WEEK KNDTNC SATURDAY, -K'N’K 11, 1949 Varied Activity In Final Week At JC FS < OiViMI.NCI AIKN 1 KRJI.Ks The foliotvuv-. «'nts form im portant m ctiun- oi 'lit Tw-nt' - Seventh Ann.ml C 1 -mrociii rinoiit progrmi; conclm Jed at the Joint* : ton County Trailin'..’ School Smith ti. a.l, N. (' Min IlllUl.tgfl Julll f; til'd**) 4 til'. i i.i ■»>' lettmti, which attr-.ct'.'d a record at tend si tec. A.NMAI siliViON On Sunday M. y 20 :t:*H i’ M ti” Reverend A R. Smith. tn Fri.-I Baptig Ciii-irch. Smuiilie!:!, H < driivred trie linai •>i>el .-ago t. ) the member:. "1 4 ’ g 1 mill .1n ■ ■ c!y*s in the ■che-"! a ■ i 'to;rmi. nit the subject. "You A-. Hoi ii l. I orp .t- .1 i t .!:•» OIT t■' ’ll li.ur.t ileto; mine the put;.we It 4 .- ■rin on w.l • v ul.i * ’<•(! •• ’ll iii liuefit 1 < mil ;<lei 1«> tin- iitom.bi *>i tho Class iilitl fliC'l’ line: 1 14 li:lot Riled the .11 lilt Ifure !w e;>'V i :t\ He .... i: . - .i:., . r,<j t ■ c: Jill to !ii ci'iu ! iw:: ..'!u-: U 1 e ed tn.v 4 Y. ■' An 1J- ■ ‘ An at Purpose " .1 4 1:■ V.a. rut i.i.-hed by the 11'liwwi | ■■■ i : fce.Ui: i e inn n.... <•' !’■' ‘ 1 .it e.Ueh Me- • N . . Si:::: o. • Clid V.■ ■ ’ ' Cl ASS MI.HI Veiet ili 1 Suli'ir wil. .i oh i ib* 111.* 'jvr-.H ■: < ill til. M.ie.hbi wt :v.tr ran) M; ■- I-. R Swlwilioii and im.'iii* vitally tie only :iK-:r>ber of her !I .: 1:; trie Pvin. ;p: 4 tl Ini. lor ue !o. ; -ix•••.>.'< >m- |.i>-; tod. iHli.l! I Wl C" I VllO' . The ii.. |me’eel V M"' 4 .- 1 ebb'd I • t .*• * in- <)> hi deih * ; xxl b;- vj;. ■. " t iMcW’ii. ml r.'it >'• i .y seiii.ii v. be < mpn. U. U tin l- 4 portal’.".- oi '*" ugh U allot.p. .b a !>i C-l vie.;.' tel X: ;: l! U1 ill Hi A : non r-ku jji • ■ntinv Li. 1 u*•. re ■<if the 4 ' (:• •r'diict. d by Christi .■ Soncf; ; ' e t V ; ■ ■ tilt ion oi : u nlimib key l > J..sn< - Sand* i'l to V' ■ e.. V. 44 ' 4 .<•!■ • ■ nt m- the Junior cla.-f ,\:.n White p. Ob<! ;e r> pL "’V < <•'. ar.d i-lerb ■ 4 hei chos? to tl.o l.l'Otei T ,w,l .>1 tb" • 1 r.lji lie f 1 li ed >po> •■i< ■: i T. . it .will:’ ■’ ■ si hcol n <■<’. •' Ii v n-.r-tobei • . . lain | : li:. . lb!.:.I t’l.d ■> ■ <. ioai-,' p! t'A ‘ i , HWQI i i Ur.ru?-' ;*ti ’> t'oMov. a < ■i• • . th ; r ‘>l ( H >: -»H'i -I*i *'« • < - -m »•; ? * *t\ '■<! v Cxradc Tvi«itlurs, -i 1 ;• v “i '* 1 A • a f<AV I! U'Uli a, fA I * <-'■■> • *- rilitully <Js atrd V’ ■ ' ‘a-'M" Vc C’lV t- ii 1'" ••0! F ht« ♦' t uv i Hattif \V Ui.ii;repi * On v f*ni<)Ts. t'UAdta'ted th*» ];i Os: a/ii t FiC* i :<! 4 !*'t •• ]' ' i ; .*: I• I its V, i *■ v. fi( - ; H’ci .': 1 l .x: ■• n ■ FOiifi V* 11*4 i j' l 'tvf iJi 1 t p’■>.; s'. '•« 1 i l.fu Worn:. McKay McNe.il. John • W Mitchelie:. till- Rev X C S..u- : tiers and W H • 4 -i 1. A d lie. ton t.ivicv *;i; aiiatatcd ;it Iht < - x- 4 j:> no* ol trie ■■■> 1 > 4 bi< it . an i.lirnial event > hole ; id t. n " - tors parent - comirtiiiH "1 ti i.- <’ eehick. n. ma'ii* .! polat.»‘s. •; ■ *‘n i HIAIHt OI CITATION M N I t HI. fr, 1-X44 the sdlO’. l ,:am/rd a , uvat i.,-; i-i.ii.riiitti*** tur the ; -.*i • i,u*e of sek-ctin.' am. . JCTS eraduat. and tormei .s'udents who, after leaving school had become rated in some form of constructive! s> rv ie. as a .-.isn of distinctive :,i hi>-\ mt nt A cfn t ficr.te cl award j was arranged o” iittift quality .