PAGE EIGHT NAME CHANGE VOTED j BY CHURCH COUNCIL RICHMOND, Va. cANP> Mern*. V'Crs of |he •xnu! \v !’ ;*.i t 1 ■ >'■ (•'rgtfvnal Council o£ Negr-' Churches. ..Her i heated <i].-cH ■ vj< n, v oU'ti ln-t week in change its mane let the E'ln'eniMl Council ** i Churchc■in tlv Unihe! State:-. At its tra it at r.t tin? Fifth Si.-eet Bspti ••* ChttiTl! -'if which P •. C Scott i pa■■'''■ the l;i*at<l vof I to drop the word Nfrom tin «»r --gam/.ati >n> name Dr. W 11 Jernigan c ).■ •r 1 <w! Ilia! $7,000 had been era it cihu *• r. far r!i palvhasa ■ .. st(t tll'!l !l"nr fr i 1 a hurra ti n VVa. , -hin;*ton, t.» C To,' p inuuniei of the ment v would be i Ml,. f| t .Ml ugh f. >m ti 11 donoa niatoti" a to • ties that; i)-.;kc uj ' t- . i.ter ai can % Honored gacst speaker of '•« IP* ••tiii;: ' i the world f.imrns Dl. IV. A V ... : Up I! -■ ■ rot;.'.'; *>f the World Cour-cd of Churches, ('emva. S'.i'it.-, i-Hid D- i Il' .ii: hails from Tor- Nelnorlann. . Bishop II T Medford da peered j the sermon of Uv meeting 1- W. l.;n .a of !) -A ton. O D; Niitno. !! Bui I a II: •. I. ~f IV. ■■ Dougins- (.I*’. i i :;•! nart tin drrai 1 1 -a ’ ‘ A win -t tor. Dr 0.-* ir I < ■'a rare re’,,; ; -,r ■(' t.a .!< i’wr Church, .d o spoke Tee council vu fl to wi! l.nri/e the t ' : . ' ■ ; ' i-i dairies in various stale- The atix ilim.s from St. Louts .mi :• ken of si V. to ! . ■ Off trot /;! ;;,c council « .ii :■■ ’• thru- j"■ tions net;l O r t • T f* i c 11»c r»ov. .i *vl firac.v hi Louis. c.ic i:t; < «'v d K S' ■ TV-io r. i-XA A . t:is n. \ .) VC L:-Jo-ill' '* n-1 !:;« Rev .1 W I/,-, i,. ,-vs t reta. Rev R W. C' U’n.ari of N't -a Or- : Ir.ti. . ’.••••:, * i.; •D’jU * gOlii// J’ Bthoi - .Tana" C - ■-i I'm I \MK /.uv r i ■ : A a 1 the AMK Chun a ~,-d H / I’lm me)' of the Cbtueli o' Go-; .*».•'! Saint: ji Chi:-'. I <i I’KCEIA K iLSI 01 M . 1 IIONOItM*Y 111 bill S ’- ' LINCOLN' U l’i The Mr. per-.' r,: tv II n« |V nee a hon orin';. di w ■"'■ d '■ .. Lira oir. Cal versify Commencement on Tuv day.. Jme 7, ;htl) Mi Certriit'e lv A; c; a ,* ■ N‘ i ■ i 'j public selmo! the 1 A rieprec, ,1 Ri ;. vu (. - no- a it ' re S. Cole; Tat 1 ft S' "ii in 1 oni Ken: la M rii •*" t !■ -■ -. .A I '■' of t- r N' -1. b aid on disci ban; ,ti -a the L II D desna;. t'ia He'. M C'oicn m. , -v . . s, ' Ph ilip's p V Chnu-i; ti Hi fv-rktyi) at ! iii .da a of the Nr- VurK n, ,* F* rl j •I• •, fI/ , 7 1‘ ,• T ’ 1 > r}. - , ETC'. Th- 1 ■ .Lav If 11 a, an, p.r ta; of th'’ Churrit of the Mn.-'fcr, Ne • Vt'.rjc l',l -. ' . 5 H D Ltr e, ]•. i , D gi'ee s\\(v \ii)i;s vt riH»i\s‘ uni s •NEW YOIiK Os: .! t National A. r-'i ■ J - < Aa \ Hliceii.eii! of f a ed r- - ■ u week titter;ded ervie.-- f , J4v.- Afat'v Prit !u>cd Tohia-: wife Os Or Clrmntr.i' H Tom. ~ tr.-ari her of the NAC.air; of d m - tors arid of th' Pro-ider.t's Com min ion an Civ:! Uutlil aea •i■ ter oi tl j'hfdp .-V. ... Fund. Mi Tchi ;s til A. 0,-| Mac .’J h lone id ness. j roun; may <\\m: RFWARI) w SiAYIU I OS ANC ELKS ' A N’p \V. ter I Gordon. ,Tr Lo.. Aug It’ lawyer, weoitnced last week that he is calling a crnlc-'cnc: ea nev mm to determine who rhoal i .*et i the ?1 .CD re.'.-;, a for Ifie ' 1 :i ■. ii of tl'.-' r.i;ic f hi; a.o (■•:,!« u.e late Mr 1 Mi \A ~ • ■ . .•> .. Sr. It j.-. v arv'd die rev u.i ikhk" will be divided between -irs Da. • tawira Applet r ife e! V, dha- Arpieaa. rn of ! u iau c; n murders <>■■■ t* Mtng two pea. men about i‘ . r..i the two office: Edward Cai !