' n < \Alv , '- l UN Saturday, Jure 25, IS4O FUNERAL DIRECTORS CONCLUDE MEETING AT GOLDSBORO e t THORN TO V < ■ M ' d con '• ’■•"■■■ Norin Carolina’ * i '* '< conduct d a .-"jo ■ ' *-! ’ ■’ r< - - > f'-cc'tjng held in , ■ 1 . : - ' S’- ■-c! T M- -■ .. :- .- >.l c. recorder ol[ V* t' mfc l> C , end . national- ; ■-. Kr.i An f.jr.un - in Democratic pol-| th* Wedr.i sdey evening. program. I'r Shepard approved the :d; a - hove so-i peace, but if wc stop r , rv. . ■ :> likely It come He o c v.s.; T>r Hunch, brought peace | r..;c , n ■ Fd-nki-ntoii, Sat .-at- ; > i .1 Frown. Greensboro ! '< rd- -urcr Mrs R D. : ’ ' I.V. v: H. r : Lull, Gold? - ' 'T< d. n-< so: tl„ d( legates and d .. i > Prie.'it:- held m the! G > n i rui-r. :nt East-End School., 1 ' fr m Kirsten Vee. t * Bit I. Sr •ion! open rt \ : > 1 iii-oue it out 1 1 d mi C;.ivory Baptist Church. 'M u Ri \ G W T, dd. pastor: C Teachers, Mesdames Christine Hoi- : i"ir,i n. 1.0ui.-t Dubisettc ida M ' r-copif-r A tune McKinney Lillie - t: fid : : r- Bert Clora T ud : Finer ti . n.pt 1 or. WSHi-uris, < i.iiT ut WEson ; rid Mfeggic Wei- : rr r . Gvi ndry : Flfj nrird r . t r - *'• t F‘ r, rthf'; h n-irnn? - w .. 1 <#if fissmm- I •<%- rtt K'Sfrji'w • vi'r Bet Wnnr.ic D'ora;.' ?.», 'Ad..in. tlouisc Nt'-.-;st/;:e, Hildred Hr-,.vies ;.r.d Eve Hr. Tnompsor. M. ; r V A Ho .: - gupe r visor. A t S:;.': t: j : ; • sbj let., .r. Chore b MV Elm Street. Th< Btv. B K du .rc.r-rri. paste-r. Vcc«'.:ional Hi ■ Vie Schof-i wii; continue each coy i’T tv. v.ct'k.s from il:(Ki to IL.A- A. •i Classt: are offered 1< ail ages ; Barents ere invited and urged to i wc their < r . ,INO TOf’R S F: -day June 17. was a very s;,ti i nci glo irny day for a number of j the g;rls ,:i Gt Ids boro, i, tween 35 ’ iiM tb beys left v. the iir-t i.M .iu fe: Broadbr e-k. Conn., under | Fit sup* rvision of C. 1. Bland, ir mat gri i.ifi were Jarr.-t-s i F< st. m-d K Artis have dt-f.dea ;< tcm. iiic .’ -.ernes. They ray. "Oh web ;i ‘■■nt h* long now betcrc wc will' b- Navies also. Miss Best, Neves Warrc-r,, Holmes Shedding, ana Durant an Iw-ys w-filing and ready to serve ineir chu!c; ; and cotrnmnhy They viit' n* w l > ’jnl thf iv by teuci'mg ar.d doing whaicyer they , isin f.:e Daily Bible School at AO. Chi-easy Baptist Misses Duran;. Foster and Holmes arc took mg for-' Wi>rd to entering v v-.ya in Sep- 1 tcisi'cr Wc wish for of them .< successful and prosperous summer. Miss Edna Ear ft- Dc-m-h has re- • iu:j"‘d i \V:.-hington, D. C. aft*-. sp:-nd)r>f a few days: "d home v ;t liet pci pit on Roberts HLetl. Mis; D- itch v -S' , member < i *he fies.v m.ui class at Howard University' during t'h rash season. WTliu.m Lee, Jr K. it W hit ted. Jr. ..it: E A 'if; ■ viiited the; !■■' -' c -., ■ C :i ■ C •'v f -s‘ In*. '*!!:.'c., : Legion ' .N-ertr-; ■j Carolina College in Dttffcam. Wed* , ] oesday. Jun t j> ! On their retu,r 1;: me : .cy ‘ top ifec Rakigh aid v sited the f fticrarc B. Harris<-r put ik bfcrary. j jibe New American Legion H-'-m* i and THE CAROLINIAN p-lunt T.’s* j boys enjoyed a tint trip. Lille Peggy Ann Jo; r•. i ■ ; M-: unt Olive is atW-LOtni' fit A'u. • j day School convt-ntkn ir ~-■ A V. \E. Cr.urch in GoldsLor* c. .';• * ; .-‘tk.. NEGRO PRESS MUST SAVE RACE BASEBALL WASHINGTON Tic ’ Necrc i t ess must come to tile snp • port : (.onLoufi. arid Negro players a;e *o j get .-.fcts.ci Mrs. Ef:a M nicy, f.rrnu . er gtnotid manager of the old New-; ‘ .UK Eagles, told f-ufciisbcrs U.-t ! week at the 10th annua; " * • \ ny -A ; tfic Negro Newspaper Publlsnc.s: | Association. in a statement to the pros? iLd ■ by Car! Murphy of the Afri-Amei ; lean. Mrs Manley warned that u:< - I | less Negro baseball c’ uh owner.-.; I the press, and the public work to- , gf-tber the- future of tne Ncgr it, bustbuii is rad ”11 wc sail f,i support > ,i >-• r leagues ir this cruciai pcricd.'’ * .<■ i said, ‘‘we may be hastening the day i j when r.; Negroes will be playiru ; n the majors. ; “The* beys caniK-t make the jump; Horn sani'Li! !.•:.*« ' into tn* Lie ' leagues without going through a : period ' diivcLym*!, 1 so eh as tb-c.v : ■art give* in the Negro leagues. It j also evident that thert wj:’ , ; U ■■ sufficient number -A i.-iu boys-. scattered throughout the minor lea ; sue chains to meu the situr.ticn. "At or* rant w hav< 10 ci.ui-S in; I the Negro American League and ’ ; • igh-t in the American Association *•' at employ about 350 ball players This is ‘he oniy practical source far 1 ' luturc Robinsons and Dobys." Mrs Manley cited a threefold i put pose f-i Negro club owners L. adopt. She said; "Tin v must intend first, to pro- : Aide eritmtainment and employ - • ; merit, for our people: secondly : j they must want t rouc! :he future; *'f Negi ' basciiail. . ssj thirdly. ‘ they must want to pjouct their iu- : ;v. ftment, time and er.eigies." Pointing out. the press' role in aiding h.-iscball. she sr.id; "If th*. -ports writeig n nccCssaiy :o m:.ho t.'i* Negro Ua-iri.*- linancnu success*;;; FDR, Jr. EXPECTED TO BACK FIGHT FOB RIGHTS BILL WASHINGTON iAXI’i •• 1■« >• •!« ; i in the 1 ’ h. Conti * ■ FrjniCiii ii. Room- Vvii. J; , l fi 1 l\(; Oiit.ll Ol uti iti' <3s* I'<‘• ■ ..C'-v fri-m New York, filiias th*»! - 1 : Cii ui>< 4 f * ny tilt' (i‘ tli of ' Air ::u ,stK .'■worn to hits new • ' > >.. ... - >Lt i Rc«; -ev,'H vi.-- i ■c. a- ou: honie, the Win’ iimnc, .;U :h(> Rival Jen* that he i " •- -tpi •'!? ;i A- i • i »’>!*' • s «tM-Uru.-> labor law. tight Gv ; i a; --' A i of a nattonui housing . . t, ■ oo i»a: k flu t iV;i ngrli!? to o- 1 A ' r ... jiijleu to t to; } egij i ! ;i'i, , -i.Ji;.;.' lor LA HFJGHTS BEAUTY NOOK It Ycur Coiffure Is Not Be- i coming To You. Then You \ Should Be Coming Tc Us. f ; <32 ; MURCHISON RJ>. I i -Vork Cifyh Twotitieth district, th* | jßiiw.i FDR rac us a i-iiiaicat* of the Lour Freedoms, »!ik‘fc his fa th*ir advocat«.-d and popularized «!ar img hly administration. Th* New \---rk attorney v, : ■- elwted by c combined vot* of the Four Free doms ayd Lib'ral partioa defeat ;i 'g ihrft: oth*. . I andida.ies, Oil 3 which was running ok »reiruiav ; ramn>;',ry-D*.’mocrat:c * ckc;t one <-n th* RepuiiM ,»» ur.d tb«* other on th.- American I>alsor party. H*- wrs welc*,sned lo Washing ton with *3 big oyabon of both ;Nt giro anv £ NEW FRI6IDAIRE De Luxe Refrigerator Come in end just look cl c new rrtgidaire De Luxe Refrigerator and you’!! quickly see the extra value, the extra features that will mean so much to you. At the right are just a few o- them Be sure to see FRIGIOAIRE-America's No Refrigerater HOLMES . 'M d ; Wk ELECTRIC #. .|, COMPANY a ■ ■■ ■ - Fayetteville {FRONTS MEW BAND , s BOSTON, Maas Milt Buckner, former star pianist and ar | -' a,! '-* Lionel Hampton's band, j Lsi brtught his exciting new mus 'cal aggregation to Boston's popu» ,isr Hi-HPt Club in Milt s first New j England appearimce as a band i l«:-,-,d*.r in his own right. | who gained himself a large ; pel .suiiai follow mg in his previous rices in the Hub City while be was a membt-i of the Hampton hti.*., appears destined for a long ■;| o 1,1 the ili-Hhat, judging from l *•**' * nthusiastic opening night ' '■ ■' which broke all previous ; atic. .dunes records at the It: Hat. ; The roiy-poiy pianist is in Rue tor a major buildup to be launched !.n hit- behalf by the IvIGM record ; * n k c* iup.my, thanks to the suc tcf-3 he -as achieved via his first i release on the MGM record label, ; coupling "RLL's Boogie' a ■>•■ J ' Buck 's Lop // * Fnmoui Meler-Misar a ■ nechonism ?’>: • 5-Ygar Projection Plan %• * Exclusive Quickube Trsy. ;» * Fvil-w dth, gloss Joppsd 4 Kydiater %. • All aiumlnijß, fjsi proof a. «helves m fuil-widlk Chest | • Nesv, better shelf % orrongcmenl PAGE NINE