PAGE TWO GOLDSBORO THE WEEK IN % GOLDSBORO - Ayjlp Sy E. A. THORNTON Mr. aad Mrs. Henry Gregory ‘ yo moved ;nt their new s-ani*. #- 3*3 South Joirtcs Street. Cora Mitcheli has retu; tied home ;ift« spending roin-r tint- • :n De troit Mich. r.i and Mrs. John’ te Ta>- \ot. Mr. and hi" Drviu -l #nt;:#Ul, Freddie Gramham, Jr., and M'-s 1/r.vtnia Taj s were vacs et.d t.rests of the Rev anti Mrs. Floyd Hillard Richmond. Va. Mr and M-# Frank Lassiter of Vi:!-':: ..nncunce the marriage of their t.aughter Bettyc. to Bernard C J. \rer of Goldsboro. June 11. in n... ro .:nd Mrs. Joyner are- employed or tile Hamilton Full er:.; K nit They will refitie- at 1261 Smith James Street. Mrs A. G. Thornton and Mis.# Mat-e B. Best left Sunday. .Tune 19, far Hampton In.stitue, where they will continue their studio# toward • them Masters Degree. Mrs. E. R.. Williams s attending summer sciioo! S:i::'v ijni verity. R:i --;0; ■/H REDDING TO TE ACH AT BROS N i MV. HAMPTON, Va. J. Sanders : Redding author and Protessor of E .-:i a. Ha nipt n livii • uie.. r.i # acce: tod an im itaion to become V. • c Professor of English st BrM.u University, it was learner here this week. He has been grant fd leave frten Hampton tor the Fall Sen:e#l >■. Phi .Beta Kappa from Brown, where he did bom undjergraci : at - and graduate v.ork and was for year a University Scholar. d:n» will leas, it courses in lit era- ’ literature and advanced writing Ins-: fr 11 will mark the be turning of '■h year as a roeriixu ■ t Lie Hampton facuhy. including three ; your ■ a# fail professor and two as • HCcretary of the Faculty. He ;s also president of the Hampton Chapter ' *-he American As«ociatie n ot ' Ciut e 'sity Professors. Before coming to Hampton Pro 'i.v or Redding taught at M«-re -1 - iss College. Louisville Municipal Li lie. e. Southern University and fuc Slate Tcr.chn:-: College. Ei.rr.i i. City. N. C He,’ . ... 2 l silts. -To Make a Poet Black,’ ' ci No Ley J Triumph.' the- r.t- ’ ■ - which w n the Mayflower ■ .'G n 44. Among other winners i <1 v'c tv: ad. : :vee annually b ’! Mryfi->\'or Socictv of Nort.v ’ for the rest book written : a resident , : (hr Sude have Archibald Hetidetson for ’ : n -rd Shut", "P!; vw! i.uv -i ** • nnet" and Thomas Wolfe fin k ij'.mewurd. Angel A co.'iti-ihuuir to Hanifi"-. the - ! : r ’> • ' Ale • •• the An; rk:,n ’’ lar and the Atlantic Monthly. ! Redding Will ?C C.i vOUl'St’S il. ;A*nTc\ni Fellowship in 1943-43.' *, c /c compictir: •, ,» bcok in ill' J . Lit.-.-nicvfr Peopies of America. J. ' -•-. A national v.agadnc- »ecc*nt -J h. e with Richard Wright, j *• "u- B Dußcif, '.Viilard Motley Ann Ptiiy. ;<■; one of the "toy t* Negro writers Redding i# the second :r-c t:,er of' Hampton faculty fc be granted' 3 u- -selling leave in recent rr nth# At. Cluster. Chairman < t the Ct himunications Center. v.