*u .i Will;;,in it V. n!fe, vh- . rrcs'ed Apple!,' * A r-' * *"*' I oivr. MV ' Plfrmt A- AK AMHUCAN- * / t* TO IIAVr ANT> fAITHTCtIV ‘O * * rITI.NO nriM "'NT 1 ( TNf * a. * HATI *.M. IOOIIKH n» " jL * Ml COUNT AY - ITT «Oa ANT) MIMEAAUt. ITT * Af.T Y *. Fount, wuni • AND WUBUTE * j O. s! PAYTON’S Funeral Home ■ FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS 24 Hour Service 101 Cor Harnett & R. R Ave. Phone 243 Dunn, N. C. DafforcJ Funeral Homes AMBULANCE SERVICE ' Dun.n Clinton Phon ß 2515 Phone 9271 FIYKR SAVES TOTS | va n\ r mm w\\\ i dANKI.iN. V i (ANIL Th~ lisas of th ire lots were •an »•<( in ,i imrniiiK house at loyixe, a viilatie a ft*a inih'.s T>r-t of this (ouiiH scat. Satur day throne.h the thoughtfulness and. swift action of a nivy lly i'T, u was i<■ vralcd here last week. tli,. (lyt'i, presinnaliiy station ed in too Norfolk area, notieert that a house on the outskirts ot the city was on fire and re ininod a i.t ci.eted huv over the village to attract attention real then I'd > group of men to the burning liou : according to Vaniey <* iiHuitc, station agent for the \ irgiuhi Kail way in Soutnampton County. "Hilts action helped save the lives of the three children lo calise three ivas no one living near the house and none of us Lad seen it burning, i wish to saint him for his very (hough iu! ,ml human deed Williams said. ( K Edward .Ir , a mer chant and one lit tla*- men who wem to the tire, aid the house is totally d' - troyed. It per.ti,i |}'s a hunthi I years old. i-dwards and Hnjd Barnes it ent into the house and t rough! the children to safety \ftcr atti acting the atentton nf several m f ‘i> i-,i Jnvner, the Navy pilot Hew off in the tit le C ion >. ( ~ u'l' it, lie was Hvjng a fli'umann fighter. W.l- Itains rriated. BAPTISTS SLATE SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY SESSIONS . ■ lotAllc ;•,i S 'Mice CV;I, ■ (<•: ,(1:1:- with i ’to Slmda'. r»T boot riepaflrm-ht i et>nd<u;«ing. !i'-e i.inn i sell 1 vv . be 11 ■. i l e I,c • 1 *' ■ v, A ; =:an' i' |, , , l , -a, , ■ . TT -. M | I , ■I ; , ■,, Kai, ■■' C. Hy. 7*l.', " de-. -a . v.- One n) !h" r.i. . • i,t of Ire j "leetim; A'dl he ! tf,"■ p* ran: ; one jnu Ji.po H Iu open th< i„.-et,;ig - and < t.cgi vn" .! i.C 12. Thin • * itu»c (!-. t >lu ,? liffer ji to ciiii \» , 1 all tin pit Uusc parades V i.-m He •-; 111, T : :C i'he Henry Alien IG;vrj ;. , p Ad--! | tip is sending the Audorsnn hi,’!! 1 : i.'i'H'i baud 7hr third band in the Fighting Flies hy the Factory-Full *Mr mm y k € m ' 'mm W:!i ? . -, Jippf» '<is _. vv " t.Jm ”1 -'.‘4^ f ’ Mr’ 'IS, l. WfmiTzJ v 7- 4-f iHhkT Wmi ”-‘% mm - mm i‘ 'D- V %.t \ ,S. . : •; . %. *&lSk &:s M I PITTSBURGH, PA D«3ml to kill in her ow n conception ot work clothes (pedal pushers and sport shirt), Shirley Cullom demonstrates j the newest scientific weapon fr.t ! wholesale attack on insects Us: or electrically-compressed air, the power sprayer she wields treats £50,000 cu. ft. against flv'ir.g; insects in less than half an hour Developed i by Gulf Oil research, it adapts the principle originated by the aerosol bomb to large-scale use in food ir . dustriea. Its mist is non-toxic f humans, imparting no odot ;• leaving no residue. . , Don’t Burn t #* . fjLi MsSk v ; mhi r 1 i I - L Spade work for summer begins j with skin protection —against burn ing rays while letting in tanning j rays. Use cream if you burn easily, lotion if you tan easily. Pack Sutra j cream or lotion in youT kit it's ap- ! proved by the American Medical , Association as protection against burns, and a speed-up for tannin,' icngif - bund from Nn.