The Carolinian /’wA.iiikfLv. ,}L, ' V" j-sLi-': / *il -v: .OArtn-uAW.-aA -r- i WEEK ENDING SATI'UDAV, .JUNK I, I H IO By W-W- S TRUDWICK KNOW Til) FAST- Hi: I’RHUD « SI. IT Qir) jmvnir rhythm },,■'f t- Olrl fr:,i Old f»f 11 ip I' -! ;! HIP ■ iI I C- h -s '- anguish \Vp, born tiic :>p!' hi-hi. A. •,!,( ilrr i>f !•- aid y h adiiu' 1 .'-d to God * A vlipfi .m' ii | hf'fl fit i ’ ■ ■ Way up in lift middle fit to mr Our 1)111110 ~, nI ; There arc thirteen mill on of n umy. Wo .".IT a r" 't- 'd f'.U'ro if ■ An.' Wo •)( Alien lea I nm thr 'in ■ i) t l l ' ■ • u ! nrn a \is ho find' Why nii l - d *•io i <* to i-c isn't it ' ITS THF.RE TO RE DON K IHI RE IS IIVNCIK IN BH.rri i.iNd rm fa a i There i a dchbr;. t ■ nil scheme, "f 0.i.--"i iminatiur there is a deliberate motiv< ct crusted ti rcai'.-.odion it i. in tended that you shall become • a. ha 1 a-'! tii-U you in gvo ised decline of :hc *■■.>. ■5• i< i min' of ; elf-pity Tin •; evident.. A hanflivn'n or. t‘ ■ wall The survivors of ' ai- gen ati 'D have come from too nott.'iiy strong and. the enduring ■;> itietd. tiif'iiiffs of iho mightiest ..trag ic of ) people ■ t"0 jam lit v thru Canaan. The cro- mad present. The • trategy- divide .nil keep »iiom i (ilir|iir. rd pyt, it ,!i n‘d T1,..- rvr !.( the t'f , 1 5 lV<’ fc- ■ opened. •• n 'ii.i- if loaf f- Inal in the ‘ Id day,-, brmipnt order out of chaoi-: opened dom . Inal had ever i-ien closed; '“'ill no l ro rhvrned Imr m-r ruling the 1 entire lisloiy of Ilia N’l'i'i n in Al. er;ea. A ioU ■ ■ • i.\ undertakinc. . . . Thai bus mad t«. Burlmgi-.n, j North Carolina from Vuiuieyville was laid by H sepia hand and con reived Jti the bra n of Uic tat- d. Cruine of Vaii'eyvilie Down in Wilmli'g'on Norln Carolina until 0 few yours ago aii the boat d- , • Ij■ c; wore «nperintcnd*-d by a ’ ■ brother EVERYBODY'S TAJ K iNG A BOLT Thai mper-lmipim lomer snacked by TARRY DORY of the Cleveland tnd ans iom; ; c: t in Nats' fn.-tory RcpmU- ut: that the wallop carried 500 feet if cleared the sign atop G; iffitn ‘ .Stadium's right renter field wail of 55 feet by ten feet!:.' !'m i >■! . landed 01 a mos-top well out:: rir the Stadium and an irate houv wife callc-d and complained that the r.osic woke up her children JACKIE ROBINSON'S jump from. .) 170 to a .310 batting average arid ! : teady winning spark to the Hums. . . The grandson of a slave who fumed down the As.-.i- bint Secre tary r>f State p • • offered by Pie dent. Truman, DR. RALPH H BUNCffK Reason ■ 1 owner p..v taxed; present salary with UNO greater and untaxed Fair enough Incidentally, it brings to fore the low moneyed status of most, hi,"it and low public servants. And be lieve us WASHINGTON is strictly n rich man's town. TWO UNUS UAL laxities in institutions t,ho I far apart; the vi.