. leirf i’li o’ File- last week t. (i ; a .and coin Cniioti. i .. A" i C • dit Uiliur re. .«.! -*• if.i-•,L>r,f 1 1 1. ire. tit U .at 208 E Ilv : r : r. • T icsdaj uiKkl. wi h ,a , ii, ,1 ni .1 C ( ' iiineliy ,aa - , : itiii: - Several plan.-- wa re dtacuS* | '«d fir. tee in:jii'f.v.'!v:ont of nu nnn.-n. VVe hr.v■> on a membersh-.p : da’f S:,\ -■ III’-- fC! M-.'L- if,--;. Mesdam-s N. K Bade.'. K'.in-i j; ■;.:- |,..H Roe Is. r-|’ Raff •Ti t>; CVC(! -O N-*i‘J :••!'.< «i'i businc- - ■'* randy uh !i EiC’-r they visi’cd : kiks Home Mi Alab’r IV. i v < t CkvEl w-i \ > 1 T T3* i k M'UINAt Nt U • "... lla.ii a. Hi.id . . !■ fa e■ ' , . . . , ■ : j;; .. J 5.. a,a sn , > ■ ■ ; :in A Ml - . Z:,a v.a -i Pa!- . ho.a.i iii'ilv a, , d l -'- n. -.-a'’. M. - i. b> ! vii i« '.ics c' ■ n^iu gt *icj. V/aC S OBbt ' v 7T:-? anniversa ■ c -a , , f i -,e Won s F rut. '! i \V-.a , or a ami;y created «s the Women's Army Auxiliary I ,■»* „n May !1, JfiJ*. ’ Vfl!' 1 : f thff HTI \* .J 1 1\< i'n:*u! Ai.rt- Oi July 1. •‘M ft 'vh .• f’.'ta 1 Ia I.* (1 a rwi • * .a 'a'.’ '-.; i * ! lie Key;,;;!r Ai i ■ Us a : run i: Rise; v rj - on J.r . i • ■*- «!„ r. Public Lav «25. .. i e-s, war s"/iicd by i sunn': Tiuaam v'U If: s i~t fi'V.'i.e, * :i: 1 hi -of ike \V,ii Vi v C< vp-a ayprox imatriy 4,oiti.i y. 'arm have been < :\- tiste.l in the Tteg'ilar A * inv and Wit) officer' are on aeti-e duty ■ ■ s in a V. ■ r a A •or in a Reserve sta-’i* They are serving at various p. 'is. ranq ?. and sta tic.'s. through': ut the l.’r.ded ?tat«-s. .-i the f ’ (tan < unaau’. the F»i Fast Va’■ ai d. »u:d ■; lhe ir>ti- Lfai: ('ar,mar,d. Thn are s i>:.rt .■I the A rriir teau- a? i shai<> >v;ii -! ‘.he Avar , -ikility of helping B- mamtaii it-. Krad Tla* ( arolinianr. mi j H ingl'l 1 1 m i •.rtrtiniwnw Ill'll—ll** * ———* l *n—*—***^*-—^l^l*»i'i*s*n—*•* LINCOLN PARK | i "ROCKY MOUNT’S FINEST NEGRO DEVELOPMENT” : o — o o v\ 'j>; bii‘lt by pm nh* cnlrrjinsv but b*-iotißT : ‘> tbo I i \oiiTl !><• proud to owns you. Mom* in ini ml, Tit tiding j ! osri'T’unity. Talk with us today a Unit tho homes we have for sale in beautiful Lincoln Park EXCELLENT TERMS ARE A V All - ABLE FOR VETERANS AND NON-VETERANS OFFERED THROUGH Wimberley & Gregory Realtors 123 Sunset Avenue Telephone 41-42 13 /m t/ \r m m j t ww f p 11 ji\» 1 A NEWS AND VIEWS i 11l .!. 15. HARKEN 21J *, »'« ANTIC' MT.Wi: ikoni: tr.fi Wo dl'(n o <-ui ti usty, old '-11 i' V-8” down la me imiiciiliellj may' r.ifioor.t Kami nocks Beach pro. ,er»y just below Swans!:oro. which u- n • • • u - Ilr. Siiarpc i, iiw sio to give to Pu No; ro k..c'"'i • : tlio state ip ( \ uki.t, they sc al lea-1 tilOC.