WFEK ENDING SATURDAY, .TUNE 18, 1949 WHITE ON LEAVE; WILKINS HEADS NAACP. , -id mm#*- >^.r <; 4 JANFSVILLK, Wlm ,\i<!.-<! hv Merritt. L. Walls., who helped Iwr pert V-i-! • im • t i>v>-.-r ! -»ni invention in sowing si nee tin.- • uwuig in;’.- hr c )t<( I f,” Vi!i .. i; ! -iw;. Birmingham, A i-- Pi,-- ism new •‘ripppr,'' a uaugr: which fits any Revving machine (haver photo) ;«> t romo 1 . ■ nuM-hii ■ vn -■.* • ?>- :r, < jiffy, v itho it V ' ‘V: ■ or to housewife's temper. tiaJiut Is being maun r- >•• by >---!!tor.!• com pany, an ss'ii’iiiv <■ { p. • re- >. !'■ • C9Wp3 ? 'V, rvirs i i*vro?iC'v* is \vjft; ; o»f army --any-!, an.? Walls ss ~ set. grant. on his staff.y MEN'S"BOLD-LOOK RING CC? i i . >.\, ■ ■ ,yivv BKAl"ll f- ft \i 5 \I J V■' ; t \ t y HKiAI i . «aa|,@* V anjjiww’jrW i ">u > - ®w p 3Miii, MOWS , \ • ~ If/ ' * J '■■*'*" \ '~ s mm r ~ - : -»- '■'y,v| %irmlr> I "Ifvl vl Up I iUv/ *n ;. tr<r n '^ lnv ftame sp,; * sFjf I/-' \ ,•// 2 *. 3*®* W wp^ Its part of tile new ~,r:: t!::f 1 !/ -'. , *l '•• •' !>M' V' v. •!i'y(tni-r •!;" )Vorii I v Lrn a {Hi slJfij I f a S»l«a.S < • "- i ■ IVm I tLL "C". " ! ' ■. T?kt the Wheel.. .Try tbs “■ h> ~ a! Your Ford Deafer s Today! ..j§>_^ AWAk&FD INF FASHION AtAKRT 0010 BSWt AS THf ''FASHION CAP OF If# YFAR** NCN W To Honor 15 Top Women Os ’49 V \SI 11 *\ (' TO M !) i ' T) 1 •'.* National rGiinai of Negro YVoasen n . ’ K '. y n '- ''it'll UH‘ <»t tuio h A'S’y »: \v-Mt Jum* iii,Th uu'; 1 :inrlji; ac)Vi \'(HH h! iiunnr ?hn yr.-r UUB to be !.' ::, !<'(_ d on j1 ;i I 111 I ! I.J lit'I 1 (.s' .V'. ' •• .•>:*•' -• '..•■ • ;X - .■.vX ■ ■: ■ .• • • \.£*. -y'- •; v . ..'•y ' jjjp 'A m T s»* iNSpu? / ' A -#< -V;:;.: 4;||, T T .x-y, j vl| . • :«$: ; s> -■.'.y ’ : ■ ■*'•■> • T' ‘nr?i •;• *i i h#> ;>a• for • .•!' \h e 1) • - vie St.iTb CliurcT.' j- : V‘,it < •. i 1i V t i i’C!;! t' 1 *, Lrf Lg pffy,f%.,% 1 ini!* f ■' i -'sT* ■' ,s Jl NGU s S! UJ.ui a.N 11.— . American infantrymen haul' r V‘‘" V';* 1 - r ' , “‘ la O 11. t.sngipfj terrain in tbo Kcroie advance de-* f 'i' m ,he )ii,< ' sr volurae of the Official History nf World War 11. " •;■■ ho fought teanal ffw >»>t f : n' y 'vinninc an island ey were esta'oi-«hirg pattern f "' *vs toe Pa -he War'.- Fr-- t. ab- ~*u ' , • by et. H« ward Brodie. « !> IQ4P I .p 00 P, M . :.t 11,I 1 , • ' "Mi 1-ou c, I'jl'i V'Tnoii Avenue K. W. In itmiovnclng he selection of omen ! il.-uwivd. Mis Mary rP f.r, i o‘. liun . Fnundrr-Presi .b nt (.>! ir. Cou'v.l send, ' these I i" 1 ■ e Lilt .1 :\ ■ 1 hpl i I the iv. tii; I: a;-*. ,■ ii • ;-t:l of the v, • nvirle oil oi tin' world who f'l!S, •••; 1, !■<:■ il world of peace, . 1 ’ r.iui . ! ?ice ior all." M i ■ li'iu ■ v dl (ire:, on! i ach '. 'li Scif.dl of fi nor e.tlnv iicr ; p-u tb '.ti.-,. - contribution !•> oui Arvr, j::, j .n i. uUur ' ’i i ■ , .■ I: < i ! i !