'1 :j F. < 'AP.OUN-ZA N -,S-Uurday, June 2.>, IMJ Goshen Nips Atlanta In 9th Inning Rally CP &■;- >; > v.' \ s r < ,;!! y ; i -: •f * , t >• -. r ,h,.. ;•'? • , . v-‘ I'm • > 1- • • ..j.J ? r h. i-sil j r; •«i * h (1 n- n fir. - ••* • : v. >.it of fho h;sU. nark ;>nf lupri;. \I Tivnins OF WINDSOR CUVTKR Mr-: G D-.p, \d Kr,;. W. Hun-. • w,i . >: j . the Vv i ' tit.’ ' U'V<? ' - •.* - * piilV* tr. 4 Th 1-: is a nev- g? >u*> be I tig cur-i Oitib All W- :f: y H ia lJ vv. ? forc;ludtd, Caair: x >3r■ -1’ ti• e ! Ad v .•• >rv C;i,no i I av a *n eatbe r s of A" - U-: Do ;j: - D:V rented a pumomin, >f the activi t that art- bthr--4 -i Tj tv VV ?>cn ;-t Waid- .• r C -rir.or T?■ ,* f/■:; Vv-;n4 activ.it- .- w ~? shown v nine, . - H'i r y ‘:) Rin J T A.-: womeii \vh : dent nitrated A*. A yvnlj V > :j.' =a Vivian ; d ~^u. f ' ,D •: v. ..,vf ;-****■*» , - ~ , I *»# mHa S-'* .. ' kl* « rtli m ? fv-w k i A 11 m M ? . kD f ■ :: sv ** I&g' F,«j ; - ,' r - : :F% " f S S*' "' . 'v :• S/'r ’■ v.. -AarX-. "t- ~ \ * t ' ... '•■• . >.. --J:.. . -A , ( !H IU 11-t'ON'M 1()[ s CJTV—■ tirem-s ;!>on might etsii> be cat! i t city o! churches, tor the city U plentituily spotted with prospersous stlhutcnj-i siaecs -•-- * ■ ' • -A ’■•o ■r. ..• ai: t r.aa y i k ; -- IVr rV; . ,:. v?>i<?fi J • ‘ - - ■ e. lii v. s n•' ift,in£ was • • - 1 ' 1 f ■ ’ '• ■■ l: ‘:r iU l n *. ' - : •" ■> •- V -i asked. ; ’ i!i IOT *«l * 4 mo trs?sj an mi ' »» *« •j vV Mi ij v.- i’ug w.is -'' .a* 1 • • .rfcrt't’: ■>'.! : -i! away »fV •'iM A. F . . i (i iei'.ii i ?,* wor*> ■ !'■':> >';■! w;::' v: ou .1 bri ■ 'ii-i Mv; uet of !'o<! r»>;■ i-rs. Tils- < ur--- • • bv RrV ‘ fi :.u '.»r of Shiloh IFi.'F! ■ 'huivt, A : ] ion. M.i {at* oer ■ .; . ■ a sii rt-.-ibio at '•via-.- 'l, it ; hvi', jK\k)NS SMPtS vOW>srOKPN Airs. Wsi;?** VV. hi.sris was niar t'iod J SV SniiHv - Snuday i:i: ' ' i ut : i’atv- t :a e liap fFi iiii> r(• it. l< t -v. ,!. W 'ryn « : M ■■ iu ns.ii flag' l af i tke rvsryiur SuiHiuv moruiair • s ' •’ ' ■ Ijvk - ,rowii vvltm:>se,i t li»‘ -ar-'tiioay Th ■ ■ i 1 tllf ;1 iiltip vv ith vv it 5 e .(.« %v ts t sc-rt ■•••f tn ! Pm fill »v her elder -■•on. ! J aUi'i a aiodiiM ’ student •ii Howard 1 it'.- m••••. r m. Hnidick M',. t of-honor. Mo’ - s rie Fir :- aroi.n. brother, » is ■ l l’’ bv'i i: - v:--. Hiften Web- Poems Os The l eek ' root > i sAW.vitr By Juhn Henrik t iarK s«r A\P IV :i« nt ire than a nv-.ti Unjustly, on Ge. rgia's :• • With that nun -na'onsv. They hu»4 hamanity Twa more than on odvr, r. it pass i* Q Whert t,r-v : a :-P 'P-r 1 . ii tlie 1w ~s j s dead ,uti.? -v ithercd. Lik c* a i~ •■' • p :■ f Autu f' \ • •-, tve >. •: .•> P b;J uil ■ :A>ii t- • ■: re • dur V . • of 1949. eveyi- d-.i :ev the ■- :Jr iV; <Hi last \ f .u-r!s- •' F ’Mv' froifi iree kek ? ... .f rr,eal ;P:P!; and d■ : ■ y ■<ke ' .