*nevj:. id. ;n •< • t i pit” ■ 4 :: ,4 d • :. in aib’d •:: tbe I'm .n c . The ppi'nms rib u in k. 4-1 iiuit’i » > with the sc mi eia m v.ear :ii' i ark ei.p? mid ..v n- Thej received tr.» u rtn ’die.. • A f.onor ft ns H |i Man.iv, ■.pf: iti tend<nt >1 < 4 : tie’ mil l .i Jon list* 'ii t 'oi mt v This parade of ,dur: ’ and t-r students moved ihron -u 4 iic PARADE FAGLF. STYLE BEPOBTEB REGATTA. —One of our more favo rite pantimen t» to watch other people at work or play, w!“:sin<j we could do liltewi**. That wish com pletely evapo It wasn't exactly a big regatta— we've seen bigger ones—but it was ). si as exciting as the ones at Pough keepsie, New London or Oxford. It J woe a race between Dartmouth and ! Columbia—between two eleek fcO foot, j etght-oaied shells manned by a ■ crew of eight Laid and lout rowing men guided by the steady commands * ct on expert coxswain. i £“1 TARTIHG! out with a 3 2 beat .it due o opening gun the t«vo crew* grad ually Irtcrecraod their tempo to 34 and 36 until at the end they beat a !a*t - 38, The Columbia varsity ski mined ccro»» tl>* finish line live lengths ahead of Dartmouth amid thunderous applause. The appla-cse came from the side lines, crowded to the last yard with HOHNSTON COUNTRY a. as- as toll 10-15 »{ N', Hin t. • Fr.-det ”k K. Forte, N ' 1 C; m-aciy. Mrs. view Bivant. and I; me l Witi I‘)40 H i . Molt, i'iss. Com C-yd. nits. Ainttie tj !!ardiiv Roosevelt Green' and ibe I> on A. I’iMiiiy iii-17 A Aioldi o. Al< xander Judkins S. I \A "...lari’ Mrs. ChmioUo Atkin.-or: eld Levi Sand"! * 1048 LiCut. \ ':■:i i. Sri til. 'All's -Rei•■r,io yb ,- ( I a AVi-itil Ml . Willi. 4 " 4 !’ lii-ek* ; i:..- and Janu s Alien. 19-b) Mis. !- ida Lyle. C Mmi’bus Mitch' nr., ,1 O Willie. Mrs. p.ud.ne vVa’ son .rd Airs Patsv Bridges Jack- HIU. ti.nivt i i n i> i oi* Lem \\\ Mills , Tin '-"minihee r e’L.tioj) lor |’>.i . vise . f.,! !ov 0’... the }>i wi ed;u ■ : rCatii . ■ :i . : \ soi ti'in.’- ol t)io ctj.in :iy tMjssibio v iicii' JCTS e.r.u.- : unh . olid fm!va r studeti's 1 i’ :inil ; w.'i >: ; eeotm.'Cnnt'<| Ib< fol}»”-!;..- 11 it--.’, lor jq SO- ,\];. s Lena R Dam ;. .e. . ceoinpli'h. d d( i:-u. r land M,o ” ..... ! Alb.itr . N An. !"• ie Ai Inbn-h. \vh>. if.-liv .eicii tiie eoirinien'-etnem nddreti 4 .i . -.' . and i cjji e.- ■re the i" bb n etl.'wi - > -n in . f ; .1 If ilwv - "i Cpi ArilUJi Manning, in tr.e ..s \ c...-p ii..,,-' o \!; ii ice ii. rniee lie:all ick ; 1-hiJadeljihta, .s i't.im !;huu lan ,-t Mai vl.i..d St.-.t«- Colioi’i-. Hat'imoiv. LMi! . and Leohai i if Samiors :ec '.a 4 '-; commi.ssic.nr. a! !..\eUi vii;. l.iti..-i !a r-i a: :•■ -t :*i.■ lor.thle miction tin. year who i! hii- ii ■ tfn •, rn.Uex ' i :.l . t CM': if A w. od.ud • Wait’ i Sauudcr;-. J Mi-s "VlniUe.’ A!l< i.. Mi:, fi < del a h K i *Lc. Mi- 4 , .lull;, H’.r'wn. David limt.ti. Rob’. i t !..- Sb-vcn Mi Urn de Hilton, t'borle- ki.ile. Jr. ?.li-s Franc. K. MuN. ;:!. Mr- Ai -v W nitiicld. Oil', \ NT/. V I tI)N I OK Ml il) On Tk.’.u sd:o Jm e ’.* Hie foil ov ing I I’pre e|'llvt-s <■( tl'.e tint f • . o Iff; J ii.’ ’ : 4 l':w.'."i . mo Vio iU 4. is 1 ibe tail . ! Jo i;.c.0.-.l Fm !. ek K : Katie Mr < Jew ii lit. N I. • .’.a' 1 (",/ Jowi, .) lino M: ■ ,4 ' ■’• : R N i I o Al«x:.l 4 ;- : Jndkii" .Ml C 1! I’Mte Atkin ■'"o AtlS J.lb:., ii });,f)CA Ml' Pa ill; tie Watkins lo ’wilbam M-.- kit: • Hi, he si.and a- oCst 1 Ml" 1 :i;« !'