- aiit’ C,i l.cvch'p i*. into b. - 111; J* 111 iLi-rcatinn area i'll < i;t ihi ;-4s• md.e ni l c -!■ • Ipcd t-> VI. i- L: fly I!, i. i n ,•:i ■ i M: ( :•. i.ne it Sad ly .icc i;n;:.:iiO(i um with tcachei ir.i .a'- : F.tmno P .!;•<k.- .1 ■ a 1’!"* VV Mom C S'la l. N' -ilil Groc .ville. Mrs. .Jackson gw ’ . . .:- <t Cl.-'ic-ivilii ,-cv i.a y- a:-i mni has worked iuu:'. ,'e. Ia; a. .a i.nn-e of her huL’-v, Gen. .-(• •; t,i• .->i. t M i-.nii i .. pi ■ oCrua- i itie- hiiijnc: •• !hice-ai-• *:. ;-i -n :.cv. ae: v. vcl.v annexed N it:■ Greciniiie. They la.vc a uan; ];r and y oiaijt son. Georqc 11a.von . • ksnii. n.iirte al.c ii. a s .V i jt, ; i■, k up r,c'r I_u> v \V. c- ! atled with Wn B Burn at ms hurt ting lb tic m.w, rui i Ka; a • M-s 8... rev .ia; be- iin CAROLINIAN rl . d ■ r; e r ; .. *.V. VI rc 1’1... I l.c sC; veil at . i a, tc-datc R. cV a, vf,t a..-, .- ff,Bm iwy'.- who e wc den t rec.ill. !l s m i !■- : s ; - V - . . •ic cn «me < :.'i of the -tnai lira - 1 Quc.c n St. < r* •. , \ < • c] .i ;.cks •,!**'»i« \ j ii*uc Cnt* : f i ! a-a.'.A "-hi, .) i,;i; sienph' ■.a. r BLTHt.i ;- ..a up and c.av ii T• i. Pit; (’mir.t>• 1 , - , in! • - \ ing l s- Mrs. Alt No:: . aim.-ms iaim. ; ■ oper; ii- a; -!,',(■. THE CAR • .’LIMAN i;| ..the-' p, so . ’ fi r B C Vi. St • P p!r i-i this .sc-cUdo can leave l-‘ ('■ in vs v. itr. j• -o K« > <.i - \ Ir OK (? ).,•, it j it) Tin-: ('A KOI IN TAN Ei:d r-vDr ruf •\nOIJNIAN ' Wo so} i(.'lt !’*-' • ■ \v ! ih Ihr <XC'. : i.ditu • .if • .iis br* ud t of i l ,i o ‘ !'.• ;v,. ; !):• S/i. r, c v-.‘itii i :. ti’L i" jnt iiieel t \ ■ }-at J his u< .o ) u'fid - ts us :-i> I : . .'O H : , 'Lniw toU :<! $ t ilf' ‘ use - WvlL '-• ■' j(i\V jI)OV (ill IC'iH'i) o UT: 1i - Wliv t! H? J? j; IK.'iV V iH| <?♦>’•' ‘ * 4 . »")) i 1 ; • {hv i ’ouch O’>’o) 1 • ,ii •; i. <t H..* i v up folk );*:• “ -oy • *' !c. . <• ; .i(’ Ij) f .j I H E- • J.li ■li (-1 uci iin i; ot tl.o HIGGK Rl’R M. LIFE SCLiCKL. .- piarrhi.r •:•):<u-m ;-o . <-i tiuo.‘..ci- SECOND SWCTTON .oi the ci dicat ion of in- nn: Cum ■ inanity CenL r a.: Brick.-. Surain.v May 29th at 2:00 p. m. Ihe pialini niary .i.apiain of ciininiinity rhoi'- u cm tarts at. one o'clock. Wc .ion ; ’.v.ta Director N A. ivlcLi-.in ’■ b: . who can to conic to Bric.'.r Sun ay as this is Me Lawnhig ot a ‘'new day' Jnr Edaccocnb, Haii \ ad Nash counties. Full story .ppoai cisi wl'.vi'c in Mur Papal', lac Brick Flower Club met wilt; M !. . I.wn Tnc mciiibcis I . sent a. o. i;cci ii - Rowe ■- .a . a for 1 1 r : ni'- she ti. s been ill for quit- a chill. Ti, y al-o i.