* =>’- s ii§ .j * i CAROLINIAN i PHOTO Quiz THE QUESTION: If neither mi: ■ nor money •rd i.v f... : tlrnsiMi, • :;.i’ v nid •. the perfect vacation • THE ANSWERS Pf<\ High noiivva, US’vtC. ■ i V. -it 1 /*d rnd -• 'i s around < i ‘ "« e r h c? k <• ,u in Mr. f( flgcrs mfnibri .. o; mv nn.wriMV f.-nnly i. . j j♦ ; j,.;. th.,t f v- », -’n g.. On .11) t-> ♦ ■V. »: \\ of tiWf with n hr- thri. Or. ftri ■■ Hunt, pin -i< ;.m Uk» In rro I.l*o VnUc'i suroiy vi it ■Ci .• the Grand Cuu-Vj.;,:. .... "n y o. Vi .' u-■ t*. ; • N'r,*: J*.!- .... •! thi* Cr|f -t S .i‘ : LkL. und A.l .1 f • ■’ orci' * • u hie. Li _ v IV* . k V Ai-t: ; o • famous sloe** I i ; * dr t<\ << : •a u y motor. J i t<<-u' lir Hunt alt of 11 , . * ? * fori:# . * •' ne . « •• 1 id" jMws » ? * Ann i«:j V •' 1v« rr p- .<1• -r i f;», '• VIJ O * ; for SkiiUii oi • iv* a•)'.* ■ i * fl-bm. ••• 4 r: <• j." rr?C€*. i ! jf f ; 4 1) >,*’ »■ ;lf ;Vt ! • • it oasy «m til 1 nt th * . u.d f i ba( v wiw' i i .«• Albert L. ,1 >• *n. f'- si ! ■ ■•nr. y a B no m, ; .,- v ’ bjrrt.. i v mid I. , K: oi ' « lv ' 1 s M|s>. isf.n nor Chit ' ■ ' •jcl).- nor I ) in • ;r:d 1■:. 1 «'i :. t. %jt inhiuvn j* ... .1 the •* - 't <• - E- 1 , !ay i - t. if Wi)K:< i RoUt.-'o:'. on ui.ttion e«r. i l I u i t hr: (■> ,tfd '.tales ■” and a fun- r f in* '■" ••' 1 Mr floio'i. ..in L'niU'd Stale?. I’rt head foe ...vxj-rn ■-■"d Sonin America. T 'l'i td jig... i(v lak-' iooK hind the Iron Curtwn ; ( nd after' Ld .seen i thr.se pi. n r C ( i ~; r C' jjf. „. f,... r li;i , States i 1 1 it A i j elpov. t r< . Saint Aug. Chaplain Gets Verbal Dismissal BY (,I.,AKEN'f'fc: i| DNTER Th.' Reverend Lloyu . Alexan r*-'r has b«en - i th » Chaplain of Sain Augustine’s Eleven days afte; .'donuu .a} Day meeting ot th * of Tnt teew, Rev. Mr Alex an tier wa? in formed i:>r«hoi> Edwin A. i’en left, chairman of the Boat'd, that lie would not be needed any longer missal was verbal, r, ‘.pfe':tf ic otuvrfU'' cither tle'tu AS t MHON/MKES IS . .1). I) - she .thin : .■s.-nifs svrrr t> jural this uiru t. mem t rrs Oi isle 4 tn i rir ni J t gion in vaUrrt Halfigh for (he ttiutv- Iti t annu.tl conveiition of Drvi # ★ ★ ★ ★’ ★ ’★ ★' ★ ¥ -¥ A' ★ ★ * ★ Ar FDSFDGFGƑGFGFGFGF »’i ) WANT TKIT* - - T?< f't*rt I I um{>kin, ttld cm- H- ' i :;U.d |) ( ;t, }: ivvn hot IK lits-r h» ih\ ’ I j i'\ f?.ii •„• h u duo cr» roufr i‘r-n? V‘-n <’4t lo N»vv Orio ms. It. «m » mceitif. Vi h«MU'h he v .i, i>h«"H A -,i»r*Q"A }i.|t n c.i 11 ‘l’d i'Tinf trip’” dft V* tt lurk lO lire t p riM 1 . v . , . . t . -> W • •; if Slat:.' ill!' V. re cotv. enti ri ■; | "your servit c&u unssTie jtartorj Lad liionßht against !the C hapiaiti. lii an mierview Rev Alevnnder said ituif be was voir] In' “did not have {.he cooperation of iln* faculty I'u! 1 , students.'" ami tliat 'ip was “ins! a mmiiin peg i f squaift hole on the carftpus." During' she 81 >o'v quarter, the i former Ohnptain filled out and ret I ■' Hu raid Trigs 8? Auff x iiiin jvrr-iiHtont iV'Bu.! he iiiis sicin Six of the Vr’.h CaeeJinn !)