■ iv« 4 ’i! v.a: llsi-lwm! a i Mi.-; B< nie Gi ice. XL - P • -. H ;Jackson, Mbs Klsie Mcliitofc-n J. \ li.dd,a. Ji ami \\ R i,. ; Mi, R. . . A h 'ml After boii!;: e; v. d 0.. • i n dira-t*! with all Hie t: kt'.iim ! -lion with the Principal presiding !In addition to adoptiri); o constiiit i toil U.v-Lnw. . 'ii.- . :w,|i vet, d "o take liie iiiime "J'.illnstoii Coun* jtv Vi .mum Sc he. * i Honor Socue ty " and areepted as it* ir.aio pur i O'.isc 11 off. r ad .itiotiai l'mami-ial j; id guidance and pCm-nred dirc-c --■ r," -,-h. :.m ip ..;<| sum. It 4 voted t.’iat all p. rso.'.s .it'd m tie :lo t u re. must ij( ■ recoil i iii'-iidx'd r. this soi-ietj amt approved by a cit -111. inbi-r ! i, . •10 SOI ;.-? • el. vied a • it ..Me lacail 4 . im n i.; i cieeit ti •by it and H 4.. i-l .ncipal a: ri'iair n’.ari of the committee. , Ottieers < lecte;i were President, Nb i.. ("loiiady vice pi.oident, R i I ii ■ : 0 o ; r,ll -1 . 1 r!:.- .vii'H. Co: h Boyd; &pt.uidi;ifc no imam.ad sccietmy Mi- Pal., H Jackson; treasurer. Levi S.ind ex.-: cx.-i-utivi: eoimititji e oeo.ini at 1 4 s.’. . :Vlrs Kola K'i.o ’w..> year or.a R 1. i! It one year. Fioau. ri.iane• tlee, \ 1 I ha. ad\ . !M, f," d. Mrs. Jackson ar.d Lev. Sand ers J A Holden was .'li ci ol iw ir. ;i on tin Citat ~o <o- i "tec ail kinds of beats. Ti.-.. r. oaes o! then owners and quests read like a super de-luxe edition c! the social register. AMONG them we noted such well known neighbors as James Mel ton in a blue ilannob single breasted, patch pocket suit: 'Mr. Robert'* star Henry Fonda wearing a double breamed, one button, patch pocket lan tropical suit and radio star Bud Coll yer in a blue grey single breasted 3 button sheen gabardine with 4 patch pockets. With b.,0 American sp-. its nun ship they all joined in giving ll.e winning and losing crow a war ioiiul vi -tc-iy dinner and colebtativn at •:.« yacht club. X-lT" -•-fiHU.-d V.. -■ -t ’ j iACLt,CLOTHES UNt ~ <y i A-- r . At th* Colony Renteu /A rant in A’ew- York, Seth jMf. W Babits, author ot "Op~ > U ■ ’ I portunit/e s in Avi.i --\ "IS “Il ■' tioti” in » light-grey ' \ 11 n' - it j double-breasted 3-but \ r|. *”*l/ , ' ,n Ardmore drape -j' | p squ/i'ti shoulder suit; V 1 ■ pearl white shirt and The Ardmore solid dark blue tie. AM MM AIFL i lMi On June :J - tin . o’etal merlin: ii l tii * JOTS Alumni .V-riaL' o Ime held hi the bin..-a room rl the • ■. : I-....’ i'mi’ip i-i’/i >. > o i;:<»tivOl til” chapter:-, covorcl by the Ne , i ..:-.it A- hociealion trail.'act.-ci • 1 i-i.ul M. in. : ot the ai ;ar. ve.H • i-'i. t. 1: K Fait* 4 ’. N”v Y«- U i ; .■ a , i. • ■ Jej'l, ,I pi . sbii'iit a • i Ii \. : flerb'i 4 ol 4 Wr.rhii'.puu . P. C o n ,-JecMe via in’estoc-’il il," 'two hoe m-'shm ca: d-icoleu lo i(i-i:’i:s'HK i.n v V. ..•'•■l mean.v of! !■•• : the >• ■ i x • I 4 b.- \ ■. ■ item "dill tail j: 4 . a ,p.. i tail •>! J : I." r. . .Cvt i-. mb' . ! npti:\( imi> i 4 I’lUi.'ii! pi ; , At 7:.A p XI June- lird the se- - on . the alumni ’.•• he Re • .ji.tiioi t‘- er t -Ii nr elec.i.'d Me --.t be.air ho -.sms 4 ” -M : ! tin.' of vii for the ; .-oa'al I !.- ’dir : in the •. ml iter c. r• I win . o |at ROD (a m the actual prog,ton; | lo: Hie o’i: 1 c"il l,H'iuvV|iei - cxer |ii. e io) io eJ'.a.l 'A .0 O' ■( "I'd Toe .sumars tiled In to the sound’ !