*i) ovei Secretary Forresta) in D. C. and the free dom of T. A Parker at Goldsboro. North Carolina Both men were | under observation. ASIDE: Gen - i ernor Scott's R O A D S AND SCHOOL BONDS arc a.-, good as! floated; we believe that, his pro 1 gram is productive and will be progressive, but. check vour com rnunity to see inw many of your I «trecU there that have been ne glected in your section for years | and years. AND FIND SOME- , THING TO DO WITH THE selec tion of the roads to be improved ; and extract some kind of iprorn-1 iso . . RIGHT??? LEST WF FORGET In the rapid pace of tire times j and tiie constant vigilant attention i we have to pay to the ever in- 1 creasinr* economic pressure we; somtimes those deeds done in I times of strain and stress. A? on j the nbniveisary of Memorial V/ny ' SECOND SECTION j |.- n|)i(i of the world eo.fht still nr i io\ j -j;- Dr-iivirr il if way we (hr I ROM ini -A s < SUM "I v,',, i.lic figliti y . ’ j. rj , , lf j t,-. n ,, T > v cum he | hiud lin h;uc l ;.;i c,e ; e V.k i .inr ■ ||;, !>•, ,' | ' -if D'C l" 1 1 ,i r i'drrnv. from the " her smut ’Sj.,l; Fr.itu ■ -co W> v err ill Im ,| A,' •. , : ■ 1 ! 1 •' ‘ I' I"' ; r- ~. ~ i j.j.jj, ~,, j J }. ; 1 t-' .-id i . wife Henry WiOum a v-> -• : rece \“a i 1. * ■ ’( 1 j: Ibo I I t. ■: 11'- L’a ■ ' ! ,: i.uii: > (C \. ' ll , a*r the put pie Heart Prl •—,tr G■ a ■ VV.M • - fimn At 1 ; a ' h. received '■ ■ Amy' -c '.-m Emnor fr-r ,1 • e-i 1 ■ 1 a C plain i T Imnui Mai l.;;, .v*',, !-5 a break lain a’; r !'• -K'.'fii' -i !.' ,(■ a 1 h. ! i " PORI! Mil A Ei: ; a AR KNCK GRKins. e ! - - n and "w wind- UNKNOWN, mthoic •ed nc.-e. a who. in the .tianle line of :■1 ,t v .* ■; , i'a ", a 1 •, ~ . tin - i■ “ • od. ' A country tlv v 'l-ehevc ill 1,.' das equal 1.0 t! " ■ ip of < t >.nre ":-.d mi,i: 1 tin-- re.iiiv ~ land total , FRET, a- well as v. “Gy bivvO \ . TIM K (_k )M Mi'.'.'C 1.-, .V!TH • t»ff: agonies of less and LESS MONEY AS TUP WAR FLURRIES SIMMER “OWN YOUR ediin- W W. : • Visitors From N. C. Well Entertained On Caribbean Tour r-i v j . -a j; ,1. ■; ■ \ , !oiu if J(if f UU( 41' ;. ■ » 41. j 1,,, j r Hubert Aicerp-an Et-'b-i v. I’",'l :ill F. s N’l ill ike 'I he ("Ut- )f IF, I, U" hi'led t" (J. Let Dc S' - ■ “ i'd .()>(■"' H.eJi H." mu d , II ■,( t . r»e '■•,•). f n-.r’hd "■!(• A. I : i S",!V( , :“■.< - 1 he\ arc, top puai let l In light. \m;uul 1 M * umnimc . Onirt'i Ruth H. Bun s \; l.riu • tine M. iiicki 1 Milurai. lon- I «nr | left in right fritnic It. .Hsrhli--; Vrktnsa. mi Mildred i Slrailou Aii'-ailli ( ciilcr photo skm's Home Iconom-t ‘ Caiolinx. !g " uj H v it) J 1 at, iT 11 I f>!" J t 1 f i - ' ~)« ,* (; ’CM ’Dfilt' 7 ! hV M i 4 ;i 'I •Ti- D ; • F>, if i 'I? I MiG V H GiDean ,v H Mt uu<\ ■ r t::c i /. h% M;u .rJ R.oi,. ;H I Tic 1«U- . (’ ii n I»trip • m: | *)U'V •* - .’hf; -!