•• pri.' Intent of the (inn .van I.r u ion. Ai the left, M Hugh Thompson ..f >)arh ‘in, tmigoina oomniamtfi' in ris inn sis hHihs rfitteulti' • Oil of clothing r t a . rir..; in Baitimore. iVhile he wjs discussing; i»is lo"> with » po|ir ii. a sirjngrr told h)i» * H.il serv-frii- h.*d ttnmd h o' 4 left it j? ilnigstorr H=s p- iMs « all for $n Vugi; 'Lc f .foi[<> his 1 4fl on \ h<> u iivrn, \ f . il)i hi v. ift •. mother. rumpLm .•* y • liMt he has hecn ruling .* motor S' »r ab<»u* | ' vf'jf tort hr v* to maintain i tin* l tat )c <♦< hr*tuTt it ’OO and oOv m*L . per •5s ovj his J)n fill triji rtiirtttg which he w i\\ tr.f op he ii" y ' srfWii t.hr j Of|p • ;h. his iv.' i fights witn H* • ru.:ht ''V nip. 0,. J v i . ~*? ( bp,i it -hfl not fighl tv V V Os Hod pL.cmW In tt.’d of ‘ep ; .,7^ b■ C • *.’« I; • i 1 , n* ':-(• if s to w f . ( a,-:-:. .'. 1 ' *'d ot- Prc: • t, li ! '.they it bo vs of tie i.e uU.‘., j thongl ,t .•« : contrast for the school ,i 1 Jf»4 :»-SO. i.'t had re ceive ! no notice root cat y to Die e'"-;. •*, until June 10th, hen P,i onick told him of the action i.e Board of Trustees . HIRED IN" 3947 Tin- Rev, ,Y!f»y.';ndQr berm 11 i; s idm lea as Clmduin at Saint A tier net inn’s in 1947 H<« also iauerhf 1 v_*s~>v v y 1 ino'ii oil i> »sh -7 tiu- fjCetiei.i hi. . i tlie as. .‘intiled drUryitfs while the Res', f. W. Smith, of Clr.irloUe, ciireetor of scholarship activities, e\;:!.iins *.;e Legion pniit v ‘in lite grantin;; of -i.ho hii-hirts. to them. CHARLES DEFEATS WALCOTT n ~ .> 1 "W . : T , . . The Carolinian ag 24 Pages voi.*imp. x\v nf KuiTiii, ii Carolina a u:is K\T»r- * : -;-vn roav, .m ni-; t c.m'j ah, I'iK'ry-out: ir "tr ir ir A A 'AAA A A A AAA ABC Agents Start County Wide Drive m ■' i.i- th< X t'• i.- 'i 1 ~:ifor ■ -'tugnt £»;• vi ion. ! a- Eiif..; • ff-nt Oivi-din, were .■. '!■ i' ■ ■ ; 1 ' ' ■ :.-•.-r.itf ". a 11 v" t,. ( i ri! fii *! rj -tier.-i; n iV f.-i key f'vr v.'i'Jf' f Oihf i' asii];e pf’C Ci-,2 r 'v ■; :. ;• *tld .’>4 U,\ ; Segregation Fakes A | Bow To Dr. Bunche i ; ; ; . r . ■ :: j ■ n tor rin : , Frn feet lip miwil paw H I , t y,..t t'uiiNsivrs A.-i.-’iH:'tttoil 111 tv.,:-! ■ I jneioi -c. t ’own f|j<.> in H,*!<•)«!; Durham .Airport when weather crinl.fje!iH preventrd the landing of his plane ut the National Airport. j, ;no-, he ,11 1 ah*’ ■>• on 11 >« ■ plane wem broujtlit intrj ;p,j, i*)e Sen I’fiii rti S' I’im: whence they proceeded to U ,vI- Ii : ,1/; ,\ hiie a:, tie tat Dt tit: -lie was served in the “white' ,11 ■■ nr e n lt> ■ .if 'ves b' • !, , . ■' cf , v .•! uhicli other colored p.isscnEora , ! • ’ . . !tt '» ~r. ••( -pfout- tho : to' he w ;i .- notified by a trail oii'iciol ■ hoi hi -■ m:' • :Mp to ■ it -in tr Hunc'ae had been sen- ': (•> apiw'-ur on the prom am at lb.