•;: tin- Pries; Mai eh. Toe mv jto n was delivered l.y the P: 0 1He.\v t b !; '■ a ye • ■ ! Hi* No .. 1 ; Anthem T , wiU o’* <> bo •ne M'i, . w , rb liver, d by. Lome K.u jford. va'uJate.rlan, I'.b' d by a -- o o.' b> ’:i on I t’.e i La’ las- err * teim aas :<:livci. d ~. Wiierrm ~ Alitcheb. r validletorta.i. : Mil" ,C ,m i.-ee r,". eiob .viriuO W. ;• nit mbo: of : tit b so .r.ie ~ .. :-s, made the pi'CsOd!.. lu:> ; >C«-‘ *1 ui !■"«■. ,n' if. ~ Mi F,Ascll - i,o !. '4O a ‘ ea. ! ■p< ak< i Air.- M, I 1.0: 0 s!', . Ml to. ',nij)"l'L' e ■oi c-har.o K-r .n Hie <R". t leo.mont ol ee:\ iriuai one.vl t Sneh • • i-:1 - . Il - H.-w! Jlf.ries? y i, .:. b L : '> ' -mct'i :ty <>i mop.,'.*. ~ .•. mehub ri . , ■ : o- o I mo ... I i-lb m! ■ n.. V< juj.O'. A, , • ,jj! r-i t’lfi I M > HONS W ii Cm), n roo.i.oii of ’he t■ ■ ■ C-'-.o :y I Loo i: n. .'.as ;■.; ■ i uted by the printic Mi H<- . !eci Hie ;unil. :" -ire 1 ' trv ed h aL-b;m. fahh in the to MIM : "Wi: O 0-0 O bent.-. . :: .d ivaf« heti 11 oti ,.( ; ■ ] . ‘ lie ••• cr;:s: ■ i - -ai. hi o a inta :n ■ a or " r.jue i, i,-;t • :o etlweat >• a, ~wa l a ;: n. e, , \ I'a ..: ‘ i>: 1 ii: rll .a'is ...\ o m : ay a-s: ' <,i hi ti,- Cbimity ... : ~ - id ■t- Ho ad; ■ I-, a , ■. ~fj t 'ri '. O' .i! >.. i or. ". '■! > :■ w-.'l-s' IV. and t 4 eo c Ull I; ri ■ ,j.n, 11-a 1L- a-.. a 1 . ,/| . v Hi aiges: Jackson arid ex’ raote m.ii y public col o] leacni 1 jiii" . 111 me so Jo: k (ill on lb" a lioiH'd Lie c,t!\ . ; Com ami eoniici-ted Ui.it w.tii the tmpei tn:i.■ ,"f H.e aw ard by the Alumni A - •'eeintam and cb.e. id Lie M i -pieo • ;to press forward il. Lie to:. fi m'| i€.'( 'no deal ah.! JCTS The pi .ncti'a; pr.-senud award.s ] rut ha: , a; s o ml .!• id tnc jeias., im -rhi-hi: hip. saecd.-.-.i in : fJ; M ,at ir activitie .e <j : ah., vcii.mnt in ..thk'i'es S> Veral : 1 I’Cr'ic i a.i coso in .m-airnmir.ccfl amount., bo .a : . cut . e .11 i'v and -li t nds. , O: (-! Ho most -an,! if ..nt .a- , ,> 4 A r i Ij S Wi, Bond. j AMI ~ . .. ( I ad H ■ A * .IV 1:1- | am. win, wa- v ted by her class j!,i ii,* :h. nK-mbtr who had ruiui* ■ o i■ • oh.-'-t ->'.,ro ; i '- .'< -.- i mid, i Lie io - t. yne, ircu.n- J.'iP: A:- o'. ;t Oiii i«l "Ol | ability 1. oaliii. hi •! ot ha.!- i,. i •■-. s ■ - .- a.- tin s.ipn in.' .itv. a if! I V so, . > io m; 1 Lie I ho.il. Till .or■ a! the award by ' request is not named here, but the -a, liiiiii aid |o Uu. -o in .-fed ■ long M.’iH wh.’b lil’tl.'llT CdleU’ '• Vd. I made I ■ . , lar.'a.'M 'aineiit Ri;c- XI it on • 1 VlSd . . . |:d i-,-11 'He ■ i lion precede,! the recessiuiial I INAL l IIAPI I I XLRI IS| I OR ltl4f*-51l j At fi.iKi a in Jane (It e on ihc | filial day of . coool to, the current i trim, lx hundred or in.".' sl,:dcni.s iinarch.'d in ehapel look th. : s' ..is. M,- many a. coalJ be i.iled, otiif’is • - ; tood iniKi against Lie walls, whll< i p.o feet alteoH. : re eertifii itc- I Grade Mol her:'- prizes and otlun •iwairie were presented. .\I(,KRIAN TKACUI'R Iv\k.ns Ik s. \m;m: WASHINGTON l ANPi - Nolli (.uuel Lie Ibe Oilin', re. rreeivf’;! a i Bachelor o Science dtf;::e. ui the American ’e nic er.-,iiy giaduation .-vfere: os Inst Sim 'ey evening He plan lo coni run hi.