PAGE EIGHT ; FAYETTEVILLE MRS. BRYANT RETIRES BY MSS, t V CHICK •t>e isn’t it. now some peo ple -mike impression? that will last t , • •er anti how others make in;- p. ' os that are z Sleeping as the «.:• >n a. , a-at mn day We ail i: ■ •• pevror;: wb >:n v.e would • v ar.t to foige* On the otkei hard, we main t*£l"orts to d-ieie • alters .from ou: memories and the " r.« . ’ fin the . - -v. *.■» rr r~ be r nc* mure prs? '! •••■•.• .- a. i\ J met a: - oub If it#- lady whom ev< :.' • .a' tr.wo H v net U; keep .- h - i,i mind 'aid whoso lim r - . a: worthy emisL'.tlon. The, ■:' indy : •:• to is r vt; - D. A B ; . native a: 7exa- who ce ll u niter t. a r.• y-i ive- yeaj-- oi St • u*c ■>* the F::v’teviilo State* Tree'.run- College. It was May ot[ i y ■; • t t 7 she nt ;de known her hi: utton to leave schorl work. Kei ; : deeply rearetted her atsk-1 this deiston be-.wjse of her un .. • r and genuine interest in the I PHOTO CENTER 4SI Hay St. PHONE 3777 48 HOUR SERVICE ON PHOTO FINISHING COMPLETE LINE OF Cameras AND ~ Photo Supplies FOR TRJ Amateur OP. THE Professional | fill i i DIXIE PAINT & HARDWARE CO. We Have “It” Can Get “ft” or “ft” Isn’t Made SPORTING GOODS—FARM AND MILL SUPPLIES PAINTS 109 Gillespie St. Dial 4119 Fayetteville PROCTOITBARBOLiT; CO. j Hardware, Aihey s Paint, Farm Machinery. Building Material, } Doors, Windows, Nails. Cement. Mortar Mix. etc. 27 Gillespie St, Phone 2080 5165 \ _ __ _| 48 Years of Experience I Go ? Into The Bicycle Repair ' Service H. R. McDaniels and Son WE SELL AND REPAIR y | B CYCLES MOTORCYCLES, if If X 7/ | LAWN MOWERS TALKING jf I V/ | MACHINES. AND ALL KINO I / OF WHEEL GOODS 1 j on go out ip,a; homes ihat may not give • %i£<.juate imptu.- to guich: .-s . it is probably irj fault ot th- .os ,u hut our economic conci.lior. make it impersibie tor many mother t : remain at home. Both parent- .. c | compelled zo seek employment and r.t the end of a long day of so si little energy or patience is let! i •• counsel in addition to this i status, modernistic trends bt-vt ikiei che young :nind and there :tu .-!«»•. ahead if effort-* gif i ! ; blended tv direct the live..- and ac ’ uvities o> young people. The tme has g n ? when %'.'>• i home was self-sufficient from the 1 point at piodi.i:;r;g t«»* — thing that i w.i. consumed there. Cornu odities 'iic •produced at pouits far ay.iu For example, the kitchen rang* 'might come from one section o: the; ' country, the i».indrv faeilitiv* fro i another, un i likewise, every house-: hold item results from hundred-- -*t pec pies efforts poold to eijusp t-■ h'ir.B of today Is. ju-t the .-a!, c ■a ay. the home is no iom-er sclt ■u■ i. t a cuidieg and dit the lives and vocational pumta oi coring people Many people is. ctl to help in this great ia-k. "Mother Biyiivt." :•« she vaiic's saw t! • :gi sat need e d , avni-roustj pave of h*>r time .;ii •r-ergy to the tii.-K. Site wa • ever s."i be. -g. To listen p.o.t . • • ■ , . i t minute pM-s'e.r. tin . vs. s : n-nted to her. She diet not Maun u» have -1! the answers. Shs- ■> , enough to n ter th.e i e g >. n.tle shv contacted to tin in • t * sources she knciv tor soin;: >n ..• .■those problems that \vc:v out of nos fic;d whether it was a pros o. ns chiic-iug a v'-cati one personality a j iustoi, .- r ' oroolem of academic acute •:. cm Fayetteville State Tduci cr- C .nF ■ i f iet an UNFORGETTABLE CHAR A TER w: - M ■ I! • ... ; ret nod PEII>O.\ \i> i Rev and Mr, C L S!og iwis. ! P- mce tno’vred t North VY- .t, ; Nortu Caroi , vVtds Jm-.e ,Bt;> t-.- attend the District Mi . : n i aty meeting of we AME Church. Mr Ot:- • u d hs. l.s yfrs. Annit., H !; Revere*,-> l. R p: use tu e- shed at Smith!id. N C vVedow-t.i•. Tune 8 1 Hi- cht>:i i u-her-. went with him. \i vn iii\f s issnii) ON CORN CONTEST N ith Carol in:, V campaign to "be ! Virus's ;u the corn conies* tiot 1 i; tifjli t.S !: s v, ~t," , ■i ;, . tributed iiusiV: une end of tire State to th •• other Cowes Os the four-pai-.e leaflet. < otiiv d "Virginia Hv (ui, .iu<- J as..