* publisher.-; huiritiet w)vo •• was f.rocdulf:] to rccei've tin' Kiev worm Award A-hich is *i:!-nelly pcogented hy the newspaper group to on ouistanding American. •The other see. ker on me cveniriK’K program was B M. McKei wa; president , the Society of American Editors and editor of the Washington Smr cfMS . • 'JWR - w-"r-. i. • -r • T»wtt;T- -r.:. - At the center, the Drum and I igle ( in-jis of me Hilaries 1 Venvtnifl Post of Raleigh are I’liwn n the, inarched down I I,‘Uivillc Street from the State l .iptkil to the Raleigh Menrnii ml \ NOR TH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKL V' City C; .rt .di -July 7 foe the via-; ' Milt'iMie: -v- 1'..;:- id,., .‘■'ti.-m j Tarheel Roundup !)lt S IN riQHBI II i £>i- ian ■■ : i: *• hi fin i’.a.. enainb'i t (.Vntnu Prison Frida, normng tor the . ii: i ivjr.i; of Ins lie Lewi , v; .. ,r old N'lirie: nf Si P.i'lll., Auditorium Included in the line of march were iegion units from :rsl parts of the state as well as a l S. Marine (oi ns hand mil airt.i rne troops from f ort Drugu. At tlie right arc shown a few of fi.Ui 1 ii In! BioJ I n u<‘ 1 1 .orIS. VV hf*n nhlinir i t*i|ov- tii .in onl* r opening th*: ■ tv'-, nine mv pools inrt » |U i> r r hii B.%<'ph Vs I'fd r<- 0 Nr gro Jh \ who won? swimming in ihr I ;if>u ;d P.irk pool following tlie order, the. white y ouths w v r v a rmr *\ w ith basc iunSl hal -sticks *• td knr r . .. . 4 iuc gas cfiarnoor a; ;>> n.tn., : • j r' naif minutes : ■< r nn-ri from j i.a*- deadly ■ "avlde gaa. !t mipa : hMtiy it, the «j o/; t!; -,ea‘ and displayed trioiv; emotinn than his aged faV.ei H • tether Brißhl L«wi-;, quietly .v .«• ' • } ’■ i claim h' muis ’n i can ;? ; . St P ci! a rod pick , !v. f>n Ch ;>)alri Wiitrim H R .Tack -on viiti tii.it i,.< -Ads apfi- ir r 1 • >r> he it. dy." He sai'-i a ‘invdy t prayer" a'. sr-rv:. •• eld »e did row Thar-icy rigid.. if.. ho v.e Chaplain *ii .t all hi IV ded -just more Crane rind ' ■e h then boating hei head with'j I'RiSOM RS TR \ N S»’»■■.l:R> • > lit Th- : '-I e e <•! * near not of the winner. ut 1 o- , Prison's iautidry 7he riot ■verted wnen two won'■ n uin. core vent to solitary coni.iu'tw' and the re.< t were sen' back to thou oeils. At Caledonia the • ■ men w til; work m the farm cannery and in the fields. TJiis fran.-.fe le,v« Woman's Prison with 121 * ' . u ’ prisoners and 14fi Hogrn inn s CHARGED WITH SOCIAL SIX'I Ri'i V VIOLATIONS Wilmington - Fourteen i r • shoremen Have been dinged with violating the S ' iai Security Com pensation Law The warrant marges that the 1 Negroes obtained claims for unt-m* i ploy men t while they were employ ed or pari tally employed. WOUNDED Continued on page tltrw the ‘hlO-odd delegates who were j resent for business sessions eon. ducted try Division Sis at. the IU mdn oi th Street YMCV Other sessions, tneluding those nr Uie Reprieve Grantecl To ¥/iison Burglar \\\a : 7 f; >[, m)!ivi iul nl i « decree buffi:larc 1 th intent lo '* * tp. ■ I.;}.