- study on the gradunta level and th< a re ii'.ui'n to his I’.ame in Atrie;. A so, oi ler (.cache! ii. ilia fie),) (>). p neral education, he will take up the '■vachaiy oi social science in Niger ia. _ J_ STETOKT) SECTION M. "if 4 ’"’ ? t'y '>'.3A.i A*r *M‘--J i’.u' I >;’o<} N ' ;• > f.UT: fi !' 4 * JuFi I ' - : i.ii? Count;.- hUmii.V il -.k *>2l* ) : ' v >n \:- .-r.tf 14.. Ful’.i! El OP, Li\j “. • ;I‘;M rx 1 *iL . 5 n a},]):\;xinici;<:iy \:o X »;:s <!' :ii ,!h <\a pi-.. • « 1 O'. ■ mithitt'id \ ‘.al j - i > je A • 'it!' c'i.t P .M'il’C'kt i'll* '■ t (p. n.mart'ii r, ; na iiitliivaiiial tSTViUFv •JixpFiX’M 1,40 «t. iCtir* * B \' j ip- huiVt-/. w er.i- , i «cl a • icr l>on • : and 27 iu t/*• vvhiU.* i ib bo.l iib lS (a: Tilt- )cror'<i <‘i \:iA * , I\f *IJ iL ) !•. i . • IL• l '■l 4 fHi ’• 27 Ua .;,p.,!V- 42 * <-u r.bbon* and . . . i l .; , ; «j . ‘JK l: * ;• ? . ..tica t li.ix • 2- v. ? ir\ ( t.ftV.in:. il.y i ■■■ il:. 7iE- • ; t ..A' cd ii ,/ ir; cn.rn iV.iii] and iv? - • ip-, made Irum ,‘ hurks. Ihi: vt ar Uu- (:"j show \\ a• übdil;. v d un if t m ii ti: i ; * i i; a*i* 'M io '■ - * ii *• it rs f.i -i )av« ci ifr Io ! • i *'.v.v: - hani <n’d iFL ■ l?ana v. '!h *.!t’\'i*c-C. 4 t 'r(> ;; ImjVf and vsi'. v.atn 'appl*' ; V- a an hajii ad. ham with i ; , :> . f., ? n '•;11> .‘A - ' . . , . ,• ■ . too;; :!.1I \\ .. I.J-JC aiil'Ei i;.'f • Tnc . xhibUs v.Tro v.nwerf by Th ; . c:a: a- n ■; ('•!i iCcV* . ‘i rl ' • t *•*, ‘V. I ’ hi’ ;• t },(•■' ( H;!'l « 4 P Vv' .' iM t V*OU l imely Farm Hints For The Homemakers Ri Lit < -t-., ii"". Demonstration \Rcnt | Jit. I-M ' (.; ivy,-;: I M \« : :<•» j Jj))', I] E k ; l;,- ,i, 'w 'i.J f() ]'»' Control AH' i , • t . • « ; ’., ] • .* •: Fu aJK *•« i ) lh- :L. haiidif - - 4 : ,-e arly agai'iSl < md tp asM ioli.i;-' L i- e. ;y L . ive a simp'' dx.f'H'.e ion wi tolerance •o. 4 ’ hit.'lt. - /.<• ’.raw t , ; an. ill :.•! !i i io !h jc. ur,ait "iOi.r,:; tii- : y; -1 ;mi i m to !, ’ 1 { ,o j i m not ’< no .'.* a all 1' in* ill - : 111. IVU-I;. - -. V'ul J.."' - A > ' I - right -I'd >,.•'!• i"iiu who -.l"* ' I. [ A!• h yau i V long 'I <> or tolerant r.-K an. that you arP State College Answers Timely Farm Questions Is bon* 1 m<;il a I>rt»!i ierr? • 'pi . , finr i win i• f‘f>nt : n!!al’" it • , i U'iK* It 1! k' itk 111’ . t''. i nip - rc< r..- .1 -ood lood7 Sun; 1 h» p 1 ..-omi thJruf brsid* • turnip i\vovn%.' iSo if \:, kv th born All jn.uit :rhf. -i con. iclm üble nitrogen, JK d mo;, j *? 11 .*i ’.ns vi’rv littlo. 1 i Pi: ::t.■ ill:f, •it O<J potash V.’llicil 1/ ' 0 '>ll (In l'u'"in ; aiipitir. from 1 ! •« 4 pot cun nitrogen and 20 tu i‘-> ! per cetti i>Jui; tihi.i ic acid with »" I potash. You tan see from there ' ii-mrer »bint i/h.ic bone *rt<•:»i is n |!; i- :nj»|..lcmer)t for some plants, it r int a con. .dote fertilizer Dues (In* s it on which or urovi ntrr vegetables determine tin ii vitamin content? i Not in any exti nt. Il at ill jKlighf chaii.es in the mineral and I protein coni tnt can be achieved !I \ f< rtiMziiu’, but th s ire; has i . :v t ;>! • 1 1 1 1bof/i over-r nj li.a ivt'ii A' ; far as wi'armtis go - tin ounce of i coll ifd gr< eta crown tit- poo: toll I will have no si: ■n.ftratil. difference from an ounce grown on rich soil The significant difference will 'be 1 HE CAROLINIAN .i i Se itht ii-UI Otic! HoUiS • :.i;• ■ John HoiH-*- • i i 4 .1 ri ll- !: :Vj • i * }. .< !■! ’’ Jnnifi ■ t*U t r,c 'LA.OOIi i ‘ i.!. ;r,. ( '.‘• i : • Fita' : m_; ;iv.J M.e ibOtiJif.