-hville. f v m i P( ~•, 1 11• , v< F l"l i y *ll*€* ai'o expected to iiuireh m the p.o • *cicSunday :s; 1, -:n| !.ir-.:enu(.r,' ; pom various Fites wjil w-ar {•«»:.- l*t (:... pc»nntints. Fa* tK m this ycor s sum mer school >viU he Sunday School teachers. S’.i rid ay Stmool work* i ■■, , OiU. ciatiS. insli uetoi". BYPU rep- ‘ , (;-)itntivr ('radio 1 1 hi and nrima . y dOjMi tmt’n' work, i ■ ati.l others Di-po i tmv, !.* I heads will work. : their dopartmciita! piov'umis / *v. New mei.hocF *•! rciiaious e-.i* , licaM ti will i)C .-tressed and doin'n* st rated. iv \Ns Vs cm TO BE Si ll 01 ( Ml MEET DETROIT i ANIL The gottci ,d . r •( Mc'iv ~ . i f. -.p,-,i Church f"i tf». : jo will .. „y K;>n >■■ City The gem- ; deeiO"i: hei v in a meet ■i:u the (L'U'tCt M■ M'l'i olike 'ii,.. K,i, - (b'y hid va- turned ~ ■ v ( ■ i!e e N. H. Hump - I tor of the J aim-on Tc;n ,;r in Kao... City MISS. HERO WINS CARNEGIE MEDAL !A< K SON. At!-*. AML -- Henry Yi Me lain til ■> i-ar-oli! N, M- h'T- been .m irrteil Itie < atnegic f oundation's be;•> liH.hil fur hi- reseiie of I’aul I (ireeulee, white shipping I irrk. \pril i. 1911. The a ward was presented by \V if f <«iita itie, rxeeutive t itiuicel to t;n\ I ii’lding (Aright. Disirer.u leader. .Mi I.this hPrnism took plaee vt hen ,Mi l,am Greenlee And * laird rn.ui were .lo a king e.ib Pa -f in arooler mom and eseap m- c-is < inyttl tire and esplodrd. Mi Lain and the third rr.a ntiroke nut of the room without nijurv However the Negro heard (JieenierL iranlie ires and ih.iigcd into (fie blazing room in dr.; him lo 'atct> f'*‘>th were severe; liiniiid. .Mel,can. Hie nero spent ii moulh.. in tire hospital and vt as not able to v ork until several months die: hm di-charge ST. MONICA'S LUO! i ! I’ISESENTS PKOI.ICAM "W.i :jt - !‘n Lie Ti :i.r 'a , vrif: - ! act ritiy w.if rn the -lave <"-r the .st'cond iirn" Friday night when the Rf’sai ! Ad,a; fc'ieic-tv and Hob" SOT vt. 1 ‘he S: M-a:i a;- Ch'ii'ch ju v • i:P : t..e ii-aiT'ormi' pa;fai:l ,r, the Catholic Orphan : age aucitiorkir! PtOcCd 1 - r ttn* pluj -.* as -• short musical program on which "l,on- ! dopdeiry An'. - "In ft*' - .doming Toe Shi in" of S.un. Ceeniu. A.del Lane S ■ an.l “Down hy : \ iu Str-tl-e «(.•■ • Ufleie.l : Te. C ™,cd> winch wt,. direct., d.j hy Mi Bertha M ( ole man eon 's'turi of 15 characters'. Eidwanl \; P. Id*-, in was arrau■ a those 'vh,, pm - . tleipai<;rl n nthe nuisiral program | Others who participated on the ipicgiam and v.ho were character i m Floyd l Pope. Mrs Berth.. Hd ' wards. Mis- IJeh res SotHii. i) unci V; ("oli ..■ M : At ?i M Kfi- Wed-. .1; -ph AVeb-1 er. Mrs. Clara. p.,pe. irf Beatrice Webster Je-.n Pise, ,i. i\lrs. Mamie Turner, M.:-:- Belt.. Turner. Mr. Mary Lie Mi-- ThcJnn Martin and Albert Evan- ILL IE PC BILL REPORTED 01 I SPRINGFIEI.D. HI. (ANPi—'The Übnoi* F'EPC bill p. e i another huidlc Tnui'iday w-ocn Uv- Senate' ; judi;- s»ry comie-ittee reportc ’ it ou 1 with a favorable rec s mrncndation. The vole 12 to 7 with four, slating they were voting out so • that the full senate could go on re ]cuid. The bill passed the house 'vc.i; before lari with fil affirmative' votes. Support Your Paper! f l : ' . 