I *s. Jjt& , * 1 >*# i l 1 ®*flß ■ ■ : -’f ! a| lifer* H &***<:?*. f |3| Iffß B B|- «^ < g^^Bß93HWK > ■aHWMWBBS r ' ; ' ' ' : ,•• *• . »• '• H! l. v nifjaafm %•:>.< ' ■’ " •»■• •• ••«. :-,u' t .r -JHKI ;> fjpw' "WTjw *•• 'iMP ||Kfl|Bi§@ Pip p pkh U’l'Oi.N I I I) 1U \.N N Vl’O' MS W illiaiti i Lt e ol Golds-- i*Ofo, firo Duly i y Ihr I irst Nrjjro from .Nort.h 1 .iroiina to be up pointed to tin* Muted States Na val i-. .oen above on 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm»r CAROLINIAN I PHOTO Quiz . iWl—MWiwiaMr w&mmKisi'.'m ?jmxt\ T:u-: mvl; . i. WHAT DO YOU THINK OS- KAMTfIiS RfCRS •'. Ti< r. A!. IV, il.srii s, • I. IN eit-lir Ti.,,!5..; ... ■. ;o T NOrtii Mit-K. Director (.1 In; Lu iji> nf;U .Music lof City Scl- ; hij ■ The faculties .is* lit ? <h<;i: '; 1 iVCi eatiidoii set “*> 5 • in.olftinaU: *.r a u «j svithout /. me r 't\ 1.. lcc .itllip '.~— -*-■ "1 (Ui.,. :t‘IK! THOMPSON tru.se ;.!>,■■ 'S' in '■'■< ■ ,! > >• v. Jthout tilt* i * pt.i ri|ui|>nn t.’ ;nd ► xvvef. :>■■. ■ - -'I - ' i fi; , v. : ■ -iw ' 11 ' The .)!■': t". i •• > ■ ■ ■ i.\y to M .ke ■■ ■■■ A !■■ ■’■ fcpttf? '■■• ■ Oct - Mr.- LA ;!> VI:-• Am ■ Kl ' TAt'e< oi A High Si ho, "The I»» ii '• : :•>•■• < ;»(U-<ji;..tf We have “' . Ulficltnt i.c-*- ' •’ ■" illf U: -'U worktrs» are •.**■■■»'■'■•» - t he < Aceik '-t meet fit * ? m th< *ty i ■ ••- • •' ' 1 ' J adecjuiite .nd • • !'" ' i* 4! 1-* * < ' {l to ..jc Pullen kali, and i>< von ntje'd f> ; ri-cic; nonal »■ .>.!•:.■ i->i . ••pu tun I’ark v...: <i-■ •d -• '■■'• nt> I ■ <!’.. ■- '■> tniiTins. none N<• '■•• ■■••.-> "‘ nan-cri n * m ■ • ••■,■ ■' ■ ■ ; tr:*. piu k. «- lit ta. i ' • Pet, "Tlit* ; 10 Montagu. -.A ' The i'ac !• 1 4*. —. HILDKH uvt: or solicited 1»' a* 1 ify I 1 ' recreational purposes. I'lw program | tor each vicinity. . aseti on the; i'.<-« ds ol : : n- c i;■; out.' . -i'■ >u 1«. i be divcDpcd and <U*Liiiod ‘ the t':t.s V ret reationnl progi am Mus Marjorie Williams il()t Ka-t Latte Street YMCA secretary , "The facilities are very inade quate Th>‘i e is a lack ol trained pci so!.- l u>l Thei e in e i‘■ > 1 "til 1 1> ■; v. th which to '.'. oik Til* ie is <Re j solute!. no equipment. Trained personnel In all Helds and plenty; * f equipment should elinuna *■ a ; tot of the so eallod juven-le delm-j quency. P "Chavis Park cot*id tie great asset to tin present sot up. hut i 1 here is no equipment to oreupv ■ the time of lie citizen; I think that wo should have access *•> skating rinks. bowling oHey.-. sand pit.-, and s .cirre Pocahontas Jones, 613 Walnut, j Street, Wilmington. Sh.v.v ytudent. -The facilities are much betfe ■ than those w< j have in Wilming 1 ton. There wij have no park, ml swimming pool * or any facilities i to take up oui| leisure time The. Citizens are a lit lie better o f than we are in Wilmington. .MISS TONI B •‘However, f do feel that the fa Ci!it'.es you have are not. adtquau (Coc.tinued on page 8. this section; tlie if-s. latklnit to Clarence H. maili i. -a u>c - t SCO i i s i.i.y. Young 1..«■ «* it us jfjjpoiiiti-d (.