<»!,'’<* Rijr ,t., { ,f JVU j iKrrd'-»-. k ! » ,»••.;•,: .m-l j wiiet) nC j d:’ ; fU i iu :c* p,‘ ~ • p • :, ; i\\ HiT lime!, i'l Jil! U;.- 4Ud AT j|h for . ••rkt.-.i' and j ' | - . ;: nd i-f .ii 'be I ■r 11 i In - ->.d I>' d <1 ■. ••: | tin .1m d I y Di and M- • U Vi ; I C'' hi ct i !Ii . v.’it:. . :-. 1. "i ' i where the -• "me. taim j vislily i-. Mis-« France P ilkp , - and ner u . • vvitii vis is t,- -.1 , nf tile |,i-m : - ■ : ml it 1 .'md ■ . - • 1 iw:tk Mr ■'. -.' R .mm ~n ! mlo j Ail r . few 1 Hat m "'m 1 iia M<" ■ ~,,ci 'i - ,-)*„• ,w I i ret.' n--1 , : i !v - m lll.. 1 .-- - i v ~ 1 • J ■ j 1 ■ ( >OV AWARDS S< .11001, iHPIOUA TO ! AI ill If JIM,VOLTA. Mis \ N P: Sly rt J) Coney, HI-year -old la thcr of four children gradual ' r( from Rosy liili High school here recently, lie rcenved h,s diploma from A. L. Coney, school principal and one oi his sons. The rider Coney graduated iron) tic Magnolia Normal and Industrial Institute, a gramma, school, in i«#7 and attended higti s<-hoo| tor three and a hall years before> re xponwbTJitifs lorced him to withdravi. Last winter, .'!)) years after he left school, l oney erirolird ! tContinued on page 8 this sfetjm;' Patss V Graves of (hr Washing t,o nofllee Not shown .I! 1 ' f’ (.limit 1 Wells. Georgia and I lor cnec McGehec Missivsippi I'hc-.c workers, trainer! in the lirdd ot home econormes, .help I arm tamiiies who obtain pro duction and owner-hip loans f 1 orr, tin Uarnicrs Horrn \dmin isti.ition si ith fundamental ju oh 58 GRADUATES GET DEGREES AT ST. AUG F:fv t-.rn RiodDiUrs ipcu ii i -m 4, d‘ a! t.h» RJ-ui *n • • ID .*«,• :i;if‘i'i'G,Vn: of .'if Auru. j t it..-' . ( *o||r \f[ iV ,*JO l • m.a , r , _ ' ' I’ : ■i » ■, 1 CoiH-:< Hr. Rirl) mi C» ! ti** .-1 S 1 M-u - - hool 'i r .. 1 T> • - -„'.(U J/sJ'-i . i .- > t <1 ; ir... < , » - .1 1 ». If,l ’ , f|» .*v * . •.. , . • j - ,j AHf'pcffiH'-ji A . ! • j rij; ’T' 1 ' \.4 -. t\; ’ fi'd' • !)\r ~ 1 :: -' ~1 •!(■ A fiif'i rib’D -'i'i ‘ tE' * -i - j The Re 1 SficG.u Hie 41;- ; , -f i 1 Unite-,'.; ci-urci! N< j Vm I < t*v. I he la - i'.e.-t , r - ; _1 o : , r ■ 1 ; -i il-e I [)■ c ,1 1'! ,nd ", " • loo" * ce, 1- i • nr ;i 1 1 r; eo'.mtl'v ' - the p: c, r; ! .: 1 li'C i: ■, a !.l 1.1 le. U c ;-*"i'V ' *' (>,'; -, s' ?d '<■■■■' iuil'iv.-mj» ssf-ii ,;".-rm;P«l | cum : miie A: vi, lame • C-iito 1 ... !'-■• 1 I '.- Mice 1.-.-I .-.-I .’ .. . :■ llrm Ar . " i. V:m C..d, Jei :e.y Ci y. m" I •' , V Gi CP star v, (Kl N. <■ ,k>!m Hctnry Andrjson. f'.'har- \ i'dtr vil;c Vo '.i.U'v''"l i j \l. 