-; \‘ i*. /a. w• «. fn . t . . m• hi Hi* * • ii>’' x jjEun.i'imm .vn! f. M )rri, >»>.<) Jac k !<>!!< v . • ;e: J y .. >i -.r.ajtai •;• xp - iisl. lx . > ,a*t;; j \a : iv «>i; ''a- Slato: v ala '. r\C vr.-»*ai !-• r• ir- . di'yE-i: e(j j-utiHi y and sv int’ p/oyi'inn-- j.oiMlin y.-'-ot how Oo y can bnkmi-o ' a- titi i'i iH'C t f ki»l j j> Nt.rtd (..*«.?i ■ 4ilK* ■ ,I4‘>husWiv. £,* I*’ J, !.«<> v,i 0. t t';:.Hit Jail I'V; a 1 ill! 0 thi- }•}•»'* in;vU- with inr sfvm‘ o\<-r ■- > ,\i \ fj*; C* Ho .’,!).•••) flUOvi a r 5 4 t'.C' kc. i‘’ > hi IT) il* 4 Vv’Sh t Vi. fk :: id •* <:i* a try ■t * va.t 11 vt* i us :., 4 S;..:‘ . d, Xalwn.ii I'a: ai V, )Urca-« i:: >t nvv .»n .'u nkai 1 V? F- WiLsoi. ! llu * lit n'lK'l s fO!* .'a Hilt* j)t) th'): <;\- citizen ; J-t- c.t q, m H JvICK* 1 * !. 4 Ai' 1 2 •• 1, •.s .'v.Bi i Ol * : Ai- t . -: i.a;-ky lie',. 4 . : . c’l.i F> t . ’f' I ,\‘j ; j<l :• : V , 4 , ’ 511) {(S i 4 i * !UU VI i. ■ :.i (Jn . ns \ cU . i c<v : *• ilvihs me 40.. but uvne-ao. ..i in;o trw k-..--. : . . : ! Vl V. a ’ tin (Eli rt T . V: • ng koop.s • rv :n tin. Ih::.i :my ■ -J W -a.hc •• hut nnv. 'f . y -u Sy ; *••)*• rnriF io :.hiU!ov. fa! I * ’ roivpet alv.ro. T’oads iricd j nyoj!;/ pro divt-st: : : -l il* you hare a r.cvma! 4 ra-ct •*. -ay out a * cii«* «i a~’ >’• (itt’s-. Who: yon - t ait- '« ! ! ; :; " ran ;*{'H ; ua a) of mfd * <■.■• .I ot i•-. * • im- laS ‘-ike a •■‘h* inori* ii a lo cli; *‘.*i ihan i* ' i’:’i'( n --. "• : j orn ailueks :e\ *• a tk- ■ ' <hr - . ibs I<HKI lat ‘.a! I\ • VLikl:! iM O, ; the niimW'r <>l uuow- grown (in tin* j : j t!; *’o : rompurcci in il-i.- poor. ; I- sawdust a ratisfactory mnlcli to: strawberu plant 1 ? ini injuring (!>(• soil Sawdust help!. | jlO control ve< r<i err : T ree sort j ! i « rt. ti»tv of the i 'il nv prevent inn J jt:: •im neat inf* .tp d. trine the nay i jtlffH OpC Jl'IU.-d bn (Mi’clui. Imc - j I. .• ? not to cove, till' or. v;v <*t.j ! the i t- The soil Mmuld fir be I ' ivatr'ijiusled and then the Miwdu.-'i j t! carefully to<. tween the plants. | poi;m or the vkkk | T!is: 1(T OI making U Via Vns: ! Ry Vi iltium Homy Huff for AM’ •If .von try ‘-in hard 1 down trie i Von iaii'l't accidentally crown me j | Ami mit in on tlii upper bhc!f j j 'V. ,i i ulc tli.it r :i starter jI i iti nnkin 01 . martyr iV'Mj'ti making one as rue your?c’V. j If you think vim arc ;.U>v>- u.e. i Sheet t!nit tfniue.h; and try to love j me i ' And see what peace will follow i .v on. • Only wicked people lute iw, But, that is what they cannot do. J New Policy Urged At Hampton By Dr. Davis If Au j ■ (YY;Y v. -.l—. :ha»! " I O' ! .’it' f ianij), uu lirsi.tuti'x All "'.'il Ah:’!:’ ! : union L -'i t. •.'■:! .M. ■>&.' o'd numy irmre Hr-•!■:<{( t,> L'- , . Hr.: ot)iv . ’ .( i»h ~ ol: I !a Cl 5 I . ' ' : ’" At ii. m.i:.m’ , uni . ,-rh ;>.' An ’Hi.' I ’ I). > : -- ;u M ■ •■by - ri- ~t I’St ‘•'-rvi 4 .::', i .1 •• .• t>Uj ~d : v.T.ih . -"r.-.n ’. '.L-lcw s. L i i< 4 i" ’ •’ ioh.'!' s t *;,*>- J’o: l-l Co.ri .- Rath ;•’. I ' ; ; D.'V’S Old ij" YHI-'GI •!’ Ml" ' !"" : \ n, ( . , M :r; t H.’ 'u m:..| * 1 •■; .• i\ s Mi• ■ x je■ ti v . ■ ' i’l'o v. :{ KruiVilc. bn *!’,••) •• tj; •. 44 *'■ I. if.nil .U li A ta:V t.i A C*r'; a! or., as fi* >»>*. li-iB jv :i;., H.. iijjk ‘cm ' • la- ; r :u ♦ : Dextrose <kindy io? i.flm s i Vudrt n • I'f' -yvx, h .U §y ''S^ 4 ’ 4 -, : 7| pi h-r tv ..