<» tin- Anulimv In I niifri •"■Milan Wil ii.ini 11-aivsou Cl IHinois aSlcr hr hai! M'liii'il lit out ol a possible \( TIVG N.v.i’l* Hi AO Hoy Wilkins, assistant NA \(T t \rcu*ive sreretarv. who its named acting lira:: »*■ the m, :m *7rtUnn last w—l'k i-i tie i.oaril ol truster; to mi,, cl u 1111 v tin- .ill seller of Wiiltci Whilr > \<ruti\ i' secretary, who lias hern mauiled It 1 rats lai er in als !., ' ii o inadequate. Hid*''slatted and id well thsu'i ,tiled. Leadership ■ Hiked m 'areas vhe;e most need , i. A survey iiould be made n-,1 ai * , s and .11 fields not tin •j * :■ ctdt’vation should be taken DURHAM fas, si ■ Condi;*,fed iM a: a.ia . : ten s*< m |; • .-e the Si ,1 sv*, WK ty.i.ircn at Durham for William W'‘i'tv!ov Strudw.ck. ' 'v;'ll th, ;n!y Tiain i.i : Soho: 1 . and t.'AROI ,*' N - TAD coins':.ns tvbii v.a.: killed i i ■mi ai.toroohP-. . * deni near Ashe ville V. < i t.: a y m.pit A i "e 'i . the .ie tele: 1 ivls Siriniv.'icf. ;.nd ! s wife, Mrs. The! rvt ■■ i, ai Il f.. n enrolltc si i shM;, v,..(" i.'scr: wnere they hud planned to six up iiie caranm' Mr. St-- dwlck wi •• air.mst in stantly .kihed the result of n herd or- collision wish i large tmll *r '..in a few anion oeuside oi Ash viilw Earlier he had been asked by ' **• 5.*.' -r -0 ■ v afcx \ .a-'.•■•- : SbE. jS&k\ -iM.'<■%:: |5 -•- r ' [ -t '■'•■• TO VDDIUN.s NRMv Mr ! b/ itif'th A.ill F.dwards, assistant i vtfotit r scci*cUiv> of tin* Amur* Pu* i ani tpal vpca.kcr at a trn - rtial ilintNT «>i tin Nnriis < .-i -libu 2 Freed When Ga. Jury %s Claims Evidence Lack Rites Held For W. W. Strudwick IRS jtmnt. i<: an ROT( ( lassili.. ration it t g .vtai to Ho\t ai'tl l niversity students \ student at Ik.u,nd when uppuinted. lit- uiSI I'lUei Annapolis in June. 1!)50. -Cm V-soeiation <>l Negro Re gis-tered Nurses, fur., when they tn< ft ii St. Augustine’s ( allege -it Jinie ’ith. Her topic will he Horn .iv, l n.iiiiilt il North l* I; ulilia, I H-l!e IRWIN’ToN. G.i Gis-rs . Jo.-. Lee :': >,; true to H x ;ii Iweek o' ; a \V lki ll s.*rs Genuity Grand Jury i.i.d 'i'.ie'd.i \ l hat t:; * - 1 ' t.- was ifi '"'ftioiu c i.iier •** bring to trial tA • * Ale ini;, re whilr men vi ho hid 111-: :t. ...••'"d i the kidnap lynch ing (it G: leii Hill, ,i iVe’gro Gild . in:;.*- ■'.s... >. n. ■ ■■ : t I-:i'!i 'run Pie J: i'l l . rat u on tin* The tw • iiili’ ••;<•*; Dennis La .... i Pul e ii?-yci.:••••!;, case ope ••tei. a.. '.'iUr.ii ie*' 2 1 ye. - In •i. irietan. i ..' Det.'n ar ’s.i i". i, d.. .■ i':,!.!.;. sworn •)'.iv by o' -J ■" .'f .slum man. , Ti'e s-- .-* i. ids ued allei as,'': tun L\ tie Georgia Bureau ol Investigation following which H At. Kpni'Hii, GBI agent i; i-iiurge m tin probe had d" ilareo that he hu!i i.bt:.inert ''enough info; ;| atl* I) t i •(stall) indictment' ' Irr.ined: followiin-. the gland ' jury mnrig. the two men were k lea eii Th. Hill i. m hing. I;,. to si 1 liM'i lolh”. -d At .1 i t of t • sou"!; . silk * ,i';cr ai.u sade , 11 ,. : I d a fan .I' Ol ~.li(- pt I'SOhS. Is e s I ssaeOll U 1 id ss ■' ■11 ' . . 1 si ;ration in Continued on page 8, this section :\i ■ S: iad wick to -tup at Rich mond Or to pull over to the side *if the roirci to get some sleep. Jn stead he find decided to attempt to dr ir through to Washington drs. Strudwick received min r tiuid and huial injuries, in lh<- crash. The funeral services, which were atlei dot) by hundreds of Dur iip’m resident:; North Carolina Col• !* j.’.e aluni. iie. a. d members of the *' isv.'cll f'.lunty school ivs.tom were conducted by l '.<•» Rcvori’nd B. A. do' ns ton jas tor of St Joseph FvlJowing she services interment m i' id * ,t Bcechwoiil cemetery. 