-olidui't■.! and pr ay a. rvices i’rayi r .< 1 Vic'-,. ■■ ; ialso held ith oth er Now-ion wiio :■ ill Tim club as :1I h ; a do OI at ill-.; lit L.c Iniilldita.- .a cl .Toiinos of tb- .(■- built community lellowri.ip :a ia. wnu i) iv tt» dc (Ic »icnten IVlun -.mu. !, h-k ! >*; A met Mac ■>; h v til «-tua M; ill ;-y Retd pi '■ I'i n p; jn t *r, ni (\n'ra\' >( *. >f (he ri;!!;ps r.iy’.i u’bcui- ;.jd«uc- « M *d tr.c ri-db ?, Dll i..vtrr X A M‘Aam' *•' t lie Hu■ •• i !> ! V Se’ D-•( i r\i n iji \nd i> \Mn < u.\ri l HV MRS M VI;V U scon Tee j/u’ iels Ilcmo Dcmon^tra*ion Club in;;t the ”hu; 1 oi Vli v Mu.- 'J.ylm M.-V tlZVil \\ i'' i Mis'. Ruti: VVciiS v. Lt th. cum.tv a.- _I(. t VrH’KHIS ,'iiiT-t'S * 5 ! buKC! ■ iluiKi ii • >0 di-ÜB.SCd T.klu s’>ent weiv ARHiainu: 1.. iai iui. SvivO.'lLT Co}*(- } ■* • Aift'u Srcith. E'OA’ni:. .}cnr-. Co:;, (; :?lt M i.iuc ('• .n-. AilkV r. C t M *.:/•■ Sr< 'll. }-: L -licit. I> , Lou*.- -a H ivi. v. u'(Tc?a,\ t » ::i Martha t\ ;. I Al-0 r,. CsCDt vo.'i Mi AUc»* Pocolia b-:< i m Rosa TiHi-} and H‘ orv. :ir H . schorl *‘h* Ob; cx- Cv.". \\ May 17? • wii-h *.ba : • ; ! !;; M:' Mo: v Scott’ ; tbo ,i j ».>■ Bapf i.>t I'uildiuo 1.- * 1 . o > a.*, j'k ‘L<> c b> M Jonu’-. Velma • M ■ Sib---; (■ Fra Tiv Ckr.KD • .•,iCi c- l WVotuln’ Tc. t hei ; hClm! U- ( M - ;\t !■’: Sp: iU. - Hapt ny Chiu >. : >. 1 h;.; Rc\ v'. ; a.(i. '• M i s.f I,iii :■ M. i i <?i \: \ i: rc>; f Froiiris ot Newport Ncv/o f,-ji ji, if* MljMh ' w f) tv S’: ; ci! . TIE- t vROI.J Ni A•- ■"U M■ -. Arms l ,'uiiy s store ) :»<.!:< DM!SI 5 11 Ml 1 I» 1) \\ TI-.- aai.uaj Ed: ecombe 1 H’s. 11 ' : - i.i PtJc J C\ ; , Fie 1 ... ro ball park Mi<.\ lUBI -' i M; s. Hari-i Sc -ic- Pa. kcr. mm uet. in charge As . .-.1 w .oi.- lde'! Joa, . osl-ml ‘ .or- p ; > \V!i;,r!ui: At, s !lV'- niy A: cm .md Q. Pi ,vi U.-. is.il: t XPA;I u i-U.eid. a,, is. Sic ?vh 'la/c- is'i-uim st-.ti 4-ii ic xii'i >: I")? (I .i’.-Uv! ;•' i udc II- ! nil!; ; 1 i M-lI clubs won.- )• ,v.-,ent to take pa.'t ir. ■■. l parade. which is .. i.sdsa ' d a neat in- ,: to icy. I Edgec-ond whei- him .ired:- ,n children m eiu.. uniform directed by !i\, o iiaior; , !,r! to. cn :■■• nv >■<::.'i ir ,-Hiiitfjh-i;- to risi-ougti the n...m : im ' ill) nattily sires:--.:- :-.mi ! NOT t-,-. dlt. blc to their -cx | n.” | -U-s- on-:,, -n I ir.yor an:, idacv i!u- park. I -C-ted Stud'llt.- J-. -rt •lti i. -.' .. •. 1- I rojects. such as: ce.nv-i m-ooni im. ,or to; . 