- oeing (list: ibuted by Gov •.ee The pnoli.-ati-.t, tv a.- picu.uvd office of 'lie Stole College Ex • o lon So: >. .ee Conic-, m..y u • ui *t*iill d from the local county agent.' vocatioi si • : og PM A com mitt, ehian The special "corn was" •, . ..-a v e; s.gncd ;,y R FiaK* S);:n\. (uniir-■ mar ~f „"e;.; urss H •:.> B Cuid wr!i. chau-rnan f action, and Frunk " Du al-, '...i!. i. s,f puldi'uty Al t' r ' "-.pC ru. the t > ;•* . ■ ->j thi , they a.-i:. "What are .v. go "VVc van sir tius von test.' they alu rsc ' .V, have tin:- land, wp !: eaci f« S' u.f wiil lolktw the five-t-t- «> pro -t'aiti on least one uv eh sciu tilts ; l.'H; nvCiage \ iclsi foi (he entire Stale wi! -suv a Ta. ,* . dr moth', s Wh\ i.ot let ! e v!.'.;..'. •' i.vtuc;, will placed on 1 ! hi,' - .-e, ' day S's made it blip; ,practice for :«53 «v- our year’ Fata Or s Jay i-vr'icc, os ceietna ' aoiu yhould he a rein rider of ihe re- pon-ibilit iv- nr' a!! f.ithtr-. We : rsi.'te had a few iathvi s, u , n y to dodge their respovuibiiite.-s with i It-seie oi dostgu'i.: the em’rticsaenc , av, ath loiis.w I'vi ieii;. May ever; father realise : hat the tamiiy is a very important fact i" ir. sociely and the the dts t»nv .>£ ‘bt world veil} lie affected bv the decisions ai *:i t > !:i*s..- - - >f BOOKS iOK I'ROt.KI .'-SIN I S 11 u a. Sc a, vs ■ u ■ i Start. ; Llv iriß t*y Dm it* k" *.t rit *. T* ; vi ■ . : k Htti.v ;h w ' E* cOUi* : v. Bow to bre-.’k Eg.- >v»;rry Habit and : CKiv.iy ci net hup pines.-. Albert Ebmew gw- r>: Oolh S' ♦>*’. CfiG-’o-; • ably niinti ; r :d oi broad cttttural background" it de -ei ■. e- ■., ;eu attehtio,.. Mr Msssri i , r-e -u Ams; is.: ~ S -e! i s opflv cu-Xr.: vviln . me (,f ‘ s h 1. j". problem- of ; • . Frank B Gi'Prvib Ji .1 Er ’u-e Ci.i-vy :>„vs it- Ch'.iiS's I :• Gii Mic to ib".e !; i:, •11 ’ ■ 11. htH*• i anu pi!ticl by t;:• v C>i: ■ n*• 111 c< 4 ; •on College RugEe.g a- d od;l-.’< v * by | Aiv, -u.d H Tav'pend T d book ' ‘.•G'ttG Look 1 thl THG.I’G ijj Em cl Ci Dm of DDb I'OtA'c ’GgJ ]y, ,] , •i • t !;t>GKf ss IN Ft id H I IIP AKY SI.RVH l m> rwyi For;- . s ;c ~iv; ir SILVER GRILL Hem? Made Pies s.:.,fy Horne Cooked Foods Rev. D. Morrison Mgr. 115 Gillespie St- | ■ Crissie’s Beauty Shops | Fairmont Fayetteville » ( Thompson St. 113 Gillespie j We need your head ir our i Business Crissie Mclntyre Prop. Arthur’s Seafood Grili 537 Person St Phone 4S9D • Wserve you anything fretn a sandwich to a chicken dinner . Mr:- Ora E Proa MOHAWK INN Peaceful Among The Pines Parties Appreciated G. H McDougakl Manchester /cild ; ' Aid 1. o . '\"G • >' i -,t \ i: ". -• ■i;r■, ,■, . ciiities and u tala re - - and better ho rar;. ,gj tquipjnent and fa ora ana m a There r- a renting 1 on Ou-* r-A: on - - g oar p .:b --tic iibrar • r v. ey- oi :. < f ■ just momioned therefore gg. oj > : o borr- wcci .V: y.i • bo ,(•*.. r:ed gg yth' V pe>'Mj‘ic may rave oh -.j .. aL PK VVER 1 OK Jt'.pv and i'v nf •• l 'nV‘ee:,-raV.T Vi faithful mil! .nd -at r . hi i Go r i '.Mm. in ...|> mi.- 'uv"'i ITif'O JUS ". , TS; , ; ■firm •; :• , ■■ ■ u ■l* r iMi;; Ti y T. i mere vsh I s-hcarteu i n . - T • pi- :,e." n . ■:•:.■;.•?/ as ; sur.-.m e of Thy Gra Ml u-s > > Li :i ~ •■h . v .?, ; o ; and a new faith eg* e dav> - ;J arc abe. d Mow rnay -yyaie to:cry and »>r-;ice front G-.xl ’gg Fat?u* ? An on FOR SERVICE J. & K. Market Grocery and M«t.i 1417 Murchison Hd, Phone 2-S9O Quiet Tactful Service CRUMPS FUNERA I HOME Mutual Burial Association 515 CulbTeih St Day Dial 5476; Night 24iT UVLNGSTONE RADIO SERVICE HOME AND AUTO RADIO REPAIRS 113 Gillespie St. Fayetteville FOR QUAL ITY j CLEANING j DIXIE CLEANERS 214 PERSON ST. ] { FavettoviSle N C. j — J | CAROLINA | Mu sic Company } mnst In I INSTRUMENTS j RECORDS RAMOS I And Instrument Repair 111 Anderson St., FAYETTEVILLE | DON’T COOK -~-C ALL 3-6 426 ancl D RIVE T< > Crissie’s Drive-In Luncheonette Where Curb Service Is Performed and Delicious Foods are Prepared ANY STYLE ANY KIND ; j. h Mclntyre, p-.-op. 1903 Mufcluson Kd.