'ci ...... Wit on; WiiUc R.y P.. 0 : or;- Beti-aV' l); B li-bn' a ,Tcl 'ikiir. 1. I a , 1 ( t '■'ii;-e Dloonf. Fd f, ri !.->!(, H- - >M Kent ' Ro-.d < 1 -Torn Ar km Jain*- Col : :,n",'. II or t■ >r. 'i’i- <.c , Yu. -' ( - ~ liter > -a -I- “ ‘.e '' I ■ j V;. , Bro -tus Harvey Cox. li'dms'” iG o, :?<■ Kevin Grenshass -Jr R leinh; Carl Myrle Crudup. Rah ? 1 ! Wilburn Daitrin, Win ", Salem, I.' :r Audrey Davis, New j Havc-n, Ga'ja , Shirk'•• I'loir, ! -■' m ; p«,rl month:., \ .a; Mattie Fill' '" ■DuPr* e l-'armvillc, Mildreti Be. • nit;, Filintf Jark.-on, Mis , , l ine Lem.a Finlfi.v Stuart Ha., fa a-|,' ; Nntnanici (ircr, Jr. Jet,- . k ii.'-". da S C ' Dma Fsi. Hull 1 !,! Dorothy Vumae .lack a“a ' F i.vetb vdle; Wiiliam Jefic"n j Jackson. CliaiToltesvitle Va.; ronia Cubic Jernigan, No.'folk. Va.; Theodore Egbert, Johnson, Wilson. iF.dna l .uciile Jems, Trenton; Fi iz . ’ Kv -rtori June: . Cn‘u lott-”-viile .Va . Samuel Cl ~ I -,. Logan Rucks i Mount: Lillie Mae McJsa r, Dm ' ham; Marianne Turner Mi's A i Bronx. N. Y., Quentin KsTc ■ Itlil jle.-, Asheville: Alice Johnsie Mor j Raleit'h; Eloise Mae Nobles. : Everett City. G 11.; Frieda Olivette j j Perry Rah igh: Carrie Bell Raynor, : PosvellsviHe: DcWitt Talmadge! Robinson. Batesbm g, S. C.: Carole j ! P.'ir-cilla Royster, Oxford; Minnie | Katherine Shorn 11. Chattanooga.; j Term.; Mary Greene Stacy. Efland; Benjamin J. Stephenson. Mount! iOlism; William Arthur Van Croft. I (i-nr- oi family tiling, adequate food for the home poultry raising, < - .lit I=. housing and money man agemrnt -Vt this season the fam ilies are encouraged to plant gairitns for maximum sra.sonal food supply and a surplus for preservation l»v canning and 11 ec/ing for v. inter 11 si She ti aditionai .springtime .lot.-.'-’, Ci'v, N ,1 ; ! .roUi Kiik .ovj W ilk r We'itu' H> ! "o hmn 1 * < \M>n» \TKS 101 l TUI 111 I,RM or i \ninon Jiluff. Ark. Pull fill *.v r I ?‘i i' r nii/i ~ vit \iv Anns Tilt f ir, F. C. Bo'.'. iin NittiiJat j b-eienec or /i In Hoito ; MilykeU, i jOf llv i *i.i ■ of in-o(>. ni Medium, ] i •!■- ‘ iOl 'T I ■ ! ■' O’l ■ l 'l ■ pr ! ! • r- ■ ; S'l)t .11 Cm .. .V■ ' ■ \ II r■ i I i >!l. :• Cliflon P lon a Os 1 *■' | ! p,i sdual via: , Ri -a,! ,i a. M. > j ! !SU). Tj i ' • Bl own Mriruo a! ; coorl pri.-a- i. I'ii amat n •'\p» l i s.nn !■■: if am * 11. Hall i«i:',i Tor Vv'ilov .1 I atoam , I'a. a : | pr.v.r a" '.liiis.iaMdim 1 , r.ciphon.on ,In !a i. aid A- nr. i.t ,l,.i;iaa i >’ !w i i $10) T v F*.*. .lame , i. ifolir . ’or • !<■'■ I, ..I j-a I/O in BlWl'ud f..i!''r..; ,i>* ! I$15). In It) .oil Aitn t‘ a t .. -I'll i jro 't II or i- nf if Id i j Tim' T! nioa.i rl Aoin-. :• .