'own I our ri^c:or- .*< - ! - Bap Handle Voursf'lr 408 ARE GRADUATED FROM HAMPTON INST. HAMPTON. Va • lUnnplon ; tit:ik. uinah'd 4(18 :-L.jeiUs on Mn;id.,-, mon,ii May .70. liter a vi • .wiled schedule "f Contnirnce ment activities. Two homed ?cv vay ■ • vi■ i received th U. S n - ii 1 , eecivvd t.*Ci' If i. atC"- in trades or agriculture, avotoer 89 iv awarded diph-may in tides: and on prison received the M. fl (’‘RFC O. Til largest class in the school s bi.-torv heard front i); Bur:!] G Gail;:;:l.( . ~f the E'er!ei d Set nI •• A e:mv an unusual C!,k * a lain ('.ite sermon, "'l'nt K!e- and ihe Chirk* ns on tin poerfa. of fiei.iloiri versus - o ity: ana lie ad Dr fra Dc A Reid. f<linin' L' bun 1.e.-cae. Southern Region.",! Coyntil. and Atlantr, Uni versity staff mtimber now heading tile ; lepartment ,f Sne.'olo” v :*». M.- i f.-, • l P- :T --• ■ astie .iiy upplaiided C'»in .i.a.morl - I/it-rs '•'T'is , Itlv Ul.l ..‘"if dU! 11 V >*i t> i ! i ;i K I JU* Mei. Live B.s In their S' lo: < L. N’l a ' Churches To Blame For Lag In Interest Claims Evangelist , !.. tV i :■ i.‘'< '■ o; 2 : r Li.. > ■' • <.'*.l •", J V f} ; ' 11 f SOI i I n«. \!!,. ::v G 'hr ?'• Mr Mackey fell iohi ■ fne " hih .-iil] irf'. a r . j}t ~( , , rii bin ~ In 1 ft ,n i. . f i- g. the ■ rn, :. withered aid all i». o-e These physical handi. an . , er, n e iv.t pre.venird hi- w.g --j in:- a ro' ir ; a >.! den - mined -si the e* 1 '• ■ ■ ' •'<! e.'i.i ‘ pl<- men's -••uls. Now in Raleigii for li'e next two I weeks where ho plans to make »i>- ; pearant'C'- at .several of the city's Bright Negro Future In America Seen By Bunche Tj.."H- f• • • !and et>,.n : pa.'li j ..; at;*: lv. :h' Aim'; I'legio in Via* main.-ircai.i of Am.' ' can U** ! , ,• three farts, said Or Ralph i P,- in hr of the United Na-, Uoi. - Division of T: us*re- hip n ( riin",oncenier.' idtlrcss. at Ei- ■■ facts arc the great ci-ni >• • r:»i it; e ■nccj>t ■ i the fo-mrlri of live courtly, txp essed in the C ". sfit.ii'ion. the eonseionee of Am'' unis, whip and Nc.'ro alike and i ■ sympaliiv -.f the wm Id The honor.")i-v ;'■ gree of Doe'" ..f 1.a..- was awarded to Lb ip n he it the Commencement Ex-, c.'i >si'H This w the .second 1.1. I* an f the seventh honorary degree! awarded in the history f E • Other recipients of honorary de- j -.•re are Dr WF. B. Dußoi- Dr 1 'pohipd Hayes. Dr. Percy Julian, jDr Charles H Houston. Dr. Gu i. . Myrda! and Dr Robert Red field. i jin -an American and I like, Ihe American way of life." sad Di Bunche. "i believe these u. id-, | nates like them 100. There is a certain irony tn the situation w I'i wEPch we are faced here. These Negro graduates of Fisk University ; today are better Americans than , they are Negroes. They are Ne groes ir manly in a negative sense ihey reject that sort of treatment 1 th;,' do; rive.-, then of then- bright i right as Americans i ‘'Reroovt that ti oaimont and th* n I identifiention as Negroes in the Aiuoric.m :,"i ii-ly v, .'aihi in-rw*,,* THK CAROLINIAN , . , 1, , ' STC -I ,1' nii >; Ih*'ri a ni w entrance to the r;<m rid lie;;l'd lilt ' St.udcn! u: C; i annoncc .•■elect:,.;; of James C Rlehai(r o: . ,!' Tu.ske;-e, . Ala , will g: id in AII".u:-t a Tiie Out.shin.iiti : Scn:oi of 1919.' E'c.rtv-four of the tins- were hon or graduates 35 graduating “with honors-." five ''with high honor.