11,■ jud-vs ‘viait . >u’,- I<y at;f v» teachci $ - f.,uri<: il lit 1 ictilt to art Mu- vinne.-s. ' ftUSSiP.H PoWci: Chin, .i|,ii! Sehs'-oi, i's i'll,-.". Alleii Atkirso; . o'at.r, hnr „pi • a e"!it,'.-l Ih.itiy Wt&iin* !' - *ii*nc ■■■ -K si and El 1/ Harper. B. icl ■ .1 in . Fir.-1 for church dr-es.s wit; to Jr-.-u T.ia.on of t'iS'ri 1 . S*• r*- .of 'chile Vvoiai, Ha:! ..* K> ovirtr.n . ! >or . la-nrtli *i ,i!|, aor i.-s ■ 1,! i: b> ! i‘* do.' - fiSh ,!;,K , ■ . 5 it dlacc- u 'i.-ner niai Aik* MJHoson of Bricks school 2nd. Kh/abeui Dan iel nf Ri-titebm n a-,! Vmne Horne 01 Kirc.. * \ ore i-o -.inner* as was Mm-/ i1.,,-. - nf Hi <k N<-ai ill *I .: > no I. 1 - ■ ~ f. ] ~ on -in.! an n . - seri'o:!. 1 , : a, !> ,1,.s Pittm.. i a. u ■ uii" i-- K ■oiiio, l-H eiub v.. ... the «tnd<int-an • ncnin.-er who able Jstod Mrs. | Hai kCr. H. K Junes,. Megi *> State | Agent and John W. Mik-heli. Field 1 Ai;ri ‘ T r S. DcfxiHmitn! o' A-* ‘ - I culture t. it I \ !, iude brief Uu - rms (,-itiii- the* need in- ciarymg on Ur’ *1 HE CAROLINIAN - *•mmmmiiH** ' mm nn^«—ww nn<wM»rw«vi>piiw tiiuon"*.-^*; i <Me BROWN Aim- RS ' A: " * ;;1: '■ [H||; p- : joußNtv: A mainti nancf yff -'tf'lp CPi. VV K'M P:> THf. COACML'S f-'**' ' w: m CLEAN- AS PASSENGERS j V <! : y rMf MG-L I,Tp ARE PRONE TO CAST ASIDE I . 1 1 1 !; . tsi ~i : PA Pf AND OfT R BITS or REFUSt ;; * f° / ™ | : r PIfNCFD N, 6k'o i r OF CL ft am' Tor iJNDS - - 'XPSOA-s,! U 2 V NANO WC-MCN I 0( - 'df t'Nl-iNt AND COACHFS. r_w_ id® i . “ •»-- -4» * *. T f!sL»i j- ■ j i : o -i Tut' -86!)''/vno at - . s 7 -'TsTyr;tCV' -.c ‘ ? a . eA .AT (ON DCMI ~ ;0 « ror RS. '** L 1-H club v.ovk to improve ;:IR ■• i u living e* n ; i!ion c . n M I) : ~i •:I h ; 4*r of- C'ih:.. only iy { pevated ? nrr ' in xomining .sixty ?-H boy> nn t psiii; "f ’.u; Vl\> \y>U ,'CS U> iiiyUi'C i, villi v- Q ! : .Cc • CI t ic is • H,Ub i'L'd- <) :u tCtt tc-’f c.jjjr! •J- T.: - -nun- vnedir r-vr.-.o b. ‘iVun.u . '* nn nn Kb’U i.i:-} ii ).»'*• *.' '■ '.'d!,' Rocky Mt. Academy Os Medicine Meets ha- ■- -i ;by u.'-c ,-f .S-.T ■ Li. a i-i D; " ill!• • : -<i :J. tin „ {>: 'd sn- ;- I.: i a* a. \- ii:m dc.-nlai arch i : s p: esc net m’ <-C"-,t.;si i' ■ statefi a. : ■ -i • . b , id. . - ' -i .' '- i ,i.-; !-i mi .melie. • d< .i t ' I.oOJ ! 1 ,i - r ■. ’,' • ; .'l , ■ ~, - eh ~ f u .a;!. m Hi. vutfm.cd the u.-i n ‘hi, ;u --■i liifion (.-Mica -odimi f a .- -.in miicd ih.jt :i! the p. - in ,in . tnc < - id ■ -c lm. : :. i c ia ... i .■ ’ ,.■ , ,ii ,i . i - • ‘.'t;-i 1,.,! Ik- '.-.-Imvco I t v.-.