-;;j teach • ‘ New York University this sum h t rer IX- 'i i'u. Say- When attending , o it is correct to accept an i J lion to dance with a Granger. CONGRESSWOMAN IS SPEAKER FOR MF.HARRY FINALS NASHVILLE. Tenn (ANP A of 37 w: : gr aduated Monday afternoon fs urn Me harry Medical # uiege in impressive outdoor cere- . T.ORies. Cong Frances Pay; a Bol iten I F;.. O. delivered a stirring' i on.inetjceuicr.t address. Hundreds of alumni, friend- and guests of the col-oge visited the ■ "■••npt:., c’uriiH g' acii.iau u week ' ; Highlights Os the week were: Rep. Bolton was elected as the j i.rst woman member of the coliege i - >ru <>i :~jstces sirct- it was ; iounded in 1376. Dr William H. •Allen became the new dean of the school < f tLrnistvj Ti e alumni as sociation announced that it hes .•.used $200,000 toward the cen #:: uct-ior. ■;,! i now $.'00,000 •joimi-! to ry. In her address Rcy. Bolt' n -.old ] i *-he graduates that America's ulL toate gn;'l should be that of maxi mum persona; freedom for every individual !l She said they had chosen a field of great services and of equally j rest espOßisbility in leadership. 'Your influence will t- a more far •-. ; i • ucning tnan you know, and what . on live will be a# Duly produc-j live as what you do.' she declared. \ lilt- cergre. #v, -..inan : o,;, tee. out that ‘he leadership the graduates j' bed. nicked ciid not offer east but ! a .hard and lonely road. "However,” no said. “Serving America's dream is the roost soul-satisfying task and the most momemous in the vvcrld.” Dr. M. Don flaws t. president of! the college, presented the honor j. :v. arcs. fie-.i V of The various:, schools aw.a did the certificates!, and degrees. Musical selections: , w • provided by the Me harry ' A:#"!-;, thf Term #-oA nd T. -uu.e-rs and organist Arthur R. Cr.tiey. D# Waltei S. Dr.vis. president of Tennessee A and T. rave the in v "cation and Dr. Charles- S. Jeon- i Ot.. president f F;sk University i ■ roucuneea benedict iou. i Presiding over th-.- exertise-, : Thomas Gi iharr. Hall chairman, of ti >• board *.» trustees. . ; GAL ASK TO DECLARE RALPH BUNCHE DAY DOS ANGELES ■— The City of £ !.(## A11:; ley ii-# fcc-eri ::skc-A bj the local 14 AA CP brent b t... declrre : ''■''' - ’ r:’ - ",7. "R .lic; J. Boncke Dev ' n hi...- !• f the itmed ilr.t- ’ U 1 NuiciiK ■:■ te# Ih;it day will receive the Sp.’Ugsrn Med ;!:,ns to till eve > n\ ad able se-. • in the whu-h an iTi i.Lnic \,y .- 60<>v y-Vid solo ;!i:* by vocabst-:. SiaL • and Igcmi :.;;d HniJy x--\.C - stars have been .n\ :U.d to are *h< p:a< It— : n v. ;; : . - .;. honor. Speaker • 1 i:--r ■ I i: riuiie Phih: W : ■■ . ;■ If - # iican lend'*; ;>nd .•!» .j' One Lite ■ Wfncis'i; W v " Dr Ray; i d i.,0-; g: m. N A AC? 1 (■ a :at.a:t e.'i imp# -- oat: nal affair#; Roy Wilkins. ; .'.cting sec p-t u v of tiie NAACP. ’Chari.-- H H-a P a. .-htimrm of the NAACP ,j ’ ■-n A. k pa! - a.- natfet- i„ Y; noted 1... Angeles astipney ..uta-aptv on I e-trict 0.0 : ..-a- a 1 --; '}}■ ■ - -a... ? Gj iff it J- ore-.-idea. f ;;u. !-■ # Ai • ip-.-neh: and Brani !i - in #.> ' ready mda ted Tea • ;li be rcpresvnt?e no berr shortage in German-a. as home Ir a va: li 1 wns dreloip'd lena! by Bnti: h and American mititas v government, t!-i- week. HiUev banned the making of home brrw in 1- ,•> a- a war ni'-a -ur to priservt grain for food. CHARM BA i sii ill/ VA a1- n a., letters cm - p ta concern in#; a ap.