WEEK ENDING SATURDAY JUNE It, UNO Two Jailed In Georgia Kidnap-Lynching Os Negro ... i jPK a ; ;■; ''**sss w 4 .?... KSSfc ■>^masßßpMWraß^p.< ; . fralSl ** : ■ H* ialpiflß »y|| rxSrsw^M^WMAMMr i»oi hi i: i:\<,agi mf.nt Mi ;u«(i Mrs Otbo lli-'S) i>t New York City have announced tli «■ cng.igf mi nt iif their <f<snsr!»* *'t • ( Icnicntim Vherta t<» I»ou;;las George Pugh, son of Mr inti Mrs Willi.i.ilt Pugh and Vivian \lif >' tmc In Hol t'll j ugone W illaei roll it!' Mis. \mlromii>.i Malian Bryant anti the late Mr William WaUac<\ I! of \. 1 C. Thr young ladies ain tin' giainl Continued From Page One iwwmw sttKici't ■ rind ". •. v i ■ i' i riH/.< >v. nf Rale . .7 ■ throughout the (|iicst.on: • Why wa? C -i=: rri"” N; so ill unde: ??;.. v ?■• S.-It't itic t :.'■■■ •■• hn : nil! !■■■' is against him Wherever eve t 'Vllt disc U• • i ' "i ■ that the <ji-i;,. .a! V.'a not ; r !.- fjed I). I . Use t„ rra <■■: wis gt .' fur it. M.<ny even ihn’.ieh! t'nal he fhiiuld hav< pad ;he char.: •?• t'i IV liinr that at h': ’ ir. ■ . ?ir? i| • , nf Inr !;, • . .rs |, r; . i’i ('hip,* v .-itt-i'dii:;: i grahuVr !l <•{ il! s', i.s.lls f; .. i?V"ili t‘ll : v:? ,lj a i ::> ■ 1 ■‘ '•; Ur. f! -.roh'l i T; •»••’ <• 1 ' of tne 11>.iei mi'i " !)• m |. W..M- '•■ i staled that is a V 1 h: Why. Mi ( ■'. am: t.' the 1 a.-!'! I mrnr?"? ■ .' II - UU. I Ire n.i: I '■ < h.s/: ?: . «■(.!! ir (.<; il aiUI.T M-’HU* ■ic, t ■ i *** - 5 GOODYEAR mfi YIHES M(i HOW ONW' • • 111 • \HA Y 5 JgF Wifft Tour uMi g|pr otd Tir& '*\<Y\ Y PIUS TAX ' vSY 12 95 PRIOR TO AWL Ut \ ■ ——■ —*—■ —-™——«** • Yes, it’s the famous made by CiC^OO/^'CAW THt TI3E THAT RUNS AND RUNS AND RUNS! Here it is! The tire buy you've been looking for— and what a buy it is! Strong bodied tough treaded Marathon, Goodyear's famous economy tire, now specially priced to give you a BIG saving. \ PAY FOR THEM AS YOU RIDE. YOU DON’T NEED CASH BUY ON EASY TERMS. Tire Sales & Service {^H^) Company * 401 HILLSBORO ST. .....v>,,w.*. ■( 'W'.’.■; , . vp.rf V ' si S ' s ' ' ' • * - (f utyi'ifi ni the I»to Samuel liar r. of i: ili uli Y. < Until d.iii,lr trie wen graduated from Shaw 1 tmerstU Miss Clementine re - . ived iie ■!. src<- of Master of nee finin the New Vork - a.d ni six-Ml Work Colum hia and Me Vivian is working I'd {r-.a |!si" ’ail!' lyn'f They are new doing social work in the city. \ double w • ddiiif is planned f»r . ill.'lll.st. »*. ({\D->U:d hii thru' te.E'.i’. Ux'ui • cii-sr>;;n.~cil. shut nil agr* ta /;: 'voi! 24 wNns' Ecrvicu to the in stitution A inw pr.iple --aid tit..! it had rr...!', m tr.r vrmd for HIM Is Is I i l l I ()| : N-’M th. V.'H: o* >- ( )[> ( r t.hu v. ’i:uC!;’ • n : ' r -L\' •1 I V< • J ‘hE fihV’ v HfVA • t;,) -- jjr A cgt.r.. p:v‘ ;■. vl:!. jj i (’. ,(i {■; t v! t • » < > 1 *< ■. •. vJt • • :i S. hsS . Hh-.O- OU' ' brio. ;>ai liurru ut* ri.tn. ,uk! M/:*. A 0 hbinlm, hnr\); rn o aplnm. Apju NXU-,:/tr);. 60 deshists from HILL LYNCHING SUSPEGTSOUETO FACE GRAND JURY IRVVINTON Ga Two Mrln tyre. (hi. men were f 5! •v »I on del' 111 I this week on us, ii'ion of minder in the kidnap lyiyhinc of "i-.vear old Caleb Hill, a Ch'. i-is Chalk miner woo w,< .