- | ■ td: ,! o’ (-1 ’! (vl (Ji-I'M V (•mid ! u uc-L I;y e,-in . -d i-.y ii-inc M-ivr:tlli, stir-'y el' 1..C Hisc.we. !■ .’.i 111 ( > alth (-InCi'-Td i ’ . , CC'i,.qv I ,i ■ - U ' -ft! ’ 1 it .: : -- !..i! i ’- Hi . i.-lii -u v•• • . U. y - i ihe fsi, I. 0.-.ist d.ni inn :i * C . ii. hr .’ -.1 (a- . UT'd ill .< fin- i.?e ... til'llf,'s :.dvm, as , I'd .j .' le.ic iny i-ned-e-ii .-u'.huri ia Di Smith stated that <!'"• deuce pointed row in .. new -:■- took to. w i:o -af’.’. i f; -i.n. .id., (in I ci -<asc. Hi- c: ipr. .sized 1;-. :;u.t that c '. i, enl.-L cm lion | al. and phj - teal was the prime fin -1 'oi in trtr.ithig this type <--- : pnlient. H" put arein enipJwsis upon i.he if! i-t in this cU’-e-T.s' a-J staled that Ibis wa.. as import;:"- «s Hie us< ot , druyv, ti: cvticbi -si-<;. Di. Smith .-isit'd M.’ws the uncii.m of Lit- ;odium i ('■« »f'tc !i ! f.-i t! u i'uub . Civ’ ilh'm': i.ui;. ; cn iluitjs, .<;h{ tin; nu-n-uria! d*tuv* W;. -,o- Hi ha:- s of IJucky Mi .n: all o1 which i endt red Cx - : 11 'h ■' 1 :i -. . The- ci.op: ;,!: >Vt id POi ‘K V Vi l ; UNT (TVif ' v \ * .. CJ'iiMi-ii (’ >i Vh u . M. \ : i \ if - 'i Vvf-J i ! vu.j rvnu mom:\ -HUM, < UiOMM\\ n> V. ! «<K IMI ..> ;;.; CAEOI.iKIA.N m !b ■ ft«n --■><-■ >■' am ii .vs oS v-H-atK*!) Tnt»' -.••• 1H...V wtO b u.-Cvi !'■ ’> 1. • mv ■ " b • : iu<urc purpifH. ' : : t-v{ a> ij( '!) r-.,st\ t h<’ }-P l : Uti• i: \ r- 'Hr-. : .'U;s, boy.y o&i.i n. iMr rsiur : circa ■■ ; ■ Alb. •) INI A\. V.J ! ;'h * , I<. ' ■ tie U'i'l. Thc-I ,!i.a f..;ho)s. m M.vtm'- 1- :i 'A'.' >1 i-U’: u if; 1.0 ihof.i i£ will •<•!• !•> ifpi.i-.' die 'i.CliiCiits . i:. i v is a j..t ,'uliiy 1- >v c. s ell to lid indfc -A-iAil i)i i) .;>• I <.;• on u.. road t i i:eci.*tr»- ila, •, SUCCC: sil i i bu.J uos :n.tn or 'wi.’nap t!v ■ iv up. 1 :.o i x>'■(:. ienco i:f stllin. is a gvCol '.■'■■■(i H'i'.rn:-. CiU U .i Lv uuia.gh • liar; Ti.osc jy, \ son, v\ !;o \t '>ui r ' •i . to "ii v'AROi INIANS b.i UKI I ' •»—«~i i-rnr, '.n.r William Clarence Parker For Your Electrical Work Phone 580-W F. A. B. MARTIN Contractor Myrtle Av». Phone 2.097 J hThTweeks j si I t' STORE !J9 Tarhmo St. Rochy Mount ! MOST C’OMPI.ETE STOCK OR j Sl-TP AND C,ARDEN NERDS IS TOWN SECOND STCCI fON JR. SENIOR PROM IS HELD AT BTW HIGH ,)' ,:ii‘ i s and Sniirav- of 'bn 1 : ;ok( • r Wu.-hini’ton High School enjoyed a most <l(ughtlal cveisin cf entoi tainnierd a! their annual .Inn' , S nior Pruni 1* r!'*!'• ovc i ; ,;ny. May 20 in tiv Community I Ci nt.,. 1 The i >n! :i! j C 'Ail - ciccoratoti a> i tiv JaMiui Can-, w nil -v. inyin,.. <rl< •. 