1 Mt Sued\vi*k who was 35 at ; the tune of hit* death, was a na- Cvntlnued on page 8, this section * ★ ★ ♦★★★★★ ★-¥*¥-■¥•¥- ■¥ V ■¥£ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ANNAPOLIS BID FOR YOUTH I THE CAROLINIAN 24 Pages VOLUME XXVIfI KALJKKi 11, NORTH CAROLINA \Y KKK I:Nl>i v ( > SATURUAA . JIN c; l- i 9-1 L‘ No FH- TV DR. DAVIS “GUILTY” ■k k k A * ★ A A A ★ ■*■ > ★ •* ★ >A A # ★ A ★ <lr ★ •*• NAAGP To Hold (State Meet ASHEVILLE TO EE SCENE Os STATE NAACP SESSIONS Chari !!■• N C The Sixth ! A! "ilt Li. : N..; i' t l.'aiidinu Stale Culi ifi'. ot NAA. 1' Brat'u-iu - u ill t'onvi'tii. in Arheville. N. C.. Jun i ‘2:-: an I 2-t Hsii-p Buford F. Gor don, Bishop of I (it- Seventh Kpis* • copal !.! s'; i A';v!K Zia Church. t't.-iivei t.-e keynote nddre.s* Thursday evening at the ■air B-./vvos Teir.ple (*MK (?htvr< h The -1 ;i)! • x t ,ii< ! (' iy .! Rj.UU. IHU*‘ ‘• I i.ttc-*ri V is tv- l\‘ the ni o.4 ■ n'.'uhiot? c< iiteroncu evtc- JhUU (T-.\) -'m B. Ciocont. director of I: . ! • u. • -• ...•::* . : irt* v. II discus?, the National Office ‘Program :»i u Objectives; Branch AdminLstrai ni and Program anal l. ; •• Political Rolt of the NAACP (■ i> t]| AAC | J problems. Additional att; act ions of the edt: * iciia i i t.»gi am **i t .»• r 'niort a n . Continued on page seven Ist N. C. Negro Youth Named To Annapolis BV t I.AHCVGi; ft HUNTER Nineteen year-old William Issac j Li'<- Jr. is tin- first Negro from, NT ith (’atoiiua to be appointed to he United States Naval Academy. | !’* '( ■■ app' i iiy Curigi'c:: I ■ Ilili Willi ,in ; Daw on of 111 it:c*.s: 1 met WJL.'im i.. TiioiUton; '! een '• (’.. in - in G id boro i, iiy i Pl'iursJuv cvetiing. He put ts•: iiogf -oda asiiu while vve iniiu*' i til- iiicltll'e Lit* has recently returned from w,i'ie:.*:!"u, [j. v. here in ;.~ j 1 studeril at Howaid University : While . ' attendance :u the Univer ■ *ty. tie took the HOTC Classifica l i> ■: i Examination and made ltM •joints e. l ot a possible 138 When told that he couldn’t enter; ; VV<-1 Point until Ufa! Lee en.r.e . i Annapolis because he <onl cl entet | the Academy m June, 1950 In the 1 meantime he plans to attend Ad miral Kui ragut Naval Academy and ; r*'pare foi the Annapolis entrance i exams. POST LISTS PLANS TO ENTERTAIN LEGION The Charles T. Norwood Post of I the American Legion will be host to members ot the 31st annual con vention ot Division Six of the North Carolina Department of the American Legion during sessions of the state Legion convention which will be hold in Raleigh from I June IK to 21. Highlights of the three day scs dons will be aGo Getters Ban i fftie; to be held in the Haywood : Soda Shop Saturday at 8 p.tn.: Memorial sessions which will bo held at .3 pan Sunday at the St. , Matthews AML Church; a ten Sun j day at 8 p,m. at the Legion home iat 416 E. Cabarrus St,, a parade NORTH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKL Y i _____ * ... ... .. w , t s \t s riinnvK k iim rai ItITl .s l‘allhearer.s are sht. a n leasing the ! Joseph Atll ( hureh with the body of VVil- DJI LAKH GKAD Graduated ti un I iiiia. : High School in 1941!. Willi an-, was a Mu ch nl assistant ili >!'.<■ u.i -in dt . parturient Me acted his teachers by i ; teaching •physk-.s and chemistry to ; portion.', ot tlie overflow iud<-.'.t u- Uy Hu ms! i urtor.