>ii- out tarid s' at lon il rwa.d are follow:: II '! ,1. Ai 11 n i cl.-. io-l'.id .'Hi' hro vTrt !w • V Mini !., pro ii - mn,:| i outi out i 1 n . m the i 'Old • • human from t>>.c- ~u Fl.e :. IPil.'i;. f. S. Cunri'o- ■- '.'.-Oil-, e I", ;.(•! c; I'.llglll ill ,1 .!i:. a : ,|e: M',‘- . ail I- urdutor in the lie]'.: of '-diii'.'i!i"i: and for tier rial I.ii:--|i!ut'\ foi lie piwnin.-ncr in the I'.- I "I (• ri< Ip n and for itcv • • ’ol-a lout: a s.civoi 10 iiilloamts -Mr-e i M' liir -» I'M aer '.li ’’ a and a- ; the only Amena:;!! : a "o-n, to -so, a o Olvinpic ,:oIJ i iltvra s. .ai : id fli t nmiishod am ( : , 1: o- r,o if i . ..... ~ | ' To. ■ •w-. “ ’ • *'• v w -- .v a. v vor\(i t:i.oon i or i.roi<!\ t . >) ii, * ‘pmx a itl>. puli s .Ml: 'lll -1 In s iin Via u> l.rt 1 iia !' :• in ill pai.i of the c<iuiitr>. ui I i-r. l ) actJvilirs i,\ veterans .laroc-. ! Vo « noil #•*■’-.t.« ... li.ileic'ii I-. wnrking liutusti ii Si'' Il (■> a i-iii i wider jKU'ticipl.:ian « hi id tV.ii il I i (»>< al n| the iiilei;ration "I -the Muingii I cpiiinum i-s into sn-t artivities is the filing an) !ns uii -quad tunvn ‘i.<n . with l - ‘e l ( i inniatKlrr tli irii s<• Irv •'w: Oi- I'ctin (Vo era! of till i World Hc illh <1: . .til- ..!•■ . Ro a Soa. (I: F“lli'. a.o i-.l oinii’i -ice m the !i- if! of flu,mar relation- and f.-.r u iiiita!,.-ned y< • J -li i:, U • ii. .'S, la. - ; ■Bernil' (. A;i; j, ; t Sai.oai i; \i. e in the field ad •.■meif’lni: ami 11 I Off aocOinpushm if;;. .1) G s Dt'pao !a-aoi i al'Mt', ~ ~~ "" * I Jf ■ % , ■% . s , -s) V i; «ZzZZr f njV I B,J *BFOU,£f U *X | R*';..:ular pa> day •; i cMI • ir. a ~a\ juk ai" “lull at tin- Fast Cith:'Mj.s Bank and i'rir't, «'‘unpaov wid ir-sii.v Vutir fhi.-HVial rcuatv K> ynla*' n.ivings, pi is regular inieiost will add up, -o ner thou, yllll think, tu . .--izabk' ary ~• y Karr iho n: un, •:•< i s:? i■i ■at }y. atfr. von ■ course., < -•'!!■ )••■ r ~.:• if’ I\. You ran fulfill . v>>ry ,hv un In pintilling for it today. lot a saviiipy a'TOon 1 vvitii | FIRST CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO, Month hi ! •••■ :"!o, , t sit Ins r... p, RAITIGH. N € I ask for hQfflOtfßft/ZM ''pine state j \ HIP s HUP j i (half cream, half milk) | ? : .U I /M > C&wUff andp<H6P | 1/ i ;; % «w fromjftmf/it f / " / 4UU# pirite 4t&you* fAOC€M - otr f I j j * j /tn detivety/?&&*# f : J | ■TITS! CAROLrNTAM in.,, >i: ::i!l /.ollii- ",Vai :i and I'U'JU'V < I'aai:-., !..UlU'-ton, v. b ’ in, lac mi World Was i vl i raif. ii, the group. Tie nr - !i‘>u n milmii- f runt mu. left so ris.iit, Oliio Aden, .Inin) t’ Oin io ,i:\iii. t, trie, (I Irving. Ir ai linn, ,i » iinn-s, .111! u .ini'srd i'i!' in a.. /fill*' Ward, lidii Henry Johnson. Ho lu l l I: v . aon I in .a- flit ii ( ha rite 1-uiy-doii .mi ,'u Wail lied and o,;„v the* s befit re. i 'in ' id :a vV.aidit.i '. V S 4 .. -hip lii ' a> j - ao' an ,■ 'a a; of v.'nn r, QUOTES OF THE WEEK * .