-i cpu:#- a CHARM a■. v. a tin- 1., vi -:ue '.va will yo. ( j'isi that. Ta r-uffcc? will run Inn; the slimmer thus precarn:# y a # thr-re ia-au- Utu 1 fed! clothe# v- -ifh will no doubt uavc the- uras. ..s. which would rat'd- well f a the :ius which might T- s-a..<:wh:d ;-c iron cun; • a . V < 'CP: or : i ip. ■' 1. a aa , . .. ■ BELL-STU ART Fumitu i-e Company Qualify Furnlhice. Reasonable 1 Prices 227-28 N John Street Goldsboro, N. C.. Phone 1760-J ELMORE'S RADIO SERVICE Sales and Service j Street Floor Borden Build ins i | Goidsboro, N, C. Phone 218 b, 1 S 1 '■ HE < AKOIJNIAN — us day. June 2L, 10-1 f* w t ■# 1 mo > 1 pgj®- C'" : ' " W-.- -a: a ■ ||cM te*- f m-M WINNING TOTS I-ir#t ijci/.i winner in Uu- Annual \lie Har per Brown Baby ( inlet, spon sored by the Hampton Vluinni Association of Gold #!;ur;.i, N, ( were the above lots, li-at to rig-lit, 'Mimas Laveni Hatch, Marion ril/aticth Howl'll. Johnict- S.lit-a! ev and Pheobe Annette Moore. The purpose of (It - org-inizati-on is to sponsor and give scliolar * hips to some uorthv boy or girl in the community, as will 1 11 tribute yearly to other worthy causes in the romtnuiiity. Ihe group dmated SIaJKJ in cash to tile Gohi-iboro-Wayne County Li brary bund of which ? . A. Bricks Is Scene Os PTA Summer Camp RA: UGH Approxinrcn !y 7-7 ciiidai ;; between tf;< ages of 7 arid twe I ft;; 1.-, nnudi ! TA Suntr »f?r Cuinp ;-1. hrk‘ks Hc..iSeh o <«l. K. C. in- ilto of o. i j«* e lie n oi t :■ J j I 4 » 1 :. 1’; C ur«c *n # /t iCiiiTS. 1 v.i cli n;.; 111—- Speep.i pui'El:'; Cay# I - bi.-i-b. 'l# ■i p:."d sc that p' ri. nt-- may in - .peel t’p new Fc llnv, she, it u.c ,w. # dt-di .-. :ed in May at the * : :e# cynn ■ 'la- Fell v,-#b.ip SINGER SEWING CENTER Singer Sewing Machines and * Vacuum Cleaners Sales and Service Demons fry lions W./hsui Obligation; | I Phone 170 Goldsboro j | LEE’S FUNERAL HOME j Home Os CHRISTIAN AID MUTUAL I I Ambiilr-nce Se-vice I :Ml-- : , ' n;; | 1 J r ~ i FOR THE BEST VALLES Cash or Credit SOUTHERLAND FURNITURE CO, 2C7 NT John Street Phone 1055 n umton i, chairman. The i-d --l<" «m;: parents and habit-# pas tieipated in the contest: .Ichnicc Siieatey, th( daughter ol Mr and Mrs. \ 'VViliiani-;, Piu-obt Annette injure, tiie daughter id Mr. and Mrs V Moore, Janice M Wit. hams, parents, Mr. and ’-Ir# \ Vviimm.. ( ar' iyn l.ou;-e lesy- Icy. Parents 7lr and sir- T llag ley. Thamos l.everane Hatch, je: rents 'lr and Mrs. Roger Hatch. Marion Elizabeth Howell, parent-. Air and Mrs. Vmaziah Howell, twin babies;, raimel! and (toniieli f\iNon parents. Mr and Mrs, K. tid'orr First prize vviiinei was little Ebeobc Anpette Moure f:.i m-Os a- d camp activiti-bs T#: fir#' ::icni# c;.y wd-i b- J: y I d:bi;;# the '-.rl-' cm..on it..-#’: tr. ai K' ' Mountain. DIANA SHOP Satisfaction Guaranteed at Ail Times 116 N, Center St. GOLDSBORO GARRIS DRY CLEANERS AND HATTERS ' ONE DAY SERVICE 298 N Center Goldsboro | MOORE'S GROCERY & MEAT MARKET WE BUY AND SELL COUNTRY PRODUCE AND CHICKENS 505 Creech St. Phone 2575 J Fred Moors. Prop, SCOTT’S CAFE B'st In Barbecued Foods 40