-. tutored tiro f 1 \ ■ /liny alter ichuo! in oidt-i !' ■ )u;t)ilt\ him I'm his task His jjari- Conlinued on page seven Tarheel Roundup KMi.lt Is Al“t’OlNi MI NT Li 1 Hannon will report tot duty a- agricultural extensii r. • agent in tin* vngm island.'- by July first. Hannon. foiiuei R*.*i kingham! County agent, v.ill i> t m charge; •'t the island's i-m-hioh program. 1 1C; headqu.uli-i will b«- at the ■5 pan. Monday; u Dutch dinner .Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Legion | homo: a dance at the Bloodworth Street VMCA ■ m Monday night 1 and the final business . e>.siotr-. and j election of off.cel's which are Gat ied for Tucsda;. Officers of Division Six include !M. Hugh Ti iompson of Durham, j commander: Jerry Williamson 'Durham. adjutant; Mrs Sarah Marsh, Winston-Salem, president of Ladies Auxiliary: and Mr* V.o --j let Pullen. Raleigh, sccrci 'iry. Plummer Vines is general con vention chairnmn Clwirlc G. Ir vng if coftini'.mfler t.f th. Char! s, T. Norwood Post 157 of Raleigh which is acting as host. ham tv. Mructv.icK, Caswell"" County teacher and CAROLIN IAN columnist following Durham funeral rues which were held .Monday. Mr. Sfrudwiek ua-- kiilrd in stantly when hi. automobile col lided w ith a (ruck near y»n far-■ l, \ a., whue lie and Alr~. I lalkiiii* c • A last talking dejmt. r.heiiff saved the tile oi ,t,i yea; -am Koheri I ee Hales in a Houston, Miss,, jail. V lynch lient moh came to gel Gates, bin Depute, sheriff i \ Ilryam out talked Iheui He l«ld a ’ uumbei hi armed men” that he had a ritinihei ot siis[>e< is hui at mi* utile he did not have the guilty one in lu Jail. The mob left. ; Agricultural Experiment Station, •' *■ i\ I r * hi* fn-Kt Negro ■to initiate r . -„r • an extension program n the United States oi o'i.v of if* territories, j Graduated from A. and T. Col he joined The North Oaro- I tin.i Extension Service hi m;is» as -a fai tu agent and held the post ;oi full- ’.one agent in Rockingham I County for seven >* ; «r The fir t ; n gisiered cnltU’ show among No ‘ c.roes io be h( id in the Mouth was 1 under • upeiv isi n Mi. H mnoii has served as gract uate assistant in the agricultural j education department of A. and T. and will receive his M. S degree j .jm agricultural education later ths i month STATE >5 I KS OI T The Stale of North Carolina i* : | seeking' to dismiss the action brought against it for better public i *- - ('hooi facilities hv Durham chi ! ZCfiJ. The Suit, instituted in Federal •.■‘ourt by several Negroes, claims I 'hat the Durham school district : and the stale agcnce- arc not pro ! vidirir; school facilities equal t" i those provided for whites. Alb rney General I tarry MrMul j lon claims Hull the claim against trio flute i-, impossible because the i*tab Is n t rCjpons.bJc for the conditions complained about. The j ‘ board oi education, nor the state 1 * ' Strudwiek were enroutt- to T»el aw ire for the summer, t arotinian I’hoto By Shephard Negro Hou Finds FHA ‘ ! WASHINGTON Federal H<-.. ■ ■ Housing Administration Corn-. ■ ni.S'iouf-i Franklin D, Richards ! . v\ c<‘k tola a del tuition protest big. i -wia) disci imillation in Levn ! j, i IK-*., lute Long Island hous- ■ Img project. Unit the FHA is •■rif.u --i ti :.l” on the problem ot discrimina-1 tion in FHAinsured housing. "We are neither for disci iniina- ; superintendent has any authority with respect to providt ig buildings, • t vi.Ui’tty.