-' a.ui four ‘'will: higbe-t honors.'’ Ite roiviii:' : -a ; a mors were Mist Marie F 8.-ji.o, Gen- ral Studios Siimm;i N J : Mi - Myra F Mini (P . 51'*;':i E'.eonomie . Afkintie City N J Henry M Dav . . P, .s;r:.-- f’ai “n.. Kat; : and Mi. Marjorie >'. F).)ru!> Bn-ine—. St. Croix, v- . !.a The live a,*;!earned "high hoil- Kllgcpi- AV. .luiin.’i: 1"- . N("."p>•; 1 New : V'. Ja * ' ;’ >'('*'. ail r>i;-'U. •■* C : Ro; cl. Va : v.' Piam R Pr . t<c Bo | ini.’s:-. F: Reno Okla : Rwhurd !. I James F.diiont;.,". - D A and M: " AA' Wmfir’ui. ii'i/iv Kconomii' 1 (*-)<'■ n . Ale*. !.>.-♦ }' ~. f. U”. f imiLuitv g. \ j-jo (’i)ii'ii! riitO" nit show ;n> idU* « - v i ju them I b>vc yet. i><- <"'t , lu'T d. "to :.pi a ehiiT'ch which look ,i *. ilfi "i 1:i tor* i’> o- "f lL- P‘ ,i c and :! • eoilceUmi (Tal.r " bien -d| a wfll attended, strnn4 -it'd growing church. apingie.'s at lea ' a meaning j ' |.. SS ; , •i> i to oe of I'.iud sh. m . «..• G u-m m o- Italian an- i j, esii * 1 ani sur. that the a-pu - ition "f ■ v i 1 ; y :*T,c of y'-u o. to '•»*' !an Ar “lu'iori- tn foil mot a semi-; Arne-ran net a Negi'o-Ainerieni > . •m: fa)' ala i euu : I PJipo’.'! U it' . as an ii dividual to makf or bi eai future or ihe ha a- of indiv-dual ' atvo.y without the nn-Aieeriean; Miondicap of rape. Dr Rnnciie mid the -raouallug: . enit i • that (hey are a- entitled a thc next man to negotiate the i Tier of trie m dn-1 ream of Arnri i iean life but that the course is nol i i charted and the scboals of raciaii.-m , ' are '.till dangerous. "The American Negro suffers, j cruel di.-ab lit ic- because of race j i which are most Haul ant violation i ,f the constitutional tenets uno ; ideals of the American democracy j But the *-a\ in-, grace for the N'-grc j i.. the demoeiat'c 'wart) and woof j ■of ihe society which permits tlu ' Negro to can v or. Ins incesant and I heroic st m-glc to come into i:i~ | awn to win those rights, that dig ! nitv and respect for the Negro, : individually and collectively which ' ul> his brightrteht as an American. And. fortunately, the American, v.ii te and black alike, has a con ■, science. The fact that an individual Ne |ji o wns success and acclaim in ' America should not blind anyone !to the tact that Negroes s.s a group still severely handicapped, said jDr ilunclst “We are Americans PICTURE FOUR I PROMOTE!!) In April, 11118, Mrs, Kura E. Bailey was com missioned by tiii grand eommaii- 1 dcr-in-chief of the Antlered Guanl Department Dr .(. Finley Wil son, as major of the State of North Carol na Women's Auxili ary of Elks Pot hr servire dur ing (h«.‘ p- - t twelve months in 1 till. department, she was pro moted to I !, Col, State of North Carolina by the Grand Major Gs ieral Emerson H. Gray, in Wilmington. N C recently Mrs. Bailey is trustee, clerk : . art asst.-tant superintent of Faith Pn iivti rian Chttrrh. : a i re. tary-Uoa surer of 11 1 «;■ Atlantic Credit Union and has been for l !? vij.'iis. is a member of the cx ■ cuUve board and a membev of tiie edueation committee of the Rocky Mount Civic Forum, is treasurer of the Elk Choral Club, n blue ribbon seretary Mi/.p.m T> rnplo No. 2f>i) with a a-and nn Pinal button for her efficiency; a financial secretary Sadie B. D:tv:, p D R Coun. il, i. tro.ts : uiav of the Civil Liberty Chib, r.wiirding vcreiary N sii) Caro i r.a State Association, va elect 'd attern ite delegate by die State association to tbc Grand National Convention to be bold San Franci-co, California Ann s~L 1949 unci is owner and manager of La- . Mon's Beauty Shoppe, and a no* tarv P'lhlif VMs office., .