-'Cm < £, ; ■ ■ - i.O | f* % , sjp x'-'l ■ a ' 4 y >. , y T-i *.♦ i*Vi»■<§ +'k * y? /j| . ; V :., h k -iA fe ivjr"vx.-iS'- ** ' Sl&y-JM. \ P v - ; ’ ; a--4 A Hi I1: !• ,* ; - -c; !,' ’Xu’/i - 'l Gi I !•■..:(■ lu •'! t t(i,'S •: :. oiiiii .M.II : C-L-G <•;. :dv, '-o' • i ol, 1 !.’ pat kag *i,*ri.i:.- '\u the \c,'.. no i, F -.i i l.\ . ■ , St‘hi...‘r;,'.f,. pi• roii-nt of < urn-,: C-. i (i\ ( "O'poliV. I .-<•"■ . <i - 'iiM'.Olhl r Ii- of th<- if wo’!' to tin- An ieafi zurtt in G. I’mai.y 4 ’«'i <1:- ‘: thuti t., - ■ 'll «-n e’.lel j-cr* p!■ » ntl VitTi.■ : 4 w ' >;. i- I n-n. . n or th.,;. thev gel io i",g .'in, limited diet.;, m.-I i h-sts were flown i.ito I’. : 1 : 1, ’in phii.x 1 Tl-C; hiil.ifivt ‘if i-v ‘ Xii.’v -x'f-'it to. :;l!»- ’ Lh.lip! in- - t'or i ; . ii'*’. . ii, J') Ir [,r-. Ml! 'iti' • 1.- I - . • , not . Ml; H’.i Ant V. ’*: . ne.-ii • !.«• I: if!(r lilt '. l-"l'i CLt-' V' ■ • 4 '"’ lll. I he...; First Soap I V- : | - ■ W'S#*: ' T ’ '1 g'Tjy. 4 'A -1 R Era IN, GERMANY'- Two tiny t rauleins work ?xf» u lathtir with the first soap received m Berlin through the C ARE soup drive, G«r mari children like these have never fleer. hone-t-to-poonnesH soap. Hob Hop., xvho saw their plight when in- to abroad last year, is continu i'Ur to i!rye support of the CARL campaign on his radio show. The drive lasts till August 1, doting which time Lever Brothers will do mite ope cuke of soap for every two Swan wrappers sent to CARE' Bos ton I. Massachusetts CARE deliv ers Uu- soap to the children overseas. I SECOND SECTION i 1 *'' _ l'> I i u>’- •'■’ :r - •.Jy" \\ ~'T iZi T.:J ; w / O 1 ..J . |/''ITT ' ->•' A i 1 i.I you kni"v that, t > 5 .••■ i H'pu rt r.;; 1 1 o’.' >.v i.■• s' * ■:;■»■ v Testa > «‘.(imii!irtmlo)lat'B <>n, !K>< ov, > year? That fi ;■ ;•*• simply an,.v.d riv ur I win- 1> l h: a 'H'h taut, one lorn 'ho ay could v. Hi'.u-r '*B,. 2d.ti(»o.o*l!> de.-cer.- (U.t's in a si. ; .<• »«-as«n, 1 reMuved t . : .v;> nn ia-.n’t* • i oi V |, (l : ,h; ~, i . ..- s it , j tl ::\v \y\vv. I !)U*> away 1 i... ••.<!:,! itivT isolation which. he < \v,-. uh! ! ' 6(* our home rid of ti t' pasts f '• i:with r.ifct otto ii'at ion. 1 ■ ; halved leo a I* i >'!’ ei>tii.titter which 1 I ■■ n.h.l. and used. n’t h or 1• t herr-i MPUe. ! folia.-. ~| its msa spray* too' v-i" ;t was very I cnow that i 11 kvvp tnis ~ - *’ t . ' j ~: t _ . if , ",.... .I j~ . ! i t -, •> ♦j* ♦i_ t•sr* < n cn;: 4* s 1 31 EARN DEGREES FROM LINCOLN 11. . ... ■ hr * o NC \'< ho: 1- ! ..: hOl'liC wi 1- .Nr. ■i i; .d *:; ... ai r ■ <- nia ’ o litMf! Thr (Inroiinian!! W« C. Raines Elected Tc Head Shaw Alumni \• ic r 1 • ; wnii;#r; C. Ku in tv oi e. C'ii V V.'. ■ « 70Ctl' : Pf.-si ■it :.’ 1;:i' CU n«} A;aii:ie A?-.0-i.RUa'• i.RUa'• ir? i SJuixv University at iv .. ii'.i • n i ,; held !'• : Offds.y n.orn ;l; £ a f\ V- iIOUiS r t!'U? 01-ITE i, l . Kx* i'risfs. Atfy Rainc.- U)iivt > Sft. . Mi Raitu MKxveG Hit- Rc v C E • Or. i l ;n o f K-< * i c>lk, G' Ahn.i-:i Assoc’*.ifiut) f<).f t.I:E < fj;t ; t)H'K C ufec'UG Vv fyc. Or. f B. DayUu la-i vice prosidfei; John K. Larkin, oak’ ;'h, second ;-'t: v. Rt v A. B J<n ins or), i . nr<T Knur mon- ne» 8 worn and kY. RACK B \\ N in Pi bln: nillts FRANKFORT. K »■. (ANPi in . n .