• : iv:.' •. a\io of Avk r p rices of worship suc.h a.* the above, which is the Providence Baptist fhurch, pastured by the Kev. M. Tv ties. |greensboroi| I PI. AY FOR ’TFEX.XGERS The lihy’hm Kids, t.reensbora's junior liopsters are .shown play . _.v> --'■ J^ - ■''•<:'■ * ;':.^.;.- ? tfy. ; Jl '' &s£&?■ PI AVC-ROt Mi >< i;\r. The a.ovr group of > oungsters were -n own as they enjoyed them selves during a period ot sup- ' frvi-ej play at the playground at tiie ( Price School. Although . , . :1-.. <f .:A e■f - f jk*. ■* . F’.-is-V? • : . ........ i ■■ .P ■ TY -Yc, A V-■ !i T T AKING PART iN <;o FORM ARI)' PROGRAM - ■ i i*v:- is -.-toyv'it the new science ' ti tiding; u inch is under coustrue 'iini cis she Greensboro V. and T. campus as part ot the program of Tobacco Producers To Vote On Marketing Quota ; huiura../. July 23 has teen de ' • Si « -clary ji A,i . ill [ turf. Char!».-> F. B: .man us the; i duie Uh h<;idi.lt; ;luc-. jn d tobuc-- jco iuarUt.quota rei'eiwtHun. ja» ii "■-■■■■-, UR H Bets net. extension ! tob s i'u specialist St.it.- Collage i T-aoiceo growers ;n the s-.x flue j cut'- ri t >b.iCcj states w. ill vote or, j whfthei they approve marketH-' ata/ jj i ■ ;:>.!•}. jgsi. iud i tm i96 l j only ,r ire opposed to quotas. r:-,.- Agricultural Adjustment Act; jf i i,} a... jmcaded requires. tie iny Jn tlieir own inimitable fash ion for one of the junior set's many dane-cs ana receptions. l.fith children and parents have shown *ht‘ir interest in supervis ed leisure Unit* pi.iy act** sties a severe cut in the city's recreation budget makes curtailment of rec reation activities mandatory. building up the school U> a p«ast where it v. til compaie fay .»i ahlv with any ;I- the , i-s Hi: a- teas pt unused ii. Govern*!! \V Kerr Sco« during his campaign. [. rodir ~;ih j rmrkeU': . , ; u« , whether it is i that she rost.i ■.iur'piN at ,i „• ... -I >• .s-:ic< :p, if ii e he. I'.-tr.-.- , the us:. ....tie .• ti .it • • ■■■ ’> :.- !f i j . .-•■ sup;-:y level ~s aixirud :r. ine ;wt The itisi quota proehti'nea on ot ibout Ju)> . : tear. Whenever u qu is prorhiiseed. i referendum {je'd to -ie tennined wbe-tncr growers ire it ! favor of op a-d to tb? quota. vJU’JUa ' in. effect only when ap proved by ' wo.lts Irdi ,>f tae grow PAGE ELEVEN sa-f.Mßtt. at; This Is Greensboro ■ i ... , r _, By lit , :i• r'OK.-.A' : '/ . .Mi y rH j 4 r. - - ' .-f.>. •, .!,»•! at jiit .i '■) ii It.; .i -fiiait a prist*- liiii'tor its the . • 1“ .1 h !;■■•• -it * Oii.*er* .'•* as»> n.ude iKaniavst ' v •■'- • ai IW-; :• it,.: fit) • ■> ' ' <‘-d t'. > -Sill of the !>e >ph- hi . ' .’l'’-- ‘il ' I • •• . Alt! . Ft •Pi •• V -vbtli the ■!:.) eitji'.-i; ? mail; a unite:! effort to secpr? -i gulf ■ There i.- ’ lia; - are tw ; ; as-:;:j A iij ,ei IX’tif i’>i! has .’rs’isitif- ; ;";as j.i .