<l.l )'• (i words I'> 11 t i: :li• *. " . p»i:iw? and <■■>. :icr Hr:. .! | h / :l " * :V; r in mos M I mpcan count; .os. ..tic! Xmfrkun i ' it s .; ..IT ;:;(]• except in E-tlg ! i if,,i wh( ; • t;j f i:. liter cuioi'c dmm j , , . ~: r . , r j f ~ r; vfi ■» -j \ \ d ,> p, • - foft I f HI 111'0 X\ H 0 .'1 - i ill hi. ! • in IPA VVlip (t hi:n,o i..\. v f i \ ( P ':\h\c, in 1918 Rr *il Hu* («m>iitiian! ! A" BEAUTIFUL*I | COMPLEXION ■ A *■ j|J • :i! 111 A beautiful complexion is your most precious charm. You know there is something shorn a lovely skin that attracts at tention and admiration. People «ith sallow colorless faces, who look pale and drawn 1 nia\ find their red blood cells are weak, puny ami faded caused by the lack of Calcium. Vitamins B and iron; thrn too. a loss of blood may cause your color to fade, These conditions see observed very often in young girls and middle-aged women. «*i course, continued pallor may, come from other causes— • your doctor regularly—Bat don't wait! Start taking 11AD- As OL now—and as vigorous blood c.irr. ing the 3 B Vitamins 1 and .Minerals (Iron, Calcium. Phosphorous and Manganese) surges throughout your whole b-.rdv. bringing these nourishing elements to your vital organs, digestive system, heart, lungs, kidneys, and to your skin, to repair or to replace the cells j and tissues that have been j sickly Then greater freshness j | and new pep should make yon j i sleep sounder, feci younger, • look better, and have a healths looking mm pie? ton with firm flesh filling out hollow places No mat;er where you Hv . f no m.ittt-r who you are, and it I | you havi tried all the modi j lines under the sun, give this j wonder!mi preparation a trial. ( ’ Ist to take, pleasant to taste. • '•! a bottle tedav from your iic-jg »» ■.—l! \I>A( 01., Take HAIIACOI, to reclaim vowr hcaltir color, vour enjoyment of life. Yes. to look your level best, take HAD At OL Trial Size only hi 25—Large Family L cnomy S c s" ’’■•J. 0t Roy Wilkins Named Acting NAACP Head NEW YORK Roy Wilkins, an i taut secretary if the NAACP. v\ is today named acting secretary •by th< A 1 <r u;.ialir-si's board of riiri c tors at its rcgulai monthly nieet -17) g. Mr Wtlk ns will be executive Ira: il :>f the NAACP during; the ab st co of Waits, r While, secret try. who was granted a year's leave following the board's refusal to \ie "■|it his resignation. As assistant i-tcretnry sine" 1931. .'.lr. Willi n h. s been ccond in com manl of the NAACP taff and has cgul.ii-ty served as acting secte ai-.v 1 : the ah.