\! i ■ a letter v. Pirn h> W 1 t ;i,l !..’v’. -.iip' i’iuti ucient ot F>.ilt(iii (? t; Schools. Assistant Atm i ; (It • '■> i: : W. OvT-ti KOI 1 i » k •l.; t.d Ne*.*ro unci white pupils may -Th mu buiihiuy. lb- Pi thy ?t:«t'» !;iw prohibit mi.' :.h,' r.ice-. be mt t.nu,ht I• ’ .■(•ifu-i does not apply to the r ui<oridanre i ps -t le'iiu" oi oth'.-i public pro grams. AUTOMOB!LE UPHOIJSTERY We Rebuild Any Auto 'lnterior. Tailor Made Scat Covers,. Hoad Linings, Ilooi Mats. Truck Covers Rebuilt, Safety Glass Installation MOZINGO AUTO TRIM SHOP Dial 386 J Srmthfield, N- C. iiiianiniimutia'WiMiiii. ii i" n namni nn •>rr>w^,nruierw>/ti(Ht»s'if | iJii*wrv*wwvw.vj'iv*tTWPwersw>w, |l j''ai—waa—nwriOTji^<ii. | ' l *vnri«w ] mi<a>giiaaw»»v^wtt»*aMfr'r» HAMPTON \MM!NI in ih 1. BROk! \Bl RR H A IT 1 ON. Vm - Rob* ri f, . . .: .it • our,. .1 and * • ■■. i . in.!'.-,’ i t i*i> Madan* C J . W:. 1 .I .. ion*. 'ai n: Camp-.ny. Jiai..; n Ifmtnt' atiimid inistc-i:. . id i.> in ; iridia na i~-’ •t* SutmlOi*, s •< v ;wn ■ i:i tiio amni.il il.ii.,: ton Almr.rn Award foi ciis ti’ ’fir h<'! putdh i\:ce. Ho 1.-; a :i live of ihavolu! , Va. 1 1 iden: Aloiu •. G Moruii. in ■ ! avard at Uh. ;Vsav ;a i '.oiir.i i;es. , i,p id ■. 1‘ 7 d thr How *ul L.-'.v rfcma.-l y,:.adnati; as "the . . : ;• ia • iat • it. L>* ••It'ot* li 'hi »Ik* Son.:! oi thr* State ..f Indiana, i■ ■ * : * -o!. oi, d in iil-H. n.-ivion • ivo ! 'oo State i ’ Indiana in that r-iii:a.-‘H>- \VII : f!!-t > tir.rt as chaii'- ''o l : a on ti:-. * ■• I Ctiui is- and .iudu i.il procedure, 0: i iII r. akin; : era no, of !:.<■ :!:;.'P o or, thr fdy oi India : :o :'■ 100 .ibi. for i- •• !anl h t - : , -lit n ns live bill \o c*boi~ i ll till- trCC TV ;i{l ill’ 0‘ t'i i Hi H'lil ci’V Mwiai the inti U • ou\. ! "»o K.u Kiux Koiiul olfot-j : nir t'nn : ■ ynv.ul »>; aci'ice h\v Un .•• • ;*■* (? Indiana you have ' «•) -r tho Iml.-oEi • Ai . -.fi ui; :;k- awanl : v -: -Tv n‘ li;-.; for ih ach.eve ■-T • i vs . h;*. Ii of trust. '-i ' :,v a : sbillty in •- ■ ii-nr ’. *:t u !,*• •. c Uztins hi •• r-i li;.::. C •: Its: ytriU* tin f :• '■ 1 ‘ ’ ’'•! wortry warning Issued A ’ . w * : ihtslMV.’ for ..... o iiu . ] o.o.uoi* ■■■• . ■ or. ls„ : fir- i t; ~!'■■ ( ■ dV or-se was : a.n ; ;, • A ■ :a-. i! t.., Exprnnu'i.i . ’■ udij t,e ih ■■■ .'-Sal H. ii< ' 1 ; liti". • A .ip irui.ii vii l Fih i;i mom in- Mis iti roiM or kkvoi.t <>N:ir,v , Tiepurts or U'.» i , at ion ■' ■ ..-i vor:: Tii - ieg a - o•■■ j , ■ . n resit . aa (>r* Ihe i 'to of *• i' I* i iucr ‘.shi .i W/.-san. ! ;*c '.v. oi • revoil v. as te st ... ... ri li 1\ < 'Mi Jil : fWSpjpirf t. . —... I .m! - i i.o- :• d im! i; c.y.ecuip t* ; ■,.r.:• •i ’ '."’ii :■■■: prol C f. j.. I • 1 ■ V?;l " S’. .: 1 M.S? I. 01& !. ' Tl (■: ?./1 S. jt .1 -I.HSC ( .. Nrv Yoi k City: olid :?. : ■ iv; ! l. W■; ’. .’’i.’ii 1 t.t;..< ! lu. '• lii •on A.'-’-wiatii-n net'ip I 'Pt , ■ ; ' (i'-P .ii'!Hi;d ti‘‘‘ wliicit is 1 i.m I.l niiin irmnedlately I : i"ii i (;: < ! t,■ .* ScoiT'Ki iy, j <1 i Che- k. The fiscal i ; i! I iii i: 1h 1 Mp!: lilt: i:?U --j.*i;.;fit*i l.ta\ -ii N’ovrrn- SAWYF.R AUTO SUPPI Y •SEE SAWYER'? TN SELMA AND SAVE ! 152 S Raeford St- Selma l »if*«iij«ie i i»wiMirc"»»i«ii miwiwwwmti l , »ns^nmi»ig*pia—ii—^ JORDAN’S JEWELERS Quality Gifts | SINCE 1898 Sinilhfield, N. C. PAGE FIVE

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