-if ?!)!! Ka-t Thomas -S', Rockv .'-fount An a .MUftpetitive society The :*« ng ; i- hal'd even foi wiiitc Americans. ! ; it is harricr for us. : have firm resolve pe: ten-, i-i/11-,- I! ;y,:ix< | , f )■)(' r.J|-A until H i. no longer necessary to i h r to i e f-.ei that X ' was tiie •' ’<■ -ind X• -• , ;ii, a m,-,*'- of are (.! ■ » ■■ MIC vein age, the ’ mallei - I- rente simple w h,lever . striving SrK rificin;’*. nnd striiiz iT liU£i true for black \ni‘u wue, ; myth ng imp- .-sible. The barrio jof race arc formidable but they can he n mouo'pci Inbred the ee • :in he-tory of the Negro In this country -as h-< a lusloty of on tUitio.i.' relen!!eprogress ovci Cs- bam , ! u-.e "Old Man Riv r," f I.e X-gr. keeps "Tnov n along." and if 1 know my people, jibe Neprci ini) keep mi moving 1 : esolutc!;, along until hi.- goal of ! complete and uiw-j veml equality i is attained.” ”1 have groat f:,jlh th <t the it mi d vNiri u • all long f.v can and ■vi 11 >-,e achieved It - the kind "■( world the United Nations is work- jmg to bring about: 'i j■* r.\ ifi .'I peace: i •> Id in which | people practice tolerance and live i togcthci in peace with one anotii ;Or a:-; good neighbors; a world in >.>. men the re is full t cspect for hu | man re-ii s arid fundamental free bie-ms ff-r all within distinction as l m race, sex, language. or religion: I.) world in which ill men shall walk logcthe! a equal-, and tvitn ' dignity." \ MTARIANS von; NAACP SI PPORT BOSTON As part <»f 11m ‘eon .tenet-vc effort'. 1 <d it , member-1 ship “'■< ; ioiit'U brotherhood]; among all races, creeds and cultures] and. . , to fulfill and implement l !>. ,ic civil and human rights." the American Unitarian Assnc-a!i »r. at its annual meeting held here this week, voted full support of tie NAACP In a resolution submitted by the] Unitarian Fellowship for Social, Justice and voted unanimously by ■ delegates representing the denoin-; ination as a whole, the Unitarian Association t-ongi a tula ted the N. A j A. C. P. upon its ‘fortieth i verstary of service to the Amen-; |oan people" and suggested that its I -onstiiutents "aid the program of j the NAACP by urging participa* '•ion if individual and group mem ! i.iershtp within its ranks." The As • .mention further pledged itself to! | support the “common aim;.” shur-j jcd with the NAACP and to “press j far the realization of these aims in the Kir M iis iTRHifCoi rhurt W EEK ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 19-10 AS TIME MARCHES j' Continued from page one i inatTi- v ind a) • i .Ida < H ,ra 1 !or | Mue Fioin la*in 'solidrio* j 1 i meaning "the sun i-iops” when. ! llie run stands still i. seem.-, before j ! itv-ving south again . . JUNE -f ! Birthday of Je.i.on-on Davis, tec j 1 I Presido'it of tiie. Conte Uirncy, . j i JUNK 7 Daniel Boon ! lay an- i | nivc. ■y■ .f tin (li.y ho first *aw I j the i.)iue givci,- of Kentucky. . j ! .JUNE 8. ifisti the u.tieh quoted j | much maligned E out teenlh Amend' j m id ad''|ib'd by Congress, to Five | equal pro'- , tjnn of the law to el’ Ip rs (| ti - horn a n.J nsturah.vcd m the ■ ju. S. it foi bad* au> State to do-1 ! piive y person of life liberty i |or propeitv without due process | jof the i -'v ' j SECOND SUNDAY CHID-; i I-REN'S DAY Eis obseivatiou | began in the middle of the last con -. j tury The lu st record of observe . j lion w; .by the Rev. Charles H. j 1 . aaiarrf. pastor of the I'niversali.d j ! i.Y.mrh of tec Ror - mer In Clielsc.i.j Max.