-'iU iti Uti lusboeo. First. pe-:»iu :>»■<; Sack nr; .something to *]• otit«r ■ -I l the r -Mi ;; ua Ay >\ -..i r -M- I . «nu young lives are be:-,., I | <W >;,y to : >i: in: > | K- -xi • . : isseii:- t ■ 1 -i pi’ * th • U;-‘ ‘ .V; 'i’ tilo 1 vrriiei vs ishe J to J . ■h. Ivi i:: r.itl-1 I m it.- mod or u -w -..e Fives not meaa : l layil i. gu iUus, »e It iiieJ-’M I'naiiO iliail Uiaf, O is t'ie ar’ oi. lea ■ !;: • W to play ■.' ; it Ot I e.-iiy, and eieaiivcdy toward an .>jj ! je'fiia it realiou in ;■ brO.AU s. itro is learning now to ~Hy Ysh," u v-t road to has i bis is the basic principle of viti fiuildiuv i' . , y aouacil of 111 eelisboro ■a. to b.-Oomo awjn, >f ■ his fara j f.as’ week the city imuiii-: cut ! til- budget s2o,!'do. at the <an-q ' :> the council expresses <iu- U 3 wage u hard fight ag.- ~r juvtr ule deliaquency. .N,w -a t '. fhis the epitome i irony? 1 t cornu u, through the rerr -i --i -oii . n. has stated that it v.a . , ;'te Vearo program to be de ' • ■ i -et :: sees fit to trim tka - down to SII,OOO. Eleven :i •_: -.ind d.,:iara to pay ; .. lortnsli equipmeni and for •>ver •; -.-rating expenses. This is a : -fit sum" to carry on a city-w: is i; : lonni itcograin fur a-- » pour.iatton cd approximately 30.000. is tins what you call Irony? This ia what will happen -(■» child“f'l who Insist up m being ?iv as i belter opportunity to devsiop prop rly lire going to be given ir fti.u.d more of an opportunity to . iuttr- on the streets. an idle head has b--en dr- --V- - i . the devil's workshop. There-' fore if is reasonable to think i.hoJ 1 > iiildren’s excess energy should bo e.. tin in cititlUleU of whc’c- : orn« !... - -tion. It fin .nr rgv -■ - ■->■• n.-tt-’d ito be f• •*r--i 1 vav ir. w ’- rash inn trouliic r- ce; . lit is ’ i:< Mm rest*I ’ ; \\ til'll 3 sf;CV * ' ,1 —.,rA ; > f-A --!! ': iowing 'a'n • - r ■ ■ 1 ; v- ’1 i'-' to :*t .3 -V - ; ’.' • -! iIPV-v" 1 • ’*< | i. ' • • i ’ "' r '. --v •- " ■• ' f •.. ' . .- • . ■ -io I# ■ "AfiM . .r«.- r'w b,> ! • i ,-»r ..C. • j —V 'g’ -.' Oi-". . : -r ; ••-• ' ri-'O •. "co -irce it v ■? firmed ; ’. sft l~ sting the V rendu it Ex. for igaa they wore .'-•ed h*' gr-AVCrr ;have ■ •. -n effect an £iue i tobocc i ■ . ’ .- . -.merit of the .ygikPiitural Aci •r.t .i■ , : ; r s, Y. tie last ?u:e-cured refere.o --..-'ld .i'.oy :i\ thtvi-yy :p< : > vet- '.y,': .-.:i nv 9". l per . ’-• 'f the j-iov err - .' o In N\ : Crir.'siilcS. '7 vie- f\i '.or- :- ‘ 1. 1 : OU V ’ .... j '.. 17 ■. 0--. i so; -,c -vi".:. qiiO'cß, and 2 *5”5 »oi -sii*M quota. Total V-'CS ia ■ ’be ytains v,er South Carolina, - ’ ti; V-Cini- a -'O, v, A'.l', i '. 7. .. Fi Ssiiia U 49: and Ala' iSis. Read The karoiim in! I

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