-ihdoeteJ *j "io the V ; Ikini on t onnl.v .1.1:1 lost .■ eei: ond slain. Th-- Ivo ■1 0 who 01 • i.n.t':;- 0 • • (SI .is .-11 -05 :•!. in the ca , (' Malcolm V. l’leree. 2V. and Dili".'. I•. I or\ 1 . T. who arc ■ ,■ lectio ; >'i■. u and «. case • v nor n . vi :y •0 Mi Inty :■■■ Tim pair wen- arr. led follow- II: <1 ( leot I*l.l If: H'l • I ' ! O’. C l • a s'-n probe of ihe lyw.lium Hill, ihi father ol .0:: t. chi!dr« r ar.fi the : oh? ■ upporier of a w f.- . •sistr; •-. mother ami erippied fa *hci. was takes, fio,:' tie j- 1 1 early i Sunday uiornim. .... i> rich, d fol ■ 11• f'<• ifi !\ Nruri) i\> ■(’»; U-C. A( voi d «:. : ♦ b': Sh'V.ff . hn'.rhc; who uuklu ihu nn \-l i«\-: ■ iov/ing :'u; disturbai vu, v.h: lynuh itig <ippnru .11 y followed rumors ; iiiiU Hill hod killed the- iiiomt. The Mimors. lie .wed, oppomuiy . b'trrned from a tussle in which a • hot wrr- lireci while 0 . vvo.; ph.ic- . Hill room :n,e !. Tiw •. \ aicnee t.::s. n ! th. !\>. ■■■■ :r.f'i; wru, are iivlfi in tl: ncjiir.s >• hr |). o. «'ii!> d to a 'ii . sc •1 n of the Wilkinson Ct only Grand .hay on ftme H all parts of the state were piescnt i< the two day on, wiiich vo ; eltperilrcd the best and most sue- Cl s:-fUI in 'OL history of ' a -•>< i- H v. Kenneth R. \V)ii am-', nn-io- Aldermen, the delegates were ’.vel - tc i by I)r. F. L. Alk.ins prcsi v o! t a- Wile Pm-SoU in T .ich • i.'f > 1! 1 '■■■■: The response war made ' . r ... ,0 (hty i) o, i So. ;' : One <..f the outstandimj event •f . I r.por I'. Dr H D. D. : - C chief period servira v ' :c ; n C: a O . t! Vornin., .-Vdie :,i --'dc ’i |iat ties. m. ELDER . f’lEGc.o. but iii:- 1 '- (-uitr.ibntrs b» «r-c ' •m. o (level. y.i V'-' V s '-■ 1 oit’iP* .)[ E' lUfl wib.’* “Ou '■ <’• i* i’C .1 . .’•< »' • (' •' • •.»• * ‘X'CGiVK* • !'»|; i. p r>; y A h’-Cft OX* ("ie li . iodivi |i..l >•’ : in ... enewled .<■ and ysiin'rocnii lh.it' ;iC: p« NiiC( ( ' s ami h.<r.< n♦. ; jrientiir. d with tiir weii-Ln'i.ur •. f the group wilh which he ,o • , late . .led r hi M ■ I- od •hi lily in 1 . ■ i:ri; • f n 1 ! it i c to*, cy |'• ;ird ■ -1 I*s if{ ■t ■ .o’ In acti in? upon the p." d fortune 1 of other I.' I-. h, i: VV lii;i a• i: C o pel ! 1 ji l . ...i.-tiiiguioa i. edncalor. pre - • i.’iitrd :hc i.e.v prr .ivn! -a-:■ 1 1 : ie yn eels of ni- ffir- : .<■ e : . i darter, and the s, d. t-H Aiil \ !TIIN I (m;s About 24 i degree.- won a" need >1 Norili Carolina lmC.-O s ~..e,u«i ; nine occinent ■. xe,. Jenatlinr Lianiel editor of Hie Jl.dc. '..n Nee anu Ob tr.c: laid g.adu. ics tfr.it N./rth Cai'ciia.'i offer' a it a; creative job In ■u- ; .'an si kil :on.-'!j|c foi well- .aineo yourm men end vromtrn The edHoi fi.'darui thai ihi .-title ir a syrali-.o •or many in the quest to- freedom, m the world and he deplored > iforts of people in other sections to make the area a symbol of ju-i tolerance. "Arl'.'f nh.j-f for freedom," he to o gradaates, “v.mams in Notia C arolina " m:<;i;o i'i m.isiii ns v: tut the'i* OUtstandir.o cor.'