1 cm,Ulid uil'lir. arrayed with beautiful llov ri .v i IVin..; a Oi'JUal fti’eii luRUy e.ii ni" in cv'iniig gowns were ,vn:n : ivv Junior i.wi Sotim young hui icy y> well as theirs guest: *i ;:e roci;-:| not, off to a food in’. . a ; .in.: march han u\ Prof, ami iVdv. t* r: Pup- h." rec-im i ,tn haw < njo.v cl tile in.sCi .a", very I rjiuiii. rdlin- i - co«k o; were served ias rfii'Crhinenh while t!j. part; Ia ;, rt.’ tile .sweet melodies. !■>.■ r 1 rs• ■.(;»;■' i. ud lhyti m ot the Kington Hi«n AME Zion Bishop Marks 25th Year i Pi I IGA Die i .... A ■AN V > i ■. V n v* I .' ti v - w G u.irs t . :■ r ... Atin-- ihrt:\‘ then cuixla were slow* : ;Vi hop CViHoer.-n Chut. .I - i.l A! of :he Four - h A .VI E Z ; oti • (!}:•! r.:"l :;T Mh'CT D till i \ V-V.-A '■ > <U Kli'.Ui .-ft hoc;.' T. cl., S to y. ■ • >rnr of ihe nniior.'s mu>- '5 - 4 "';: y\: f • uet> c. HP £ ; .cj* attend f\. ' ('t■ • 1 -i C.>; v \\j- ,•. i , t „., . :’h P. G Saw, W J. W hi , ; - A*:- He i iyp i,i r Ai:o> nr ii\( •' lc(* if >t Ij'jH j: , . j' s* •• 11 i # -> published promptly. We me 1 ays . lad H> d'.si r. a . (i\ ■ it. ■ ant far yon rushine-':-. ■ , i.'i.;r yc.s h i,‘: •iieniUvd by !he cf?'ic< i iiiiiivd ei ;iie pre-os The in'M.ns oi , ivetli an; ; t■■ CAROLINIAN. ; tys great dividend l> ’ a.;-r •>! it.- ;.r a ' ei j ail: a■ y ?; T•• Ini..!} jnges found .- the : \ROi !Ni>\N have pc wed to be ■ 1 I rat a: set to the various cities r. .i s i" to t count I - ■'! hr. •_ <k*cJ new: eoe. rage read i. a ! CA: OLiN i-\N. Make it y Uveal j p.ii'vi' i: .- using it (n: > our personal. ■' eiemu i:: eh ic. ir.isi.u p: n fe-'-ii'nini titleal. dub. sod co.n --' t *"!i ! 1 it> irwsn.ip . See Wiihniu T. r. .. ht'O V. si Tii.vVr: She; ! i in. r.;.? n H;o reti ; 243 Atlantic Avemr . Phone 756. ARTHUR JOYNER’S S it Drink Stand Candies Fruits lce Cream Cicfaretles Cigars Soft Drinks 625 Henry St wMwmiw* aranw—«. iwwiw. m* wi*<n»i»»iai«in^M«ia»i,«!wwwa»wi»H»>t'»«i»'iiM»*»i MAY & GORHAM DRUG COMPANY PIJESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS Phene 200 Tarborc St. at Five Points Nu-Wav Cleaners and Laundry 122 N Pine S. [ P! 1537 JX Rocky Mt, N C FURS CLEANED AND (STORED t SPEC! A LTV HATTERS, DYERS Two Hour Service We Call For And Deliver Prompt and Courteous Service The Engineerintr Section For BETTER PLANNED HOMES Licensed and Registered ArchFeeltwil Engineering W. H.. Lawrence & L: T; Foster Room Li, Do«i>’ias« Build «ny | PAGE SEVEN Kucky Mount • To Krrp I his Page Pa- Ironize These Advertisers Sciui'il Orchcslr;i. Tir' .'