- • ■ g Anted t N:‘V of * xe<-uU !, n jim 1a 3 Mu*--’ ml • . .1 • -11 i■ • r vv/itif hi-r: ;H ■ok ‘ M Of* a ■ lion j /.!■■■ ■ (in jied Si a'an., ein. ■ rt. fu m I>t n'ake the eta/ 1, .-..m mi- -»* M' .. Hi riTirc i. T-V far r '\ ii. Ci.".,) a; r| c. I Gates of U v< *l ,l d ’.ri.'-t Di’ceinbc A.- Ininii Twent;.-t’-vo-.•• ,i - dd i ’ir,(•••■; Asheflo was trying to 'hoot ■is .vi!;•. Evelyn, when dames A. Wingate gat i: tie ‘th of me Collet and re.-etvc d ! id .at' a c d for :li r woman. He u ,■ 1. w-.-f (hr hoajutal I a . :oc 1 genev ire itrvpi Ihe hut ( ■! Tie-j on pap . r. i(jt, | Robeson’s Son Weds White Schoolmate ,\ :\V YORK Tin- H'lbcsni' name ■! in. the- new* <2i’S j w ... k p.mi Uoi,. v.i ir. hi- .M ■■■ old >. >n --! the i !■" ; . ■ -iii., . rsi .! i fiii> ;.v m■ i. K.fi Pi Mis;.., Muxiiyt ['_* n * ' I- • ■ . ::h. i-g. • | II ' will . f,. .. V 1171,11 « V.ilOtll he 1)V. ! to'. ’ .-iiifbiit at ( um-l) University T.h reretnnny was performed >./ the Rev John Whiff let Darr. jr, a wiute CinißtTsatlonali 5 !!. n-ini-d*-; in Ins npartnj'.-m ootsldb •>• ’i.'.-It i i:id'-"1 a .Kn‘ i.il bund'd . i - A'a'-ted S-.utK- n nibei-; o‘ pit <- ••vd. b"n white and Negro, booed as j ?i,e ' ...alii., pr-cip, •.•hieto hi Jutted t j..?a‘t> -.tcß. Mr*, t-ae ‘tretm- Ij.■ i • nm titer 'T . .y. bride; Mr. arc Mrs Uadi ri-o'-.e son. Sr loft •V- . ui-'i 1 -r. iT.e .tiiii' .toS--- .a id to o-irfors Ibid '•hi- ' ■ Id't g v-mid not hi' , -i, ; any Juror .n the Srv . • Unk-n. He h1««o decided tha’ hn b ‘he c.r uest contempt lot tn- «i oocrat'e preas" -i-'d *1 tic-re was 'something ins id:-” hint win : kept him from smashing the ib'iOtogT!!pltcvst* i iursrv.-'s over i!t. • - heads. The reporters -itid plintnKv:. hcv. v .-re deniivt udtnitsion the ;-.aiatr,nr: t where the reretnot >- i.'-rfonn«d. Tin rivwlyweds were o'lo -hahen by their !. •.- it- reception and the. hrid« was Dear ■ Hi’S. Robeson Senior was Worked by the rr .wd and disuftdeti by -a policen-i.-m when he shook his fist, and attempted to reach a photo* RTiipher who had tried to take his picture an the groap left, th? peons-. I. allies Auxiliary, were held if the V\V< A and tiic f.egion l.fown: at (’aliatrus ami Last Streets. < AROI [MAN LIHtTOS HV SIILiMIARD DinViUE* * /a COPY lUc I tire t idstf W H S. Bnrguyn if ■.*; .■ i >n S er --r Ccttr! f- l i , i ,•■■■» it ent I-' trial La.-.* Dc ••■:)c j rc'iuosted a continuance in order j•. nn.i! then; time to pt-npi"" tin-tr defense. The request !v,i. denied, .t'»w ; ever, by Judge Burßwyn on ‘he gri-unds "vd Dickon® and Mint* ' v.-crc '•tt'li- and c.-ipuibe to prepare -,:iy vdiich the d*fi'T-edant I r-vent have" I,- t!v f; i.i] wiiirh frill-''. cd Reid i’,n ! . i ■!■: • i;. a Rtf ■ !'.ai'