.:, . oiitions to the adv.incerner.l of democratic dca.s ,P4B 'i ,■ .■,trt tier: is named for the publishei ol t. f; "st Negro in America. Since she dinner at v inch 'no. Read The (larolinian! ! “DON'T Sl iT KIC HOY I SCI FT It t' l iitj bleeding y. c. pye ric. .. uicers. euri’./oile, gingivitis, mouth. cUtosi.-: use HAY DENT, the amazing new dim, i tice with herb bar.,-. S'.voer an breath. Pleasant tasting. Send -2 00 for a 6 month supply. Don t delay! Send today! Satisfaction or your money back. Order from DAY DEWT. 260fi N. 7th St Phocoiv Arizona. . i-it: enlation will be mad' on Fri* 'ay, Ju’.i 17. i.- in ..o i v. ■il h. ii ■ i led :., u . ! f ret* 1 1 . f’d ,nr Mi... animal an. e!ir,; and a ■ i !i i i>) ii:i . ■ ffici.il . . i • nllr.'i' I;i:r f: .o ' !u am'i'line i■., thr pi 't: . .uu • he n cvL'no'fl thm far. Mr •.. ~ I,; :,..(! I bo. I. Il W:, 11 - .( 11 v . cm t.il i’i:i'.a. .;l I u Ar.n r .. .Ul Ni\« > ,b: b! | ■oi •: A••• i" - ! ciaii'ii, v.'fHil'l add"'-'' t in' Frida..' Hit . lull:, . e In’ > a \ e i.i u ill f. Mm ' mi,, i: v. till AN!’A nr .*»>■ at it -f inu 7 f 12 ir,'miit? piia'is.f: naib : n ". ic.", pv. : Inn i m: 'ry ■ .w:. C. ith Ml,. ■ Il !!. I) . iis vice I'.'Cciint 'i NNPA, c.;.- on n ; if AN f‘A " •i: : uil orpm;m.itimi in hi it. (idrri on-; .i;.j .... Vtn k in .\ i ,i. A pi . e.'ia '.V - set r. ... u ' vl; \ f.inu'. Was un t rite .mkit tiw tonvei:!)'..!) B M IvieK 'lway. p • -i*i ni of : the American Society of New.-p..- :’er i\ iiiors end eciin'i ( 1 th. ’•Voshu'.;',t.>ii S'a.. v. i’i sh.'.i ' . 'll, : . our. m With Dr Munch. . Mi McKeiway ap|)eareu on a nct i , j iii *Ti j i -1 ... * i t OUli.c, efoTiberoVZ f£i (Unc\& The government' nf V.'a siting ton has encouraged nveryoo ly in J recent years to run crying to it j with every little trouble. They have come awfully close to turning us into r, v. holo nation | of marnma - babies, m. ies and f softies. ThA country was built by men with guts enough to out 'I their own. nvu who rii.in t cm Uncle c '-.ni nro:-’"f them fro.-, every bruise and bump. Today it seems as if n.Miedy wants to t/ork or tigiii or I • . ir hrrathe without a “gnarante.-' and a feather cushion from I'm !e Sam, If we don’t rvatcb e?‘. the y !i --tieiana will get. m vigi.t we u they warn us deirenfient on . | the n for everything in iit'a, God ‘ c,v.i,:.)i iv* »-• t.U * COOL OFr WITH CKIAMY RICH ) SMITH - iM LVILLE ‘AH.K r-Ci \ ) The whoiewme h'-citb fomt ihc? ./ibs Coll 2!'H Or Homs Delivery (a ISCS! isl f t EXPRESS TRIPS :| if NO CHANGES lWay Fare Irr-rrs * SHORTER TRAVEL Tins. RSIEtwH * SHOIITCST ROUTT ..(fN ... g ?■ * A TRAILWAYS FEATURE SERVICE Piu , T „ g| SCHEDO’.rS ||l Leave Raleigh 5:00 PM-11:00 PM $0 Ar-ive Wash. 12:25 AM- 6:25 AM g?S Ar. New York 7:15 AM- 1.50 PM gi| Other express- den'irtufes for Waslv'ngtnn leave at 6:30 and 12:30 P. M .. Sit Union Bus Station ".S>Fu r| . *-V - n l"<i-y > Phone 5536 ~ j U liTgfltuwiysl. - 'V. ■ Y. s W M ck• irmmGi stk: -sssm • itm* Corolina TRAILWAYS THE ROUTH OF THE Ja... THE CAROLINIAN "ier> y * t I’IMk'KXTH PAGEAN’I Sr? .' !•••: , >?' Cmv.'i Hie!’