-, clas.se.', or otln-r matters : idlcg-'d m the complaint to be dis criminatory. Basis of the motion to dti miss the action is that under tile Con: ;Ration and statues tr.e : State is not responsible for pru ; Continued on page 6. this section U. N. OFFICIAL HEA R D AS LYCEUM SPEAKER GREENSBORO “What we as 1 i Negroes suffer now. all races hove I : suffered at some time or another, ’ j • Dr. Ernest Kailbala, East African member of the United Nations j I Tiusteeship Count'd told his audi ! ence at the first A and T. Lyceum | program of the summer session!. “We should use this period of 1 suffering as a period of evolution-1 ; ary preparation. The tune will; j come when we can enjoy the ben-j ■! eflts of our present experience." | “The American Negro in Infer-! ! national Affairs,’* was the subject i ■ jof the speech by the chairman of ; the Social Science Division at I i Morris Brown College in Atlanta, j j Dr. Kalibala claimed that the |; l future of the Negro is to. jeopardy 1 SINGLE t ,s COPY lOC SINGLE r . COPY lOC WAKE JURY FINOS GUILTY VERDICT IN FUQUAY CASE B> Mn SHI.'PII ARO A : - aimed and ur.iiov ;/;g ton . r>f V\ aKc. Harnett o.f\T Prai Kiln i Coimiy re- tients lte.ii «l -t VV fkc ■ Co'iidy Super; - f- • jut y A; r; K An verdict of “skiiity' Wf-dne day ifiiiaiust 13*’ J V)‘ t*i* • »m j y<'iH'-Oid Springs on* i - «an j (lUirfii'Cl v\’ ?th pcr 1 *)v ; iim f .‘?i i which sovne -43 of the doctor ' ; ITT (■ J* .} J) fl t )’•;>.*.}. ‘ (, t . • ,i . ; , i,, I ;.’fbr silo* th(* CStC't'Ul 'ti \Y!t it i hti . 5S bi ld in i Jiiui'ijiAf v\ aie • ns»s sci v*‘d ' 1 ‘R. 1 i io<* (*i(U‘riy piivsici^ri ' -a.i s 19-year old Mam ~ l.e.use c*of’ a 11 Ntjoni of Ssiiford who * fold tilt* 4*olll *4 f) .t sLp », ,J r . to find out whether he couid ;,f ' t-.* halt her pre,...an- CcnJinued on pa<r» seven sing Ban ‘Neutral” Rut; not we .» b.M H. Ric.: '■ifds told the group, according to William O.tter, chairman « f the l lommutoe to End Discriminate.! in I.cvittown and leader of the Giect Neck-Port Washington-Man ha-set btanch oi the National As oci.ition for tia- Advancement of Colored People li: repp; >nre to a derm u tnat FHA appiii.al ui* denied builders practicing Jim Crou Ms. Cotter quoted Richards as a.-.sertir.y thai it would be •presumptuous ot iiiiu “to decide policy on such a controversial question and tm» “the president is • orisidering the problem." Richards assured the group that h- was “very sympathetic' to tiicii ri'quc l licit the FHA Lai rc.-.t active ooveniirit from leases and deeds of all FHA approved homes, and indic«>d that such a ruling won] be forthcoming from FHA headquartei ; vy-ithin 'a cou ple of months." because of a luck of specialized | training in schools and colleges. “There are. for example, live institutions of higher learning for | Negroes in Atlanta, alone, bid all arc engaged in turning out. teach ers. No medical, law, or profes sional schools whatever ' he as serted Paul Robeson also came In for a scolding tri his speech “I have r.o quarrel with him, but his remarks about what the American Negro will do in event of war removes h ; m entirely from the ranks of American people of fame Even if you do not have all the rights tier® in the south that you have in Mexico, are you going (Continued, on page 8. jst section). k ★ A

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