-encc of Mr While. Prior to j ininy the NAACP staff, he v:r. managing editoi of The n. u‘:i ( its 'Mo. * C :i| from 1923 nnld m:t) Wtien id W id H Du Bots fiat left the A socmtion in d v H :v|r W ilk ms -ai; vis'dffi tljin i- editor of Tim Crisis serving the NAACP in .1 dual enpnciiv. In addition to hi ;; administrative • nuns, oilitie-. Mr. Wilkins has ' iv-led cxt'.ui.svely. taking be i'.ic clubs. In■l u) 11 , eel lege groups', isfucK tions and conventions on v«l ilHi; aspect of ; o relations. As nail 111:01 of lii- executive 's.n>- mitten »f the Nn’ion:)! Council for ■ P im.mpnt FKI-’C. ha- has bei n in ‘he fort iron! of ih«- fight for - fpiaiity J jot) oppoi r,unities. In 19/J2. Mr W tikins and George .Schuyler di pursed .i--- dev la oiw modi’ an investigation "J audit 01;., in contractors '.snips on he flood eo I trot pit in Missis • t 'Pi Following il-.eir 1 eport, wages H Negro W'-m'kci on the projei't were substantially increased During fh-. s u.m wcplv y\ livt* ’ ! Philadelphia transit workers ' {iramo'ion of Negroes to LET’S T O a Ft CT t iv AY LJ TIRES FIRESTONE 315 FAYETTEVILLE STREET ** AT All /OU GET £OO V '“I v mwumemm c v v roß ™ ,s ®' 6 ' * ▼ M MMm 7 «#\fuii 7 cu. ft. WESTINGHOUSE v — * /i —-'l ?re#**s #oo«t J 4 i OUICKIR ' S?or«s frozen food* § y i| 1 ie* crectm i'uL* *° * eft P foods, i ./.'.' -I, f in all storag# ij ---' I I compartment V V "' tV '‘ 1 IT\?Itj)(£ f 1* »»** .» hoMa is cts't' ** 1 pound# of orient, f' I iov* | NiiMIORAWK ~. , keep# v#g** 1 riown paV tT " ! ' 1f l ""' l " ft CH ' \ *i**’*tf «meiv»»» ~ . fee $ A nJ t «*v«y «»<»**« need. \a to SAFAS P»OTeCTtO« Pi. AW _ * O' course, ft', &£Cr«c ( t sum.jf nb w csuoghmise.' j| HAYES-JACKSON ELECTRIC CO. 133 EAST HARGETT ST.. PAGE THREE jobs os mutormen in 194;), he w a chat e,c of NAACP activities t city. In 1945, he served alo iv ith PV Dußoiis and Mr. White an NAACP consultant to t Am k; n delegation at the four Mi,, -iilorence of the Uciitod h tior. in San Francisco. Born August 30, 1 901, in St. I,or Mr Wilkins ivas reared and ec Ted in St. Paul, Minn., and a gi initiated from the University ilmne -ctu in 1923. He lives in Nt fork with Mrs. Wilkins, the font ' Mi.-s Minnie Badeau of St. Lot to a hunt lie was married in 192 HU! l IE UR OUT L( >S ANGELES (ANP) - Ah it happened to make thf fit-year-old white bride of Al- Itn Lee Woods change h*M mind and not will her $50,000 fortune to him? Phe discovery of a codicil to the April, 1945, will of Mrs. Ardriannu Eugenie Woods real ly lias excited much discussion. The April will gave her estate to Words. 28, her trusted chauf feur and personal attendant. The eodirii gives the estate to Stanford University and the I diversity of California In equal • turns, A sum of Sso(i went to U ssie Barnette, one of her two colored maids. When she married Woods in January she said this was to make '•wre that her money mid ' tale went to him as a reward for his wonderful treatment to I her.

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