. S,?m : f. ... vet " ‘ I",; . v if.it, . Y* •, 1.1 ;: i (c.'ve N. C lit the corn. SEEKS DISMISSAL • Al’Ui' ,{ Li.slims of i • i'Ju!l Middle U iif d\ V' '*! t I- (loci • their i i;.h•' d in *nc - tnation ;u*d ihc Ntm (i .:s liofuiuhl! t ; : U'l’h HiU D • 'Gig Sr‘ ! Ji.-*. i ; 1 : .*• ' TnC ■ ?i. ' /U'l r-i i "'XL?. U-.'-Jl t t;U Kiii'j Eoli* \ii<i l’ri» Jdiletl l ’or T sand KtV YORK ( 1 t'Y 1 ATf AS, M.d'.ei Tb'-'i I"''.- :-L'e''i'. t,.;y . : Meg... . ■ y.mhi. wus t ill. . ■ - I? ■ in two V” i : v . i• i 1•j 4 j ~j j ei/di "v ?' of Oid -u- s::: 400 lioni Uh‘ Uuiid duriih-: •h: ih'HUa u:ni ihuiiV t f<r 2c:'v i»\ l ! u' do*:.;'- C. ■ ,i Scssioru OuiLu, Jon at*. •>, vh'JC; !rn: : ■ {[ Ms \L ■ L h-jd (" i sVO-"! t.‘» n r *. iH.'O » n.i’Y *.-t Give Father a Quality Shirt for Father’s Day, June 19 I 'KpA i v> y % 'M />*’ V jr Es | w / 'P Jr ./ > : ' \ f A JT .. r » | WHITEHALL 1 v . i , ■ “ r: S Bg It *if i ' vi v •; i ■ •'***'• r '' " s!s ® w THE WHITE RHOADCLOTH SlllllT UWE iif iMi'imnn FnmTW cornu Imported Egyptian Colton is Richer. ..Softer...Smoother Stronger. It’s worth twice as*much a- domestic cotton vivd in even higher priced shirt?. By Actual Test*—Jayson Whitehall proved 60'” stronger than shirts at even higher prices, That means it wear - much longer. And the sparkling lustre actually gleams more brightly after a year’s laundering. Jayson tailors this superb Egyptian cotton with all the comfort, fit and style you want of a truly fine shirt. Come in and see them today, in the popular 'mllar styles. Si, i s li 17 $0 .9«> Anri only 1/ py/r/r/jr/z-cOr/P \ I V "EASTERN CAROLINA'S LARGEST" «\ivt: coi N’n utc i'i iitiTS OIT'MIKRS K ! Vvi;i As! I’liilT, I H ::: li' i, d < i. 1 1 1 1"•.•, nf tic Wiike ('.i;, 11 1 v t ii;ip|.'r - I tli An rU m it'd ire .?■ ol".'lions whi.-'t were condu'-; .! by I ' "i. i.uii'.'ifiiiii nr Tiici.tl. O'her of!i c| rt.r.l n-'iiUt'-! IV! iv. VVj!|i,:r,i fi. (.Jr.me.s. fionorm y cbainn.in; Hero'rl i . Pilse.. In'!* 'i. cin i r ~n. Gci ..":c S’ Riutsdnic, (moil'd vice-eh.i i man: Geurgo i) •iinn. ••!>. trenarr; ? St, Haul Car I, : Iren, recri’t.iiy, a d S Jh.nl . oi\ nsfiMant tien.ni. - Mrs. Lviino WASH ANY DAY! Why Make Monday ,A Wa h Day When Our Machines Make Any Day An Easy Laundry Day. USE OUR HALF-HOUR LAUNDRY UMfep- .•• Me .•> - , & - ~ QUICKER . . EASIER . . CHEAPER HUNT-JACKSON Laundromat 413 S. Blood worth Street W. l,i :•, < x-offi-n, member of '’xc tiVP eonu-iittoe Di iaToJ' o! Die h,uitcr include: iJn . i'U i il I,sim r C A Dll I'l. 1 :s I' Dov. ;1 .i'll 1.1 1-1 . iH'iiici 1 A. C'lDm •xi>!r in i; J!> TO Fuuuay ?*••'•*!• l,'.iUi!)li,i, \\ C'li-jMi Tiimui.i Term expiring 195.1; C. A. I mini ,1, Term expiring •! = “■; vti .foiin Prsim> i'orni ex r i'u ; ]'C Mrs T, (' WornM'S - f'l.v Term C xpirim; t DA2; Mrs. rl:r B Seymour Term expir i •; l? 'J, Mr A 1.. Pu rio 'tun - T> • m expiring i!). r >2; B. W. Uitigii • Venn expiring 1!>52; Wyatt T ..vlor ’I" m; rxu rinß :a.s2: Fred J. CnriK.pe Term expiring |tf!>2 PAGE FIVE

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