■1 .prize it Fre,tm,an Riolnr.v • ■;■ f 1 j Jackson, of awl Mid, 0> i • : i I $10) Tim Kli/a nr ri) Awo ’.Vill- *i*. | in Qualitative An us • ; Donald At mail $5) ! Thr Rev D !,fds f"i foo.nn I a I.'.ircl . 11l Bliihral Lite.'Mi .*,l' j Miriam Dean, of t!ir Junri, ( i, ■. in; Horn-. Mead. Ft- To the ranking; j .traduntr receiving thr B A. riv- • I ■ '.''-e. to Wiilaim A. Van Oof*, rn [Jersey City, N. < To the rink!:' | graduate receiving the B S d■- j gi-ee. to Arxir v ' !i i , ma- I iss each i i Tiif Was'lngton •!- r t Alumn? i Cn.ijiter award tslOi in the fresh- : . nioi) ‘Athlete nl the Yt'aik to soph Clayton, of Atlantic City, N. | i j ! Fraternity and sorority M-nn-'er - | s-his, : Alpha 7ct.. Sigma Clv:p!'-r ! Dc-lta Sigma The!a tsso>, in Sum" ' ! Davis, freshman, of Grecnvi!U\ \' ' j C Alpha Theta Omega ei ai tt ( Alpha Kappa Alpha ($.10), In Cm : neiia Perry, of Birmingham Alt j Om’cron Zeta chapter. Zcl:> Fd i | Beta ($10), to Mary Hnrgrov* . .:•>• phomorn. to Manson, N C. Kapna | ' Epsilon chapter Omega Psi Phi j ($25), to Carol Slaughter, freshman, j of Corona. N'. Y. Phi Lambda ehap- j ;ter, Alhpa Phi Alpha (siii>, to' j Charlie B. Saunders freshman, of , i Clajrton. N. C. Eta Sinna CJiaprer i I Phi Bet fiSigma, also ,T, Saunders, , cjt’.i fMjp fncliidfs m ?n;is;*trn;mc»‘ (lrmn;t.Unpro\t tneni oi' \iiJii t'f, the hoauMtoa tion <*■ home groxindD - I *iri yirrls The hono‘ stiptrvisors arr. vtso r illrd r m for advic in fhc pui coast' a?u] use of morirrn lw>mr com ; rollers o!(‘li .is home i\r- : f» s va ashing blurs, r^-fri^s'r.a to? . o’.ode Mi stoves, aI! of which 2 i•dp to improve* the sum f»mi> fsn stand »r;l of 5 i ving. - (si) A fMiofo (,\ Vl* i Ifult} Vice! ■c WiT'id C'-- y:c 'd the 'nfioroo- Fly •-•rd. so; ilio ?;>46 rrop. riv ? * ».• r- nr f hf'-; S<’ , fi)C miKtJOaRKIKHEN . s praci ■ 1 be* .'use you ba«c your plans :(> I • : •>> : S&fV j t <„*,, tv,- Til- rif.a no, -o p.rr.foii.r trie lUwi tumrouticilly plr. w J. Plenty of mid«M »nd «wikaes. I IVv - iv T, «*»(,. To titlp vmi plan roof <#€▼ THIS * | Mfi I Iretric Kiiclien. **•*. she «*e Xlllw' - - Al , I I/| BSDM S S T,” illnuriiK'd ia color. Written VALUARIE BOOK , . ' r ,» leadfn.K kirchn-fibrininx enrhoritien who /.««#' T.-r.. 0 f m -koniMiukin* Slid Dune pßuoiog *T «K> COKE i-i-.iG J viv. «. « nntsio, f*c« d>«***w», cenrrthm* “*** ft - ' *' ! to min .no plan for wm trintl Suichen. (wet root r f /Rtt. copy at out nearesi o&cc,,, X ODA\. .v v ’ # * '' ll (CAfT O LINrPowIrT& TTg' HT COMPAnV) ■ - ' I v y .. (' I Graduates Told, jOf Need To See : God In History • On!v the .Hhllft v to ,or Goo In t!i..