-. rhe Methodist Episcopal! | Church wa: the firs! denomination io formally recognize the day. 1 ike mod American customs it ■had ii- rod: in :ho Old World. ' May Day was the day which end-j I dren were confirmed in the Roman end Lutheran Churches The chit- ; , dren carried flown •- in a proces sion to the ehurchet First called I'lower Dev or Rose Day, Hie change from May to June is a nat- ; :-,ral lifting ,f tin date to conform ; 1 lire sc.t'-i>n of flower: . . JUNE i j Fee t of St Barnabas An 1 ■ i -so: i.:t o e'lid Jc ruem sponsor of ; tho Apostle Paul with whom he j worn on many missionary journeys.; ; One belief ;that he olways preaen- : ed from the gorp-.d of St. Matthew.; JUNE. 11 1777 Flag Day thfU C-intirieotat Congress. -ttitin J r-biladelphiij nbvptcd a resolution; declaim a; That the flag : the U. S. shall ; ire of thirteen stripes of alternate ! ' red and white, with a union of thntecn siur- ;>( white in a blue field, rcpicsciiling the new con stellation This -lag wi; first car ried in the Battle of the Bran.dy- : wire, on sept cm be i It. 1777. It was nr dr ;,v \1: .b.k:- Ro bcttCi known Bet-V Bos-, of Gii) Arch ; street, philndctphia, at tt»e i * qi'Csr 'A George Washington. j Tin su. nn PEori c n r fit BtlliV S 1 At,KING ABOUT. . . THE NKGRO ISSUE AT Duke i ; UnTver>!tv Div iiidv Sehool, It was j . reported ut the (. utohna lime:-.| ! Durham N C that Ft members of j Min- faculty ■> :! of 17 voted to .td.- j mit Nogs. Ces-nG A site:' n por* ' •rc leased i<-, the Durham Sun. Dur-! h ~n N refuted the artiele stat-j : ng that the Divinity School knew: r.'Uhin;* of the -atd faculty urv.-v | , r (i Die final decis on would | w li meet June 1. TH7 RESIGNATION OF JUDGC MAMIE DOWD WALKER of the! Dot h ns, .! o-M »e ■ | th Irv , of h'M service., after twen- | ,x- .« .-• r , AG V'llkc 1 tf'.y1 1cd ’ ;*i j h-! - ■ '■ ' r:, i tn ■> ■ itv-*'l tipp Her f of cdr*c*s hst • i'K Cn of pcrsoioh intn Hrs nnd | Mo’dainr. J M Hubbarci. -V N Am < v ynd mfiny Durh?*mitcs of | : r k:T or : 1 asey; am'otmeed for Father Day; W ). : Gdgn.-t. who visit vvd June 4 and j, m Hubbard Jr., from the School of Dent;-try in the footsteps of in’ illustrious pater J. M Si. HARRY I? JEFFERSON’S new ~•!> , * Hampton In litutc -tuioond cd by rx-coaching heads of great mmmo an.-i M.-0,. . Mm- tendencies 1 t 1,, hoped GEORGIA'S NEW B1 AC KM ARK j ilj nc'ning of Caleb Hill 28 year-old i . prisoiici wh< war- given to the- j mobsters willingly. ROBESON AND DtiBOIR'S back ing by the African Gmup in N V. -iorr fodder for the Klux ote- I r-.ent in the deep Smith. T;v KKK lin'd adve>'t into Gastonia in die; ! face of nation-wide mppe-i'ion to j I tj,,. -i.m at tins period. THE HAL-; LUB A GOO A GIN C H AIR MA N j DAVID E. LH.ENTHA7, following; the exposure of race condition at; j use 'Atomic" recently by the j i “Courici.” It’s not the '-■one re.ea- j i sure but "wunv thars smoke j Diiars fiar." DH tv ELDER'S IN AUGUR A j : TION. the first in lhe hi story of I ; NCC with a definite hope for the; THE GEM SHOP £ b«h.i solely G ATrlw A nrPArp * EMBALMEHS WATCH REPAIR AMBULANCE SERVICE