■pcusers of tui f'Ctn.il n ■ is.l were Mrs K. ft Tvcctly Mr.. K. is. Davis, Mrs. T. M Griiti'-.i uuj Kt' Bui m tt. .ini'ii > offici s si r on .sub in, 1 .VI iitcy ''Vnitcne.icl; vice .iresidei.t., .Ifuiic.' Byuuir.; sfi.rct.-ty. KMiuyy . Kin/, s-.-i.-l.iii’ : rri'.'ir-. MiClUiCl , Hii.oii: arid trt .o'ircr. ,li.' so .Bat.tJ.v. '( nio: officei." <ii r l’ri :-ic | lit, ;f. aw lan l.’..!t]c, : ! s p: iflvnt Hoy • H.ili'i ; -ocr, tary. Id .i. o Bulltu k. ; s.-tani s oerct.irv. li.i.s 1 Ri’iuv.i; , .Hid • !•(■..-'iirrr. Lloyd Baltic. The m r.ior -uj : ■ ■ M: .• MV I ■. !• R.cr oil am! Jsrno A. B. i Hubbard. T::a | . lain is.;:, si'ii of a \>. < . i o 1 s Mintrr Whit* n ad. Junior A",’- prssalent. Ko-js as ■■ iiamr, a nii.v rromadc Juniui promciuidi.'. i ■_•.!..?! tnarcii tna >t.-. nov. li.v dan; os o-.nl to ov. <:• 1! to s jiioi A Mini, ,; - S"a'ttnastci sons Harry Snuii.' but I can’t 1 will be te, . iompv ty isy rny burden down." t o related. i tii,.. ended the dramatic sp f ’scb of tiio 6!) year old i.dorgyrrm; win') iia.s spent I'.vo-thirjs of his Ifi ■ ii'n :lie ,\! lean \Tt-!ii< >ii-1 r ,ii • A IriLute in Uus oast, and in M dr lo ciirvo the re.il rrne of. r : Sis n to id-hop, w ,1. (. . 11 : i ’a: i.idci r bln '. il • 1 yd s sea i. n of the !ai. i‘ : iiiiais 2.i year.- ay . took ! ■ ; ts.i, .\s're rsd u aklTip. a ; < ter : ■’ roarer , lusbiiv. ‘ as. odd of Us mil. both, :■ .soar ,:, ! is. lit.:!, \vh ii h lead ■ ■ ■■:■;, ■ ofj a aa i: H . H it '; , ] 1 I r ;! ' .. . v Ivel V - Mao ■ no ( . Vis,via: a! ■M”n' ia N<-.. ,!er ! : Or- A,.i - LAWRENCE'S SHOE SHINE PARLOR Mhoi: shines smokes DRINKS GOOD MUSIC 500 Raleigh Road i Whin lVtd.cr Automobiles \r? I.nil! Ift if K «Hi fiuiid Them' tin Ri *t nf Service On \ll | Make-, nf CMrs and Trucks j HOSE 111 ICK CO. IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL Trout Yourself To Our Service City Barber Shop 200 E. THOMAS ST. William Grimes, Prop. KAMO HOSPITAL I’D V WASHINGTON KT. 1 *< r '.thing In Radio Repair* PHONE 2637 1 • WILLIAMS " j I’OMMI NTTY STORE { :;n «oi in i\t street J P* Ut\ .V I \M\ GROCERIES j | t KESH MEATS HAIRY | PRODI'CTS OF All, KIMfS j Harren% Sales Agent y j CONFECTIONERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENTS WANTED; AFRO A TELEGRAM NEWSPAPERS ; 2l:> Atlantic Arc. Phone 756 f • (Neighborhood Center GROCERIES & MAGAZINES LADIES NYLON HOSE AND NOTIONS 700 Penn Ave. Phone 23H6 R | JL. Lusiiiter, Prop, j COPPACE AND CAMPBELL. Norge Appliances Maying Vi ayhei - 131 Sunset Av e Phone 226 -

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