*ni , v v.,:i rescue fioni frut j tiuih’ii." ip j, r , p.. ib>...i ••( i t Setter, p i ■ i>l,l ihi !,'i;> mernber ' 1,1 ih" I rgi', i er,.d , iat:n;: el a. sit, iv, BlviW (7rij■ . i lily.", hirtcry a'. Iv f’eltv«Tt.d tUi Herninn il Bin;■ ala’i ...'ll,' I.iii'.U'ts Sunday ,if if! 11')( v \ ..! \ Si.'elvck in University t.'hmvh, 1 ij-ing lit- : übjeet. “n' = t'.t. \CI Coni nl." I In' n i atnl writer, pa tnr of C.ilva' Chui'i'h. ut Chester .md Editor of ; Inc National B.ip!h-.| Voive, ; poke ; to an audience which filled the church to capacity and overflowed j ontn the ampi:;--. The rervxe was I ,uni>li f ii ,1 from the University i Church tower ; Th" speaker used as a textual ; basis for his sermon, the Messianic | hope of the disciples as stated m : Luke '.U-21, “We 1 ’ad hoped that .it was He who would have rs-- , oeen’i fl U-ai ad " Conecroiiig Ilie w- ri 1 not *■ coontpil,.!ied yet (hi ougti Starks Finals Combi: r- Homecoming-Gradua ! «i!e';r will owo ia. n> i: iiMit-ui .1 v C vaduiTii'O (A remnnio-.v -ad the .school’ fir.-, 1 annual Homecot n :np o t>s e rv'-ince The finals -vill raver a two day pci 'oil. Wednesday ami Thursday, June : ■mj 2, with .ill ev'Cnts to he held on the I’amfr.i.-, of Sha'.v Ihu- Krgistr.'i! ,:*k vv 11 i be riven by M iri.iirt ■ :' d.O vV ,■ alit He,m',nii of K a vi,k Tei'fi; , mnnofai" imer of a vd',l known tead'.y preparation. •Graduation exercises -vill he held ,\ • k v : :1 ; ; ' 0 ■ i •>' ■ ito.. adrirc ;s by John R Larkins, C o :dtanl w:th th<' N tUi Caro lina Si de Board of Public Welfare. The prorvam will be pre rn:e< 1 :u Shaw Umv er.- >y ( ireeule.if Audi torium The Henireon*.ing event o i'7 iv; elude ir.ornim; and after noon m*..- ions Thursd.iy The odunk.v in '.is. t>ng aiumni and friends v-i’l he delivered by Dr. R. !’ Daniel President of Sh.'e.v 'Uriiv'kV'ity In addition In hie formal exercii: toll obedidc "f -.or: *1 aetiviti Dlvire CoinmunTf. Pv '■ .*> >u*- e ; 110 m ett' pijoiritv,'"; 0 The Rev Mr Marlwin dKf‘ >*h tiilf.'d between P i' 111 o.ot i•: 1 . v»: * 1 in dividual an: th*-' ft'ii' li'irtod one explaining turd the m <,, ; *T man iv "oia 'vho h,ar, rm -ifd his objvctivi nru.i I'.'.: goal! Hi) .1.1-'.'- defb etc.l to , I-.. ; ....a i .1,. a el. i viM oT! a' i. a,o He lioioloii in i a .. . oil Divine romps.e , ' a |u a sri in our bay and t o: ■■ Tor ;'. ■’ ■ Uteri three a*. •nm - to., .r. munion with the Divine; t, silence, 2 A •<*!! ie of th. ■ * ■ a o ■ ■ oe 'to horns the noj.s; ■ a i. - . ,(;ia,:.. has .rr, ' , ; a - .... friends. S nee the'S: .1 TL i Beauty Co]h':~e o. lay ovs;aiy f hen huladled .t ri-'k Lave b< t graikrated Ito Psi v.n,i:s 'v ,;*•. , izing toe alumni rasak -■ 1: week arui became t-a. fust * •* Calif- "!r.; Hate a, . : ,n IT ; q/.f Thf- t)i.U out!;' ' d]at'ni):it* ; ; G:■ i gal f]Pi 41 .;yk; I creori, n. or n . • • ’ Violdt ... T ■ law v .; .: ■ tenc.c of v :mi oi :■ fir'.