pj, on - 216 J Fuquuy Phone 2881 Lillington, NC, CASE TRACTORS LEWIS SUPER SERVICE PROCTOR-BARBOUR AMOCO GAS OIL AND COMPANY KEROSENE Washing and Greasing Hardware Furniture Lillington, N. C. Fuquay Springs FOWLER RADIO COMPANY I Dunn RADIO and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Wc Specialize in Race Records Guaranteed Radio Repair Firestone Tires and Tubes, Refrigerators, Electric Ranges, Washing Machines. Radios, Radio Ballet ies, Paint and Hardware. Many other items for Atito &. Home FIRESTONE HOME & AUTO SUPPLIES Phone 2362 Lillinston, N. C. ... , im , xr -nr^mrmHnwia future M'SIEUn lIAHVES, hubby of tGioi.; 1 Garretti will receive the Vgrep of Bachelor of Law., at How uni Hu week past 'll Gratln will greet America iron NCC thi; yen'- and the only Icaith 'ill be tu 'he Htlne Ei <■ j uomics field with fiv. couting otdj JACKIE ROBINSON'S coiitiuue(fl| .vi't sp.ifkinp of the Dodgers and , ARRY DORY'S mighty Tugging far tin Indians. . . MORE UOWAH SUITS'! FROM rm SANCTt VJ I BROUGHT 10 hr: WOULD rm, GMT Os ENDURANCE My name was Carney i wa,; the standard■ iioarei for the Fifty -f. lit rth M ass.mb a setts, hi dir War between the Staft:.*y ! i t ."cri *he colors foi Colonel Robert Shaw. Sot three nights we had been w itliout sleep, Fur two days writhotai an issue of rations, But when 'he word vnrne that we we' .- to ! uppr-ct the Union fte i and lake Fort M';tg"<tr, VVe led the attack, boys, we led the attack! On one id< the trracherou?. bot iom'.exx marsh, on the other hand the sea; Before u; the sweeping line of the Rebels fire 1 climbed the walls of Hell that night, To giant Old Glni.v on the very parapet Before I fell t • a nameless sfrave I WAS CARNEY--AND 1 PLANT ED THE RED BLUE FLOW Ell. OF COURAGE AT FORT WAGNER . . This is still another of those who died that this Amoriea you love ; might be free and give you the M-idit to Hie OPEN DOOR . 1 AS TIME DRAWS THE CUB ! TAIN FOR ENDLESS COM ! MENCEXTENTS AND GIVES THE : GRADS A GLIMPSE OF THINGS TO COMF YOUR EDITOR W ' W STRUDWICK, Jo.: Glet.n Street, . Dial i.a in, N. C. Sul. \ \u Noll it* With \Army OSAKA. .?• Stugraur Author !ii in fjf Mr.- I.ucy Good |af fin pennon Sheet Raleigh N. (*., is a member of the 24th Infan ;‘ ■■ Regn --ei 1 r.i.w -r at ntied a* iGifu. Japan. The .'4th Infantry m Di part of the 2oth Infantry iTropic i Lightning? Division, commanded |:■ M,■; ; WiU'.im ft Kean Serj a * N>>llie is a Squad Lead jor in C.'tnpar.y A and recently ro j tin in d ' ; Camp Gifu tr am guard ■ In!', at Kobe Base I S' a M'ant N( 1 11 i*• < :d«TC.'i use A artv ■a- la!;,. 1044. receiver! h,, i*;j. ir 1 train ng a it.di.-m T»n'o Pa and ! departed foi overseas duty in ; M ■,ch 1946 j Cot'on. ,u!i in ihe lead ■ >n,j t«'vfii<- Hirers. - , ;»1 e. 57.4 [ need: in • !MB. eormpai rd t<> 58 t ”ttO 14. and RO f> per een! during ; the period 1035-39. Yifhj. Tbiityh&tfiA liy Bill PADLSOH r v l|Y ’z-;, a j ~~"j v _g.J' . | )pvj> Jrf ‘T/Ooks to me like these hifrh taxe are just a means of makin 1 erery • one in the country poor ... so we ran have the richest groTernmertt in historyt” • *il>HlllllllW l l l n -----,- l -‘ O’- ■' i ij. 7‘.~1 |fi —mu—: . SUPERIOR SEED FEED STORE QUALITY SEED AND FEEDS G E. Rome Appliance* Lillingttctt, N C. Lafayette Grocery and Market | GROCERIES. MEATS AN» FROZEN FOODS Lillingtcn, N C-

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